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Add "for Classic clusters" to the topic "Network segmentation and privacy"


The tittle for this link is "Network segmentation and privacy"

If you continue reading then you will see the title "Network segmentation and privacy for VPC clusters" (

In my case I have a cluster in VPC and I wasted some hours try to understand how to apply the things explained in the first section until I realized it only applies to Classic seeing that there is a specific topic for "VPC clusters".

So I think, in case the first section only applies to classic, that "for Classic clusters" should be added to the tittle.

Thank you.

Wrong subnet addresses in

Hi, the following subnet addresses are incorrect with mask "/29" :,, in "AP North" table row in "IBM Cloud Container Registry" section of
Would you be able to fix it ?
Also have you considered publishing the IP addresses as a simple text list - like here, for example : ( or something like this : It would be very helpful when the proper firewall rules need to be updated due to IP address change.

Incorrect URL definition: Reviewing volume attachment details for a VPC worker node

I have been following the docs to manually add VPC block storage to my worker nodes in preparation for installing Portworx. On this page in step 4 of the section for reviewing volume attachment details for a VPC worker node the URL in the cURL command is incorrect.

This is what is in the Docs:
curl -X GET -H "Authorization: <IAM_token>" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "X-Auth-Resource-Group-ID: <resource_group_ID>" "<cluster_ID>/workers/<worker_ID>/volume_attachments"

The result of this command is a 404 page not found.

After reviewing the actual API docs I found the docs for the API for reviewing attached volumes. The relatative URL should be /v2/storage/vpc/getAttachmentsList.

the command in step 4 looks like it should be:

curl -X GET -H "Authorization: <IAM_token>" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "X-Auth-Resource-Group-ID: <resource_group_ID>" "<cluster_ID>&worker=<worker_ID>"

I tested the URL using that format and it does work.


--workers is not optional

To create a VPC cluster from the CLI, --workers parameter is not optional actually.

$ ibmcloud oc cluster create vpc-gen2 --name mycluster --zone jp-tok-1 --vpc-id $vpc --subnet-id $subnet --flavor bx2.4x16 --version 4.6_openshift --cos-instance $crn

Creating cluster...
The requested number of worker nodes is fewer than the minimum 2 worker nodes that are required for an OpenShift cluster. You have 0 existing worker nodes in the cluster, which you requested to change by 1 worker nodes. Revise your request, and try again. (E3310)

Document URL:

Code blocks not indented correctly - caused customer issue
Hi, Essentially code blocks on this page, if used "as is" will result in silent failure if applied to Openshift. The behaviour the instructions are talking about will not happen and in fact the user won't get an error.

In the three code blocks containing this kind of yaml...

`apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: <app_name>-vpc-nlb-<VPC_zone>
annotations: "nlb" "public" "=" "<subnet1_ID,subnet2_ID>" ""
type: LoadBalancer
<selector_key>: <selector_value>

  • name: http
    protocol: TCP
    port: 8080
    targetPort: 8080
  • name: https
    protocol: TCP
    port: 443
    externalTrafficPolicy: Local`

The annotations section needs to be a subsection of the metadata tag. As it is the annotations section will be ignored meaning the yaml will be applied but the NLB will not be created (any of the other annotation's functions will also not take effect).

Recreated using Safari and Chrome on MacOS

Openshift VPC tutorial uses wrong command making it fail

In the following tutorial for OpenShift of VPC there is an incorrect command listed which causes the tutorial to not work:

The command in question is in Step 3: Setting up a VPC load balancer to expose your app publicly

The first command given is to run this:

$ oc expose deployment/hello-world --type=LoadBalancer --name=hw-lb-svc --port=8080 --target-port=8080

Running the above command will result in an error that no deployment exists with the name "hello-world" and this is correct.

Since we created the application in the cluster using Openshift command:
$ oc new-app --name hello-world --context-dir="Lab 1"

This creates a deployment config as opposed to the Kubernetes default deployment. Therefore, the correct command that customers will need to run is:

$ oc expose dc/hello-world --type=LoadBalancer --name=hw-lb-svc --port=8080 --target-port=8080

This command will properly expose the application and created the LoadBalancer service. I suspect this was do the the tutorial initially being created for Kubernetes and not for OpenShift.

Document not complete/accurate

Hi, I'm trying to follow: to expose a service via a TLS ingress.

The ingress shown in step 3 is not using the tls option and thus the ingress will only be presented as http (tcp/80). Step 5 then shows accessing this ingress via https.

I would like steps as to how to setup TLS ingress on OpenShift v4.x on IBM Cloud please, using the default cluster TLS certificate. I am currently having issues with this as it stops both https and http ingress connections from working when I include it.

Here is my configuration:

apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
kind: Ingress
  generation: 3
  labels: defectdojo
  name: matt-dd-django
  namespace: sbu-dev
  - host: defectdojo.mattcluster-<hash>
      - backend:
          serviceName: matt-dd-django
          servicePort: http
        path: /
  - hosts:
    - defectdojo.mattcluster-<hash>
    secretName: mattcluster-<hash>-0000
  loadBalancer: {}


Need an update on how to enable vlan spanning -

I think the link is missing an important step to actually enable the vlan spanning:  This link only describes the first step to grant the permission for vlan spanning from Manage -> Access (IAM) -> Users -> person name -> Classic infrastructure tab and select/check the box of Network > Manage Network VLAN Spanning,  but after the permission granted, 2nd step needs to 'enable' it through Classic Infrastructure (from hamburger menu) -> IP Management -> VLANs, on the vlans page, expand :



It's shown ad Disabled by default. Then click on Enabled text,


Checking from CLI:

ibmcloud oc vlan spanning get --region us-south

VLAN spanning is enabled.

Deploying OpenShift Data Foundation on VPC clusters

Step 1) on states to install the oc CLI.

Users that have it already installed but not the latest version of plugin container-service[kubernetes-service] will be unable to enable the ODF addon and see the message:

'openshift-data-foundation' is not a registered command. See 'ibmcloud ks cluster addon enable help'.

These users need to update the plugin.

My request is to make Step 1) one look like:

  1. Install the oc CLI or update the oc CLI

<GSSC>Copy to clipboard icon missing

Steps to install OpenShift Origin CLI (oc) in windows OS is missing

Hi Team,

I am using Windows 10 and successfully installed ibm cloud, then while trying to install oc I don't see the steps for windows.

Navigate to: Installing the OpenShift Origin CLI (oc)

#4 talks about how to install in Mac.
#3 talks about how to unzip using command tar -xvf oc.tar.gz. But the problem here is the the downloaded compressed file is

After unzip what to do next is not mentioned. I am kind of blocked here.
Can you please update the documentation or share the next steps on how to proceed next?

When I unzip there is only one file oc.exe

But still no luck.

Please share the steps on how to proceed next for Windows 10 OS.

deployed state can not seen in the output of ibmcloud oc cluster ls command

Document says "When the provisioning of your OpenShift master is completed, the status of your cluster changes to deployed." and the output of ibmcloud oc cluster ls is shown.

But we can not see deployed state by ibmcloud oc cluster ls actually. we can see the state by ibmcloud oc cluster get --cluster mycluster.

Worker state is the same.


about network of Openshift native with calico and CNI.


Can you refer the following link about network ?

I am confused a little bit about network part.
In my understanding, default network is using OVS.
"This Pod network is established and maintained by the OpenShift SDN, which configures an overlay network using Open vSwitch (OVS)." (

ACL rule source/destination ports flipped?

In the "Controlling traffic with ACLs" section:

Step 5, inbound rules has:

  • Allow incoming traffic requests to apps that run on your worker nodes
  • Source IP: any
  • Source Port: 30000-32767
  • Destination IP: any
  • Destination Port: any

and in Step 6, its "counterpart" outbound rule has:

  • Source IP: any
  • Source Port: 30000-32767
  • Destination IP: any
  • Destination Port: any

But, as it is written, the are the same, in different directions, so one of them is flipped.
Based on the description, it seems the inbound rule should be:

  • Destination Port: 30000-32767

Attempt to expose deployment/hello-world ... results in Error ("hello-world" not found)

Hello All - beginner in the world of VPC and clusters - need help

I am working thru Tutorial "Creating an OpenShift cluster in your Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)"
In Step 3: Setting up a VPC load balancer to expose your app publicly

I type in the following command - which results in error. Can anyone help & see what I may have done wrong?

oc expose deployment/hello-world --type=LoadBalancer --name=hw-lb-svc --port=8080 --target-port=8080
Error from server (NotFound): deployments.apps "hello-world" not found

It seems like my previous steps have been successful

weng_ng@cloudshell:$ oc get svc -n hello-world
hello-world ClusterIP 8080/TCP 96m

weng_ng@cloudshell:~$ oc get pods -n hello-world
hello-world-1-build 0/1 Completed 0 97m
hello-world-1-deploy 0/1 Completed 0 96m
hello-world-1-dhcmc 1/1 Running 0 96m

Clarification to Smallest Cluster Section


In the smallest cluster section of the docs ( this excerpt on worker pools is contradictory to the Service Limitations (

Worker pools: For any type of cluster, each worker pool must have at least 1 worker node at all times. For the smallest size cluster possible, you can have only 1 worker pool.


Worker pool size | You must have a minimum of 2 worker nodes per zone in your worker pool at all times. For more information, see What is the smallest size cluster that I can make?. You cannot scale worker pools down to zero. Because of the worker node quota, you are limited in the number of worker pools per cluster and number of worker nodes per worker pool. For example, with the default worker node quota of 500 per region, you might have up to 500 worker pools of 1 worker node each in a region with only 1 cluster. Or, you might have 1 worker pool with up to 500 worker nodes in a region with only 1 cluster.

Can you please clarify which is the correct statement and bring the other in line with the proper limitation?

Thank you,

NAME is required for creating a standard object storage instance

To create a VPC cluster from the CLI, --cos-instance <cos_CRN> parameter is required.
To create a standard object storage instance, command is guided as follows, but NAME is not given so failed to create.
ibmcloud resource service-instance-create cloud-object-storage standard global

I run the following and created a standard object storage instance successfully.
ibmcloud resource service-instance-create my-object-storage cloud-object-storage standard global

Document URL:

Min 9 worker nodes for HA

According to the documentation for a HA the setup is : "with a total of at least 9 worker nodes, three worker nodes per zone that are evenly spread across three zones."

Sorry, this is not acceptable, in case your workload can be run on 1 worker node there is no reason to have at least 3 per zone

More correct would be that the sum of 2 zones out of 3 must be able to run the entire workload, so in case 1 zone goes down the workload remains available at expected performance.

Document is unclear leading to implementation errors

When following the official document [1] to set up object store to be used by apps deployed in Openshift we got some issues that in some way is because the document is not very clear describing some of the steps.

For example in this document is not very clear that for openshift 4.X you need to use Helm version 3.

More in the section "Adding object storage to apps" [2] ,some of the options in the configuration file we can delete or comment them because they are not need it. ( of course depends of the configuration of the COS, but this should be referred in the document).


Requirement to use ubuntu stated in the doc,when this clearly isn't the case post openshift aquisition

see below for the text on the webpage. Surely the requirement is to use Redhat UBI, or even - if it's going to really be agnostic - any type of Linux with a certain kernel type? Whatever the answer - it's probably not uniquely Ubuntu.

"What kind of apps can I run? Can I move existing apps, or do I need to develop new apps?
Your containerized app must be able to run on the supported operating system, Ubuntu 16.64, 18.64. You also want to consider the statefulness of your app. For more information about the kinds of apps that can run in Red Hat OpenShift on IBM Cloud, see Planning app deployments."

Please notify when new IP addition into OC firewall

Hi, We from IBM cloud schematics service (Orchestrator as service in IBM cloud) team and our service used by Cloudpak customers to deploy the coudpak into their ROKS

From our service we whitelist only this ( IP ranges to meet security guidelines. we want to get notified before this list updated to avoid cloudpak deployment failures.

we also look at this document manually every week to catch the new addition IPs but still this is not efficient as the doc update happen any point in time.

So here is the summary

  • We are not able to keep-up. Customers are complaining; and we are reactive..
    We would like to be proactive..
  • Is it possible to get notified about the new IP ranges that we must whitelist in our deployments - to ensure that the CloudPaks can be deployed in those target clusters.

Formatting under the Release History section is broken

Looks like below:

Supported? | OpenShift | Kubernetes version | Red Hat OpenShift on IBM Cloud release date | Red Hat OpenShift on IBM Cloud unsupported date | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | Supported | 4.7 / 1.20 | 09 Jun 2021 | Jun 2022† | | Supported | 4.6 / 1.19 | 17 Feb 2021 | Apr 2022 † | | Supported | 4.5 / 1.18 | 13 Oct 2020 | 30 Sep 2021 † | | Not supported | 4.4 / 1.17 | 21 Jul 2020 | 31 May 2021 | | Not supported | 4.3 / 1.16 | 20 Apr 2020 | 7 Mar 2021 | | Deprecated | 3.11 / 1.11 | 01 Aug 2019 | 06 Jun 2022 † |

I am assuming this is supposed to be in tabular form.

Minor typos in topic=openshift-health-monitor

Hi folks,

I spotted some minor typos in the page - looks like some letters could have been missed during a copy/paste.

  • "Built-in OpenShift monitoring tools" section;
    • "clumetrics"
    • "caaccessed"
    • "persisstorage"
  • "Forwarding cluster and app metrics to IBM Cloud Monitoring" section
    • "you can collects cluster and pod metrics" (should be "collect")
  • "Master states"
    • "Your Red Hat OpenShift on IBM Cloud includes an IBM-managed" - should this have the word "cluster" after "IBM Cloud"?



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