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Go library for accessing the Bluemix API

License: Apache License 2.0

Go 99.97% Makefile 0.03%
bluemix golang sdk cloud-foundry k8s-cluster

bluemix-go's Issues

fail to delete a watson discovery instance

Hi, I saw the following error when deleting a discovery instance. However, I could not find any field in the bluemix client config. Could anyone help? Thanks.

  "description": "The following error occurred in the region 'US South': Service instance test-discovery: Service broker error: {\"error\"=>\"AsyncRequired\", \"description\"=>\"This service plan requires client support for asynchronous service operations.\"}",
  "error_code": "CF-ServiceBrokerBadResponse",
  "code": 10001,
  "http": {
    "uri": "",
    "method": "DELETE",
    "status": 422

Severe performance degredation using TraceLoggingTransport

When uploading or downloading large streams of data, the tracing facility imposes a large tax. Perhaps the default should allow it to be disabled.

Work around is to define a cluster HTTPClient in the config without the trace wrapper.

func NewHTTPClient(config *ibmcloud.Config) *http.Client {
	return &http.Client{
		Transport: makeTransport(config),
		Timeout:   config.HTTPTimeout,

func makeTransport(config *ibmcloud.Config) http.RoundTripper {
	return &http.Transport{
		Proxy: http.ProxyFromEnvironment,
		Dial: (&net.Dialer{
			Timeout:   50 * time.Second,
			KeepAlive: 30 * time.Second,
		TLSHandshakeTimeout: 20 * time.Second,
		DisableCompression:  true,
		TLSClientConfig: &tls.Config{
			InsecureSkipVerify: config.SSLDisable,
c.HTTPConfig = NewHTTPClient(c)

BUG : registryv1.RegistryServiceAPI // Images().InspectImage() throws an error if the inspected image is in the global image registry

Hello Bluemix go team,

We are using the RegistryServiceAPI to inspect some images. The RegistryServiceAPI works just fine for any image (at any region) expect for images in the global registry.

We tried solving this by unsetting the region or setting the region to "GLOBAL" but it still doesn't work.

We still get an error when we inspect an image in the or registry.

The error received is something like :

    "code": "CRI0106E",
    "message": "The registry in the supplied image name doesn't match the registry that the request was sent to. Correct the image name, and try again.",
    "request-id": "61373bca-f318-4066-9fb7-eba642dcd3b3"

We know for sure that the image name is correct and the image is already in the registry and is accessible to the given API key - as we run the ibmcloud cr image-inspect to inspect the exact same image and it doesn't throw any error.

$ ibmcloud cr  image-inspect

The output is something like :

Inspecting image ''...

	"Id": "sha256:6a03a21e44f68xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
	"Parent": "",
	"Comment": "",
	"Created": "2021-11-17T09:06:33.94142403Z",
	"Container": "",
	"ContainerConfig": {
		"Hostname": "",
		"Domainname": "",
		"User": "",
		"AttachStdin": false,
		"AttachStdout": false,
		"AttachStderr": false,
		"Tty": false,
		"OpenStdin": false,
		"StdinOnce": false,
		"Env": null,
		"Cmd": null,
		"Image": "",
		"Volumes": {},
		"WorkingDir": "",
		"Entrypoint": null,
		"OnBuild": null,
		"Labels": null
	"DockerVersion": "",
	"Author": "",
	"Config": {
		"Hostname": "",
		"Domainname": "",
		"User": "1337:1337",
		"AttachStdin": false,
		"AttachStdout": false,
		"AttachStderr": false,
		"Tty": false,
		"OpenStdin": false,
		"StdinOnce": false,
		"Env": [
		"Cmd": null,
		"ArgsEscaped": true,
		"Image": "",
		"Volumes": {},
		"WorkingDir": "",
		"Entrypoint": [
		"OnBuild": null,
	"ManifestType": "application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.v2+json"


How to reproduce this bug ?

  1. Create an image in the global registry

  2. Login to ibmcloud and Inspect the image with ibmcloud cr image-inspect .. it will work just fine.

  3. Try to inspect the exact same image with the bluemix-go api - you will get an error similar to the one in the description.

Thanks in advance for your support.

How to wait for providing an service

When I follow the sample code to provision a discovery service and then update the servicekey. The update call returns the following error:

ServerErrorResponse: {
		  "description": "An operation for service instance test-1-discovery is in progress.",
		  "error_code": "CF-AsyncServiceInstanceOperationInProgress",
		  "code": 60016

My code looks like

myService, err := serviceInstanceAPI.Create(mccpv2.ServiceInstanceCreateRequest
updatedInstance, err := serviceInstanceAPI.Update(myService.Metadata.GUID, mccpv2.ServiceInstanceUpdateRequest{
		Name: helpers.String(service.InstanceName),

My question is is there anyway to check the status of the service instance by the GUID and then call the update. Thanks.

API change: add the async bool parameter to service_instances Create method

Some services e.g., Watson discovery and conversation has to be deleted with the parameter async=true.
This parameter should be exposed in the method definition, e.g.,

Create(req ServiceInstanceCreateRequest, async bool) (*ServiceInstanceFields, error)
Delete(instanceGUID string, async bool) error

Request failed with status code: 400, BXNIM0106E: Validation of property 'response_type' with value '[uaa, cloud_iam]' failed. Valid values: 'cloud_iam'

Getting the following error when invoking iamauth.AuthenticateAPIKey(apikey):

Request failed with status code: 400, BXNIM0106E:
Validation of property 'response_type' with value '[uaa, cloud_iam]' failed.
Valid values: 'cloud_iam'

Which points to the following line in authentication/iam.go:

Field("response_type", "cloud_iam,uaa").

If I set the response_type to just cloud_iam, as the error message above suggests, the API returns successfully.

Support for resource API

Add support for resource services

  • Resource group
  • Resource service instance
  • Resource service key
  • Resource service bind

DNS Management

I looked through the code but not sure if I'm just missing it somewhere. How can I manage DNS zones and entries with the library?

Client update required

When a resource instance for hpvs is required to be created via terraform it need a sshkey to be passed in . The current client structure does not permit that
CreateServiceInstanceRequest struct {
Name string json:"name"
ServicePlanID string json:"resource_plan_id"
ResourceGroupID string json:"resource_group_id"
Crn string json:"crn,omitempty"
Tags []string json:"tags,omitempty"
Parameters map[string]interface{} json:"parameters,omitempty"
TargetCrn string json:"target_crn"
If we are to create the hpvs via terraform this structure needs to be update to add the SSHKey as well.

Serialization of the IAM token for reuse in CLI tools

What is the right protocol to deal with the IAM token for CLI tools? The 1h TTL would indicate that you want to reuse the token, but there is no logic in the SDK to serialize the state of the IAMAuthRepository.

Is that something folks manage themselves or is this something that will be implemented in a future release of the SDK?

Keyprotect support

It looks like keyprotect is not yet supported by this API. Will it be or is work on this being done?

Add Port field to CIS Monitor Types

Cloud Internet Services has the concept of a Monitor. This model represents a health check. Along with things like URL and method, their REST API allows for users to specify a port for the monitor (see API Docs). The Go SDK does not currently have the port field available.

Add the Port field to both cisv1.Monitor and cisv1.MonitorBody types.

Any plans to get this to v1.0?

This appears to be orphaned code as after 2 years this is still at v0.1.

Is this library going to be replaced with a production lib anytime soon?

Refresh token expiry not handled

One of our application uses the SDK for talking to the CIS API.
The SDK handles the case where the access token expires but does not handle the case where the refresh token itself expires. We get the following error:

Authentication failed, Unable to refresh auth token: Request failed with status code: 400, BXNIM0408E: Provided refresh token is expired. Try again later

The only way to fix the issue is to restart the application where we get a new refresh token. Can this be handled within the IAM GO API ?

CreateKey(CreateServiceKeyRequest) : Creates more than one service credential with the same name

The method CreateKey(CreateServiceKeyRequest) has the ability to create multiple service credential with the same name for a cloud instance.
This is not allowed in the IBM Cloud console UI as it gives a warning "Service Credential with the same name already exists".
Can we have the same functionality in the SDK as well?

serviceKey, err = resourceSession.CreateKey(controller.CreateServiceKeyRequest{
			Name:      "ift-cloud-object-202002121943",
			SourceCRN: parseInstanceCRN,
			Parameters: map[string]interface{}{
				"HMAC": true,

When executed n times, the cloud instance has n "ift-cloud-object-202002121943" service credential.

Cluster deletion gives error

 Error deleting cluster: Request failed with status code: 401, ServerErrorResponse: {"incidentID":"1a0c067f-6813-4746-99e1-c33882bf8452","code":"E0058","description":"Your Bluemix account, organization, and space must be specified. If you are using the CLI, run bx login and make selections for each of these prompts or use 'bx target' to make individual selections. If you are using the API, include the headers X-Auth-Resource-Account, X-Auth-Resource-Org, and X-Auth-Resource-Space headers. Run 'bx iam accounts' to retrieve the account ID for the X-Auth-Resource-Account header, 'bx iam org \u003corg\u003e --guid' to retrieve the org ID for the X-Auth-Resource-Org header, and 'bx iam space \u003cspace_name\u003e --guid' to retrieve the space ID for the X-Auth-Resource-Space header.","type":"Authentication"}

IPv6 support

I tried to curl -v in ipv6 environment, cannot be resolved. so my question is does support ipv6? I am calling this API to provision managed kubernetes or ocp cluster. Thanks.

Add retry logic.

The API sometimes timeouts due to different network errors. On some occasions we can simply retry to see if things can work again. We had the implementation in the rest client. But we are re-using the code from the bluemix-cli-sdk now which doesn't have it.

We need to see the appropriate place to put the logic to be re-usable across the SDK.

Information on how to generate Bluemix API Key is outdated

Have a customer who reports that he cannot find this option in bluemix console:
"Login to Bluemix to create one if you don't already have one. Follow Manage -> Account -> Users. Click on Bluemix API Keys"

The correct way to create an API key for your user identity in the Bluemix UI is as follows:
Go to Manage > Security > Platform API keys.
Click Create API key.
Enter a name and description for your API key.
Click Create API key.

Fail to create session with my IBM ID

My config looks like

	config := &bluemixgo.Config{
		IBMID: "[email protected]",
		IBMIDPassword: "XXXXXXX",
		Region: "us-south",

        sess, err := session.New(config)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("fail to create bx session %v", err)

I got the following error

REQUEST: [2017-07-07T15:58:40Z]
POST /UAALoginServerWAR/oauth/token HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
Authorization: [PRIVATE DATA HIDDEN]
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
User-Agent: Blumix-go SDK 0.1 / linux

grant_type=password&password=[PRIVATE DATA HIDDEN]&scope=&

RESPONSE: [2017-07-07T15:58:40Z] Elapsed: 614ms
HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden
Connection: close
Content-Length: 146
Cache-Control: max-age=0, no-cache, no-store
Content-Language: en-US
Content-Security-Policy: default-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline';
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
Date: Fri, 07 Jul 2017 15:58:40 GMT
Expires: Fri, 07 Jul 2017 15:58:40 GMT
Pragma: no-cache
Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=2592000 ; includeSubDomains
X-Backside-Transport: FAIL FAIL
X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN
X-Global-Transaction-Id: 817351727
X-Powered-By: Servlet/3.1
X-Xss-Protection: 1

{"error_description":"BMXLS0202E: You are using a federated user ID, please use one time code to login with option --sso.","error":"unauthorized"}
FATA[2017-17-07 15:58:40] fail to create bx mccpv2 session: Request failed with status code: 403, unauthorized: BMXLS0202E: You are using a federated user ID, please use one time code to login with option --sso.

My question is what is the correct configuration I can use to connect to my bluemix account. Thanks.

ibm_container_cluster_config: Certificate authority file is deleted if the cluster name contains "kube"

The data source ibm_container_cluster_config downloads the kubectl config yaml and the CA certificate. If the cluster name contains the string "kube", the CA file is subsequently deleted here:

This leaves the downloaded cluster configuration in an unusable state:

error: unable to read certificate-authority .../631d734bca9ca12d1960a58aea06b21af4485745_kubepoc-be1a169f_k8sconfig/ca-ams03-kubepoc-be1a169f.pem for kubepoc-be1a169f due to open .../631d734bca9ca12d1960a58aea06b21af4485745_kubepoc-be1a169f_k8sconfig/ca-ams03-kubepoc-be1a169f.pem: no such file or directory

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