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db2-db2mt's Introduction

Db2 Migration Tooling

The Db2 Migration Tooling (Db2MT) can be used to migrate Db2 Workloads to RDS for Db2. Db2MT eases the migration of existing workload from other EC2 or on prem systems by guiding the migration process and also by having key optimizations to speed things up. Db2MT also allows for transparency and customization during the migration process as well through the customization of the generated scripts.



Ensure AIX Toolbox for Open Source Software is installed

lslpp -l rpm.rte

Install jq and sed from the Toolbox (Note: default sed that comes with AIX will not work with db2mt)

cd /opt/freeware/bin
dnf -y install jq
dnf -y install sed

Add to the PATH environment variable

export PATH=/opt/freeware/bin:$PATH >> ~/.profile
. ~/.profile

Please also ensure that /bin/bash is available on the system.


Ensure that jq, sed, and /bin/bash are available on the system. Most Linux systems should already have these installed.


You can find more details for each command below with --help.

db2mt init

db2mt init command generates a configuration template to ~/.db2mt/init.yaml. The template controls the parameters that will be used to execute the tool.

You can either edit ~/.db2mt/init.yaml directly or you can pass in the options as arguments to the command.


db2mt init --targetDatabaseName mytargetdb --targetDatabaseUser mytargetuser --targetDatabasePassword mytargetpasswd

db2mt configure

db2mt configure should be run after init.yaml has been filled out and before starting data movement.

This command will perform various sanity checks, as we as configuring s3 bucket and other required components.

If you would like db2mt to create an s3 bucket for you, please provide admawsAccessKey, admawsSecretKey, s3Region, s3User, and bucketName. (Note: this only works on Linux)

Otherwise, if you already have an existing bucket or if you are on AIX, please create a bucket first and provide s3awsAccessKey, s3awsSecretKey, s3Region, bucketName instead in init.yaml.

./db2mt configure --help
The configure subcommand will configure required components for db2mt that will be used in the migration

  db2mt configure [flags]

  -h, --help   help for configure
  -n, --n      Catalog the target node and rdsadmin db
  -t, --t      Catalog the target database

db2mt compatibility

The tool supports both offline and online backups. Use db2mt compatibility backup and db2mt compatibility backup-online commands to check if the source system is able to migrate using backups.

db2mt generate

db2mt generate command is used to generate bash scripts that will perform the requested action.

For example, db2mt generate backup will generate a script that performs offline backup.

Note: If you make any changes to init.yaml during the migration process, please ensure to re-generate the script before execution.

./db2mt generate --help
The generate subcommand will generate a collection of bash scripts (e.g. backup, export etc.)

    db2mt generate [option]
    backup           Generate backup scripts for full offline backup
    backup-online    Generate backup scripts for full online backup
    restore          Generate restore scripts for full offline/online backup
    rollforward      Generate rollforward scripts for full online backup
    db2look          Generate db2look scripts that will be used to recreate the database
    export           Generate export scripts that will be used to recreate the database
    setupdb          Generate setupdb scripts that will be used to set up the database (e.g. storage groups, tablespaces, bufferpools, tables) on the target system
    load             Generate load scripts that will be used to populate the tables
    finalize         Generate finalize scripts that will be used to create the remaining database artifacts

  -f, --f       Applicable to restore only: Generate restore scripts for full offline backup
  -n, --n       Applicable to restore only: Generate restore scripts for full online backup

db2mt run

db2mt run is used to execute the generated scripts.

For example, you can run db2mt run backup to execute the backup script.

$ ./db2mt run --help
The run subcommand will execute the scripts generated (e.g. backup, export)

    db2mt run [option]
    backup             Run backup scripts for full offline backup
    backup-online      Run backup scripts for full online backup
    restore            Run restore scripts for full offline/online backup
    rollforward        Run rollforward scripts for full online backup
    export             Run export scripts to extract data from tables
    setupdb            Run setupdb scripts to set up the database (e.g. storage groups, tablespaces, bufferpools, tables) on the target system
    load               Run load scripts to ingest data into tables
    finalize           Run finalize scripts to create the remaining database artifacts

db2mt upload

db2mt upload command uploads backup images / archive logs / files generated by export to s3.

Note that you must run db2mt configure with the proper credendials first before attempting upload.

$ ./db2mt upload --help
The upload subcommand will upload database files (e.g. backup/archivelogs/export) from source system to S3

   db2mt upload [option]
   backup          Upload backup image to S3
   archive         Upload archive logs to S3 that are need for rollforward
   export          Upload db2look and export related files to S3

  -c, --c       Applicable to archive only: Upload archive logs to S3 and complete rollforward

db2mt s3

db2mt s3 command provides capability to interact with s3 buckets. Unlike db2mt upload, this command allows you to choose the files you want to upload. It is especially useful in export/load migration scenarios where you might need to re-run export on selected tables.

Note that you must run db2mt configure with the proper credendials first before attempting upload.

$ ./db2mt s3 --help
The s3 subcommand will provide built-in interface to download / upload / list files for S3

   db2mt s3 [option]
   download        Download files from S3
   upload          Upload files to S3
   list            List files on S3


Download db2look_bufferpools.ddl from s3://mybucket/db2mtdir/ddl/db2look_bufferpools.ddl to local directory $HOME/db2mtdir

db2mt s3 download --source "db2mtdir/ddl/db2look_bufferpools.ddl" --target "$HOME/db2mtdir"

Upload file $HOME/db2mtdir/export-rerun/T1_export.ixf to s3://mybucket/db2mtdir/export/T1.export.ixf

db2mt s3 upload --source "$HOME/db2mtdir/export-rerun" --target "db2mtdir/export" --pattern "T1_export.ixf"

If you have multiple files, you can use "*" in --pattern

db2mt s3 upload --source "$HOME/db2mtdir/export-rerun" --target "db2mtdir/export" --pattern "* --parallelism ${UPLOAD_NUM_THREADS}"

To list the content of an s3 bucket

db2mt s3 list

db2mt cleanup

Once migration is done, you can clean up everything with db2mt cleanup configure command.

In init.yaml, there are options that allow you to select what you would like to be cleaned up.

Export and Load Scenarios

If the source and target systems run on different platforms (e.g source on AIX and target on Linux), the recommended approach is to use export and load to migrate the database.


Set up the configuration template. Review and adjust the values accordingly in init.yaml. The relevant sections are Database, Global Options, AWS Options, Db2look Options, Export Options, and Upload Options.

db2mt init

Configure the instance.

db2mt configure

Extract DDL defition. Review the files generated and make any modifications if needed.

Note: Default bufferpools and default tablespaces created by Db2 will be excluded in the DDLs

db2mt generate db2look

Start db2 export on the source database.

db2mt generate export
db2mt run export

While export is running, you may also start the upload process at the same time.

db2mt upload export

Review the log files. Default location is $HOME/db2mtdir/logs unless specified differently in init.yaml.

After the export and upload processes are finished, if there are any failed tables, you may re-run export on the selected tables.

Rerun export on selected tables

Investigate and address the failures. Common errors include disk full, tables requiring different export modifiers, timeout etc.

Collect the list of failed tables and form a new list.

cat export_*_failed.lst >> $HOME/db2mtdir/ddl/current/new_master_tables.lst

Update exportTablesList and exportDir in init.yaml

db2mt init --exportTablesList "$HOME/db2mtdir/ddl/current/new_master_tables.lst" --exportDir "$HOME/db2mtdir/export-rerun"

Re-run export

db2mt generate export
db2mt run export

After export is done, upload the selected files to s3

db2mt s3 upload --source "$HOME/db2mtdir/export-rerun" --target "db2mtdir/export" --pattern "*"


Provision a target system to host the new database. If you do not have direct access to the machine, you may also use a client machine to perform the data population steps below.

Set up the configuration template on the target or clinet machine. Review and adjust the values accordingly in init.yaml. The relevant sections are Database, Global Options, AWS Options, and Load Options.

db2mt init

Catalog the node and target database.

db2mt configure -n
db2mt configure -t

Configure the instance.

db2mt configure

Recall that we have generated various DDLs files with db2mt generate db2look in the previous stage. If ddlTransformation is set YES (YES is the required for AWS RDS for Db2 migration), you will need to create the bufferpools, tablespaces, and roles manually first, as these objects require special admin access on the RDS system. Ensure to change the database name in the files before running. You can download the DDL files from S3:

db2mt s3 download --source "db2mtdir/ddl/db2look_bufferpools.ddl" --target "$HOME/db2mtdir"

db2mt s3 download --source "db2mtdir/ddl/db2look_tablespaces.ddl" --target "$HOME/db2mtdir"

db2mt s3 download --source "db2mtdir/ddl/db2look_roles.ddl" --target "$HOME/db2mtdir"

After you've created the objects above, proceed to create the tables.

Note: If your target is not on RDS i.e. ddlTransformation is NO, this step will create bufferpools, tablespaces, and roles automatically assuming the userid you've provided have sufficient privileges.

db2mt generate setupdb
db2mt run setupdb

If there are errors in creating the objects and you have determined that those errors can be ignored, you can add the SQL code in ignoreFile specified in init.yaml. You can re-run setupdb until all objects are created.

SQL0601N is already populated in the ignoreFile by default, you may append additional SQL codes you wish to ignore to the file. The ignoreFile is not only limited to the setupdb step, it's applicable to other steps in the scenario as well.


SQL0601N    #The name of the object to be created is identical to the existing object
SQL0602N    #
SQL0603N    #

After the tables have been created, you can start loading data into the target database.

db2mt generate load
db2mt run load

The last step is to create the remaining objects in the target database by running the finalize step. This will also re-create the grants and permissions in the database.

db2mt generate finalize
db2mt run finalize

Note that if ddlTransformation is set YES (YES is the required for AWS RDS for Db2 migration), you will need to run db2look_grant_dbadm.ddl and db2look_grant_role.ddl manually, as these statements require special admin access on the RDS system. Ensure to change the database name in the files before running. You can download the DDL files from S3:

db2mt s3 download --source "db2mtdir/ddl/db2look_grant_dbadm.ddl" --target "$HOME/db2mtdir"

db2mt s3 download --source "db2mtdir/ddl/db2look_grant_role.ddl" --target "$HOME/db2mtdir"

Rerun load on selected tables

Similar to export, if there are tables with failed load, you can re-run load on selected tables.

Collect the list of failed tables and form a new list.

cat load_*_failed.lst >> $HOME/db2mtdir/landing/current/new_master_tables.lst

Update downloadLoadTablesList and loadTablesList in init.yaml

db2mt init --downloadLoadTablesList "NO" --loadTablesList "$HOME/db2mtdir/landing/current/new_master_tables.lst"

Re-run load

db2mt generate load
db2mt run load

Backup and Restore Scenarios

db2mt supports both offline and online backup. It also supports backup to S3 and backup to local filesystem.

Check backup compatibility

db2mt compatibility backup
db2mt compatibility backup-online

Set up the configuration template. Review and adjust the values accordingly in init.yaml. The relevant sections are Database, Global Options, AWS Options, and Backup Options.

db2mt init

Configure the instance

db2mt configure

Offline backup

Run offline backup

db2mt generate backup
db2mt run backup

Online backup

Run online backup

db2mt generate backup-online
db2mt run backup-online

Upload local backup

For local backup, you may upload the backup images from local filesystem to S3

db2mt upload backup

Upload archive logs

For online backup, you may also upload archive logs to S3

db2mt upload archive

To upload archive to s3 and complete the rollforward

db2mt upload archive -c

Restore database on RDS

If the target database is on RDS, you may use the following command to run restore.

For restoring an offline backup

db2mt generate restore -f
db2mt run restore

For restoring an online backup

db2mt generate restore -n
db2mt run restore

Rollforward logs for online backup on RDS

db2mt generate rollforward
db2mt run rollforward

db2-db2mt's People


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db2-db2mt's Issues

db2mt run load fail - update

Please, check below issue again. Last time, there was mistake and misunderstanding in my test.

'db2mt run load' fails and I tried to narrow down the scope of the problem.

  1. I finished previous steps successfully.

  2. db2mt run load failed . I guarantee data and ddl was uploaded in previous step, on S3. Check the load log.

cat load_thread1.log

Refer to /home/db2inst1/db2mtdir/logs/current/load_thread1_success.lst for the list of tables successfully loaded.
Refer to /home/db2inst1/db2mtdir/logs/current/load_thread1_failed.lst for the list of tables failed to be loaded.

============================ T1 START ============================
call sysproc.admin_cmd('load from "DB2REMOTE://db2mts3alias/backup-20240224t/db2mtdir/export/T1_export.ixf" of ixf
lobs from "DB2REMOTE://db2mts3alias/backup-20240224t/db2mtdir/export/" xml from "DB2REMOTE://db2mts3alias/backup-20240224t/db2mtdir/export/"
modified by lobsinfile implicitlyhiddeninclude identityoverride generatedoverride periodoverride transactionidoverride
messages on server
replace into "DB2INST1"."EMPPROJACT"
indexing mode incremental allow no access')

Result set 1


                 -                    -                    -                    -                    -                    -                    -                     - SELECT SQLCODE, MSG FROM TABLE(SYSPROC.ADMIN_GET_MSGS('979734585_1850699157_ADMIN')) AS MSG                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      CALL SYSPROC.ADMIN_REMOVE_MSGS('979734585_1850699157_ADMIN')

1 record(s) selected.

Return Status = 0

SQL20397W Routine "SYSPROC.ADMIN_CMD" execution has completed, but at least
one error, "SQL1652", was encountered during the execution. More information
is available. SQLSTATE=01H52

============================= T1 END =============================
============================ T4 START ============================
call sysproc.admin_cmd('load from "DB2REMOTE://db2mts3alias/backup-20240224t/db2mtdir/export/T4_export.ixf" of ixf
lobs from "DB2REMOTE://db2mts3alias/backup-20240224t/db2mtdir/export/" xml from "DB2REMOTE://db2mts3alias/backup-20240224t/db2mtdir/export/"
modified by lobsinfile implicitlyhiddeninclude identityoverride generatedoverride periodoverride transactionidoverride
messages on server
replace into "DB2INST1"."SALES"
indexing mode incremental allow no access')

Result set 1


                 -                    -                    -                    -                    -                    -                    -                     - SELECT SQLCODE, MSG FROM TABLE(SYSPROC.ADMIN_GET_MSGS('1598879862_1520309334_ADMIN')) AS MSG                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     CALL SYSPROC.ADMIN_REMOVE_MSGS('1598879862_1520309334_ADMIN')

1 record(s) selected.

Return Status = 0

SQL20397W Routine "SYSPROC.ADMIN_CMD" execution has completed, but at least
one error, "SQL1652", was encountered during the execution. More information
is available. SQLSTATE=01H52

============================= T4 END =============================
============================ T7 START ============================
call sysproc.admin_cmd('load from "DB2REMOTE://db2mts3alias/backup-20240224t/db2mtdir/export/T7_export.ixf" of ixf
lobs from "DB2REMOTE://db2mts3alias/backup-20240224t/db2mtdir/export/" xml from "DB2REMOTE://db2mts3alias/backup-20240224t/db2mtdir/export/"
modified by lobsinfile implicitlyhiddeninclude identityoverride generatedoverride periodoverride transactionidoverride
messages on server
replace into "DB2INST1"."PROJECT"
indexing mode incremental allow no access')

Result set 1


                 -                    -                    -                    -                    -                    -                    -                     - SELECT SQLCODE, MSG FROM TABLE(SYSPROC.ADMIN_GET_MSGS('1605348231_1783044617_ADMIN')) AS MSG                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     CALL SYSPROC.ADMIN_REMOVE_MSGS('1605348231_1783044617_ADMIN')

1 record(s) selected.

Return Status = 0

SQL20397W Routine "SYSPROC.ADMIN_CMD" execution has completed, but at least
one error, "SQL1652", was encountered during the execution. More information
is available. SQLSTATE=01H52

============================= T7 END =============================
============================ T10 START ============================
call sysproc.admin_cmd('load from "DB2REMOTE://db2mts3alias/backup-20240224t/db2mtdir/export/T10_export.ixf" of ixf
lobs from "DB2REMOTE://db2mts3alias/backup-20240224t/db2mtdir/export/" xml from "DB2REMOTE://db2mts3alias/backup-20240224t/db2mtdir/export/"
modified by lobsinfile implicitlyhiddeninclude identityoverride generatedoverride periodoverride transactionidoverride
messages on server
replace into "DB2INST1"."EMP_RESUME"
indexing mode incremental allow no access')

Result set 1


                 -                    -                    -                    -                    -                    -                    -                     - SELECT SQLCODE, MSG FROM TABLE(SYSPROC.ADMIN_GET_MSGS('1135070747_427923423_ADMIN')) AS MSG                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      CALL SYSPROC.ADMIN_REMOVE_MSGS('1135070747_427923423_ADMIN')

1 record(s) selected.

Return Status = 0

SQL20397W Routine "SYSPROC.ADMIN_CMD" execution has completed, but at least
one error, "SQL1652", was encountered during the execution. More information
is available. SQLSTATE=01H52

============================= T10 END =============================

  1. Tried same load syntax again, manually.

db2inst1@ip-12-0-3-86:~/db2mtdir/logs/current$ db2 "call sysproc.admin_cmd('load from "DB2REMOTE://db2mts3alias/backup-20240224t/db2mtdir/export/T1_export.ixf" of ixf lobs from "DB2REMOTE://db2mts3alias/backup-20240224t/db2mtdir/export/" xml from "DB2REMOTE://db2mts3alias/backup-20240224t/db2mtdir/export/"
modified by lobsinfile implicitlyhiddeninclude identityoverride generatedoverride periodoverride transactionidoverride messages on server replace into "DB2INST1"."EMPPROJACT" nonrecoverable indexing mode incremental allow no access')"

Result set 1


                 -                    -                    -                    -                    -                    -                    -                     - SELECT SQLCODE, MSG FROM TABLE(SYSPROC.ADMIN_GET_MSGS('289152709_1844811853_ADMIN')) AS MSG                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      CALL SYSPROC.ADMIN_REMOVE_MSGS('289152709_1844811853_ADMIN')

1 record(s) selected.

Return Status = 0

SQL20397W Routine "SYSPROC.ADMIN_CMD" execution has completed, but at least
one error, "SQL1652", was encountered during the execution. More information
is available. SQLSTATE=01H52


  1. test for admin_cmd itself with simple option.

db2inst1@ip-12-0-3-86:~/db2mtdir/logs/current$ db2 "call sysproc.admin_cmd('load from "/home/db2inst1/db2mtdir/export/current/uploaded/T1_export.ixf" of ixf replace keepdictionary into db2inst1.empprojact') "
SQL3508N Error in accessing a file or path of type "INPUT DATA FILE" during
load or load query. Reason code: "8". Path:

db2inst1@ip-12-0-3-86:~/db2mtdir/logs/current$ db2 "call sysproc.admin_cmd('load from /home/db2inst1/db2mtdir/export/current/uploaded/T1_export.ixf of ixf replace keepdictionary into db2inst1.empprojact') "
SQL3508N Error in accessing a file or path of type "INPUT DATA FILE" during
load or load query. Reason code: "8". Path:

  1. tried 'load client this time'. This shows that file permission has no problem.

db2inst1@ip-12-0-3-86:~/db2mtdir/logs/current$ db2 "load client from '/home/db2inst1/db2mtdir/export/current/uploaded/T1_export.ixf' of ixf messages db2inst1.empprojact.log replace into db2inst1.empprojact"

Number of rows read = 73
Number of rows skipped = 0
Number of rows loaded = 73
Number of rows rejected = 0
Number of rows deleted = 0
Number of rows committed = 73


db2mt run load fail

Please check my work and review what I need to check further.
db2mt run setupdb worked fine, but db2mt run load fails and I am doubting it has authentification issue here and what I can try further.
I'm trying to migrate to RDS for Db2 and working on remote db2 client node.

db2inst1@ip-xxxxxxxx :~/db2mtdir/logs/current$ cat setupdb.log
==================================================== setupdb Starting ====================================================
[2024-04-19.07:15:31] INFO: Command successful: mkdir -p /home/db2inst1/db2mtdir/landing/current
[2024-04-19.07:15:32] INFO: Command successful: db2 connect to rdstpcc user "xxxxxx" password "xxxxxx"
[2024-04-19.07:15:33] INFO: Command successful: db2 -vf /home/db2inst1/db2mtdir/landing/current/uncatalog_alias.clp
[2024-04-19.07:15:33] INFO: Command successful: db2 -vf /home/db2inst1/db2mtdir/landing/current/catalog_alias.clp
[2024-04-19.07:15:33] INFO: Command successful: /home/db2inst1/db2mt s3 download --source db2mtdir/ddl/db2look_tables.ddl --target /home/db2inst1/db2mtdir/landing/current
[2024-04-19.07:15:33] INFO: Command successful: /home/db2inst1/db2mt s3 download --source db2mtdir/ddl/db2look_stats_profile.ddl --target /home/db2inst1/db2mtdir/landing/current
[2024-04-19.07:15:33] INFO: Command successful: db2 connect to rdstpcc user "xxxxxx" password "xxxxxx"
[2024-04-19.07:15:36] INFO: Command successful: db2 -td@ -vf /home/db2inst1/db2mtdir/landing/current/db2look_tables.ddl
[2024-04-19.07:15:36] INFO: Command successful: db2 -td@ -vf /home/db2inst1/db2mtdir/landing/current/db2look_stats_profile.ddl
=================================================== setupdb Completed ====================================================

db2inst1@ip-12-0-3-xx:~/db2mtdir/logs/current$ db2 list storage access
SQL1027N The node directory cannot be found.

db2inst1@ip-12-0-3-xx:~/db2mtdir/logs/current$ db2 -vf /home/db2inst1/db2mtdir/landing/current/catalog_alias.clp
call sysibmadm.storage_access_alias.catalog('db2mts3alias','s3','','myaccesskey,'access-secretkey','backup-20240224t',NULL,'U','admin')

Return Status = 0

db2inst1@ip-12-0-3-xx:~/db2mtdir/logs/current$ db2 list storage access
SQL1027N The node directory cannot be found.

db2inst1@ip-12-0-3-xx:~/db2mtdir/logs/current$ db2 "backup db rdstpcc to DB2REMOTE://backup-20240224t/db2mtdir/export"
SQL30082N Security processing failed with reason "3" ("PASSWORD MISSING").

db2inst1@ip-12-0-3-xx:~/db2mtdir/logs/current$ db2 "backup db rdstpcc to DB2REMOTE://backup-20240224t/db2mtdir/export"SQL30082N Security processing failed with reason "3" ("PASSWORD MISSING").SQL30082N Security processing failed with reason "3" ("PASSWORD MISSING").
-bash: syntax error near unexpected token `('

db2inst1@ip-12-0-3-xx:/db2mtdir/logs/current$ cat /home/db2inst1/db2mtdir/landing/current/catalog_alias.clp
call sysibmadm.storage_access_alias.catalog('db2mts3alias','s3','','mykey','mysecretkey','backup-20240224t',NULL,'U','admin')

db2inst1@ip-12-0-3-xx:~/db2mtdir/logs/current$ db2 get dbm cfg|grep -i key
SSL server keydb file (SSL_SVR_KEYDB) = /rdsdbdata/db/keystore/server.p12
SSL server stash file (SSL_SVR_STASH) = /rdsdbdata/db/keystore/server.sth
SSL client keydb file (SSL_CLNT_KEYDB) =
Keystore type (KEYSTORE_TYPE) = PKCS12
Keystore location (KEYSTORE_LOCATION) = /rdsdbdata/db/local_keystore/db2pwdstore.p12

master_table.lst configuration

Can you please explain master_table.lst format ?
'db2mt run generates' makes it, but to edit manually later, It would be good if you can explain the below format.

Sequence, schema,table_name, count, ?,?,?,?


After first failed run backup command, the local instance remains quiesecd

My first db2mt run backup failed due to the missing keystore - which I got created in the RDS for Db2 instance. When I run the db2mt run backup again, it fails with this message.

SQL20157N  User with authorization ID "ADMIN   " failed to attach to a
quiesced instance, or connect to a quiesced database or a database in a
quiesced instance which is in the following quiesce mode: "QUIESCE RESTRICTED

Looks like the instance quiesce needs to be removed after the first failed command.

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