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posh-github's Introduction

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Unofficial Powershell cmdlets that expose the GitHub API

Early Code

This is a super super early take on some rudimentary GitHub functionality. I will continue to improve this over time as need grows / time allows. There may be bugs or things I haven't thought of -- please report if that's the case!


  • This is written for Powershell v3 and makes use of the simplified Invoke-RestMethod instead of the WebClient class.

    • Powershell v3 can be installed with Chocolatey via cinst powershell
  • This is written against GitHub API v3



Once Chocolatey has been installed, simply use the cinst command.

cinst posh-github

Chocolatey installation will import the module into your PowerShell profile.



After installing with Chocolatey, simply use the cup command.

cup posh-github

Supported Commands

Environment Variables

Cmdlets are set to use the following environment variables as defaults

  • GITHUB_OAUTH_TOKEN - Required for all cmdlets - use New-GitHubOAuthToken to establish a token and automatically set this variable for the current user
  • GITHUB_USERNAME - Can be optionally set to specify a global default user - use the Set-GitHubUserName helper
  • GITHUB_ORGANIZATION - Can be optionally set to specify a global default organization - use the Set-GitHubOrganization helper

Last Command Output

A Powershell object created from the incoming JSON is always stored in the variable $GITHUB_API_OUTPUT after each call to the GitHub API


Used to create a new OAuth token for use with the GitHub using your username/password in basic auth over HTTPS. The result is stashed in the GITHUB_OAUTH_TOKEN environment variable.

New-GitHubOAuthToken -UserName Bob -Password bobpassword
New-GitHubOAuthToken -UserName Bob -Password bobpassword -NoEnvironmentVariable


Used to list all the authorizations you have provided to applications / tooling

Get-GitHubOAuthTokens Bob bobspass


Adds the username to the current Powershell session and sets a global User environment variable

Set-GitHubUserName Iristyle


Adds the organization to the current Powershell session and sets a global User environment variable

Set-GitHubOrganization EastPoint


List all your repositories - gives a fork indicator, a date for when the last update (push) occurred, how many open issues and size

Get-GitHubRepositories -Type owner -Sort pushed


Creates a new GitHub repository and clones it locally by default.

By default creates a public repository for the user configured by GITHUB_USERNAME, and clones it afterwards.

New-GitHubRepository MyNewRepository

If you are a member of an organization and have set a GITHUB_ORG environment variable, this will create the repository under that organization. Note that organization repositories require a TeamId

New-GitHubRepository MyNewOrgRepo -ForOrganization -TeamId 1234

If you are a member of multiple organizations you may override the default configured organization

New-GitHubRepository MyNewOrgRepo -Organization DifferentOrg -TeamId 1234

A fancier set of switches -- pretty self-explanatory. The complete Gitignore list here is at your disposal.

New-GitHubRepository RepoName -Description 'A New Repo' `
  -Homepage '' -Private -NoIssues -NoWiki -NoDownloads `
  -AutoInit -GitIgnoreTemplate 'CSharp' -NoClone


Forks a repository, clones it locally, then properly adds a remote named upstream to point back to the parent repository. Aborts if there is a directory in the current working directory that shares the name of the repository.

Uses the environment variable GITHUB_OAUTH_TOKEN to properly fork to your account. After forking, clones the original source, resets origin to the new url for your account, and sets the upstream remote to

New-GitHubFork Iristyle 'Posh-GitHub'

Performs the same operation as above, instead forking to the default organization specified by the GITHUB_ORG environment variable.

New-GitHubFork Iristyle 'Posh-GitHub' -ForOrganization

Performs the same operation as above, instead forking to a user specified organization specified by the -Organization switch.

New-GitHubFork Iristyle 'Posh-GitHub' -Organization MySecondOrganization

Forks the repository, without calling git clone after the fork.

New-GitHubFork -Owner Iristyle -Repository 'Posh-GitHub' -NoClone


List issues against the repository for the current working directory, or can list issues against a specific repo and owner.

Simply list issues for the current working directory repository. Checks first for an upstream remote and falls back to origin

If the current directory is not a repository, then lists all the issues assigned to you, assuming the GITHUB_OAUTH_TOKEN has been set properly.


To get your issues regardless of whether or not the current directory is a Git repository.

Get-GitHubIssues -ForUser

Same as above, but finds up to the last 30 closed issues.

Get-GitHubIssues -State closed

All parameters possible when searching for user issues

Get-GitHubIssues -ForUser -State open -Filter created -Sort comments `
  -Direction asc -Labels 'ui','sql' -Since 8/31/2012

Must be ordered by Owner, Repo if not using switches on params

Get-GitHubIssues EastPoint Burden

Switch on params form

Get-GitHubIssues -Owner EastPoint -Repository Burden

Closed issues

Get-GitHubIssues -Owner EastPoint -Repository Burden -State closed

Supplying all parameters for a repository based issue search

Get-GitHubIssues -Owner EastPoint -Repository Burden -State closed `
  -Milestone '*' -Assignee 'none' -Creator 'Iristyle' -Mentioned 'Iristyle'
  -Labels 'ui','sql' -Sort updated -Direction desc -Since 8/31/2012


Initiates a new pull request to the upstream repo.

If you follow the convention of setting a remote named upstream, and you create new branches for new work, then this cmdlet should work mostly automatically to find the appropriate owner and repo to send the pull request to, and it will base it on the origin username and current branch name.

Supports a title and body.

New-GitHubPullRequest -Title 'Fixed some stuff' -Body 'More detail'

Support an issue id.

New-GitHubPullRequest -Issue 5

Supports a branch other than master to send the pull to.

New-GitHubPullRequest -Issue 10 -Base 'devel'

If you don't have a remote set, then override the default sniffing behavior.

New-GitHubPullRequest -Issue 10 -Owner EastPoint -Repository Burden

If you're not on the current branch you want to send the pull for, override it.

New-GitHubPullRequest -Title 'fixes' -Head 'myusername:somebranch'

Note that GitHub generally requires that head be prefixed with username:


List pull requests against the repository for the current working directory, or can list pull requests against all forks from a user.

Inside of a Git repository, this will look first for a remote named upstream before falling back to origin.

Inside of a non-Git directory, this will list pulls for all of your forks, assuming you have set the GITHUB_USERNAME environment variable


When inside of a Git directory, the repo lookup behavior may be overridden with the -ForUser switch, assuming GITHUB_USERNAME has been set

Get-GitHubPullRequests -ForUser

Will list all open pull requests the 'Posh-GitHub' repository

Get-GitHubPullRequests -Owner EastPoint -Repository 'Posh-GitHub'

Lists all open public pull requests against the given users forks, overriding the GITHUB_USERNAME default user.

Get-GitHubPullRequests -User Iristyle

Will list all closed pull requests against the 'Posh-GitHub' repository

Get-GitHubPullRequests -Owner EastPoint -Repository 'Posh-Github' -State closed


The default parameterless version will use the GITHUB_ORG environment variable to get the list of teams, their ids and members.


This will find all the teams for the EastPoint organization. You must have access to the given organization to list its teams.

Get-GitHubTeams EastPoint


Will list, in chronological order, the last 30 events that you have generated


Will list the public events for another user

Get-GitHubEvents -User Iristyle


This will clone every repository for the specified user or organization, and will additionally clone each fork, as determined by open pull requests. Does not backup issues or wiki (yet).

The default parameterless version will use the GITHUB_USERNAME environment variable to get the list of repos where the user is an owner or a member, and will backup each one locally to disk


This will find all the public repos for the github organization, and will clone each one locally

Backup-GitHubRepositories -Organization github

Additional Git helper commands

These commands do not use GitHub service, but are common enough for inclusion.


Will remove any local branch cruft from branches that have been merged into the master branch.


When pull requests have been merged, it's typical to delete the branch after accepting. Remotes may no longer have branch names for things that have been merged. This command removes remote branch names that no longer exist.

Clear-GitMergedBranches -Remote


None really.. just waiting to see what I might need.

posh-github's People


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posh-github's Issues

Update-PoshGitHub no worky

Not sure what happened... but on a second module reload... it can't find, for instance GetRemotes

So something wonky is going on here... maybe the update should be reordered to Remove-Module / update git stuff / Import-Module

Also, instead of a git pull .... safer to git fetch / git reset --hard NEWHEAD


Should be modeled loosely around New-GitHubPullRequest

Sniff out current repo -- try to find pulls

  • No params, list them on the current repo
  • Pass it an id, gets the data as a patch against current version, adds a remote if necessary, fetches, launches diff tool with changes

Get-GitHubOAuthTokens not exported as module member

It seems Get-GitHubOAuthTokens not use in public function because it doesn't exported as module member somehow.

Just add Get-GitHubOAuthTokens will resolve an issue.

Export-ModuleMember -Function  New-GitHubOAuthToken, New-GitHubPullRequest,
  Get-GitHubIssues, Get-GitHubEvents, Get-GitHubRepositories,
  Get-GitHubPullRequests, Set-GitHubUserName, Set-GitHubOrganization,
  Get-GitHubTeams, Get-GitHubOAuthTokens, New-GitHubRepository, New-GitHubFork,

Improve handling of default env vars vs command line switches -- better messages, etc

Was thinking I was going to have to write my own tool to check github repos from PowerShell, but found yours. I've tried it on Server 2012, Win8, and now Win7 (with Posh 3.0) and get the same errors every time. Wondered if I was doing it wrong or what.

After getting token, and running Get-GitHubRepositories I get "unexpected error occurred" at line 1 char 1.

Thanks for any help or suggestions.


Stash finder

Recursively search a directory looking for stashes in repos, or unmerged branches

new-githuboauthtoken doesn't work (assumption: when 2FA turned on?)

I assume this happens because 2FA is turned on, but don't know based on just the output here.

New-GitHubOAuthToken -username petemounce -Password '<my correct password>' -verbose
VERBOSE: POST with -1-byte payload
New-GitHubOAuthToken : An unexpected error occurred (bad user/password?)
At line:1 char:1
+ New-GitHubOAuthToken -username petemounce -Password 'v ...
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : NotSpecified: (:) [Write-Error], WriteErrorException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.WriteErrorException,New-GitHubOAuthToken

PSGithub covers most of your functionality


There is a repo PSGithub That has most of your functionality and also has some function that you don't have.

Is it possible that you put a link to this project in the readme of your project.

Because we both know that having 2 module that do nearly the same thing will have a negative effect for powershell developer community (they will have a hard time finding the right one to use)

Thank you.

Remove Merged Branches

function rmb {
  current_branch=$(git branch --no-color 2> /dev/null | sed -e '/^[^*]/d' -e 's/* \(.*\)/\1/')
  if [ "$current_branch" != "master" ]; then
    echo "WARNING: You are on branch $current_branch, NOT master."
    echo "Fetching merged branches..."
  git remote prune origin
  remote_branches=$(git branch -r --merged | grep -v '/master$' | grep -v "/$current_branch$")
  local_branches=$(git branch --merged | grep -v 'master$' | grep -v "$current_branch$")
  if [ -z "$remote_branches" ] && [ -z "$local_branches" ]; then
    echo "No existing branches have been merged into $current_branch."
    echo "This will remove the following branches:"
    if [ -n "$remote_branches" ]; then
      echo "$remote_branches"
    if [ -n "$local_branches" ]; then
      echo "$local_branches"
    read -p "Continue? (y/n): " -n 1 choice
    if [ "$choice" == "y" ] || [ "$choice" == "Y" ]; then
      # Remove remote branches
      git push origin `git branch -r --merged | grep -v '/master$' | grep -v "/$current_branch$" | sed 's/origin\//:/g' | tr -d '\n'`
      # Remove local branches
      git branch -d `git branch --merged | grep -v 'master$' | grep -v "$current_branch$" | sed 's/origin\///g' | tr -d '\n'`
      echo "No branches removed."

Not available from PSGallery

I am interested in authoring a DSC resource that would leverage this module, but I would prefer all dependencies be available in the gallery so they can be automatically resolved and installed. Is that an option?


Another one loosely modeled after New-GitHubPullRequest

function Merge-GitHubPullRequest
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    $Owner = $null,

    [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    $Repository = $null,

    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

Support Pagination in Get Issues command

It looks like the issues code does not support pagination, which means by default the api will only return 30 items.

The github api does provide the links header so that its clear when you need to call for more data.

Is this something you would like the commands to support? If so I would be willing to contribute some work, at least on the issues command. I am not sure what other commands would need pagination, but issues are typically the one thing that grows pretty big over time, if your looking at closed issues.

Directory does not exist...

fatal: could not create work tree dir 'C:\Users\JFelton.EASTPOINT\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\posh-github'.: No
such file or directory

New-GitHubPullRequest dies sometimes

D:\Users\Parity\Documents\source\Osiris\app\js [jenkins-test-timestamper-plugin-intentionally-busted-code]> New-GitHubPullRequest -Title 'DO NOT PULL - Testing Jenkins Timestamper Plugin'
The variable cannot be validated because the value
Iristyle:jenkins-test-timestamper-plugin-intentionally-busted-code is not a valid value for the Head
At D:\Users\Parity\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\Posh-GitHub\Posh-GitHub.psm1:406 char:30
+     $Head = "$($localUser):$($branchName)"
+                              ~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : MetadataError: (:) [], ValidationMetadataException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : ValidateSetFailure

fatal: You are pushing to remote 'origin', which is not the upstream of
your current branch 'jenkins-test-timestamper-plugin-intentionally-busted-code', without telling me what to push
to update which remote branch.
Sending pull request to EastPoint/Osiris from
New-GitHubPullRequest : An unexpected error occurred
At line:1 char:1
+ New-GitHubPullRequest -Title 'DO NOT PULL - Testing Jenkins Timestamper Plugin'
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : NotSpecified: (:) [Write-Error], WriteErrorException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.WriteErrorException,New-GitHubPullRequest

Use on Mac & Linux

Now that PowerShell is supported on Mac and Linux,
can this wonderful library be made to work on them?

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