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irods_client_library_rirods's Issues

Allow relative logical path in `ils()`

With the current behavior of ils(), the default value is the current collection, but if the user offers a different path it has to be an absolute path. A relative path throws an error.

create_irods("http://localhost/irods-rest/0.9.3", "/tempZone/home", overwrite = TRUE)
iauth('rods', 'rods')
#>                     logical_path        type
#> 1 /tempZone/home/rods/collection  collection
#> 2    /tempZone/home/rods/foo.rds data_object
#> Error in `resp_abort()`:
#> ! HTTP 400 Bad Request.
#> • Logical path [collection] is not accessible.

#> Backtrace:
#>     ▆
#>  1. └─rirods::ils("collection")
#>  2.   └─rirods:::irods_rest_call("list", "GET", args, verbose)
#>  3.     └─httr2::req_perform(req)
#>  4.       └─httr2:::resp_abort(resp, error_body(req, resp))
#>  5.         └─rlang::abort(...)
#> This collection does not contain any objects or collections.

Created on 2023-03-17 with reprex v2.0.2

This is inconsistent, in that the default '.' is in itself relative to the current collection.

I would suggest replacing the following if-chain in ils():

# logical path
if (logical_path == ".") {
lpath <- .rirods$current_dir
} else {
lpath <- logical_path

icd() already has some functionality to deal with relative paths (but see #24): if it is transferred to an internal function that finds the right logical path based on the argument, it can be used by both icd() and ils() for a more robust implementation.

Should `icd()` behave like `setwd()` but on iRODS?

Currently, icd() (1) has no default value, although the documentation says so and (2) does not accept a trailing slash in path names.

The first point is consistent with the behavior of setwd() but not with the iCommands behavior of icd or the command-line behavior of cd, which defaults to the top-most level ('/zone/home/' for iRODS). That's what the documentation of icd() suggests, but, as the example below shows, icd() currently throws an error instead.

The second point is more concerning: based on the behavior of setwd(), icd() and cd(), a trailing slash should make no difference. Below it's shown that using a relative path (either "collection_name" or "..") or an absolute path (e.g. "/tempZone/home/rods") works well if there are no trailing slashes, but fails with a trailing slash. ipwd() doesn't catch the issue because it returns the absolute version of the provided path, but ils() shows that the contents are not correct.

create_irods("http://localhost/irods-rest/0.9.3", "/tempZone/home", overwrite = TRUE)
iauth('rods', 'rods')
#> [1] "/tempZone/home/rods"
icd() # this fails because `dir` is not provided
#> Error in icd(): argument "dir" is missing, with no default
icd('.') # this brings us to where we already are
#> [1] "/tempZone/home/rods"
ils() # current content of top collection
#>                     logical_path        type
#> 1 /tempZone/home/rods/collection  collection
#> 2    /tempZone/home/rods/foo.rds data_object
icd('collection') # this brings us to 'collection' inside our pwd
#> [1] "/tempZone/home/rods/collection"
#>                                   logical_path       type
#> 1 /tempZone/home/rods/collection/subcollection collection
icd('../') # this fails
ipwd() # it's not obvious here because the right path is returned
#> [1] "/tempZone/home/rods/"
ils() # the contents are not correct: this is not the right path!
#> This collection does not contain any objects or collections.
icd('/tempZone/home/rods/') # absolute path is not the solution: trailing slash is the problem
#> [1] "/tempZone/home/rods/"
#> This collection does not contain any objects or collections.
icd('/tempZone/home/rods') # with no trailing slash, results are correct
#>                     logical_path        type
#> 1 /tempZone/home/rods/collection  collection
#> 2    /tempZone/home/rods/foo.rds data_object
#>                                   logical_path       type
#> 1 /tempZone/home/rods/collection/subcollection collection
icd('..') # with no trailing slash, it works
#> [1] "/tempZone/home/rods"
#>                     logical_path        type
#> 1 /tempZone/home/rods/collection  collection
#> 2    /tempZone/home/rods/foo.rds data_object

Created on 2023-03-17 with reprex v2.0.2

I'm leaving this here to report the problem, but I also offer to try to fix it if you agree that the trailing slash should be accepted (or, if it won't, then a message should be shown).

Create an own command for metadata listing

If a data object or collection carries some more metadata items, the ils command output becomes a bit too cluttered.

> ils(path="/bobZone/home/christine/test/foo", metadata = TRUE)
1 /bobZone/home/christine/test/foo
1 foo, key1, key2, key3, key4, key5, bar, value1, value2, value3, value4, value5, baz, , , , , 
1 data_object
  • Add a small section how to read out the metadata as a table for one data object.

iput of a file overwrites the content of file with its filename

We start reading in a text file:

helloWorld = read.delim("helloWorld.txt", sep=" ")

Content of the file:

> helloWorld
[1] Hello  World.
<0 rows> (or 0-length row.names)

Now we store the file helloWorld.txt (not the variable) in iRODS:

                            logical_path        type
1           /bobZone/home/christine/test  collection
2            /bobZone/home/christine/foo data_object
3 /bobZone/home/christine/helloWorld.txt data_object

We rename our local file helloWorld.txt to helloWorld1.txt and download helloWorld.txt again from iRODS:

read.delim("helloWorld.txt", sep=" ")
[1] helloWorld.txt
<0 rows> (or 0-length row.names)

I can confirm that the iput is overwriting the content, since I get the same content of the file with the commands:

cstaiger@rirods:~$ iget helloWorld.txt
cstaiger@rirods:~$ cat helloWorld.txt

iput/iget should not write temp files to disk before streaming to iRODS

I think the solution is to make a connection to iRODS and then stream from memory to the final destination. Although I do not know how this looks like with a connection to iRODS, locally this could look like this:

# test object
x <- matrix(1:100, 10, 10)

# serialize r object write in memory to vector (connection = NULL)
y <- serialize(x, connection = NULL)
# length of object for chunking
size_y <- length(y)
# make a file -> this should then be an object on iRODS
fil <- tempfile()
# this is an R connection (IO stream object) -> this should become a connection to iRODS REST 
tmp <- file(fil)
# open the connection
open(tmp, "wb")
# chunk 1
writeBin(y[1:(size_y / 2)], tmp)
# chunk 2
writeBin(y[(size_y / 2 + 1):size_y], tmp)
# destroy connections

# open connection  -> this should become a connection to iRODS REST 
con <- file(fil, "rb") 
# read object -> back to memory
# chunk 1 (`fil` would work as well but I use a connection here as it is 
# closer to the iRODS REST situation)
x1 <- readBin(con, raw(), n = size_y / 2, endian = "swap")
# chunk 2
x2 <- readBin(con, raw(), n = size_y / 2, endian = "swap")
# fuse chunks
z <- c(x1, x2)
# check if complete
all.equal(z, y)
# unserialize

How can metadata items be updated?

I tried to update a metadata item (foo, bar baz) to (foo, bar, bay).

> imeta(
+     "test/foo", 
+     "data_object", 
+     operations = 
+         list(operation = "mod", attribute = "foo", value = "bar", units = "bay")
+ )
Error in `resp_abort()`:
! HTTP 400 Bad Request.
• {"error_message":"Invalid metadata operation.","operation":{"attribute":"foo","operation":"mod","units":"bay","value":"bar"},"operation_index":0}
Run `rlang::last_error()` to see where the error occurred.

CRAN review

After an initial review by a CRAN member the following seems an issue:

"Please make sure that you do not change the user's options, par or working directory. If you really have to do so within functions, please ensure with an immediate call of on.exit() that the settings are reset when the function is exited. e.g.:
oldwd <- getwd() # code line i
on.exit(setwd(oldwd)) # code line i+1
setwd(...) # somewhere after
e.g.: R/create-irods.R"

So, we need to figure a new way to store server configuration information that is persistent. on.exit() as suggested here would not be the solution for us as then the information is lost upon exiting the function.

I think answers can be found here:

We probably need to set a user-level environment variable.

proposal for iget and iput behavior

I think iput and iget could be more consistent and mirror each other's behavior ... with strong defaults...

iput should take an R variable and a target string for the name of the target data object in iRODS (with a default value of the name of the variable with an appended '.rds')

and reciprocally...

iget should take a string of the name of the absolute or relative logical path of the data object in iRODS and return an l-value of the content to an R variable

Hmmm, but what if iput or iget want to just transfer a file, rather than interacting with R variables?

# puts local variable's content into iRODS - without additional .rds extension
iput(x, "logical_path")

# puts a local file into iRODS
iput("local_file", "logical_path")


# gets iRODS data object, tries to put the content into local variable x (what does failure look like?)
iget("logical_path", x)  <-- more consistent
# OR
x <- iget("logical_path") <-- more R-ish?

# gets iRODS data object, saves to local file
iget("logical_path", "local_file")

allow non-standard evaluation for argument `x` of `iget()`

Currently, argument x of iget() only allows character strings and not expressions. In the situation that one stores an R object first with iput(foo) it would be more logical to also retrieve the object with iget(foo) (and not iget("foo")). This means supplying an expression and thus non-standard evaluation (nse), similar like e.g. subset(airquality, Temp > 80, select = c(Ozone, Temp)).

Downside is that nse can make code less obvious to interpret and maintain.

In addition, the requirement of character strings for iget() is not documented currently.


  • Update links Description
  • Change base plot example vignettes

new function: info

Add a new function that will get information from a new REST API endpoint, preferably prior to any authentication.

Possible function names:

  • get_irods_info()
  • get_irods_information()
  • irods_info()
  • iinfo() <-- kidding, please no

This new endpoint would return zonename, server version, authentication requirements, etc.

update to use the new iRODS HTTP API


Two options...

A) convert all the existing calls from using the REST API to the HTTP API

  • depends on the irods_demo being updated as well


B) add the ability for this library to talk to the HTTP API, in addition to the REST API

  • add configuration option to select/target which API
  • every function has to learn how to hit both

It's not clear whether there will be any demand for B) once most people upgrade to the HTTP API (and iRODS 4.3.1+).

Document multiple operations in `imeta()`

The definition and documentation of imeta() suggest that the operations argument requires a named list with "operation", "attribute", "value", "units".
However, it also works with a list of such lists, and the body of the function tries to determine whether it's a list or a list of lists.

I would suggest:

  • Change the definition to operations = list(), without names.
  • Adapt the documentation so that it's clear that the list is a list of lists, each with at least 'operation', and optionally 'attribute', 'value' and 'units'. (Or should the optionality be different?)
    • The code would internally take care of turning the missing values to NULL.
    • The code would check and force that operations is a list of lists.
    • Eventually it could work with dataframes (one row per AVU, and columns 'operation', 'attribute', 'value', 'units')

If you agree, I can make the changes (at least to the documentation).

Release rirods 0.1.2

Prepare for release:

  • git pull
  • Check current CRAN check results
  • Polish NEWS
  • devtools::build_readme()
  • urlchecker::url_check()
  • devtools::check(remote = TRUE, manual = TRUE)
  • devtools::check_win_devel()
  • rhub::check_for_cran()
  • revdepcheck::revdep_check(num_workers = 4)
  • Update
  • git push

Submit to CRAN:

  • usethis::use_version('patch')
  • devtools::submit_cran()
  • Approve email

Wait for CRAN...

  • Accepted 🎉
  • git push
  • usethis::use_github_release()
  • usethis::use_dev_version()
  • git push

Link to multiple APIs

I guess this is more of an thought on the future of rirods. It was stimulated by discussing this R package: made by @jspijker. Would there be a benefit of implementing interfaces to multiple iRODS APIs under a unified R package?

I would then envision a generalized rirods/ricmd (R) interface with multiple plugins for linking to the HTTP, Python, ... APIs, respectively, based on availability and user preferences. In this thought experiment some heuristics would figure out which API is available.

@jspijker, is your package still in use at the RIVM? And are you still considering to submit to CRAN?

Allow to rename data objects and collections in iget and iput when working with files

Assign a new file name when downloading data from iRODS and when uploading data to iRODS

Case for downloading. In my workspace I already have

> list.files()
[1] "helloWorld.txt"  "penguins.csv"   

In iRODS I also have a file helloWorld.txt:

> ils()
                            logical_path        type
1           /bobZone/home/christine/test  collection
4 /bobZone/home/christine/helloWorld.txt data_object

When I now try to download the file, I get:

> iget("helloWorld.txt")
Error: Local file aready exists. Set `overwrite = TRUE` to explicitely overwrite the object.

Is it possible to rewrite the call for get and iput and get like this:

iget("helloWorld.txt", name="helloWorld1.txt", ... <all other parameter> )
iput("helloWorld.txt", name="helloWorld1.txt", ... <all other parameters>)

Uploading larger R objects fails unexpected

Uploading larger R objects fails unexpected.

iauth("rods", "rods")
#> Error in `httr2::req_perform()`:
#> ! Failed to parse error body with method defined in req_error()
#> Caused by error:
#> ! lexical error: invalid char in json text.
#>                                        Request exceeded maximum buffer
#>                      (right here) ------^

#> Backtrace:
#>      ▆
#>   1. ├─rirods::iput(iris)
#>   2. │ └─rirods:::irods_rest_call("stream", "PUT", args, verbose, x)
#>   3. │   └─httr2::req_perform(req)
#>   4. │     ├─httr2:::resp_abort(resp, error_body(req, resp))
#>   5. │     │ └─rlang::abort(...)
#>   6. │     │   └─rlang::is_formula(message, scoped = TRUE, lhs = FALSE)
#>   7. │     └─httr2:::error_body(req, resp)
#>   8. │       ├─rlang::try_fetch(...)
#>   9. │       │ ├─base::tryCatch(...)
#>  10. │       │ │ └─base (local) tryCatchList(expr, classes, parentenv, handlers)
#>  11. │       │ │   └─base (local) tryCatchOne(expr, names, parentenv, handlers[[1L]])
#>  12. │       │ │     └─base (local) doTryCatch(return(expr), name, parentenv, handler)
#>  13. │       │ └─base::withCallingHandlers(...)
#>  14. │       └─httr2:::req_policy_call(req, "error_body", list(resp), default = NULL)
#>  15. │         ├─rlang::exec(req$policies[[name]], !!!args)
#>  16. │         └─rirods (local) `<fn>`(`<httr2_rs>`)
#>  17. │           └─httr2::resp_body_json(resp, check_type = FALSE)
#>  18. │             └─jsonlite::fromJSON(text, simplifyVector = simplifyVector, ...)
#>  19. │               └─jsonlite:::parse_and_simplify(...)
#>  20. │                 └─jsonlite:::parseJSON(txt, bigint_as_char)
#>  21. │                   └─jsonlite:::parse_string(txt, bigint_as_char)
#>  22. └─base::.handleSimpleError(...)
#>  23.   └─rlang (local) h(simpleError(msg, call))
#>  24.     └─handlers[[1L]](cnd)
#>  25.       └─rlang::abort(...)

Created on 2022-11-21 with reprex v2.0.2

Authentication to try out the package

Hi! I'm sorry if this is a dumb question, but I wanted to try out this package and I'm stuck at connecting with the demo REST API.

I have run the code to start the demo and get no errors:

# clone the repository
git clone --recursive
# start the REST API
cd irods_demo
docker-compose up -d nginx-reverse-proxy

Then I loaded the library and ran create_irods() as indicated, with the same arguments. But when I have to authenticate with iauth() I have no idea how to authenticate in order to get access and try this out. Is there a user-psswd combination I can use for testing? Or how can I create my own? Or what other alternative is there?

I'm running this from Ubuntu 20.04 with rstudio-server.

Thank you in advance for any guidance you can give me!

Metadata columns in wrong order when some item has no metadata

If there are multiple data objects or collections and one of them has no metadata, the order of the AVU-parts for the existing metadata is wrong: attribute-units-value, i.e. alphabetically.

rirods:::metadata_reorder() is meant to fix this, but it's failing silently when it runs into the empty dataframe of the item with no metadata.

At the bottom of the example I suggest an alternative Map() call for rirods:::metadata_reorder(), although this might also end up linked to #12 (this could be dealt with in a custom printing method).

create_irods("http://localhost/irods-rest/0.9.3", "/tempZone/home", overwrite = TRUE)
iauth('rods', 'rods')
# Problem ----
files <- ils(metadata = TRUE)
#>                     logical_path      metadata        type
#> 1 /tempZone/home/rods/collection          NULL  collection
#> 2    /tempZone/home/rods/foo.rds foo, baz, bar data_object

# The order of the columns is alphabetical
#> [[1]]
#> data frame with 0 columns and 0 rows
#> [[2]]
#>   attribute units value
#> 1       foo   baz   bar

# Diagnosis ----
# Silent error in `metadata_reorder()`

# code from `ils()`:
out <- rirods:::irods_rest_call('list', 'GET', list(
  `logical-path` = rirods:::.rirods$current_dir,
  stat = as.integer(FALSE),
  metadata = as.integer(TRUE),
  offset = 0,
  limit = 100
x <- httr2::resp_body_json(
  check_type = FALSE,
  simplifyVector = TRUE
#> [[1]]
#> data frame with 0 columns and 0 rows
#> [[2]]
#>   attribute units value
#> 1       foo   baz   bar

# what `metadata_reorder()` tries to do
Map(function(x) {x <- x[ ,c("attribute", "value", "units")]; x}, x$metadata)
#> Error in `[.data.frame`(x, , c("attribute", "value", "units")): undefined columns selected

# because it's called silently, it doesn't tell us there is an error with the empty dataframe

# Suggestion ----
# replacement for the `Map()` call in `metadata_reorder()`
Map(function(x) {if (length(x) > 0) x[ ,c("attribute", "value", "units")] else x}, x$metadata)
#> [[1]]
#> data frame with 0 columns and 0 rows
#> [[2]]
#>   attribute value units
#> 1       foo   bar   baz

Created on 2023-03-17 with reprex v2.0.2

iquery should not interpret GenQuery column names

All of the columns available to be returned by a GenQuery are possible inputs to iquery.

It should return the column names as is, without interpretation... as there are many...

$ iquest attrs | wc -l

new ichksum function

Since calculating checksums on the /stream endpoint is not viable today...

rirods could provide an ichksum("logical_path") function that would return the value from the iRODS server.

This will require the REST API to provide a checksum endpoint.

Need to consider checksum algorithm as well.

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