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A guide on implementing a secure Wireguard server on OVH (or any other Debian VPS) with DNSCrypt, Port Knocking & an SSH-Honeypot

secure-wireguard-implementation's Introduction

WireGuard/DNSCrypt/SSH on Debian Server


The plan in this guide is to create a secure WireGuard VPN which has its own embedded DNSCrypt DNS resolver, this ensures that all connections including DNS requests made by the user are tunnelled through the server and is encrypted end to end. This is also expanded to include security that resolves around this process making the server as secure as possible from external agents. The following represents the proposed network diagram for this guide.

Why use WireGuard? As you can see in the image after this paragraph, whilst on the WireGuard VPN speed decrease against a direct connection to the internet is negligible (~3Mbps), this is because WireGuard runs within the kernel space and thus ensures the secure tunnel can run at high speed, it is even now part of the latest Linux Kernel 5.6. But while this was my personal reason for implementing WireGuard there is also the benefits in its simplicity in both development, with a lean codebase of 4000 lines (compared to 100,000 in OpenVPN) but also in its implementation -- which will be illustrated in this guide. Fundamentally, you install the service and a client and exchange keys; it can't be easier than that. WireGuard also supports better cryptographic methodologies than OpenVPN and easier to expand and distribute among peers.

Setting up the server

Be sure to issue sudo apt update and sudo apt upgrade and do this regularly. I also recommend changing the password that they give you and securing your account in the method you prefer.

The first thing to do is to now secure the SSH connection and ultimately customise it.

Start by installing fail2ban, an active intrusion detection system designed to ban brute force attempts towards your SSH. Issue the following commands to install fail2ban:

  • sudo apt install fail2ban

  • sudo cp /etc/fail2ban/fail2ban.conf /etc/fail2ban/fail2ban.local

  • sudo cp /etc/fail2ban/jail.conf /etc/fail2ban/jail.local

Once this is done you'll need to modify the sudo nano /etc/fail2ban/jail.local file to adjust the time limits, this will mean that users whom attempt to login to your SSH will get banned for x period of time after x attempts etc.

From here you can issue the command sudo systemctl status fail2ban.service to confirm the service is indeed running. You can also view the IP's that are currently banned with the command fail2ban-client status sshd, through the iptable rules or view the log file directly at /var/log/fail2ban.log.

Another important step is to change the default SSH port of 22 to something else. This will aid in preventing automated bots from scanning your server, though it would not prevent somebody from discovering it eventually. This can be done by modifying the SSH config file at sudo nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config. Don't forget to update your fail2ban to suit the change (and restart it), but I have noticed that fail2ban does not seem to enjoy being modified after the fact. If this is the case for you just modify the iptables manually. To delete the original rule, find its number with sudo iptables -L -v -n --line-numbers and deleting it with sudo iptables -D INPUT #. Now to add your bespoke SSH port with fail2ban issue the following command sudo iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport SSHPORT# -j f2b-sshd.

Who Are You?

Well okay, so you've setup fail2ban and the whole time you've likely been root. Well for the next phase you have the choice to continue entirely as root, or make a seperate account and sudo root instead. The security implications are for you to research, but in my case I have chosen to login to the server not via root, but with an account with no sudo access whatsoever. From there I log into root. I feel this adds another tiny extra little itsy bitsy layer of protection should my keys for SSH be divulged. So what did I do? Well first I changed the default root password with sudo passwd then I made a new blank user with sudo adduser debian. Now I can swap between the accounts by issuing the su command. So su debian or just su to get back to root. Easy!

Password-free Entry

The next step is to be able to login to the server without a password or even a password prompt (although this is optional), thus we would need to use SSH key pairs.

Use the command ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C "[email protected]" on your machine to get an secure SSH key pair. You should see private key .ssh/id_ed25519 and public key .ssh/ in your home directory.

Now you have to upload the public key to the /home/<username>/.ssh/authorized_keys file on the server. This can be easily achieved by ssh-copy-id <username>@<server-ip>. Or you create the file first touch .ssh/authorized_keys and set the permissions sudo chmod 700 .ssh/authorized_keys. Then you have to copy the public key in .ssh/ and paste it to the /home/<username>/.ssh/authorized_keys file on server.

After this you can disable password authentication within the SSH config file on server /etc/ssh/sshd_config. Modify the following two settings PasswordAuthentication no and UsePAM no. At the bottom of the configuration file add the following AuthenticationMethods publickey. If you are not going to log in as root, it is important to change the setting here, so set PermitRootLogin no.

At this point you should restart the SSH service with the command sudo systemctl restart sshd. Open another SSH session with the appropriate private key added and attempt to connect to the server. If all goes well you will be prompted for a username and will be instantly logged in.

Firewall Setup (With ufw)

I like to use the ufw (uncomplicated firewall) programm for it. It handles all iptables settings we have to make in order to secure our server.

If you want to see the current status of ufw just type sudo ufw status verbose.

Here are our first rules we need before we start ufw:

  • sudo ufw default deny incoming - denys all incoming traffic by default
  • sudo ufw allow 22/tcp comment ssh - allow ssh connection

Now we can start ufw by sudo ufw enable.


UFW: Run sudo ufw allow proto udp from port 53 comment localhost to dns If you want other clients on your local network to use the dns proxy, you have run sudo ufw allow proto udp from <network> port 53 comment network to dns

Installing this on the server allows full ownership over DNS traffic both for your Wireguard client/s and the local network. Your DNS traffic will be forwarded to DNSCrypt which will in turn facilitate DNSSEC and the encryption of DNS requests. Now the next thing to step is to install DNSCrypt-Proxy itself.

You must first add the repositories required for installing either the testing or unstable version this is done by running the following two commands.

echo "deb testing main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/testing.list

Start with sudo apt update and then sudo apt install -t testing dnscrypt-proxy

It is recommended then to reset and delete sudo rm /etc/apt/sources.list.d/testing.list.

The next step then is to configure DNSCrypt, first edit sudo nano /etc/dnscrypt-proxy/dnscrypt-proxy.toml and modify the listen_address line to be [].

Now to add your preferred DNS providers:

  • server_names = ['doh-eastas-pi-dns', '', 'quad9-dnscrypt-ipv4-filter-pri', 'quad9-doh-ipv4-filter-pri', 'doh-eastau-pi-dns', 'adguard-dns-doh']

This allows for ad blocking DNS servers to be selected and deduced based on their ping. You could also just use regular DNS servers by using the following:

  • server_names = ['', 'publicarray-au', 'publicarray-au2', 'publicarray-au2-doh', 'publicarray-au-doh', 'cloudfare']

Now you're wondering where am I getting these DNS names from? Well you can make your own list from

The rest of the recommended settings after server_names entry:

ipv4_servers = true
ipv6_servers = false
dnscrypt_servers = true
doh_servers = true
require_dnssec = true
require_nolog = true
require_nofilter = false
fallback_resolvers = ['', '']

Obviously these settings are not everything, but this is what I recommend you change/add from the default.

Now download the relay and public resolvers files, because apparently DNSCrypt does not do it for you:

  • sudo wget -P /etc/dnscrypt-proxy/
  • sudo wget -P /etc/dnscrypt-proxy/

Now you need to modify the before mentioned dnscrypt-proxy.socket service to point to the correct IP address, so edit sudo nano /lib/systemd/system/dnscrypt-proxy.socket and modify ListenStream and ListenDatagram to be Having it at rather than means that other interface like wg0 will be able to access it. You can point your clients to use this DNS by changing their configuration to point to the DNS to the server.

At this stage you need to modify your systems default resolve file, but first back it up
with sudo cp /etc/resolv.conf /etc/resolv.conf.backup then edit it and change to

ptions edns0

You are no longer using your default DNS!

Your system will likely try and revert these settings so lock the file with sudo chattr +i /etc/resolv.conf, note that the -i switch will unlock it. You should also modify sudo nano /etc/systemd/resolved.conf and uncomment or add DNSStubListener=No this may help prevent port clashing in the future.

Once this is all done, you should restart the service daemon with sudo systemctl daemon-reload. Now you can restart the DNSCrypt service with sudo systemctl restart dnscrypt-proxy.

Check if its running with sudo systemctl status dnscrypt-proxy. If it all went well it should look like this:

Now you should reboot.

Firejail DNS-over-HTTPS Proxy Server

An other easier approach is to use fdns instead. From the github release page you can download the .deb package directly. Then install it with sudo dkpg -i fdns_0.9.72_1_amd64.deb. After you can try it by running sudo fdns. Now it takes a choice of upstream dns servers to use and bind itself to So you can try by changing your /etc/resolv.conf to this ip address.

If you want to install it via systemd to run it on every boot, you can run the following sudo wget -P /lib/systemd/system/. If you want you can edit the file before to change the interface which the service should listen on (e.g. ExecStart=/usr/bin/fdns --proxy-addr-any --daemonize). Now enable and start the service with sudo systemctl enable fdns and sudo systemctl start fdns. Check it with sudo systemctl status fdns. I


Now run dnscrypt-proxy -resolve -config /etc/dnscrypt-proxy/dnscrypt-proxy.toml. If this succeeded you are good to go! If it didn't you probably didn't listen to me when I said restart, so go ahead and sudo reboot.

Feel free to make a final confirmation test of the DNS by running nslookup -q=A and looking at the respondant IP, thats your DNS. Once you have wireguard setup can also go to on your client device to see which server/s you're using.

Don't have nslookup? sudo apt install bind9-dnsutils, you will likely need this in the future anyhow.

Another test you can do for the client side is to simply stop the DNSCrypt service via sudo systemctl stop dnscrypt-proxy.service and sudo systemctl stop dnscrypt-proxy.socket, if websites timeout and you can still access then all is well!


UFW: Run sudo ufw allow proto udp from <wireguard-network> port 53 comment wireguard to dns and sudo ufw route allow in on wg0 comment wireguard Also you need to allow the communication to wireguard service itself sudo ufw allow <wireguard-port>/udp comment wireguard

Now to finally install WireGuard, this is achieved by issuing sudo apt install wireguard. Ensure the service is installed and running by issuing modprobe wireguard and lsmod | grep wireguard.

For the latter command you should see something along the lines of:

wireguard             225280  0
ip6_udp_tunnel         16384  1 wireguard
udp_tunnel             16384  1 wireguard

You can use to generate a all config files. Place the server config to /etc/wireguard/wg0.conf. Then save it and modify its permissions with chmod 600 /etc/wireguard/wg0.conf.

Subsequent clients are added below each other with the same formatting, to then remove a user you issue wg set wg0 peer CLIENTPUBLICKEY remove or modify the wg0.conf manually. To load a configuration (to add another client for example) without resetting the service run wg addconf wg0 <(wg-quick strip wg0).

Now ensure that your system can accommodate IP forwarding by editing sudo nano /etc/sysctl.conf and adding net.ipv4.ip_forward=1 and net.ipv6.conf.all.forwarding=1. Once this is done run sudo sysctl -p to load your newly edited configuration. Now you can finally start WireGuard with sudo wg-quick up wg0 and confirm its running with wg show.

Connect to the server via WireGuard to finally confirm that you are indeed part of the server's LAN, this is important for a final security measure. If all is well make WireGuard start at boot with sudo systemctl enable wg-quick@wg0. You can confirm that there is indeed encrypting traffic by issuing tcpdump -n -X -I eth0 host YOURSERVERIP and looking for WireGuard's magic header identifier in each packet 0400 0000.

Windows Client Side Setup

Running the official WireGuard client for Windows, you are able to create a new tunnel with a few clicks. Within the client click on the down arrow next to Add Tunnel and create a new tunnel. You will be presented with a form with part of a configuration along with a pre-generated public and private key, as seen below.

Use this information to build your client configuration as per the second screenshot above. Once this is done, click Activate and you will be connected!

Linux Client Side Setup

From the client's perspective setting up WireGuard is very similar, it starts with the following commands 'apt install wireguard resolvconf' to install the service and to ensure the DNS functionality, then to confirm its running run lsmod | grep wireguard. Now you have to generate a private and public key, the private key stays on your system and the public key is given to the server so you can become a peer. This is done with wg genkey | tee privatekey | wg pubkey > publickey. Then change the permission of the /etc/wireguard/ directory with umask 077. Create now your own WireGuard configuration file in /etc/wireguard/wg0.conf and insert the following.

ListenPort = 123
Address =
AllowedIPs =, ::/0
Endpoint = SERVERIP:123

The AllowedIPs setting can be changed to permit LAN access or can restrict to a specific IP address. Once this is done change the permissions of the file with chmod 600 /etc/wireguard/wg0.conf and then ensure that your system can accommodate IP forwarding by editing /etc/sysctl.conf and adding net.ipv4.ip_forwarding=1 and net.ipv6.conf.all.forwarding=1. Now you can start the connection with wg-quick up wg0 and confirm its running with wg show and finally, to ensure it starts at boot run systemctl enable wg-quick@wg0.

Adding New People Post-Installation

Well if you've figured it out by now new clients need a matching public and private key. This can be generated by the server (or any linux machine running wireguard) with the command wg genkey | tee privatekey | wg pubkey > publickey. If you're using the mobile app you can do the same, just click Create from Scratch and in the interface section click the refresh arrows and it will generate your private and public key. Then fill out the interface name (whatever you wish) the IP address of the server, its port, DNS server and MTU. Then you're done. On the server side the public key must be added to your wg0.conf. So simply add another [Peer], add their public key and assign their IP address.

Another way of doing this for mobile users is to generate the public and private keys for them and essentially create a configuration and place it into a QR code for them to read. Then you add the public key youve generated into the wg0.conf as above.

For Windows users it is the same, but you have to write out the client configuration from scratch, you surely know how to by know!

Once this is all done you need to refresh the configuration (albeit without resetting the interface) with the command wg addconf wg0 <(wg-quick strip wg0).

Installing NoMachine

UFW: Run sudo ufw allow proto udp from <wireguard-network> port 4000 comment nomachine and sudo ufw allow proto tcp from <wireguard-network> port 4000 comment nomachine

I really like to see the desktop environment on my remote server. That is why I use nomachine. First download the Debian package via wget Then you can install it by sudo dpkg -i nomachine_8.11.3_4_amd64.deb. Now the service is started and listening on port 4000. We have to edit /usr/NX/etc/node.cfg to set the right desktop session we want. Therefore we have to find the property DefaultDesktopCommand and change it accordingly.

  • CINNAMON> DefaultDesktopCommand "/usr/bin/cinnamon-session --session cinnamon"
  • MATE> DefaultDesktopCommand "/usr/bin/mate-session"
  • LXDE> DefaultDesktopCommand "/usr/bin/startlxde"
  • XFCE> DefaultDesktopCommand "/usr/bin/startxfce4"
  • UNITY> DefaultDesktopCommand "/etc/X11/Xsession 'gnome-session -session=ubuntu' "

Save the file and restart the nxserver via sudo /etc/NX/nxserver --restart.

Use Key based Authentication

Create a file for containing public key via touch .nx/config/authorized.crt. Then you can past you public key in there. After trying out that it works (don't forget to change the auth method on client side). You can disable the password authentication by ediit the /usr/NX/etc/server.cfg. There you have to set AcceptedAuthenticationMethods NX-private-key. Then restart the service via sudo /etc/NX/nxserver --restart.

Use Virtual Display

If you want to use the virtual display instead, have to stop the lightdm service by systemctl stop lightdm first. Then you have to restart the nxserver via sudo /etc/NX/nxserver --restart.

Enable Sound

If you want to transfer the sound also, you have to run sudo /usr/NX/bin/nxnode --audiosetup.

Installing Podman

To install podman you only need to run apt install podman podman-compose The podman-compose plugin allows you to use a docker-compose.yaml to manage all your container.

If you want to export standard ports without need to start podman as root, you have to change the /etc/sysctl.conf and set net.ipv4.ip_unprivileged_port_start=80. To apply this setting run sudo sysctl -p. Then you can run your docker-compose.yamlvia podman-compose up -d.

UFW: Don't forget to open the specific port you need with sudo ufw allow 80/tcp comment my-app.

Additional Security Post Installation

Connection Profiling

Websites detect your Maximum Transmission Units (MTU) and use that against you, this is a known method to fingerprint connections. Wireguard uses the default MTU of 1420 which is also the default of IPSec. So if a website does not allow VPN connections, this is their point of call. Now what would be your new MTU? It is important to get this value right. You can use websites like to determine the best one for a particular website/service but I found that 1480 seems best. It will get fingerprinted as a IPIP/SIT tunnel, so a Linux virtual interface - which is better than IPSec.

To change the MTU on the fly you can simply run sudo ifconfig wg0 mtu 1480 up. Confirm it has been changed with netstat -i or with ifconfig. From here you can make the value permanent by adding it to the wg0.conf file by simply adding MTU = 1480 within the interface section. Note you must change the MTU in your client also, else you will experience dropouts.


I highly suggest installing lnav for log aggregation. But prior to doing this remember to change your time-zone with sudo timedatectl set-timezone your_time_zone.

If for some reason you do not want logs I suggest running the following commands or at least setting them up to run on a schedule in the background (see Cron Jobs):

  • cat /dev/null > ~/.bash_history
  • for logs in ``find /var/log -type f``; do > $logs; done
  • sudo service rsyslog restart

Cron Jobs

Cron jobs are tasks that can be set automatically by the system. One that we can make that is relevant to this project is the apparent need to make the knockd service restart itself after the system reboots (due to wireguard starting too late) and fixing the wg0 interface MTU.

For this example start with creating a simple bash script, nano

  • #!/bin/bash
  • logger "=== Boot Sequence Quick-Fix ==="
  • sudo wg-quick up wg0
  • sudo ifconfig wg0 mtu 1480 up
  • sudo sysctl net.ipv4.ip_default_ttl=30
  • sudo systemctl restart dnscrypt-proxy
  • sudo systemctl restart knockd.service
  • logger "=== Quick-Fix is Done! ==="

Now just save the file and change its attribute to executable with chmod 700 To have your script run when the system starts up you have to open the crontab editor. Do this with crontab -e, it will prompt you to choose an editor, go with nano, or option 1. Within this page type in @reboot sleep 60 && /home/wherever/your/script/is/ Save and close.

Now you have to enable the cron service with systemctl enable cron.service. You can see your user cron jobs with crontab -l and you can see the history of your cronjobs with systemctl status cron.service or ideally sudo grep CRON /var/log/syslog. And thats that!

Be careful with what you put in these scripts, because they are run as root (depending on your permissions) they are very powerful.


During my time with this setup I have found and discovered various small issues, here are my quick fixes for them.

Blocked by Autonomous System Number (ASN)

You must be aware of the Autonomous System Number (ASN) that is assigned to your server IP address when you buy your server. Mine for example is AS16276, belonging to OVH SAS in Canada, its purpose is for paid VPN, hosting and 'good' bots. It has however 40,382 active spam IP addresses out of a total of 381,412 -- that's 10.5% of the entire network consisting of spammers, this is not good and was likely the reason behind having multiple DDoS attacks when my IP was still new.

What this means is that should you indeed use your server as a VPN for daily use, you may find that you have been banned from websites you have never visited, this is simply because the website has chosen to ban not your IP address but your ASN entirely. Luckily the IP address I have is unique to my account and is not shared, this situation would be worse on a commercial VPN provider, where allocated shared IPs can be banned in global black lists due to spamming and other illegal activity. My ASN is also not part of the Spamhaus Project ASN-DROP list; if it were then I would certainly not continue using my hosting provider.

Your ASN could easily just be banned from websites you're trying to visit, this is though more common with public VPN's as their anonymity allows for abuse and thus for a service to block one IP would be meaningless, so they ban the entire VPN provider, or at least a large range of their servers.

Unable to Locate Package: Wireguard?

Add these to the bottom of your /etc/apt/sources.list

  • deb stretch main
  • deb-src stretch main
  • deb buster-backports main
  • deb-src buster-backports main

Then run apt update.

Wireguard Cannot Compile

In /usr/src/wireguard-1.0.20200623/socket.c add these two lines after the #include's:

  • #undef ipv6_dst_lookup_flow
  • #define ipv6_dst_lookup_flow(a, b, c, d) ipv6_dst_lookup(a, b, &dst, c) + (void *)0 ?: dst

Now as root run /usr/lib/dkms/dkms_autoinstaller start

If this does not work read the following and follow it

Now remove lines 95, 96, 97 and 99 from compat.h Compile and install as per the official guide

Wireguard Won't Start

If you're getting an error like RTNETLINK Operation Not Supported when trying to start wg-quick up wg0 you need to input sudo modprobe wireguard. If the resultant answer is something along the lines of Badprobe: FATAL: Module wireguard not found in directory ... then your solution is to run apt-get install wireguard-dkms wireguard-tools linux-headers-$(uname -r).

DNSCrypt Not Starting at Boot (Or at all)

Confirm if port 53 is not already in use by something else with lsof -i -P -n | grep LISTEN Kill the PID of whatever is already using that port. If it is Avahi you can disable it from booting with the following commands:

  • systemctl stop avahi-daemon.socket
  • systemctl stop asystemvahi-daemon.service
  • systemctl disable avahi-daemon

Still not working? If it says can't bind socket or could not open ports try running netstat -patuln | grep 53. If you see 1/init using port 53 then you need to run systemctl stop dnscrypt-proxy.socket and then restart dnscrypt again. This should fix it.

Still not working? Well I guess systemd is using port 53. You can disable it by running systemctl stop systemd-resolved and systemctl disable systemd-resolved. You don't really need it given you're using DNSCrypt.

Some Websites Timeout/Cannot Resolve After Reboot

If you have changed the MTU it likely went back to the default and thus your client side settings are not matching, causing dropouts.

If this is not the issue change the wg0 MTU to 1480. Again, ensure that your client matches the MTU settings of the wg0 interface.

secure-wireguard-implementation's People


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