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reddit-php-sdk's Introduction

Reddit PHP SDK

The Reddit SDK is a wrapper around the Reddit OAuth 2 API:

Initiating Your Login Session

Before making requests to any of the methods of the Reddit SDK, you first need to instantiate a new OAuth 2 session by using your client id and client secret. You may obtain these keys by creating a new app at and posting the key and secret into the appropriate sections in config.php.

$reddit = new reddit();

How to Build the Fullname Parameters

Frequently within these SDK methods, you will see parameters that reference the fullname or id of a message, comment, account, etc (e.g. values like t4_1kuinv). The Reddit API uses identifiers that consist of a prefix to identify the type of the fullname (e.g. t3_ or t4_), and the identifier of that thing (e.g. 1kuinv). To build a fullname of a thing, you must take its id, and add the prefix to the front.

The following is a list of prefixes that the Reddit API uses, and the type of thing that they reference:

  • t1_ : Comment
  • t2_ : Account
  • t3_ : Link
  • t4_ : Message
  • t5_ : Subreddit
  • t6_ : Award
  • t8_ : PromoCampaign

SDK Methods

Once you are authenticated, you may then make requests to any of the methods in the SDK.

Checks whether CAPTCHAs are needed for API endpoints

$response = $reddit->getCaptchaReqs();

Gets the iden of a new CAPTCHA, if the user cannot read the current one

$response = $reddit->getNewCaptcha();
$iden = $response->json->data->iden;

Fetches a new CAPTCHA image from a given iden value
@param string $iden The iden value of a new CAPTCHA from getNewCaptcha method

$response = $reddit->getNewCaptcha();
$iden = $response->json->data->iden;
$image = $reddit->getCaptchaImg($iden);
$im = imagecreatefromstring($image);
if ($im !== false){
    header('Content-Type: image/png');
} else {
    echo 'An error occurred';

Creating a New Story
Creates a new story on a particular subreddit
@param string $title The title of the story
@param string $link The link that the story should forward to
@param string $subreddit The subreddit where the story should be added

$title = "MakerBot Releases IPad App For Easy 3D Printing";
$link = "";
$subreddit = "technology";
$response = $reddit->createStory($title, $link, $subreddit);

Get User Information
Get data for the current user

$userData = $reddit->getUser();

Get User Preferences
Get preference data for the current user based on fields provided
@param string $fields A comma separated list of pref data to return. Full list at

$userPrefs = $reddit->getUserPrefs("num_comments,min_comment_score,private_feeds");

Get User Trophies
Get current user trophies

$userTrophies = $reddit->getUserTrophies();

Get User Karma Information
Get breakdown of karma for the current user

$karma = $reddit->getKarma();

Get Friend Information
Get information about a specified friend
@param string $username The username of a friend to search for details on

$response = $reddit->getFriendInfo("jcleblanc");

Get Subreddit Relationship Information
Get relationship information for subreddits that user belongs to
@param string $where The subreddit relationship to search for. One of
subscriber, contributor, or moderator
@param int $limit The number of results to return. Default = 25, Max = 100.
@param string $after The fullname of a thing to return results after
@param string $before The fullname of a thing to return results before

$subRel = $reddit->getSubRel("subscriber", 15);

Get Messages (inbox / unread / sent)
Get messages (inbox / unread / sent) for the current user
@param string $where The message type to return. One of inbox, unread, or sent

$response = $reddit->getMessages("inbox");  //get inbox messages
$response = $reddit->getMessages("unread"); //get unread messages
$response = $reddit->getMessages("sent");   //get sent messages

Send a Message to Another User
Send a message to another user, from the current user
@param string $to The name of a existing user to send the message to
@param string $subject The subject of the message, no longer than 100 characters
@param string $text The content of the message, in raw markdown

$response = $reddit->sendMessage("jcleblanc", "Look at this message!", "Hey!\n\n**[search!](**");

Set the Read/Unread State of a Series of Messages
Sets the read and unread state of a comma separates list of messages
@param string $state The state to set the messages to, either read or unread
@param string $subject A comma separated list of message fullnames (t4_ and the message id – e.g. t4_1kuinv).

$response = $reddit->setMessageState("read", "t4_1kuinv,t4_1kriyc");
$response = $reddit->setMessageState("unread", "t4_1kuinv,t4_1kriyc");

Block Content via Inbox
Sets a given piece of content to a blocked state via the inbox
@param string $id The full name of the content to block (e.g. t4_ and the message id – t4_1kuinv).

$response = $reddit->setContentBlock("t4_1kuinv");

Delete Link or Comment
Deletes a given link or comment created by the user
@param string $id The fullname of the link or comment to delete (e.g. t3_1kuinv for link, t1_1kuinv for comment).

$response = $reddit->deleteContent("t1_1kuinv");  //comment
$response = $reddit->deleteContent("t3_1kuinv");  //link

Edit Comment or Self Post
Edits the content of a self post or comment created by the user
@param string $id The fullname of the link or comment to delete (e.g. t3_1kuinv for link, t1_1kuinv for comment).
@param string $text The raw markdown text to replace the content with.

$response = $reddit->editContent("t1_cj9qdna", "test\n\n**[test link](**");

Set Link Reply State
Enable or disable inbox replies for a link
@param string $id The fullname of the link to set the inbox reply state for.
@param bool $state The state to set the link to. true = enable inbox replies, false = disable inbox replies.

$response = $reddit->setReplyState("t3_2bxop3", true);

Get User Subscriptions
Get the subscriptions that the user is subscribed to, has contributed to, or is moderator of
@param string $where The subscription content to obtain. One of subscriber, contributor, or moderator

$subscriptions = $reddit->getSubscriptions();

Get Page Information
Get information on a URLs submission on Reddit
@param string $url The URL to get information for

$pageInfo = $reddit->getPageInfo("");

Get Subreddit Text
Get the submission text for a given subreddit
@param string $sr The subreddit to get submission text for

$subText = $reddit->getSubText("politics");

Save Story
Save a post to your account. Save feeds:
@param string $name the full name of the post to save (name parameter
in the getSubscriptions() return value)
@param string $category the categorty to save the post to (Reddit gold only)

$response = $reddit->savePost("t3_n6ocq");

Unsave Story
Unsave a saved post from your account
@param string $name the full name of the post to unsave (name parameter
in the getSubscriptions() return value)

$response = $reddit->unsavePost("t3_n6ocq");

Get Saved Categories (Reddit gold only)
Get a list of categories in which things are currently saved

$savedCats = $reddit->getSavedCats();

Hide, Unhide, or Report Post
Hide or unhide a post on your account
Hide, unhide, or report a post on your account
@param string $state The state to set the post to, either hide, unhide, or report
@param string $name The fullname of the post to hide, unhide, or report (name
parameter in the getSubscriptions() return value)

$response = $reddit->setPostReportState("hide", "t3_n6ocq");
$response = $reddit->setPostReportState("unhide", "t3_n6ocq");
$response = $reddit->setPostReportState("report", "t3_n6ocq");

Get Posts
Get the listing of submissions from a subreddit
@param string $sr The subreddit name. Ex: technology, limit (integer): The number of posts to gather
@param int $limit The number of listings to return

$response = $reddit->getListing("technology", 5);

Get Historic User Data
Get the historical data of a user
@param string $username the desired user. Must be already authenticated.
@param string $where the data to retrieve. One of overview,submitted,comments,liked,disliked,hidden,saved,gilded

$response = $reddit->getHistory("USERNAME", "liked");

Get Raw JSON
Get Raw JSON for a reddit permalink
@param string $permalink permalink to get raw JSON for

$response = $reddit->getRawJSON("/r/funny/comments/12ma0a/this_guy_showed_up_at_our_party_last_night_didnt/");
//get the JSON for the top technology post
$response1 = $reddit->getListing("technology", 1);
$response2 = $reddit->getRawJSON($response1->data->children[0)]->data->permalink);

Search Content Within Subreddit
Get the listing of submissions from a subreddit
@param string $query The query to search for
@param int $count The number of results to return
@param string $t The timeframe of results to return, one of (hour, day, week, month, year, all)
@param string $after The fullname of a thing to search for results after
@param string $before The fullname of a thing to search for results before

$response = $reddit->search("cat", "pics", 20);

Search Subreddits
Get the listing of subreddit from a search
@param string $query The query to search for
@param int $count The number of results to return
@param string $after The fullname of a thing to search for results after
@param string $before The fullname of a thing to search for results before

$response = $reddit->search_sr("penguins", 20);

Get All Subreddits
Get results for all subreddits combined, sorted by new / popular
@param string $where The fetch method, either new or popular
@param int $limit The number of results to return (max 100)
@param string $after The fullname of a post which results should be returned after
@param string $before The fullname of a post which results should be returned before

$response = $reddit->getAllSubs("new", 5);
$response = $reddit->getAllSubs("popular", 45);

Add Comment
Add a new comment to a story
@param string $name The full name of the post to comment (name parameter
in the getSubscriptions() return value)
@param string $text The comment markup

$response = $reddit->addComment("t3_jp2k7", "Hey!\n\n**[search!](**");

Add Vote
Adds a vote (up / down / neutral) on a story
@param string $name The full name of the post to vote on (name parameter
in the getSubscriptions() return value)
@param int $vote The vote to be made (1 = upvote, 0 = no vote,
-1 = downvote)

$response = $reddit->addVote("t3_n6ocq", 1);

Set or Clear a User’s Flair in a Subreddit
Set or clear a user’s flair in a subreddit
@param string $subreddit The subreddit to use
@param string $user The name of the user
@param string $text Flair text to assign
@param string $cssClass CSS class to assign to the flair text

$response = $reddit->setFlair("motorcycles", "jcleblanc", "ZZR600", "kawasaki");

Download the Flair Assignments of a Subreddit
Download the flair assignments of a subreddit
@param string $subreddit The subreddit to use
@param int $limit The maximum number of items to return (max 1000)
@param string $after Return entries starting after this user
@param string $before Return entries starting before this user

$response = $reddit->getFlairList("motorcycles", 100, "t2_39qab", "t2_39qab");

Post a CSV File of Flair Settings to a Subreddit
Post a CSV file of flair settings to a subreddit
@param string $subreddit The subreddit to use
@param string $flairCSV CSV file contents, up to 100 lines

$response = $reddit->setFlairCSV("motorcycles", "jcleblanc,ZZR600,kawasaki\n...");

Other Resources

The following are additional resources available for this SDK


Copyright © 2015 Jonathan LeBlanc (

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the “Software”), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
all copies or substantial portions of the Software.


reddit-php-sdk's People


brobin avatar deadfish2000 avatar futilefreedom avatar jcleblanc avatar nsideras avatar samnabi avatar stuartfeldt avatar


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reddit-php-sdk's Issues

Add all mysubreddits endpoints


Add all history endpoints


Private Messages???

Are you likely to add in the PrivateMessages functions?

Specifically get_inbox(), get_mentions(), get_sent(), get_unread() and send_message()??

Is this reddit-php-sdk repo abandoned?

The repo itself hasn't been updated in over a year and there are many outstanding pull requests. Few pulls have ever been processed and never pull requests by other authors.

I have emailed @jcleblanc and tweeted him, to no avail.

Jonathan doesn't seem to have done anything on git since 3-May-2014.

I am willing to process all the outstanding pull reqs and merge/rebase as many of the changes as I can into the project. Then I'll probably add new code (I have inbox/private message requirements). I'm also willing to maintain it, possibly in cooperation with others. I'm also open to just generally helping with this git.

Add all modwiki endpoints


Add all Reddit Gold Endpoints



"403 Forbidden" on simple identity request

The SDK fails on a simple identity request on PHP AppEngine.

static $SCOPES = 'identity';

$reddit = new reddit(); 
$userData = $reddit->getUser();

403 Forbidden
Request forbidden by administrative rules. 

Add all subscribe endpoints


you are not allowed to do that — invalid redirect_uri parameter.


I'm working on a script that will create a new story on one of my subreddits. Right now I get stuck with the message from reddit:

you are not allowed to do that — invalid redirect_uri parameter.

Do you happen to know what are the specifications of a valid redirect uri ? I can't seem to find anything.

Thank you!

Add all read endpoints


is it possible to disable oauth?

Just wondering.. I was previously using another api wrapper found on github but I like the simplicity of yours better.. however I only mean to use it to make calls that aren't in the context of a logged in user.. such as searching for new/hot/trending posts in various subreddits. I understand you can make these without oauth as I was just making them. I understand oauth allows for higher rate limits but the non-oauth ones are ok for my current uses. I did get yours working with oauth but it's adding a layer of complexity and if there's an easy way to do without it and go back to non-oauth api calls (for those that allow it) then I'd like to know how.

Oh and.. I know some people don't like composer for some reason but.. well I do so if you ever decide to add your awesome project to composer you'll make me and some others happy I guess.

Lastly.. any chance you can use an array instead of constants in your config.php? Not a fan of constants especially those with common names as they can easily create conflicts in a big application.

Thanks and keep up the fine work!

getUser() Method is returning empty

When I try to login, I'm taken to Reddit, asked for permissions, I click on Accept and then I'm taken to my PHP file where I'm trying to display user info but nothing is shown. Here's the code:

getUser(); print_r($userData); ?>

You can test it here:

Any help would be great. Thx in advance!

Result of functions are always NULL


require_once 'reddit.php';

$reddit = new reddit();
$userData = $reddit->getUser();

$response = $reddit->getListing("technology", 5);



And whatever I do, my result is always NULL. Can someone explain to me what I do wrong here, please?

Constructor returning a value... ?

Since when Constructor can return a value? or i missed something during these years?

  public function __construct($username = null, $password = null){
    $urlLogin = "{$this->apiHost}/login/$username";

    $postData = sprintf("api_type=json&user=%s&passwd=%s",
    $response = $this->runCurl($urlLogin, $postData);

    if (count($response->json->errors) > 0){
        return "login error";
    } else {
        $this->modHash = $response->json->data->modhash;
        $this->session = $response->json->data->cookie;
        return $this->modHash;

Add all modconfig endpoints


Null results on every call

So I've installed this package into my project, set up and configured my client ID, client secret, and redirect to my VM url but every time I try to make a call using this wrapper I first have to click the "allow" button on the redditAPI authorization page and after that the response is always null.

Is there a reason why I have to click the "allow" button every time I try to make a call? I also don't know why the results are returning null every time, maybe this package is broken? I've tried a number of the simple example calls but they all return null.

Any help would be much appreciated, thanks.

Add to composer and follow PSR-4

It'd be great if this package was available as a repository to use in Composer without having to manually build a package definition, also, set up the package in such a way that it autoloads would be nice.

Error in error checking

Via Alex Sincai:

On line 31, it should be

if (count($response->json->errors) > 0){

rather than

if (count($response->errors) > 0){

Add all modposts endpoints


Application Only OAuth

I have a script that posts a story to one of my subreddits. At some point this script should be launched via a cronjob.

This is where I'm stuck: my script works inside a user context, but not without manual authorization, which is necessary for the cron workflow.

I've read this page on the reddit API wiki, but do not understand how to make it work using the php SDK.

Create Story

hello creating a story doesnt work dont know why ?!

Doesnt work at all

This software does not work with reddit so far. Just returns null when trying any of the listed calls in documentation.

strlen() expects parameter 1 to be string

I just tried doing a test with it, and I'm getting this error on a successful login.

Code as follows:


$reddit = new reddit();

$message = '';

$body = '';

if(isset($_POST['username'])) {
    $username = trim($_POST['username']);
    $password = trim($_POST['password']);

    if($reddit->login($username, $password)) {
        $message = 'logged in!';
        $body = var_dump((array)$reddit->getUser());
    }else {
        $message = 'Could not login';

<html lang="en-US">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
<p><?= $message; ?></p>
    <form action="" method="post">
        <label>username: <input type="text" name="username" id="" /></label> <br />
        <label>password: <input type="text" name="password" id="" /></label> <br />
        <input type="submit" value="Login" />
    <?= $body; ?>

Add all modflair endpoints


trying to get property of non-object

This is what I get:
Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in C:\xampp\htdocs\simple_blog\reddit.php on line 33

Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in C:\xampp\htdocs\simple_blog\reddit.php on line 33

Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in C:\xampp\htdocs\simple_blog\reddit.php on line 36

Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in C:\xampp\htdocs\simple_blog\reddit.php on line 36

Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in C:\xampp\htdocs\simple_blog\reddit.php on line 36

Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in C:\xampp\htdocs\simple_blog\reddit.php on line 37

Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in C:\xampp\htdocs\simple_blog\reddit.php on line 37

Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in C:\xampp\htdocs\simple_blog\reddit.php on line 37

Curl is installed.

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