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instancesegmentation-jittor's Introduction

Jittor: a Just-in-time(JIT) deep learning framework

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Quickstart | Install | Tutorial | 简体中文

Jittor is a high-performance deep learning framework based on JIT compiling and meta-operators. The whole framework and meta-operators are compiled just-in-time. A powerful op compiler and tuner are integrated into Jittor. It allowed us to generate high-performance code with specialized for your model. Jittor also contains a wealth of high-performance model libraries, including: image recognition, detection, segmentation, generation, differentiable rendering, geometric learning, reinforcement learning, etc. .

The front-end language is Python. Module Design and Dynamic Graph Execution is used in the front-end, which is the most popular design for deeplearning framework interface. The back-end is implemented by high performance language, such as CUDA,C++.

Related Links:

The following example shows how to model a two-layer neural network step by step and train from scratch In a few lines of Python code.

import jittor as jt
from jittor import Module
from jittor import nn
import numpy as np

class Model(Module):
    def __init__(self):
        self.layer1 = nn.Linear(1, 10)
        self.relu = nn.Relu() 
        self.layer2 = nn.Linear(10, 1)
    def execute (self,x) :
        x = self.layer1(x)
        x = self.relu(x)
        x = self.layer2(x)
        return x

def get_data(n): # generate random data for training test.
    for i in range(n):
        x = np.random.rand(batch_size, 1)
        y = x*x
        yield jt.float32(x), jt.float32(y)

learning_rate = 0.1
batch_size = 50
n = 1000

model = Model()
optim = nn.SGD(model.parameters(), learning_rate)

for i,(x,y) in enumerate(get_data(n)):
    pred_y = model(x)
    dy = pred_y - y
    loss = dy * dy
    loss_mean = loss.mean()
    print(f"step {i}, loss = {}")



We provide some jupyter notebooks to help you quick start with Jittor.


Jittor environment requirements:

OS CPU Python Compiler (Optional) GPU platform
(Ubuntu, CentOS, Arch,
UOS, KylinOS, ...)
>= 3.7 g++ >=5.4 Nvidia CUDA >= 10.0, cuDNN
or AMD ROCm >= 4.0
or Hygon DCU DTK >= 22.04
(>= 10.14 Mojave)
Apple Silicon
>= 3.7 clang >= 8.0 -
Windows 10 & 11 x86_64 >= 3.8 - Nvidia CUDA >= 10.2 cuDNN

Jittor offers three ways to install: pip, docker, or manual.

Pip install

sudo apt install python3.7-dev libomp-dev
python3.7 -m pip install jittor
# or install from github(latest version)
# python3.7 -m pip install git+
python3.7 -m jittor.test.test_example

macOS install

Please first install additional dependencies with homebrew.

brew install libomp

Then you can install jittor through pip and run the example.

python3.7 -m pip install jittor
python3.7 -m jittor.test.test_example

Currently jittor only supports CPU on macOS.

Windows install

# check your python version(>=3.8)
python --version
python -m pip install jittor
# if conda is used
conda install pywin32

In Windows, jittor will automatically detect and install CUDA, please make sure your NVIDIA driver support CUDA 10.2 or above, or you can manually let jittor install CUDA for you:

python -m jittor_utils.install_cuda

Docker Install

We provide a Docker installation method to save you from configuring the environment. The Docker installation method is as follows:

# CPU only(Linux)
docker run -it --network host jittor/jittor
# CPU and CUDA(Linux)
docker run -it --network host --gpus all jittor/jittor-cuda
# CPU only(Mac and Windows)
docker run -it -p 8888:8888 jittor/jittor

manual install

We will show how to install Jittor in Ubuntu 16.04 step by step, Other Linux distributions may have similar commands.

Step 1: Choose your back-end compiler

# g++
sudo apt install g++ build-essential libomp-dev

# OR clang++-8
wget -O - > /tmp/
bash /tmp/ 8

Step 2: Install Python and python-dev

Jittor need python version >= 3.7.

sudo apt install python3.7 python3.7-dev

Step 3: Run Jittor

The whole framework is compiled Just-in-time. Let's install jittor via pip

git clone
sudo pip3.7 install ./jittor
export cc_path="clang++-8"
# if other compiler is used, change cc_path
# export cc_path="g++"
# export cc_path="icc"

# run a simple test
python3.7 -m jittor.test.test_example

if the test is passed, your Jittor is ready.

Optional Step 4: Enable CUDA

Using CUDA in Jittor is very simple, Just setup environment value nvcc_path

# replace this var with your nvcc location 
export nvcc_path="/usr/local/cuda/bin/nvcc" 
# run a simple cuda test
python3.7 -m jittor.test.test_cuda 

if the test is passed, your can use Jittor with CUDA by setting use_cuda flag.

import jittor as jt
jt.flags.use_cuda = 1

Optional Step 5: Test Resnet18 training

To check the integrity of Jittor, you can run Resnet18 training test. Note: 6G GPU RAM is requires in this test.

python3.7 -m jittor.test.test_resnet

if those tests are failed, please report bugs for us, and feel free to contribute ^_^


In the tutorial section, we will briefly explain the basic concept of Jittor.

To train your model with Jittor, there are only three main concepts you need to know:

  • Var: basic data type of jittor
  • Operations: Jittor'op is simular with numpy


First, let's get started with Var. Var is the basic data type of jittor. Computation process in Jittor is asynchronous for optimization. If you want to access the data, can be used for synchronous data accessing.

import jittor as jt
a = jt.float32([1,2,3])
print (a)
print (
# Output: float32[3,]
# Output: [ 1. 2. 3.]

And we can give the variable a name.'a')
# Output: a


Jittor'op is simular with numpy. Let's try some operations. We create Var a and b via operation jt.float32, and add them. Printing those variables shows they have the same shape and dtype.

import jittor as jt
a = jt.float32([1,2,3])
b = jt.float32([4,5,6])
c = a*b
print(type(a), type(b), type(c))
# Output: float32[3,] float32[3,] float32[3,]
# Output: <class 'jittor_core.Var'> <class 'jittor_core.Var'> <class 'jittor_core.Var'>

Beside that, All the operators we used, ...) have alias For example:

c.max() # alias of jt.max(c)
c.add(a) # alias of jt.add(c, a)
c.min(keepdims=True) # alias of jt.min(c, keepdims=True)

if you want to know all the operation which Jittor supports. try help(jt.ops). All the operation you found in, can be used via alias

# Output:
#   abs(x: core.Var) -> core.Var
#   add(x: core.Var, y: core.Var) -> core.Var
#   array(data: array) -> core.Var
#   binary(x: core.Var, y: core.Var, op: str) -> core.Var
#   ......


If you want to know more about Jittor, please check out the notebooks below:

Those notebooks can be started in your own computer by python3.7 -m jittor.notebook


Jittor is still young. It may contain bugs and issues. Please report them in our bug track system. Contributions are welcome. Besides, if you have any ideas about Jittor, please let us know.

You can help Jittor in the following ways:

  • Citing Jittor in your paper
  • recommend Jittor to your friends
  • Contributing code
  • Contributed tutorials and documentation
  • File an issue
  • Answer jittor related questions
  • Light up the stars
  • Keep an eye on jittor
  • ......

Contact Us


Email: [email protected]

File an issue:

QQ Group: 761222083

The Team

Jittor is currently maintained by the Tsinghua CSCG Group. If you are also interested in Jittor and want to improve it, Please join us!


  title={Jittor: a novel deep learning framework with meta-operators and unified graph execution},
  author={Hu, Shi-Min and Liang, Dun and Yang, Guo-Ye and Yang, Guo-Wei and Zhou, Wen-Yang},
  journal={Science China Information Sciences},


Jittor is Apache 2.0 licensed, as found in the LICENSE.txt file.

instancesegmentation-jittor's People


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instancesegmentation-jittor's Issues

terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::runtime_error'

When i run:
cd /detectron.jittor/demo/

get this output:

[i 0130 18:07:07.834767 36] Jittor( src: /root/miniconda3/envs/myconda/lib/python3.7/site-packages/jittor
[i 0130 18:07:07.834909 36] g++ at /usr/bin/g++
[i 0130 18:07:07.835010 36] cache_path: /root/.cache/jittor/default/g++
[i 0130 18:07:07.845266 36] Found /usr/local/cuda/bin/nvcc(10.0.130) at /usr/local/cuda/bin/nvcc.
[i 0130 18:07:07.861888 36] Found addr2line(2.30) at /usr/bin/addr2line.
[i 0130 18:07:07.900882 36] pybind_include: -I/root/miniconda3/envs/myconda/include/python3.7m -I/root/miniconda3/envs/myconda/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pybind11/include
[i 0130 18:07:07.926310 36] extension_suffix:
[i 0130 18:07:08.160195 36] Total mem: 62.54GB, using 16 procs for compiling.
[i 0130 18:07:08.292372 36] Load cc_path: /usr/bin/g++
[i 0130 18:07:08.453513 36] Found cuda archs: [75,]
[i 0130 18:07:08.486432 36] mpicc not found, distribution disabled.
[i 0130 18:07:08.549991 36] found /usr/local/cuda/include/cublas.h
[i 0130 18:07:08.550087 36] found /usr/local/cuda/lib64/
[i 0130 18:07:08.821434 36] found /usr/include/cudnn.h
[i 0130 18:07:08.821595 36] found /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
[i 0130 18:07:08.851032 36] handle pyjt_include/root/miniconda3/envs/myconda/lib/python3.7/site-packages/jittor/extern/cuda/cudnn/inc/cudnn_warper.h
[i 0130 18:07:10.230110 36] found /usr/local/cuda/include/curand.h
[i 0130 18:07:10.230265 36] found /usr/local/cuda/lib64/
[i 0130 18:07:11.166735 36] CUDA enabled.
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::runtime_error'
what(): [f 0130 18:07:18.423952 36] Check failed: 0== mprotect((void*)buffer_end_page, page_size, 0x1|0x2|0x4) Something wrong... Could you please report this issue?

core dumped

When i run:
cd detectron.jittor/demo

in my ubuntu laptop, it shows:

[i 0130 18:43:37.348568 12] Jittor( src: /home/grx/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/jittor
[i 0130 18:43:37.348660 12] g++ at /usr/bin/g++
[i 0130 18:43:37.348708 12] cache_path: /home/grx/.cache/jittor/default/g++
[i 0130 18:43:37.520292 12] Found /usr/local/cuda/bin/nvcc(10.1.243) at /usr/local/cuda/bin/nvcc.
[i 0130 18:43:38.875749 12] Found gdb(7.11.1) at /usr/bin/gdb.
[i 0130 18:43:39.113056 12] Found addr2line(2.26.1) at /usr/bin/addr2line.
[i 0130 18:43:39.582936 12] pybind_include: -I/home/grx/anaconda3/include/python3.7m -I/home/grx/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pybind11/include
[i 0130 18:43:39.716446 12] extension_suffix:
[i 0130 18:43:41.041648 12] Total mem: 7.71GB, using 2 procs for compiling.
[i 0130 18:43:42.515898 12] Load cc_path: /usr/bin/g++
[i 0130 18:43:42.524856 12] Found cuda archs: [61,]
[i 0130 18:43:42.614664 12] mpicc not found, distribution disabled.
[i 0130 18:43:43.091899 12] found /usr/local/cuda/include/cublas.h
[i 0130 18:43:43.092144 12] found /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
[i 0130 18:43:45.916539 12] found /usr/local/cuda/include/cudnn.h
[i 0130 18:43:45.916779 12] found /usr/local/cuda/lib64/
[i 0130 18:43:46.651208 12] handle pyjt_include/home/grx/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/jittor/extern/cuda/cudnn/inc/cudnn_warper.h
[i 0130 18:43:54.202897 12] found /usr/local/cuda/include/curand.h
[i 0130 18:43:54.203255 12] found /usr/local/cuda/lib64/
[i 0130 18:44:03.939629 12] CUDA enabled.
*** Error in `python': munmap_chunk(): invalid pointer: 0x00007ffc14a78118 ***
======= Backtrace: =========
======= Memory map: ========
200000000-200200000 rw-s 00000000 00:06 573 /dev/nvidiactl
200200000-200400000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0
200400000-200600000 rw-s 00000000 00:06 573 /dev/nvidiactl
200600000-202600000 rw-s 00000000 00:06 573 /dev/nvidiactl
202600000-205600000 rw-s 00000000 00:06 573 /dev/nvidiactl
205600000-205e00000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0
205e00000-206000000 rw-s 00000000 00:06 573 /dev/nvidiactl
206000000-206200000 rw-s 00000000 00:06 573 /dev/nvidiactl
206200000-206400000 rw-s 206200000 00:06 529 /dev/nvidia-uvm
206400000-206600000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0
206600000-206800000 rw-s 00000000 00:06 573 /dev/nvidiactl
206800000-300200000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0
10000000000-10204000000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0
55834ff3e000-55834ff99000 r--p 00000000 08:14 669253 /home/grx/anaconda3/bin/python3.7
55834ff99000-55835017a000 r-xp 0005b000 08:14 669253 /home/grx/anaconda3/bin/python3.7
55835017a000-558350221000 r--p 0023c000 08:14 669253 /home/grx/anaconda3/bin/python3.7
558350222000-558350225000 r--p 002e3000 08:14 669253 /home/grx/anaconda3/bin/python3.7
558350225000-55835028e000 rw-p 002e6000 08:14 669253 /home/grx/anaconda3/bin/python3.7
55835028e000-5583502af000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0
558351162000-558384b93000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 [heap]
558384b93000-558384b94000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0 [heap]
558384b94000-5583e0b60000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 [heap]
7fc8b4000000-7fc8b4021000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0
7fc8b4021000-7fc8b8000000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0
7fc8ba000000-7fc8be000000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0
7fc8bf3c1000-7fc8c0f59000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0
7fc8c2af1000-7fc8c3b2c000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0
7fc8c4b27000-7fc8c4c67000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0
7fc8c4c67000-7fc8c5165000 r-xp 00000000 08:14 923840 /home/grx/anaconda3/lib/
7fc8c5165000-7fc8c5166000 ---p 004fe000 08:14 923840 /home/grx/anaconda3/lib/
7fc8c5166000-7fc8c5193000 r--p 004fe000 08:14 923840 /home/grx/anaconda3/lib/
7fc8c5193000-7fc8c5198000 rw-p 0052b000 08:14 923840 /home/grx/anaconda3/lib/
7fc8c5198000-7fc8c5199000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0
7fc8c5199000-7fc8c52c4000 r--p 00000000 08:14 1050305 /home/grx/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/PyQt5/
7fc8c52c4000-7fc8c5506000 r-xp 0012b000 08:14 1050305 /home/grx/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/PyQt5/
7fc8c5506000-7fc8c55f5000 r--p 0036d000 08:14 1050305 /home/grx/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/PyQt5/
7fc8c55f5000-7fc8c5609000 r--p 0045b000 08:14 1050305 /home/grx/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/PyQt5/
7fc8c5609000-7fc8c56a0000 rw-p 0046f000 08:14 1050305 /home/grx/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/PyQt5/
7fc8c56a0000-7fc8c56e1000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0
7fc8c56e1000-7fc8c5a90000 r-xp 00000000 08:14 923837 /home/grx/anaconda3/lib/
7fc8c5a90000-7fc8c5a91000 ---p 003af000 08:14 923837 /home/grx/anaconda3/lib/
7fc8c5a91000-7fc8c5aa1000 r--p 003af000 08:14 923837 /home/grx/anaconda3/lib/
7fc8c5aa1000-7fc8c5aa7000 rw-p 003bf000 08:14 923837 /home/grx/anaconda3/lib/
7fc8c5aa7000-7fc8c5aad000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0
7fc8c5aad000-7fc8c5b72000 r--p 00000000 08:14 1050304 /home/grx/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/PyQt5/
7fc8c5b72000-7fc8c5ca6000 r-xp 000c5000 08:14 1050304 /home/grx/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/PyQt5/
7fc8c5ca6000-7fc8c5d3a000 r--p 001f9000 08:14 1050304 /home/grx/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/PyQt5/
7fc8c5d3a000-7fc8c5d52000 r--p 0028c000 08:14 1050304 /home/grx/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/PyQt5/
7fc8c5d52000-7fc8c5dc0000 rw-p 002a4000 08:14 1050304 /home/grx/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/PyQt5/
7fc8c5dc0000-7fc8c5e41000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0
7fc8c5e41000-7fc8c5e60000 r-xp 00000000 08:14 1320172 /home/grx/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/
7fc8c5e60000-7fc8c6060000 ---p 0001f000 08:14 1320172 /home/grx/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/
7fc8c6060000-7fc8c6061000 r--p 0001f000 08:14 1320172 /home/grx/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/
7fc8c6061000-7fc8c6063000 rw-p 00020000 08:14 1320172 /home/grx/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/
7fc8c6063000-7fc8c7963000 r--p 00000000 08:14 1452323 /home/grx/anaconda3/lib/
7fc8c7963000-7fc8c7b62000 ---p 01900000 08:14 1452323 /home/grx/anaconda3/lib/
7fc8c7b62000-7fc8c7b63000 r--p 018ff000 08:14 1452323 /home/grx/anaconda3/lib/
7fc8c7b63000-7fc8c7cfe000 r-xp 00000000 08:14 1452271 /home/grx/anaconda3/lib/
7fc8c7cfe000-7fc8c7efd000 ---p 0019b000 08:14 1452271 /home/grx/anaconda3/lib/
7fc8c7efd000-7fc8c7f0f000 r--p 0019a000 08:14 1452271 /home/grx/anaconda3/lib/
7fc8c7f0f000-7fc8c7f10000 rw-p 001ac000 08:14 1452271 /home/grx/anaconda3/lib/
7fc8c7f10000-7fc8c7f11000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0
7fc8c7f11000-7fc8c8178000 r-xp 00000000 08:14 1452322 /home/grx/anaconda3/lib/
7fc8c8178000-7fc8c8377000 ---p 00267000 08:14 1452322 /home/grx/anaconda3/lib/
7fc8c8377000-7fc8c8385000 r--p 00266000 08:14 1452322 /home/grx/anaconda3/lib/
7fc8c8385000-7fc8c8386000 rw-p 00274000 08:14 1452322 /home/grx/anaconda3/lib/
7fc8c8386000-7fc8c878b000 r-xp 00000000 08:14 670613 /home/grx/anaconda3/lib/
7fc8c878b000-7fc8c878c000 ---p 00405000 08:14 670613 /home/grx/anaconda3/lib/
7fc8c878c000-7fc8c8798000 r--p 00405000 08:14 670613 /home/grx/anaconda3/lib/
7fc8c8798000-7fc8c879a000 rw-p 00411000 08:14 670613 /home/grx/anaconda3/lib/
7fc8c879a000-7fc8c879d000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0
7fc8c879d000-7fc8c883b000 r--p 00000000 08:14 1050285 /home/grx/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/PyQt5/
7fc8c883b000-7fc8c8978000 r-xp 0009e000 08:14 1050285 /home/grx/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/PyQt5/
7fc8c8978000-7fc8c89f4000 r--p 001db000 08:14 1050285 /home/grx/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/PyQt5/
7fc8c89f4000-7fc8c89f9000 r--p 00256000 08:14 1050285 /home/grx/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/PyQt5/
7fc8c89f9000-7fc8c8a61000 rw-p 0025b000 08:14 1050285 /home/grx/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/PyQt5/
7fc8c8a61000-7fc8c8aa2000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0
7fc8c8aa2000-7fc8c8aaf000 r--p 00000000 08:14 1190250 /home/grx/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/matplotlib/backends/
7fc8c8aaf000-7fc8c8aed000 r-xp 0000d000 08:14 1190250 /home/grx/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/matplotlib/backends/
7fc8c8aed000-7fc8c8af3000 r--p 0004b000 08:14 1190250 /home/grx/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/matplotlib/backends/
7fc8c8af3000-7fc8c8af4000 ---p 00051000 08:14 1190250 /home/grx/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/matplotlib/backends/
7fc8c8af4000-7fc8c8af5000 r--p 00051000 08:14 1190250 /home/grx/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/matplotlib/backends/
7fc8c8af5000-7fc8c8af6000 rw-p 00052000 08:14 1190250 /home/grx/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/matplotlib/backends/
7fc8c8af6000-7fc8c8db7000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0
7fc8c8db7000-7fc8c8dc1000 r--p 00000000 08:14 1190249 /home/grx/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/matplotlib/
7fc8c8dc1000-7fc8c8deb000 r-xp 0000a000 08:14 1190249 /home/grx/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/matplotlib/
7fc8c8deb000-7fc8c8df0000 r--p 00034000 08:14 1190249 /home/grx/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/matplotlib/
7fc8c8df0000-7fc8c8df1000 ---p 00039000 08:14 1190249 /home/grx/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/matplotlib/
7fc8c8df1000-7fc8c8df2000 r--p 00039000 08:14 1190249 /home/grx/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/matplotlib/
7fc8c8df2000-7fc8c8df3000 rw-p 0003a000 08:14 1190249 /home/grx/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/matplotlib/
7fc8c8df3000-7fc8c9033000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0
7fc8c9033000-7fc8c9039000 r--p 00000000 08:14 1442929 /home/grx/anaconda3/lib/
7fc8c9039000-7fc8c905f000 r-xp 00006000 08:14 1442929 /home/grx/anaconda3/lib/
7fc8c905f000-7fc8c906a000 r--p 0002c000 08:14 1442929 /home/grx/anaconda3/lib/
7fc8c906a000-7fc8c906b000 r--p 00036000 08:14 1442929 /home/grx/anaconda3/lib/
7fc8c906b000-7fc8c906c000 rw-p 00037000 08:14 1442929 /home/grx/anaconda3/lib/
7fc8c906c000-7fc8c9079000 r--p 00000000 08:14 1189560 /home/grx/anaconda3/lib/
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7fc8c90e8000-7fc8c910f000 r--p 0007c000 08:14 1189560 /home/grx/anaconda3/lib/
7fc8c910f000-7fc8c9110000 ---p 000a3000 08:14 1189560 /home/grx/anaconda3/lib/
7fc8c9110000-7fc8c9117000 r--p 000a3000 08:14 1189560 /home/grx/anaconda3/lib/
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7fc8c9345000-7fc8c9346000 rw-p 0002c000 08:14 1190248 /home/grx/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/matplotlib/
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7fc8d1b8f000-7fc8d1d8e000 ---p 00072000 08:14 1970444 /home/grx/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/torch/lib/
7fc8d1d8e000-7fc8d1d90000 r--p 00071000 08:14 1970444 /home/grx/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/torch/lib/
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7fc8d1d91000-7fc8d1d93000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0
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7fc8d1da3000-7fc9039a7000 r-xp 00000000 08:14 1970453 /home/grx/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/torch/lib/
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7fc903c40000-7fc903c6a000 rw-p 31c9d000 08:14 1970453 /home/grx/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/torch/lib/
7fc903c6a000-7fc903db7000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0
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7fc90a50b000-7fc90a70a000 ---p 06754000 08:14 1970452 /home/grx/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/torch/lib/
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7fc90b8ed000-7fc90b910000 rw-p 00e76000 08:14 1970446 /home/grx/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/torch/lib/
7fc90b910000-7fc90b965000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0
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7fc913d15000-7fc913f15000 ---p 083b0000 08:14 2896255 /usr/local/cuda-10.1/targets/x86_64-linux/lib/
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7fc913f27000-7fc913f9f000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0
7fc913f9f000-7fc9164db000 r-xp 00000000 08:14 2896258 /usr/local/cuda-10.1/targets/x86_64-linux/lib/
7fc9164db000-7fc9166da000 ---p 0253c000 08:14 2896258 /usr/local/cuda-10.1/targets/x86_64-linux/lib/
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7fc91b000000-7fc91c000000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0
7fc91c000000-7fc91c280000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0
7fc91c280000-7fc91d8b8000 r-xp 00000000 08:14 1057475 /home/grx/anaconda3/lib/
7fc91d8b8000-7fc91dab7000 ---p 01638000 08:14 1057475 /home/grx/anaconda3/lib/
7fc91dab7000-7fc91dabb000 r--p 01637000 08:14 1057475 /home/grx/anaconda3/lib/
7fc91dabb000-7fc91dad3000 rw-p 0163b000 08:14 1057475 /home/grx/anaconda3/lib/
7fc91dad3000-7fc91e493000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0
7fc91e493000-7fc937ca8000 r-xp 00000000 08:14 2896623 /usr/local/cuda-10.1/targets/x86_64-linux/lib/
7fc937ca8000-7fc937ea8000 ---p 19815000 08:14 2896623 /usr/local/cuda-10.1/targets/x86_64-linux/lib/
7fc937ea8000-7fc937f6d000 rw-p 19815000 08:14 2896623 /usr/local/cuda-10.1/targets/x86_64-linux/lib/
7fc937f6d000-7fc938000000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0
7fc938000000-7fc938021000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0
7fc938021000-7fc93c000000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0
7fc93c025000-7fc93c265000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0
7fc93c265000-7fc93fde9000 r-xp 00000000 08:14 2896249 /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
7fc93fde9000-7fc93ffe8000 ---p 03b84000 08:14 2896249 /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
7fc93ffe8000-7fc93fff6000 rw-p 03b83000 08:14 2896249 /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
7fc93fff6000-7fc940000000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0
7fc940000000-7fc940001000 rw-s 00000000 00:06 574 /dev/nvidia0
7fc940001000-7fc940002000 rw-s 00000000 00:06 574 /dev/nvidia0
7fc940002000-7fc940003000 rw-s 00000000 00:06 574 /dev/nvidia0
7fc940003000-7fc940004000 rw-s 00000000 00:06 574 /dev/nvidia0
7fc940004000-7fc940005000 rw-s 00000000 00:06 574 /dev/nvidia0
7fc940005000-7fc940006000 rw-s 00000000 00:06 574 /dev/nvidia0
7fc940006000-7fc940007000 rw-s 00000000 00:06 574 /dev/nvidia0
7fc940007000-7fc940008000 rw-s 00000000 00:06 574 /dev/nvidia0
7fc940008000-7fc940009000 rw-s 00000000 00:06 574 /dev/nvidia0
7fc940009000-7fc94000a000 rw-s 00000000 00:06 574 /dev/nvidia0
7fc94000a000-7fc94000b000 rw-s 00000000 00:06 574 /dev/nvidia0
7fc94000b000-7fc94000c000 rw-s 00000000 00:06 574 /dev/nvidia0
7fc94000c000-7fc94000d000 rw-s 00000000 00:06 574 /dev/nvidia0
7fc94000d000-7fc94000e000 rw-s 00000000 00:06 574 /dev/nvidia0
7fc94000e000-7fc94000f000 rw-s 00000000 00:06 574 /dev/nvidia0
7fc94000f000-7fc940010000 rw-s 00000000 00:06 574 /dev/nvidia0
7fc940010000-7fc950000000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0
7fc950000000-7fc950007000 r--p 00000000 08:14 1190246 /home/grx/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/matplotlib/
7fc950007000-7fc950012000 r-xp 00007000 08:14 1190246 /home/grx/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/matplotlib/
7fc950012000-7fc950018000 r--p 00012000 08:14 1190246 /home/grx/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/matplotlib/
7fc950018000-7fc950019000 ---p 00018000 08:14 1190246 /home/grx/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/matplotlib/
7fc950019000-7fc95001a000 r--p 00018000 08:14 1190246 /home/grx/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/matplotlib/
7fc95001a000-7fc95001b000 rw-p 00019000 08:14 1190246 /home/grx/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/matplotlib/
7fc95001b000-7fc95015c000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0
7fc95015c000-7fc951d83000 r-xp 00000000 08:14 2896248 /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
7fc951d83000-7fc951f82000 ---p 01c27000 08:14 2896248 /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
7fc951f82000-7fc951ff7000 rw-p 01c26000 08:14 2896248 /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (core dumped)

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