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laravel-shipstation's Issues

Rate Limiting / Too Many Requests


I noticed even though you have a pause to detect if making a lot of requests by average, I still get occasional "too many requests" from ShipStation. When this happens it is usually the addtags orders call and it can loop through literally 1000+ orders that need to either add a tag and/or removetag call both per order.

Would you suggest I increase the 1.5 sleep or do you suggest something else?

Missing /fulfillments endpoint

according to shipstation docs now we can list /fulfillments as a separate request, this wrapper does not include that endpoint and there's no way to extend it in laravel because $endpoints is a private property and there is no setter method to add any.

anyone encountered this issue? can we simply add '/fulfillments' to the $endpoints array?

thanks in advance

PrintLabel, get carriers lbs price

Thank for this package. It helps too much for our project. We have questions.
How can we create labels for our orders that created manually?
How can we check prices for our account, which carrier, which lbs return price?
Thank you,
Best regards


I'm confused on how these are implemented in Shipstation. The docs don't say much about them other than in the custom store guide. I have some questions.

  1. Do they allow JSON like their apis or what? I'd prefer to go with JSON.
  2. If they do, how can I receive JSON, not XML?

What should be the right format for weight and dimensions attributes?


I am trying to create a shipment with weight and dimensions of the product. But its showing me an error pasted below:

message: "Client error: POST resulted in a 400 Bad Request response:↵{"Message":"The request is invalid.","ModelState":{"apiOrder.items[0].weight":["Cannot deserialize the current JSON arra (truncated...)↵

In the package the datatype for the weight is array, so I am trying to send this kind of format there.

$order->weight = [1,2];
$order->dimensions =[1,2,3];

Please suggest me the exact format to send with and also I need assistance with


How could I get the existing shipping service from my account to map?


Example view usage?


I am trying to use this package to pull from Shipstation into Laravel. All goes well as I am able to get the results from Controller using dd($orders). But when i go to use it in view (eg: foreach $orders as $order), when I attempt to access the properties like so $order->orderNumber or $order->orders["orderNumber"] . Can you please help me to understand why I am getting the following error "htmlspecialchars() expects parameter 1 to be string, array given" or just show me what I need to do to be able to display the get requests from Shipstation in a view. It works fine for $users but the $orders is giving me a problem.

Thanks, a Million

Why i get error for $this->app['LaravelShipStation\ShipStation'];

Hi all,

i'm new for both laravel and shipstation. I'm trying to send / create new order. but when i try to send new order returns error for $shipStation = $this->app['LaravelShipStation\ShipStation'];

Undefined property: App\Http\Controllers\SettingsController::$app

what should i do for overcome this issue? any information will be appreciated.

Best Regards

Shipstation api gives me an 400 error when posting an order

Hi there,

I'm trying to create a order and make a post request. However, I get this error when doing so:

"{"Message":"The request is invalid.","ModelState":{"apiOrder":["Cannot deserialize the current JSON array (e.g. [1,2,3]) into type 'SS.OpenApi.Models.Orders.Order' because the type requires a JSON object (e.g. {\"name\":\"value\"}) to deserialize correctly.\r\nTo fix this error either change the JSON to a JSON object (e.g. {\"name\":\"value\"}) or change the deserialized type to an array or a type that implements a collection interface (e.g. ICollection, IList) like List<T> that can be deserialized from a JSON array. JsonArrayAttribute can also be added to the type to force it to deserialize from a JSON array.\r\nPath '', line 1, position 1."]}}"

I tried your example order and still got the same error.

Here's my relevant code.

    function newShipStationOrder($reqArray) {

        $order = new \LaravelShipStation\Models\Order();

        $order->orderNumber =  $reqArray['content']['invoiceNumber'];
        $order->orderDate = $reqArray['content']['creationDate'];
        $order->orderStatus = $reqArray['content']['status'];
        $order->amountPaid = $reqArray['content']['grandTotal'];
        $order->taxAmount = $reqArray['content']['taxesTotal'];
        $order->shippingAmount = $reqArray['content']['shippingFees'];

        if ($order->shippingAmount == null) {
            $order->shippingAmount = 0;

        $order->internalNotes = $reqArray['content']['notes'];

        if ($order->shippingAmount == null) {
            $order->internalNotes = "N/A";

        $tempAddressArray = $this->createPhysicalAddresses($reqArray['content']);
        $order->billTo = $tempAddressArray['billingAddress'];
        $order->shipTo = $tempAddressArray['shippingAddress'];

        $jsonOrderItemArray = $reqArray['content']['items'];

        foreach ($jsonOrderItemArray as $item) {
            $newOrderItem = new \LaravelShipStation\Models\OrderItem();

            $newOrderItem->lineItemKey = $item['id'];
            $newOrderItem->sku = $item['id'];
            $newOrderItem->name = $item['name'];
            $newOrderItem->quantity = $item['quantity'];
            $newOrderItem->unitPrice  = $item['unitPrice'];

            $newOrderItem->weight = $item['weight'];
            $newOrderItem->warehouseLocation = "N/A";

            $order->items[] = $newOrderItem;

        return $order;

    private function createPhysicalAddresses($data)
        $shippingAddress = new \LaravelShipStation\Models\Address();
        $billingAddress = new \LaravelShipStation\Models\Address();

        $billingAddress->name = $data['billingAddressName'];
        $billingAddress->street1 = $data['billingAddressAddress1'];
        $billingAddress->street2 = $data['billingAddressAddress2'];
        $billingAddress->city = $data['billingAddressCity'];
        $billingAddress->state = $data['billingAddressProvince'];
        $billingAddress->postalCode = $data['billingAddressPostalCode'];
        $billingAddress->country = $data['billingAddressCountry'];
        $billingAddress->phone = $data['billingAddressPhone'];

        if ($data['shippingAddressSameAsBilling'] == true) {

            $shippingAddress = $billingAddress;
        } else {
            $shippingAddress->name = $data['shippingAddressName'];
            $shippingAddress->street1 = $data['shippingAddressAddress1'];
            $shippingAddress->street2 = $data['shippingAddressAddress2'];
            $shippingAddress->city = $data['shippingAddressCity'];
            $shippingAddress->state = $data['shippingAddressProvince'];
            $shippingAddress->postalCode = $data['shippingAddressPostalCode'];
            $shippingAddress->country = $data['shippingAddressCountry'];
            $shippingAddress->phone = $data['shippingAddressPhone'];

        $addressArray['billingAddress'] = $billingAddress;
        $addressArray['shippingAddress'] = $shippingAddress;

        return $addressArray;

Here is the order object.

Order {#152
  +orderNumber: "SNIP-1019"
  +orderKey: null
  +orderDate: "2017-08-12T05:37:41Z"
  +paymentDate: null
  +shipByDate: null
  +orderStatus: "Processed"
  +customerUsername: null
  +customerEmail: null
  +billTo: Address {#167
    +name: "dev1"
    +company: null
    +street1: "r4weghtjrt"
    +street2: null
    +street3: null
    +city: "ddd"
    +state: "AL"
    +postalCode: "111111"
    +country: "US"
    +phone: "7209998888"
    +residential: null
  +shipTo: Address {#167}
  +items: array:3 [
    0 => OrderItem {#157
      +lineItemKey: "90397737-0d97-4863-bdae-bda267dce34e"
      +sku: "90397737-0d97-4863-bdae-bda267dce34e"
      +name: "bvlah1"
      +imageUrl: null
      +weight: null
      +quantity: 1
      +unitPrice: 111111111
      +taxAmount: null
      +shippingAmount: null
      +warehouseLocation: "N/A"
      +options: null
      +productId: null
      +fulfillmentSku: null
      +adjustment: false
      +upc: null
    1 => OrderItem {#168
      +lineItemKey: "ad39db8f-23ee-47b6-8a5b-578ae213c72d"
      +sku: "ad39db8f-23ee-47b6-8a5b-578ae213c72d"
      +name: "Majora's mask"
      +imageUrl: null
      +weight: null
      +quantity: 1
      +unitPrice: 9000
      +taxAmount: null
      +shippingAmount: null
      +warehouseLocation: "N/A"
      +options: null
      +productId: null
      +fulfillmentSku: null
      +adjustment: false
      +upc: null
    2 => OrderItem {#169
      +lineItemKey: "d094638e-f5ed-4de0-b9d3-db508a618d17"
      +sku: "d094638e-f5ed-4de0-b9d3-db508a618d17"
      +name: "Ocarina"
      +imageUrl: null
      +weight: null
      +quantity: 1
      +unitPrice: 7500
      +taxAmount: null
      +shippingAmount: null
      +warehouseLocation: "N/A"
      +options: null
      +productId: null
      +fulfillmentSku: null
      +adjustment: false
      +upc: null
  +amountPaid: 111127611
  +taxAmount: 0
  +shippingAmount: 0
  +customerNotes: null
  +internalNotes: "N/A"
  +gift: null
  +giftMessage: null
  +paymentMethod: null
  +requestedShippingService: null
  +carrierCode: null
  +serviceCode: null
  +packageCode: null
  +confirmation: null
  +shipDate: null
  +holdUntilDate: null
  +weight: null
  +dimensions: null
  +insuranceOptions: null
  +internationalOptions: null
  +advancedOptions: null
  +tagIds: null

Any ideas?

Create label for order

How can i create label for an order.
Everytime i hit the command it gives me 500 Error

I am passing these arguments
$label = new LaravelShipStation\Models\Order();
$label->orderId = $orderid;
$label->carrierCode = 'stamps_com';
$label->serviceCode = 'stamps_com';
$label->packageCode = 'package';
$label->confirmation = null;
$label->testLabel = false;
$label->shipDate = '2019-09-28';

    $label_data = $shipStation->orders->post($label, 'createlabelfororder');

Error getting:
Server error: POST resulted in a 500 Internal Server Error response: {"Message":"An error has occurred.","ExceptionMessage":"Object reference not set to an instance of an object.","Exceptio (truncated...)

Creating Multiple Orders

Hey there, firstly, thanks for making this, it's been very useful to me so far!

I have been trying to get the "Create / Update Multiple Orders" endpoint working and can't seem to figure it out... I'm close... but apparently something is still formatted incorrectly? I was hoping you might have an idea of what else I could try, or show me an example of using that endpoint correctly?

Here's a snippet of what I was trying:

        // An array to keep our orders to be sent
        $toSend = [];

        foreach ($orders as $o) {
            // Build items array
            $items = [];
            foreach ($o->items as $item) {
                $i              = new OrderItem();
                $i->lineItemKey = $item->id;
                $i->name        = $item->title;
                $i->quantity    = $item->quantity;
                $i->sku         = $item->sku;  
                $items[]        = $i;          

            // Shipping Address
            $shipTo = new Address();
            $shipTo->name       = $o->ship_name;
            $shipTo->company    = $o->ship_company;
            $shipTo->street1    = $o->ship_street;
            $shipTo->street2    = $o->ship_street2;
            $shipTo->city       = $o->ship_city;
            $shipTo->state      = $o->ship_statecode;
            $shipTo->postalCode = $o->ship_zip;
            $shipTo->country    = $o->ship_countrycode;
            $shipTo->phone      = $o->ship_phone;        

            // Billing Address
            $billTo = new Address();
            $billTo->name       = $o->bill_name;
            $billTo->company    = $o->bill_company;
            $billTo->street1    = $o->bill_street;
            $billTo->street2    = $o->bill_street2;
            $billTo->city       = $o->bill_city;
            $billTo->state      = $o->bill_statecode;
            $billTo->postalCode = $o->bill_zip;
            $billTo->country    = $o->bill_countrycode;
            $billTo->phone      = $o->bill_phone;   

            $new = new Order();
            $new->orderNumber = $o->orderId;
            $new->orderDate   = $o->order_date;
            $new->orderStatus = 'awaiting_shipment';
            $new->billTo      = $billTo; 
            $new->shipTo      = $shipTo;
            $new->items       = $items;

            $toSend[] = $new;

        $response = $this->ss->orders->post($toSend, 'createorders');


I've verified that if I use the single (createorder) endpoint, it works fine. Here's the error I'm getting when I use the multiple order endpoint with the above code:

  Server error: `POST` resulted in a `500 Internal Server Error` response:
  {"Message":"An error has occurred.","ExceptionMessage":"orders are required","ExceptionType":"System.ArgumentException", (truncated...)

The orders are required error is what I get no matter how I try to format the main array, so thanks in advance if you have any ideas as to what to try!

Honor development environments

Has there been any thought given to development environment handling?

I didn't anything with a quick scan so I added a property to the src/ShipStation.php of:
private $devel_uri = '';

Then in the constructor I updated the 'base_uri' initialization to use a ternary operator checking the environment and then using the appropriate api endpoint:
parent::__construct([ 'base_uri' => (App::environment() == 'production') ? $this->base_uri : $this->devel_uri,

This is a temporary solution for me until I (or someone else if they feel up to it) has time to create a pull request with a cleaner solution.

Update: It looks like the 'sandbox' api doesn't accept connections outside of the apiary domain, which makes this irrelevant. It looks like I will have to bug ShipStation about this one sorry.

Custom Store

How to create custom store endpoints? Is this something that your plugin is able to do. If not, is this a feature you would be interested in adding?

How to manage multiple orders update?

Hello , Everybody.
Thanks for your work.
Well Can I ask some questions ?
Now I am using this code for shipstation API.
I am updating the multiple orders at a time for example +5000 orders - update the tagIds.
So I am using $shipstation->orders->post($option,'createorders');
it works only when I try to add new tagIds.
But When I try remove some tagIds it is not working..
Is there any some advice for this issue ?
Hope to hear from you soon.

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