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Consumption Reporting
5G Downlink Media Streaming

Tutorial - End-to-end setup with 5G Network



5G Core installation and configuration

Step 1: Install the 5G Core (Open5GS)

Follow the installation procedures in the Open5GS Quickstart guide. We recommend installing for Ubuntu 22.04 with the following instructions:

Getting MongoDB

Import the public key used by the package management system:

sudo apt update
sudo apt install gnupg
curl -fsSL | sudo gpg -o /usr/share/keyrings/mongodb-server-6.0.gpg --dearmor

Create the list file /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mongodb-org-6.0.list for Ubuntu 22.04:

echo "deb [ arch=amd64,arm64 signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/mongodb-server-6.0.gpg] jammy/mongodb-org/6.0 multiverse" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mongodb-org-6.0.list

Install the MongoDB packages.

sudo apt update
sudo apt install -y mongodb-org
sudo systemctl start mongod (if '/usr/bin/mongod' is not running)
sudo systemctl enable mongod (ensure to automatically start it on system boot)

Install Open5GS

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:open5gs/latest
sudo apt update
sudo apt install open5gs

Install the WebUI of Open5GS

The WebUI allows you to interactively edit subscriber data. Node.js is required to install the WebUI of Open5GS:

sudo apt update
sudo apt install -y ca-certificates curl gnupg
sudo mkdir -p /etc/apt/keyrings
curl -fsSL | sudo gpg --dearmor -o /etc/apt/keyrings/nodesource.gpg

echo "deb [signed-by=/etc/apt/keyrings/nodesource.gpg]$NODE_MAJOR.x nodistro main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/nodesource.list

sudo apt update
sudo apt install nodejs -y

sudo zypper install nodejs8

curl -fsSL | sudo -E bash -

Step 2: Configure the 5G Core (Open5GS)

IP:port addresses

The default configurations see all of the Open5GS components fully configured for use on a single computer using the local loopback address space (127.0.0.X):

MongoDB   = (subscriber data) - http://localhost:9999

MME-s1ap  = :36412 for S1-MME
MME-gtpc  = :2123 for S11
MME-frDi  = :3868 for S6a

SGWC-gtpc = :2123 for S11
SGWC-pfcp = :8805 for Sxa

SMF-gtpc  = :2123 for S5c
SMF-gtpu  = :2152 for N4u (Sxu)
SMF-pfcp  = :8805 for N4 (Sxb)
SMF-frDi  = :3868 for Gx auth
SMF-sbi   = :7777 for 5G SBI (N7,N10,N11)

AMF-ngap  = :38412 for N2
AMF-sbi   = :7777 for 5G SBI (N8,N12,N11)

SGWU-pfcp = :8805 for Sxa
SGWU-gtpu = :2152 for S1-U, S5u

UPF-pfcp  = :8805 for N4 (Sxb)
UPF-gtpu  = :2152 for S5u, N3, N4u (Sxu)

HSS-frDi  = :3868 for S6a, Cx

PCRF-frDi = :3868 for Gx

NRF-sbi   = for 5G SBI
SCP-sbi   = for 5G SBI
SEPP-sbi  = for 5G SBI
SEPP-n32  = for 5G N32
SEPP-n32f = for 5G N32-f
AUSF-sbi  = for 5G SBI
UDM-sbi   = for 5G SBI
PCF-sbi   = for 5G SBI
NSSF-sbi  = for 5G SBI
BSF-sbi   = for 5G SBI
UDR-sbi   = for 5G SBI

PLMN ID and TAC information

Our setup will be using PLMN ID (MCC/MNC) 001/01 and TAC 7. This information needs to be loaded into the NRF and AMF config files (and the gNB).

Modify /etc/open5gs/nrf.yaml to set the Serving PLMN ID:

  serving:  # 5G roaming requires PLMN in NRF
    - plmn_id:
        mcc: 001
        mnc: 01
      - address:
        port: 7777

Modify /etc/open5gs/amf.yaml to set the PLMN ID and TAC:

      - address:
        port: 7777
#      nrf:
#        - uri:
        - uri:
      - address:
      - address:
        port: 9090
    - plmn_id:
        mcc: 001
        mnc: 01
        region: 2
        set: 1
    - plmn_id:
        mcc: 001
        mnc: 01
      tac: 7
    - plmn_id:
        mcc: 001
        mnc: 01
        - sst: 1
    integrity_order : [ NIA2, NIA1, NIA0 ]
    ciphering_order : [ NEA0, NEA1, NEA2 ]
    full: 5GMAG
    short: 5GMAG

After changing config files, please restart Open5GS daemons.

sudo systemctl restart open5gs-nrfd
sudo systemctl restart open5gs-amfd

Adding a route for the UE to have WAN connectivity

In order to bridge between the PGWU/UPF and WAN (Internet), you must enable IP forwarding and add a NAT rule to your IP Tables.

To enable forwarding and add the NAT rule, enter:

Enable IPv4/IPv6 Forwarding

sudo sysctl -w net.ipv4.ip_forward=1
sudo sysctl -w net.ipv6.conf.all.forwarding=1

Add NAT Rule

sudo iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s ! -o ogstun -j MASQUERADE
sudo ip6tables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s 2001:db8:cafe::/48 ! -o ogstun -j MASQUERADE

Configure the firewall correctly. Some operating systems (Ubuntu) by default enable firewall rules to block traffic.

sudo ufw disable

gNB installation and configuration

Step 1: Install the gNB (srsRAN)

Install dependencies

sudo apt-get install cmake make gcc g++ pkg-config libfftw3-dev libmbedtls-dev libsctp-dev libyaml-cpp-dev libgtest-dev

Install UHD drivers (e.g. for Ettus USRP)

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ettusresearch/uhd
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install libuhd-dev uhd-host

Download the srsRAN Project packages:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:softwareradiosystems/srsran-project
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install srsran-project -y

Step 2: Configure the gNB (srsRAN)

Prepare the system

Before running srsRAN Project applications, we recommend tuning your system for best performance:

sudo ./scripts/srsran_performance

Configuration files

When installed from packages, srsRAN Project example configs can be found in /usr/share/srsran.

We've created the following 5gmag_example.yml. We recommend finding the value ARFCN through this link.

# This example configuration outlines how to configure the srsRAN Project gNB to create a single TDD cell
# transmitting in band 77, with 10 MHz bandwidth and 30 kHz sub-carrier-spacing. A USRP X310 is configured 
# as the RF frontend. Note in this example the internal GPDSO is used.

  addr:                     # The address or hostname of the AMF.
  bind_addr:                # A local IP that the gNB binds to for traffic from the AMF.

  device_driver: uhd                  # The RF driver name.
  device_args: send_frame_size=1472,recv_frame_size=1472,type=x300              # Optionally pass arguments to the selected RF driver.
  clock: gpsdo                        # Specify the clock source used by the RF.
  srate: 15.36                        # RF sample rate might need to be adjusted according to selected bandwidth.
  tx_gain: 20                         # Transmit gain of the RF might need to adjusted to the given situation.
  rx_gain: 20                         # Receive gain of the RF might need to adjusted to the given situation.

  dl_arfcn: 653668                    # ARFCN of the downlink carrier (center frequency).
  band: 77                            # The NR band.
  channel_bandwidth_MHz: 10           # Bandwith in MHz. Number of PRBs will be automatically derived.
  common_scs: 30                      # Subcarrier spacing in kHz used for data.
  plmn: "00101"                       # PLMN broadcasted by the gNB.
  tac: 7                              # Tracking area code (needs to match the core configuration).
  pci: 1                              # Physical cell ID.

  filename: /tmp/gnb.log              # Path of the log file.
  all_level: info                     # Logging level applied to all layers.

  mac_enable: false                   # Set to true to enable MAC-layer PCAPs.
  mac_filename: /tmp/gnb_mac.pcap     # Path where the MAC PCAP is stored.
  ngap_enable: false                  # Set to true to enable NGAP PCAPs.
  ngap_filename: /tmp/gnb_ngap.pcap   # Path where the NGAP PCAP is stored.

Running the 5G Core (Open5GS)

When you install the software using the package manager, it is setup to run as a systemd service.

Running the gNB (srsRAN)

Run the gNB as follows, passing the YAML configuration file:

sudo ./gnb -c 5gmag_example.yml

Configure the COTS UE

Register Subscriber Information

Connect to http://localhost:9999 and login with admin account. Username : admin Password : 1423

To add subscriber information, you can do WebUI operations in the following order:

Go to Subscriber Menu.
Click + Button to add a new subscriber.
Fill the IMSI, security context(K, OPc, AMF), and APN of the subscriber.
Click SAVE Button

Enter the subscriber details of your SIM cards using this tool, to save the subscriber profile in the HSS and UDR MongoDB database backend.

SIM card and APN

Insert your SIM card to the UE and set the UE’s APN to match the APN you configured in the Open5GS WebUI. We recommend to edit the existing APN. Toggle the UE in and out of flight mode. If it doesn’t automatically connect, try manually searching for a network. If the PLMN set on the SIM card does not match the PLMN being used by the radio, you will need to ensure ‘data roaming’ on the UE is switched on.

The UE should connect automatically. If you experience trouble, we recommend checking the 5G Core logs, e.g.:

sudo tail -f /var/log/open5gs/amf.log

Additional details

We recommend following the steps described here.

5G Media Streaming - Server-side Setup

Step 1: Install the Application Function

For details please refer to the corresponding section in the basic end-to-end guide.

Step 2: Install the Application Server

For details please refer to the corresponding section in the basic end-to-end guide.

Step 3: Start the Application Server

For details please refer to the corresponding section in the basic end-to-end guide.

Step 4: Basic Configuration of the Application Function

Follow the basic configuration steps documented in the basic end-to-end guide.

Step 5: Start the Application Function

Follow the command documented in the basic end-to-end guide.

Step 6: Basic configuration of the Application Function

Follow the steps to create a content hosting configuration and a provisioning session using the msaf-configuration tool.

Step 7: Adding a Consumption Reporting Configuration

Now that we have created a provisioning session we can add a Consumption configuration to that provisioning session. In this guide we use the Postman Collection for this. However, the same configuration is possible using any other REST client or the Management UI.

Step 7.1 Install and Import the Postman Collection

Follow the instructions here to install and import the Postman collection.

Step 7.2 Retrieving the Provisioning Session ID

Open a browser and navigate to http://<YOUR_MACHINE_IP>/m8.json. Replace <YOUR_MACHINE_IP_HERE> with the IP of the machine that the 5GMS Application Function is running on. Then copy the provisioningSessionId from the JSON to your clipboard. As an example, the m8.json can look like this with a provisioningSessionId set to 1fd61716-fe25-41ee-8d9e-cb36a16378a2.

  "m5BaseUrl": "",
  "serviceList": [
      "provisioningSessionId": "1fd61716-fe25-41ee-8d9e-cb36a16378a2",
      "name": "VoD: Elephant's Dream",
      "entryPoints": [
          "locator": "",
          "contentType": "application/dash+xml",
          "profiles": [
      "provisioningSessionId": "1fd61716-fe25-41ee-8d9e-cb36a16378a2",
      "name": "VoD: Big Buck Bunny",
      "entryPoints": [
          "locator": "",
          "contentType": "application/dash+xml",
          "profiles": [
      "provisioningSessionId": "1fd61716-fe25-41ee-8d9e-cb36a16378a2",
      "name": "VoD: Testcard",
      "entryPoints": [
          "locator": "",
          "contentType": "application/dash+xml",
          "profiles": [
          "locator": "",
          "contentType": "application/x-mpegURL"

Step 7.3 Postman - Environment Configuration

Start Postman and navigate to the Postman Environments located on the left side. Replace the provisioning_session_id variable with the value from the JSON file:

Postman Env

Step 7.4 Postman - Create Consumption Reporting Configuration

In Postman navigate to Collections and select 5G-MAG M1. Navigate to Consumption Reporting and select Create Consumption Reporting Configuration. Then adjust the attributes in the payload section based on the desired configuration. An example configuration looks the following:

  "reportingInterval": 10,
  "samplePercentage": 100,
  "locationReporting": true,
  "accessReporting": true

Click on Send once the configuration is set:

Postman M1 Metrics

The REST call should return a 201 response code indicating that the call was accepted by the Application Function.

Step 7.5 Postman - Validate the Service Access Information

Now that we have provided a Consumption Reporting configuration via the M1 interface our Service Access Information should contain the relevant information for the 5GMSd Client. We can validate that via the M5 interface. Select Collections in Postman and navigate to 5G-MAG M5. Select Service Access Information API and then GET SAI. Click Send and confirm that the Service Access Information contains a clientMetricsReportingConfigurations:

Postman M5 Metrics

Client-side Setup

As we are all set on the server-side now we can focus on the client side.

Step 1: Installation, Configuration and Running the 5GMSd Client

Please follow the instructions documented in the basic end-to-end guide setup guide.

Step 2: Creating Consumption Report

While consuming content configured and provided via our previously installed 5GMSd Application Server and 5GMSd Application Function the client is automatically creating and sending Consumption Reports.

App Playback

Step 3: Inspecting the Consumption Report

By default the Consumption Reports provided via the M5 interface from the Media Session Handler to the 5GMS Application Function are saved to disk. We can simply access and open them in our favorite editor. On the machine that is running the Application Function:

  1. Navigate to /var/local/log/open5gs/reports/
  2. For each provisioning session id a dedicated folder is created. Open the right folder by using the right provisioning session identifier. In this example the folder is name 79a776f8-039e-41ef-8bf9-f9bbd0b74fa3. Open the folder: cd 79a776f8-039e-41ef-8bf9-f9bbd0b74fa3.
  3. Open the consumption reports folder: cd consumption_reports
  4. Type ls to get an overview of the different reports.
  5. Open the reports and check the data. It should look similar to the example below:
  "mediaPlayerEntry": "",
  "reportingClientId": "730cf565-59d3-4ab0-ab01-94b44cd2ff45",
  "consumptionReportingUnits": [
      "mediaConsumed": "704x396p25",
      "clientEndpointAddress": {
        "ipv4Addr": "",
        "portNumber": 443
      "serverEndpointAddress": {
        "domainName": "",
        "portNumber": 443
      "startTime": "2024-04-26T10:11:30Z",
      "duration": 0,
      "locations": []
      "mediaConsumed": "128kbps",
      "clientEndpointAddress": {
        "ipv4Addr": "",
        "portNumber": 443
      "serverEndpointAddress": {
        "domainName": "",
        "portNumber": 443
      "startTime": "2024-04-26T10:11:30Z",
      "duration": 0,
      "locations": []

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