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heroku-buildpack-php's Introduction

Heroku PHP buildpack

This is a build pack bundling PHP for Heroku apps. Currently very alpha.


Please refer to Dev Center for usage instructions.


Compiling Binaries

The folder support/build contains Hammer build scripts for all dependencies.

To get started with Hammer:

$ gem install --prerelease hammer

Then, in each folder inside support/build, run:

$ hammer build

to easily build the respective component using Anvil on Heroku infrastructure.

Resulting packages will be placed inside the builds/ subfolder of each component and can be uploaded to a public location (e.g. S3 or Dropbox).

The URI of this upload is referenced inside bin/compile.


To work on this buildpack, fork it on Github. You can then use Anvil with a local buildpack to easily iterate on changes without pushing each time.

Alternatively, you may push changes to your fork (ideally in a branch if you'd like to submit pull requests), then create a test app with heroku create --buildpack <your-github-url#branch> and push to it.

heroku-buildpack-php's People


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