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web RPG profiler built with SML and Facebook connect

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License: Other

Standard ML 97.55% Shell 2.45%

sfbprofiler's Introduction

SFBProfiler, a web RPG profiler built with SML and Facebook connect.

This relies upon SML on Stilts, an SML web framework built by a friend. It's
currently available at

To build, you'll need SML on Stilts checked out into the "stilts" directory
and a copy of MLton. Build smelt and squall from stilts, add
facebook/FacebookConfig.sml as appropriate and run "".

This project is largely just me playing around with typesafe web programming
and fooling around with my friend's Stilts framework. SFBProfiler is never
expected to actually be released as a usable, finished product... but you never
know. Hopefully the code will be useful to somebody; I'm having fun writing it.

This code (SML source, scripts, documentation, etc) is released under the
3-clause BSD license as detailed in the LICENSE file.

Better information forthcoming. Feel free to email me at the address in the
commit logs.

sfbprofiler's People


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