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GitHub.jl provides a Julia interface to the GitHub API v3. Using GitHub.jl, you can do things like:

  • query for basic repository, organization, and user information
  • programmatically take user-level actions (e.g. starring a repository, commenting on an issue, etc.)
  • set up listeners that can detect and respond to repository events
  • create and retrieve commit statuses (i.e. report CI pending/failure/success statuses to GitHub)

Here's a table of contents for this rather lengthy README:

1. Response Types

2. REST Methods

3. Authentication

4. Pagination

5. Handling Webhook Events

Response Types

GitHub's JSON responses are parsed and returned to the caller as types of the form G<:GitHub.GitHubType. Here's some useful information about these types:

  • All fields are Nullable.

  • Field names generally match the corresponding field in GitHub's JSON representation (the exception is "type", which has the corresponding field name typ to avoid the obvious language conflict).

  • GitHubTypes can be passed as arguments to API methods in place of (and in combination with) regular identifying properties. For example, create_status(repo, commit) could be called as:

    • create_status(::GitHub.Repo, ::GitHub.Commit)
    • create_status(::GitHub.Repo, ::AbstractString) where the second argument is the SHA
    • create_status(::AbstractString, ::GitHub.Commit) where the first argument is the full qualified repo name
    • create_status(::AbstractString, ::AbstractString) where the first argument is the repo name, and the second is the SHA

Here's a table that matches up the provided GitHubTypes with their corresponding API documentation, as well as alternative identifying values:

type alternative identifying property link(s) to documentation
Owner login, e.g. "octocat" organizations, users
Repo full_name, e.g. "JuliaWeb/GitHub.jl" repositories
Commit sha, e.g. "d069993b320c57b2ba27336406f6ec3a9ae39375" repository commits
Branch name, e.g. master repository branches
Content path, e.g. "src/owners/owners.jl" repository contents
Comment id, e.g. 162224613 commit comments, issue comments, PR review comments
Status id, e.g. 366961773 commit statuses
PullRequest number, e.g. 44 pull requests
Issue number, e.g. 31 issues

You can inspect which fields are available for a type G<:GitHubType by calling fieldnames(G).

REST Methods

GitHub.jl implements a bunch of methods that make REST requests to GitHub's API. The below sections list these methods (note that a return type of Tuple{Vector{T}, Dict} means the result is paginated).

Users and Organizations

method return type documentation
owner(owner[, isorg = false]) Owner get owner as a user or organization
orgs(owner) Tuple{Vector{Owner}, Dict} get the owner's organizations
followers(owner) Tuple{Vector{Owner}, Dict} get the owner's followers
following(owner) Tuple{Vector{Owner}, Dict} get the users followed by owner
repos(owner[, isorg = false]) Tuple{Vector{Repo}, Dict} get the owner's repositories/get an organization's repositories


method return type documentation
repo(repo) Repo get repo
create_fork(repo) Repo create a fork of repo
forks(repo) Tuple{Vector{Repo}, Dict} get repo's forks
contributors(repo) Dict get repo's contributors
collaborators(repo) Tuple{Vector{Owner}, Dict} get repo's collaborators
iscollaborator(repo, user) Bool check if user is a collaborator on repo
add_collaborator(repo, user) HttpCommon.Response add user as a collaborator to repo
remove_collaborator(repo, user) HttpCommon.Response remove user as a collaborator from repo
stats(repo, stat[, attempts = 3]) HttpCommon.Response get information on stat (e.g. "contributors", "code_frequency", "commit_activity", etc.)
commit(repo, sha) Commit get the commit specified by sha
commits(repo) Tuple{Vector{Commit}, Dict} get repo's commits
branch(repo, branch) Branch get the branch specified by branch
branches(repo) Tuple{Vector{Branch}, Dict} get repo's branches
file(repo, path) Content get the file specified by path
directory(repo, path) Tuple{Vector{Content}, Dict} get the contents of the directory specified by path
create_file(repo, path) Dict create a file at path in repo
update_file(repo, path) Dict update a file at path in repo
delete_file(repo, path) Dict delete a file at path in repo
permalink(content::Content, commit) HttpCommon.URI get a permalink for content at the SHA specified by commit
readme(repo) Content get repo's README
create_status(repo, sha) Status create a status for the commit specified by sha
statuses(repo, ref) Tuple{Vector{Status}, Dict} get the statuses posted to ref
status(repo, ref) Status get the combined status for ref

Pull Requests and Issues

method return type documentation
pull_request(repo, pr) PullRequest get the pull request specified by pr
pull_requests(repo) Tuple{Vector{PullRequest}, Dict} get repo's pull requests
issue(repo, issue) Issue get the issue specified by issue
issues(repo) Tuple{Vector{Issue}, Dict} get repo's issues
create_issue(repo) Issue create an issue in repo
edit_issue(repo, issue) Issue edit issue in repo


method return type documentation
comment(repo, comment, :issue) Comment get an issue comment from repo
comment(repo, comment, :pr) Comment get a PR comment from repo
comment(repo, comment, :review) Comment get an review comment from repo
comment(repo, comment, :commit) Comment get a commit comment from repo
comments(repo, issue, :issue) Tuple{Vector{Comment}, Dict} get the comments on issue in repo
comments(repo, pr, :pr) Tuple{Vector{Comment}, Dict} get the comments on pr in repo
comments(repo, pr, :review) Tuple{Vector{Comment}, Dict} get the review comments on pr in repo
comments(repo, commit, :commit) Tuple{Vector{Comment}, Dict} get the comments on commit in repo
create_comment(repo, issue, :issue) Comment create a comment on issue in repo
create_comment(repo, pr, :pr) Comment create a comment on pr in repo
create_comment(repo, pr, :review) Comment create a review comment on pr in repo
create_comment(repo, commit, :commit) Comment create a comment on commit in repo
edit_comment(repo, comment, :issue) Comment edit the issue comment in repo
edit_comment(repo, comment, :pr) Comment edit the PR comment in repo
edit_comment(repo, comment, :review) Comment edit the review comment in repo
edit_comment(repo, comment, :commit) Comment edit the commit comment in repo
delete_comment(repo, comment, :issue) HttpCommon.Response delete the issue comment from repo
delete_comment(repo, comment, :pr) HttpCommon.Response delete the PR comment from repo
delete_comment(repo, comment, :review) HttpCommon.Response delete the review comment from repo
delete_comment(repo, comment, :commit) HttpCommon.Response delete the commitcomment from repo

Social Activity

method return type documentation
star(repo) HttpCommon.Response star repo
unstar(repo) HttpCommon.Response unstar repo
stargazers(repo) Tuple{Vector{Owner}, Dict} get repo's stargazers
starred(user) Tuple{Vector{Repo}, Dict} get repositories starred by user
watchers(repo) Tuple{Vector{Owner}, Dict} get repo's watchers
watched(user) Tuple{Vector{Repo}, Dict} get repositories watched by user
watch(repo) HttpCommon.Response watch repo
unwatch(repo) HttpCommon.Response unwatch repo


method return type documentation
rate_limit() Dict get your rate limit status
authenticate(token) OAuth2 validate token and return an authentication object

Keyword Arguments

All REST methods accept the following keyword arguments:

keyword type default value description
auth GitHub.Authorization GitHub.AnonymousAuth() The request's authorization
params Dict Dict() The request's query parameters
headers Dict Dict() The request's headers. Note that these headers will be mutated by GitHub.jl request methods.
handle_error Bool true If true, a Julia error will be thrown in the event that GitHub's response reports an error.
page_limit Real Inf The number of pages to return (only applies to paginated results, obviously)


To authenticate your requests to GitHub, you'll need to generate an appropriate access token. Then, you can do stuff like the following (this example assumes that you set an environmental variable GITHUB_AUTH containing the access token):

import GitHub
myauth = GitHub.authenticate(ENV["GITHUB_AUTH"]) # don't hardcode your access tokens!"JuliaWeb/GitHub.jl"; auth = myauth)  # star the GitHub.jl repo as the user identified by myauth

As you can see, you can propagate the identity/permissions of the myauth token to GitHub.jl's methods by passing auth = myauth as a keyword argument.

Note that if authentication is not provided, they'll be subject to the restrictions GitHub imposes on unauthenticated requests (such as stricter rate limiting)


GitHub will often paginate results for requests that return multiple items. On the GitHub.jl side of things, it's pretty easy to see which methods return paginated results by referring to the REST Methods documentation; if a method returns a Tuple{Vector{T}, Dict}, that means its results are paginated.

Paginated methods return both the response values, and some pagination metadata. You can use the per_page/page query parameters and the page_limit keyword argument to configure result pagination.

For example, let's request a couple pages of GitHub.jl's PRs, and configure our result pagination to see how it works:

# show all PRs (both open and closed), and give me 3 items per page starting at page 2
julia> myparams = Dict("state" => "all", "per_page" => 3, "page" => 2);

julia> prs, page_data = pull_requests("JuliaWeb/GitHub.jl"; params = myparams, page_limit = 2);

julia> prs # 3 items per page * 2 page limit == 6 items, as expected
6-element Array{GitHub.PullRequest,1}:

julia> page_data
Dict{UTF8String,UTF8String} with 4 entries:
  "prev"  => ""
  "next"  => ""
  "first" => ""
  "last"  => ""

In the above, prs contains the results from page 2 and 3. We know this because we specified page 2 as our starting page ("page" => 2), and limited the response to 2 pages max (page_limit = 2). In addition, we know that exactly 2 pages were actually retrieved, since there are 6 items and we said each page should only contain 3 items ("per_page" => 3).

The values provided by page_data are the same values that are included in the Link header of the last requested item. You can continue paginating by starting a new paginated request at one of these links using the start_page keyword argument:

# Continue paging, starting with `page_data["next"]`.
# Note that the `params` kwarg can't be used here because
# the link passed to `start_page` has its own parameters
julia> prs2, page_data2 = pull_requests("JuliaWeb/GitHub.jl"; page_limit = 2, start_page = page_data["next"]);

julia> prs2
6-element Array{GitHub.PullRequest,1}:

julia> page_data2
Dict{UTF8String,UTF8String} with 4 entries:
  "prev"  => ""
  "next"  => ""
  "first" => ""
  "last"  => ""

Handling Webhook Events

GitHub.jl comes with configurable EventListener and CommentListener types that can be used as basic servers for parsing and responding to events delivered by GitHub's repository Webhooks.


When an EventListener receives an event, it performs some basic validation and wraps the event payload (and some other data) in a WebhookEvent type. This WebhookEvent instance, along with the provided Authorization, is then fed to the server's handler function, which the user defines to determine the server's response behavior. The handler function is expected to return an HttpCommon.Response that is then sent back to GitHub.

The EventListener constructor takes the following keyword arguments:

  • auth: GitHub authorization (usually with repo-level permissions).
  • secret: A string used to verify the event source. If the event is from a GitHub Webhook, it's the Webhook's secret. If a secret is not provided, the server won't validate the secret signature of incoming requests.
  • repos: A vector of Repos (or fully qualified repository names) listing all acceptable repositories. All repositories are whitelisted by default.
  • events: A vector of event names listing all acceptable events (e.g. ["commit_comment", "pull_request"]). All events are whitelisted by default.
  • forwards: A vector of HttpCommon.URIs (or URI strings) to which any incoming requests should be forwarded (after being validated by the listener)

Here's an example that demonstrates how to construct and run an EventListener that does benchmarking on every commit and PR:

import GitHub

# EventListener settings
myauth = GitHub.authenticate(ENV["GITHUB_AUTH"])
mysecret = ENV["MY_SECRET"]
myevents = ["pull_request", "push"]
myrepos = [GitHub.Repo("owner1/repo1"), "owner2/repo2"] # can be Repos or repo names
myforwards = [HttpCommon.URI(""), ""] # can be HttpCommon.URIs or URI strings

# Set up Status parameters
pending_params = Dict(
    "state" => "pending",
    "context" => "Benchmarker",
    "description" => "Running benchmarks..."

success_params = Dict(
    "state" => "success",
    "context" => "Benchmarker",
    "description" => "Benchmarks complete!"

error_params(err) = Dict(
    "state" => "error",
    "context" => "Benchmarker",
    "description" => "Error: $err"

# We can use Julia's `do` notation to set up the listener's handler function
listener = GitHub.EventListener(auth = myauth,
                                secret = mysecret,
                                repos = myrepos,
                                events = myevents,
                                forwards = myforwards) do event
    kind, payload, repo = event.kind, event.payload, event.repository

    if kind == "pull_request" && payload["action"] == "closed"
        return HttpCommon.Response(200)

    if event.kind == "push"
        sha = event.payload["after"]
    elseif event.kind == "pull_request"
        sha = event.payload["pull_request"]["head"]["sha"]

    GitHub.create_status(repo, sha; auth = myauth, params = pending_params)

        # run_and_log_benchmarks isn't actually a defined function, but you get the point
        run_and_log_benchmarks(event, "\$(sha)-benchmarks.csv")
    catch err
        GitHub.create_status(repo, sha; auth = myauth, params = error_params(err))
        return HttpCommon.Response(500)

    GitHub.create_status(repo, sha; auth = myauth, params = success_params)

    return HttpCommon.Response(200)

# Start the listener on localhost at port 8000, host=IPv4(127,0,0,1), port=8000)


A CommentListener is a special kind of EventListener that allows users to pass data to the listener's handler function via commenting. This is useful for triggering events on repositories that require configuration settings.

A CommentListener automatically filters out all non-comment events, and then checks the body of each comment event against a trigger Regex supplied by the user. If a match is found in the comment, then the CommentListener calls its handler function, passing it the event and the corresponding RegexMatch.

The CommentListener constructor takes the following keyword arguments:

  • auth: same as EventListener
  • secret: same as EventListener
  • repos: same as EventListener
  • forwards: same as EventListener
  • check_collab: If true, only acknowledge comments made by repository collaborators. Note that, if check_collab is true, auth must have the appropriate permissions to query the comment's repository for the collaborator status of the commenter. check_collab is true by default.

For example, let's set up a silly CommentListener that responds to the commenter with a greeting. To give a demonstration of the desired behavior, if a collaborator makes a comment like:

Man, I really would like to be greeted today.

`sayhello("Bob", "outgoing")`

We want the CommentLister to reply:

Hello, Bob, you look very outgoing today!

Here's the code that will make this happen:

import GitHub

# CommentListener settings
trigger = r"`sayhello\(.*?\)`"
myauth = GitHub.authenticate(ENV["GITHUB_AUTH"])
mysecret = ENV["MY_SECRET"]

# We can use Julia's `do` notation to set up the listener's handler function.
# Note that, in our example case, `phrase` will be "`sayhello(\"Bob\", \"outgoing\")`"
listener = GitHub.CommentListener(trigger; auth = myauth, secret = mysecret) do event, phrase
    # In our example case, this code sets name to "Bob" and adjective to "outgoing"
    name, adjective = matchall(r"\".*?\"", phrase)
    comment_params = Dict("body" => "Hello, $name, you look very $adjective today!")

    # Parse the original comment event for all the necessary reply info
    comment = GitHub.Comment(event.payload["comment"])

    if event.kind == "issue_comment"
        comment_kind = :issue
        reply_to = event.payload["issue"]["number"]
    elseif event.kind == "commit_comment"
        comment_kind = :commit
        reply_to = get(comment.commit_id)
    elseif event.kind == "pull_request_review_comment"
        comment_kind = :review
        reply_to = event.payload["pull_request"]["number"]
        # load required query params for review comment creation
        comment_params["commit_id"] = get(comment.commit_id)
        comment_params["path"] = get(comment.path)
        comment_params["position"] = get(comment.position)

    # send the comment creation request to GitHub
    GitHub.create_comment(event.repository, reply_to, comment_kind; auth = myauth, params = comment_params)

    return HttpCommon.Response(200)

# Start the listener on localhost at port 8000, host=IPv4(127,0,0,1), port=8000)

github.jl's People


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