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Game of Throne S01E07「You Win Or You Die」

You Win Or You Die

  • Written by: David Benioff and D.B. Weiss
  • Directed by: Daniel Minahan

You Win Or You Die

Cersei Lannister
Jaime told me about the Day King's Landing fell. He was sitting in the Iron Throne and you made him give it up. All you needed to do was climbing the steps yourself. Such a sad mistake.
When you play the Game of Throne, you win or you die. There's is no middle ground.

Ned 不擅权力游戏,仅仅用北境的**模式,是无法在 King's Landing 立足的。选择南下 King's Landing 是他最大的错误,几乎葬送了整个家族。

Petyr Baelish

Petyr Baelish:

  1. They know it's all just an act. Your job is to make them forget what they know. That takes time.
    You need to ... Ease into it.
  2. What we don't know is usually what gets us killed. 无知是造成毁灭的唯一原因。

Petyr Baelish 绝对是权力游戏的顶尖高手。Petyr Baelish 一般不轻易表达自己的想法和观点。在此集中,他说对待 Catelyn 的看法:Impeccable bloodlines though. 仅仅是因为她有绝对高贵的血统。


House Lannister


1. Tywin 对 Jaime 的教导

Tywin 希望 Jaime 不要浪费自己的资源。在有限的时间哪,利用自己的资源,争夺铁王座,开创不世基业。

  • Jaime 不敢打伤 Ned。

  • Jaime 太在乎外界对他个人的看法。

  • Jaime 并没有将家族的名声凌驾在自己之上。

House Stark

Ned 的愚蠢,最终让自己的家族极速由强盛走向衰败。

Cersei 说出了 Jaime 告诉她关于 King's Landing 陷落的那天发生的事情。其实 Ned 是希望自己等上铁王座的,但是 King Robert 抢先坐在了铁王座上。


Theon 是个对权力极度向往,是一个没有实力的,只能依靠他人的徒有虚名之辈。这种人应该是很难在乱世生存。

Maester Luwin interrupts them and drives Theon away. He asks Osha why she fled south, and she tells him, "There's things that sleep in the day and hunt at night." 野人 Osha 对 Maester Luwin 讲诉关于自己了解的 Whiter Walker:

野人 Osha:
They wasn't gone, old man. They was sleeping. And they ain't sleeping no more.

the Wall

HBO 官方剧情

"There is no middle ground."

At his family's war camp, Lord Tywin Lannister butchers a stag and discusses their house's situation with his son Jaime Lannister, who reads Lord Ned Stark's order for Tywin to appear at court. The patriarch reprimands his son for attacking Ned in the streets and explains how important it is to free Tyrion from the Eyrie: "Every day that he remains a prisoner, the less our name commands repect." Tywin gives Jaime half the house's army - 30,000 men - and sends him to Riverrun to apply pressure to Lady Catelyn Stark's family. The future of the Lannisters' dynasty rests on Jaime's shoulders.

In the Godswood at King's Landing, Ned tells Queen Cersei Baratheon that he knows the truth that Jon Arryn died for: That her brother Jaime - not King Robert Baratheon - fathered her children. She admits as much and tells Ned that she's reviled Robert ever since their wedding night, when he drunkenly called her by the name of his true love, Lyanna. Ned suggests she flee with her children before Robert returns and learns the truth.

At Littlefinger's brothel, he watches with boredom as Ros and another whore put on an unconvincing sexual performance together. He orders them to start over, directing their actions. "They just paid you. Your job is to make them forget what they know." As the women slowly begin to enjoy themselves, he tells the story of how he dueled with Brandon Stark over Catelyn Tully and what he learned from losing that fight: "I'll never win that way. That's their game, their rules. I'm not going to fight them; I'm going to f**k them."

Osha, the prisoner from beyond the Wall, replaces the rushes on the floors of Winterfell when Theon Greyjoy enters the room behind her. He tells her she's lucky to be alive and tries to take an imperious stance as the future Lord of the Iron Islands. But Osha doesn't really understand, nor does she care to. Theon steps closer and then leans in lecherously ... but Maester Luwin interrupts them and drives Theon away. He asks Osha why she fled south, and she tells him, "There's things that sleep in the day and hunt at night."

"I was never meant to be a father."

Robert returns from his hunt, mortally wounded by a charging boar. On his deathbed, he talks with Joffrey Baratheon, not knowing the boy isn't his son. When Ned arrives, Robert orders the room cleared so they can talk. Robert rescinds his order to assassinate Daenerys Targaryen and tells Ned to write down his final command: Ned is to rule in his stead until his "son Joffrey" comes of age. Ned replaces those words with "rightful heir" and gives the order to the king to sign and seal, never telling him that Joffrey is Jaime's child.

In the market of Vaes Dothrak, Daenerys shops with her handmaidens while Ser Jorah Mormont wanders off to take care of some business. In fact, he's betrayed Dany to Lord Varys and traded her life for the pardon of his crimes. As he watches Dany approach a wine merchant - in truth an assassin peddling poison - Jorah changes his mind and stops the attack, taking the merchant prisoner. When Khal Drogo hears of the attempt, he swears before his khalasar to make war against the men of Westeros, conquer their realms and lay claim to the Iron Throne. As for the merchant, he's dragged naked and bloody behind a horse.

At the top of the Wall, Jon Snow half-listens as Samwell Tarly carries on about how he misses girls. But when a lone, riderless horse approaches, they open the gates and race down to Castle Black. The horse belongs to Jon's uncle, Benjen Stark, who is nowhere to be found.

Later, the men of the Night's Watch gather around Lord Commander Jeor Mormont as the recruits are prepared to enter the brotherhood and assigned to their positions. "Here, you begin anew," he tells them. As the names are called, Jon is shocked and insulted to hear that he's been made a steward, not a ranger as he'd always dreamt. Sam tries to talk sense into him however, pointing out that he's been selected as Mormont's personal steward - the Old Bear is grooming Jon for command.

Jon and Sam go beyond the Wall with a small party of men to speak their vows before a weirwood tree. They say the words solemnly, forsaking lands and family, and thus enter the brotherhood for life. As the men embrace one another to celebrate, Ghost pads over ... with a severed hand dangling from his mouth.

"We only make peace with our enemies."

Renly pulls Ned aside and urges him to seize control of the throne before the Lannisters consolidate power and take it for themselves. "By the time Robert dies, it will be too late for the both of us," he says. Ned insists that Renly's older brother Stannis Baratheon is the rightful heir. The issue is moot, however, because Ned refuses to stage a coup during the king's final hours. Nevertheless, he sends a message to Dragonstone for Stannis. Littlefinger also visits Ned to offer his own strategy: Make peace with the Lannisters and share the rule of Westeros with them. Again, Ned declines the ploy, but he asks Littlefinger to make sure the City Watch takes his side when Cersei tries to lay claim the throne.

After Robert dies, Ned is called to the throne room, where he finds Cersei and Joffrey surrounded by Lannister guards as well as the Kingsguard. Renly has fled the city, leaving Ned to resolve the situation on his own. As the doors open, the watch commander Janos Slynt tells him, "We stand behind you, Lord Stark." Seated on the throne, Joffrey commands that preparations begin for his coronation. Ned hands Robert's sealed command to Lord Barristan Selmy to read, and once he's finished Cersei asks to read the letter and says, "Is this meant to be your shield, Lord Stark?" She tears the document to pieces and orders Ned to bend the knee before his king. When Ned refuses, she orders her men to take him prisoner. Ned calls for the City Watch to seize the queen, but instead, they turn on his men, killing everyone except Ned. Littlefinger places a dagger to Ned's throat and says, " did warn you not to trust me."

Game of Throne S01E02「The Kingsroad」

The Kingsroad

Having agreed to become the King's Hand, Ned leaves Westeros with daughters Sansa and Arya...

  • Written by: David Benioff and D.B. Weiss
  • Directed by: Tim Van Patten

Kingsroad 介绍

国王大道(Kingsroad)可以称得上是七大王国的“高速公路”,在“仲裁者”杰赫里斯**时期修建。北起绝境长城的 Castle Black,由北向南沿途 Winterfell,穿过 Moat Cailin,途经 Greywater Watch、The Twins、Harrenhal,穿过王国都城 King's Landing,途径 Bronzegate,止于南方的 Storm's End,全长将近两千里。


  • 临冬城以北:此处的国王大道都是土路。大道以西是绵延的山丘,以东是坡度平缓的平原。

  • 王领:这个地区的国王大道从修建完成度来讲更像是两道车辙而不像是真正的道路,道路本身又像蛇一样前后蜿蜒。道路边有一个叫白荆庄的庄园。

  • Greywater Watch:灰水望是 House Reed 的居城。大概位于颈泽内部,卡林湾的西南方。它是建在沼泽中一座漂浮的岛屿上,连渡鸦都找不到具体地点。这里没有学士,也没有骑士和武器师傅。有史以来,安达尔人、铁民、佛雷家族和其他所有试图征服的军队,连找都找不到它。

  • Moat Cailin:卡林湾是巨大沼地颈泽北端的一座废弃城堡。它是北境的一部分,属于 House Stark 的管辖,但是已经几个世纪无人居住。卡林湾把守着能让军队安全通过颈泽的堤道,让它成为数千年来守卫北境,面对南方**的战略要地。对入侵者而言,赢得 House Reed 的联盟可以说是安全通过卡林湾的唯一方法。只有这些泽地人才了解那些没有标注在地图上的路线,沼泽间的狭道,芦苇中的水路。

  • The Twins:孪河城又称河渡口,是 House Frey 在渡河口处的要塞,位于河间地。包括两座位于绿叉河两岸的城堡,和一座连接它们的石拱桥。拱桥宽到可以让两辆四轮马车并排通过,并被一座在桥中间叫做卫河塔的塔楼守护。要从北境到西河间地,此处是绿叉河上下几百里内唯一的渡河点,正好坐落在从临冬城到奔流城的大路上。他们靠收取高昂的过桥费变得富裕,他们是徒利家族最有权势的封臣之一,有能力召集4000人的军队。

  • Harrenhal:赫伦堡是一座建于征服战争之前,是七大王国中最大的堡垒,位于河间地,在神眼湖北岸。自从征服战争以来,一直是阴暗且满目疮痍的地方。

  • Bronzegate:铜门城是布克勒家族位于风暴地的族堡,这座城堡位于文德河的东南边。

  • Storm's End:风息堡是七大王国中最坚固的城堡之一,是 House Baratheon 的家座。之前的几千年,是古老的风暴王的王位。城堡据说被编织在城墙内的咒语所保护,以防止魔法通过城墙。

The Kingsroad to the Wall

1. Tyrion 的智慧

Tyrion 执意前往绝境长城,做了 Jon 的旅伴。虽然一路上针锋相对,Tyrion 不住讽刺 Jon 对北境长城无知的向往;Jon 也毫不掩饰自己对 House Lannister 的厌恶。

Tyrion 一直在指导年轻的 Jon,指导他如何控制情绪,如何变的内心强大。

The Kingsroad to the King's Landing

1. King Robert 不擅权术

King Robert 具备作战的能力,作为国王却根本无法调和王国内各家之间的矛盾,更不用说利用各方争斗来谋取国家各势力的平衡了,他能做的就是“糊涂官判糊涂案”。

单就 Joffrey 与 Arya 在河边发生的不愉快。明显的 the Lannisters 有意针对 Stark,并没有显现出礼节和谦让。

2. Lannister VS Stark

由 Ned 担任首相一职,对 House Lannister 的利益造成了极大的威胁,Tywin 绝对不会坐视不管,他绝对不想让 Ned 在首相的位置上坐得安稳,而 Lannister 兄妹担心的国王的死忠 Ned 将怀疑的目光转向他们。这些事件搅在一起势必会进一步恶化两家之间早就岌岌可危的关系。


Ned 离开临冬城的时候,已将临冬城的管理权交给了 Caterlyn,女管家是一个非常感情用事的人。

① 临冬城,仍然昏迷不醒的布兰差点被刺杀,幸好他的狼及时将刺客就地制伏并咬死,唯一留下的证物是一把造型奇特且无比锋利的匕首;② 琼恩·艾林的死、她妹妹的信。这些被有心人制造的假象,轻易的蒙蔽了 Caterlyn,致使作出了错误的判断。

HBO 官方剧情

"He was a fighter, too …"

Tyrion Lannister wakes up hungover and filthy in the Starks' dog kennel, with his nephew Prince Joffrey Baratheon standing outside mocking him. Tyrion orders Joffrey to offer his sympathies to their hosts following Bran Stark's fall. The prince laughs at the idea, and Tyrion slaps him hard across the face ... several times. Speechless, Joffrey rushes away.

Tyrion joins his brother and sister, Ser Jaime Lannister and Queen Cersei Baratheon, for breakfast. He tells them that he plans to ride to the Wall ... and that the maester says that Bran will live. Cersei looks concerned, but Jaime seems mostly miffed, saying that he'd prefer a good clean death, rather than living as a crippled grotesque. "Speaking for the grotesques," Tyrion replies, "I'd have to disagree ... I hope the boy does wake. I'd be very interested to hear what he has to say."

Lady Catelyn Stark stands vigil over her unconscious son. The queen visits and tells the story of an infant she lost to a battle with fever. She promises to pray to the Mother for Catelyn, who unknowingly thanks the woman who's responsible for nearly killing her son.

"You have my blood."

The bastard Jon Snow is preparing to leave for the Wall when Jaime Lannister approaches him at the forge. He shakes Snow's hand and sneers while thanking him for protecting the realm against "white walkers and whatnot." Jon shakes off the insult and visits Arya Stark in her chambers, where she packs her belongings for the journey to King's Landing. Jon gives her a slender sword, which she names "Needle." He hugs his half-sister and gives her a simple primer on swordplay: "Stick them with the pointy end."

Jon visits Bran in his bedchamber to say farewell to the boy, who may never wake up, as Catelyn glares at him. Ned walks in just in time to hear her order Jon to leave the room. She tells her husband she can't bear to stay behind while he rides south again, like he did during the war. But Ned knows there's no alternative. "You can," he tells her. "You must."

Jon and Ned leave Winterfell with the king's riders, and soon the time comes for them to part ways. Jon asks his father if his mother is still alive, and Ned tells him, "Next time we see each other, we'll talk about your mother. I promise." Ned turns south with the king while Jon follows Benjen and Tyrion toward the Wall.

On the trip north, Jon meets some other Night's Watch recruits and learns that the more typical members of the brotherhood are rapers and murderers who've chosen the Wall over the gallows. Amused but sympathetic, Tyrion asks Jon if he really believes that the Watch protects the realm from "grumpkins and snarks" that live beyond the Wall. The young man no longer has an answer.

"It's a mercy."

Robb Stark and Maester Luwin visit Catelyn in Bran's room, pressing her to attend to some household business. Robb begs his mother to leave Bran's side, but before they can finish talking, he notices a fire burning outside and rushes off. A moment later, a hooded man appears with a dagger to kill Bran. Cat fends him off, grabbing the weapon's naked blade with her unprotected fingers, but it's Bran's wolf Summer who saves them, appearing from nowhere to leap on the assassin and tear open his throat.

After her wounds are dressed, Catelyn meets with Ser Rodrik Cassel, Theon Greyjoy, Maester Luwin and Robb in Winterfell's Godswood to discuss the attempt on her life. The expensive dragonbone dagger used in the attack, along with a golden hair she's found in the tower Bran fell from, leads her to believe the Lannisters are involved. She and Rodrik decide to ride south to King's Landing to warn Ned.

"This is not the Dothraki way …"

Daenerys and her new Dothraki tribe ride east across the plains of Essos, which takes a physical toll she's unaccustomed to. Dehydrated and saddle-sore, Daenerys is led off by her handmaidens. Once camp is set, Khal Drogo comes to Dany's tent and takes her roughly from behind.

Later, her handmaidens tend to all the small wounds she's collected while riding and tell her the various legends they've heard of dragons. Doreah, a Lysene woman, worked in the pleasure houses there. Dany asks Doreah to teach her how to make Drogo "happy," so Doreah shows her how to take control of a man. "If the khal wanted the Dothraki way," the Lysene tells her, "then why did he marry you?" Later, when Drogo approaches her in his usual coarse way, Daenerys climbs on top of him. Though he protests at first, after a few moments they find themselves making a connection for the first time.

"We have another wolf."

Stopping for a meal along the road, Robert and Ned reminisce over their younger days and the battles and women who filled them. Robert tells Ned that he's received word that Daenerys Targaryen has wed a Dothraki horselord. Ned insists she's no threat in Essos, but Robert reminds him that Lyanna and Brandon Stark both died because of the old royal family. "I'll kill every Targaryen I get my hands on," he tells Ned.

Sansa enjoys her journey to the capital, especially one afternoon when Joffrey invites her to take a walk along the Trident River. They come across Arya and Mycah, the son of a butcher, practicing their sword-fighting with sticks. Joffrey pulls his own sword - cold steel, rather than a tree branch - and holds it to the boy's cheek, taunting him. When Joffrey draws blood, Arya smacks him with her stick. The prince comes after her, swinging savagely with his sword as she dodges. Her wolf Nymeria jumps in, biting Joffrey's wrist. Arya throws the prince's dropped sword into the river and runs off into the forest, where she orders Nymeria away, knowing that she'll be killed for biting Joffrey.

The Lannisters' men find Arya in the forest that night and bring her to stand before the king and queen. Ned is furious that his daughter is being handled by Cersei's family but does his best to control his tone. Cersei says that Joffrey was an innocent victim, and Arya immediately protests. The queen calls Sansa forward, and the girl lies and tells the king that she can't remember what happened. Almost satisfied, Cersei demands that the wolf be killed, but the creature is nowhere to be found. The matter is almost settled when Cersei decides Sansa's wolf, Lady, should be put to the knife in Nymeria's place. Ned is shocked at the obvious injustice and looks to Robert to overturn the order, but the king walks out. Ned says he'll do the job himself. "The wolf is of the North," he says. "She deserves better than a butcher."

Outside, Ned crosses paths with the Sandor Clegane (the Hound), who is returning with Mycah's corpse slung of his horse's back. "He ran," the Hound says, "... not very fast." Disgusted, Ned finds Lady and strokes the animal's coat for a few moments before unsheathing his dagger and ending her life.

In Bran's chamber back at Winterfell, the injured boy opens his eyes.

Game of Throne S01E01「Winter Is Coming」

Winter Is Coming

A Night's Watch deserter is tracked down outside of Winterfell, prompting swift justice by Lord Eddard "Ned" Stark...

  • Written by: David Benioff and D.B. Weiss
  • Directed by: Tim Van Patten

Winter Is Coming

Winter Is Coming 凛冬将至。这是 House Stark 的族语。曾经长达数年的寒冬仿佛是个魔鬼和噩梦,对于出生以来还没经历过冬天的孩子那说,那只是奶妈在睡前将的可怕但是又神秘的故事而已。





三个守夜人 Will, Gared and Ser Waymar Royce 通过绝境长城下面的隧道,到达长城以北调查野人的行踪,但是却发现异鬼的行踪,最终只有 Will 逃回北境。


  • 异鬼在讲尸体残段拼成图形后,为什么迅速将尸体又转移了?

  • 异鬼为什么放过了 Will?梅姨说,异鬼的神是远古异神,寒冷和死亡之神,寒冰之心(对应光之王的圣焰之心),他们有自己来维斯特洛的目的,不是无畏的烧杀抢掠。

House Stark

1. 五只冰原狼

从行刑场返回临冬城的路上,队伍意外地遇到了因为互斗而两败俱死的鹿和冰原狼。King Robert 和 Ned Stark 是亲如兄弟的朋友,两家的家徽分别是鹿和冰原狼,对应本季结局:King Robert 和 Ned Stark 双双离世,仅留下 Ned 的五个儿子。

Ned 的私生子 Jon Snow 在死去的冰原狼身旁找到了五只小狼,为了能使奈德答应 Bran 收养小狼的提议,他将自己排除在他的子女之外,提议将这五只小狼分别交由奈德的五个子女收养。

冰原狼崽的安排非常的巧妙:五个冰原狼崽在母亲身边,还有一只白色的冰原狼崽却在旁边躲着。在分配冰原狼崽的时候,将不再母亲身边的那只冰原狼崽分给了 Jon,预示着 Jon 就是不在母亲身边的 Stark。大家慢慢从 Ned Stark 的性格可以看出,Jon 不太可能是Ned的私生子。

P.S. 冰原狼,在本剧中可能象征着是否是真正的 Stark,是否具备继承权。


  • 琼恩--白灵:琼恩发现了一只被排挤在外的红眼纯白毛色的小狼。
  • 罗柏--灰风,
  • 珊莎--淑女,
  • 艾莉娅--娜梅莉亚,
  • 布兰--夏天,
  • 瑞肯--毛毛狗。
  • 最靠近长城以北的北境人,都不相信异鬼会再次出现,更不用说整个维斯特洛大陆的其他人了。

  • 虽然 Direwolf 是 House Stark 的家徽,但是 Direwolf 在北境也几乎灭种了,甚至北境的人都认不出。

  • 凯瑟琳每次来到神木林,为什么觉得自己是个外人?

3. 家族四散

  • Ned 带领 Sansa, Arya 去君临城。Arya 从始至终就一直带着 Jon 送给她的 Needle。

  • Jon Snow 跟随 Uncle Benjen 前往绝境长城,成为一名 Night Watch。

  • Robb, Catelyn, Bran 留守临冬城。

2. John Arryn 之死

  • 一封来自君临消息:John Arryn 因黄热病去世。King Robert 会前往临冬城邀请 Ned 担任国王之手。

  • 一封来自鹰巢城消息:消息来自 Lady Catelyn Stark 的妹妹—— John Arryn 的妻子—— Lysa Arryn,她已经逃离君临城回到鹰巢城,并告诉 Catelyn :John Arryn 是被 the Lannisters 谋杀的。从各个方面分析,这个消息是 Petyr Baelish 指使 Lysa 故意传给 Ned 。实际上,John Arryn 是 Petyr Baelish 指使 Lysa 下毒将其毒死的。

  • John 是鹰巢城公爵、峡谷守护者和东境守护。

  • 据说,Petyr Baelish 毒害John Arryn 是为了防止他将儿子送到龙石岛由 Stannis 抚养。

House Baratheon

对于 King Robert 来讲,除了与自己出生入死的 Ned 外,再也没有可以值得信赖的人,他甚至连自己的兄弟 Stannis 和 蓝礼 也没有考虑,而是匆匆自君临赶到了临冬城。

King Robert 亲自拜访临冬城,希望 Ned 能和他一起抵抗内部的敌人。

House Lannister

Jaime 和 Cersei 的秘密

Jaime Lannister 模仿 Tywin Lannister 的训斥:
We're Lannisters. Lannisters don't act like fools.

Jaime 和 Cersei 共同谋害了国王之手 John Arryn. Jaime 认为他替 King Robbert 卖命,方便自己可以花天酒地。

  • Jaime 和 Cersei 杀害国王之手,是不是因为被人利用了?

  • Jon Arryn 死于黄热病?

Tyrion 第一次认识 Jon

Tyrion 答应 Jaime 在日落时分赶到 House Stark 准备的宴会,在进入宴会厅前,他看到了被 Catelyn 嫌弃的私生子 Jon Snow 正在练习剑术。

Tyrion: Your uncle is in the Night's Watch.
Jon: What are you doing back there?
Tyrion: Preparing for a night with your family. I've always wanted to see the Wall.
Jon: You're Tyrion Lannister, the queen's brother?
Tyrion: My great accomplishment. And you ... you're Ned Stark's bastard, aren't you?
Jon: ...
Tyrion: Did I offend you? Sorry ... You are the bastard though.
Jon: Lord Stark is my father.
Tyrion: Lady Stark is not your mother, making you the bastard. Let me give you some advice, bastard. Never forget what you are. The rest of the world will not. Wear it like armor and it can never be used to hurt you.
Jon: What the hell do you know about being a bastard?
Tyrion: All dwarves are bastards in their father's eyes.

House Targaryen

在另一块大陆 Essos 上,Viserys Targaryen 为他的妹妹 Daenerys 准备礼服,与 a Dothraki horselord named Khal Drogo 见面,希望通过联姻的方式,占有这只武装力量。

此婚礼经过潘托斯总督 Illyrio 撮合,Khal Drogo 将娶 Daenerys 公主为妻,并承诺将旗下 1 万精兵作为回赠,交付其兄 Viserys 指挥,以助其杀回七大王国,夺回王位。

潘托斯总督 Illyrio 献上了来自亚夏阴影之地(the Shadow Land beyand Asshai)的龙蛋(Dragon's eggs),他认为此龙蛋经历百年,已经风化成了化石,还有来自 an exiled Westerosi knight named Ser Jorah Mormont 赠送的书籍( books containing the history of her homeland )。

HBO 官方剧情介绍

"I've never seen a thing like this ever in my life."

Three men of the Night's Watch ride out beyond the Wall after receiving reports that lawless tribes of wildings have been sighted near the border. Will, a slight ranger, verifies this information when he finds the dismembered corpses of the group's men, women and children scattered in a frozen glade. He carries the news back to his comrades, Gared and Ser Waymar Royce, but before they can investigate further, the bodies disappear. As Will searches the area, the forest fills with Royce's screams and the gallop of the group's bolting horses. Will races through the trees and comes face to face with Gared - moments before a shadowy creature with glowing blue eyes severs his friend's head and tosses it at Will's feet.

"He swore an oath."

In the courtyard of Winterfell, young Bran Stark struggles with archery practice as his family looks on. His tomboy sister, Arya Stark, abandons her training in needlework to fire a shot over Bran's shoulder with her own bow, skewering the target's center and sending the Starks into laughter. Their mirth is cut short, however, by news from Ser Rodrick Cassel, the house's Master at Arms: "The guards rode in from the hills. They've captured a deserter from Night's Watch." Lord Ned Stark knows immediately what he must do, and orders his boys to saddle their horses.

On a hillside outside the castle walls, the ranger Will stands before Ned, understanding that his sentence is death but swearing that he saw White Walkers. Ned draws his family's ancient blade, called Ice, and metes out the punishment as his sons - even young Bran - look on. Afterward, he tells his the boy: "Our way is the old way. The man who passes the sentence should swing the sword." When Bran asks his father if the deserter really saw the White Walkers, Ned assures him that they've been gone for thousands of years.

On their return to Winterfell, the party comes across a dead direwolf - a monstrous creature rarely seen south of the Wall. The wolf birthed a litter of pups before her death, and Jon Snow, bastard son to Ned, convinces his father that it's an omen: The direwolf is the sigil of House Stark, and Ned's five true-born children are meant to have the pups. As they walk away, Jon spies an albino runt cast to the side and takes it for himself.

"If he's coming this far north, there's only one thing he's after."

In the throne room at King's Landing, Ser Jaime Lannister and his twin sister Queen Cersei Baratheon look on as the Silent Sisters perform death rights over the body of John Arryn, the Hand of the King. Cersei worries that Arryn may have shared some unmentionable secret before his death, but Jaime is not concerned and notes that King Robert will find a replacement for Arryn soon enough. Not that serving as Hand is a job anyone should want - as Jaime puts it: "Their days are too long, and their lives are too short."

A message arrives at Winterfell saying that John Arryn is dead and King Robert is paying a visit. Ned knows this can mean only one thing - that Robert plans to ask him to serve as the new Hand. The house is thrown into preparation, and when the king arrives he greets his old friend with a bear hug and immediately asks to visit the crypts of Winterfell. By the tomb of Lyanna Stark, who was betrothed to Robert before her death, Robert poses the offer he rode so far to deliver. "You helped me win the Iron Throne," he says. "Now help me keep the damn thing. I have a son. You have a daughter. We'll join our houses." Ned withholds his answer ... but knows he can't refuse.

"You at a feast... it's like a bear in a trap."

The Stark family throws a feast in Robert's honor, which the king thoroughly enjoys by getting raucously drunk and burying his face in the breasts of a serving wench. The Queen looks on, unamused, as she tells Lady Catelyn Stark that her daughter, Sansa Stark, will make a natural fit with the nobles in the capital.

Jon Snow, on the other hand, is seated far from the royal table so as not to insult the queen with his low birth. He steps outside to talk with his uncle, Benjen Stark, who is a ranger in the Night's Watch. Jon begs Benjen to take him to the Wall when he returns, but his uncle knows that Jon is too young to make such a weighty decision. Benjen walks off, and Tyrion Lannister - the dwarf brother of Jaime and Cersei - steps out of the darkness and asks, "You're Ned Stark's bastard?" Jon takes offense, but Tyrion advises him to remember who he is and it can never be used to hurt him. "All dwarves are bastards in their fathers' eyes," he tells Jon.

Inside, Benjen tells Ned that he's also heard reports of White Walkers, which must be untrue but even as a madman's raving is unwelcome. Ned nods, discomforted by the news as well as the feast echoing through his home, responds with the family's stoic words: "Winter is coming." On his way through the great hall, Ned crosses paths with Jaime Lannister, who says he looks forward to Ned's arrival in King's Landing to serve as Hand. Perhaps if Robert throws a tournament to celebrate, they could spar against each other, Jaime suggests. "I don't fight in tournaments," Ned replies. "Because when I fight a man for real, I don't want him to know what I can do."

"When they write of my reign..."

Far to the southeast of Winterfell, on the continent of Essos across the Narrow Sea, a young silver-haired man, Viserys Targaryen, prepares his sister Daenerys to meet a possible husband. As the last heir in his line - a storied family of kings who Robert nearly wiped out when usurping the Iron Throne - Viserys hopes to wed his sister to a Dothraki horselord named Khal Drogo as a means of securing the khal's massive army to help reclaim rule over Westeros. Callow and mean-spirited, he keeps Daenerys in line by warning her not to "wake the dragon."

With the help of Magister Illyrio Mopatis, a wealthy merchant who recognizes the opportunity in befriending a deposed king, the Targaryens meet Drogo, who wordlessly assesses Daenerys and then turns his horse and leaves. When Viserys asks whether the khal liked his sister, Illyrio replies: "If he didn't like her, we'd know."

Their wedding is performed in traditional Dothraki style, meaning that the crowd participates in wanton sex and murder. As a gift, Daenarys receives a chest of priceless dragon eggs from Illyrio, and an exiled Westerosi knight named Ser Jorah Mormont gives her books containing the history of her homeland. After the wedding, Daenerys weeps as Khal Drogo deflowers her - not gently - on a cliff above sea.

"The things I do for love."

After the feast, Ned and Catelyn rest in bed when Maester Luwin arrives with a missive from Catelyn's sister Lysa, the widow of Jon Arryn. The message says that Arryn was murdered by the Lannisters and that the king is in danger. Catelyn begs her husband not go south to King's Landing, but he knows he has no other option. The next morning, after he accepts Roberts offer, the king thanks him and says he knows the sacrifice Ned is making - but there's no other man he can trust.

Ned leaves for a hunt with Robert and his retinue, waving goodbye to his son, Bran. The young Stark spends the afternoon climbing the rocky walls of Winterfell, one of his favorite hobbies. At the pinnacle of an abandoned tower, he hears strange noises, and when he looks inside a window, he sees Jaime Lannister and his twin sister, Queen Cersei, having sex on the floor. Cersei notices Bran and screams. Jaime steps to the window frame and grabs the boy, holding him firmly. He looks to his sister and then to the ground before sending Bran plummeting to the rocky ground below.

Game of Throne S01E10「Fire and Blood」

House Lannister

Tywin 任命 Tyrion 国王之手














Game of Throne S05E06「Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken」

Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken

Sansa 在婚礼上“被强奸”

Sansa 穿着白色的婚纱,在婚礼结束以后,小剥皮将 Sansa 和 Theon 带入卧房。然后,他让 Theon 留在卧房内,看着他从背后“强奸” Sansa。

Game of Throne S01E08「The Pointy End」

The Pointy End

The Pointy End

House Lannister

Tyrion 将担任前锋

Tyrion 带着

Cersei 调整权力核心

  • 国王之手:Ned Stark 入狱后,国王之手由 Tywin 担任。

  • 赫伦堡领主:

  • 御林铁卫队长:

Game of Throne S03E06「The Climb」

The Climb










5)Chaos is a ladder


Varys VS Littlefinger,在 King's Landing 的 the Red Keep 内,两人进行了认知非常深刻的对话,凝聚了两个人的毕生的权力斗争的经验。

A gaping pit waiting to shallow us all?
Chaos is not a pit. Chaos is a ladder. Many who try to climb it fail and never get to try again. The fail breaks them.
And some are given a chance to climb,but they refuse. They cling to the realm or the gods or love. Illutions.
Only the ladder is real. The climb is all there is.





Game of Throne S01E03「Lord Snow」

Lord Snow

Jon impresses Tyrion at Castle Black; Ned confronts his past and future at King's Landing.

  • Written by: David Benioff and D.B. Weiss
  • Directed by: Brian Kirk

Lord Snow

Lord Snow,是绝境长城黑衣人讽刺 Jon 的一个蔑称。来到绝境长城的守夜人,已不再是 Ned Stark 向他宣扬的是为了荣誉,而是一帮社会底层的人。他们要么是王国中的死囚,要么是被发配的重犯。而来到这里的贵族,都是被迫放弃了继承权、被家族抛弃的人。

Jon 本因自己私生子的身份,内心敏感自卑,强烈需要有一个地方来证明自己的价值,以为到了长城就可以大干一场。在路上被提利昂泼了冷水却也没浇灭他的期待,直到切切实实地生活在长城之下,这才意识到自己被所有人骗了,满腔怒火无处发泄,只能拿那些没有受过军事训练的农家子弟泄愤。

House Stark

1. 老奶奶讲故事


Oh, my sweet summer child. what do you know about fear?
Fear is for the winter, when the snows fall a hundred feet deep.
Fear is for the long night, when the Sun hides for years .
Children are born and live and die all in darkness.
That is the time for fear, my little lord, when the White Walkers move through the woods.
Thousands of years ago there came a night that lasted a generation.
Kings froze to death in their castles,same as the Shepherds in their huts.
And women smothered their babies rather than see them starve, and wept and felt the tears freeze on their cheeks.
In that darkness, the White Walkers came for the first time.
They swept through cities and Kingdoms, riding their dead horses,hunting with their packs of pale spiders big so Hounds...

HBO 官方剧情

“We serve at your pleasure.”

Lord Ned Stark arrives at King's Landing, and before he can shake off the dust of the road, his presence is requested by the Small Council. On his way through the Red Keep, Ned sees Ser Jaime Lannister standing by the Iron Throne. The two men exchange barbs, and then Jaime recounts the day that the Mad King Aerys murdered Ned's father and brother in the throne room.

Ned reaches the council chamber and is greeted by the group's members: Lord Varys, Master of Whisperers; Lord Renly Baratheon, the king's brother and lord of Storm's End; Petyr "Littlefinger" Baelish, Master of Coin; and Grand Maester Pycelle, an aged maester who's served King's Landing for decades. Ned speaks gruffly with each of them - except for Renly, whom he embraces. When the council gets down to the business of planning a tournament to honor Ned's appointment as Hand, he is shocked to learn that the crown is deeply in debt. Ned orders the tournament canceled, but quickly realizes his outburst is impolitic and begs the council's pardon.

“War was easier than daughters.”

Queen Cersei Baratheon dresses the wounds her son, Prince Joffrey Baratheon, suffered when Arya's direwolf attacked him and explains to him the privileges and challenges of being king. He'll have the power to rewrite history, she promises, but he also must know when to conserve his strength in the realm. "Everyone who isn't us," Cersei tells her son, "is an enemy."

Ned returns to his chambers to find Sansa and Arya fighting. Sansa rejects the doll he brings her as a gift, and when he checks in on Arya in her bedroom, she's holding her sword, Needle. She tells her father she asked Mycah to practice with her, and now the boy is dead. Ned assures her it wasn't her fault - or Sansa's. He even allows her to keep the blade - if she promises not to stick her sister with it.

“I’d rather be dead.”

In bed at Winterfell, Bran Stark rests while listening to Old Nan tell stories. When he asks for a scary tale, she tells him of the winter that lasted a generation, when the White Walkers came, hunting men on dead horses with packs of pale spiders the size of dogs. The door slams opens, interrupting her talk, and Robb Stark walks into the room. Bran tells his brother that he still remembers nothing of the fall. He's learned that he'll never walk again and tells Robb that he wishes he'd been killed.

In Castle Black's courtyard, Jon Snow trains under the direction of Ser Alliser Thorne and has no trouble besting the other recruits in combat. Afterwards, in the armory, three of the young men - Pyp, Grenn and Rast - attack Jon for beating them so badly. Tyrion uses the threat of his family's power to end the scuffle but then tells Jon the stories of his fellow recruits - that they weren't so lucky to grow up in castles with noble warriors training them. The next time Jon trains with the Grenn and Pyp, he provides instruction, rather than shaming them.

Jon takes the lift to the top of the Wall to speak with his Uncle Benjen, who is about to leave for a mission in the northern wild lands. Jon wants to go with him, but Benjen tells him no. "You're no ranger," he says. "Here, a man gets what he earns. When he earns it."

“Like a little brother to me.”

Lady Catelyn Stark and Ser Rodrik Cassel arrive at King's Landing hoping to keep a low profile, but they're met at the gates by the City Watch. One guard hands Cat a message from Lord Petyr "Littlefinger" Baelish and escorts the travelers to a brothel to meet him. Furious with the undignified location, Cat rails against Littlefinger, who apologizes and tells her he chose a place no one would look for her. When Ned arrives, he's equally enraged - the fact that Littlefinger is obviously still in love with Cat doesn't help - but the information Baelish is able to provide is useful: The dragonbone dagger used in the attempt on Bran's life belongs to Tyrion Lannister. Littlefinger agrees to help them find the person who's responsible. Cat is confident they can trust Littlefinger, who she's known since childhood. Before she can attract any more attention, she leaves the city, bidding farewell to her husband.

“Take an ear to teach respect.”

Traveling across the plains of Essos, Daenerys Targaryen asks Ser Jorah Mormont where the Dothraki get their slaves. He explains that cities offer them as tribute to avoid attack by the horselords. Dany orders the entire horde to stop and walks into the grass. Soon her brother, Viserys Targaryen, storms up on his horse and accosts her for daring to give him a command. Before he can strike her, however, a whip cracks around his neck and pulls him to the ground. Rakharo, the bodyguard looking after Dany, takes Viserys' horse, forcing him to walk.

At camp, Dany's handmaiden Irri notices a change in her figure. Cupping one of her khaleesi's breasts, she announces that Dany is with child. Irri goes to Jorah and Rakharo searching for more nutritious food to feed Dany. When she shares the news with them, Jorah orders the slaughter of a goat before riding off into the night.

“I still remember every face.”

Jaime and Cersei meet privately to discuss Bran's awakening. Jaime holds his sister and assures her that the boy won't talk. "And if he does, I'll kill him, Ned Stark, the king, the whole bloody lot of them until you and I are the only people left in this world."

King Robert Baratheon, well into a pitcher of wine, exchanges war stories with Ser Barristan Selmy of the Kingsguard. He recounts killing a young man with his war hammer at the Battle of Summerhall. He then sends for Jaime and asks him what the Mad King Aerys said as he died. "He said the same thing he'd been saying for hours," Jaime replies. "Burn them all."

“The Night’s Watch is a joke, is it?”

Tyrion drinks with Yoren at Castle Black, trading stories about life on the road. Benjen interrupts their joking, sternly requesting that Tyrion tell the king that the Night's Watch needs more support. "Half the boys you've seen training will die north of the Wall," he tells the dwarf. Tyrion replies that he doesn't believe in giants and ghouls and White Walkers beyond the wall. But Benjen, who's ventured into the far north, is not so quick to dismiss the notion. Later, Lord Commander Jeor Mormont also tells Tyrion that the wildlings are fleeing south in greater numbers every day. And one ranger swore he saw White Walkers - until the moment Ned Stark chopped his head off.

Tyrion decides he'll head south with Yoren to King's Landing, and he visits Jon atop the Wall to say goodbye. After fulfilling his own oath to piss from the top of the structure, the dwarf promises Jon that he'll carry his greetings to Bran. By way of comfort, Tyrion tells him: "If you're going to be a cripple, it's better to be a rich cripple."

“All men are made of water.”

Arya reports for her first "dancing lesson" with Syrio Forel, a master swordsman from the Free City of Braavos. He instructs her on the tenets of the Braavosi fighting style of water dancing as she tries to strike him with a wooden sword. Ned appears in the doorway to watch quietly. At first, he smiles at his daughter's talent, but his pleasure fades quickly as he realizes that Arya could very well be preparing for war.

Game of Throne S01E04「Cripples, Bastards, and Broken Things」

Cripples, Bastards, and Broken Things

  • Written by: David Benioff and D.B. Weiss
  • Directed by: Brian Kirk


Cripples, Bastards, and Broken Things

And I have a tender spot in my heart,for cripples,bastards and broken things.

House Stark

1. King's Landing

他比较排斥 King Robert 为他上任国王之手举办大型比武大会。比武大会导致君临城内人数激增,暴力事件屡禁不止,他被弄得焦头烂额。

Ned 来到君临最关心的是:到底谁害死了John Arryn ? Ned 调查整件事情是暴露在众目睽睽之下。先是从 Grand Maester Pycelle 那儿打听艾林的死因,Pycelle 是个喜欢主动散播谣言的人。Ned 一个人又大摇大摆的去城里寻访 John 生前最后到过的地方——一处铁匠铺,找到了 King Robert 的一个私生子,也从他的长相看出了一些端倪——“种性坚韧”。

  • Grand Maester Pycelle 提供的消息:John Arryn 生前的事情和 Ned 介绍了一下。其中谈到了 “种性坚韧”、“一本介绍各个家族特点的书”。

  • Littlefinger 也向 Ned 提供了关于 John Arryn 的一个消息:

2. Catelyn 来回 Kingsroad

以为匕首归 Tyrion 所有的 Catelyn 与他在她娘家 Tully 的地盘上相遇了。这是一个非常紧张的时刻,Caterlyn 居然在自家领地遇到 Tyrion:虽然 Catelyn 急需找到 Tyrion 并一审究竟,但是却万万没想到会是在这样的场合与他相遇。她以 Tully 的影响力让效忠于她家的骑士和当地属民拿下了 Tyrion。这是个不明智的决定,Catelyn 并不掌握任何证据。更有甚者,Tyrion 是皇后的弟弟,而 House Lannister 又是出了名的“有债必偿”,这一步下去就不再有回头路了。至此,House Stark 与 House Lannister 的矛盾彻底激化了。

3. Winterfell

Bran 虽然显现出来的射箭天赋很差,但是明显智商较高、考虑问题较为周全,教导他的学士也不能轻易欺骗他。

Robb Stark 没有为 Tyrion 的到来准备任何欢迎仪式,House Lannister 家族成员显然是一位贵客。但是,Robb 在桌子上放了一把出鞘的长剑,这算是对来客最大的敌意。

House Stark 对席恩的误判,几乎导致了家族的灭亡。① 跟随 Ned 前往 King's Landing 的侍卫队长 Jory Cassel 在与 Jaime 聊天是说:Theon Greyjoy “人挺不错”;② Bran 也相信 Robb 对他的信任;③ Catelyn 对他的信任,发现龙骨匕首的时候,在神木林召开的特别会议上,Theon 也被邀请。

House Targaryen

宣誓效忠 Viserys 的 Ser Jorah Mormont 在得知 Daenerys 怀孕消息后,突然急急忙忙地去了一趟海港城市,联想到远在狭海对岸的君临,瓦里斯似乎对这对兄妹的近况和行踪了如指掌,他就是君临方面安插在这里的间谍人员。

the Wall

Jon 向 Tyrion 学习如何善待周围的人。本次,他保护 Samwell 时,惹怒了 Ser Alliser Thorne。

Samwell 被所有人嫌弃,安排他去和 Jon 一起守夜,甚至成了对琼恩的“惩罚”。作为守夜人,他不能打;在高耸的绝境长城接受训练,他却说自己控告;安排他巡逻,他甚至说自己视力也不好。

HBO 官方剧情

“Cripples, bastards and broken things.”

A raven flies through the gates of Winterfell, swooping past Bran Stark, who's standing in the courtyard practicing his archery. He walks after the bird, and when he catches up to it, sees that the raven has three eyes. Bran wakens from the dream and finds himself in bed with his wolf Summer - still unable to walk. Theon Greyjoy enters the room with Hodor, a large and simpleminded stable boy, who carries Bran downstairs to meet some guests.

In the Great Hall, Robb Stark meets with Tyrion Lannister, who has stopped at Winterfell on his return to King's Landing. Tyrion is a bit surprised by Robb's lack of courtesy, though that doesn't stop him from offering Bran a gift: drawings of a special saddle that will allow the crippled boy to ride. Tyrion leaves the castle to spend the night in a brothel, and Theon follows him to the gate. "Your loyalty to your captors is touching," Tyrion tells the ward of House Stark.

“You’ll die like flies.”

Jon Snow practices sword-fighting with Grenn and Pyp in Castle Black's courtyard, coaching them along. The combat stops, however, when Samwell Tarly - a soft, fat lordling from the south - arrives to join them. Ser Alliser Thorne orders Rast to attack Sam, which the mean-spirited young man does with relish. Sam falls to the ground, unwilling and unable to defend himself, and Jon steps in to stop the beating.

At night, Jon and Sam stand watch on the Wall, and the new boy isn't any better at guard duty than he is at fighting. He tells Jon why he's come to the Night's Watch: His father told him he's not worthy of the family's land and title and gave him the choice to either join the Watch or have an "accident" while hunting.

The next day in the mess hall of Castle Black, Jon tells Grenn and Pyp that they're going to protect Sam in the training yard. Rast overhears and laughs at Jon, saying that he'll "slice off a side of bacon" from Sam. But that night, Jon and his friends sneak into Rast's bunk and threaten him with his snarling wolf, Ghost. The next day in the yard, no one attacks Sam.

Thorne is not amused with the soft treatment, and later, while Sam and Jon clean the castle, Thorne tells Jon what he's really doing by shielding Sam's cowardice: Creating weakness in the ranks that will kill good men.

“You’ve woken the dragon.”

The Dothraki horde travels through the Horse Gate and into the city of Vaes Dothrak. Daenerys Targaryen asks Ser Jorah Mormont if her brother would be able to lead the Dothraki to take the Seven Kingdoms. Jorah tells her that the king's advisors are wise enough to stop King Robert Baratheon from meeting the Dothraki in open combat.

Inside a Dothraki hut, the handmaiden Doreah from the pleasure houses bathes with Viserys Targaryen. He tells her of the dragons that allowed his family to conquer Westeros as she tends to his needs. When he says that Robert likely had the dragon skulls decorating King's Landing destroyed, Doreah finds it sad. "What did I buy you for," he asks her, "to make me sad?" She replies that he wanted her to teach Dany to be a better lover for Khal Drogo, which angers Viserys even more.

Viserys drags Doreah into Dany's tent by her hair, raging that his sister dare give him "commands." Dany says she only sent an invitation because she has a gift for her brother, but Viserys is consumed with anger and strikes his sister. Out of instinct, she hits him back, surprising herself but also realizing how powerless he is. "The next time you raise a hand to me," she tells him, "will be the last time you have hands." Later, Dany tells Jorah about the fight with her brother - and that she's realized that Viserys will never retake their homeland.

"You're just a soldier, aren't you?"

Lord Ned Stark presides over a Small Council meeting in which Janos Slynt, commander of the City Watch, explains that the Hand's Tournament has caused chaos throughout King's Landing. Ned tasks Littlefinger with finding gold to pay for more guards to keep the city safe and offers up men from his own household retinue to help.

After the meeting, Ned approaches Grand Maester Pycelle about the events preceding Lord Jon Arryn's death. Pycelle says that the Lord's sickness came swiftly, and his death followed soon after. Before the end, Arryn came to Pycelle to read a book of lineages that lists the traits of all the noble families of Westeros. Arryn kept repeating the same phrase: "The seed is strong."

Littlefinger approaches Ned to tell him that he's heard about the book of lineages that Pycelle gave him. Littlefinger also points out that Jon Arryn's squire, Ser Hugh of the Vale, was knighted shortly after his Lord's death. He suggests that Ned speak with a local armorer whom Arryn visited before his death. Ned goes to see the man and meets his dark-haired apprentice - Robert's bastard son.

Later, Cersei visits Ned in his chambers and suggests they put their disagreements on the Kingsroad behind them. Ned is suspicious of her visit and says that his job is to serve the king and the realm. But she is not impressed, telling him that he's only good for following orders.

“Have at him.”

Sansa and Arya Stark, along with the king and all his court arrive to watch the jousts at the Hand's Tournament. In the first match, the massive Ser Gregor Clegane - brother to the Hound - tilts against Ser Hugh of the Vale. But the contest goes violently wrong when Clegane's lance hits Ser Hugh in the throat, publicly ending the young knight's life with a fit of bloody gurgles.

As Sansa sits, shocked by the violence, Littlefinger whispers in her ear the story of how the Hound received the horrible burns on his face. When they were boys, Gregor caught his brother playing with one of his toys and held the child's face to the hot coals of a fire. "Not many people know that story," Littlefinger tells her.

“To await the King’s Justice.”

Ser Rodrik Cassel and Lady Catelyn Stark stop for rest at the Inn at the Crossroads. Their meal is interrupted by Tyrion's arrival. When the dwarf notices Catelyn, she stands and calls out to the bannermen of her father who are gathered in the room. "This man came into my house as a guest," she tells the room, "and there conspired to murder my son." At her words, the men in the room draw their swords and surround the dwarf.

Game of Throne S07E01「Dragonstone」



(一)Cersei 野火清除异己,登上铁王座

  • 清除了耻辱——大麻雀、围观的重要群众;
  • 清除了反对她的人;
  • 清除了她认为“预言”中的女敌人——小玫瑰;
  • 清除了反对自己的儿子。


  • 得到了熊岛小女主的支持;
  • 得到了北境各家族老弱病残幼的支持;
  • 得到了自由民(野人)的支持。
  • 得到了前北境守护者的女儿 Sansa Stark 的支持。
  • 得到了鹰巢城武力支持。

Jon Snow:
The War is not over. The true enemy won't wait out the storm.
(The King in the North! The King in the North! The King in the North! )


  • 攸伦溺水不死,铁群岛称王。打造一千艏战舰出海,与 Cersei 联合。
  • Greyjoy 姐弟渡海加入 Daenerys Targaryen 军团,共同回返维斯特洛大陆。

(四)克利冈(The Hound)和 Arya 救赎之路

  • 在第四季的时候,一对父女俩邀请克里冈和Arya到家中避难。
  • 克里冈夺去父女俩财物。克里冈表示父女俩熬不过凛冬。
  • 这个剧情原本只是个反应克里冈和Arya性格的小故事,但是这里却彷佛另有深意。
  • 克里冈在无旗兄弟会中了解到,他救助的人一定会比伤害的人要多。


  • 山姆经过介绍进入学城,正在争取成为一名学士。
  • 最主要的是要了解异鬼的秘密。


  • 异鬼发现了“老乌鸦”并将其杀害。
  • 异鬼大军追踪 Bran Stark。Bran 已准备好担任新一任“三眼乌鸦”。


  • 已战死的 Stannis 和其女儿分别向洋葱骑士讲诉龙石岛。
  • 作战桌是伊耿制作,龙石岛是伊耿建造。
  • Daenerys Targaryen 计划龙石岛登陆维斯特洛大陆。

(八)Arya 无面人处决 Frey


  • 编剧:大卫·贝尼奥夫和D·B·威斯
  • 导演:杰雷米·波德斯瓦。



Teaser:Frey 复仇计划

Arya Stark 装扮成“ 老Frey ”,在曾经残杀 Stark 家族的大厅中,将曾经参与的人召集在一起,利用毒酒全部清理。她保住了 Frey 家的女儿,因为她是无辜的。Arya Stark 只是复仇,显现出来的还是仁慈。

Arya Stark:
Tell them winter came for House Frey
Tell them the North remembers.
Tell them winter came for House Frey.


在开场动画中,权力的游戏争夺的主力依然是House Lannister、House Stark 和 House Targaryen,但是,在权力的游戏四周还有一个被遗忘的 House Baratheon 的私生子。重要的几方势力:

  • 君临城(House Lannister):凸显红堡的地位。
  • 龙石岛(?):没有族徽标识。
  • 滦河城(House Frey):河间地的贵族,被 Arya 清理。
  • 临冬城(House Stark):
  • 长城(Night Watch):
  • 学城(House Hightower):虽一直很低调,但不容忽视。主要两个建筑:灯塔和图书馆。
  • 权力的游戏争夺方:House Targaryen、House Stark、House Lannister、House Baratheon。

(一)House Stark

1. 新一任绿先知

布兰已具备了绿先知能力,已经可以远程监控死亡大军,还可以准确说出了守夜人总司令 Edd 的过去:“你去过先民拳峰,你到过艰难屯,你见过死亡军团,你甚至见过夜王......”。

  • 先民拳峰:
  • 艰难屯:

2. 临冬城内暗流涌动

Jon Snow 与 Sansa Stark 因经历不同,在处罚叛臣问题上存在矛盾,Sansa 的想法是给北境之王树立威严,而 Jon 却想为对抗异鬼节约每一个战士。重要的事情两个人没有提前商量而公开争论,说明他们之间远比想象中的有距离。

Petyr Baelis 看出关键,会心一笑。他只有离间 Jon 和 Sansa,然后通过控制 Sansa 达到控制北境的目的。

  • Petyr Baelish 在第五季中和 Cersei 说过,他想成为北境守护(Warden of the North)。为了达到这个目的,只有利用 Sansa 北境继承人的号召力。但是,此时不仅 Sansa 不听从指挥,而且还出现了 Jon Snow。

  • 根据预告,Jon 会离开临冬城,前往龙石岛与龙妈会合。那么 Sansa 与Petyr Baelis 的斗争将会非常精彩,老司机与学生的对决。

  • Petyr Baelish 只能孤立 Jon,通过 Sansa 控制北境。他对 Sansa 的诱导:你是否开心 and 安全 ?Sansa 并没有回答的他的旁敲侧击,直入主题:What do you want?她说她知道,就看后面的单独对抗了。

  • 背叛的两个家族:安柏家和卡史塔克家的两名弱小继承人,对琼恩说 “Now and always”,是以前席恩也对罗柏说过的话。

  • 托蒙德对布蕾妮的眉目传情。

  • 雪诺刚刚任命了野人托蒙德把守东海望。

3. 无旗兄弟会

克里冈(the Hound)加入无旗兄弟会的队列,同行的有无旗兄弟会老大 Beric Dondarion 和 Thoros of Myr。一个不相信“光之王”的人——克利冈,看到了火焰中的启示和信息:大量的异鬼在东海望集结。无旗兄弟会人员会在东海望与自由民一同抵抗异鬼大军。东海望将发生北境守卫者与异鬼大战。 参与者有:猎狗,Beric,红袍僧,托蒙德,雪诺,还有盆友猜测可能还有本季即将回归的 Gendry。

  • 预告片中有一段是显示无旗兄弟会老大 Beric Dondarion 的武器开始冒火,请大家相信预告片中的独白和场景一定要分开分析,放在一起肯定是错的!我并不认为这个就是传说中的武器...

  • 克里冈埋葬的父女俩儿,是他在第四季遇到的邀请他和 Arya 的去自己的家中。克里冈加害了邀请他们的父女,触犯了宾客权利。他的害怕,彷佛就是因为他触犯了宾客权利。

  • 克里冈在火焰中看到的信息是实际正在发生的,不是预言类。为什么克里冈可以看到火焰中的信息?什么人可以看到火焰中的信息?

Ice, a wall of ice.
The wall. It's where the wall meets the sea. There's a castle there.
There is a mountain, looks like an arrow head. the dead are marching past. thousands of them.

(三)House Lannister

1. Cersei 和 Jammie 意见不一

Cersei 在君临城称王,并向各个家族通报。Cersei 面对来自四面八方的敌人,希望 Jammie 带领 Lannister 大军征讨。Jammie 认为须团结尽可能多的盟友,才能抵抗来自其他方向的敌人。

Cersei of House Lannister, First of Her Name, Queen of the Andals and the First Men, Protect of the Seven Kingdoms ......
Coming to King's Landing. Bend the knee or suffer the fate of all traitors.

君临城中,Cersei 名义上的七国守护实际上仅仅控制西境、河间地和风暴地,风暴地已无可靠力量,现在又失去了河间地 Frey 家族…… Jammie 指出:兰尼斯特想继续**,必须得有更强大、更有价值的盟友,否则独木难支。

预告片中 Cersei 的对局势的分析的完整版:

① Enemies to the East.
② Enemies to the South. Ellaria Sand and her brood of bitches.
③ Enemies to the West. Olenna, the Old cunt. Another traitor.
④ Enemies to the North. Ned Stark's bastard has been named King in the North and that murdering whore Sansa stands beside hime.

2. Euron 是不是真实盟友

  • Euron Greyjoy 神速造好了1000艘战舰,跨越半个大陆,来到了君临城,当着Jaime的面向瑟后示爱,还调侃了Jaime只有单手的事实。Euron 对自己带来的铁舰队非常有信心,认为可以抵挡东方、北方和南方入侵的敌人,他离开君临去准备一件“无价”之宝献给 Cersei,以此获得 Cersei 的芳心。

  • 制片人们说,Euron 会在后面让观众觉得拉姆斯也是小儿科。

  • Euron 指出舰队不能抵抗君临城西方的敌人,为什么?

  • Euron 提出的无价之宝是什么?

3. Arya 下一个目标是 Cersei

刺杀完 Frey 家族后,在通往君临城的路上,她遇到一队兰尼斯特士兵,他们正在唱歌——Hands of Gold。Arya 接受了士兵们的宾客权利

  • Hands of Gold是《冰与火之歌》第3本中提到过用于敲诈 Tyrion:Symon Silver Tongue’s song about Tyrion and Shae。领唱的正是英国著名歌手Ed Sheeran。

  • Arya 遇到了兰尼斯特家族的士兵说明什么?

Hands of Gold
He rode through the street of the city. Down from his hill on high.
Over the winds and the steps and the cobbles. He rode to the woman's sigh.
For she was his secret treasure. She was his shame and his bliss.
And a chain and a keep are nothing. Compared to a woman's kiss.
For hands of gold are always cold. But a woman's hands are warm.
For hands of gold are always cold. But a woman's hands are ...

(四)House Targaryen

1. 龙石岛的秘密学城线

Sam 在学城中仍未成为一名真正的学士。Sam 在学城生活很艰苦,甚至于受到排斥。日常工作:作为学士的奴仆、分拣图书、协助学士们做实验、为学士们打杂、替“牢房”中人送饭。Sam 一直未放弃,在寻求其他学士的帮助,希望进入禁书区,了解更多关于异鬼的知识。Sam 协助的 Archmaester Ebrose 虽然相信 Sam 看到了异鬼,但是依然不会帮助他进入禁书区。

他在寻求无门的情况下,只能偷偷盗取禁地的图书,查看关于异鬼的资料。他从禁地中偷取两本书:《Legends of the Long Night》和 Sam 正在研讨的书。

Sam 看到的书中出现了刺杀 Bran Stark 使用的瓦雷利亚匕首,看到了龙石岛的地图,其中龙石岛存有龙晶矿山( Stannis 知道这件事情)。

  • Sam 协助 Archmaester Ebrose 解剖 Maester Weyland (酒鬼)尸体。

  • **Sam 为什么会被排斥?**

  • Sam 要把这个消息带给雪诺,此时的雪诺也在号召大家寻找龙晶,龙母又恰巧到达了龙石岛。这也是预告片中说明的 Jon Snow 会与龙妈合作。

  • 学士们隐藏了什么? 英国老戏骨Jim Broadbent 扮演的学士说的一句话:We are the world's memory. 同时,还说我们度过了很多个艰难时刻,可是都过来了,异鬼到来的危机也会过去。这句话很关键,彷佛就要告诉我们。

  • 什么是 Mankind's Curse ?

  • 吉莉手上的那本书叫做《Legends of the Long Night》(长夜传说)

  • “大熊”的暗线任务是什么? 学城中除了图书馆、学士们居住的宿舍,厕所...还有关押着还未被抛弃的患有灰鳞病的“犯人”——Ser Jorah Mormont。

  • 我非常好奇:Sam 看的那本书叫什么名字?...

Sam Taly 将书本上的内容总结:
Targaryens used drangonglass to decorate their weapons, without even knowing what the First Men used it for.

2. Daenerys 重返龙石岛

Daenerys 选择龙石岛登陆,这个选择也基本上是众说周知的。她没有急切的登上龙石岛的王座,而是转身进入作战室,询问大家:

Daenerys Targaryen:
Shall we begin?......




官方故事梗概中将第一季的剧情分成了 5 条线叙述。Arya-Bran线、临冬城、君临、无旗兄弟会、学城-龙妈线。


In the feast hall of the Twins, a very-much alive Walder Frey addresses the Frey men, toasting to their bravery at the Red Wedding and to the future of their house. The celebration takes a turn, however, when one by one the Frey men collapse from the poisoned wine. Arya Stark pulls off the face of Walder Frey and instructs Walder's young widow to, "Tell them winter came for House Frey" before leaving the corpse-strewn room.

Arya rides through the woods and comes across a group of young Lannister soldiers tasked with keeping the peace in the Riverlands. Arya warily accepts their offer of food and listens to them chat about missing their homes and families, all the while plotting how to kill them. When they ask why she’s headed to King’s Landing, Arya casually mentions she’s going to kill the queen. After a moment’s silence, the soldiers all burst into laughter. Arya soon joins in: Nobody is going to die here today.

In a vision, Bran watches the Night King leading his White Walkers and the massive Army of the Dead, comprised of wildlings, Night’s Watchmen, Thenns, and even giants. Bran Stark emerges from warging as he and Meera Reed arrive at the tunnel through the Wall to Castle Black. Surprised by Bra’s knowledge of his own personal history, Dolorous Edd raises the gate and allows the strangers to enter.

Sansa Stark
“I learned a great deal from her.”

  • 为什么把 Arya 和 Bran 放在一条线里面?

2. the King in the North

Jon Snow, the King in the North, addresses his lords in the Great Hall of Winterfell. He urges the houses to train everyone, regardless of age and gender, to fight the impending war, and asks every maester to scour records for mentions of dragonglass. Tormund agrees to have the Free Folk man the abandoned Night’s Watch castles along the Wall, and volunteers to go to Eastwatch-by-the-Sea. The conversation turns tense when Sansa publicly disagrees with Jon’s decision to allow the Umbers and Karstarks to keep their homes, but Jon holds fast to his decision, and young Ned Umber and Alys Karstark swear their loyalty. Sansa is displeased, and Littlefinger watches everything.

Afterwards, Jon tells Sansa not to undermine him in front of the other lords and ladies. Sansa counters that listening to her may be a wise idea. Maester Wolkan arrives with a message from Cersei: Bend the knee or suffer the consequences. Sansa warns her brother not to underestimate the Lannister queen.

Brienne of Tarth trains Podrick Payne in the Winterfell courtyard as the wildlings prepare to depart for Eastwatch-by-the-Sea. Lord Baelish approaches Sansa on the walkway and tells her he only wants her to be safe and happy. In no mood for Littlefinger’s repartee, Sansa cuts him off as Brienne approaches. Brienne voices her concern that Littlefinger is only sticking around because he wants something, but Sansa knows exactly what Baelish wants.

Cersei Lannister
“You think I listened to father for 40 years and learned nothing?”

3. In the Red Keep

In the Red Keep, Jaime Lannister finds Cersei pacing a floor painted with a map of Westeros. Guessing Tyrion and Daenerys will land at Dragonstone, Jaime tries to convey the danger to House Lannister, but Cersei shrugs off his concerns.

Euron Greyjoy’s ship, the Silence, sails into Blackwater Bay with the rest of the Iron Fleet. Jaime, disdainful of a Greyjoy alliance, wants to know how it benefits Euron. Cersei’s answer surprises him: a queen.

Euron makes his case to Cersei as she sits on the Iron Throne, but she declines his proposal. Knowing she has little reason to trust him, the King of the Iron Islands promises to return with a priceless gift to prove his worthiness.

The Hound
“It’s where the Wall meets the sea. The waves are frozen…There’s a castle there.”

4. the Brotherhood

Beric Dondarrion, Thoros of Myr, the Hound and the rest of the Brotherhood Without Banners continue to make their way north. Seeking shelter from the wind and snow, they take refuge in an abandoned farmhouse. The Hound recognizes the home: he and Arya sheltered there before he stole his host’s silver. Inside, the group finds the skeletons of the farmer and his daughter; Beric posits the pair was starving, and the father took their lives to end their suffering.

While eating, the Hound questions the Lord of Light's interest in Beric, but Dondarrion doesn’t have an answer. Thoros suggests the Hound look into the flames of the hearth. The Hound objects at first, but curiosity gets the better of him. Carefully looking into the blaze, he is stunned to see a castle along the Wall, and the Army of the Dead marching past a mountain shaped like an arrowhead.

Thoros wakes up in the night to the sound of shoveling outside. He discovers the Hound burying the skeletons of the farmer and his little girl. Thoros grabs a shovel to help, and stays while the Hound stumbles through a prayer.

Archmaester Ebrose
“Everyone in the Citadel doubts everything. It’s their job.”

5. 学城线

Wearing an acolyte’s robes, Samwell Tarly trudges through his chores in the Citadel infirmary, scrub room, privy, mess hall, and library, where he eyes a gated section of restricted books. Later, while assisting Archmaester Ebrose with an autopsy, Sam requests access to the restricted section, hoping to find information to use against the White Walkers. Unlike other maesters, Ebrose believes Sam is telling the truth about what he's seen, but he denies Sam’s request. With no other option, Sam steals a set of keys from a sleeping maester and slips several of the restricted books and scrolls into his bag.

In their shared room above an Oldtown tavern, Sam and Gilly pore through the books. Sam pauses on a page with a map of Dragonstone revealing a rich lode of dragonglass on the island. Sam immediately writes to Jon.

The following morning, Sam returns to his duties at the Citadel infirmary. A hand riddled with greyscale reaches for him from one of the cells. A voice – Ser Jorah Mormont’s – asks if the Dragon Queen has come yet. Sam stutters he hasn’t heard anything and scurries off.

Daenerys Targaryen, Tyrion Lannister, Missandei, Grey Worm and Varys approach her family’s ancestral home of Dragonstone in a skiff. As her dragons fly overhead, Daenerys lands on Westerosi soil for the first time since she was an infant, and runs her hand through the sand of her birthplace. She enters the castle, tearing down the Baratheon banners left by Stannis, and passes through the audience chamber. Without saying a word, Tyrion follows her into the map room. The pair look over the abandoned table covered with ship and sigil pieces. Daenerys turns to her Hand and asks,

Daenerys Targaryen
Shall we begin?

  • 为什么将 Samwell 和 Daenerys 放在一条线里面叙述?

Game of Throne S05E08「Hardhome」


  • Directed by: Miguel Sapochnik

Hardhome 之战


Jon 在 Hardhome 召集自由民集合,通过绝境长城,来到北境。此战基本坚定了自由民和守夜人统一战斗的决心,也提升了 Jon 在自由民心中的地位。

Jon 原本想要利用龙晶对抗异鬼统帅,意外中使用瓦雷利亚钢剑“长爪”击杀异鬼统帅。上一次与异鬼大战,追溯到 S02 先民拳峰一战。时隔三年,异鬼的装备升级了,身披战甲。但是,乘船逃到海上的时候,异鬼大军就无法再追击,只能停留在岸边,看着 Jon 一行离开。

Jon 指派卡特·派克前往艰难屯救人,出发时共 11 艘船只,但由于海豹湾的风暴过大抵达时只剩下 6 艘。


I fucking hate Thenns.

身为部落首领和母亲的 Karsi 第一个站了出来并做出了决定——与守夜人合作,这并不代表要放下彼此血仇,而是在更大的威胁——异鬼面前,将真正的、绝对立场上的敌人摆在前面,因为她还有家庭、孩子和族人需要保护,这一刻 Karsi 的远见和决策对她的族人而言至关重要。

Karsi 是剧集原创人物,原著里并没有出现,而且该角色的最初设定是男性。
导演 Miguel Sapochnik 解释说:如果是一个为了孩子的未来而改变立场的母亲,在最后的异鬼大战中面对一群尸鬼化的小孩,那个场景绝对会让人产生共鸣——从观众观后评价看,这个角色的塑造确实深入人心;堪称权力的游戏剧集原创角色中最成功之一。

Houe Lannister

Cersei 的罪孽


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  • Vue.js photo Vue.js

    🖖 Vue.js is a progressive, incrementally-adoptable JavaScript framework for building UI on the web.

  • Typescript photo Typescript

    TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that compiles to clean JavaScript output.

  • TensorFlow photo TensorFlow

    An Open Source Machine Learning Framework for Everyone

  • Django photo Django

    The Web framework for perfectionists with deadlines.

  • D3 photo D3

    Bring data to life with SVG, Canvas and HTML. 📊📈🎉

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  • javascript

    JavaScript (JS) is a lightweight interpreted programming language with first-class functions.

  • web

    Some thing interesting about web. New door for the world.

  • server

    A server is a program made to process requests and deliver data to clients.

  • Machine learning

    Machine learning is a way of modeling and interpreting data that allows a piece of software to respond intelligently.

  • Game

    Some thing interesting about game, make everyone happy.

Recommend Org

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    We are working to build community through open source technology. NB: members must have two-factor auth.

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    Open source projects and samples from Microsoft.

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    Google ❤️ Open Source for everyone.

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    Data-Driven Documents codes.