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smart's Introduction

Smart Contracts


Getting Started

Copy .env.example into .env.

Update the configuration and install dependencies.

npm install

Don't forget to install and apply workspace VS Code extensions and settings.


Public data about smart contract deployments is available in /deployments/<network>/<contract-name>.json files and conform to the following interface:

interface Deployment {
  address: Address;
  abi: ABI;
  receipt?: Receipt;
  transactionHash?: string;
  history?: Deployment[];
  numDeployments?: number;
  implementation?: string;
  args: any[];
  linkedData?: any;
  solcInputHash: string;
  metadata: string;
  bytecode: string;
  deployedBytecode: string;
  libraries?: Libraries;
  userdoc: any;
  devdoc: any;
  methodIdentifiers?: any;
  diamondCut?: FacetCut[];
  facets?: Facet[];
  storageLayout: any;
  gasEstimates?: any;

Moreover, each /deployments/<network> folder contains .chainId file with the id of a corresponding network. This data alongside with contract abi and bytecode can be useful for external applications.

Go bindings

In order to interact with smart contracts from golang, go bindings are needed. These are basically all smart contract public fields, structs, events and functions transpiled to golang, which can be invoked from go code and will interact with blockchain right away.

Go bindings are generated with abigen tool. The functionality of resulting bindings depends on the data you supplied to abigen. We encourage you to provide a combined source of data, called 'standart json', which comprises contract abi and bytecode.This will additionaly allow the developer to deploy smart contracts from the back-end.

'standart json' can be obtained with solc - solidity compiler.

Install solc

(excerpt from official Solidity documentation. Other download methods are described there)

Linux packages

Latest Ubuntu stable version is available using the following commands:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ethereum/ethereum
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install solc

Furthermore, some Linux distributions provide their own packages.

For example, Arch Linux has packages for the latest development version:

pacman -S solidity

There is also a snap package, however, it is currently unmaintained. It is installable in all the supported Linux distros. To install the latest stable version of solc:

sudo snap install solc

MacOS packages

Solidity compiler is also distributed through Homebrew as a build-from-source version. Pre-built bottles are currently not supported.

brew update
brew upgrade
brew tap ethereum/ethereum
brew install solidity

To install the most recent 0.4.x / 0.5.x version of Solidity you can also use brew install solidity@4 and brew install solidity@5, respectively.

If you need a specific version of Solidity you can install a Homebrew formula directly from Github.

View solidity.rb commits on Github.

Copy the commit hash of the version you want and check it out on your machine.

git clone <>
cd homebrew-ethereum
git checkout <your-hash-goes-here>

Install it using brew:

brew unlink solidity
# eg. Install 0.4.8
brew install solidity.rb

Static binaries

Download prebuilt binary file corresponding to your OS at a desirable version from solidity/releases page.


solc-select is a tool to quickly switch between Solidity compiler versions.

Install with

pip3 install solc-select

More documentation is available on plugin's GitHub repository.

Install abigen

(excerpt from official geth installation documentation. Other download methods are described there) Other download methods are available.


Note: These commands install the core Geth software and the following developer tools: clef, devp2p, abigen, bootnode, evm, rlpdump and puppeth. The binaries for each of these tools are saved in /usr/bin/.

The easiest way to install Geth on Ubuntu-based distributions is with the built-in launchpad PPAs (Personal Package Archives). The following command enables the built-in launchpad repository:

sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:ethereum/ethereum

Then, to install the stable version of go-ethereum:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install ethereum

Also available on Arch linux from pacman:

pacman -S geth


Note: These commands install the core Geth software and the following developer tools: clef, devp2p, abigen, bootnode, evm, rlpdump and puppeth. The binaries for each of these tools are saved in /usr/bin/.

brew tap ethereum/ethereum
brew install ethereum

Static binaries

Download prebuild binary corresponding to your OS at a desirable version from official Download Geth website;

Generating go bindings

We use make to execute scripts to generate go bindings, so make sure it is installed.

Use locally installed solc and abigen

Required packages: curl, tar, solc, abigen.

Run locally (on the host machine) installed solc and abigen.

npm run bindings:local

If you need to generate go bindings frequently, we encourage you to install solc and abigen on your machine.

Install and use solc and abigen

Required packages: curl, tar.

Install solc and abigen to ./cache folder, and use them generate bindings.

npm run bindings:[linux | macos]

Use cached solc and abigen

Required packages: curl, tar.

solc and abigen must be installed to ./cache folder. Use solc and abigen from ./cache to generate bindings.

npm run bindings:cache

Run a docker container

Required packages: docker.

Use this method if you don't want any files added, except for the bindings. Run a docker container, which installs solc and abigen, generate bindings and copy them to host machine.

Note: it takes approximately 100 seconds to build container the first time, so be patient.

npm run bindings:docker


Documentation of smart contract API and system architecture is available at /docs.

Back-end and Front-end interactions

BE and FE interactions with smart contracts are described in /docs/api.



npx hardhat compile

Alongside with generating artifacts (abi + bytecode, stored in ./artifacts), this script creates typescript types (stored in ./typechain).

Start local hardhat node

To start local hardhat node available at You can connect further hardhat calls to this node by providing --network localhost parameter to the commands.

npm run node:local


Smart contracts are deployed via hardhat-deploy plugin, deploy scripts are stored in ./deploy and deployment information is stored to ./deployments (see more).

If you want to deploy specific contract(s), you need to specify deploy scripts tag(s) (can be found at the bottom of the script, e.g. func.tags = ['clearing'];) via --tags flag. Moreover, you can specify the network you want to deploy contract(s) to via --network flag. List of supported networks is described in hardhat.config.ts.

Note: Some scripts require specific ENV variables to be provided, so make sure you have read the script before running it.

[script-variables] npx hardhat deploy [--tags <deploy-script-tags,...>] [--network <network>]

If you need to deploy a contract without a script present in ./deploy, you can use generalized deploy script present in ./scripts:

[CONTRACT=<name> CONTRACT_ARGS=<args,sep,by,comma>] npx hardat run scripts/deploy-contract.ts [--network <network>]

The same applies for upgradability deployments:

[CONTRACT=<name> CONTRACT_ARGS=<args,sep,by,comma>] npx hardat run scripts/deploy-upgradable-contract.ts [--network <network>]

And upgrade with

[CONTRACT=<name> IMPL_ADDRESS=<new_impl_address>] npx hardat run scripts/upgrade-contract.ts [--network <network>]

Deploy Yellow Network contracts to local node

npm run YN:local

This deploys YellowClearing, VaultImpl and connected VaultProxy to it. Addresses of deployed contracts are exported to ./local-YN-addresses.json. Deployers of aforementioned contracts, Broker and CoSigner are respectifully [0:5] local hardhat node addresses.

Note: Original VaultProxy contract requires hardcoded VaultImpl address, which is impossible to do by scripts. Therefore, this script deploys test version of VaultProxy (which accepts VaultImpl address as a constructor parameter) and has different abi and bytecode.

Run scripts

Scripts are located in ./scripts folder and are used to interact with the contracts.

Note: before running a script make sure you know what ENV variables it expects to be set.

[ENV=<val>] npx hardhat run scripts/ [--network <network>]

Export addresses generated from mnemonics

If you set mnemonics in hardhat.config.ts or have a mnemonic addresses of which you want to know, run

[MNEMONIC=<mnemonic>] npm run export-accounts

This script generates accounts addresses and private keys to ./hardhat-accounts.json.

Verify deployed contract

If you have deployed the contract with the help of deploy scripts, some deployments data is saved to ./deployments (see more).

This data can be used to verify these contracts:

npx hardhat etherscan-verify --network <network> [--contract-name <specific-contract-name>]

See more with

npx hardhat help etherscan-verify

Nevertheless, if you have deployed the contract with simple scripts (not hardhat-deploy) or certain contract deployment information in ./deployments is lost, you can use

npx hardhat verify --network <network> <address to verify>

See more with

npx hardhat help verify


To run linter to see errors use

npx run lint

If you want linter to fix all autofixable errors use

npx run lint:fix

Generate documentation

You can generate contracts documentation with

npm run docs

This will rewrite docs to ./docs/api and put table of contents to all other .md files.


Test everything:

npx hardhat test

To test specific file:

npx hardhat test test/

Test coverage

To generate test coverage files use

npx hardhat coverage

This will write contracts test coverate in html page format to ./coverage folder. Moveover, ./coverage.json containing all coverage information will be created.

smart's People


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smart's Issues

Improve usage of packages

Part of #11.


  1. update packages to the latest version
  2. remove unused packages
  3. review usage of hardhat-deploy
  4. incorporate tsx package
  5. fix vulnerabilities

Changes to `VaultImplV1`

VaultImplV1 is currently in testing phase and may require changes. This description will be updated if any is suggested.


  • rename newerImplementation to nextImpementation
  • fix tests with event emittion
  • should we make VaultImpl functions onlyProxy?
  • require successful transfer of ERC20 on withdraw


  • (VaultProxyBase) change constructor argument type from address to VaultImplBase to avoid deploying and thus registering (to NetworkRegistry) Proxy with link to invalid Implementation

Introduce CI/CD

Part of #11.



  1. incorporate a method of storing minor/patch changes for Vault, YellowClearing and other smart contracts -> issues labeling system

Per commit:

  1. commit message linting
  2. add 'eslint checks + formatting' step

Per PR:

  1. add 'compilation' step
  2. add 'test' step
  3. add 'gas benchmarks' step
  4. add 'other script checks' (e.g. go bindings generation) step
  5. write a doc about steps of checking SC for bugs and unintended behaviour

Change name of `YellowClearing` var to mixedcase

To comply with solhint rules.


struct IdentityPayload {
    YellowClearingBase YellowClearing;
    address participant;
    uint64 nonce;


struct IdentityPayload {
    YellowClearingBase yellowClearing;
     address participant;
     uint64 nonce;

Improve workflow with other departments

Part of #11.


  1. revise makefile usage
  2. do and how we need to support docs (see /docs)
  3. add overall system architecture description and visualisation
  4. add scripts for common tasks (e.g. go bindings generation) (people using smart contracts should give their opinions)
  5. incorporate hardhat-deploy for:
  • deployments
  • verifying SC
  • storing info about SC
  1. store publicly available information related to SC (e.g. testnet/mainnet contract addresses) in some .md doc
  2. remove non-null assertions from scripts
  3. add environment (chaid ID, account address, account balance) logging to scripts

Use typescript docgen helpers file

Use typescript docgen helpers file


To implement autogenerated documentation extenders, we needed to create a special solidity-docgen helper.

This is done via exporting a function from a file and specifying that file to solidity-docgen. Firstly, we tried to use helpers.ts (typescript version), but it seems solidity-docgen does not understand it is a typescript, as it throws an error: SyntaxError: Unexpected token 'export'.

Thus, we were forced to use helpers.js (javascript version) of the file until we find a way to use a typescript one. We also needed to add helper.js to .eslintignore to remove the errors remporarily.


  • migrate to [email protected]
  • replace helpers.js with corresponding helpers.ts
  • remove /docs/api/templates/helpers.js from .eslintignore
  • remove "exclude": ["./docs/api/templates/helpers.js"] from tsconfig.json

Improve structure of dev env

Part of #11.


  • remove /data, /deployments/addresses.json
  • remove all files from /hardhat-deploy
  • remove /src/FactoryHelpers.ts
  • move /test/yellow/src to /src/yellow to be logically accessible from outside, e.g. scripts
  • in /contracts, /scripts and /tests remove /custody, /custody-factory and /nitro-protocol
  • in /contracts, /scripts and /tests add /vault, /clearing
  • rename /deployments/accounts.json to /addresses/hardhat-accounts.json (/addresses folder may incorporate publicly-available addresses, e.g. deployed contracts on different network, see #16 .4)

Introduce gas benchmarks

Part of #11.


  1. create/find a plugin (solidity-gas-coverage) for easy gas benchmarking and comparison
  2. incorporate gas benchmarks

Improve tools usage

Part of #11.


  1. select blockchain provider: Alchemy or Infura (so that no member has to use both services, e.g. in .env)
  2. or allow using any blockchain provider (polygon rpc etc.)
  3. Export VaultProxy ABI and bytecode to ./deployments

Improve dev environment

Development environment improvement


Smart contract development environment has never been fully set in Yellow, and this have already caused some inconvenience in work process.

This issue aims at establishing dev env with the following properties:

  • practical - every aspect of environment is used, nothing is present 'just because someone likes it'; only best-suit plugins are used
  • logical - everything is organised in a reasonable way
  • easy-to-use - each process requires no additional adjustments
  • expandable - extending environment with some additional module must not require changing existing environment
  • self-explanatory - usage of each file, script, task, etc. is either implicitly stated by its name or explicitly described in a concomitant file


Each improvement section is to be extracted and resolved as a separate issue in the order presented.


Structure (see #13)

Change the structure of the project so that each file has a logical location and naming.

Plugins (see #14)

Add useful plugins, revise settings of existing ones and implement changes caused by those actions.

Packages (see #15)

Make sure the latest versions of packages are used, there is no unused packages and no vulnerabilities.

Relation to other Yellow departments (see #16)

Ensure other departments can easily access the information they need without SC team's help.

Tools (see #17)

Standartize external tools usage.

Gas benchmarks (see #18)

Introduce gas benchmarks to be able to optimise smart contracts easily.

CI/CD (see #19)

Introduce Continuous integration / Continuous development by adding GH actions or using other technologies.

Migrate to `[email protected]`

[email protected]

This package version is still in beta, but yet is a full remastering of a package, which includes:

  • hardhat docgen task
  • docgen templates out of the box
  • support of helpers.ts files

Still, this migration will take some time due to changes of API of this package.

This will incorporate changes from other issues:

Use typescript docgen helpers file

  • replace helpers.js with corresponding helpers.ts
  • remove /docs/api/templates/helpers.js from .eslintignore
  • remove "exclude": ["./docs/api/templates/helpers.js"] from tsconfig.json

Include parent entity documentation in inherited one

  • create custom helper / find out how to use inheritdoc

Restore `solhint` and `solidity-plugin-prettier` packages

solhint and solidity-plugin-prettier packages should be restored as we don't want our development environment be dependant on VS Code extensions. Thus, we need to enforce code style & other rules by IDE & platform independent software, which is npm packages in this case.

Improve usage of plugins

Part of #11.


  1. add .vscode settings
  2. revise eslint rules
  3. revise tsconfig.json rules
  4. change configs from .js to .json (when applicable)
  5. update and cleanup hardhat-config.ts
  6. run lint incorporating all the rules changes from above
  7. fix typos in files

Type: module

Set "type": "module" in package.json, remove "module": "CommonJS" from tsconfig.json.

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