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Universal React+GraphQL starter kit: React 16, Apollo 2, MobX, Emotion, Webpack 4, GraphQL Code Generator, React Router 4, PostCSS, SSR

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License: MIT License

Dockerfile 0.89% TypeScript 97.17% CSS 0.72% HTML 1.22%
react webpack starter-kit postcss ssr reactjs apollo apollo-client graphql webpack4

reactql's Introduction

ReactQL v4.3.0

license Twitter Follow Deploy to Netlify

Universal front-end React + GraphQL starter kit, written in Typescript.


Front-end stack

Server-side rendering

  • Built-in Koa 2 web server, with async/await routing.
  • Full route-aware server-side rendering (SSR) of initial HTML.
  • Universal building - both browser + Node.js web server compile down to static files, for fast server re-spawning.
  • Per-request GraphQL store. Store state is dehydrated via SSR, and rehydrated automatically on the client.
  • MobX for app-wide flux/store state, for automatically re-rendering any React component that 'listens' to state. Fully typed state!
  • Full page React via built-in SSR component - every byte of your HTML is React.
  • SSR in both development and production, even with hot-code reload.


  • Hot code reloading; zero refresh, real-time updates in development.
  • Development web server that automatically sends patches on code changes, and restarts the built-in Web server for SSR renders that reflect what you'd see in production.
  • WebSocket subscription query support for real-time data (just set WS_SUBSCRIPTIONS=1 in .env)

Code optimisation

  • Webpack v4, with tree shaking -- dead code paths are automatically eliminated.
  • Asynchronous code loading when import()'ing inside a function.
  • Automatic per-vendor chunk splitting/hashing, for aggressive caching (especially good behind a HTTP/2 proxy!)
  • Gzip/Brotli minification of static assets.
  • CSS code is combined, minified and optimised automatically - even if you use SASS, LESS and CSS together!


  • Emotion, for writing CSS styles inline and generating the minimal CSS required to properly render your components.
  • PostCSS v7 with next-gen CSS and automatic vendor prefixing when importing .css, .scss or .less files.
  • SASS and LESS support (also parsed through PostCSS.)
  • Automatic vendor prefixing - write modern CSS, and let the compiler take care of browser compatibility.
  • Mix and match SASS, LESS and regular CSS - without conflicts!
  • CSS modules - your classes are hashed automatically, to avoid namespace conflicts.
  • Compatible with Foundation, Bootstrap, Material UI and more. Simply configure via a .global.(css|scss|less) import to preserve class names.


  • Production bundling via npm run production, that generates optimised server and client code.
  • Static compression using the Gzip and Brotli algorithms for the serving of static assets as pre-compressed .gz and .br files (your entire app's - including all dependencies - goes from 346kb -> 89kb!)
  • Static bundling via npm run build:static. Don't need server-side rendering? No problem. Easily deploy a client-only SPA to any static web host (Netlify, etc.)

Developer support

  • Written in Typescript with full type support, out the box (all external @types/* packages installed)
  • Heavily documented code

Quick start

Grab and unpack the latest version, install all dependencies, and start a server:

wget -qO- | tar xvz
cd reactql-4.5.1
npm i
npm start

Your development server is now running on http://localhost:3000

Building GraphQL HOCs

By default, your GraphQL schema lives in schema/schema.graphql

To create fully Typescript-typed Apollo React HOCs based on your schema, simply put the query in a .graphql anywhere inside the source folder, and run:

npm run gen:graphql

You can then import the query like we do in the HackerNews demo component:

// Query to get top stories from HackerNews
import { GetHackerNewsTopStoriesComponent } from "@/graphql";

And use it as follows:

    {({ data, loading, error }) => (...)}

To get access to the underlying gql-templated query (in case you need it for refetching, etc), in this case it'd be GetHackerNewsTopStoriesDocument.

See GraphQL Code Generator for more details on how it works.

You can also edit codegen.yml in the root to point to a remote schema, or change the file location.

Development mode

Development mode offers a few useful features:

  • Hot code reloading. Make a change anywhere in your code base (outside of the Webpack config), and changes will be pushed down the browser automatically - without page reloads. This happens for React, Emotion, SASS - pretty much anything.

  • Full source maps for Javascript and CSS.

  • Full server-side rendering, with automatic Koa web server restarting on code changes. This ensures the initial HTML render will always reflect your latest code changes.

To get started, simply run:

npm start

A server will be started on http://localhost:3000

Production mode

In production mode, the following happens:

  • All assets are optimised and minified. Javascript, CSS, images, are all compiled down to static files that will appear in dist.

  • Assets are also compressed into .gz (Gzip) and .br (Brotli) versions, which are served automatically to all capable browsers.

  • If files have been generated in a previous run, they will be re-used on subsequent runs. This ensures really fast server start-up times after the initial build.

To build and run for production, use:

npm run production

Files will be generated in ./dist, and a server will also be spawned at http://localhost:3000

Clean the cached production build with npm run clean, or run npm run clean-production to both clean and re-run the production build, as needed.

Build mode

If you only want to build assets and not actually run the server, use:

npm run build:production

This is used in the Dockerfile, for example, to pre-compile assets and ensure faster start-up times when spawning a new container.

Static bundling for client-only SPAs

If you're targeting a client-only SPA and hosting statically, you probably don't want to run a Koa web server to handle HTTP requests and render React.

Instead, you can use static mode, which produces the client-side JS, CSS and assets files, along with an index.html for minimal bootstrapping, and dumps them in dist/public.

You can then upload the contents of that folder wherever you like - et voila, you'll have a working client-side Single Page App!

There are two static modes available -- for dev and production:

### Development (hot-code reload)

Just like the full-stack version, dev mode gives you hot code reloading, so changes to your local files will be pushed to the browser.

To activate static dev mode, just run:

npm run dev:static

Your client-side SPA will be online at http://localhost:3000, just like normal.

### Production (static deployment)

To build your client-side files ready for production deployment, run:

npm run build:static

You'll get everything in that 'regular' building provides you with plus a index.html to bootstrap your JS, just without the server parts.

Modifying the index.html template

If you want to make changes to the index.html file that's used for static bundling, edit src/views/static.html

NPM commands

Here's a list of all the NPM script commands available out-the-box:

Command What it does
npm run build:production Builds production-ready client/server bundles, but doesn't start a server.
npm run build:static Builds production-ready client bundle and index.html; ignores server bundling.
npm run clean Removes the dist folder, and any previously built client/server bundle.
npm run dev Runs a univeral dev server in memory; auto restarts on code changes and uses hot-code reload in the browser. Does not output anything to dist.
npm run dev:static Runs a client-only dev server using [src/views/static.html] as the template; full hot-code reload. Also doesn't output anything to dist.
npm run production Builds and runs a production-ready client/server bundle. If previously built, will re-use cached files automatically (run npm run clean to clear cache.)
npm run production:clean Same as above, but cleans dist first to ensure a fresh re-build.
npm start Shortcut for npm run dev.

Project layout

The important stuff is in src.

Here's a quick run-through of each sub-folder and what you'll find in it:

  • src/components - React components. Follow the import flow at root.tsx to figure out the component render chain and routing. I've included an example component that shows off some Apollo GraphQL and MobX features, including incrementing a local counter and pulling top news stories from Hacker News (a live GraphQL server endpoint.)

  • src/entry - The client and server entry points, which call on src/components/root.tsx to isomorphically render the React chain in both environments.

  • src/global - A good place for anything that's used through your entire app, like global styles. I've started you off with a styles.ts that sets globally inlined Emotion CSS, as well as pulls in a global .scss file -- to show you how both types of CSS work.

  • src/lib - Internal libraries/helpers. There's an apollo.ts which builds a universal Apollo Client. Plus, Koa middleware to handle hot-code reloading in development and some other Webpack helpers.

  • src/queries - Your GraphQL queries. There's just one by default - for pulling the top stories from Hacker News to display in the example component.

  • src/runner - Development and production runners that spawn the Webpack build process in each environment.

  • src/views - View components that fall outside of the usual React component chain, for use on the server. In here, ssr.tsx takes care of rendering the root HTML that's sent down the wire to the client. Note this is also a React component - your whole app will render as React! - and static.html serves as a template for rendering a client-side SPA. Update it as needed.

  • src/webpack - The Webpack 4 configuration files that do the heavy lifting to transform our Typescript code, images and CSS into optimised and minified assets that wind up in the dist folder at the root. Handles both the client and server environments.

You'll also find some other useful goodies in the root...

  • .env - Change your GRAPHQL server endpoint, WS_SUBSCRIPTIONS=1 for built-in WebSocket support, HOST if you want to bind the server to something other than localhost, and LOCAL_STORAGE_KEY to set the root key for saving MobX state locally in the client for automatic re-loading in a later session.

  • .nvmrc - Specify your preferred Node.js version, for use with NVM and used by many continuous deployment tools. Defaults to v12.2.0

  • codegen.yml - Settings for GraphQL Code Generator (which you can run with npm run gen:graphql to generate types/HOCs based on your GraphQL queries/mutations.)

  • netlify.toml - Build instructions for fast Netlify deployments. Tip: To quickly deploy a demo ReactQL app, click here.

  • types - Some basic types that allow you to import fonts, images, CSS/SASS/LESS files, and allow use of the global SERVER boolean and GRAPHQL endpoint data in your IDE.

  • Typescript configuration via tsconfig.json

  • A sample multi-build Dockerfile based on Node 11.8 and Alpine, for quickly deploying your code base to production.

Follow @reactql for updates

Get the latest updates by following us on Twitter:

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New to GraphQL? Need help?


Join the ReactQL slack channel here.

Watch my free 45 minute YouTube video, for a live coding walk-through of putting together a GraphQL server with a database. Learn how to write queries, mutations and handle nested/related data.

Hire me

I'm a full-stack developer with 20+ years experience. As well as 9 years hands-on dev with Node.js, I'm fluent in Python, Go, SQL and NoSQL. I specialise in building robust, scalable products from scratch, and helping you deploy fast.

If you're looking for a senior developer who can help you get your product out the door quickly, reach me at [email protected]. I'm occasionally available to take on remote contracts when I'm not working on my own projects.

reactql's People


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reactql's Issues

Use mainstream babel/eslint presets

Babel + Eslint plugins could easily clog package.json with tons of dependencies. Using existing presets like babel-preset-react-app and eslint-config-react-app provide sane default that are well tested by community

Working with unwind

Hi Lee,

Let me first join the chorus of folks thanking you for this stellar project. Thank you!

My project hit a snag trying to wire up reducers that play nice with the new unwind( ) code in kit/lib/redux. Although I can imagine you have a lot on your plate, it would be really helpful to have examples and docs for reducers in the unwind array.

Running SSR server in development

Right now it doesn't seem like there is a way to run the ssr server in development. This would be useful as a common mistake in React dev is having the server and client checksums not match on hydration. Also it just makes it difficult to test changes to the server as well without doing a full rebuild. I'm thinking the way to go about this is to make a base webpack server config, like browser does, and then have have separate server_dev and server_prod extensions. The server_dev would have unnecessary optimizations not enabled for faster rebuilding and have watch mode turned on. Then use nodemon to watch for rebuilds of the server.js output. As I've been filing a number of issues already, I wouldn't mind tackling this and #11 in separate PRs bearing your opinions.

resolve-url-loader cannot operate error msg

I'm having an issue with resolve-url-loader:

I have various sass folders/files (see below) and I'm importing them into the main.scss file within a global block.

:global {

/* Insert any additional CSS you need here */
@charset 'UTF-8';

// 1. Configuration and helpers

(omitted for brevity)


While the styles are rendering it throws the following error. After doing some research, I'm still not sure why it's happening.

WARNING in ./~/css-loader?{"modules":true,"importLoaders":1,"sourceMap":true}!./~/resolve-url-loader!./~/sass-loader/lib/loader.js?sourceMap!./src/styles.scss
(Emitted value instead of an instance of Error)   resolve-url-loader cannot operate: CSS error
  @page missing '}'
  at error (/home/node_modules/css/lib/parse/index.js:62:15)
 @ ./src/styles.scss 4:14-182 13:2-17:4 14:20-188
 @ ./src/app.js
 @ ./kit/entry/browser.js
 @ multi (webpack)-dev-server/client?http://localhost:8080 webpack/hot/dev-server react-hot-loader/patch webpack-dev-server/client?http://localhost:8080 webpack/hot/only-dev-server ./kit/entry/browser.js

Any help appreciated!

can't run dist

1.yarn build ./dist
3.node server.js

Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/Users/bobo/Documents/bobo/demoCode/reactQlDemo/firstreactql/dist/dist/manifest.json'

What has many dist in path?

imported css file build error

I want install blueprint.js. After I import blueprint.css, see below.

// in app.tsx
// React
import * as React from 'react';
import { SFC } from 'react';

// Routing
import {
} from 'react-router-dom';

// <Helmet> component for setting the page title
import Helmet from 'react-helmet';

import {compose, pure} from 'recompose';

// NotFound 404 handler for unknown routes
import { NotFound } from 'kit/lib/routing';

// Styles
import './';
import '@blueprintjs/core/dist/blueprint.css';   // import blueprint.css

I expect that code work well. But I've got error.

// Error
(function (exports, require, module, __filename, __dirname) { @charset "UTF-8";
SyntaxError: Invalid or unexpected token
    at Object.exports.runInThisContext (vm.js:76:16)
    at Module._compile (module.js:542:28)
    at Object.Module._extensions..js (module.js:579:10)
    at Module.load (module.js:487:32)
    at tryModuleLoad (module.js:446:12)
    at Function.Module._load (module.js:438:3)
    at Module.require (module.js:497:17)
    at require (internal/module.js:20:19)
    at Object.<anonymous> (/Users/imjuni/Project/company/yanolja-joy-admin/dist/server_dev.js:773:18)
    at __webpack_require__ (/Users/imjuni/Project/company/yanolja-joy-admin/dist/server_dev.js:20:30)

[at-loader] Checking started in a separate process...

I guess that is caused from node_module. (Usually JavaScript parser meet css file, raised that error). But configuration already describe externals.

// server.js
externals: [

What is missed? Can you help me?

webpack.config.babel.js is not DRY, perhaps use cross-env instead?

I tried renaming the "start" script in package.json to "dev" because that's what I typically use in my other projects, but then I hit this error:

invoke through npm only

I thought it was because I was using yarn dev instead of npm run dev, but then I looked at the stack trace and saw where it was coming from.

Point is, it's not very nice to have to keep two different files in sync. Could you perhaps update the commands to something like,

  "scripts": {
    "test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1",
    "build": "cross-env WEBPACK_ENV=browser_prod,server webpack --colors",
    "build-browser": "cross-env WEBPACK_ENV=browser_prod webpack --colors",
    "build-server": "cross-env WEBPACK_ENV=server webpack --colors",
    "build-run": "webpack --colors && node dist/server",
    "lint": "eslint .",
    "server": "node dist/server",
    "start": "cross-env WEBPACK_ENV=browser_dev webpack-dev-server --colors"

i.e., use cross-env to set an environment variable, and then check the environment var in webpack.config.js and load up the additional configs? This is basically what I do and it's been working great.

Awesome Project :)

Hi Lee,

First, thanks for this repo, I've started building my own graphql+koa+ssr react+etc and while I was searching for answers, I've found this and it's awesome! I would ask you to create a post on Medium teaching how to build this from scratch, but your code is so well documented that it's not even needed :)

I have two questions tho regarding subscriptions (I couldn't find it in your project). One is that I can't make it work with SSR, it asks for a native implementation of sockets, and if I add sockets, subscriptions stop working properly. Have you faced that already?

And the other question, is how you handle with connections on subscriptions? Like, suppose you want to return a User from a Post. How do you do it? I've tried and if I add the author field in the query, the subscription fails because it's missing the author information, if I don't, I don't get the value back and the field on the front end that needs the data breaks.

And, once again, thanks! :)

Replace Airbnb linting with prettier

Airbnb code guide is great, but developer's job is to focus on code, not on code styling. Prettier "just works" and produces nicely formatted code without forcing you to think about formatting.

Long term caching with chunkhash

One feature that would be great to have is long-term caching of chunks by using webpack's chunkhash feature. On the browser production build, output files would be renamed to something like [name].[chunkhash].js. The consequence is that file names are not predictable anymore so that on the server side render, the webpack stats would need to be read to get the file paths of the javascript files.

default favicon

There's a funny behavior right now when running in prod. When a request for favicon.ico hits the Koa server, a full page render is retuned. Easiest way to fix this would be to use something like with the project logo. Then it also makes it easy for developers to swap out the favicon later to their project's logo.


Thanks for this starter kit.
I am not familiar with Koa server and I was wondering if you have this kit with express.js instead? I have existing code that runs on express.js and I don't know Koa. How hard is it to change the kit to express? If any body has done it, please let me know.

starter kit typescript option on install


On the latest version 3.8.0 in the starter kit the option to choose between ES6 Javascript or Typescript is gone and ES6 is chosen by default.

Is the typescript support removed?


best way for email?

Hello, im pretty new with nodejs.
Im trying to send mail via contact form in reactql, i used 'koa-mailer' node module, but i can't get it to work , do you have maybe some recommendation for easiest way to send mail?
Thank you in advance!

SVG not loaded correctly in server_dev

Hi, first of all thanks the great starter kit, after trying many, ReactQL proved to be the most straight forward and fully featured I was looking for.

I am running into an issue while importing svg files in a react component.

import enFlag from 'flag-svg-collection/flags/4x3/gb.svg';

The browser bundle is done correctly and the svg loads fine but when I refresh the page the server tries to render the components and fails trying to load the svg with this error:

(function (exports, require, module, __filename, __dirname) { <svg xmlns="" height="480" width="640" viewBox="0 0 640 480">

SyntaxError: Unexpected token <
    at createScript (vm.js:74:10)
    at Object.runInThisContext (vm.js:116:10)
    at Module._compile (module.js:533:28)
    at Object.Module._extensions..js (module.js:580:10)
    at Module.load (module.js:503:32)
    at tryModuleLoad (module.js:466:12)
    at Function.Module._load (module.js:458:3)
    at Module.require (module.js:513:17)
    at require (internal/module.js:11:18)
    at Object.defineProperty.value (/path-to/dist/server_dev.js:1694:18)

My guess is that the svg is not being run through the file-loader but I've been checking the webpack configs and everything looks fine. Any ideas / pointers?

babel spread operator problem

Hello, I've a problem with babel transpiling.

npm run start // command I use to run
npm -v 4.1.2
node -v v7.5.0

Standard ES6 I copied from reacttraining examples.

The code: (don't mind this 1===1, it's just for testing)

const PrivateRoute = ({ component: Component, }) => (
  <Route {} render={props => (

    1===1 ? (
      ) : (
        <Redirect to={{
          pathname: '/sign-in',
          state: { from: props.location }

Besides default reactQL .babelrc I tried following setup:

  "presets": [ "react", "stage-3",
    ["env", {
      "targets": {
        "node": true

Here is error I am receiving:

Not sure why it is not working. Clearly I am missing something.

Enhancement to allow install in current directory?

I'm wondering if you would considerable it permissable/allowable for ReactQL to be able to install in the current directory? I can see in the code where this isn't presently allowed, and I'd be willing to do a PR if it'd help, but it's an option I'd like and I'd think others might also. Thoughts?

Unable to choose between ES6 and Typescript during "reactgl new" setup

First of all, fantastic repo, documentation, and onboarding videos. One of the most complete and polished experiences I've ever had with a boilerplate -- thank you so much!

I have successfully installed via npm install -g reactql. However, I never encountered the opportunity to choose between ES6 and Typescript ("Which version of the kit would you like?") that was supposed to appear right after "Where to install?".

Here is my terminal output:

$ reactql new

██████╗ ███████╗ █████╗  ██████╗████████╗ ██████╗ ██╗
██████╔╝█████╗  ███████║██║        ██║   ██║   ██║██║   v3.7.1
██╔══██╗██╔══╝  ██╔══██║██║        ██║   ██║▄▄ ██║██║
██║  ██║███████╗██║  ██║╚██████╗   ██║   ╚██████╔╝███████╗

Spawning new project...

? Project name? test
? Project description? New ReactQL project
? Where to install? /Users/sunw/test


Downloading kit v1.15.1 from Github...

Support Build to mobile ?

Hi author, reactQL is awesome ! but can we build it to Mobile with cordova or election ?
i want build app run both PC, Web and Mobile.
any ideas please help !

ES6+ linting

I have a component which uses ES6+ features e.g.

myComponent extends React.Component { static propTypes = {

This throws a syntax error as expected because it is an ES6+ feature. In the past I have installed the relevant npm modules e.g. ("babel-preset-stage-0":) and altered the babel.rc file and it has been successful but even with these additions in this setup, i'm still getting syntax errors:

My babel.rc file looks like this

  "presets": [
    ["env", {
      "targets": {
        "node": true


"babel-preset-es2015": "^6.24.1",
"babel-preset-react": "^6.24.1",
"babel-preset-stage-0": "^6.24.1",

debugging/inspecting in SSR server_dev.js

Hey Lee,
I'm looking to debug the server_dev.js process in the node-inspector. In server_dev.js, the childProcess.fork seems the place to put a debug signal. but it doesn't work. Have you managed to debug a node process that webpack keeps killing and re-spawning?

class ServerDevPlugin {
  apply(compiler) {
    compiler.plugin('done', () => {
      if (this.server) this.server.kill();
      this.server = childProcess.fork(path.resolve(PATHS.dist, 'server_dev.js'), {
        cwd: PATHS.dist,

Community Platforms

We do need a gitter and forum for community needs. Also I'd like to see a twitter account for recent updates. It seems like finally we have a full stack graphql and developer interface, let's power up the community.

Server/browser awareness issue

When I try this

async componentDidMount() {
    if (!SERVER) {
      try {
        await screenfull = import('screenfull');
      } catch (e) {
        console.log('Module did not load!');

Build fails with error "Invalid left-hand side in assignment expression" and the ESLinit highlights the await

If I change it to this:

const screenfull = await import('screenfull');

I've got regeneratorRuntime
The setup is almost fresh, just few react components.

npm -v 4.1.2
node -v v7.6.0

Any ideas ?


General roadmap for upcoming ReactQL features, and a tentative order they'll be approached.

Feel free to suggest any features you'd like to see in this thread, and they'll be considered for inclusion.

Note: The raison d'être of ReactQL is to remain a lightweight, general purpose starter kit for building GraphQL-backed front-ends. Niche features should generally be built on top of the kit, rather than wind up in core. But all sensible use-cases and suggestions will be considered.


  • ReactQL CLI, installed via npm i -g. Easily spawn a new project with reactql new instead of manual git clones and tidy-up. Will make it easier to version the kit and distribute the start-up code offline.

  • Yarn building. Should speed up equivalent npm installs of modules.

  • Better SASS/LESS imports. The loader config needs tweaking to standardise import styles between different CSS loaders. Could also do with a better strategy for importing third-party classes globally or locally, for better framework support -- Semantic, Bootstrap 4, etc.

  • Typescript option.

  • Development web server, that restarts automatically on code changes, alongside the existing hot-code reload Webpack dev server.

  • Deterministic versioning- have one kit version per CLI installation, which can alert when there's an update available, so there are no surprises when creating a new project and finding that the kit has changed.

  • Helper component for code splitting and loading screens a la #3, along with updated docs.

  • Video guides & articles in docs for common use cases and code tutorials on how to use GraphQL in practice like how to build a GraphQL server on top of the kit, etc.

  • i18n / l10n internationalisation / localisation support (After some testing, it's clear that i18n is far too opinionated to suit every use case-- libs, translation loading strategies, etc will differ widely per project. I'll save this one for a future 'examples' kit)

Future / tentative

  • Progressive web app features (#40)

  • Mobile/desktop framework support, for creating Cordova/Phonegap/Electron apps.

Example kits

  • i18n / internationalisation. (Originally, I wanted this in core, but there are far too many ways this could be done. An example starter is probably best.)

  • GraphQL subscription examples and patterns. Possible web socket proxy via the built-in server? (needs more thought)

webpack alias

I'm using react-native-web and have edited kit/web/base.js to add:

// Export a new 'base' config, which we can extend/merge from
export default new WebpackConfig().merge({

  // Javascript file extensions that webpack will resolve
  resolve: {
    // I tend to use .js exclusively, but .jsx is also allowed
    extensions: ['.web.js', '.js', '.jsx'],
    alias: { 'react-native': 'react-native-web '},

But I'm getting this error:

  ERROR in ./components/Post.js
    Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'react-native' in '.../reactql/components'
     @ ./components/Post.js 4:0-79
     @ ./pages/index.js
     @ ./App.web.js
     @ ./kit/App.js
     @ ./kit/entry/browser.js

Do I need to edit another config file somewhere?

SSR production mode is slower than SSR development mode

Hello, today i've spent quite a bit of time reading about SSR performances because I've noticed that running my project with "npm start" and visiting the SSR page (which is now in dev mode ) versus running "npm run build-run" and visiting the SSR page ( which is now in prod mode) gave weird results.
In quite a lot of guides they say that just building react from dev mode to prod mode should give you a 300-400% boost in perfs...
But the more i tried to refresh the page the more for me it felt slower in prod mode.
So i added a simple code to test ReactDOMServer.renderToString(components);

 // Full React HTML render
    const start2 =;
    const html = ReactDOMServer.renderToString(components);
    const end2 = ms.parse(ms.since(start2));
    const total2 = end2.microseconds + (end2.milliseconds * 1e3) + (end2.seconds * 1e6);
    console.log(`${total2 / 1e3}ms`);

At first I tought that I've must done some errors somewhere.. so today i've updated reactql and started a fresh project and added the bare code needed ro reproduce the issue: in my case i'm rendering a tree data structure with <ul>s and <li>s. The more nodes the tree had the slower the production mode would be in executing const html = ReactDOMServer.renderToString(components);.

TL;DR: Why reactql in Production is slower to run ReactDOMServer.renderToString(components); than the Dev mode the more components you have to render?

I know this will be hard to read, i'm here if you need me to explain or provide more infos

Edit: apart for the console.log to measure the ms of the function this is the only code i've added:

This is issue is quite sersious because in the example i only used stateless components, but this is even more problematic when i need to have also state inside them to handle toggles, collapse, checkboxes, calculations ecc

Edit2: the data i've got

And in my real project where the nodes are not this simple is way more problematic. How is this possible that in Prod mode it will take twice the time ?

Remove "extra" features

Generally keep package.json as lightweight as possible - this means don't add dependency unless it is absolutely necessary.
For example LESS, SASS and Redux are nice to have, but not essential. Having them enabled by default means more work to support them when not everyone would use/need them. A simple recipe on how to add them would suffice.

ports on heroku

Hey, great kit. Really blows the rest of them out of the water.
I'm attempting to run on heroku. I've given up trying to get heroku to do a npm run build and am just building locally and pushing dist.

Here's my question. Heroku sets the port dynamically for web processes through process.env.PORT so i added it in kit/lib/env.js

const defaultPorts = {
  production: {
    server: process.env.PORT,
  development: {
    browser: 8080,
    server: 8081,

heroku gives me this error, with the same 4000 port. nothing changed. any ideas?

what am I doing wrong? thanks in advance.

Zopfli and Brotli Compression

I was investigating using alternative compression methods and compiled these results. Specifically I wanted to test zopfli which is a gzip implementation that is supposed to compress 5% smaller than traditional gzip. I also tested Brotli which is a completely different algorithm that achieves significantly better compression and is getting fairly high support as of now Overall the time to run yarn run build didn't vary much and is within the margin of error that the difference in compression time is negligible. I think the best option is using Brotli and Zopfli together as the .br file is downloaded for the most modern browsers, .gz for those that accept gzip, and then the regular file as the least common denominator fallback.

Downsides are that both these algorithms are native-addons and those can still be tricky sometimes for Windows users I've noticed. However, this project already uses native-addons from node-sass anyways so that can be negated. The other problem is that koa-static doesn't support the Accept-Encoding: Brotli header just yet, but I and I imagine most others use nginx in prod anyways for static files. I was also going to file a PR for koa-static anyways. Nginx doesn't natively support Brotli yet, but google maintains ngx_brotli for using nginx.

Otherwise opinions on this would be great, along with if these compression options should be configurable or not from the config files. If so, would this type of compression be opt-in or opt-out?

Algorithm reactql-logo.svg browser.js vendor.js style.css Total Time
None 1.02 kB 5.1 kB 375 kB 778 bytes 382 kb NA
Gzip 604 bytes 2.15 kB 110 kB 437 bytes 113 kb 30.69s
Zopfli 593 bytes 2.13 kB 106 kB 426 bytes 109 kb 26.72s
Brotli 545 bytes 1.86 kB 88.7 kB 354 bytes 91 kb 23.52s
Brotli + Zopfli 545 bytes 1.86 kB 88.7 kB 354 bytes 91 kb 32.63

Why using redux when apollo client manages its own store?

The initial look at the project seems very promising. However, I am wondering why are you using redux for state/store management when apollo-client uses its own internal store.

Or you just provide redux integration in case someone wants to utilize it, but redux is not necessary in order to build the client side.

browser run not working

i have an issue with latest build with browser hot reloading not loading website at all with clean install with CLI, SSR is working.

Issue with docker build

I'm running into issues with the docker build. On a completely blank install - just ran reactql new, then docker build . -t projectname - and I'm getting this.

Step 8/11 : RUN npm run build
 ---> Running in d725d4598e1c

> [email protected] build /src
> cross-env NODE_ENV=production WEBPACK_CONFIG=browser_prod,server_prod webpack --colors

(node:24) DeprecationWarning: Chunk.modules is deprecated. Use Chunk.getNumberOfModules/mapModules/forEachModule/containsModule instead.
    Hash: 87d237d27a0c2dd244c8
    Time: 10357ms
    ERROR in chunk manifest [entry]
    Chunk.entry was removed. Use hasRuntime()
    Error: Chunk.entry was removed. Use hasRuntime()
        at Chunk.get entry [as entry] (/src/node_modules/webpack/lib/Chunk.js:49:9)
        at registerChunk (/src/node_modules/chunk-manifest-webpack-plugin/lib/ChunkManifestPlugin.js:28:73)
        at Array.reduce (native)
        at registerChunk (/src/node_modules/chunk-manifest-webpack-plugin/lib/ChunkManifestPlugin.js:36:27)
        at Array.reduce (native)
        at MainTemplate.<anonymous> (/src/node_modules/chunk-manifest-webpack-plugin/lib/ChunkManifestPlugin.js:25:33)
        at MainTemplate.applyPluginsWaterfall (/src/node_modules/webpack/node_modules/tapable/lib/Tapable.js:92:24)
        at MainTemplate.plugin (/src/node_modules/webpack/lib/MainTemplate.js:106:31)
        at MainTemplate.applyPluginsWaterfall (/src/node_modules/webpack/node_modules/tapable/lib/Tapable.js:92:24)
        at MainTemplate.render (/src/node_modules/webpack/lib/MainTemplate.js:175:31)
        at Compilation.createChunkAssets (/src/node_modules/webpack/lib/Compilation.js:1254:34)
        at sealPart2 (/src/node_modules/webpack/lib/Compilation.js:629:10)
        at next (/src/node_modules/webpack/node_modules/tapable/lib/Tapable.js:184:11)
        at /src/node_modules/extract-text-webpack-plugin/dist/index.js:241:13
        at /src/node_modules/extract-text-webpack-plugin/node_modules/async/dist/async.js:421:16
        at iteratorCallback (/src/node_modules/extract-text-webpack-plugin/node_modules/async/dist/async.js:998:13)
        at /src/node_modules/extract-text-webpack-plugin/node_modules/async/dist/async.js:906:16
        at /src/node_modules/extract-text-webpack-plugin/dist/index.js:224:15
        at /src/node_modules/extract-text-webpack-plugin/node_modules/async/dist/async.js:421:16
        at eachOfArrayLike (/src/node_modules/extract-text-webpack-plugin/node_modules/async/dist/async.js:991:9)
        at eachOf (/src/node_modules/extract-text-webpack-plugin/node_modules/async/dist/async.js:1051:5)
        at Object.eachLimit (/src/node_modules/extract-text-webpack-plugin/node_modules/async/dist/async.js:3145:5)
        at /src/node_modules/extract-text-webpack-plugin/dist/index.js:189:29
        at /src/node_modules/extract-text-webpack-plugin/node_modules/async/dist/async.js:3083:16
        at eachOfArrayLike (/src/node_modules/extract-text-webpack-plugin/node_modules/async/dist/async.js:1003:9)
        at eachOf (/src/node_modules/extract-text-webpack-plugin/node_modules/async/dist/async.js:1051:5)
        at Object.eachLimit (/src/node_modules/extract-text-webpack-plugin/node_modules/async/dist/async.js:3145:5)
        at Compilation.<anonymous> (/src/node_modules/extract-text-webpack-plugin/dist/index.js:184:27)
        at Compilation.applyPluginsAsyncSeries (/src/node_modules/webpack/node_modules/tapable/lib/Tapable.js:188:13)
        at Compilation.seal (/src/node_modules/webpack/lib/Compilation.js:579:8)
       42 modules

Couldn't parse bundle asset "/src/dist/public/browser.94235cfb9483ffed8e65.js".
Analyzer will use module sizes from stats file.

Webpack Bundle Analyzer saved report to /src/dist/report.html
npm ERR! errno 2
npm ERR! [email protected] build: `cross-env NODE_ENV=production WEBPACK_CONFIG=browser_prod,server_prod webpack --colors`
npm ERR! Exit status 2
npm ERR! 
npm ERR! Failed at the [email protected] build script.
npm ERR! This is probably not a problem with npm. There is likely additional logging output above.

npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
npm ERR!     /root/.npm/_logs/2017-07-25T17_20_14_715Z-debug.log
The command '/bin/sh -c npm run build' returned a non-zero code: 2

Webpack config improvements

  1. Wouldn't it be better if we change Webpack's config file's 'module.loaders' to 'module.rules' to confirm to Webpack 2's standard?, according to
    Confirming to the recommended standard would give users confidence in that it's being well maintained.

  2. Wouldn't it be better if we used Webpack-dev-middleware + Webpack-hot-middleware instead of Webpack-dev-server, because WDM + WHM gives user more flexibility and functionality?

[v4.1.0] webpack "failed to compile" when using sequelize

OS: macOS 10.12.2
Node: v7.6.0
Npm: 4.1.2


  1. reactql new (created new project using defaults)
  2. npm install sequelize --save (fine)
  3. added import Sequelize from 'sequelize'; to /src/app.js
  4. npm start

Getting this error:

Failed to compile.

(undefined) ./node_modules/sequelize/lib/dialects/mssql/query.js
Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'tedious' in '/Users/{my username}/Documents/reactql/reactql-app/node_modules/sequelize/lib/dialects/mssql'
 @ ./node_modules/sequelize/lib/dialects/mssql/query.js 10:14-32
 @ ./node_modules/sequelize/lib/dialects/mssql/index.js
 @ ./node_modules/sequelize/lib/sequelize.js
 @ ./node_modules/sequelize/index.js
 @ ./src/app.js
 @ ./kit/entry/browser.js
 @ multi (webpack)-dev-server/client?http://localhost:8080 webpack/hot/dev-server react-hot-loader/patch webpack-dev-server/client?http://localhost:8080 webpack/hot/only-dev-server ./kit/entry/browser.js

I got the same result on a windows 10 machine. Since I'm not seeing any related issues in the sequelize repo, I'm assuming this has something to do with the webpack config, perhaps?

Add CLI option for JS/TS selection

Currently there are the following CLI options:

--name, -n New project name
--desc, -d Project description
--path, -p Path to install the starter kit
--license, -l License for pkg.json
--help Show help

It would seem that if there was a Javascript/Typescript option that a user could pass in, that one could do reactql new <all options> and avoid the interactivity of the CLI, if their use case so called for it. Adding this option seems within the confines of the intent of ReactQL - all the other CLI options are there, except for JS/TS.

Enhancement request for sure in my mind, but would be a nice to have...

Install issue

First, great project and good job. I had a small issue with the dependencies. Is the CLI supposed to download all the dependencies?

Here's how to repeat my issue:

Here's my steps:

reactql new
cd .\reactql-app
npm start
npm ERR! [email protected] start: webpack-dev-server --colors
npm ERR! Exit status 1
npm ERR!
npm ERR! Failed at the [email protected] start script 'webpack-dev-server --colors'.

then did a npm install and it fixed the issue.

npm install

Not emitting es modules

Very useful project here. One concern I had is that in kit/webpack/browser.js, modules is not set to false which means by default import statements are transpiled to commonjs meaning that not all tree shaking optimizations can be taken advantage of. However when I change this, there is no change in size of the output bundle. Not sure exactly why this is, and was wondering if you had an idea.

Replace EJS with plain React?

I like the minimalism approach of this starter kit. Do you think that using React renderer instead of EJS will have some negative impact? This means one less dependency to manage. I could do a PR (trivial), but I need your permission to start working on it.

No Typescript Version ?

Just downloaded and installed reactql cli
Ran new project but it did not give me any prompts to select language.

I am using v3.9.1 and I would like to download the Typescript version of the bundle. How do I do this please ?

Demo with Redux

I am having a hard time trying to figure how to add redux with graphQL, it would be really amazing if you had some documentation for a sample query just to give us an idea of how to hook up the action creator, connect and reduced. I love this package, thanks for putting it together!

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