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This project forked from boraxtheclean/developmentmachine

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Code to deploy an EC2 instance for development purposes.

Shell 100.00%

developmentmachine's Introduction


I diagram of the AWS resources deployed. This repo contains a Cloudformation template to deploy an EC2 Instance for software development.

What's in the box?

This will deploy a Amazon Linux EC2 instance, an Instance Profile granting admin access, and a cloudwatch alarm to turn off the instance after 3 hours of inactivity.

What do I do with it?

Write and deploy code!

I recommend making desired changes to this AMI and burning a new AMI with your preferred configurations built in. For example, you could install your favorite version of python, securely store credentials, configure your dotfiles.

How much will it cost me?

Leaving this instance stopped for a month will incur about an $0.80 bill in us-east-1. The reason for this is the 8 GB EBS volume that is provisioned: $0.10 per GB-month of General Purpose SSD (gp2) provisioned storage - US East (Northern Virginia)

Small instances however, are very cheap to run. You can usually get a machine big enough for your development needs for under $0.01 an hour. Here is the EC2 Instance Pricing page.

These are my links

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developmentmachine's People


boraxtheclean avatar



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