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This project forked from cesarhuret/docgpt

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ChatGPT directly within Google Docs as an Editor Add-on ๐Ÿ“‘

Home Page:

Shell 0.06% JavaScript 55.26% Python 4.32% HTML 29.13% Dockerfile 0.70% VBA 10.41% Procfile 0.12%

docgpt's Introduction

docGPT ๐Ÿ“„

  • Faster than
  • Free
  • Live Chat Within Google Docs
  • Text Completion


  • Google Docs
  • MS Word

Google Docs

  1. Get the template:

  2. Make a copy of the document

alt text

  1. Type something in your Google Doc

alt text

  1. Select your question, or whatever text you want to send to ChatGPT

alt text

  1. Use the extension! (click Start instead of Ask to access the chat pop-up)

alt text

  1. Accept the Authorization request & sign into google

alt text

  1. Click Advanced, go to ChatGPT & allow the scopes required

alt text

  1. Get your result!

alt text

MS Word

  1. Open a new word document

  2. Enable the Developer Tab on Word

  3. Click Macros alt text

  4. Create a new macro with the name AddToShortcut alt text

  5. Copy the code in wordGPT/ask.bas of this repo, and paste it into the Word VBA Editor

  6. Click Tools > References in the navbar
    alt text

  7. Search for Microsoft Scripting Runtime and enable it

  8. Click OK and Save the file containing the code you pasted.

  9. Right click selected text in Word and click Ask ChatGPT


  1. Wait for your result! (Currently it is not recommended to ask ChatGPT again before current question is answered, otherwise all the answers can be mixed up. Keyboard input is disabled while waiting for the result, see issue #9.)

docgpt's People


cesarhuret avatar magic-wei avatar

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