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vehicle-demo-using-blockchain-starter-plan's Introduction


In this pattern, see how to create a network on the IBM Blockchain Platform, install a smart contract (chaincode) onto a peer in the network, and run a sample application to invoke it. You'll see how to populate the shared ledger and communicate with it by making calls from a local client application to query and update the ledger.

The IBM Blockchain Platform Starter Plan is a fully integrated and enterprise-ready service running on the IBM Cloud. The platform is designed to accelerate the development, governance, and operation of a multi-institution business network. Starter Plan is specifically aimed at test and development scenarios rather than production ones. For production scenarios you should use the Enterprise Plan. The sample application we'll use in this pattern is a Hyperledger Fabric sample called fabcar and, while you can review the sample and run it locally in a Docker container; in this pattern you'll see how to install and run it on the IBM Blockchain Platform Starter Plan on the IBM Cloud. Hyperledger is a global, open source, collaborative effort, hosted by The Linux Foundation, to advance cross-industry blockchain technologies. Hyperledger Fabric is a Hyperledger project and framework implementation whose modular architecture powers the IBM Blockchain Platform Starter Plan.

This code pattern is for developers looking to start building blockchain applications using the IBM Blockchain Platform Starter Plan. When the reader has completed this code pattern, they will understand how to:

  • Create a network on the IBM Blockchain Platform
  • Install a smart contract (chaincode) onto a peer in the network
  • Run a sample application to query and update the ledger

Architecture Flow

Architecture Flow

  1. The buyer of the vehicle views the catalog of cars on his dashboard.
  2. They personalize the vehicle by selecting model, exterior and interior options and other packages/add-ons available withthe vehicle.
  3. They submit the order.
  4. The order is received by the manufacturer on their dashboard where they view the progress of the assembly of the vehicle and the shipment status.
  5. The vehicle regulatory views and tracks all details and changes with respect to the order on the blockchain, allowing maximum transparency.

Included Components

  • Hyperledger Composer v0.20.3 Hyperledger Composer is an extensive, open development toolset and framework to make developing blockchain applications easier
  • Hyperledger Fabric v1.3 Hyperledger Fabric is a platform for distributed ledger solutions, underpinned by a modular architecture delivering high degrees of confidentiality, resiliency, flexibility and scalability.
  • IBM Blockchain Starter Plan The IBM Blockchain Platform Starter Plan allows to build and try out blockchain network in an environment designed for development and testing

Featured Technologies

  • IBM Blockchain: Blockchain is a shared, immutable ledger for recording the history of transactions.
  • Cloud: Accessing computer and information technology resources through the Internet.


  • NPM V5.6.0

  • Node.js V8.10.0

  • Git

  • If you do not have an IBM Cloud account yet, you will need to create one here.


  1. Setup your machine
  2. Clone the repository
  3. Create a network on the IBM Blockchain Platform Starter Plan
  4. nstall chaincode on the channel
  5. Configure your application to run on the IBM Blockchain Platform
  6. Summary

1. Setup your machine

  • npm (v5.x)
  • Node (version 8.9 or higher - note version 9 is not supported)
  • to install specific Node version you can use nvm


      1. nvm install --lts
      1. nvm use --lts
      1. Output Now using node v8.11.3 (npm v5.6.0)
  • Hyperledger Composer
  • Cloud Wallet Package
  • Cloud Foundry CLI
    • for Mac OS X Installation
      brew tap cloudfoundry/tap
      brew install cf-cli
    • for Linux (Debian and Ubuntu based) Installation
      wget -q -O - | sudo apt-key add -
      echo "deb stable main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/cloudfoundry-cli.list
      sudo apt-get update
      sudo apt-get install cf-cli

2. Clone the repository

You need to get code for the application onto your local machine. Open a command-line or terminal window, navigate to a suitable directory and create a new directory called fabcar. Navigate to the new fabcar directory and run the following command to clone the fabric samples source:

git clone

This will copy the code for all the samples to your local machine. In a later step you will deploy the code.

git clone

Go ahead and cd into the directory

cd vehicle-demo-using-blockchain-starter-plan

3. Create a network on the IBM Blockchain Platform Starter Plan

To complete this pattern, you need an IBM Cloud account. Please note that the Platform is often changed, and the screen shots in this tutorial may not exactly match the ones you see.

Create a new Blockchain service in your IBM Cloud space (link). Give your service a name, select 'Starter Membership Plan' for the pricing and then press Create. You should then be taken to the dashboard for your service

Starting on the Rapidly build with IBM Blockchain Platform page, make sure you are logged-in and choose Dallas as the region as at the time of writing Starter Plan is only deployed to that region. Enter Blockchain-demo as the Service name, then select Starter Plan Membership and click Create.

create blockchain service

You can now see the Network created! screen. Click Launch from this screen to see the dashboard for your network.

launch network

The next screen is the getting started welcome screen. Click Got it when you have finished reading.

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If you look at the top left you will see that your network has been given a generated name. Click on the name and change it to fabcar.

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Once you have changed the name you will get a pop-up in the top right for a few seconds informing you that the change has been successful:

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Out of the box, Starter Plan creates you a working simple network. If you select the Overview tab you can see an overview of what was created for you automatically:

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The network actually consists of two organizations Company A (Org1) and Company B (Org2), although you are logged on as Org1 by default and so can only see the Orderer service which is shared between both orgs, and a Certificate Authority (CA) and a Peer for org1.

If you select the Members tab on the left you can see these members in a little more detail:

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If you select the Channels tab on the side you will see that there is also a channel called defaultchannel that has been created as well:

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For this pattern we will use this defaultchannel for simplicity. Click on the defaultchannel row in the table to see more details on the channel:

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Here you can see that there are already 3 blocks on the chain held by the channel that store the initial configuration information. You can select each row to see more details if you wish.

4. Install chaincode on the channel

The next step in this tutorial is to deploy the chaincode to the channel.

Using the Starter Plan UI, select the Install Code tab from the left hand sidebar to see the Install code screen:

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Click the drop-down called Choose-peer and select org1-peer1. Now click the Install Chaincode button.

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On the Install chaincode on org1peer1 dialog, enter fabcar for the Chaincode ID, enter v1 for the Chaincode Version.

You have a choice to deploy either the Nodejs or Golang version of the fabcar chaincode. Both provide the same functionality, so the choice comes down in part to skills. Choose Node or Golang for the Chaincode Type.

Finally, on this screen click Choose files to select the chaincode source to install.

If you want to use the go version, select the fabcar.go chaincode single file from the chaincode/fabcar/go folder that resides in the github folder that you cloned earlier from GitHub. However, if you prefer to use the node version, select both the fabcar.js file and the package.json files from the chaincode/fabcar/node folder that was also downloaded from github.

Example install of the go version of the fabcar chaincode:

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Example install of the node version of the fabcar chaincode:

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Once you have made your choice, click the Submit button to upload the chaincode to Starter Plan. Next you need to instantiate the chaincode. Click on the three dots in the Actions column to see the menu and choose Instantiate.

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On the Instantiate chaincode dialog, there are no arguments to provide for fabcar as it does not need any. However, you do need to select defaultchannel from the Channel drop-down and match the Chaincode Type to the language (Node or Golang) of the code you uploaded above. Click Next. You don't need to enter anything on the next screen, so then click Submit.

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Once this completes, you can select the fabcar row to see that the chaincode is now instantiated on the defaultchannel:

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Now the chaincode has been instantiated on the channel, select the Channels side tab and select the defaultchannel row to see its details:

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You can now see there is one extra block on the channel which is the record of the instantiate operation we performed above. Now select the Chaincode tab on this screen and select the fabcar row to expand it. You can now see three buttons under fabcar:

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JSON: This JSON file holds the credentials and peer information for the blockchain network.

Logs: This contains the IBM Cloud logging analysis data.

Delete: This stops and deletes the chaincode instance.

Next, in the vehicle-demo-using-blockchain-starter-plan/fabcar folder that was downloaded from github, create a new folder called config. Click the JSON button shown above, and a new tab will open. Copy all the data shown in this tab into a new file called network-profile.json and save this file inside the vehicle-demo-using-blockchain-starter-plan/fabcar/config folder you just created.

5. Configure your application to run on the IBM Blockchain Platform

The code you downloaded from github is hard-coded to use a local instance of Fabric. Because we are using Fabric located remotely on IBM Blockchain Platform, this pattern comes with new versions of the fabcar apps that will connect securely to the remote platform using the network-profile.json configuration file you just download and saved above. The original four fabcar applications are called:

  • enrollAdmin.js

  • registerUser.js

  • invoke.js

  • query.js

The zip file that comes with this article contains new versions of these files called:

  • enrollAdminNetwork.js
  • registerUserNetwork.js
  • invokeNetwork.js
  • queryNetwork.js

These new files all end with the word Network to indicate these are the new versions that will access fabcar remotely and to ensure they will not replace the original files. The zip also contains one extra configuration file called:

  • client-profile.json

The client-profile.json file contains some extra configuration needed to access the remote fabcar chaincode.

Your next step is to extract these files from the zip file and put them into the correct locations. The first four files ending in Network should be placed into the fabric-samples/fabcar folder alongside the original four files from githhub. The client-profile.json file should be placed into the fabric-samples/fabcar/config folder alongside the network-profile.json file you downloaded and saved earlier.

Run npm install

The fabcar client application is written in Node.js. In order to complete this next step, you will need to have Node.js and npm installed on your local machine. Note that currently Node.js v7 is not supported and you need to use v6.9.0 or earlier. Return to the command-line or terminal window and run the npm install command from within the fabcar folder:

cd fabric-samples/fabcar

npm install

On Windows, you may need to install the Windows Build Tools if you get build errors:

npm install --global windows-build-tools

All the prerequisite node packages are now installed in order to run the fabcar client application.

Enrolling an Admin

When your network was created in Starter Plan, each organisation had an Administrator user called admin automatically registered with the Certificate Authority (CA). You now need to send an enrolment request to the CA to retrieve their enrolment certificate (eCert). From within the fabcar folder run:

node enrollAdminNetwork.js

You should see output like this:

> node enrollAdminNetwork.js
Found organization: org1 and ca name: org1-ca
Enrolling using enrollmentId: admin and EnrollmentSecret: 2d87ae1b59
Successfully enrolled admin user "admin" with msp: "org1

The enrollAdminNetwork.js application will create a local public/private key pair in a folder it creates called hfc-key-store and send a Certificate Signing Request (CSR) to the remote CA for org1 to issue the eCert. The eCert, along with some metadata, will also be stored in the hfc-key-store folder. The connection details of where the CA is located and the TLS certificate needed to connect to it are all obtained by the application from the network-profile.json you downloaded earlier.

Enrolling a new user

Using the eCert for the admin user we will now register and enrol a new user called ‘user1’ with the CA. This user will be the one whose identity we will use to update and query the ledger. From within the fabcar folder run:

node registerUserNetwork.js

You should see output like this:

> node registerUserNetwork.js
Successfully loaded admin from persistence
Successfully registered "user1" - with secret:gTYshgoNxoLH
Successfully enrolled member user "user30" with msp: "org1"
"user1" was successfully registered and enrolled and is ready to interact with the fabric network

Like the previous command this application has created a new public/private key pair and sent a CSR request to the CA to issue the eCert for user1. If you look in the hlf-key-store folder you should see six files, three for each identity.

Initialize the ledger

The original fabcar sample from github has a script that automatically calls an initledger transaction to populate the ledger with 10 initial vehicles to get you started quickly. Because we are not using this script, we need to call this transaction ourselves. The invokeNetwork.js command has been written to call this directly so we can just run this command next:

node invokeNetwork.js

You should see output that ends like this:


Successfully committed the change to the ledger by the peer

As the chaincode gets run in a separate chaincode docker container, it can take sometime to start this container on first use. If you get a timeout or a premature execution error, just try running the command again. If you take a look at the Channel Overview after the command has completed successfully, you should see there is now an extra block on the ledger:

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Query the ledger

The invokeNetwork.js command has now populated the ledger with sample data for 10 cars, so let's query the ledger to see the data. To do this we are going to run the queryNetwork.js command which is set up to query all cars that exist on the ledger:

node queryNetwork.js

You should see output like this:

> node queryNetwork.js
Successfully loaded user1 from persistence
Query has completed, checking results
Response is  [{"Key":"CAR0", "Record":{"colour":"blue","make":"Toyota","model":"Prius","owner":"Tomoko"}},{"Key":"CAR1", "Record":{"colour":"red","make":"Ford","model":"Mustang","owner":"Brad"}},{"Key":"CAR2", "Record":{"colour":"green","make":"Hyundai","model":"Tucson","owner":"Jin Soo"}},{"Key":"CAR3", "Record":{"colour":"yellow","make":"Volkswagen","model":"Passat","owner":"Max"}},{"Key":"CAR4", "Record":{"colour":"black","make":"Tesla","model":"S","owner":"Adriana"}},{"Key":"CAR5", "Record":{"colour":"purple","make":"Peugeot","model":"205","owner":"Michel"}},{"Key":"CAR6", "Record":{"colour":"white","make":"Chery","model":"S22L","owner":"Aarav"}},{"Key":"CAR7", "Record":{"colour":"violet","make":"Fiat","model":"Punto","owner":"Pari"}},{"Key":"CAR8", "Record":{"colour":"indigo","make":"Tata","model":"Nano","owner":"Valeria"}},{"Key":"CAR9", "Record":{"colour":"brown","make":"Holden","model":"Barina","owner":"Shotaro"}}]

Update the ledger Finally, let's make an update to the ledger. To do this, you need to make a simple change to the invokeNetwork.js command.

Open the invokeNetwork.js file in an editor of your choice such as atom or VSCode, then find and edit the request variable as shown below so that it will invoke the createCar chaincode with a set of arguments that describe the car to be created. The changed request variable should look like this:

var request = {
  chaincodeId: 'fabcar',
  fcn: 'createCar',
  args: ['CAR10', 'Honda', 'Accord', 'Black', 'Dave'],
  txId: tx_id

Save the file and run the edited command again using node invokeNetwork.js. The expected output is:

Successfully committed the change to the ledger by the peer.

This has created a new Honda vehicle with the owner Dave and stored it on the ledger. You can see the new car on the ledger by running the queryNetwork.js command again as you did before. You can now experiment with creating new cars on the ledger with different names and owners. If you look at the Channel Overview you should see new blocks added as you create new cars.

Finally, you may want to experiment with the changeOwner transaction to change the owner of a vehicle. To do this, change the request variable in invokeNetwork.js again to look like this:

var request = { chaincodeId: 'fabcar', fcn: 'changeCarOwner', args: ['CAR10', 'MGK'], txId: tx_id };

Now save the file and run the command again using node invokeNetwork.js. The expected output is:

Successfully committed the change to the ledger by the peer

You can see the updated owner on the ledger by running the queryNetwork.js command again. You can see the owner of CAR10 has changed from Dave to MGK.

If you want to query for a single car rather than for all cars, make this change to the request variable in the queryNetwork.js command and rerun it:

const request = { chaincodeId: 'fabcar', fcn: 'queryCar', args: ['CAR10'] };

You should now see the information for a single car:

> node queryNetwork.js
Successfully loaded user1 from persistence
Query has completed, checking results
Response is {"colour":"Black","make":"Honda","model":"Accord","owner":"MGK"}

6. Summary

You now have a running network on the IBM Blockchain Platform Starter Plan, with a sample chaincode deployed to a peer and instantiated on a channel. You also have a running application that you can easily work with locally. You've populated the ledger with sample data, and your application can now communicate (query and update) with the blockchain on the IBM Blockchain Platform. Happy blockchaining!

7. Acknowledgments

The authors thank Anthony O'Dowd of the IBM Blockchain Labs Global Engagement team for their expert guidance and support throughout the development of this tutorial.

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