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myth-auth's Issues

Permission error


I get permission error

I try do this

class Test extends Controller {

    use \Myth\Auth\AuthTrait;

    public function __construct() {


    public function index() {

        $this->restrictWithPermissions('price', '/');



And I get this error:
Argument 3 passed to Myth\Auth\Config\Services::authorization() must be an instance of CodeIgniter\Model or null, boolean given, called in /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/TrackTrace/web.track-trace/system/Config/BaseService.php on line 114

Take builder out from $this->builder()->select() in GroupModel.php

return $this->builder()->select('auth_groups_users.*,, auth_groups.description')

In the last commit, you changed the line (along with namespacing issues)

return $this->select('auth_groups_users.*,, auth_groups.description') 


return $this->builder()->select('auth_groups_users.*,, auth_groups.description') 

Now it complains about not finding toArray() method.
I took ->builder() out from the statement and it started working again.

I can not change user password on check of current password

@lonnieezell I have been trying to update users password but no success. I try to scan through the folk tales of this script. I saw you are using password_hash with base64_encode together so I try using password_verify but no way. Please Can you show me how to do this in order to pass through it. I am trying to verify the current password before changing it.

Filter parameters

Filters can take parameters?? Anywhere this is documented? I dug through the CI4 Router code but there’s a lot of different pieces there...

attemptReset does not check for token existance before resetting passwd

Just adding a second 'where' condition will do:
$user = $users->where('email', $this->request->getPost('email'))->where('reset_hash', $this->request->getPost('token'))->first();

On the other hand, what's the logic you thought for "reset-time" field in DB?
I guess it'd mean that you could put a certain amount of minutes of token validity that could be checked just after the $user = $user->where()...->first() above. Am I right?

route to reset-password being redirected to login

Now that we (sort of) have Email working again in CI4, I tried using the forgot password feature.
All works fine until I click on the email link sent to the user.
Login filter tests the current_url() to see if it's a login page, but doesn't take into account the reset-password url. Therefore, it keeps on redirecting to login. Once logged in, it obviously redirects to reset-password form so you can enter the sent token. No point in this as you might definitely don't know your password.
Easy enough, adding a third 'OR' to the if will make it work fine.

if ( (current_url() == site_url(route_to('login'))) || (current_url() == site_url(route_to('forgot')))
|| (current_url() == site_url(route_to('reset-password')))
) { return; }

Register Error

It’s a problem after the publish command

Argument 1 passed to Myth\Auth\Authentication\Passwords\PasswordValidator::__construct() must be an instance of Myth\Auth\Config\Auth, instance of App\Config\Auth given, called in C:\xampp\htdocs\codeigniter4-admin\vendor\myth\auth\src\Config\Services.php on line 90
  • Codeigniter version 4.0.0-rc.1
  • myth-auth version dev-develop

redirect not working in AuthTrait

Redirect is doing nothing here. No companies either.
Don't know exactly why, but changing redirect to header works fine.
I know it's not a solution, but it helps to continue with the rest in the meantime.

         if (empty($uri))
+            header("Location: ".route_to('login'));
+            die();
             redirect( route_to('login') );

However, header will not take into account the redirect_uri passed as a GET parameter

Validation errors

I don't see how I can get validation errors. When eg my group edit was failed I try to get an error from FlatAuthorization::error() but I get nothing. Validation errors we should get from $this->groupModel->errors() but we don't have access for that.

I am talking about this part (and more)

        if (! $this->groupModel->update($id, $data))
            $this->error = $this->groupModel->error();

            return false;

CPU 100%


I try use this Auth package with cPanel and I noticed when I refresh 4-7 fast page CPU up to 100% in cPanel

And this happening when I try setup Auth Classes


public function __construct() {

And I am thinking in this place

Core Version

Hello Guys !

I will take the weekend to try CI4 and the main thing I needed was a reliable auth library.

Thank god I found this... I am already a Lonnie´s HUGE fan ( just got my patron status ).

What I want to ask/propose is a CORE version of this auth library. A version with only the login, create user, check credentials, etc...

Is it possible ? What do you think about this idea ?

Thank you !

Old version of Migration commands

@lonnieezell , I know you now focused to CI4 RC but please, change migration commands to newer version. People and me also want to test package out.
New Migration commands running without error but not creating table(s)

php spark migrate:latest -all

And as I understood we don't need do anything about set discoverLocal to true. Because it is enabled by default?


It looks like $routes->discoverLocal never made it into beta. I see it in codeigniter4/CodeIgniter4@9a1ffb5 but maybe plans were dropped to include it? Is this still a valid step for configuration, or is it superseded by namespaced route discovery?

Undefined property CSRFHeaderName

After installation appears this error:
Error shows at any routes URLs (register, login, forgot)

Undefined property: Config\App::$CSRFHeaderName
SYSTEMPATH/Security\Security.php at line 183

Application view files do not override packaged views.

When installing with spark several files are copied to App namespace and a conversion is made dealing with their namespaces.
However, when App view-files are loaded, several path error appear as namespace get converted to Auth\Views\etc... instead of \App\Views\Auth\etc...

<?= view('\App\Views\Auth\_header') ?>

This happens in all of the Auth View files, but _footer, _message_block and _navbar

Namespace: Auth missing

Don't know if I'm bothering you with these errors, but I'm trying to use it in a project with CI4 and whenever I find what I think is an error I try to report it to you.
If you don't like/want me doing this, please let me know and I'll stop.
Thanks for all your code & work!

use Myth\Authorization\GroupModel;

Exception when logging in with non-existant username

Authentication fails with an exception when a user that doesn't exist tries to log in with a username instead of email.
This is because when it tries to log the failed attempt, it forcefully uses $credentials['email'] only

Rolefilter does not end well when more than one role is checked

Maybe better with an example:

$user= 'dog';
$role= 'doberman';

Routes set:

$routes->get('changepass', 'Admin::changePassword', ['filter' => 'role:doberman,german_sheppard', 'as' => 'change-password']);

Then, analyzing step by step:

$result = true;
// Check each requested permission
foreach (['doberman','german_sheppard'] as $group)
	$result = $result && $authorize->inGroup($group, $authenticate->id());

$result would be true on first iteration, but would become false on second.
Therefore, final result is FALSE, though $user belongs to role "doberman".

Proposed solution:

$result = false;
// Check each requested permission
foreach ($params as $group)
	if (!$result)
		$result = $authorize->inGroup($group, $authenticate->id());

Error forgot password

Object of class CodeIgniter\Email\Email could not be converted to string

APPPATH/Controllers\AuthController.php at line 212

205               ->setSubject(lang('Auth.forgotSubject'))
206               ->setMessage(view($this->config->views['emailForgot'], ['hash' => $user->reset_hash]))
207               ->setMailType('html')
208               ->send();
210         if (! $sent)
211         {
212             log_message('error', "Failed to send forgotten password email to: {$email}");
213             return redirect()->back()->withInput()->with('error', lang('Auth.unknownError'));
214         }
216         return redirect()->route('reset-password')->with('message', lang('Auth.forgotEmailSent'));
217     }
219     /**
  • Codeigniter version 4.0.0-rc.1
  • myth-auth version dev-develop

Fresh install - Invalid File

Using current CodeIgniter version:

cloned myth-auth to app/ThirdParty/auth

added to Autoload.php $psr4:

'Myth\\Auth' => APPPATH . 'ThirdParty\\auth\\src', // Auth system

added to Validations.php


and migrated

php spark migrate:latest -all

when i try


i not checked if is a issue with this system or with CI4

a workaround that worked to me:

commented line 135:
//$filename = $folder . '/' . $filename;


Reset* vars in user don't get nullified when password is changed

Set these vars to null in case a reset password was asked.
user (one with short memory) requests a
reset-token and then does nothing => asks the
administrator to reset his password.
User would have a new password but still anyone with the
reset-token would be able to change the password.

name is not a property of the Entity user

DictionaryValidator uses the following to check for personal information in the password

if ($user !== null)
    $names = [
        strtolower(str_replace(' ', '', $user->name)),
        strtolower(str_replace(' ', '.', $user->name)),
        strtolower(str_replace(' ', '-', $user->name)),

The problem is that, as far as I can determine, the Entity used in myth/auth does not have a name property. Should they all be $user->username?

I have been thinking of offering a PR on this functionality anyway and, if $user->name needs fixing I can fix it there.

Permission ID not being get

When trying to restrict a method or controller with
$this->restrictWithPermissions('informes.en_sector.create', site_url('dashboard') )
it always redirects as if no permission exited or user is not allowed

Config autoload causing Composer failures

composer.json includes the library path as well as mapping '\Config' to this library's support\Config (, which overwrites the namespace for app/Config causing issues with older versions of the config files, for example:
Undefined property: Config\Toolbar::$maxQueries

Is the intent for this library to be added via Composer to existing CodeIgniter projects? And if so, what purpose is autoloading support/Config service?

Error Register

Codeigniter Version 4.0.0-rc.2.1
Myth\Auth Version dev-develop

Undefined variable: errors

SYSTEMPATH/Validation\Validation.php at line 651

/span>         // If we already have errors, we'll use those.
/span>         // If we don't, check the session to see if any were
/span>         // passed along from a redirect_with_input request.
/span>         if (empty($this->errors) && ! is_cli())
/span>         {
/span>             if (isset($_SESSION) && session('_ci_validation_errors'))
/span>             {
/span>                 $this->errors = unserialize($errors);
/span>             }
/span>         }
/span>         return $this->errors ?? [];
/span>     }
/span>     //--------------------------------------------------------------------

APPPATH/Controllers\AuthController.php : 156 — CodeIgniter\Model->errors ()

/span>             'email'            => 'required|valid_email|is_unique[]',
/span>             'password'        => 'required|strong_password',
/span>             'pass_confirm'    => 'required|matches[password]',
/span>         ]);
/span>         if (! $this->validate($rules))
/span>         {
/span>             return redirect()->back()->withInput()->with('errors', $users->errors());
/span>         }
/span>         // Save the user
/span>         $user = new User($this->request->getPost());
/span>         if (! $users->save($user))
/span>         {

Issue on installing with composer

Can not install the myth auth with composer please can you make it compatible.

composer require myth/auth

Could not find a version of package myth/auth matching your minimum-stabili
ty (stable). Require it with an explicit version constraint allowing its de
sired stability.

require [--dev] [--prefer-source] [--prefer-dist] [--no-progress] [--no-suggest]
 [--no-update] [--no-scripts] [--update-no-dev] [--update-with-dependencies] [--
update-with-all-dependencies] [--ignore-platform-reqs] [--prefer-stable] [--pref
er-lowest] [--sort-packages] [-o|--optimize-autoloader] [-a|--classmap-authorita
tive] [--apcu-autoloader] [--] [<packages>]...

Please check this issue

Publish views error

php spark auth:publish
Publish Views? [y, n]: y

An uncaught Exception was encountered

Type:        ErrorException
Message:     mkdir(): No such file or directory
Filename:    C:\xampp\htdocs\codeigniter4-admin\vendor\myth\auth\src\Commands\Publish.php
Line Number: 273

           -273 - C:\xampp\htdocs\codeigniter4-admin\vendor\myth\auth\src\Commands\Publish.php::mkdir
           -182 - C:\xampp\htdocs\codeigniter4-admin\vendor\myth\auth\src\Commands\Publish.php::writeFile
           -162 - C:\xampp\htdocs\codeigniter4-admin\vendor\myth\auth\src\Commands\Publish.php::publishView
            -97 - C:\xampp\htdocs\codeigniter4-admin\vendor\myth\auth\src\Commands\Publish.php::publishViews
           -136 - C:\xampp\htdocs\codeigniter4-admin\vendor\codeigniter4\framework\system\CLI\CommandRunner.php::run
           -109 - C:\xampp\htdocs\codeigniter4-admin\vendor\codeigniter4\framework\system\CLI\CommandRunner.php::runCommand
            -85 - C:\xampp\htdocs\codeigniter4-admin\vendor\codeigniter4\framework\system\CLI\CommandRunner.php::index
           -840 - C:\xampp\htdocs\codeigniter4-admin\vendor\codeigniter4\framework\system\CodeIgniter.php::_remap
           -335 - C:\xampp\htdocs\codeigniter4-admin\vendor\codeigniter4\framework\system\CodeIgniter.php::runController
           -245 - C:\xampp\htdocs\codeigniter4-admin\vendor\codeigniter4\framework\system\CodeIgniter.php::handleRequest
            -85 - C:\xampp\htdocs\codeigniter4-admin\vendor\codeigniter4\framework\system\CLI\Console.php::run
            -57 - C:\xampp\htdocs\codeigniter4-admin\spark::run
  • Codeigniter version 4.0.0-rc.1
  • Myth-auth version dev-develop

PASSWORD_ARGON2ID is a conditional constant

#68 introduced alternate hashing algorithms, but the constant PASSWORD_ARGON2ID is only available if PHP has been compiled with Argon2 support, not a current requirement for Myth:Auth or CodeIgniter4. This causes syntax errors when trying to load the config file or using the User entity or LocalAuthenticator.

Either backing out the changes for Argon2 or adding some conditional constant definition?

Permissions for user

I try to add permissions to the user and I found an error because method addPermissionToUser working with User entity and add permission as a column of user table. Checking user permissions (method doesUserHavePermission) working with auth_users_permissions table so here we have some differences.

Even if I want to add permission to User entity then I get another error as below:


Argument 1 passed to Myth\Auth\Entities\User::setPermissions() must be of the type array or null, string given

I pass an array of permission but here Entities/User.php:175
should be (or use Entity JSON casting)

$this->attributes['permissions'] = json_encode($permissions);


$this->permissions = json_encode($permissions);

becouse array converted into json is again converter to json but now it isn't array but string.

AuthTrait redirects won't currently

They still follow the CI3 pattern where it would spit out the headers immediately, instead of returning the result. They need to be updated to return redirect().

Request: Publish to Packagist

I believe this package is stable enough to merit a release (at least a pre-release) that could then be published to to support Composer installs.

Error with failed login

I am trying to log a user via username + password and if these credentials are wrong I get a error as below:

Undefined index: email
vendor/myth/auth/src/Authentication/LocalAuthenticator.php at line 25
$this->recordLoginAttempt($credentials['email'], $ipAddress, $this->user->id ?? null, false);

I allow to credential via (Config/Auth.php)

    public $validFields = [
        'email', 'username'

Social login

You may want to consider using instead of hybridauth. It's based off the Laravel component of the same name, and seems to be pretty robust.
Btw, just curious, how does myth-auth compare against php-auth or others?

Core Providers

Other Providers
Add more...

Filter parameters don't seem to be in CI4

Revisiting #30, the auth filters don't seem to be working. Tracking it down, it looks like $params is empty no matter what is passed. If I'm understanding system/Filters/Filters.php correctly, it looks like only the request object is passed in and no additional parameters:

Is this something still coming down the pipe? or incorrectly missing? or am I misunderstanding?

Missing id() func in AuthenticationBase

I added the missing id() function to AuthenticationBase.
I'll look into "pulling requests" shortly so I can propose changes there

  • /**
  • * Returns the User ID for the current logged in user.
  • *
  • * @return int|null
  • */
  • public function id()
  • {
  •    return $this->user->id;
  • }
  • /**

LoginFilter messes with get's token parameter (reset-password)


  • Login filter is applied globally (in App\Config\Filters)
  • LoginFilter's before($request) method avoids checking for logged in user when route is login, forgot or reset-password
  • App is set to send emails with the token code when a user want's to reset his password

So far, everything works as expected. But, when I click on the reset form link ( I keep being redirected to login form.
Routes work as expected too. If, for instance, I write the URL like I get the reset-password form OK.
If I write the URL like works fine too.
And so on...
...until I write
Then, it redirects to login form. Whatever I write after the = sign makes no difference

Now, if I log-in, I am redirected to the reset-password form and the token input field gets populated just fine.

Tried d($request) first thing inside the before() method of LoginFilter and URL is fine.
But when I d($request) after the current_url() check and before the return, d($request) shows /login as the URL

Also, if I get rid of the global login filter, everything works as expected.

Any ideas?

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