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Deploying Django and React to Kubernetes

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k8s-django-react's Introduction

Deploying Django and React to Kubernetes

In a previous blog article we explored the capabalities of Docker and created containers for a Django and React web application, regarding a development environment. While Docker is an excellent tool for packaging containerized applications, it might not be enough for deploying applications in a production environment. Managing multiple containers across multiple servers, load balancing, and scaling the application is out of Docker's scope and can quickly become a complex, time-consuming, and error-proning task. This is where container orchestration comes into play.

Container orchestration is a crucial tool for managing and deploying containerized applications at scale. With the increasing adoption of containerization, the need for orchestration has become critical to ensure a efficient management of infrastructures. Container orchestration frameworks enable development and operation teams to automate deployment and management of containerized applications. This technology also promotes high availability, resilience, and fault tolerance, making it a valuable tool to implement Continuous Integration/Containuous Deployment (CI/CD).

While there are many container orchestration tools available, Kubernetes has emerged as the most popular framework. Among many reasons why Kubernetes became so popular, there are its scalability, flexibility, and active open-source community. Kubernetes offers a comprehensive solution for orchestrating from small to large-scale applications, making it a viable choice for diverse enterprises. Besides that, Kubernetes provides built-in security features and robust monitoring capabilities, making it secure and reliable.

Since Kubernetes is designed to run applications in clusters, developers may benefit of deploying the Kubernetes cluster locally throughout the infrastructure development stage. Minikube is a tool that allows developers to create a local Kubernetes cluster, which mimics a production environment. Using Minikube they can test and debug their applications locally and ensure that the application will run correctly when deployed to a production cluster.

The goal of this blog article is to demonstrate how to deploy the previously developed Django and React application to a Kubernetes cluster using Minikube. By following this tutorial, you'll learn how to create a local Kubernetes cluster using Minikube and deploy the pre-built containerized applications to it. This tutorial covers topics such as creating Kubernetes PersistentVolumes, Deployments, Services, and much more. Stay tunned and take the best out of it!

In order to structure our learning, the tutorial is split into four stages:


A basic understanding of Kubernetes and the following resources is required: ConfigMap, Secret, Pod, Deployment, Service, and Ingress. In case you haven't had contact with these resources, take your time to read the Kubernetes documentation. Don't rush, the blog post will still be available for you later!

To follow the approach proposed in this tutorial, we must have the following packages installed in our system:

  • Git
    • git 2.40
  • Docker
    • docker 23.0
  • Kubernetes
    • kubectl 1.27
    • minikube 1.29
      • Be sure that your Minikube cluster is up and running. To achieve that, execute minikube start. Check the status of your cluster with minikube status. You also need to deploy an Ingress controller running minikube addons enable ingress. The status of your Minikube addons can be verified with minikube addons list. For debugging Minikube's setup, refer to their detailed Documentation

Remember that you can still use newer version of the referred packages, but be aware that sometimes you may reproduce different outputs.

That's all you need..! After installing these packages and configuring Minikube, you're good to go!

Stage 0 - Foundation

The first step of our Kubernetes journey is to download the data related to the containers developed in the previous blog article. Since the main branch of the previous tutorial was forked into the stage0-base branch of the current tutorial, we simply have to clone the current tutorial's Git repository into a local machine and switch the branch.

  1. Create the local repository ~/mayflower, clone the Git repository into it, and switch to the branch stage0-base.

    mkdir ~/mayflower
    cd ~/mayflower
    git clone .
    git switch stage0-base

    At this point we should be able to run docker-compose up from ~/mayflower. After successfully running the containers, we can open our browser and navigate to http://localhost:8000 (Django API) or http://localhost:3000 (React APP). If you want to have a better idea of the project's structure, feel free to investigate the files within this branch and test the application. By doing it so, you'll feel more confident in the comming sections of this tutorial.

    If it's all still a bit confusing for you, I totally recommend you to step back and follow the previous blog article through.

  1. Add the hosts and to your hosts' file.

    To be able to access our application using the browser, we have to map Minikube's IP address to the target URL. So first we have to find out our Minikube's IP. To figure that out, we can execute minikube ip and check the command's output. Next we have to add two new line to our hosts' file containing our Minikube IP and the mapped hosts. To do that we can follow the example below:


    In this example we just have to substitute $MINIKUBE_IP_ADDRESS with the IP address printed out as we ran the command minikube ip.

    The host file location depends on your operational system. At Linux, MacOS, and Windows the file can be found respectively on: /etc/hosts, /private/etc/hosts, and c:\Windows\System32\Drivers\etc\hosts.

In the following sections we'll define the necessary resources to deploy database, backend, and frontend to Kubernetes. We'll store our environment variables in ConfigMaps or Secrets, according to the needs. All our persistent data will be managed by a PersistentVolume (PV), which will be attached to a Pod through a PersistentVolumeClaims (PVC). We'll deploy our containers using Deployments. A Deployment is an abstract layer wrapping Pods, the Kubernetes' smallest deployable units of computing. Deployments regularly check if their Pods are healthy and create or delete Pods whenever demanded. We'll finally expose our Pods internally using ClusterIP Services and externally using Ingresses.

That was all we need to prepare. Let's get started!

Stage 1 - Database (PostgreSQL)

In the database section we'll setup the following resources: Secret, PV, PVC, Deployment, and Service. Note that we don't need to deploy an Ingress for our database Service, because we want the database to be exposed only to the backend, which lives within the cluster. For that, a ClusterIP Service is enough and safer than an Ingress.

  1. ~/mayflower/infra/database/secret.yaml

    Since the environment variables used to deploy the database are sensitive and we don't want to expose their values to the world, we will encode them and store them in a Secret.

    apiVersion: v1
      POSTGRES_DB: cG9zdGdyZXM=
    kind: Secret
      name: database-secret

    As discussed in the previous blog article, we needed to define three environment variables to properly start our database container: POSTGRES_DB, POSTGRES_USER, and POSTGRES_PASSWORD. These variables were encoded using the "base64" schema before they were stored in the Secret. To get the decoded value of a variable, run echo $VARIABLE_VALUE | base64 --decode. For example the command echo cG9zdGdyZXM= | base64 --decode should print out the value of POSTGRES_DB, which happens to be postgres.

  1. ~/mayflower/infra/database/persistent-volume.yaml

    The PV is a resource that assures, as the name suggests, that our data persists if the attached Pod occasionally dies or isn't Running state.

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: PersistentVolume
      name: database-persistent-volume
        storage: 200Mi
        path: /data
        - ReadWriteOnce
      persistentVolumeReclaimPolicy: Retain
    • Description of the PV's specification:
      • = 200Mi
        • The maximum storage capacity of 200Mi assures that only PVCs requiring 200Mi or less will be able to attach to this PV.
      • spec.hostPath.path = /data
        • The hostPath indicates where the data will be stored in the host machine.
      • spec.accessModes: list containing values that describe under which conditions Pods can connect to the PV
        • accessModes[0] = ReadWriteOnce
          • The value ReadWriteOnce restricts the PV to be mounted by a single Node. The PV can still be mounted by multiple Pods, as long as they live in the same Node.
      • spec.persistentVolumeReclaimPolicy = Retain
        • The value Retain assures that if the Pod dies and the PVC is detached from the PV, the PV will persist and wait for a new instance of the Pod to spin up and reattach to the PVC.

  1. ~/mayflower/infra/database/persistent-volume-claim.yaml

    A PV can only be requested and mounted to a Pod through a PVC. The PVC describes the requirements that the PV must fulfil in order to attach to the PVC. Remember that if the PVC isn't referenced by a Pod, it won't attach to any PV.

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
      name: database-persistent-volume-claim
        - ReadWriteOnce
          storage: 200Mi

    All the requirements defined for this PVC match the values previously described by our PV manifest. By doing it, we guarantee that only one Pod will store data in and consume data from the pre-defined PV, since the Pod consumes all the storage available on the PV.

    Note that the PVC's access modes must also match the access modes defined in the PV. If they don't match the PVC won't be attached to the PV and naturally the volume won't mount to any Pod referencing this PVC.

  1. ~/mayflower/infra/database/deployment.yaml

    A Deployment controls the lifecycle of the Pods with labels matching the Deployment's selector labels. We'll use a Deployment to specify all the configurations of the database Pod and its container.

    apiVersion: apps/v1
    kind: Deployment
      name: database-deployment
      replicas: 1
          app: database
            app: database
            - image: postgres:14.1-alpine
              name: database
                - containerPort: 5432
                - secretRef:
                    name: database-secret
                - name: storage
                  mountPath: /var/lib/postgresql/data
            - name: storage
                claimName: database-persistent-volume-claim
    • Description of the Deployment's specification:
      • spec.replicas = 1
        • The Deployment tries to always keep one Pod in Running state.
      • spec.selector.matchLabels = app=database
        • The Deployment is allowed to manage the Pods with label app equals to database. Any other Pod with such label key and value will also be taken into consideration by this Deployment.
      • spec.template: configuration of the Pod to be created by the Deployment whenever needed
        • template.metadata.labels = app=database
          • Set the label key app equals to database to this Pod, so the Deployment can use it for future state management of its underlying Pods.
        • template.spec.containers: list of containers deployed in the Pod
          • containers[0].image = postgres:14.1-alpine
            • The image used to deploy the Pods is the official PostgreSQL image.
          • containers[0].ports.containerPort = 5432
            • The container exposes the default port of the official PostgreSQL image.
          • containers[0].envFrom.secretRef
            • Inject all the secrets from the Secret store database-secret as environment variables of the container.
          • containers[0].volumeMounts
            • The container mounts just one volume on path /var/lib/postgresql/data (container), where it stores the data of our database.
        • template.volumes
          • Map the volume mounted on the container to the PVC database-persistent-volume-claim created beforehand. Note that the PVC will look for a PV matching its requirements.

  1. ~/mayflower/infra/database/service.yaml

    Finally we want to expose our database Deployment to the backend Service we'll deploy next. Since the database and the backend live in the same cluster, we'll set this communication using a ClusterIP Service.

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Service
      name: database-service
      type: ClusterIP
        app: database
        - name: 5432-5432
          port: 5432
          targetPort: 5432
    • Description of the Service's specification:
      • type = ClusterIP
      • selector = app=database
        • As well as the Deployment, the Service use the selector to match the Pods with the same labels. In this case, we want to match the database Pod, which has label key app equals to database.
      • ports: list of ports that will be exposed by the cluster
        • ports[0].port = 5432 and ports[0].targetPort === 5432
          • Port 5432 of the container (target) was mapped to the same port on the cluster.

    After setting it all up we can execute kubectl create -f ~/mayflower/infra/database. If everything went right, when we run kubectl get all we'll see the resources we just deployed. For example, if we run kubectl get deploys we should see a list containing our database-deployment.

You probably have learned a lot in this section and what we'll do next will be pretty similar. To avoid repeting concepts, we'll keep the resources' description quite shorter in the comming sections. If you need, come back to this section to recap some stuff that may still be confusing.

Stage 2 - Backend (Django)

In the second section we'll setup the Django API and its resources, which are: Secret, Deployment, Service, and Ingress. This time we need an Ingress to externally expose our API. The Ingress will map our cluster IP to a human-readable URL. Be sure that you went through the steps described at the requirements section, so you can later access the API from your browser.

  1. ~/mayflower/infra/backend/secret.yaml

    apiVersion: v1
      PSQL_HOST: ZGF0YWJhc2Utc2VydmljZQ==
      PSQL_NAME: cG9zdGdyZXM=
      PSQL_PASSWORD: cGFzc3dvcmQ=
      PSQL_PORT: NTQzMg==
      PSQL_USER: YWRtaW4=
    kind: Secret
      name: backend-secret

    Here we had to define all the nine environment variables necessary to run our Docker image. These variables are essential to properly setup communication between Django's ORM and the PostgreSQL database. A detailed description of these variables can be found in the previous blog article. To check the value of the variables, you can use the command echo $VARIABLE_VALUE | base64 --decode, as mentioned in the database section.

  1. ~/mayflower/infra/backend/deployment.yaml

    apiVersion: apps/v1
    kind: Deployment
        app: backend
      name: backend-deployment
      replicas: 1
          app: backend
            app: backend
            - image: rodolfoksveiga/django-react_django:new
              name: django
                - containerPort: 8000
                - secretRef:
                    name: backend-secret
                - name: backend-logs
                  mountPath: /var/log
            - name: backend-logs
                path: /var/log
    • Description of the Deployment's specification:
      • spec.replicas = 1
      • spec.selector.matchLabels = app=backend
      • spec.template
        • template.metadata.labels = app=backend
        • template.spec.containers
          • containers[0].image = rodolfoksveiga/django-react_django:latest
            • The image was generated using the backend Dockerfile created on the last tutorial.
          • containers[0].ports.containerPort = 8000
            • The container exposes the default port of the official Django image.
          • containers[0].envFrom.secretRef
            • Inject all the secrets from the Secret store backend-secret as environment variables of the container.
          • containers[0].volumeMounts
            • The container mounts just one volume on path /var/log (container), where it writes Django API logs.
        • template.volumes
          • Map the volume mounted on the container to the /var/log (host machine).

  1. ~/mayflower/infra/backend/service.yaml

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Service
      name: backend-service
      type: ClusterIP
        app: backend
        - name: 8000-8000
          port: 8000
          targetPort: 8000
    • Description of the Service's specification:
      • type = ClusterIP
      • selector = app=backend
      • ports
        • ports[0].port = 8000 and ports[0].targetPort === 8000

  1. ~/mayflower/infra/backend/ingress.yaml

    As we already discussed, a Pod exposed by a Service can only be reached from inside the cluster. Since we want to call the API from the frontend, which will run on our browser, we also need to deploy an Ingress.

    kind: Ingress
      name: backend-ingress
        - host:
              - path: /
                pathType: Prefix
                    name: backend-service
                      number: 8000
    • Description of the Ingress's specification:
      • rules: list of hosts to expose routes associated to services
        • rules[0].host =
          • The mapped URL of our Django API. This URL matches the URL added to our hosts' file on the foundation section.
        • rules.http.paths: list of routes to expose spicific service ports
          • paths[0].path = /
            • The root path of the host is mapped the root route endpoint of Django API.
          • paths[0].pathType = Prefix
            • The value Prefix of the pathType key means that the children routes of our Service will also be mapped to this host. For example, we'll be able to access the backend endpoint /admin on as well as the endpoint /students on
          • paths[0] = backend-service
            • The Ingress will look for a Service called backend-service.
          • paths[0].backend.service.port.number = 8000
            • We mapped the Service's port 8000 to the root route.

To deploy our backend in we can execute kubectl create -f ~/mayflower/infra/backend, and "voilà", our Django API is accessible through the URL Isn't it cool!?

Play around with your API, add some students to our database, so you can see it later on our frontend URL.

Django Admin Student's Endpoint

Stage 3 - Frontend (React APP)

Last but not least, we'll deploy the React APP using the following resources: ConfigMap, Deployment, Service, and Ingress. Note that this time we opted for a ConfigMap instead of a Secret, because the only variable we will store in it isn't that important and can be exposed to other people.

  1. ~/mayflower/infra/frontend/config-map.yaml

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: ConfigMap
      name: frontend-config-map

    In this ConfigMap manifest we set just one environment variable called REACT_APP_API_URL. This variable is used to print the Django Admin URL as a link in the frontend.

  1. ~/mayflower/infra/frontend/deployment.yaml

    apiVersion: apps/v1
    kind: Deployment
        app: frontend
      name: frontend-deployment
      replicas: 1
          app: frontend
            app: frontend
            - image: rodolfoksveiga/django-react_react:latest
              name: react
                - configMapRef:
                    name: frontend-config-map
    • Description of the Deployment's specification:
      • spec.replicas = 1
      • spec.selector.matchLabels = app=frontend
      • spec.template
        • template.metadata.labels = app=frontend
        • template.spec.containers
          • containers[0].image = rodolfoksveiga/django-react_django:latest
            • The image was generated using the frontend Dockerfile created on the previous tutorial.
          • containers[0].ports.containerPort = 3000
            • The container exposes the default port of the official React image.
          • containers[0].envFrom.configMapRef
            • Inject all the configurations from the ConfigMap store frontend-config-map as environment variables of the container.

  1. ~/mayflower/infra/frontend/service.yaml

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Service
      name: frontend-service
      type: ClusterIP
        app: frontend
        - name: 3000-3000
          port: 3000
          targetPort: 3000
    • Description of the Service's specification:
      • type = ClusterIP
      • selector = app=frontend
      • ports
        • ports[0].port = 3000 and ports[0].targetPort === 3000

  1. ~/mayflower/infra/frontend/ingress.yaml

    kind: Ingress
      name: ingress
        - host:
              - path: /
                pathType: Prefix
                    name: frontend-service
                      number: 3000
    • Description of the Ingress's specification:
      • rules
        • rules[0].host =
        • rules.http.paths
          • paths[0].path = /
          • paths[0].pathType = Prefix
          • paths[0] = frontend-service
          • paths[0].backend.service.port.number = 3000

Finally we can execute kubectl create -f ~/mayflower/infra/frontend, and shortly our React APP will be available on our browser through the URL If you can see in the frontend the data you have created before in backend URL, it means you did everthing right and the services are properly connected to each other. The backend manage the database and the frontend prints the data gathered from the backend. It wasn't that hard, right!?

React with data

That was quick, but it's indeed everything you need to get started with Kubernetes. Now you can use this Kubernetes cluster as you will. You can play around with it, extend it, and perhaps use it as a baseline to create your future customer's application.


Following through this tutorial, you learned how to serve your PostgreSQL, Django, and React containers from a Minikube Kubernetes cluster, which mimics a real cloud server. Since you already learned in the previous tutorial how to package application in containers, this was your second step into the cloud - and it was huge one!

You can reproduce many of the concepts you've learned here in a real world application, but there were still some limitations to consider before you publicly deploy your containers to Kubernetes. Among the limitations, it's worth it to point out once more that the Secrets we defined are only "base64" encoded, therefore everyone can decode it using a simple a command. To really protect your data you must encrypt it at rest. Luckly Kubernetes has a built-in feature to achieve that. Check it out and implement it on your Kubernetes' cluster.

Well, you have now the whole power of Kubernetes at the tip of your fingers! You can seamlessly deploy new resources, expose them internally to the services you've already deployed or to external services, scale your containers using Deployments, so the demand of your application is optimally fulfilled, and much more... Kubernetes offers you the possibility to easily design the infrastructure to match your needs, so it's opportunity to go further and think your infrastructure your way. Use the concepts you've just learned, but don't limit yourself to them.

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