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ls_glass's Introduction

LS: Glass

Replacement for the default chat. Smooth as glass!




Use /LSGLASS or /LSG to open the in-game config.

Feedback and Feature Requests

If you found a bug or want to share an idea on how to improve my addon, either use the issue tracker on GitHub or join our Discord server.


Feel free to add and/or review translations on Curse, alternatively, you may create a PR on project's GitHub page.


Q: How is this addon related to Glass by mixxorz?
A: Originally, the goal was to take over that addon and maintain it. However, after reviewing the original code to figure out what I needed to do to update it for the Dragonflight expansion I decided to start from scratch. But it's fair to say that the addon is inspired by Glass, hence its name.

Q: How do I move and/or resize the chat frame?
A: Use "Edit Mode". There's a tiny triangle in the bottom right corner of the "Chat Frame" mover that's used for resizing. Hopefully, Blizz will change it to something more noticeable in the future.

Q: Does this addon support Classic WotLK?
A: No? Maybe? Idk. I only play retail WoW, so I'm not familiar with what's going on in other versions code-wise. I have no plans to support an addon for the version of the game I don't even play.

Q: I used Addons CPU Usage and saw big numbers? What's going on?
A: Simply put, WoW chat is insanely inefficient and slow. Without going into technicalities, simply scrolling through the chat history is more CPU intensive than, let's say, idling of an entire addon like ElvUI, and that beast does a lot. Other chat addons get smaller numbers because they don't replace the chat output, everything is still displayed via the default scrolling frame, however, LS: Glass replaces that. That's why all the CPU time spent on scrolling is attributed to it instead of being hidden from your eyes. That said, I do disable all of that on the default chat frames, so you don't get hit by the double whammy.


Please see LICENSE file.

ls_glass's People


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ls_glass's Issues

Feature Requests

Hello, I really like this addon!
Could you please consider:

  1. Fading out 'social' button

  2. Customize fadeout time of tabs
    For example i want my tabs to appear and disappear instantly on mouseover. No delay.

Thank you :)

Unable to move cursor via arrow keys

When typing into LS-Glass chat window, I cannot move the cursor via the Left/Right arrow key while typing into the chat.

How to replicate:

  1. Press enter to begin typing a new message into LS-Glass.
  2. Type a short message into the chat (even just a few character long)
  3. Press the left arrow button to try and navigate to an earlier point in the message string that you typed

Visual example:

Current behavior:
The cursor does not move earlier into the message, and the character turns left.

Expected behavior:
The cursor moves one letter earlier in the message's typing field, with long presses doing multiple moves.

Other Notes:
At this time, it appears that Left Arrow is being pressed as a global button (ie: there's detection that the focus is inside of the Chat Box, instead it attempts to run whatever is associated with the left arrow key (turn character by default).

[Feature Request] Multiple chat windows

Hello! The original Glass addon didn't have this feature, which made me terribly sad because it would otherwise be the perfect chat addon for me!

I like to have two chat windows onscreen; one for all the actual chatting and its respective tabs, and the other for loot/system messages/etc. so that those things don't clutter up my chat, whilst still always being visible as they occur.

With that in mind, do you think it'd be possible to integrate multiple chat windows into Glass? Same functionality and all on both!

If it's not possible, I understand completely, and if it's already a feature, I apologise for being a doofus and not noticing!

Thank you for your hard work, it's extremely appreciated!!

1x ...Ons/ls_Glass/core/components/slidingmessageframe.lua:89: attempt to index local 'data' (a nil value)


I wrote some code to filter out a specific message sent by a specific addon. Glass doesn't seem to like that at all, getting very confused when I pass back nil instead of the message proper.

The code I was going to use is as follows:

local function ChatFrame_AddMessageOverride(self, message, ...)
    -- Check if the message contains the specific string
    if message and message:find("Tooltip prices disabled%. Run |cFFFFFF78/oetooltip on|r to enable%.") then
        -- Don't add the message to the ChatFrame
    -- Add the message to the ChatFrame
    self:ChatFrame_AddMessageOriginal(message, ...)

-- Hook the ChatFrame's AddMessage method
for i = 1, NUM_CHAT_WINDOWS do
    local frame = _G["ChatFrame"..i]
    if frame then
        frame.ChatFrame_AddMessageOriginal = frame.AddMessage
        frame.AddMessage = ChatFrame_AddMessageOverride

I currently have a workaround in place where it sends a blank message instead of filtering out the message entirely. So, my question: is this an issue with Glass not accommodating addons filtering out messages, or is this an issue with my own coding incompetence?

[Feature Request] Scroll bar/buttons

This one, I understand, will be very niche, but... I don't have a scroll wheel on my mouse!

Do you think it'd be possible to make the default scrollbar toggleable in the options? (Appearing only on mouseover, of course!)

It would help tremendously with accessibility, and I promise that with this and my other request (text alignment), I will almost definitely stop poking you for new features!!

Thank you again! :D

[Suggestion?] Chat transparency fading vertically (bottom to top)

Hi again,
I have a suggestion, but aware people might not agree. :P

Just like the chat fades from left to right in transparency, becoming completely transparent at the end of the chat box, I think it would look better if this was also matched vertically (from bottom being the value you choose, to the top being completely transparent).

Currently, I think the chat box cuts off abruptly under the chat tabs and would look better smoothed out. But I could be compltely wrong, just imaging it in my head!

[Feature Request] Option for Uniform, Fixed-Height Chat Lines

Something that really drives me crazy with WoW chat and that still happens in Glass is that not all lines in the chat are a fixed height, which leads to some lines getting cut off at the top of the chat window. Even when turning vertical padding down to the minimum of 1, a number of things break the uniformity, namely messages that take multiple line, messages with ability icons in them, loot messages, and probably more I'm not thinking of right now.

If possible, I'd love an option to always ensure every line is a uniform height so that no lines ever get cut off.

Add fonts

Hello, is it possible to add new fonts?

I went to this folder "ls_Glass\embeds\LibSharedMedia-3.0", i edited the file LibSharedMedia-3.0.lua and i added to rows 169 and 188 the following:


I also added the font in the font folder in the retail directory but after a /reload nothing happens.


Background Panel

Would like the option of having a plain consistent background panel, without the gradient. Or at the very least a Gradient that fades from left to right rather than from in the middle outward.

[Feature Request] Text alignment (Left/Centre/Right)

tiptoes in Hi, it's me... back again!

Following on from my previous request about separate windows, I've now gotten a chance to install and try out the addon in-game and you were right! The additional windows work perfectly! Wahoo!

However, I was wondering if it would be possible to add text alignment as an option?

And, crucially, would it also be possible to make it so that you can set separate chat windows to different alignments?

Again, I do understand completely if it's too much trouble, so please don't worry if it's not possible to implement.

Thank you so much all the same!

Font Size

Hi, since I am using a 4k Monitor and want the chat to be really small can you add more fonz sizes (maybe down to 6)?

Clickable links

Hi currently you cannot click on chat links with this addon I have another addon that does this but it currently gives me errors when i attempt to do it

-- ClickLinks.lua was here

Error when using "open whispers in a new tab" in blizzard's social settings

When i get a whisper i get this error in bugsack, it also pops when i whisper someone or when i reply in a whisper tab, it also doesnt scroll or show the new lines that i typed in that same whisper tab unless i scroll down.

1x ls_Glass/core/components/button.lua:69: attempt to index a nil value
[string "@ls_Glass/core/components/button.lua"]:69: in function HandleMinimizeButton' [string "@ls_Glass/init.lua"]:636: in function <ls_Glass/init.lua:629> [string "=[C]"]: ? [string "=[C]"]: ? [string "=[C]"]: in function FCF_OpenTemporaryWindow'
[string "@FrameXML/FloatingChatFrame.lua"]:2589: in function <FrameXML/FloatingChatFrame.lua:2572>

self =

SetDefaultModuleLibraries = defined @AdiBags/libs/AceAddon-3.0/AceAddon-3.0.lua:363
CreateFonts = defined @ls_Glass/core/components/fonts.lua:10
UpdateMessageFont = defined @ls_Glass/core/components/fonts.lua:68
EnableModule = defined @AdiBags/libs/AceAddon-3.0/AceAddon-3.0.lua:328
ShowLinkCopyPopup = defined @ls_Glass/core/core.lua:323
baseName = "ls_Glass"
IterateEmbeds = defined @AdiBags/libs/AceAddon-3.0/AceAddon-3.0.lua:438
Modernize = defined @ls_Glass/core/modernize.lua:9
CHANGELOG = "## Version 100100.01

  • Added 10.1.0 support.
    ProcessText = defined @ls_Glass/core/core.lua:34
    SetDefaultModulePrototype = defined @AdiBags/libs/AceAddon-3.0/AceAddon-3.0.lua:405
    ResetSlidingFrameDockFading = defined @ls_Glass/core/components/slidingmessageframe.lua:696
    defaultModuleState = true
    IsEnabled = defined @AdiBags/libs/AceAddon-3.0/AceAddon-3.0.lua:447
    FadeIn = defined @ls_Glass/core/core.lua:187
    DisableModule = defined @AdiBags/libs/AceAddon-3.0/AceAddon-3.0.lua:346
    FadeOut = defined @ls_Glass/core/core.lua:193
    RegisterMessage = defined @LibSharedMedia-3.0/CallbackHandler-1.0/CallbackHandler-1.0.lua:80
    UnregisterMessage = defined @LibSharedMedia-3.0/CallbackHandler-1.0/CallbackHandler-1.0.lua:143
    UpdateBackdrops = defined @ls_Glass/core/components/backdrop.lua:40
    HandleEditBox = defined @ls_Glass/core/components/editbox.lua:21
    UpdateMessageLinesBackgrounds = defined @ls_Glass/core/components/messageline.lua:73
    SetEnabledState = defined @AdiBags/libs/AceAddon-3.0/AceAddon-3.0.lua:420
    enabledState = true
    StopFading = defined @ls_Glass/core/core.lua:199
    RegisterEvent = defined @LibSharedMedia-3.0/CallbackHandler-1.0/CallbackHandler-1.0.lua:80
    CreateColor = defined @ls_Glass/core/core.lua:249
    UpdateMessageLinesHeights = defined @ls_Glass/core/components/messageline.lua:85
    IterateModules = defined @AdiBags/libs/AceAddon-3.0/AceAddon-3.0.lua:433
    UpdateEditBoxes = defined @ls_Glass/core/components/editbox.lua:49
    HandleMenuButton = defined @ls_Glass/core/components/button.lua:93
    HandleOverflowButton = defined @ls_Glass/core/components/button.lua:100
    Enable = defined @AdiBags/libs/AceAddon-3.0/AceAddon-3.0.lua:290
    NewModule = defined @AdiBags/libs/AceAddon-3.0/AceAddon-3.0.lua:231
    GetModule = defined @AdiBags/libs/AceAddon-3.0/AceAddon-3.0.lua:206
    defaultModuleLibraries =
SetSlidingFrameForChatFrame = defined @ls_Glass/core/components/slidingmessageframe.lua:24
GetName = defined @AdiBags/libs/AceAddon-3.0/AceAddon-3.0.lua:275
name = "ls_Glass"
Subscribe = defined @ls_Glass/core/core.lua:53
orderedModules =
HandleMinimizeButton = defined @ls_Glass/core/components/button.lua:65
Disable = defined @AdiBags/libs/AceAddon-3.0/AceAddon-3.0.lua:310
CreateMessageLinePool = defined @ls_Glass/core/components/messageline.lua:59
OnEnable = defined @ls_Glass/init.lua:569
OnInitialize = defined @ls_Glass/init.lua:27
modules =
HandleChatTab = <function

Options not sticking

This addon is amazing, but I can't get any of my options to stick at all. Every time I reload they reset to default values.

I can see the options have written correctly to the SV but once you open the options panel everything resets.

[Feature Request] Add BasicChatMods Compatibility to Fade In

First of all: Thank you so much for your addon. I really love it!

I'm not sure if that's a thing on LS: Glass' or BasicChatMods' site but there's currently some unbeautiful behavior between fading in new messages and chat formatting provided by BasicChatMods.


It seems like formatting is applied after the fade in animation has finished.

Thanks in advance :)

Longer fade out delay

Please allow us to increase the time before fadeout, even at maximum it feels like it fades too quickly and can fade out mid-conversation.

[Suggestion] Messages - Vertical padding of 0 as an option.


Was wondering if you could add an option to have 0 vertical padding (currently restricted at 1) to mimic the default chat.
I'm trying to make it match the combat log, but it seems to have a vertical padding of 0.

Thank you!! :)

[Font bug] Limited support for Cyrillics

When using the Fritz Quadrata font, the same one the game should be using, as soon as Cyrillic characters show up in chat, the font changes and even stops using an outline as set by my settings.


[Feature Request] Move edit box

First of all, thank you so much for picking up this addon.

One feature of the original Glass addon, was the ability to move the edit box. This made it possible, for instance, to attach the chat to the bottom left corner of the screen, and still have the edit box within bounds.

Would love if you could consider adding this capability to LS: Glass ๐Ÿ˜„


[Feature Request] Flip Chat Text

If it is possible, make it so that there is the option in settings to flip the chat window, So that new messages arrive from the top of the window, and the old ones are at the bottom/phase out mid/bottom. This would help me a lot with how my in-game UI is, and i feel it would be a great addition to the customization for others who have their chat like mine, or would just prefer it this way for any reason.

I also think it would be interesting to see if it could be done for the sides, as well.

"Enter message" box

Hi! Thank you for the addon and the effort you're putting into this.
Could you tell me please, is there a way to hide a placeholder "Type /5... etc." in enter window box. Or a way to fade it?


[Bug] Chat frame position resetting everytime UI is reloaded (? Blizzard issue)

Chat is resetting to default size everytime I reload the UI. Started happening 30 minutes ago from report.

Not sure why it is happening, or if anyone else is having this issue!

EDIT: upon further investigation, I think this could be a Blizzard issue, the quest log has also been moving vertically during the same period the chat has gone wonky.

[Bug] Custom font need to be re-applied on every login/reload

As the title says, I need to re-apply the custom font everytime I login or reload my UI. I do have an addon changing Blizzard master fonts, however, not sure if that might interfere? But I did check without that addon, and the problem persisted.

Anyway, thank you for your work, this addon is amazing.

Error when doing pet battles

This error shows up when I start a pet battle.

2x Interface/AddOns/ls_Glass/init.lua:568: table index is nil
[string "@Interface/AddOns/ls_Glass/init.lua"]:568: in function <Interface/AddOns/ls_Glass/init.lua:563>
[string "=[C]"]: in function FCF_SetTemporaryWindowType' [string "@Interface/FrameXML/FloatingChatFrame.lua"]:831: in function <Interface/FrameXML/FloatingChatFrame.lua:787> [string "=[C]"]: in function FCF_OpenTemporaryWindow'
[string "@Interface/AddOns/Blizzard_PetBattleUI/Blizzard_PetBattleUI.lua"]:173: in function `PetBattleFrame_Display'
[string "@Interface/AddOns/Blizzard_PetBattleUI/Blizzard_PetBattleUI.lua"]:109: in function <...AddOns/Blizzard_PetBattleUI/Blizzard_PetBattleUI.lua:106>

chatFrame = ChatFrame11 {
SetJustifyV = defined =[C]:-1
RefreshIfNecessary = defined =[C]:-1
OnPostShow = defined =[C]:-1
CalculateLineAlphaValueFromTimestamp = defined =[C]:-1
isLayoutDirty = true
isDisplayDirty = true
GetFading = defined =[C]:-1
IsTextCopyable = defined =[C]:-1
BaseAddMessage = defined =[C]:-1
shouldFadeAfterInactivity = true
SetIndentedWordWrap = defined =[C]:-1
GetJustifyV = defined =[C]:-1
SetFont = defined =[C]:-1
GetMaxLines = defined =[C]:-1
GetIndentedWordWrap = defined =[C]:-1
buttonSide = "left"
GetFont = defined =[C]:-1
SetMaxLines = defined =[C]:-1
CalculateSelectingCharacterIndicesForVisibleLine = defined =[C]:-1
PageUp = defined =[C]:-1
RefreshDisplay = defined =[C]:-1
SetFontObject = defined =[C]:-1
textIsCopyable = false
SetOnScrollChangedCallback = defined =[C]:-1
CalculateNumVisibleLines = defined =[C]:-1
overrideFadeTimestamp = 0
MarkDisplayDirty = defined =[C]:-1
GetMessageInfo = defined =[C]:-1
GetOnScrollChangedCallback = defined =[C]:-1
AtTop = defined =[C]:-1
GetFontObject = defined =[C]:-1
CanEffectivelyFade = defined =[C]:-1
OnPreSizeChanged = defined =[C]:-1
OnPostMouseUp = defined =[C]:-1
GetSpacing = defined =[C]:-1
OnPreLoad = defined =[C]:-1
SetSpacing = defined =[C]:-1
name = "Pet Battle Combat"
CalculateLineSpacing = defined =[C]:-1
AddMessage = defined @Interface/FrameXML/ChatFrame.lua:2786
InitializeFontableFrame = defined =[C]:-1
GetShadowColor = defined =[C]:-1
isUninteractable = false
SetOnTextCopiedCallback = defined =[C]:-1
originalShow = defined =[C]:-1
AcquireFontString = defined =[C]:-1
TransformMessages = defined =[C]:-1
AtBottom = defined =[C]:-1
buttonFrame = ChatFrame11ButtonFrame {
HasFontObject = defined =[C]:-1
GetOnTextCopiedCallback = defined =[C]:-1
SetFading = defined =[C]:-1
OnPostHide = defined =[C]:-1
ScrollByAmount = defined =[C]:-1
GetInsertMode = defined =[C]:-1
SetTimeVisible = defined =[C]:-1
hasOwnFontObject = true
Clear = defined =[C]:-1
oldAlpha = 0
channelList =

GetTimeVisible = defined =[C]:-1
IsSelectingText = defined =[C]:-1
SetTextCopyable = defined =[C]:-1
Show = defined @Interface/FrameXML/FrameLocks.lua:141
BackFillMessage = defined =[C]:-1
isTemporary = true
UnpackageEntry = defined =[C]:-1
FontStringContainer = Frame {
SetShadowOffset = defined =[C]:-1
messageTypeList =
timeVisibleSecs = 120
PackageEntry = defined =[C]:-1
MakeFontObjectCustom = defined =[C]:-1
fontObject = table: 000002CFF4B6FE00 {
SetInsertMode = defined =[C]:-1
isRegistered = true
originalHide = defined =[C]:-1
ScrollDown = defined =[C]:-1
zoneChannelList =
SetScrollOffset = defined =[C]:-1
onDisplayRefreshedCallback = defined =[C]:-1
insertMode = 2
ResetSelectingText = defined =[C]:-1
Hide = defined @Interface/FrameXML/FrameLocks.lua:137
GetTextColor = defined =[C]:-1
inUse = true
ResetAllFadeTimes = defined =[C]:-1
GatherSelectedText = defined =[C]:-1
SetShadowColor = defined =[C]:-1
0 =
GetNumVisibleLines = defined =[C]:-1
ScrollUp = defined =[C]:-1
ResizeButton = ChatFrame11ResizeButton {
fadeDurationSecs = 3
ScrollToBottom = defined =[C]:-1
ScrollToTop = defined =[C]:-1

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