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Awesome README Awesome

A curated list of awesome READMEs

Elements in beautiful READMEs include, but are not limited to:

images, screenshots, GIFs, text formatting, etc.


  • ai/size-limit - Project logo, clear description, screenshot, step-by-step installing instructions.
  • aimeos/aimeos-typo3 - Project logo. Clear description of what the project does. Demo screenshot. TOC for easy navigation. Easy installation and setup sections with screenshots. Links for further reading.
  • ajeetdsouza/zoxide - Badges, project GIF, concise description, quick links, stepwise installation instructions.
  • alichtman/shallow-backup - Clear description of what the project does. GIF Demo. TOC for easy navigation. Badges. Links for further reading. Simple install instructions.
  • alichtman/stronghold - Project logo. Clear description of what the project does. GIF Demo. TOC for easy navigation. Badges. Links for further reading. Simple install instructions.
  • amitmerchant1990/electron-markdownify - Project logo. Minimalist description of what it is. GIF demo of the project. Key features. How to install guide. Credits.
  • amplication/amplication - Clear project logo. Brief explanation. All features explained. Clean documentation. Useful links (website, docs, discord). List of contributors with their pictures and usernames.
  • anfederico/Clairvoyant - Multiple badges. Clean logo. Simple install instructions. Clear overview of the project accompanied by a schematic. GIF demo. Extensive code examples.
  • ankitwasankar/mftool-java - Project logo with a short display of what can be achieved with it, TOC for easy navigation, important badges, clean installation guide, and multiple code snippets showing how to use the functionality.
  • antoinezanardi/werewolves-assistant-api-next - Project logo. Badges. Concise description. TOC for easy navigation. Simple install instructions and various sections. Clean project with code coverage, CI, and many other features.
  • AntonioFalcaoJr/EventualShop - The project has a logo and well-defined sections such as: information about the project, the architectural solution, along with reference links such as articles, videos, and documentation. It explains how to run the project in different environments (development and production). It has documented load tests, it also describes which technologies are used, and it has diagrams for the archetype.
  • aregtech/areg-sdk - Logo. Multiple info and statistics badges. List of contributors and stargazers with pictures. TOC and "Back to top" links for easy navigation. Headlines with graphics. Topic hide/show menu. Project description and philosophy. Clone and integration instructions. Quick build with multiple tools. Tools configuration instructions. Reference to examples and Demo projects. Reference to use cases. References to guidance and Wiki pages. Links with badges to contact. Links with badges to share project in social network.
  • Armync/Arminc-AutoExec - Rich Markdown functions, modern layout, clear description and compliant with the recommended community standards.
  • athityakumar/colorls - Multiple badges. Clean screenshots. Simple install instructions. TOC for easy navigation. Good contributor guidelines.
  • ccostan/Home-AssistantConfig - Project Banner. Badges. Easy navigation.
  • choojs/choo - Badges, clean, clear. Beautiful little menu above the fold with useful links. An FAQ inside of it for the main questions. Backers. Good language.
  • chroline/well_app - Features attention-grabbing project thumbnail with clean badges, as well as download information and quick navigation links. Organized into multiple descriptive sections, each of which have a title with a yellow emoji. Includes details about the project itself, as well as the technologies used and how to contribute.
  • create-go-app/cli - Clean project logo. Useful badges (version, code style, test cover, docs). Clear readme with quickstart, understandable installation and usage manual, video screencast, ToC with well-documented project features (with a demo recording of the work in the terminal), project philosophy notes ("the why another"), most frequently asked questions, and more.
  • Day8/re-frame - Badges, logo, TOC, etc. Stands out by being a giant, well-written essay about the tech, how to use it, the philosophy behind it, and how it fits into the greater ecosystem.
  • dbt-labs/dbt-core - Project banner, super clear description (friendly to people brand new to the product), screenshot of the docs the tool generates, and concise links to other comprehensive pages explaining Getting Started, Joining the dbt Community, Bug Reports, Code Contribution, and Code of Conduct
  • dowjones/react-dropdown-tree-select - Clear readme with GIF screenshot for quick demo. Multiple badges, concise ToC, online playground, storybook, detailed description and more.
  • easybase/easybase-react - Project banner and logo. Badges. Expandable walkthrough sections. Concise description and purpose. TOC for easy navigation. GIFs for installation demo. Multiple informative visuals.
  • emalderson/thephish - Project logo, informative badges, useful TOC, clear description, screenshots, step-by-step installation and configuration guide, contributor guidelines, code of conduct, UML diagrams, coherent tags, issue and pull request templates, well-documented and well-commented code, examples.
  • github-changelog-generator/github-changelog-generator - TOC for easy navigation. Concise project description. Installation and usage sections. Output example. Great feature overview. List of alternatives. FAQ.
  • gitpoint/git-point - Clear description. Project Logo. App Store logos. TOC. Clean screenshots. List of features. Detailed installation process. Landing Page.
  • gofiber/fiber - Clean project logo. Useful badges and links (languages switcher, code style, test cover, docs, Discord channel). Clear description of what the project does with quickstart, benchmark charts, well-documented code examples (with the ability to hide long content), project philosophy notes ("the why of project"), tables with project addons, list of contributors, star growth statistics, and more.
  • gowebly/gowebly - Clean project banner with logo. Useful badges and links (languages switcher, test cover, docs). Clear description of what the project does with quickstart, understandable feature list, links to the introduction video and article, well-documented CLI command examples, project philosophy notes ("motivation to create"), tables with project components, links to addons and helpers, list of stargazers, and more.
  • Hexworks/Zircon - Dogfood in readme. Clear description of what the project does. Demo screenshot. TOC for easy navigation. Easy installation and setup sections with screenshots. Links for further reading.
  • httpie/httpie - Description of what the project does. Demo screenshots. Project logo. TOC for easy navigation. Build badges. Quick and simple installation and usage sections. Includes an examples section.
  • hywax/mafl - Project logo. Clear description of what the project does. TOC for easy navigation. Usage code samples.
  • IgorAntun/node-chat - Project screenshot. Informative badges. Clear description. Easy installation/use instructions. Live demo.
  • iharsh234/WebApp - Project landing page. Clear description of what the project does. Demo screenshot. Simple install and usage sections. Includes an examples section with common uses and a mobile demo section.
  • iterative/dvc - ReStructuredText format example, PyPi compatible. Logo, custom website-like menu. Smooth how-it-works animation. Badges. Nice contribution section with the hall-of-fame.
  • ivanperez-keera/Yampa - Clear description. Feature list. TOC for easy navigation. Simple install instructions. Usage code samples. Project samples with GIFs and links to app stores. Documentation and publications. Clear development / contribution rules.
  • karan/joe - Project logo. Clear description of what the project does. GIF demo. Easy install and usage sections.
  • kopach/karma-sabarivka-reporter - Project logo. Useful badges, clear readme with screenshots for quick demo. Concise ToC.
  • L0garithmic/FastColabCopy - Project logo. Minimalist description. Badges. GIF demo. About The Project. How To Use. Examples. Credits. Additional Examples.
  • ma-shamshiri/Human-Activity-Recognition - Beautiful table of contents. Project logo. Animated project banner. Complete project folder structure. Clear description of what the project does. Nice contributors’ section. Easy navigation.
  • ma-shamshiri/Pacman-Game - Beautiful table of contents. Project logo. Animated project banner. Suitable GIFs to display each part of the project. Complete list of project files in the repo along with their function. Complete execution instruction.
  • ma-shamshiri/Spam-Detector - Complete project file description. Project logo. Animated project banner. Concise project description. Clear execution instruction.
  • MananTank/radioactive-state - Badges (version, downloads, coverage, size), Twitter Intent, Project Logo, Feature list, Motivation, Installation, Example with GIFs, Emojis, Collapsible Sections, Live Demos, API detailed usage, FAQs, Chat link.
  • Martinsos/edlib - Informative badges (build, version, publication). Concise description. Feature list. TOC. Screenshots. Concise instructions with examples for building and including in your project. Common code examples to get you started quickly.
  • NASA/ogma - Clear description. Feature list. Demo GIFs. Simple install instructions. Usage code samples. TOC for easy navigation.
  • nhn/tui.editor - Project logo. Clear overview of project features with a demo GIF. Badges. TOC for easy navigation. Colorful icons in front of titles.
  • NSRare/NSGIF - Project logo. GIF Demo. Usage artwork. Usage code samples.
  • Owloops/updo - Well-structured, visually appealing, and provides comprehensive information about the tool, from its purpose and features to installation and usage, in a clear and user-friendly manner.
  • php-censor/php-censor - Multiple badges, project logo, screenshots, step-by-step installing and upgrading instructions, TOC for easy navigation.
  • PostHog/posthog - Custom-made section icons, demo GIF, deploy button, profile images for contributors, concise, clear structure, project logo.
  • priyavrat-misra/xrays-and-gradcam - TOC for easy navigation. Clear introduction of what the project does. Complete list of all files in the repo and what their function is. Usage section. Clean and concise tables.
  • React on lambda - Project logo, comics to present the main idea, badges, examples with code snippets, demo projects, api documentations, editor configurations.
  • React Parallax Tilt - GIF demo. Multiple badges. Feature list. Great live demo with code examples. Easy to follow instructions for local development set up.
  • Rebilly/redoc - Multiple badges, project logo, live demo link, GIF-animations of the key features, TL;DR usage.
  • refinedev/refine - Clean project logo. Brief description at top. Multiple badges. Usage description and examples. Use cases and demo links. Screenshots. Key Features. Contributors. Stargazers. Contribution guidelines.
  • release-it/release-it - Clear overview of project features with a demo GIF. Badges. Expandable TOC. Usage description and examples. Contribution guidelines. Detailed releases.
  • rstacruz/hicat - GIF demo. Easy installation and setup sections with screenshots. Build badges. Great examples of use cases.
  • ryanoasis/nerd-fonts - Clean project logo. Brief description at top. Sankey diagram, quick links, badges, OS specific icons, TOC, detailed release changelog.
  • sebyddd/SDVersion - Project logo. Build badges. Documentation structuring for multiple programming languages. Usage examples.
  • serpro69/kotlin-faker - Project logo. Badges. Concise description and clear getting-started instructions with a link to the full documentation website. Test, build and contributing guidelines. Licence info.
  • shama/gaze - Project logo. Concise description. Feature list. Usage section. FAQ. Great API documentation. Release history.
  • sidneycadot/oeis - Overview. List of required dependencies. Complete list of all files in the repo and what their function is. Visual graph of how it all ties together.
  • sindresorhus/pageres - Project logo. Clear description of what the project does. Build badges. Demo screenshot. Simple install and usage sections. Includes an examples section with common uses.
  • skydio/revup - Project logo. Animated GIF demo + GIFs for major stages of the step-by-step tutorial. Concise explanation, installation instructions, and contribution section.
  • Slackadays/Clipboard - Project logo. Build and test/coverage badges. Transition from plain description to people-oriented description. Animated GIF showing usage. Custom banners for clearly laid out sections. Custom text assets for headers. Immediate call to action with Quick Start section. Consistent and easy to read command names and signatures. Three immediate options for getting help provided. Easter eggs provided for the detail-oriented.
  • sourcerer-io/sourcerer-app - Clean animated screenshot. Customized call to action badge. Usage showcase.
  • sr6033/lterm - Clean logo using characters. Brief updates on development. Detailed contribution guidelines. Contribution suggestions.
  • Stack-in-a-box/ - Stands-out because, while only a simple website, it is presented as a very open project for lesser-experienced developers to cut their teeth on, with a friendly, inclusive tone and accessible set-up instructions. Includes many common elements found in other beautiful READMEs.
  • stevenfoncken/multitool-for-spotify-php - Concise introduction description. Clear overview of features. Why-section with easter egg (heading). Informative badges. Clear disclaimer. Step-by-step setup instructions. Expandable TOC. Headlines with emojis. Detailed usage section. Shortlinks at top. Back-to-top link in footer. Credits to third-party code/libraries.
  • sulu/sulu - Project logo, useful badges, clear instructions on where to find more information and report bugs, GIF screenshots, nice use of emoticons.
  • supunlakmal/thismypc - Project logo. Useful badges. Web site URL. Screenshot. GIF step-by-step instructions for installation. Project folder structure.
  • teles/array-mixer - Clean project logo, badges. Table of contents. Contributing section. Many illustrated examples.
  • thelounge/thelounge - Project logo. Useful badges and links (website, docs, demo). Screenshot. Feature list. Step-by-step instructions for installation, development, and testing. Link to the contributing guide. Good mobile summary.
  • themerdev/themer - Project logo. Visual description (flowchart) of what the project does. Build badges. TOC. Demo screenshot. Concise install and usage sections, including common workflows. Colorful previews.
  • vhesener/Closures - Project logo, cognitive funnel, animated examples. Color coordinated. Clean documentation.
  • xnbox/DeepfakeHTTP - Original hero section. Clear navigation. Minimalist design. Appendices.
  • zenml-io/zenml - Clean project logo. Useful TOC. Clear code examples amongst feature list. Quickstart example.



  • Amazing GitHub Template - Useful, LICENSE,,,, GitHub Issues, Pull Requests and Actions templates to jumpstart your projects.
  • Common Readme - A common readme style for Node. Includes a guide and a readme generator.
  • Feedmereadmes - README editing and project analysis/feedback.
  • GitHub Readme Stats - Dynamically generated customizable GitHub cards for README. Stats, extra pins, top languages and WakaTime.
  • Hall-of-fame - Helps show recognition to repo contributors on README. Features new/trending/top contributors. Updates every hour.
  • Make a README - A guide to writing READMEs. Includes an editable template with live Markdown rendering.
  • README best practices - A place to copy-paste your from
  • readme-md-generator - A CLI that generates beautiful files
  • - A simple editor that allows you to quickly add and customize all the sections you need for your project's readme.
  • READMINE - A thorough, clear and self-describing README file template for software projects; copy it and edit it as needed.
  • StackEdit - A user-friendly online editor that allows you to quickly customize all the sections you need for your project's readme.
  • Standard Readme - A standard README style specification. Has a generator to help create spec-compliant READMEs, too.
  • user-statistician - A GitHub Action that generates SVG of detailed GitHub user activity for profile readmes.
  • Zalando's README Template - Simple template to help you cover all the basics.

Creating GIFs

Embedding an animated gif in your README quickly demonstrates what your project does and catches the reader's eye. Here are a few programs that can help you quickly create gifs for your project:

  • Gifski - FREE - More vivid colors than the rest, but still keep size low.
  • Giphy Capture - FREE - Easy to upload to, slightly annoying UX.
  • LICEcap - FREE - Less intuitive, more features.
  • Peek - FREE - Simple and easy to use for Linux users.
  • Recordit - FREE - Simple, clean UI, but auto-uploads to Recordit.
  • ScreenToGif - FREE - Open source, customizable UI and easily editable GIFs, easy to get started.
  • terminalizer - FREE - Record your terminal and generate animated gif images or share a web player.
  • ttystudio - FREE - For commandline tools, a terminal-to-gif recorder minus the headaches.
  • vhs - FREE - Generate beautiful terminal gifs with a simple scripting language

Get Feedback

  • feedmereadmes - Free README editing+feedback to make your open-source projects grow. See the README maturity model to help you keep going.
  • - Free README standardization and feedback, if you click on 'Book an audit'.


Contributions are always welcome! Please read the contribution guidelines first.



To the extent possible under law, Matias Singers has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.

awesome-readme's People


ajeetdsouza avatar alichtman avatar ankitwasankar avatar aregtech avatar bbrewington avatar chroline avatar danyeaw avatar emalderson avatar eonist avatar hackergrrl avatar hywax avatar ivanperez-keera avatar kefranabg avatar kopach avatar madstap avatar matiassingers avatar pgagnidze avatar richardlitt avatar robson avatar romanhotsiy avatar sebyddd avatar sergey48k avatar serpro69 avatar souravjain540 avatar sultan99 avatar supunlakmal avatar teles avatar vikasganiga05 avatar xnbox avatar yegor256 avatar


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awesome-readme's Issues

Wrong URL

"How To Write A Readme" - Joshua Holbrook

Page not found 404

Request to add link to READMINE

First, thank you for creating this resource.

I've developed yet another readme template (YART?), called READMINE, based on some of the examples here and my own couple of decades of experience writing open-source software. Would it be possible to add it to this excellent list of awesome readmes?

I'd be happy to do a PR, but I'm uncertain about where a link to READMINE should go. It's less an actual software project README, and more of a template demonstrating a suggested way of writing a README. It's also not an article or a tool. So if your preference is that people do PRs, I would appreciate some guidance about where to make to changes.

Global-Chem README


I want to put one of my projects README in the running for awesome READMEs. I've done a lot of edits in trying to kind of format the README in a new formatted way that appeals both to academia and industry.

Wondering about y'alls thoughts.

Suggestion: re-frame

It doesn't have a fancy logo, nor screenshots, and it's not concise at all(! 7,600 words). But it's very well written and explains the philosophy behind the tech and how to use it in detail. I'd recommend reading it even if you don't use clojurescript, since the ideas stand on their own.

How to judge READMEs?

PR #50 has made me wonder what makes an awesome README a bit more than the other more recent PRs have. There are a ton of great READMEs in this list, but they are all starting to look the same to me, and I suspect people are using the list as an advertisement scheme for themselves instead of as a way to point out ridiculously good documentation.

There are some procedural changes we could put in place to stop this: for instance, asking that PRs get a +1 from a non-contributor before merging, or disabling self-submissions. Another would be having submitters explain why their README is more awesome than others on the list, as a way of judging fitness.

What do you think?

Resigning as maintainer

Hey @matiassingers and watchers: I don't have the resources or desire at the moment to continue moderating this repository. Following my questions, which are still outstanding, in #51, I think other people are in a better position to judge READMEs than I am.

I'd like to move on to focus on different aspects of community development besides READMEs, which I'll keep doing at @mntnr.

I was glad to help when I could. Thank you for the opportunity!

Add `` to the Tools section

Hi, I found a great free tool for creating an awesome README using a simple method. is the easiest way to create a README. Which has a simple editor that allows you to quickly add and customize all the sections you need for your project's readme.

Screenshots :


Validate pull requests with Travis

Hello, I wrote a tool that can validate README links (valid URLs, not duplicate). It can be run when someone submits a pull request.

It is currently being used by


If you are interested, connect this repo to and add a .travis.yml file to the project.

See for options, more information
Feel free to leave a comment 😄

Analyze my readme

Please feel free to analyze my readme and recommend the changed and fix to make it more awesome, which can help to make into the list of awesome!

Profile link:

PS: PR related to improvements is more than welcome :)

Creating GIFs

I was surprised not to see ffmpeg in the README. It's the Swiss Army Knife™ of muxing and works right from Termux on Android, Chromebook and Fire OS:

pkg install ffmpeg && ffmpeg -i infile.mp4 outfile.gif¬

Maintainers and collaborators?

I admit I haven't had a ton of time lately and had missed out on a lot of notifications and pending PRs here.

@andiemmadavies @waldyrious @Robson I noticed you had all been super helpful with comments and suggestions for submitted READMEs, would any of you be interested in helping out?

Description of each link

This is supplementary to #1.

The links could use a description on why they're included. What makes them good. People that do crappy readme's usually won't realize it when they see better ones.


Clear description at the top of the readme what the project is. TOC to make it easy to navigate the readme. Quick install and usage section.

Feedback Demo 1

Feedback Demo 1

🥇 Die Note ist: 5.25

👫 Annie
👫 Melanie
👫 Freja



  • Präsentation/Demo war sehr interessant.
  • Einfache Ziele gesetzt und dadurch Risiken minimiert. Wow.
  • Letztes Wochenziel leider nicht erwähnt.
  • Was hat gut funktioniert und was hat schlecht funktioniert?
  • Wie wollte Ihr euch als Team verbessern?
  • Projektidee Ansatzweise erklärt.

Projekt und Architektur


👨‍🏫 Proj:


  • Standard Wetterstation funktioniert (Temperatur, usw..)
  • Alle waren sehr fleissig dabei am Projekt mitzuarbeiten.
  • Tipp: Issues mit Iterationsmeeting verknüpfen (Meilensteine).
  • Burndownchart ausführlich erklärt. Schnittmengen erkannt. Wow.
  • Ausblick: Datenbank und Avatare


👨‍🏫 Arch:


  • Client/Server Architektur (1x Master RaspberyPi)
  • Vorteile und Nachteile wurde leider zuwenig erwähnt.



👨‍🏫 Grundfunktionalität:


  • Wetterstation Grundfunktionalität wurde bereits in der ersten Woche umgesetzt.


👨‍🏫 Code:


  • Freja hat am meisten commits bzw.code ownership -> evtl. Funktionalität deligieren?
  • ist sehr mager. Bitte alle eure Infos hier plazieren. Siehe: Gute Beispiele
  • Code-Analyse werde ich ab 2. Interationsmeeting machen. Vorab: Bitte auskommentierte Code nicht commiten.


Unit Tests

👨‍🏫 UnitTest:


  • Testing nicht im Fokus momentan

Präsentation und Auftritt

  • Alle haben etwas präsentiert. Das ist eine gute Idee!
  • Alle waren anwesend.

The Travis Build Fails

Not quite sure why, but the Travis Build keeps failing.
Also what does it even do I'm curious?

Add maintainers

Hey @matiassingers - there are 11 open PRs, and this list hasn't been updated in five months. Do you need help maintaining this list?

Add release-it

Maybe release-it would be a nice addition to your list. Otherwise, I'm happy to hear thoughts on how I could improve that readme.

Add a gif explaining how to Contribute to this repository

I know I sound like a noob because I am one right now.

I created an Extension Pack for the Flutter Community and I believe it has a pretty neat UI with GIF explaining everything. Here is the link - Ultimate Flutter Extension Pack
There aren't many Readme available for Extension Packs so I thought of adding it to the list.
I read the contribution guidelines and I am still learning about git and how to contribute to other people's repository.

If you guys can add a GIF in the Contribution Guidelines on how to do it, it would be great!

Recommend Projects

  • React photo React

    A declarative, efficient, and flexible JavaScript library for building user interfaces.

  • Vue.js photo Vue.js

    🖖 Vue.js is a progressive, incrementally-adoptable JavaScript framework for building UI on the web.

  • Typescript photo Typescript

    TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that compiles to clean JavaScript output.

  • TensorFlow photo TensorFlow

    An Open Source Machine Learning Framework for Everyone

  • Django photo Django

    The Web framework for perfectionists with deadlines.

  • D3 photo D3

    Bring data to life with SVG, Canvas and HTML. 📊📈🎉

Recommend Topics

  • javascript

    JavaScript (JS) is a lightweight interpreted programming language with first-class functions.

  • web

    Some thing interesting about web. New door for the world.

  • server

    A server is a program made to process requests and deliver data to clients.

  • Machine learning

    Machine learning is a way of modeling and interpreting data that allows a piece of software to respond intelligently.

  • Game

    Some thing interesting about game, make everyone happy.

Recommend Org

  • Facebook photo Facebook

    We are working to build community through open source technology. NB: members must have two-factor auth.

  • Microsoft photo Microsoft

    Open source projects and samples from Microsoft.

  • Google photo Google

    Google ❤️ Open Source for everyone.

  • D3 photo D3

    Data-Driven Documents codes.