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MDAnalysis User Guide

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MDAnalysis is a Python toolkit to analyse molecular dynamics files and trajectories in many popular formats. MDAnalysis can write most of these formats, too, together with atom selections for use in visualisation tools or other analysis programs. It provides a fast framework for complex analysis tasks, as well as flexible tooling to construct your own analyses.

This repository contains the user guide for MDAnalysis. The user guide originated as a project for Google Season of Docs 2019-2020 .

userguide's People


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userguide's Issues

Add link to OTF blog post in OTF section

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
A clear and concise description of what the problem is. Ex. I'm always frustrated when [...]

Un/wrapping is probably the most commonly desired transformation, this would help

Describe the solution you'd like
A clear and concise description of what you want to see in the user guide. e.g. a new page of information? A short Jupyter notebook example? An extended tutorial?

Describe alternatives you've considered
A clear and concise description of any alternative solutions or features you've considered.

Additional context
Add any other context or screenshots about the feature request here.

sections to be added


  • align.AverageStructure
  • HydrogenBondAnalysis
  • hole2
  • DensityAnalysis


  • ParmEd
  • Notebook execution scripts
  • other scripts; add to

Building a Universe

Story: As a user, I want to concatenate selections of trajectories, so that I can use principal component analysis to compare them in a lower dimensional space. [Notebook example]

Story: As a user, I want to build my own Universe from scratch, so that I can generate random molecules as test cases. [Notebook example]

Acceptance criteria:

  • I understand how Universe.empty() works.
  • I understand how to load in coordinates manually.
  • I understand how to add and delete atoms/residues
  • I understand how to create a new Universe with Merge.
  • I have a link to the Topology section.

Writing out AtomGroups

Story: As a user, I want to write out select representative frames to a PDB file, so that I can mimic an ensemble of NMR structures.

Story: As a GROMACS user, I want to define groups in a GROMACS index file, so that I can use them in further GROMACS analysis.

Acceptance criteria:

  • I am aware that I can write AtomGroups out in varying formats
  • I am aware of selection exporters that can write selections for other programs
  • I understand how to write multiple selections
  • I understand how to write out a single frame
  • I understand how to write out a trajectory

Add an author list

The authors of the user guide are hardcoded as Lily Wang, Richard J Gowers, Oliver Beckstein somewhere but @RMeli has now contributed and hopefully others will. I think the MDAnalysis docs sort contributors in alphabetical order but stick @nmichaud first and @orbeckst last -- should there be a similar scheme for the user guide?

Snippet notebooks

  • Adding b-factors, writing out to PDB, colouring by them
  • Writing VMD macros
  • Writing GROMACS index files

Using Universe

Story: As a molecular dynamics scientist who is familiar with packages such as mdtraj and cpptraj, I want to quickly get information such as atom properties and coordinates, so that I can analyse my data.

Acceptance criteria:

  • I understand the difference between and hierarchical relationships of a Topology, Trajectory, AtomGroup, and Universe.
  • I understand that there is a difference between a parser and a reader not important (see below)
  • I can find a page that goes details supported formats, and the information MDAnalysis reads and guesses from each
  • I understand important arguments for creating a Universe, e.g. guess_bonds, all_coordinates, in_memory.
  • I know how to use auxiliary readers, which are supported, and how to access auxiliary properties.
  • I understand how positions work with a trajectory and how to access specific frames.
  • I understand certain limitations, e.g. Universe cannot support varying numbers of atoms.
  • I have a link to the AtomGroup and Topology sections.

Analysis (general)

Story: As a user, I want to know how whether the analysis I have in mind is already implemented, how to use it, and how to possibly implement it myself, so that I can make contributions to science.

Acceptance criteria:

  • I know where to find a list of accepted MD formats, and the information that each format provides.
  • I know where to find whether an analysis requires particular information that may not be in every MD format (e.g. masses).
  • I know where to find a list of available analyses.
  • I know where to find a tutorial on implementing custom analysis.
  • I understand the general interface for running analysis.

instance of pip installed outside the current conda environment is used.

Actual Behavior
According to User guide if we install MDA using conda environment and say I try to install some dependency using pip without installing it in my conda environment and it might be possible to have pip installed outside a conda environment which causes these module to install in global env.

Expected Behavior
using pip these packages must install in conda environment.


# if using pip
pip install cython numpy mmtf-python mock six biopython \
 networkx cython matplotlib scipy griddataformats \
 hypothesis gsd codecov "seaborn>=0.7.0,<=0.9" \
 netcdf4 scikit-learn "joblib>=0.12" parmed psutil pytest

add a note at top of this like:
if using pip make sure you have pip installed in your conda environment

Documents for parallel analysis

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
Implement parallel analysis in MDAnalysis.

Describe the solution you'd like
a new page of information and tutorials.

Related PR

Finalise script behaviour

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
The user guide uses a number of scripts to make tables, page stubs, and so on. Should these be put in to get run every time the docs are built, or should they be manually run? If they are automatically executed, how does that work with widgets that require visualisation in the browser first?

Describe the solution you'd like
1. Automatic execution

  • Update and add comments explaining what's going on
  • Either turn off automatic execution of notebooks with NGLview widgets, or work out if selenium is a solution on Travis
  • Remind contributors to temporarily turn off automatic execution if they're using sphinx-autobuild or it will refresh to infinity

2. Manual execution

  • Remind contributors to re-execute scripts in pull request template. Put them all in

Document lib module

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
The lib module is important and should be documented.

Describe the solution you'd like
Pages on the lib code, probably in the "Advanced" section.

Add information to "Contributing"

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.

  • Reviewing notebooks with git diffing is difficult
  • Jupyter does not automatically create kernels for conda or pip environments
  • Adding references is tedious

Describe the solution you'd like

  • Add the "make github" snippet to Makefile and instructions + explanation + link to gh-pages to user guide
  • Add pull request template asking for link to built docs
  • Add instructions for making a new Jupyter environment
  • Add explanation and instructions for how to do references

Update UserGuide groups_of_atoms.html with description of unexpected behaviour

Is your feature request related to a problem?

As discussed in issue MDAnalysis/mdanalysis#2905, when accessing AtomGroup atoms created by selection record_type ATOM for a PDB containing both ATOMs and HETATMs, looping through atoms.segments.resnames will return all residues in chains (including HETATM record types, the ones we didn't want).

Similarly, when using another selection, record_type ATOM and not (name H* or name OXT), if one wants to access atoms grouped by residues, the first guess could be to use atoms.residues.names. Surprisingly, this contains hydrogen atoms (H*), whereas atoms.names doesn't, but it isn't grouped by residue.

@lilyminium and @orbeckst explained the logic behind data views.

Describe the solution you'd like

I'd like to add two examples above to groups_of_atoms.html showing the logic how to correctly access the data in the presented two use cases (getting residues and getting atoms from selected AtomGroup).

Dev docs build

I was going to poke one of the Gsoc students to write docs on their feature, but the feature won’t ship for a while. Am I right that the user guide is published instantly? And how much of a hassle would it be to have a dev/master split like we have on the main repo, with dev pushing to a different location? I think @orbeckst had thoughts along these lines too...

@lilyminium probably know something here

Document coordinate readers

  • Table of formats with positions/velocities/forces/dimensions etc
    • Script to autogenerate
  • Notes of subtle quirks for coordinate readers/writers

contributing: missing conda installation dependencies for tests

Describe the bug
On some packages are missing for tests

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. follow installation instructions with conda (fresh env)
  2. pip install -e testsuite/: note that additional packages are downloaded

Expected behavior
When using conda, no additional packages are automatically installed with pip

Actual behavior
pip install -e testsuite/ tries to download

  • pytest
  • psutil

Installation notes for pip are repetitive

To install the latest stable version of MDAnalysis via pip, use the following command:

pip install --upgrade MDAnalysis

To upgrade:

pip install --upgrade MDAnalysis

This is repetitive and redundant.

Inconsistency in wildcard selection

Current documentation

Screenshot 2020-01-04 at 8 52 47 AM

I think it would be better for the version "Note" information to be folded into the current dot point, which documents 0.20.1. The grammar could also be better, e.g.

From version 0.21.0 onwards, MDAnalysis supports the use of one wildcard * at the start, middle, or end of strings. u.select_atoms("resname *E") will select all atoms where the atom's residue name ends in E.

Easy way to diff notebooks

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.

It's a bit of a chore to diff notebooks at the moment; GitHub does not have an easy way to do it and it's naturally hard to diff notebooks yourself with nbdime, when they're on different branches

Describe the solution you'd like
Taking suggestions

Describe alternatives you've considered
If we get #68 merged we can manually compare between what's up at and the built docs for any PR. Still suboptimal

Additional context
Add any other context or screenshots about the feature request here.

Segmentation fault when building the user guide

Describe the bug

Both RTD and Travis segmentation fault when building the user guide here:

reading sources... [ 98%] trajectories/transformations
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

Locally it works.

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Open a PR


  • Pinning all the package versions did not fix it
  • Just after reading all the sources, there are many warnings. Could these be related?
UserGuide/doc/source/datasets.rst:6: WARNING: Duplicate explicit target name: "mdanalysisdata".
source/examples/analysis/alignment_and_rms/README.rst:18: WARNING: toctree contains reference to nonexisting document 'examples/analysis/alignment_and_rms/aligning_trajectory_to_first_frame'
source/examples/analysis/alignment_and_rms/README.rst:7: WARNING: duplicate label alignment-and-rms, other instance in UserGuide/doc/source/examples/analysis/alignment_and_rms/README.rst
source/examples/analysis/trajectory_similarity/README.rst:6: WARNING: duplicate label trajectory-similarity, other instance in UserGuide/doc/source/examples/analysis/trajectory_similarity/README.rst
UserGuide/doc/source/examples/analysis/alignment_and_rms/README.rst:18: WARNING: toctree contains reference to nonexisting document 'examples/analysis/alignment_and_rms/aligning_trajectory_to_first_frame'
UserGuide/doc/source/examples/analysis/alignment_and_rms/README.rst:7: WARNING: duplicate label alignment-and-rms, other instance in UserGuide/doc/source/examples/analysis/README.rst
UserGuide/doc/source/examples/analysis/trajectory_similarity/README.rst:6: WARNING: duplicate label trajectory-similarity, other instance in UserGuide/doc/source/examples/analysis/README.rst
UserGuide/doc/source/formats/coordinates.rst:4: WARNING: duplicate label coordinate-readers, other instance in UserGuide/doc/source/formats/index.rst
source/formats/coordinates.rst:4: WARNING: duplicate label coordinate-readers, other instance in UserGuide/doc/source/formats/coordinates.rst
UserGuide/doc/source/formats/reference/trj.rst:35: WARNING: Bullet list ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent.
looking for now-outdated files... none found
pickling environment... done
checking consistency... UserGuide/doc/source/examples/analysis/alignment_and_rms/aligning_trajectory_to_frame.ipynb: WARNING: document isn't included in any toctree
preparing documents... done
writing output... [ 10%] examples/analysis/alignment_and_rms/aligning_structure_writing output... [ 12%] examples/analysis/alignment_and_rms/aligning_trajectorywriting output... [ 13%] examples/analysis/alignment_and_rms/pairwise_rmsd    writing output... [100%] universe                                               le_similarity_similarity
UserGuide/doc/source/contributing_code.rst:7: WARNING: undefined label: (if the link has no caption the label must precede a section header)
UserGuide/doc/source/contributing_code.rst:21: WARNING: undefined label: writing new code (if the link has no caption the label must precede a section header)
UserGuide/doc/source/installation.rst:96: WARNING: undefined label: mdanalysisdata (if the link has no caption the label must precede a section header)

Desktop (please complete the following information):

  • OS: [e.g. iOS]
  • Browser [e.g. chrome, safari]
  • Version [e.g. 22]
  • Which version of MDAnalysis? (run python -c "import MDAnalysis as mda; print(mda.__version__)")
  • Which version of Python (python -V)?

Smartphone (please complete the following information):

  • Device: [e.g. iPhone6]
  • OS: [e.g. iOS8.1]
  • Browser [e.g. stock browser, safari]
  • Version [e.g. 22]

Additional context
Add any other context about the problem here.


Story: As a prospective user, I want to install a working version of MDAnalysis to suit my needs.

Acceptance criteria:

  • I know how to install the most recent stable version
  • I know the difference between the conda and pip packages
  • I know how to install the development version
  • I know how to install and run tests

AtomGroup methods

Story: As a user, I want to compute domain angles, so that I can track conformational rearrangements of domains.

Acceptance criteria:

  • I know the available AtomGroup methods, e.g. center_of_geometry
  • I understand that many of these require masses
  • I know how to subclass AnalysisBase to automate this

Unformatted *

Describe the bug

In the Quickstart-RMSD there area few *. Their intent is not clear to me.

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Go to Quickstart-RMSD
  2. Scroll down to Below, the RMSD class is created. (paragraph 4)
  3. See error

Expected behavior

I'm not entirely sure what is the intent of * here.

Actual behavior

No * or text formatted differently?

Desktop (please complete the following information):

  • OS: macOS
  • Browser: Firefox
  • Version: 73

Adding pip to environment.yml

Describe the bug

Environment.yml file needs an extra pip dependency.

Expected behavior

Calling conda create -f environment.yml python=3.6 should run fine.

Actual behavior

This gets added at the top of the output: "Warning: you have pip-installed dependencies in your environment file, but you do not list pip itself as one of your conda dependencies. Conda may not use the correct pip to install your packages, and they may end up in the wrong place. Please add an explicit pip dependency. I'm adding one for you, but still nagging you."

Desktop (please complete the following information):

  • OS: [e.g. iOS] Ubuntu 20.04 LTS w/ WSL2
  • Which version of Python (python -V)? 3.7, latest conda install.

Slicing and selection

Story: As a user, I want to get hydrogens bonded to oxygens that are not water molecules, where the hydrogen within 4 A of a protein domain but not within a certain cylindrical zone.

Story: As a user, I want to get atoms from my Universe by index, so that I can compute the angle defined by the ordered atoms. [Notebook example]

Acceptance criteria:

  • I understand the available slicing and selection methods
  • I understand which keywords are available and how to combine them with boolean logic
  • I understand when atoms are sorted and when they are ordered by my selection
  • I know how to make an ordered selection
  • I understand how to join or separate AtomGroups
  • I understand when atom duplicates are kept (concatenate/subtract) and when they are not (union/difference)
  • I am aware of other set methods

Quickstart guide

Story: As a molecular dynamics user, I want to set up MDAnalysis quickly and easily, so that I can move onto further analysis.

Story: As a molecular dynamics user, I want to convert my AMBER trajectory into a GROMACS format, so that I can use the GROMACS analysis tools on it.

Acceptance criteria:

  • I know how to load in a coordinate file / simulation and write it out almost immediately
  • I understand the arguments necessary to create ('set up') a Universe, basic atom selection, basic analysis, and writing out coordinates.
  • I understand where to look for less general knowledge (e.g. complex selection).
  • I have links to an index of examples, available analyses, and a tutorial for developing custom analyses.

Current state

A survey of recent mdnalysis-discussion group questions found few questions about absolute basic MDAnalysis, although there is general confusion in how to write out trajectory coordinates. This suggests that the current MDAnalysis tutorial is doing a decent job. Many of the analysis-related questions were really asking whether a particular analysis had been implemented, or how to use it, likely because the tutorial only shows RMSD and the current docs can be confusing.


A Jupyter notebook tutorial so that users can follow online or download and modify the resource. This will pull liberally from the existing MDAnalysis tutorial, as an express version without exercises.


  1. Link to page on installation.
  2. Load in a Universe.
  3. Writing out coordinates.
  4. Basic introduction to AtomGroups, ResidueGroups, SegmentGroups.
  5. Selecting atoms.
  6. Trajectories and positions.
  7. Universe persistence.
  8. Introduction to Analysis and modules.

Document JupyterLab Progress Bar requirements

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.

As detailed here: MDAnalysis/mdanalysis#2617 (comment) in order for the ProgressBar to work on JupyterLab, an extra install step is required.

Describe the solution you'd like

Probably somewhere in the install instructions, extra steps to get everything working on JupyterLab should be added.

Describe alternatives you've considered

Alternatively we could just not document it, however it might be easier to have at least a link to some ProgressBar/tdqm issue somewhere so that we can send users there.

Links broken

[This link] (notation) doesn't work. Also, the relative links in the quick start guide should be updated.

sections requiring review


  • aligning structures -- mention match_atoms etc: #73
  • rms -- added weights_groupselections #75
  • contacts.Contacts -- added radius_cut_q #84
  • encore -- dres returns dimensionality reduction details instead of reference to self. hes does not accept details keyword anymore.
  • polymer.PersistenceLength #124
  • PCA (now correctly aligns; also some other fun new methods) #120
  • GNM -- removed MassWeight option #124

Building topology attributes

Story: As a user, I want to add bfactors to my PDB, so that I can visualise my analysis. [Notebook example]

Story: As a user, I want to populate my Universe with custom atom properties, so that I can generate desired molecules from coordinate arrays.

Acceptance criteria:

  • I understand that most topology manipulation is done through Universe.
  • I understand how to add and modify topology attributes.
  • I know the limited attributes that can be added and what they correspond to (e.g. temp factors = bfactors)
  • I know how to write out a single frame

Related to #3

Developer guide

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.

We've noted in a few places that a split between the user guide and the developer guide is necessary to

  • avoid overwhelming users with pointless detail
  • make it easier to find things
  • have a central place for developer docs that's not the technical API

Describe the solution you'd like

A focused developer guide.


  • Where should this be? Part of the user guide or in its own repo? I don't immediately know how to store it in this repo but make it available at a different URL / with a different sidebar. Should it be part of the MDAnalysis main repo?

  • What should it contain? For example, the user guide currently has a Write your own analysis tutorial. I have targeted it at intermediate users who want to do something easy (e.g. radius of gyration) with existing building blocks. Is this for users or developers? @IAlibay has suggested a split between analysis_from_function and AnalysisBase. The entire contributing section should probably go into dev guide. Can we merge the wiki into it, which has many pages that are not immediately obvious?

ping @MDAnalysis/coredevs

NGLView widgets showing up twice

Describe the bug
NGLView widgets are showing up twice in the HTML conversions from Jupyter notebooks. This happens on the Travis-deployed user guide so it's not just my local environment.

Expected behavior
It should only show up once, as there is only one widget output in the notebook.

Desktop (please complete the following information):

  • Browser: Safari, Chrome, and Firefox -- browser agnostic as the widget is in the HTML

Additional context
The widgets aren't linked, so they're not two renderings of the same object. Not sure when this started happening, but I don't think the widgets were doubling up when I made the density analysis notebook on February 20. Normal ipywidgets are also created twice. Basic nbconvert to HTML does not result in this issue.

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