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This is a open source library on pure swift for Solana protocol.

License: MIT License

Swift 99.79% Ruby 0.21%
solana swift spm library ios macos sol

solana.swift's Issues

Get account info fails

Describe the bug
Error Retrieving Account information

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

        let network = NetworkingRouter(endpoint: .mainnetBetaSolana)
        solana = Solana(router: network, accountStorage: accoutStorage)
        // Entered valid phrase for testing
        let account = Account(phrase: ["my", "phrase"], network: .mainnetBeta, derivablePath: nil)
        solana.api.getAccountInfo(account: account!.publicKey.base58EncodedString, decodedTo: AccountInfo.self) {
            switch $0 {
            case .success(let info):
            case .failure(let error):
value is null
request(method:bcMethod:parameters:onComplete:) -> {\"jsonrpc\":\"2.0\",\"result\":{\"context\":{\"slot\":112043777},\"value\":null},\"id\":\"17BBD8D5-7A01-4C72-9049-203894E719AA\"}\n"


Expected behavior
A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen.

If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

Desktop (please complete the following information):

Smartphone (please complete the following information):
iPhone Simulator

Additional context
Add any other context about the problem here.

Add `systemProgramId` to `PublicKey`

The system program address in PublicKey is exposed as simply programId.

This is confusing, especially given that programId appears in so many other places, meaning different program ids.

I suggest adding systemProgramId with the same value and marking programId as deprecated like this:

@available(*, deprecated, renamed: "systemProgramId")
static let programId = PublicKey(string: "11111111111111111111111111111111")!
static let systemProgramId = PublicKey(string: "11111111111111111111111111111111")!

Xcode will generate a fix-it automatically with this method of deprecation, so it is easy for users to change.

Make parsed in ParsedInstruction public

I want to get info about transaction and use func getConfirmedTransaction(transactionSignature: String, onComplete: @escaping (Result<TransactionInfo, Error>) -> Void)
But I can't get info about transaction, because it's not public. Is it possible to make it public or should I use another func to get transaction info?

How to use sendSPLTokens

Hi, first of all thanks for this great library.

I'm trying to use sendSPLTokens to transfer custom token to another wallet address, and I'm a bit stuck on what it means by fromPublicKey and destinationAddress

I tried either wallet address and token account address for fromPublicKey, but I got the below error

Transaction simulation failed: Attempt to debit an account but found no record of a prior credit

extension Action {
    public func sendSPLTokens(
        mintAddress: String,
        from fromPublicKey: String,
        to destinationAddress: String,
        amount: UInt64,
        allowUnfundedRecipient: Bool = false,
        onComplete: @escaping (Result<TransactionID, Error>) -> Void

In web3.js I can understand that the from and to refer to the token account address, not the wallet.


I'm using testnet and my wallet has enough custom token

I know this is not really an issue with the library, but how to correctly use this method.
Thanks, any help is appreciated πŸ™

Make it possible to create your own custom transactions

It's currently not possible to send custom transactions to your own Solana program with this package as-is.
TransactionInstruction does not have a public init which means you can't create and send one from outside the package.

Longer term it may be desirable to have full Anchor support, but in the mean-time (and for programs that don't use Anchor) it would be useful to be able to create and send custom instructions.

#83 discusses a possible way to do this by creating a TransactionInstruction and then sending it with solana.action.serializeAndSendWithFee - however, without a public initialiser this isn't actually possible from outside.

It would be good to discuss the options, a public init would be the simplest, but it may also be desirable to have static helpers like createCustomInstruction which could be made generic and specialised on a CustomInstruction interface, allowing external code to implement custom instructions and then create/send them. Has this been thought about much?

Transaction.from(buffer: ) always crash

func testTransactionDecode() {
    let data = Data(base64Encoded: swapTransaction)
    assert(data != nil)
    let transaction = try! Transaction.from(buffer: data!)

Multi Request on RPC

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
Allow clients to batch rpc request of operation for parallel request.

Describe the solution you'd like
Allow the Router to ship more than one RPC request and return array of results. Not sure if I should limit them to N so we dont kill the rpc or get banned. Maybe thats developer responsability

Remove Cluster from Account

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
There is no need to set the Account cluster. It is not used for anything

Describe the solution you'd like
Remove the cluster from the account

Cannot create token account for receiver

I am using this library for solana spl token transfer. I can successfully created token account for sender but not able to create token account for receiver. As i have no secret key of receiver so how can i create token account for receiver can anyone help please?

RPCEndpoint is using the wrong url of testnet api

RPCEndpoint is using the wrong url of testnet api in the definition of its static property .testnetSolana. If using this in the initiation of a NetworkRouter and call RPC APIs will end up with a network error.

It should be
RPCEndpoint(url: URL(string: "")!, urlWebSocket: URL(string: "wss://")!, network: .testnet)

instead of
RPCEndpoint(url: URL(string: "")!, urlWebSocket: URL(string: "wss://")!, network: .testnet)

To have more info when calling `getTokenWallets()`

When calling getTokenWallets() it returns with an array of Wallets.
My understand is if the wallets' token is not supported, the Token parameter of the returning Wallet will only contain an address.

Maybe adding some option to config to fetch more data of the token, like name, logo, and even attributes for NFTs.

Or is there a function that already meets the needs?

Thank you. This library really helps a lot

Build failures on Xcode 14.0.1

Describe the bug
Attempting to build a project that has Solana.swift as a dependency in SPM fails to build with a linker error, Undefined symbol: __swift_FORCE_LOAD_$_XCTestSwiftSupport

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Create a new project (I've tried both an iOS app and a framework, both behave the same)
  2. Add Solana.swift as a dependency in SPM
  3. Build the target
  4. See build failure Undefined symbol: __swift_FORCE_LOAD_$_XCTestSwiftSupport

Expected behavior
The project should build


Add public, standalone version of Transaction.partialSign to support remote signing

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
We'd like to use partial signing to add a remote feePayer to transactions on iOS.

Describe the solution you'd like
A public, standalone version of Transaction.partialSign is required to support remote signing.

Additional context
This already exists on solana-web3.js, see implementation here:

Currently the Solana.Swift lib has the same internal "_partialSign" function as JS, but it's missing the public wrapper.

Add networking module

Use a networking module so we can inject url session an configure endpoint and retry

Bump Swift Requirement to 5.4?

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
Result builders (a big part of the transaction template structures we discussed) require a bump to Swift 5.4. Though 5.5 has features that require specific iOS versions, I believe Swift 5.4 is entirely backwards compatible. As version bumps go, this one may be pretty innocuous.

Describe the solution you'd like
Bumping requirements in the package to Swift 5.4, amending Github workflows to support it, and updating the documentation.

Describe alternatives you've considered
An alternative would be to use either chained struct mutations (similar to Solnet's builders) or

Additional context
I've gotten Swift 5.4 working on GitHub actions before β€”Β it's not too bad.

findProgramAddress β€” weird code

Hello Arturo!

I was trying findSPLTokenDestinationAddress and it didn't seem to work, I went into the source code and discovered this for-loop in findProgramAddress:

for nonce in stride(from: UInt8(255), to: 0, by: -1) {
            let seedsWithNonce = seeds + [Data([nonce])]
            return createProgramAddress(
                seeds: seedsWithNonce,
                programId: programId
            ).map {($0, nonce) }

Is everything okay here? It returns on the first iteration of the loop.

If not, is the following code correct?

        for nonce in stride(from: UInt8(255), to: 0, by: -1) {
            let seedsWithNonce = seeds + [Data([nonce])]
            let programAddressResult = createProgramAddress(seeds: seedsWithNonce, programId: programId)
            if case .success(let publicKey) = programAddressResult {
                return .success((publicKey, nonce))


Await transaction result

Is there a way to wait for a transaction to be finalized before continuing to the next thing? This is really helpful to show a loading state to the user until we know the result of their action.

Certain Programs are private unneccessarily

Describe the bug

  • TokenProgram is missing public declaration
  • AssociatedTokenProgram.createAssociatedTokenAccountInstruction is missing public declaration
  • TokenSwapProgram is missing public declaration

Expected behavior
All of these should be public. In both the solana-web3.js implementation and the SolanaKT implementation these are acessible, so the standard is already set to expose these.

Serialize and Send Transaction Not Working For Custom Programs

Describe the bug
I'm currently using MW to create unsigned transactions, return to frontend, serialize and sign. After signing and sending the transaction I'm getting "Signature Verification Failed" error from the chain.

I'm using serialize function with requiredAllSignatures and verifySignatures parameters as true and getting no error. However, when sending on-chain this error occurs. When I checked the serialized data created for same transaction on web3.js and Solana.Swift library there were some differences in UInt8 array.

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. or can be used to create the NFT transactions.
  2. Create the transaction object from the retrieved tx.
  3. Partial sign, serialize and send the transaction on chain.
  4. See error

Expected behavior
Transaction should go through and be successful on chain.

Screen Shot 2022-11-02 at 01 33 45

error: no such module 'Solana' in build archive section ( GitHub CICD )

@ajamaica I am using Solana Swift Package Dependency in my project and using some model classes from your summer wallet demo. But while running the CICD workflow ( GitHub actions ) in the build archive section getting the error error: no such module 'Solana' in the Summer Wallet Model classes. I have also attached the screenshot regarding that. (It's working in manual archive from Xcode.) I have also added clean and build command in the CICD workflow so can fetch this Package Dependency.

I am fixing this error since many days but not getting success so please I would like your help.



How to get Token Metadata on Devnet?

Hi how can i receive token metadata like symbol, icon and name from dev net:

the function i use is the following:

let accounts = try await connection!.action.getTokenWallets(account: account!.publicKey.description)

which gives me the balance yes but not metadata provided:

Solana.Wallet(pubkey: "5v1hgkjCSee7LqMmghNk4Rq6szmmzu78hPKfDNeprdnc", ammount: Optional(Solana.TokenAmount(amount: "2000000000", decimals: 6, uiAmount: 2000.0, uiAmountString: "2000")), token: Optional(Solana.Token(chainId: nil, address: "Gh9ZwEmdLJ8DscKNTkTqPbNwLNNBjuSzaG9Vp2KGtKJr", symbol: nil, name: nil, logoURI: nil, extensions: nil, tags: Optional([]), isNative: false)), liquidity: Optional(false))

so how can i get this information:
symbol: nil, name: nil, logoURI: nil,

Tests talk to Solana for real, and they fail

The tests are currently failing, and it appears some use the real NetworkingRouter and actually talk to a GenesysGo devnet node.

This is undesirable for a number of reasons.

Fix is to implement a mock version of SolanaRouter that provides appropriate responses for each test case.

make findProgramAddress public

Can the "findProgramAddress" function in the PublicKey extension be made public. It is currently private and therefore can't be used by applications to directly calculate Program Derived Addresses (PDA's).

File to update: Extensions / PublicKey / PublicKey+AssociatedTokenProgram.swift

Action.sendSPLTokens fails with a destination address of an original account address

Describe the bug
Action.sendSPLTokens always fails with a destination address of an original account address (the address of SOL account), no matter if there is an existing associated token address under the original account. The action only works when "to" and "from" are both associated token addresses other than their owners.

Expected behavior
If I did not get the design intention wrong, the action should check if the destination passing in is an associated token address or an original address. If it is an original address, the program will find its associated token address registered under the mint, or create a new one if not existing. However I'm getting errors under both conditions.

I'm using the mint address of USDC in my tests on testnet: CpMah17kQEL2wqyMKt3mZBdTnZbkbfx4nqmQMFDP5vwp

Type 'SolanaSocket' does not conform to protocol 'WebSocketDelegate'

I have utilized this package dependency for Solana integration and used version 2.0.2 for Solana's flow. Unfortunately, I am encountering the following error in Xcode 15:

Type 'SolanaSocket' does not conform to the 'WebSocketDelegate' protocol.

There is already a WebSocketDelegate method within the SolanaSocket extension, but I am still getting this error, and I am unable to edit the file due to the package dependency.

It would be great if you could assist me with this?

Screenshot 2023-10-23 at 1 10 19β€―PM

How to use a private key in this API?

Not sure if I am missing some documentation around this, if I am please point me to the right place.

I need to implement some features to the app I am building, I have managed to use Metaplex Solana.Swift HotAccount to create a wallet, and use its public key to retrieve NFTs. I have not managed to use a private key to, say, retrieve the account mnemonic phrase. Are these functions not available? If not, what should I be using?

I can see that there is a function called "SendSol". It seems to take in an account object presumably attached with private key? How does this process work? Where is the documentation I can use to investigate?

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