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GitHub Universe Workshop: Building a GitHub App with Probot

License: MIT License

JavaScript 100.00%

building-a-github-app-with-probot's Introduction

Building a GitHub App with Probot

Workshop Pre-requisitesUseful linksWorkshop stepsExtend your app further

Remix With Glitch

Workshop Pre-requisites

  • A account
  • A account
  • A repository you don't mind getting messy
  • Excitement

Useful links throughout the workshop

Workshop steps

  1. Create your Glitch app by following this link:!/remix/probot-workshop
  2. Wait for Glitch to load and for it to install all the dependencies. You can see progress by clicking on "Status" in the top left corner
  3. Click the "Show Live" button at the top of the page. A new tab should open and the page should have a "Register GitHub App" button
  4. Click the "Register GitHub App" button and choose a name for your GitHub App. A GitHub app will be created for you in the background. Once it is complete you will see a new page that asks you where you want to install your new app.
  5. On this page, select the "Only select repositories" and in the dropdown choose the your sandbox repository. If you don't have one, that's fine - just create a new blank repo.
  6. Then head back to Glitch, it's time to write some code!

Extend and improve your app further

  • Add multiple language translations to each comment
  • Properly translate text with code blocks and markdown
  • Also translate the opening comments of new issues and pull requests
  • Add configuration options with context.config()

building-a-github-app-with-probot's People


hollenberry avatar jasonetco avatar



building-a-github-app-with-probot's Issues

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