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:vertical_traffic_light: Express middleware for JWT permissions

License: MIT License

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express jwt permissions middleware

express-jwt-permissions's Issues

API route permissions using an express-jwt-permissions guard on node.js

Originally posted on Stack Overflow

I am attempting to use express-jwt-permissions to protect an API route and I am unable to use the guard syntax "guard.check('user')". I have successfully used express-jwt which express-jwt-permissions builds upon.

An interesting fact is that express-jwt requires the JWT_SECRET to be assigned to it, whereas there are no instruction on the express-jwt-permissions docs to understand this interplay or perhaps there is some example missing?

My current code is as follows:

// auth.ts - Auth and set user permissions
/////////////////////////////////////////////'/', async (request, response, next) => {
    const {email, password} = request.body

    try {
        // Authenticate
        const user = await authenticate(email, password)
        user.permissions = ['user'] // set the express-jwt-permissions here

        // Create JWT token
        let token = jwt.sign(user.toJSON(), process.env.JWT_SECRET, {
            expiresIn: '60m'

        let {iat, exp} = jwtDecode(token)

        // Respond with token
        response.status(HttpStatus.OK).send({iat, exp, token})


I successfully retrieved a JWT token from the 'api/auth' endpoint.

    "iat": 1559650778,
    "exp": 1559654378,
    "token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJwZXJtaXNzaW9ucyI6WyJ1c2VyIl0sIl9pZCI6IjVjZjUyZjc1NDA4MTk0YWI1MGZlMWNkNiIsIm5hbWUiOiJHYXJ5IFBhbHVrIiwiZW1haWwiOiJnYXJ5QHBsdWdpbi5pbyIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiZ2FyeSIsInBhc3N3b3JkIjoiJDJhJDEwJEt1U1NUQXowd1MxNU5tRjRVQjZQb2VMTC5Ya1phZkc5Sm9xVkVRWnZZcHFkTFNrZXliTU1lIiwidXBkYXRlZEF0IjoiMjAxOS0wNi0wM1QxNDozMjoyMS4zMDlaIiwiY3JlYXRlZEF0IjoiMjAxOS0wNi0wM1QxNDozMjoyMS4zMDlaIiwiX192IjowLCJpYXQiOjE1NTk2NTA3NzgsImV4cCI6MTU1OTY1NDM3OH0.qnfH_OHq2YqaKCRIbwtw788SQC51F8PJESRCf3Nlrak"

I then attempted to authorize with combinations of Bearer Token, OAuth2, prepending token with/without 'jwt ' etc, but nothing seems to get past the route guard on 'api/registry'.

// server.ts - API auth routes

server.use('/api/auth', require('./api/v1/auth'))



    "name": "UnauthorizedError",
    "message": "user object \"user\" was not found. Check your configuration.",
    "code": "user_object_not_found",
    "status": 403,
    "inner": {
        "message": "user object \"user\" was not found. Check your configuration."

The expected result would be that I can make an API call to '/api/registry' with the JWT token as a bearer token / OAuth2? and that should let me pass the route guard.


Error on Typescript compilation

If I try to compile it with typescript I get the following error:

node_modules/express-jwt-permissions/index.d.ts:1:10 - error TS2305: Module '"express-unless"' has no exported member 'RequestHandler'. The Problem seems to occurs if some other module uses express-unless above 1.0.0. Maybe it would be a good idea to update the dependencies and the related typings?

Permission denied when using PUT method

Hey! I'm getting an UnauthorizedError when using the PUT method. Works with POST, so that's what I'll be using for now, but I'm curious. I think it should work just the same with all allowed methods on res.header, right?

Am I missing something?

Use native Object.assign instead of xtend

xtend can easily be replaced with Object.assign

This reduce the dependencies and possible also avoid duplicated versions where some package don't use the same version range for the xtend package

// immutable
Object.assign({}, a, b)

// mutable
Object.assign(a, b)

'ErrorCode' and '"permission_denied"' have no overlap

Hey there, thanks for jwt permissions!

This condition will always return 'false' since the types 'ErrorCode' and '"permission_denied"' have no overlap.ts(2367)

if (err instanceof UnauthorizedError) 
          if ((err as UnauthorizedError).code === "permission_denied")
    export type ErrorCode =
        "revoked_token" |
        "invalid_token" |
        "credentials_bad_scheme" |
        "credentials_bad_format" |
    export class UnauthorizedError extends Error  {
        status: number;
        message: string;
        name: 'UnauthorizedError';
        code: ErrorCode;
        inner: { message: string };

        constructor(code: ErrorCode, error: { message: string });

I need a per-route ignore

I need a guard.ignore() that I can put inline on specific routes

I am using express-jwt with credentialsRequired: trueto ensure that I only accept calls that include a JWT in them

But there are a few routes for which I do not want to use guard.check()

I need to have it both ways !!


Is it possible to check multiple permissionsProperty

Auth0 released their Core authorization and if i understand correctly , when i chose to add permissions to access token, its in the "permissions" property.

If the API is called by client_credential application, the token will have scopes associated with this application instead of permissions.

Could express-jwt-permissions be used to check both "permissions" and "scopes" at the same time?

Cannot use if token is passed as Authorization header

Based on Express JWT:

A custom function for extracting the token from a request can be specified with the getToken option. This is useful if you need to pass the token through a query parameter or a cookie. You can throw an error in this function and it will be handled by express-jwt.

secret: 'hello world !',
credentialsRequired: false,
getToken: function fromHeaderOrQuerystring (req) {
if (req.headers.authorization && req.headers.authorization.split(' ')[0] === 'Bearer') {
return req.headers.authorization.split(' ')[1];
} else if (req.query && req.query.token) {
return req.query.token;
return null;

How do I integrate permissions in this case?

Suggestion: Documentation enhancement

Thank you so much for this package. The simplicity and flexibility enabled is awesome.

I'd like to suggest an addition to documentation. The context being, many of us understand the concept of Auth, but unless we've been deep in the weeds, we don't find it intuitive. So at first glance, the below wouldn't occur to someone who was looking to check permissions, but then wanted to check roles, or some other attributes of the token:

Here we check permissions, under the auth attribute...

const Permissions = useGuard({
requestProperty: "auth",
permissionsProperty: "permissions"

Here we configure a guard to look in namespaced roles

const Roles = useGuard({
requestProperty: "auth",
permissionsProperty: ${Config.namespace}/roles

The point we miss as "novices" is that the package allows us to setup many different types of guards and apply them in parallel.

Thanks again!

Add option to disable logs

While running my tests, my stdout is getting cluttered with UnauthorizedError: Permission denied error logs.
I really don't want to mock console.error calls, and I couldn't find any entry point for disabling logging while testing.

I don't think the default behaviour of the tool should even call console.error, tho.

Bad configuration

Hi i have an issue always get this message,

"Could not find permissions for user. Bad configuration?"

Access missing permission in error object

At first thank you very much for this helpfull and handy module. It works very fine.

For me it would be very helpful if i can access the missing permission at the error handler:



app.use(function (err, req, res, next) {
  if (err.code === 'permission_denied') {
    const missingPermisson = err.missing;
    res.status(403).send('Forbidden - Missing permission: ' + missingPermission);

If it would be possible to access the missing permission via the error object I'm able to respond it to the client.

[Question] Purpose of this library

Newbie question alert.

Why would you encode permissions in a JWT that gets sent to the user? It's true that we can detect tampering, but nonetheless, why expose this to the world?

Why not get the token, determine which user it is, then decide on which permissions to apply. A database read would be required anyway.

UnauthorizedError: Could not find permissions for user. Bad configuration?

Hi, i'm using express-jwt-permissions with jwt-simple library.

My JWT is the next:

"sub": "5b0330a31606984fbf311c29",
"iat": 1527308253,
"exp": 1558844253,
"permissions": [

Use guard.check('user') in my endpoint but i have an error


api.get('/users', isAuth, guard.check('user'), UserCtrl.getUsers)

someone has a solution?

Should not call next when `requestProperty` is not found.

We shouldn't be calling next without an exception when requestProperty is not found.

var user = req[options.requestProperty]
if (!user) return next()

When express-jwt isn't there to catch unauthenticated users (since this middleware only deals with authorization and expects authentication to already have been performed) the route would be open to everyone.

In order to prevent such a scenario we should throw an exception stating that the requestProperty couldn't be found, either because it was incorrectly configured or because authentication has not been performed prior to using express-jwt-permissions.

Cannot change `requestProperty` object.

Cannot seem to change the requestProperty of my user object to payload. Double checked req.payload and its working fine without the guard.

Here's my express-JWT config:

let auth = {
    required: jwt({
        secret: secret,
        userProperty: 'payload',
        getToken: getTokenFromHeader

signing jwt

    return jwt.sign({
      id: this._id,
      username: this.username,
      exp: parseInt(exp.getTime() / 1000),
      permissions: ['r','w']
    }, secret);

Set using let guard = require('express-jwt-permissions')({requestProperty: 'payload'});
Accessing it using guard.check('r') throws 'user object payload was not found. Check your configuration.'

Array of permissions


How do i pass in an array of permissions to check?
Let's say the user has permissions: Admin, how can i make the guard to check if any of the users permissions match the ones in the guard?

router.get('/', guard.check(['Admin', 'SuperAdmin'])) does not work.

Node Testing How to stub middleware using express-jwt-permissions guard

I am using express-jwt-permissions and supertest but I want two things:

I want to stub the middleware that I am using.
I want to pass the guard restricction:
I'll go to share a piece of code:

MyRoles: guard.check([
..."/myendpoint", MyRoles, async (req, res) => {

I don't arrive to the console.log but, if I remove the middleware MyRoles everything works well.

This is my unit test:

it("should respond with a 200", function (done) {
      .set("Authorization", "Bearer eyJhbGciOi.eyJkYXRhIjp7InVzZ")
      .expect("Content-Type", /json/)
      .end(function (err, res) {

In the User interface everything works perfectly but I need the two requirements (stub the middleware and pass the middleware by token)

I am hardcoding the token but it didn't pass the middleware, always return 403.

If you have any ideas, please let me know.

Thank you very much.

Permission denied when no user object is set

When a user object is not set, the middleware throws a permissions error.
Not having a user object simply means that the route doesn't require any authentication/authorization.

how to handle this use case

Is there a way to configure such that permission should be granted if either "user:read" or "user:write" strings are present in the permissions object array of strings in the token payload?

unauthorized access returns an exception trace

unauthorized access returns an exception trace

were/how do I change that to returning an HTML error 403 ?

UnauthorizedError: Permission denied
at Object. (/path/to/my/dev/folder/node_modules/express-jwt-permissions/index.js:4:23)
at Module._compile (module.js:556:32)
at Object.Module._extensions..js (module.js:565:10)
at Module.load (module.js:473:32)
at tryModuleLoad (module.js:432:12)
at Function.Module._load (module.js:424:3)
at Function._load (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/pm2/node_modules/pmx/lib/transaction.js:62:21)
at Module.require (module.js:483:17)
at require (internal/module.js:20:19)
at Object. (/path/to/my/dev/folder/index.js:11:49)

Consider adding "native support"/integration for express-unless

express-unless that is being used by packages like express-jwt allows easily to exclude global middleware (applied using app.use()) from certain paths.

Having support for this would make it easy for users to check for permissions on all paths except certain ones. In this case things like this could be possible (without extra config):

//Check for write permission unless it's a GET request
app.use(guard.check("write").unless({method: "GET"}));

//Check for write permission unless it's the /auth endpoint
app.use(guard.check("write").unless({path: "/auth"}));

//Combined works of course aswell
app.use(guard.check("write").unless({method: "GET", path: "/auth"}));

Their docs have instructions about how to integrate it with packages.

It is of course possible to use express-unless without "native support"/integration, but its configuration is a bit confusing and needs a bit of "mixing" and a few more lines of code on the user's side.

user object "user" was not found. Check your configuration.

I dont get the error
user object "user" was not found. Check your configuration.

here my token:
"role": "ADMIN",
"name": "[email protected]",
"lastConnection": "2019-06-26T06:50:52.992Z",
"email": "[email protected]",
"scope": "admin articles",
"exp": 1561540712,
"iat": 1561533512

the token is supposed to be like that ?:
"role": "ADMIN",
"name": "[email protected]",
"lastConnection": "2019-06-26T06:50:52.992Z",
"email": "[email protected]",
"user": {
"scope": "admin articles",
"exp": 1561540712,
"iat": 1561533512

because it doesn't work...

Version 1.0.0

We should consider releasing a 1.0.0 version, it inspires more confidence in what is already a stable module and some NPM search engines will otherwise mark it as unstable.

/cc @MichielDeMey

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