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azure-puppet's Introduction

Microsoft Azure Cloud Provisioner

Puppet Module to launch and manage Microsoft Microsoft Azure Services like Virtual Machines, Virtual Network and SQL Database services.

This module requires Puppet 2.7.2 or later.

Library Features

  • Virtual Machine Management

    • Images
    • list images
    • Virtual Machines
      • create linux based VMs and ssh with cert and key option enabled for ssh and WINRM (both http & https)enabled for windows based VMs
    • list, shut down, delete, find virtual machine deployments. While shutting down your VMs the provisioning state would be deallocated and this VM will not be included in the billing cycle.
      • Create VM for a specific virtual network
  • Virtual Network Management

    • List VNet
    • Create VNet
      • via parameters
      • via xml file
  • SQL Database Server Management

    • list, create, list sqldb servers & password reset for a sqldb server
    • list, set, delete firewall rules for a sqldb server
  • Storage Account Management

    • create, delete, update and list storage accounts.
  • Cloud Service Management

    • create, delete, upload_certificate and list cloud services
  • Service Bus Management

    • create_queue, create_topic, list_topics, list_queues, delete_topic and delete_queue

Getting Started

Required Gems

  • azure (0.6.4)
  • net-ssh (>= 2.1.4)
  • net-scp (>= 1.0.4)
  • winrm (>= 1.1.3)
  • highline
  • tilt

Manage Virtual machine

You may launch a new instance and install puppet agent with this module installed using the following single command:

$puppet azure_vm create --management-certificate pem-or-pfx-file-path --azure-subscription-id=your-subscription-id \
--image b39f27a8b8c64d52b05eac6a62ebad85__Ubuntu-13_04-amd64-server-20130501-en-us-30GB --location 'west us' 
--vm-name vmname --vm-user username --password ComplexPassword  --puppet-master-ip

Once launched, you should be able to SSH to the new system using the username and password.

Other avaliable actions are

bootstrap         Install puppet node on Microsoft Azure VM
create            Create Microsoft Azure VM
delete            Delete Microsoft Azure node instances
images            List Microsoft Azure images
locations         List Microsoft Azure locations
servers           List Microsoft Azure node instances
shutdown          Shutdown Microsoft Azure node instances
start             Starts Microsoft Azure node instances
update_endpoint   update existing endpoint of a virtual machine
delete_endpoint   Delete endpoint of virtual machine.
add_disk          Adds a data disk to a virtual machine.
add_role          Create multiple roles under the same cloud service

To list all options for any action

$puppet help azure_vm ACTION-NAME

Manage Virtual Network

Creating virtual network

$puppet azure_vnet set --management-certificate pem-or-pfx-file-path --azure-subscription-id=your-subscription-id
--virtual-network-name vnetname --location 'West US' --address-space ','
--dns-servers 'dns-1:,dns-2:' --subnets 'subnet-1:,subnet-2:'

Other avaliable actions are

list              List virtual networks.
set               Set Network configures the virtual network
set_xml_schema    set_xml_schema Network configures the virtual network using xml schema

Manage SQL database server

Creating SQL database server

$puppet azure_sqldb create --management-certificate pem-or-pfx-file-path --azure-subscription-id=your-subscription-id \
--management-endpoint= --login loginname --password ComplexPassword --location 'West Us'

Other avaliable actions are

create             Create SQL database server.
create_firewall    Create SQL database firewall rule on a server.
delete             Delete Microsoft Azure sql database server
delete_firewall    Delete Microsoft Azure sql database firewall rule on a server.
list               List SQL database servers.
list_firewall      List firewall of SQL database servers.
reset_password     Reset password of sql database server.

Manage Cloud service

Creating cloud service

$ puppet azure_cloudservice create  --label aglabel --azure-subscription-id your-subscription-id
--location 'West Us' --affinity-group-name agname --description 'Some Description' \
--management-certificate path-to-azure-certificate --cloud-service-name cloudservice1

Other avaliable actions are

delete                Delete cloud service.
delete_deployment     deletes the specified deployment of hosted service.
list                  List cloud services.
upload_certificate    adds a certificate to a hosted service.
create                Create cloud service.

Manage Storage account

Creating storage account

$ puppet azure_storage create --azure-subscription-id=your-subscription-id
--management-certificate path-to-azure-certificate --storage-account-name storageaccount
--location 'west us' --extended-properties 'key-1:value-1,key-2:value-2'

Other avaliable actions are

create    Create storage service.
delete    Delete storage account.
list      List storage accounts.
update    Update storage service.

Manage Service Bus

Creating queue using service bus

$ puppet azure_servicebus create_queue --sb-namespace busname
  --queue-name queuename  --sb-access-key dnD/E49P4SJG8UVEpABOeZRc=

Other avaliable actions are

  create_queue    Creates queue with service bus object.
  create_topic    Create topic with service bus object.
  delete_queue    Delete a queue using service bus object.
  delete_topic    Delete a topic using service bus object.
  list_queues     List queues.
  list_topics     List topics.

Certificate Management

  • Currently the sdk supports *.pem or *.pfx (passwordless pfx) for service management operations. Following are the steps discussed on various cert operations.

    • To create pfx, simply download the publishsettings file for your subscription, copy the contents of Management Certificate from the publishsettings and save it in a file and name the file as your cert.pfx. This pfx will be a passwordless pfx which can be supplied as a cert parameter for Service Management Commands

    • Using the following openssl commands to extract the pem file and pass the pem file as management cert parameter.

      • To get only private key from pfx use Openssl.exe pkcs12 -in cert.pfx -nocerts -out cert.pem

      • To remove passphrase from the above private key use Openssl.exe rsa -in cert.pem -out certprivnopassword.pem

      • To extract both public & private keys from pfx use Openssl.exe pkcs12 -in cert.pfx -out certprivpub.pem

      • To extract only public key from pem use Openssl x509 -inform pem -in certprivpub.pem -pubkey -out certpub.pem -outform pem

      • Finally copy the public key & private key to a file *.pem and pass that pem file to management cert parameter.

    • To extract pem from custom certificate, export the pfx, follow the above steps to convert to pem and pass that pem file to management cert parameter.

Reporting Issues

Please report any problems you have with the Microsoft Azure Cloud Provisioner module in issue tracker at

Puppet Installation

azure-puppet's People


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azure-puppet's Issues

ConflictError : The specified DNS name is already taken.

I keep getting this error: "ConflictError : The specified DNS name is already taken." though i am pretty sure that i gave different cloud services name and VM name. How to avoid this error? Please give me some suggestion.

can't connect to virtual machine linux created by puppet

I'm trying to automate my infrastructure using puppet with Azure.

I've created my puppet master using puppet enterprise VM from gallery on Azure. After that, I've generated a certificate running the following commands:

sudo openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 365 -newkey rsa:1024 -keyout cert.pem -out cert.pem
sudo openssl x509 -inform PEM -in cert.pem -outform DER -out cert.cer

Then, I've uploaded my cert file to Azure Management Portal and finally, I've create a VM with the following command:

puppet azure_vm create --management-certificate /tmp/cert.pem --azure-subscription-id=xxxxxx --image 0b11de9248dd4d87b18621318e037d37__RightImage-Ubuntu-12.04-x64-v13.4 --location 'west us' --vm-name puppetslave --vm-user xxxx --password xxxxx --puppet-master-ip

Finally, I've exported my private key using PuttyGen and I'm using it to connect to my new linux vm. Unfortunately, I'm getting the following error:

server refused out key

And I don't know why. I'm stuck at this point and don't know how to proceed.

Error using Azure Module in Puppet


Im trying to use the azure module in puppet with Azure Pack. I'm trying to shutdown a VM with the next command:

puppet azure_vm shutdown --azure-subscription-id sub_id --vm-name Vm4_puppet5001 --management-certificate key_priv.pem

I get the following error:

Cannot find virtual machine "Vm4_puppet5001" under cloud service "".

It seems to me that I should somewhere specify the Cloud Service Name or does the module get that from my subscription id?

Thanks in advance!


error executing puppet azure command

i am new to puppet world. I deployed Puppet Enterpise Master VM 3.7.2. Then Installed Ruby 1.9.3 then installed all required gems
root@ecspuppetmaster:/# gem list

*** LOCAL GEMS ***

azure (0.6.4)
builder (3.2.2)
ffi (1.9.8)
gssapi (1.2.0)
gyoku (1.3.1)
highline (1.7.2)
httpclient (
json (1.8.3)
little-plugger (1.1.3)
logging (1.8.2)
macaddr (1.7.1)
mime-types (1.25.1)
mini_portile (0.6.2)
multi_json (1.11.0)
net-scp (1.2.1)
net-ssh (2.9.2)
nokogiri (
nori (2.6.0)
rubyntlm (0.4.0)
systemu (2.6.5)
tilt (2.0.1)
uuid (2.3.8)
uuidtools (2.1.5)
winrm (1.3.3)

Then installed msopentech-microsoftazure
root@ecspuppetmaster:/# puppet module list
└── msopentech-microsoftazure (v1.2.3)
/etc/puppetlabs/puppet/modules (no modules installed)
├── puppetlabs-pe_accounts (v2.0.2-8-g8acc04e)
├── puppetlabs-pe_concat (v1.1.2-4-g2b7bba2)
├── puppetlabs-pe_console_prune (v0.1.1-4-g293f45b)
├── puppetlabs-pe_inifile (v1.1.4-16-gcb39966)
├── puppetlabs-pe_java_ks (v1.2.4-35-g44fbb26)
├── puppetlabs-pe_postgresql (v3.4.4-15-g32e56ed)
├── puppetlabs-pe_razor (v0.2.1-9-g8d78ec2)
├── puppetlabs-pe_repo (v0.7.7-59-g4514315)
├── puppetlabs-pe_staging (v0.3.3-6-gbd9db2b)
└── puppetlabs-puppet_enterprise (v3.7.1-117-g9c48e73)

When I run vm create command
root@ecspuppetmaster:/# puppet azure_vm create \

--management-certificate /tmp/cert.pem
--image b39f27a8b8c64d52b05eac6a62ebad85__Ubuntu-13_04-amd64-server-20130501-en-us-30GB
--location 'west us'
--vm-name msvmname
--vm-user someuser
--password somepassword
--puppet-master-ip 104.xxxxxxxx
Error: Could not parse application options: cannot load such file -- highline/import

Do you have any inside for this error? maybe i am missing certain gem or module. Also I get the same error for any azure command

I use the puppet enterpise vm machine, was it mistake?
Thanks for your help

To get images specific to location

To list OS images , we need to hit the URL This brings all OS images , i need only images specific to location(Ex:for US EAST,US WEST,etc). Though i know that this list contains our images too , the list is more than 200+ and it takes 10-15seconds. I need it to be done quickly. Is there a URL where i get images specific to location.

ConflictError : Windows Azure is currently performing an operation on this deployment that requires exclusive access.

I am trying to add multiple roles(VM's) to the same cloud service and i keep getting the error "ConflictError : Windows Azure is currently performing an operation on this deployment that requires exclusive access." i gave a delay of one minute between each VM creation and it worked. Is it possible to create multiple VMs in the same cloud service parallelly (without giving delays)? And also can i create dedicated cloud service for each VM creation , will there be a limit in the cloud services that we use ?

Help for --AddRole

--AddRole expects 'true' or 'false'. This is not apparent from the help output.

--add-role=         - create multiple roles under the same cloud

ConflictError while publishing new VM Extensions


I am trying to upload new VM Extension but observing below error while publishing new extension.

[root@DBServers AzureVmExtensions]# ./ -v -f Windows -n
Setting provider namespace as Symantec.CloudWorkloadProtection.TestOnStage in manifest...
Setting type as SCWPAgentForWindowsTestOnStage in manifest...
Setting version as in manifest...
Setting media link as in manifest...
Setting OS platform as Windows...
Setting isInternalExtension to true...
Publishing new extension as Symantec.CloudWorkloadProtection.TestOnStage-SCWPAgentForWindowsTestOnStage-
azure-extensions-cli version v1.2.4
INFO[0000] CreateExtension operation starting...
DEBU[0000] Saving used manifest for debugging: /tmp/extension-manifests688591640/manifest105561495
FATA[0011] Error: Error response from Azure. Code: ConflictError, Message: Another operation on extension with namespace Symantec.CloudWorkloadProtection.TestOnStage, type SCWPAgentForWindowsTestOnStage is already in progress.

But when I try to delete the extension with above version then observing below error,

[root@DBServers AzureVmExtensions]# ./ -v -f Windows -d
Unpublishing extension Symantec.CloudWorkloadProtection.TestOnStage-SCWPAgentForWindowsTestOnStage-
azure-extensions-cli version v1.2.4
FATA[0002] UpdateExtension failed: Error response from Azure. Code: BadRequest, Message: An extension with namespace Symantec.CloudWorkloadProtection.TestOnStage, type SCWPAgentForWindowsTestOnStage does not exist. Namespace and type are case-sensitive.
Deleting extension Symantec.CloudWorkloadProtection.TestOnStage-SCWPAgentForWindowsTestOnStage-
azure-extensions-cli version v1.2.4
INFO[0000] Deleting extension version. Make sure you unpublished before deleting.
FATA[0003] Error deleting version: Error response from Azure. Code: ResourceNotFound, Message: An extension with namespace Symantec.CloudWorkloadProtection.TestOnStage, type SCWPAgentForWindowsTestOnStage and version does not exist.

Please let me know how to FIX this issue and published the new extension.

undefined method 'ipaddress' for nil:NilClass

I got the following error message when adding an additional node to an existing cloud service:

vagrant@puppet-dev1:-service-name=somename --image=Ubuntu-12.04 \
--management-certificate=/vagrant/tie-cert.pem --password=somepass \
--storage-account-name=somestorageaccount --vm-user=ubuntu \
--location="North Europe" --vm-name=somename --add-role=true --ssh-port=23
Deployment exists, adding role...
Deployment in progress...
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # #  succeeded (200)

Error: undefined method `ipaddress' for nil:NilClass
Error: Try 'puppet help azure_vm create' for usage

however, the VM was created successfully.

Add -NoSSHEndpoint

When creating a new VM I don't always need an SSH endpoint. The PowerShell CLI tools offer the '-NoSSHEndpoint'. It would be nice to have that as well.

could not initialize global default settings certificate name must be lower case

Hi, I'm trying to create an azure vm following the command:

$puppet azure_vm create --management-certificate pem-or-pfx-file-path --azure-subscription-id=your-subscription-id
--image b39f27a8b8c64d52b05eac6a62ebad85__Ubuntu-13_04-amd64-server-20130501-en-us-30GB --location 'west us'
--vm-name vmname --vm-user username --password ComplexPassword --puppet-master-ip

Of course, I've changed subscription-id, vm-name, vm-user and puppet-master-ip and generate a pem file. I'm getting the following error:

"could not initialize global default settings certificate name must be lower case"

Can you help me?

Error using Azure Module 1.1.0

When trying to run puppet apply ~/puppetrepo/test.pp --modulepath /etc/puppet/modules/azure/lib
the following is returned:

Error: Puppet::Parser::AST::Resource failed with error ArgumentError: Invalid resource type azure_vm at /home/marajade/puppetrepo/test.pp:11 on node
Wrapped exception:
Invalid resource type azure_vm
Error: Puppet::Parser::AST::Resource failed with error ArgumentError: Invalid resource type azure_vm at /home/marajade/puppetrepo/test.pp:11 on node

Any ideas?

Returns without error

No matter what command I run, the agent returns without error. Adding --debug or --verbose give no output.

It will only throw an error for missing params, otherwise it fails silently. Help!

Does not seem to respect affinity-group-name parameter


Trying to provision a VM into a Affinity group using --affinity-group-name='my-affinity-group' throws an error:

BadRequest : The affinity group name is empty or was not specified.

I've verified that I got the right name, and that the affinity group exists on the correct account.

Is this a known thing, or might I be doing something wrong. I've pasted the full command here, just in case:

puppet azure_vm create --management-certificate="my.pfx"  --azure-subscription-id="my-sub-guid" --image="b39f27a8b8c64d52b05eac6a62ebad85__Ubuntu-14_04-LTS-amd64-server-20140618.1-en-us-30GB" --location='north europe' --vm-name='my-vm' --vm-user='myuser' --puppet-master-ip='my-puppet-master' --virtual-network-name='my-vnet' --virtual-network-subnet='my-subnet' --cloud-service-name='my-cs' --affinity-group-name='my-ag'

Strange issues

Provisioned a available puppet image(valid till May end) from the website from Azure portal. Installed the azure module -
puppet module install msopentech-windowsazure

  1. cmd puppet help does not return anything :(
  2. cmd puppet help azure_vm create
    results in Error: Could not autoload puppet/face/azure_vm/servers: cannot load such file -- tilt
    Error: Could not load help for the face azure_vm.
    Please check the error logs for more information.

Detail: "Could not autoload puppet/face/azure_vm/servers: cannot load such file -- tilt"

Error: Try 'puppet help help help' for usage

Provisioning nodes to existing Virtual_net and Storage_account

As of 1.1.0 I've been able to get a new linux vm provisioned to Azure. It comes up and installs the puppet client but I have not been successful getting the vm to be provisioned in to a currently existing virtual_network or the currently existing storage_account.

Here is the command I run =
puppet azure_vm create --image=5112500ae3b842c8b9c604889f8753c3__OpenLogic-CentOS-63APR20130415 --vm-user=azureuser --password=F00b4r10 --vm-name=devplotter --storage-account-name=devmodeblobstore --cloud-service-name=devmodpuma --virtual-network-name=devmodenet --virtual-network-subnet=devmodesub1 --puppet-master-ip= --affinity-group-name=agdevmodenet --location='West US' --management-certificate /var/lib/peadmin/.azure/managementCertificate.pem --azure-subscription-id=valid-subscription-id

And the error I receive.
Cloud service devmodpuma already exists. Skipped...
Storage Account devmodeblobstore already exists. Skipped...
Deployment in progress...
ConflictError : The specified deployment slot Production is occupied.

Current set up on Puppet master
peadmin@devmodepm:$ puppet module list --tree
└── msopentech-windowsazure (v1.1.0)


Bootstrap: Specify Puppet Environment

When creating/bootstrapping a node we need the ability to specify the puppet environment the VM belongs to. At the moment it defaults to 'production'.

Required gem azure-0.5.1


Thank you for providing further builds. I would like to test the most recent build however a required gem (version 0.5.1) that is listed in the README, can't be located on nor on Github. Where is it repo'd ?

Required Gems

  • azure (>= 0.5.1)

Thanks in advance-


Install of required gems not possible

As per -

One needs
•azure (>= 0.6.0)
•net-ssh (>= 2.1.4)
•net-scp (>= 1.0.4)
•winrm (>= 1.1.3)

=azure - I am assuming is the agent (did not install), trying exact steps results in error too.
Building native extensions. This could take a while...
ERROR: Error installing azure:
ERROR: Failed to build gem native extension.

    /usr/bin/ruby1.9.1 extconf.rb

/usr/lib/ruby/1.9.1/rubygems/custom_require.rb:36:in require': cannot load such file -- mkmf (LoadError) from /usr/lib/ruby/1.9.1/rubygems/custom_require.rb:36:inrequire'
from extconf.rb:5:in `


Gem files will remain installed in /var/lib/gems/1.9.1/gems/nokogiri-1.6.1 for inspection.
Results logged to /var/lib/gems/1.9.1/gems/nokogiri-1.6.1/ext/nokogiri/gem_make.out

=winrm - install too failed out in following way

sudo gem install net-winrm
ERROR: Could not find a valid gem 'net-winrm' (>= 0) in any repository

Create Load Balanced TCP Endpoints

Ability to add a load balanced TCP endpoints would be nice.
Powershell example:

Add-AzureEndpoint -Name HTTPS -Protocol tcp -LocalPort 443 -PublicPort 443 -LBSetName HTTPS-LB -DefaultProbe

Errors from most recent versions of Puppet vm-net

I have a test environment setup on the azure cloud, puppet enterprise 3.1.0|ruby 1.9.3, whatever gems came with it plus the gems- azure 0.5.0 and tilt1.4.1.
The following errors are returned when I run the the node_azure OR virtual_network scripts. I've compared the params I am using against the ones in the doc and believe that they are the same.

peadmin@devmodepm:/opt/puppet/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.9.1/puppet$ puppet node_azure servers --management-certificate /var/lib/peadmin/.azure/managementCertificate.pem --azure-subscription-id=8253bc40-4aa1-4bfc-b726-cce68a8da134 --management-endpoint
Error: uninitialized constant Azure::VirtualMachineManagementService
Error: Try 'puppet help node_azure servers' for usage

I have many other attempts of the other scripts i.e. virtual_network with similar results.
puppet virtual_network list --management-certificate /var/lib/peadmin/.azure/managementCertificate.pem --azure-subscription-id 8253bc40-4aa1-4bfc-b726-cce68a8da134 --management-endpoint
Error: uninitialized constant Azure::VirtualNetworkManagementService
Error: Try 'puppet help virtual_network list' for usage

Searching on ruby boards of similar errors seem to point to problem when programs refer to a class or module that doesn't exist. Most likely, a forgotten to requirement like a gem or library needed for the code to work, or a typo. Another possibility is that the class you'd like to refer to is in another module.
I have tried to run using the rdebug as well but nothing useful was found.

Kind regards-


Error Authenticating against Azure Pack with Azure Module


Im trying to use the azure module in puppet with Azure Pack. I'm trying to list the VM images with the next command:

puppet azure_vm images --azure-subscription-id sub_id --management-certificate key_priv.pem

I get the following error:

ForbiddenError : The server failed to authenticate the request. Verify that the certificate is valid and is associated with this subscription.
Error: ForbiddenError : The server failed to authenticate the request. Verify that the certificate is valid and is associated with this subscription.
Error: Try 'puppet help azure_vm images' for usage

I have tried several things including:

  1. download the publishsettings file and converting it to a pfx, extract the public and the private key.
  2. Created an own pem certifcate which I converted into a .cer file and uploaded it to the portal. The error I get is associated with this self created .cer and pem certificates.

I would be really glad if someone could help me.

Thanks in advance!


azure_vm create option tcp_endpoints


I don't understand how to use the option "--tcp-endpoints" with the puppet cli.
This option is available in the manifest ?

Best regards,

README is wrong about .pfx

To create pfx, simply download the publishsettings file for your subscription, copy the contents of Management Certificate from the publishsettings and save it in a file and name the file as your cert.pfx. This pfx will be a passwordless pfx which can be supplied as a cert parameter for Service Management Commands

This is wrong, a pfx should be binary, and it is encoded in base 64 in the publishsettings file. The openssl commands listed will not work if you follow the directions in the readme without doing a b64 decode.

The ruby sdk is incorrectly assuming the .pfx file is b64 encoded.

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