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Microsoft Document Translator (Archive) - Replaced by the MicrosoftTranslator/DocumentTranslation project in this repository.

License: Other

C# 100.00%

documenttranslator-legacy's People


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documenttranslator-legacy's Issues

Public Library Literature Commissions Not Working

I'm working on a literature project I want to share in Swedish and I'm not being allowed to download temporary software to make life easy. The best I'm able to get going is using google translator to reformat bits and pieces at a time to share a literature story.

Turned out pretty good

The Human Décor
(Kärlek över vattnet)
Om du tar en person hem som aldrig varit i närvaro av ditt hus, är hela huset kommer att ses för att ändra; förändringen är en automatisk intryck, det är precis som din gäst närvaro känns. Så om du bestämmer du är beredd att ordna ditt företag i ditt hushåll, tänka på hur du väljer "Human dekor". Idén bara kan nöje du att bjuda in rätt spänning. Human dekor själva modellen med många mänskliga valmöjligheter att erkännas kommer att förbättra involverar din egendom, fann att vårda höga sprit bland dina levande val.
En person som arbetar i sitt liv visar en beroende stöd stark nog att uppskatta en "inbjudningstävling teori" som är varje vuxen person i samhället en individ tillgängliga för dig att välja att vara en "Human dekor". Orsaken är, dessa Human Dekor alternativ blir tillgängliga för dig ses av en arbetande person som tillhandahåller en arbetshistoria som ger service till människor som ger arbetande person sällskapsrum i samhället; Detta skapar en arbetande person en "maner" som är välkommen i allas hus i samhället. Du ser eller känner till detta arbetande person att vara i en viss "proffering inställning" hålla ut något till någon för acceptans i samhället alltid; säker på att detta är hur livet går vidare, tills vi bjuda "förändring". Detta arbetande person som finns i tjänst till samhället går inte att försöka vara ansluten till en fastighet, eftersom det arbetande person väntar på en person med en egenskap att fästa dem också.
En idé som "befriar" en arbetande person från den särskilda "räckte inställning" är att använda gester aviserade en arbetande person som passar deras tjänst presentation; "Vad gör du för arbete?" "Har du ett visitkort?" En mindre betaltjänst jobb visar en person är mer beroende av en person rikta dem medan en mänsklig dekoratör meddelar sina idéer till dem, så tryck mot ditt intresse att inbjuda dem hem är mindre formellt "Game dagen kommer upp och jag bjuda in en vän över!" "vill du tillbringa dagen med mig?" Högre betala servicejobb är en formell tradition, även om en persons tjänst är inte konstant. "Har du ett visitkort?" "Jag kommer att ge dig ett samtal när jag får mina tankar tillsammans". Som svar mot kommunikation med någon i en "räckte inställning", nu använda den information du utbyts inom föregående hälsning interaktion; returnera ett samtal kommer du att säga, "Jag fick vad du hade att säga när vi träffades senast", "Jag trodde företaget är awesome" "Kan vi träffas igen för att få några idéer tillsammans" eller om finns i casual dating situation " jag behövde inte allt arbete, även om jag trodde att jag skulle be att bjuda in dig till min plats ". Annat än att visa den "informella och formella proffering engagemang", om du inte träffa en person hjälp eller dekorativa till ditt hus, inte tiden vara engagerade i samhällsrelationer inte välkomna en annan persons planerade komfort i ditt liv.
När du börjar att uppnå den mänskliga Inredning idé alla är "sett att vara lycklig" medan välkomnar dina egna gränser runt denna husägaren atmosfär. Heminredning "modeller företaget" som ändrar därför "dekor" är en dekoration tänkt att vara iscensatt. Veta vänskapsband kommer att skapas bli involverad med Human dekor, måste vi också känna dessa vänskaps kortlivat; så exitstrategier är viktiga för en mänsklig dekoratör. När spelet är över, jobbet klar, eller förhållandet levs ut; Känn dig inte tvungen längre än vad ritades i början när du skapade en dekorativ mänsklig relation. Efter en tjänst från företaget har gått ut, är den avgående företaget tänkte att alltid vara väl. Du kan se denna person du kommer ihåg att vara ute och omkring återfinns i komfort som från sin lokala miljö. Det finns ingen anledning att närma sig en person som har lämnat företaget, eftersom "allt är bra", det finns ingen anledning att distrahera dig själv om du är upptagen eftersom denna person kommer alltid att ses flytta runt staden. Människo dekor kommer alltid att vara ett tillfälle en gång ihåg, detta är bra eftersom prestation skapades. Eftersom livet är kreativ Jag är säker på att vi skulle kunna säga "det finns den personen, nu vad gör vi?", Medan alla går om deras dag.
Av Johnathan Paul Roy
Från Boulder, Colorado

There must be some inevitable language issues because when you translate the Swedish to English the idea won't be the same because the choice of words available to create human originality. The idea is recognized simple when translated to Swedish from English though I don't think we will ever see a true language power to be complex how language is designed from the Author. This is understandable because the main figure of our ideas will be recognized and questions will always be available to answer.

Here's the original document written in English

The Human Décor
(Love Above The Water)
If you bring a person home who’s never been in the presence of your house, the whole house is going to be seen to change; the change is an automatic impression, it’s just the way your guest’s presence feels. So if you decide you’re prepared to rearrange your company in your household, think about the way you choose the “Human Décor”. The idea just might pleasure you to invite the right excitement. The Human Décor model itself with the many human choices available to be recognized will improve involving your property, found to nurture high spirits among your living choices.
A person who works in their life shows a reliant support strong enough to appreciate an “invitational theory” such as, every adult person in the community is an individual available to you to choose to be a “Human Décor”. The reason being, these Human Décor options become available to you is seen by a working person providing a working history that provides service to people who give the working person social room in their community; this creates a working person a “mannerism” that is welcome in everyone’s house in the community. You always see or know of this working person to be in a particular “proffering setting” to hold out something to someone for acceptance in the community; sure this is the way life goes on, until we invite “change”. This working person found in service to their community doesn’t go seeking to be attached to a property, because this working person is waiting on a person with a property to attach them too.
An idea that “relieves” a working person from the particular “proffering setting” is by using gestures announced to a working person that fits their service presentation; “what do you do for work?” “Do you have a business card?” A lesser paying service job shows a person is more dependent on a person directing them while a human decorator is announcing their ideas to them, so pressure towards your interest in inviting them home is less formal “Game day is coming up and I’m inviting a friend over!” “Do you want to spend the day with me?” Higher paying service jobs are a formal tradition even if a person’s service is not constant. “Do you have a business card?” “I will give you a call when I get my thoughts together”. In response towards communication to someone in a “proffering setting”, you now use the information you exchanged in the previous greeting interaction; returning a call you will say, “I enjoyed what you had to say when we last met”, “I thought your company is awesome” “Can we meet again to get some ideas together” or if your found in the casual dating situation “I didn’t need any work done, though I thought I might ask to invite you over to my place”. Other than showing the “informal & formal proffering engagement”, if you did not meet a person helpful or decorative to your house, the time not being engaged in community relations did not welcome another person’s scheduled comfort into your life.
Once you start achieving the Human Décor idea everyone is “seen to be happy” while welcoming your own boundaries around this particular home owner ambiance. Home Décor “models company” that changes because “Décor” is a decoration meant to be staged. Knowing friendships will be created becoming involved with Human Décor, we must also know these friendships are short lived; so exit strategies are important to a human decorator. When the game is over, the job complete, or the relationship is lived out; don’t feel obligated any further than what was designed in the beginning when you created a decorative human relationship. After a service from your company is expired, the departing company is thought to always be well. You may see this individual you remember to be out and about found in comfort provided from their local setting. There is no need to approach a person who has left your company because “all is well”, there is no need to distract yourself if you’re busy because this person will always be seen moving around town. The Human Décor will always be an occasion once remembered, this is good because accomplishment was created. Because life is creative I’m sure we could say “there’s that person, now what do we do?” while everyone goes about their day.

By Johnathan Paul Roy
From Boulder, Colorado

UI in french

It was mentioned in the release notes that the french UI was supposed to be available in the 1.5 version, however it is still not functional in the 2.0.2 version.

Thank you!

Document Translator hangs if two instances are running

In case two instances are running in parallel (via CLI) Document Translator hangs when trying to write to the same Log.txt file.

Start several translation using DocumentTranslatorCmd tool
The tool A tries to write log message to the Log.txt, but the file is locked by the tool B from another process
The tool A hangs.

Simultaneous translations do not block each other.

please add translate multi text in one request method.

I want to translator 10 sentence ,but i don't want request 10 request.
so i found API found the request texttype must is plain or html.
i think should add like 'json' type.i don't think the behavior can reduce the service income .
because i can do exactly that use html type to simulation the requirement.
thanks .

Bad assumption about HTML content

The code assumes that an HTML file will have a title. The code below gets an object then never tests to see if it is valid. A missing title causes the entire translation process to fail. This is a bad assumption and completely unnecessary:

        var title = htmlDoc.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode("//head//title");
        title.InnerHtml = TranslationServices.Core.TranslationServiceFacade.TranslateString(title.InnerHtml, fromlanguage, tolanguage, "text/html");

Getting credentials are invalid on CLI but not on desktop client

I'm trying to use the translator via command line but I'm receiving 'Credentials are invalid' error when using the same apikey that I used on the desktop client that's working.



Note, I also tried using the apikey I've managed to get to work in the past, but now it's not working as well.

Have you containerized the app?

Have you ever successfully containerized the application? We're interested in running DocumentTranslator from a Docker container, but we haven't been successful in getting MS Office 2013 on the container. Do you have any experience running DocumentTranslator from a container?

Missing installer

The documentation indicates that there is a MSI; however, I do not see any installer in the repository.

Adding support for more languages

Hii @chriswendt1 and Microsoft Team:)

Hey, I just curious about how to add support for languages like Kazakh or Mongolian ? Is there a way that I could be of help - I think the recent developments from Microsoft Research has been nothing short of fantastic 👍

Microsoft word translation issues with auto-detect source document language

I'm experiencing two issues that are interrelated a bit, when translating word documents:

Issue 1: The current way the texts are split up works something like this:
Using the OpenXml Library, in DocumentTranslationManager.cs, ProcessWordDocument - it's getting a list of texts from the descendants of the document body. This often results in a list of very short phrases, often individual words, due to the markup in the document. Spans/formatting will split sentences up into different elements in the list. The impact of this is that the translated words and phrases lose a bit of meaning because they've lost some context with the words/phrases surrounding them

Issue 2: The auto-detect feature of TranslateArray appears to be applied to all elements of the array passed in, rather than to the individual elements. Combining this issue with 1 above, which is particularly apparent with German documents, entire sections of the document will auto-detect incorrectly as English, and the translation will fail. I can find 3 potential reasons for this

  • There's a mix of English and German words,
  • German words auto-detect incorrectly sometimes (example: Auftragsbestätigungsschreiben, bschlussprüfung - both of these words detect as English, which is also apparent when translating with Bing Translator )
  • TranslateArray applies a single detected language to the entire array

So - a few questions:

  1. Do you have any suggestions on how to better combine document parts into full sentences or phrases to improve the quality of the translation & language detection?
  2. Can you explain how the auto-detect process works with TranslateArray? When looking at DetectArray, it's detecting each element of the array. Experimentally, it appears that TranslateArray is performing the detection on all elements, and applying the language that's the most common to all elements, rather than translating each element with its own detected language. Has Microsoft considered having TranslateArray apply the detected language on each element of the array?

We could potentially explore performing the "DetectArray" on all elements of the document, and then grouping them by language, and translating them together that way - but that won't resolve the issue with failed detection on words like Auftragsbestätigungsschreiben.

Issue with CMD version

Hi Team CMD version is not supporting new azure authentication for MS API. So unable to use TMXtoCTF in command line mode.

Need tag to exclude words from translation in Docx file.

MS translator engine offers 2 methods to exclude words from translation, using tags span and code -- neither of which work with DOCX files.

<span class="notranslate">  FEBRUARY 22, 2018  </span>
<code>  FEBRUARY 22, 2018  </code>

Using DocumentTranslator these tags work but only if the file is an HTML file

<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/plain">

<span class="notranslate"> FEBRUARY 22, 2018  </span>
<code> FEBRUARY 22, 2018  </code>

None of the above though work in DOCX.

Is there a tag or other method for excluding words, paragraphs, lines using DocumentTranslator with a DOCX file?

Build Solution not function

I have trying build solution for using my customizations, and i receive on arror in wixinstaller sdk light.exe and not opem aplication.

PPTX files not returning generalnn translation

We're not receiving generalnn category NMT translations through Document Translator for PowerPoint. We might be able to help fix. Are you able to identify where the bug might be occurring?

Thank you!
Dell EMC G11N Team

Error Translating on Parallels Desktop

Hi, I'm trying to translate a simple (1 Page) .docx document from Italian to English using DocumentTranslator v1.5.0U but encountered an error.

Below are the details on my setup:

  • Mac Mini (running MacOS High Sierra v10.13.4)
  • Parallels Desktops v11.1.3 (Virtualization Software)
  • Windows 8.1 Pro (Build 9600)
  • Microsoft Office Pro Plus 2016

Any ideas on how to fix this? Below is the screenshot for the error:


HTML formatting preservation bug

When translating HTML documents, it appears that the " " escape character is stripped, causing the document to lose it's original formatting.

Can we hide Azure API Authentication Key?

Hi Team,

Can we have a feature of hiding azure API authentication key, after it set in document translator? This will help us to keep key secured with us and users can not have access to it directly from settings tab.

In latest version getting error while translating document

Hi Team,

I was testing the new version for API V3 and Custom Translator Feature. In both cases, with only API key and with Category ID, I am getting following error. Is there something else that I need to setup before using?

Can you please look into this?


API Key cannot be saved

The issue: when updating the key and clicking Save the message always says that the key is invalid.

While debugging the code I noticed the problem is in AccountViewModel.cs:

        public AccountViewModel()
            //Initialize in order to load the credentials.
            this.clientID = TranslationServices.Core.TranslationServiceFacade.ClientID; // <-- Secret is loaded only when screen is first initialized. Usually empty.
            this.categoryID = TranslationServices.Core.TranslationServiceFacade.CategoryID;
        ///     Saves the account settings to the settings file for next use.
        private void SaveAccountClick()
            //Set the Account values and save.
            TranslationServices.Core.TranslationServiceFacade.ClientID = this.clientID.Trim(); // <-- Overwriting the secret with the initial value (empty)
            TranslationServices.Core.TranslationServiceFacade.CategoryID = this.categoryID.Trim();
            if (TranslationServices.Core.TranslationServiceFacade.IsTranslationServiceReady()) {  // <-- Key check fails for the empty key

The fix seems to be fairly simple, and just removing the local variable. And always read from the password box.

        public AccountViewModel()
            //Initialize in order to load the credentials.
        ///     Saves the account settings to the settings file for next use.
        private void SaveAccountClick()
            //Set the Account values and save.
            TranslationServices.Core.TranslationServiceFacade.ClientID = TranslationServices.Core.TranslationServiceFacade.ClientID.Trim(); 
            TranslationServices.Core.TranslationServiceFacade.CategoryID = TranslationServices.Core.TranslationServiceFacade.CategoryID.Trim();
            if (TranslationServices.Core.TranslationServiceFacade.IsTranslationServiceReady()) {  

Since I don't really understand how this ever worked to begin with, I'm sure I'm probably missing something. Hence I'm not submitted a PR.

Object Reference not set to an instance of an object

Just installed the latest release 1.5OU (msi installation) and I've created a Text translation api service on Azure, etc. I have a bunch of html files that have a mixture of html, javascript, english and chinese that I want to translate into all english. The Document Translator will successfully translate some of them but not others with an exception message of "Object Reference not set to an instance of an object". I don't know what it's hanging up on. I've tried cloning the whole repo, but don't have support installed for building WIX installers and don't have the Power Point Object Library. How can I figure out what's going on? I've attached a screenshot of the error and an example of one of the files it fails on (I appended .txt for github restrictions)

Can't find any log files and nothing in Event Viewer. I've also tried setting the language to Chinese & Auto-Detect. Same result



Headers and Footers being ignored

In one of the earlier versions the headers were being translated. Now it ignores the headers, it also ruins any page numbering that was present in the original word document.

API support for document translate

Are there any API's that's available for document translate? I could find the API's here which support translating texts but couldn't find any for document translate.

charset issue when translate english into chinese

when translate english into Chinese, sometimes some sentence or even the entire paper can't be displayed appropriate.

But it is actually not been damaged , I copyed the word I marked above and pasted it to the notepad and It become "摘要" which is the right content.
So I think may be it is about the charset, such as marked as UTF-8 but turn out to be G2312 or what, But I can't verify this assumption since I don't know how to parse doc...

Above assumption is WRONG.
It turned out to be caused by lacking Font in word.... guys could you tell me how you pick up fonts for Chinese? thx~

Microsoft Translator full integration with MSWORD

While this Microsoft Webpage (and the image below) demonstrates the full document (text and formating) of Microsoft Translator with MS WORD using [Translate] under the Review menu....

...I'm unable to get MS WORD or OFFICE 365 or MS WORD online to have the same behaviour.

In all cases MS WORD and OFFICE 365 when using the Review/Translate button, triggers an IE Explorer window and returns the Docx stripped of all images and formatting.

  • What MS WORD product actually can do what this image illustrates?
  • Or do I need to program MS WORD to integrate with the MS Translator App to get this result?

In any case I'm mystified why MS would put this demo online if they don't have a ready made product that can do it, as all of the MS WORD variants I've tried do not do what is illustrated.

Format: Alt Text

For more info see.

Strange formatting errors


This is the result of running the english text (Test.docx) through the current release. It contains a single word 'ATTACHMENTS', the french translation is a mixture of the french and english word 'UnTTUnCHMENTS' . This problem occurs seemingly randomly in our documents about 5% of the time.

With 0 error segments nothing get added to CTF

Hi Chris,

While uploading TMX to CTF, after processing file, it says 0 entries written to CTF. Please refer attached snapshot for more details. Is this expected behaviour or it's any error?


latest release not working on Windows 10

I'm getting this error when trying to use the latest "stable release" of Microsoft Document Translator:

Error while processing document: Retrieving the COM class factory for component with CLSID {000209FF-0000-0000-C000-0000000000} failed due to the following error: 80040154 Class not registered (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80040154 (REGDB_E_CLASSNOTREG)).

screen shot 2016-05-08 at 6 41 48 am

I tried the newest prerelease, and got a different error there.

Because the code is available here and it looked like a Visual Studio file, I cloned this repo and tried opening it with Visual Studio 2015 Update 2, but got more error messages that I had the wrong version.

Category is invalid

I finally managed to create valid model in the Custom Translator app.

Afterwards I tried to use this model in the Document Translator App but it is not possible to add this model in the app settings.

The error message says:

Category is invalid
Please visit to determine a valid category ID, leave empty, or use ane of the standard categories.

I copied the category ID from the Project Overview page.


Is this the correct Category ID?
Or does it maybe take some time until the model is valid. The documentation in Microsoft Translator Custom Translator User Guide states:

As soon as the system is deployed, you can use it via the Microsoft Translator Text API, or any
application that uses the API. Be sure to identify the correct Category ID in the API translation request.

What is categoryID/clientSecret/clientID ?

When I try to use DocumentTranslatorCmd, it prompts Invalid translation service credentials. Use "DocumentTranslatorCmd setcredentials", or use the Document Translator Settings option.. And DocumentTranslatorCmd setcredentials /? tells me to enter categoryID, clientSecret and clientID. I looked everywhere in my Azure Portal and cannot find those keywords.

I did find Subscription ID and KEY 1 and KEY 2. Are they related?

RPC errors

Can you please advise when and why RPC errors might occur?

I am regularly getting this error when testing the new Doc Translator with the new Azure API key and with the 1.0.2 stable release. It seems to happen occasionally on multiple, simultaneous calls (using different files for translation). But not always. Most requests succeed. But perhaps 1 in 5 or 1 in 10 fail with that error.

Thanks in advance,

The RPC server is unavailable. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x800706BA)
ERROR: An error has occurred.

MESSAGE : The RPC server is unavailable. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x800706BA)
SOURCE : Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word
STACK : at Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.ApplicationClass.Quit(Object& Sav
eChanges, Object& OriginalFormat, Object& RouteDocument)
at TranslationAssistant.Business.DocumentTranslationManager.ConvertToDocx(Str
ing fullPath, String targetLanguage)
at TranslationAssistant.Business.DocumentTranslationManager.GetAllDocumentsTo
Process(String documentPath, String targetLanguage)
at TranslationAssistant.Business.DocumentTranslationManager.DoTranslation(Str
ing path, Boolean isDir, String sourceLanguage, String targetLanguage)
at TranslationAssistant.AutomationToolkit.TranslationPlugins.TranslateDocumen
TARGET : Void Quit(System.Object ByRef, System.Object ByRef, System.Object ByR

Infinite loop in SplitList

In DocumentTranslationManager, the method "SplitList" has an infinite loop possibility. When an individual element exceeds the maxSize, it will do the following:

  1. Attempt to add UP TO groupSize elements to the list
  2. Remove them, one by one, as they all exceed the maxSize
  3. Once it gets to the last item in the list, it also exceeds maxSize, so it gets removed
  4. An empty list is added to the "result" list.
  5. Loop - start again at 1 above. Continually adding to the result list.

This is more apparent with Text Translator v3 API, as the element and list sizes are smaller. One contiguous paragraph doesn't need to be very long to cause this behavior.

Latest version do no work - Win 7


I get this error message right after opening. "Document translator have stopped working"

And there is only one button to close the program. The document translator never starts, just get that error message. And after install the program did never auto start.

OS Name Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate
Locale United States


Office 2016 support

A recent update added OpenXmlPowerTools.MarkupSimplifier.SimplifyMarkup - this addition has made some improvements to the process and to the translation, but the latest version of the nuget package has an issue, and doesn't support documents created or saved by Office 2016.

There is a pending pull request for OpenXmlPowerTools, but it's been pending for well over a year now. See this issue here:

As a workaround, I cloned the project from the fixed branch, here:

Then I removed the OpenXmlPowerTools nuget package, added this project to my solution, and added a reference in the business project to the openxml project. This resolved my issue.

To reproduce the issue, create or save any word document with Word 2016. Once the translation is finished, word will complain that the XML is invalid.

Chinese to English PDF translation

I've successfully installed and run the application against the above PDF. The process successfully writes out a docx file. But, there is no translation. It appears that the PDF to docx export simply pastes images of the original PDF into a document container. And, no translations is performed on the images.

Can someone give me any clues as to where I've gone wrong?


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