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contex's Issues

Render as png

Hi, I have an elixir app and must display charts in Slack. But Slack does not support SVG. I know I can use inkscape as a command line tool, but it is a bit overkill. Do you know any other tool that I could use.

Also, your charts are dynamic, so I guess there is JS inside the graphs, they are not just images. Would it work, still ?

Thank you

Pluggable backend

I'm thinking about how to add charts to a scenic-based project and I was thinking that Contex would be a good way to go about it. Do you think a pluggable backend would make sense for contex?

Labels/ticks never appear

I am using code which is basically copy/pasted from the example at

defp plot_chart(record_list) do
    options = [
      mapping: %{category_col: "date", value_cols: ["load"]},
      type: :stacked,
      data_labels: false,
      orientation: :vertical,
      colour_palette: ["ff9838", "fdae53", "fbc26f", "fad48e", "fbe5af", "fff5d1"]

    |>["date", "load"])
    |>, 600, 400, options)
    |> Contex.Plot.axis_labels("", "")
    |> Contex.Plot.plot_options(%{})
    |> Contex.Plot.titles("My first plot", "With a fancy subtitle")

And everything shows up fine, except there are no labels on the axis. I played around with the options, but couldn't find any documentation about this. The documentation even says it should "just work" with minimal tinkering.

Here is the result I am getting:
Screen Shot 2021-06-23 at 12 49 57 PM

Also the color palette is totally different, which is strange because I am pulling those values straight from the example on

EDIT: data_labels: false also doesn't appear to be taking effect, as you can see in the pic.

No git tags

There's no git tags in this repository so it is difficult to go from the hexdocs directly to the matching version of the code. It would be great if tags were added to the repository.

Missing Plot options for PointPlot and LinePlot

I've noticed while using Contex that is wasn't possible to use the plot_options to hide one or both axis on PointPlot's/LinePlot's. I tried to add it following how it's implemented on BarChat with success, including updating the tests to handle the change (the branch is there fix-hidden-axis.

Have i missed something and there's a reason for the missing options ?

Support for empty data sets?

Right now an error is raised if an empty list is passed to a data set:

** (exit) an exception was raised:
   ** (FunctionClauseError) no function clause matching in MapSet.new_from_list/2
     (elixir 1.13.4) lib/map_set.ex:119: MapSet.new_from_list(nil, [nil: []])

While there is arguably not much use of displaying an empty chart, it means that somewhat awkward conditional logic is required for cases where there is no data to show in the chart. Personally I'd like to see a way to display a custom "empty state" message where the chart otherwise would be with the same dimensions.

Include SVG styling for SVG Files

It would be handy to generate a SVG with the XML styling that could be served as a img.

I put this in a Phoenix controller:

@svg ["<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?><svg version=\"1.1\" xmlns=\"\" xmlns:xlink=\"\">"]
  def plot(conn, params) do
    data = [
        {0.0, 0.0, "Hippo"},
        {0.5, 0.3, "Turtle"},
        {0.4, 0.3, "Turtle"},
        {0.2, 0.3, "Rabbit"}
    dataset =, ["x", "y", "category"])
    plot_content =
    plot =, 400, plot_content)
    {:safe, output} = Contex.Plot.to_svg(plot)

    conn = put_resp_content_type(conn, "image/svg+xml")
    send_resp(conn, 200, @svg ++ output ++ ["</svg>"])

I just surrounded the SVG from to_plot with this: @svg ++ output ++ ["</svg>"]
It works but isn't graceful.

I should be able to include SVGs in img tags instead of including them in templates.

Would something like this be a reasonable addition?:

def to_svg_file(plot) do
  {:safe, svg} = to_svg(plot)
  svgfile = @svgxml ++ svg ++ ["</svg>"]

This could also be useful for generating static svgs.

Details not appearing on mouse-hover with PieChart

I'm making a PieChart like so

dataset =, ["Name", "Avg Runtime"])

opts = [
  mapping: %{category_col: "Name", value_col: "Avg Runtime"},
  legend_setting: :legend_right,
  data_labels: true,
  title: "System Runtimes"
], Contex.PieChart, 600, 400, opts)

But I'm not getting the Avg Runtime details displaying when the user hovers the mouse over the pie slice. I must be missing an option, but I don't see in the docs a list of the options and their effects. What do I need for on-hover functionality?

If this is a bug or missing feature, let me know - I'm happy to contribute :)

install version 0.4.0 don't match the version on Mix

I am trying to install the contex with the version 0.4.0:

{:contex, "~> 0.4.0"}

And mix complains for this:

 mix deps.get
** (Mix) No matching version for contex ~> 0.4.0 (from: mix.exs) in registry

The latest version is: 0.3.0
❯ mix contex
Contex - a server-side charting library for Elixir.

Config: {:contex, "~> 0.3.0"}
Releases: 0.3.0, 0.2.0, 0.1.0

Licenses: MIT

But the initial tells to install the version 0.4.0.

Timescale and Milliseconds

Just curious if there was specific reason why milliseconds aren't supported as part of @default_tick_intervals?

Thanks for being so helpful over the last few days @mindok

Values not showing on axis on point plot

Hey, great library!

I am having a problem, which is probably of my own making. The values are not showing on the axis for my point plot.


Here is the code for my little example:

 def basic_plot(test_data) do
    plot_content =
      |> PointPlot.set_y_col_names(["Humidity", "Temperature"]), 500, plot_content)
    |> Plot.plot_options(%{legend_setting: :legend_right})
    |> Plot.to_svg()

  defp make_test_data(socket) do
    data =
      |> %{timestamp: timestamp, temperature: temp, humidity: humidity} ->
        [timestamp, humidity, temp]
      |>["Time", "Humidity", "Temperature"])

    assign(socket, test_data: data)

Add markers to LinePlot

Add an option to LinePlot for markers.

type: circle, square, diamond, triangle (default to cycle through these in order for each series)
size: (with SVG it’s all relative, but figure out a sensible default)
filled: true or false, default true
colour will be the colour of the line

Note that the plot content protocol will need to be extended to provide "defs" for a given dataset that can be embedded at the top of the SVG ahead of the main plot content.

Options passed in like this:

#show markers with defaults
markers: true 

#show markers explicitly, setting marker properties for each series
markers: [
  [type: :circle, size: 3, filled: false], 
  [type: :square, filled: false],

Make ContinuousLinearScale display_decimals a parameter

It's be awesome to be able to set the number of decimals.

right now I'm using an ugly hack:

        |> Contex.ContinuousLinearScale.domain(0, max_display)
        |> Contex.ContinuousLinearScale.interval_count(10)
        |> Map.merge(%{display_decimals: 0}) # ugly hack

TimeSeries BarChart?

It looks like there is not a way to use the TimeSeries scale with a bar chart?

I like to use time series bar charts for things a lot. Would love to be able to do this Contex. I can try to implement if you're up for it?

Labels have no color


As can see from the image above, the X and Y labels are clearly there (I also checked the DevTool and they are there indeed), but then they have on color. If I manually change the stroke of the <g> tag to stroke="#000" then it does show up as black.


If I manually change the stroke to this


Then the graph shows with color:


Allow specifying rotation of labels

Currently for a bar chart the rotation of the labels cannot be preset and instead only kicks in after a hard-coded number of elements (IIRC), for longer label text this results in unreadable text.


Tooltip on a line chart


Thanks for the great work.
Is there a way to display a tooltip on a line chart to display the value in the graph?


Suggestion: support hyperlinks

It can be useful to have hyperlinks in charts. For example, in a system which runs jobs, you could graph the duration of the jobs and have each point be a link to that job's details. (I have a couple of use cases like that in mind.)

Apparently hyperlinks in inline SVG can be done like this.

Maybe the best way to support that would be to pass a link function, which could look at the dataset and use one of the values (like id:) to build a link.

Implement Line chart

thanks for this interesting nice library.
I am interested in line charts that I have rendered with D3.js so far. I wonder how difficult it is to program the Line Plot?

Is it on the agenda at the moment?

Best regards,

What about missing/nil values?

At the moment missing or nil values are not allowed, if I tested this correctly.
Is this quite difficult to implement or does this requirement throw everything out of whack?

We use Point Plot and btw. will test the new Line Chart's, thank you for the implementation!

Examples for the use of missing values are ApexCharts oder billboard.js Charts:
ApexCharts missing values

v0.2.0 fails to compile (elixir v1.10.3, erlang/otp 22)

v0.2.0 of the library fails to compile for me running elixir v1.10.3 and erlang/otp 22.

Stacktrace below:

==> contex
Compiling 17 files (.ex)

== Compilation error in file lib/chart/dataset.ex ==
** (CompileError) lib/chart/dataset.ex:61: type t/0 undefined (no such type in Contex.Dataset)
    (elixir 1.10.3) lib/kernel/typespec.ex:898: Kernel.Typespec.compile_error/2
    (elixir 1.10.3) lib/kernel/typespec.ex:937: Kernel.Typespec.fn_args/6
    (elixir 1.10.3) lib/kernel/typespec.ex:377: Kernel.Typespec.translate_spec/8
    (stdlib 3.12.1) lists.erl:1354: :lists.mapfoldl/3
    (elixir 1.10.3) lib/kernel/typespec.ex:229: Kernel.Typespec.translate_typespecs_for_module/2
    (elixir 1.10.3) src/elixir_erl_compiler.erl:12: anonymous fn/3 in :elixir_erl_compiler.spawn/2
could not compile dependency :contex, "mix compile" failed. You can recompile this dependency with "mix deps.compile contex", update it with "mix deps.update contex" or clean it with "mix deps.clean contex"

When using v0.1.0, the library is able to compile successfully.

Version without timex

I hesitate before filing this issue because it might be a little overbearing. But would it be possible to remove timex as a dependency? Because I use contex in an application that runs as an escript I have to workaround lau/tzdata#24 and timex isn't really being used heavily in Contex. If it it too much work/not worth changing then feel free to close this.

A few examples for new users

Thanks for creating a fantastic library for Elixir!

I'm currently using Contex for:

  • The sparklines on our website to show members upvotes and comments on our posts
  • Our backend moderation stats page

I recently needed to develop a few "one off" charts for a static marketing page, and decided to try Contex for that too. However I struggled a little bit to find straight up example code for some of the charts. As a new user of the library, it took me a little longer than usual to get started as I was trying to hunt down some simple copy-paste examples that could work out of the box.

Anyway, I eventually made a couple of charts and thought I'd share the code in case you wanted to add more examples to help other users. Alternatively, I could put this in a gist. Sorry if I've put this in the wrong place!


Screen Shot 2023-01-17 at 12 26 41 am

data = [
  ["Blog (400)", 400],
  ["Instagram (399)", 399],
  ["Twitter (348)", 348],
  ["YouTube (200)", 200],
  ["Tiktok (72)", 72]

dataset =, ["Channel", "Count"])

opts = [
  mapping: %{category_col: "Channel", value_col: "Count"},
  colour_palette: ["16a34a", "c13584", "499be4", "FF0000", "00f2ea"],
  legend_setting: :legend_right,
  data_labels: true,
  title: "Social Media Accounts"
], Contex.PieChart, 600, 400, opts)
|> Contex.Plot.to_svg()

Screen Shot 2023-01-17 at 12 26 47 am

data = [
  ["Tiktok", 7.7],
  ["Twitter", 8.7],
  ["YouTube", 10.2],
  ["Blog/Website", 17],
  ["Instagram", 17.5]

series_cols = ["Series 1"]
test_data =, ["Category" | series_cols])

options = [
  mapping: %{category_col: "Category", value_cols: ["Series 1"]},
  type: :stacked,
  data_labels: true,
  orientation: :vertical,
  colour_palette: ["4c4bdc"],
  series_columns: series_cols
], Contex.BarChart, 500, 400, options)
  |> Contex.Plot.titles("Combined Reach (M)", "")
  |> Contex.Plot.axis_labels("", "")
  |> Contex.Plot.plot_options(%{})
  |> Contex.Plot.to_svg()

Screen Shot 2023-01-17 at 12 27 00 am

data = [
  ["Writing", 248],
  ["Adventure", 166],
  ["Food", 145],
  ["Travel Guide", 109],
  ["Photography", 94],
  ["Lifestyle", 78],
  ["Family", 75],
  ["Video", 71],
  ["Sustainability", 55],
  ["Luxury", 55],
  ["Womens Travel", 48],
  ["Vanlife", 46],
  ["Journalist", 39],
  ["Solo Travel", 29],
  ["Podcast", 25],
  ["Accommodation", 24],
  ["Outdoors", 24],
  ["Nomad", 20],
  ["Fashion", 20],
  ["Hiking", 18],
  ["Flying", 17],
  ["Cruise", 16],
  ["Points", 13],
  ["Wellness", 12],
  ["Slow Travel", 11],
] |> Enum.reverse()

series_cols = ["Series 1"]
test_data =, ["Category" | series_cols])

options = [
  mapping: %{category_col: "Category", value_cols: ["Series 1"]},
  type: :stacked,
  data_labels: true,
  orientation: :horizontal,
  colour_palette: ["1e293b"],
  series_columns: series_cols
], Contex.BarChart, 500, 400, options)
  |> Contex.Plot.titles("", "")
  |> Contex.Plot.axis_labels("", "")
  |> Contex.Plot.plot_options(%{})
  |> Contex.Plot.to_svg()

0.3.0 release

Will there be a 0.3.0 release soon? It looks like there's a bunch of good improvements that are currently pending.

Trailing space after sparkline

Hi, the svg for sparklines is a bit wider than the paths - this becomes apparent for example when adding a border:

This seems to be due to Contex.Sparkline.draw calculating the viewbox width as sparkline.length + 1. Without looking too deeply, changing that to length - 1 seems to fix the issue.

PS: While writing this I noticed the same fix in 56f7ec7 Maybe that could be cherry-picked?

Thanks for this very cool lib!

Tests failing with elixir 1.14.3

It looks like tests fail on Elixir 1.14 because they changed the way dates are represented (?)

asdf local elixir 1.13.4-otp-25

mix test

Finished in 0.1 seconds (0.00s async, 0.1s sync)
6 doctests, 173 tests, 0 failures


asdf local elixir 1.14.3-otp-25

mix test

Finished in 0.1 seconds (0.00s async, 0.1s sync)
6 doctests, 173 tests, 5 failures

This happens because (the error is the same in all failing tests):


Format code with elixir formatter

Would a PR that formats the code with the elixir formatter be accepted/welcome? It would be make it much easier for those of us whose editor automatically formats the code to submit PR's. Otherwise I have to manually pull out just the changes required from a large diff like: master...axelson:spread-labels

Update readme to install latest version (0.3.0)

The current installation instructions have:

defp deps do
        {:contex, "~> 0.1.0"}

Which means that lazy, slapdash people might simply cut'n'paste version 0.1.0 into their code and THEN SPEND HALF-A-DAY TRYING TO UNDERSTAND WHY IT WANTS BarPlot NOT BarChart !!!!! ;-)

suggest they are updated to:

defp deps do
        {:contex, "~> 0.3.0"}

Examples as ExDocs

As the point of this library is to generate SVG, and Elixir supports code evals, it should be very easy to generate ExDocs for a "samples" module that embeds:

  • the source code needed to generate such examples
  • the resulting SVG graph

This is better IMHO compared to having images, because if you make a change in the library, it is immediately reflected on all the graphs generated. Also, examples are where they are supposed to be, in the documentation! And, thanks to issue #74 we have a number of examples to get started on.

This could also be useful for generating automated formal tests, e.g that the SVG generated is always formally valid (this could be done I think with Floki).

I have used this approach to check different cases the LogLinearScale and found it quite useful. So it would not be much work sending a PR for it, if interested.

Ability to see Sparkline datapoint

Right now it's dead simple to make a Sparkline chart, as it's just a list of values.

data = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]

and this renders out a chart nicely, but then the chart would look something like:


This doesn't really give off any context.

What I'd propose, I'm not sure if very feasible, but maybe something like:

data = [{"monday", 123, {"tuesday", 42}]

A list of tuples, with the first element of the tuple being used as the value for when you hover over the point on the chart.

Long legend text truncated


I'm using Contex version 0.4.0. I try to generate a point plot with a right legend in a Phoenix LiveView application. The legend appears on the right side, but long texts will be truncated. Is it possible to make them appear in full length?



Legend not appearing

Thanks for your work on this library. It looks like it could be very useful.

I tried creating a few charts and everything seems to be working as expected except for legends. I am calling this on every chart:

Contex.Plot.plot_options(%{legend_setting: :legend_bottom})

but no legends appear.

I found this in the docs:

Legends are generated for scales. Currently legend generation is only supported for a CategoryColourScale

But one chart is a bar chart modeled on the sample code here:

Any idea what might be going on? It might be nice to raise or at least show a warning when a setting is being ignored, rather than silently failing to respect it.

Publish new Hex version


I have a package that I'm trying to publish, but it requires some functions that are only available in your development version of ContEx. Unfortunately, Hex is telling me I'm unable to publish a package which depends on a git hash, and is requiring that I use a Hex-published version.

Is there any chance that a new version is coming any time soon?

Thank you!

Click event on a pie wedge

would this just be a matter of adding the code that is in the bar already for the click to the pie chart or is there more to it than that?
[I mean for me to do :-) ]

SparkLine grid?

Is it possible to draw the grid behind the Sparkline plot?
i don't understand how to do it :/


Change formatting for y-axis in PointPlot

I have a need to plot NIC traffic data over time. I have a prototype that's working, but I would like the Y axis to be read something like "MB/sec" instead of a raw numeric value. I'm probably just too thick-headed to see how to do this. Any suggestions?
Screenshot from 2020-06-29 17-25-18

❓ [QUESTION] What is the best way to handle long text in legend?

I have a long text for my legend and it shows up being cut. I was trying to play around with the :legend_setting like legend_setting: :legend_bottom but couldn't make it work except :legend_right ...


I am wondering if there are any other options or alternatives to solve long text in legend.

Thank you so much in advance. ❤️

Best regards,
Jing Hui P.

Is there a way to define custom x-axis values for the TimeSeries scale?

So if I understand correctly the best way to use custom scales for time series data, for example to change the default formatting of "%h %s" for a 1 second tick, I need to create a TimeSeries struct and pass in those values to the LinePlot? Same thing for the number of intervals right?

Sparklines rendering outside their parent element.


I'm trying to build simple dashboard using liveview which displays the output from various sensors connected to my system. I'm having trouble with the sparkline paths being outside the visible area of the svg element:

Screen Shot 2020-03-07 at 21 21 37

In the above screenshot I have allowed the following CSS properties to the svg element so that I can see what's happening:

svg {
  border: 1px blue solid;
  overflow: visible;

I believe that this is being caused by the code attempting to rescale the chart based on the data. In the power sensor data this makes sense (because these values are all positive integers). But for the orientation data the values are a quaternion (so they're all between -1 and 1). I've scaled the data manually so that they're between 0 and 2, however that hasn't fixed the problem. When I pick up my device and move it around the paths actually move vertically up and down the screen.

If you have any suggestions I'd love to hear them.

BarChart: Allow more control over Value Axis


In my BarChart the vertical axis has a range 0-20, BarChart generates ticks of 0, 2.5, 5, 7.5 ...
My data is integral (numbers of items)
How can I make the ticks integer values within the range e.g. 0,2,4,8 ... ?

Excited by Contex but struggling a bit to make it do what I want. Can I ask questions here or is there a better forum?



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