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retropie-setup-ubuntu's Introduction


Script to automate the installation on RetroPie on Ubuntu 22.04 or 20.04, with the end-state user experience nearly identical to a Raspberry Pi installation, but with the power and flexibility of x86.

This script was inspired by feedback provided on the RetroPie forums, and does the following:

  • Disables sudo password prompts
  • Installs the minimal OS dependencies needed to install OpenBox and run RetroPie
  • Installs the RetroPie 'basic' packages
  • Install the latest video drivers for Intel, Nvidia, and Vulkan
  • Applies the RetroPie-PacMan Plymouth theme to run during startup/shutdown
  • Hides all GRUB and kernel text output during startup/shutdown
  • Enables autologin and boots directly into OpenBox / EmulationStation
  • Hides all terminal window 'chrome' in OpenBox (menu, scrollbar, cursor) when launching emulators
  • Uses 'unclutter' to show the mouse cursor only when it is being moved
  • Enables 1080p resolution for GRUB and X Windows to improve the user experience & performance on 4K displays (user configurable)

The script also provides the ability for additional customizations, optionally executing external scripts at the beginning and end of the installation process. A library of user-submitted scripts is available to get you started. See the Optional Scripts section for more information.

Of course, your mileage may vary when using the master script. It has been organized into functions to improve readability. If you don't want to run the full script, you can copy/paste the sections that apply to the specific changes you wish to make. Just note that many of these commands would need to be run in sudo if executed independently and variable substitution may be required.

Installing the Base OS

Download a copy of Ubuntu 22.04 or 20.04

These scripts are intended for one of the following Ubuntu 22.04 or 20.04 installations:

Manual Ubuntu Install

Perform a basic install of Ubuntu with these basic options

  • Language: English
  • If prompted to do so, choose to Update to the new installer
  • Keyboard configuration:
    • Keyboard: English (US)
    • Keyboard variant: English (US)
  • Type of install:
    • The base for the installation: Ubuntu Server
    • Additional options: Search for third-party drivers checked/selected
  • Network connections: configure as needed to obtain a valid IP address
  • Configure proxy: leave blank unless your network uses a web proxy (which would not be typical)
  • Configure the Ubuntu archive mirror
    • The default mirror should be OK
    • Wait for the test to complete (This mirror location passed tests.), then press Enter/Return.
  • Guided storage configuration: use defaults (preferred, not required), i.e.:
    • Leave selected: Use an entire disk
    • Leave selected: Set up this disk as an LVM group
    • Leave unselected: Encrypt the LVM group with LUKS
    • Note: after installing Ubuntu, we recommend reviewing the logical volume configuration because it seems the installer does not configure the logical volume to use the full disk space amount (as you would expect from a RetroPie system).
  • Profile setup:
    • Your name: pi
    • Your server's name: retropie
    • Pick a username: pi
    • Password: raspberry
  • Upgrade to Ubuntu Pro
    • Leave Skip for now selected
  • SSH Setup
    • Optional: Choose to Install OpenSSH server (which allows for remote access, copy/paste)
    • Import SSH identity: leave no selected
  • Complete/acknowledge the Third-party drivers screen
  • Do not select any Featured Server Snaps

Automated Ubuntu Install - Live Server

If you are familiar with the use of autoinstall files to automate Ubuntu installs (no support here), you can use the example autoinstall-user-data file to perform a basic install against the Live Server installer. Use at your own risk!!!

Automated Ubuntu Install - Legacy Mini & Legacy Server

If you are familiar with the use of preseed files to automate Ubuntu installs (no support here), you can use the example retropie.preseed file to perform a basic install against the Legacy Server or Mini installer. Use at your own risk!!!

Verify the Disk Configuration

As noted, Ubuntu setup does not configure the logical volume to use the full size of the disk. To confirm the current configuration, perform the following steps:

  • If you have not already done so, reboot the Ubuntu Server following the operating system installation, then log in as the pi user.

  • Run the following command:

    df -h

  • Look for the largest filesystem on the list (in terms of what is listed in the size column). In testing, the size was only set to 100G (100 GB) on a 2 TB SSD.

To correct this, you must extend the logical volume and file system by running the following commands:

  • Determine the logical volume path by running the following command:

    sudo lvscan

    In the results, take note of the logical volume path. In testing, it was /dev/ubuntu-vg/ubuntu-lv.

  • Extend the logical volume:

    sudo lvextend -l +100%FREE /dev/ubuntu-vg/ubuntu-lv

    (if necessary, replace the logical volume path with that which you observed in the lvscan command)

  • Resize the file system:

    sudo resize2fs /dev/ubuntu-vg/ubuntu-lv

Start the RetroPie Setup Script

Note: Do not log in via SSH at this point. If you do, the RetroPie setup process will disconnect your SSH session and make the setup process appear hung.

  • If you have not already done so, reboot the Ubuntu Server following the operating system installation, then log in as the pi user.

  • Download the script

    wget -q

  • Run the script

    sudo bash ./

    Optionally, you can override the Git repository (-r) and branch (-b) used by the bootstrap script. This is helpful if you want to bootstrap from your fork or a different branch. The available options can be passed as follows:

    sudo bash ./ -r<USERNAME>/RetroPie-Setup-Ubuntu -b <BRANCHNAME>

  • Configure Optional Scripts, if desired

  • Run the installer script as sudo

    sudo ./RetroPie-Setup-Ubuntu/

  • The script will run for some time. Depending on your system's architecture, you may see RetroPie Setup start, resulting in the process pausing at a disclaimer screen.

    • If this happens, press Enter to accept the disclaimer.
    • Then, use the arrow keys to select Exit, then press Enter.
    • The installation of RetroPie continues.
  • When prompted, reboot the system

A Note on Exiting and Restarting EmulationStation

This setup uses a desktop environment called Openbox to bootstrap the start of EmulationStation. This is done to ensure that EmulationStation is consistently launched in full screen and the foreground.

As a consequence of this setup, when you exit EmulationStation, you will be faced with a black screen instead of a terminal prompt. To return to a terminal prompt, right-click the mouse and a pop-up menu will appear. Click Terminal emulator to open a terminal. When you are done working in the terminal, type exit and you will return to the black screen Openbox environment.

The easiest way to restart EmulationStation is to restart Openbox. To do so, right-click the mouse and a pop-up menu will appear. Click Exit.

Depending on the environment configuration, one of two things will happen:

  • Openbox will exit and then restart, thereby restarting EmulationStation;


  • Openbox will exit and return to a terminal prompt. In this case, to restart Openbox, type:


Optional Scripts

The main script is intended to create a Ubuntu environment that closely mimics the basic RetroPie image for Raspberry Pi. However, some users have suggested additional tweaks and features that further customize the Ubuntu environment beyond this scope, as well as experimental changes that may be incorporated into the master script in the future. The optional_scripts directory provides the ability to include these additional changes in the installation process or to write scripts based on your needs.

The Library

Inside optional_scripts/library, you will find a collection of additional scripts that further extend the installation process. While the script names are intended to be descriptive, additional details for each script are included at the beginning of each file.

Pre-Install and Post-Install Scripts

The optional_scripts/pre_install and optional_scripts/post_install directories can be populated with BASH scripts that are run at the very beginning and end of the master installation process. Scripts in these directories will be executed in alphabetical order, so if the order is important to you, you can prepend the file names with a number (e.g. for greater control.

If you want to include a Library script in your pre or post-install process, the easiest way to do this is to simply copy it into the appropriate folder. Alternatively, you can also move the Library scripts or create symbolic links to them.

You can also write your custom scripts and place them in these directories. Use the scripts in the Library as an example. Note that variables defined in the master script (USER_HOME, SCRIPT_DIR, etc.) are also available to the custom scripts and that all output will be automatically written to both the console and log file.

Additionally, you can create a single pre/post-install script that calls multiple Library scripts by using the source command. Note that paths should be relative to the script. For example:

# This is an example script that wraps multiple Library scripts
# that disable system services
echo "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
echo "| Disabling multiple services via Library scripts"
echo "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
echo -e "\n\n"
source ./optional_scripts/library/
source ./optional_scripts/library/
source ./optional_scripts/library/
source ./optional_scripts/library/
source ./optional_scripts/library/
echo -e "FINISHED $BASH_SOURCE \n\n"

Submissions Welcome

If you have master script changes or additional features that you would like to include in the Library, please share! Pull Requests are preferred.

Calling Single Functions or Optional Scripts

Running the installer script without any arguments results in the full installer logic being executed. But you can also pass individual function names as arguments, and the script will just execute those functions. For example:

sudo "set_resolution_xwindows 720x480"


sudo "run_optional_scripts optional_scripts/pre_install/"


sudo "run_optional_scripts optional_scripts/library/"

A couple of things to note...

  • Take care when running a function or script more than once - depending on the steps it takes, it could create duplicate configuration entries and break your system!
  • When calling an optional script, the script path should be absolute, or relative to the current directory. This means that you can also run arbitrary scripts from outside the Retropie-Setup-Ubuntu directory structure if desired.



  • Explicitly support Ubuntu 22.04
  • Clarifications to make the setup process more user-friendly
  • Add instructions to extend the logical volume (and use up the full disk)
  • Markdown cleanup


  • 20.04 promoted to master branch
  • Instructions for multiple 20.04 install methods, including autoinstall example
  • New bootstrap installation process
  • Customizations are possible through pre_install and post_install script directories
  • Library of optional scripts
  • The log file is timestamped
  • Script runtime is now calculated
  • Prevent running as the root user, only allow sudo as a normal user


  • Validated against Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
  • Verbose logging to both console and file
  • Improved modularity, formatting, and commenting of functions
  • Installs the same base packages as the official RetroPie image
  • Installs the latest Intel video driver
  • Option to reboot after install
  • Disabled screen blanking
  • Safely enable 1080p resolution in GRUB, if available - the user can override the screen resolution in script
  • Safely enable 1080p resolution in X Windows, if available - the user can override the screen resolution in script


  • Changed name to reflect support for both Server and Mini versions of Ubuntu
  • Added retropie.preseed file to standardize basic OS install & config
  • Installs the basic_install RetroPie meta-package, rather than its individual parts
  • Improved hiding of boot messages
  • Updated autostart logic, moved EmaulationStation launch into RetroPie's file
  • Enabled installation of updated video drivers and Vulkan by default
  • Removed install of Ultimarc-linux and RetroPie launchingimages package.


  • Initial release

retropie-setup-ubuntu's People


etheling avatar franklesniak avatar johnodon avatar mizterb avatar movisman avatar


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retropie-setup-ubuntu's Issues

X doesn't start after a fresh install

A few of us on the RP forum have experienced this.

Perform a vanilla install. Run the script. After first reboot, we see the Pacman plymouth theme, the screen goes black for about 20 seconds and we are dropped to a prompt.

running 'startx' from command prompt works as expected.

One of the fixes suggested was to update to a newer kernel but this has the possibility of introducing some other ill effects.

The fix that I have found is to preface the call to 'startx' with 'exec' in the .bash_profile file:

if [[ -z $DISPLAY ]] && [[ $(tty) = /dev/tty1 ]]; then
    exec startx -- >/dev/null 2>&1

I'd like some others that have had this issue test this solution because I am still seeing the ~20 second delay before ES launches.


Request to include xpadneo driver for Xbox Controller bluetooth support.

First of all thanks for this awesome project it suits my use case perfekt.

I noticed that I need to install xpadneo to get bluetooth working for my Xbox One Controller without a dongle.

sudo apt install xboxdrv is not enough to get bluetooth working for my device.
It connects and disconnects again and again.

bluetoothctl just spams this:

pi@retropie:~$ sudo bluetoothctl
[CHG] Device C8:3F:26:92:8C:8C Connected: yes
[CHG] Device C8:3F:26:92:8C:8C Connected: no
[CHG] Device C8:3F:26:92:8C:8C Connected: yes
[CHG] Device C8:3F:26:92:8C:8C Connected: no
[CHG] Device C8:3F:26:92:8C:8C Connected: yes

But when I sudo purge install xboxdrv and install xpadneo everything works.

So I suggest we should include this driver, to get even a better user experience.

What do you guys think?
Do you need any more data ore testing?


Raspberry pi4 Display Fix

There is a configuration issue with /boot/config.txt, where it blanks out the display when using the 7" pi screen.

At the bottom of the file is dtoverlay=vc4-kms-v3d. Changing it to dtoverlay=vc4-fkms-v3d resolves the issue.

Grub Graphics Mode

This is what is being written to my /etc/default/grub:

# The resolution used on graphical terminal
# note that you can use only modes which your graphic card supports via VBE
# you can see them in real GRUB with the command `vbeinfo'

Is that correct? Looking at the script, should be be writing 'auto' or an actual resolution for a value?

# Sets the GRUB graphics mode
# Takes a valid mode string as a argument, such as "1920x1080x32"
# If none is provided, a default of 'auto' will be used
function set_resolution_grub() {
    if [[ -z "$1" ]]; then
    echo "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
    echo "| Changing the GRUB graphics mode to '$MODE'"
    echo "| If this mode is incompatible with your system, GRUB will fall back to 'auto' mode"
    echo "| Run 'vbeinfo' (legacy, pre-18.04) or 'videoinfo' (UEFI) from the GRUB command line"
    echo "| to see the supported modes"
    echo "| This value, 'GRUB_GFXMODE', can be edited in /etc/default/grub"
    echo "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
    sed -i 's/#GRUB_GFXMODE=.*/GRUB_GFXMODE=$MODES/g' /etc/default/grub
    echo -e "Done\n\n"
    sleep 2
    echo -e "FINISHED set_resolution_grub \n\n"

Python no longer in path

I have tried the script on both 20.04.1 mini and server. If I try to install 'mame' from the experimental packages in Retropie, I get the below error. I had to reinstall python to get past the error.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Building 'mame' : MAME emulator
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Removing additional swap
Adding 5075 MB of additional swap
Setting up swapspace version 1, size = 5 GiB (5321519104 bytes)
no label, UUID=a9d782a2-e629-4f3d-927e-4d78db137903
swapon: /home/pi/RetroPie-Setup/tmp/swap: swapon failed: Invalid argument
GCC 9 detected
makefile:1032: *** Python is not available in path. Stop.
strip: 'mame64': No such file
Removing additional swap
Could not successfully build mame - MAME emulator (/home/pi/RetroPie-Setup/tmp/build/mame/mame64 not found).

Unable to access console with F4 key

Using a USB with Ventoy to pass the retropie.preseed file to a Ubuntu Legacy Server 20.04 iso for automated install.
Only changes to the preseed was to include the Wireless credentials and to enforce the partition on /dev/sda which in my opinion nulls out the attempt to install on USB

After the auto install it creates the and adds the chmod+x when attempting to run script nothing happens so I just use wget to get this repo and run the

Everything goes smoothly then when trying to access console by hitting the F4 key just a black screen not sure if this is intended but I have no way of accessing the console. Maybe at the black screen there is something else I need to press but I don't even have a cursor. Was thinking it might be accessible by switching screens or something maybe something in documentation would be nice.

Thanks for your time

Black Screen After Initial Boot

I am using version (ubuntu-20.04.1-live-server-amd64) of Ubuntu.

I have done the commands as per the setup instructions and at the end it asked I wanted to reboot, to which I put yes.
But after rebooting (tried rebooting 5-6 times now) all I get after the initial Retropie loading bar is a black screen.

I also tried reimaging and putting a fresh copy of Ubuntu server (in case the last image had some issues), but I get to the exact same point again.

Last night when I tried, I was once able to get the normal RetroPie home screen and play games etc, but it was only once. The other times it just sticks on the black screen.

Anyone got any ideas?

Black openbox screen after reboot, does not auto load emulationstation

Installed script on a PC running ubuntu 20.04, and then 21.04, and had same issue both times. Upon boot, Openbox loads, looks like black screen only. On right mouse click, i get menu, can run terminal window. upon opening terminal window, i can manually launch emulationstation. Script working great, only thing not working is auto launch of emulationstation.
I've seen other users complain of black-screen only, i'm assuming they have similar issue.

After some tinkering, and comparing one working PC, with my non-working PC, i found that the .config/autostart directory was not created, so the .config/autostart/retropie.desktop file was not being created on the non-working PC.
Once I created it manually by copying contents from working PC, it works great, and auto-launches emulationstation.

cat .config/autostart/retropie.desktop

[Desktop Entry]
Exec=gnome-terminal --full-screen --hide-menubar -e emulationstation

Retroarch and core build fails during RetroPie Basic Install, solution here

Problem: RetroArch and core builds fail doing Basic Install of RetroPie.

With newer computers you may see GCC 9 version showing up checking the version even if 10 is installed, even with Ubuntu Server fully updated, resulting in failure to build RetroArch and cores. Before running the setup script that starts the retroarch setup, make sure a version check results in the right GCC version (for me the G++ version was already showing at 10 but I've included it in the below so any problem related to that will also be covered. instructions below:

sudo apt install build-essential

sudo apt install gcc-10
sudo apt install g++-10

check what version is active:
gcc --version
g++ version

populate a list for update-alternatives:
sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/gcc gcc /usr/bin/gcc-9 9
sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/gcc gcc /usr/bin/gcc-10 10
sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/g++ g++ /usr/bin/g++-9 9
sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/g++ g++ /usr/bin/g++-10 10

set correct version (I had to set gcc to 10 manually here, even default was pointed at 10 the active version was 9, setting it to 10 manually solved my issue and build completed succesfully) :
sudo update-alternatives --config gcc
sudo update-alternatives --config g++

run MizterB's amazing setup script :)

PS, in case you're having problems getting audio over HDMI to work in EmulationStation, a kernel upgrade can take care of that:

xcursor optional script producing error

I don't know enough about the script or if it is working but I see this in the logfile:

| Turning the X mouse pointer into 1x1 pixel black dot
Cloning into '/tmp/dot1x1-gnome-cursor-theme'...
cp: cannot stat 'dot1x1-gnome-cursor-theme/index.theme': No such file or directory
FINISHED /home/pi/RetroPie-Setup-Ubuntu/optional_scripts/post_install/ 

No video after Pacman boot splash

Hi all,

I tried all weekend to build this in an old Core2Duo I have lying around with an ancient GeForce 7200 GS graphics card. The Retropie build process is completed successfully, and after reboot, I can see the Pacman boot splash animation, but soon after, there's just a blank screen. If I invoke the tty2 console I can log in to text mode and see the system is not frozen. If I do a poweroff command, I can see the Pacman splash again until the system powers itself off.

I know my hardware is very old and I have no expectations of emulating anything newer than PSX, only if I could make it work.

Any help will be very appreciated!

Thank you all and best regards.

Not an issue: more cleanup opportunity

On a fresh install, I noticed the .xsession-errors file constantly growing. When I check the contents, this is what I see:

Xsession: X session started for pi at Thu 24 Sep 2020 05:53:57 PM EDT
dbus-update-activation-environment: setting DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS=unix:path=/run/user/1000/bus
dbus-update-activation-environment: setting DISPLAY=:0
dbus-update-activation-environment: setting XAUTHORITY=/home/pi/.Xauthority
localuser:pi being added to access control list
dbus-update-activation-environment: setting QT_ACCESSIBILITY=1
dbus-update-activation-environment: setting MAIL=/var/mail/pi
dbus-update-activation-environment: setting USER=pi
dbus-update-activation-environment: setting XDG_SESSION_TYPE=tty
dbus-update-activation-environment: setting SHLVL=0
dbus-update-activation-environment: setting HOME=/home/pi
dbus-update-activation-environment: setting HUSHLOGIN=TRUE
dbus-update-activation-environment: setting DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS=unix:path=/run/user/1000/bus
dbus-update-activation-environment: setting IM_CONFIG_PHASE=1
dbus-update-activation-environment: setting LOGNAME=pi
dbus-update-activation-environment: setting XDG_SESSION_CLASS=user
dbus-update-activation-environment: setting TERM=linux
dbus-update-activation-environment: setting WINDOWPATH=1
dbus-update-activation-environment: setting PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games:/snap/bin
dbus-update-activation-environment: setting XDG_RUNTIME_DIR=/run/user/1000
dbus-update-activation-environment: setting DISPLAY=:0
dbus-update-activation-environment: setting LANG=en_US.UTF-8
dbus-update-activation-environment: setting XAUTHORITY=/home/pi/.Xauthority
dbus-update-activation-environment: setting SHELL=/bin/bash
dbus-update-activation-environment: setting QT_ACCESSIBILITY=1
dbus-update-activation-environment: setting GPG_AGENT_INFO=/run/user/1000/gnupg/S.gpg-agent:0:1
dbus-update-activation-environment: setting PWD=/home/pi
unclutter: someone created a sub-window to my sub-window! giving up

** (process:827): WARNING **: 17:53:59.955: xdg-autostart.vala:125: Error: Error opening directory ?/home/pi/.config/autostart?: No such file or directory

** Message: 17:53:59.956: xdg-autostart.vala:39: Processing /etc/xdg/autostart/org.gnome.SettingsDaemon.Keyboard.desktop file.
** Message: 17:53:59.956: xdg-autostart.vala:64: Not found in OnlyShowIn list, aborting.
** Message: 17:53:59.956: xdg-autostart.vala:39: Processing /etc/xdg/autostart/org.gnome.SettingsDaemon.Sound.desktop file.
** Message: 17:53:59.956: xdg-autostart.vala:64: Not found in OnlyShowIn list, aborting.
** Message: 17:53:59.957: xdg-autostart.vala:39: Processing /etc/xdg/autostart/org.gnome.SettingsDaemon.Wacom.desktop file.
** Message: 17:53:59.957: xdg-autostart.vala:64: Not found in OnlyShowIn list, aborting.
** Message: 17:53:59.958: xdg-autostart.vala:39: Processing /etc/xdg/autostart/geoclue-demo-agent.desktop file.
** Message: 17:53:59.963: xdg-autostart.vala:94: Launching: /usr/libexec/geoclue-2.0/demos/agent (geoclue-demo-agent.desktop)
** Message: 17:53:59.964: xdg-autostart.vala:39: Processing /etc/xdg/autostart/org.gnome.SettingsDaemon.PrintNotifications.desktop file.
** Message: 17:53:59.964: xdg-autostart.vala:64: Not found in OnlyShowIn list, aborting.
** Message: 17:53:59.965: xdg-autostart.vala:39: Processing /etc/xdg/autostart/nm-applet.desktop file.
** Message: 17:53:59.968: xdg-autostart.vala:94: Launching: nm-applet (nm-applet.desktop)
** Message: 17:53:59.969: xdg-autostart.vala:39: Processing /etc/xdg/autostart/gnome-keyring-pkcs11.desktop file.
** Message: 17:53:59.969: xdg-autostart.vala:64: Not found in OnlyShowIn list, aborting.
** Message: 17:53:59.970: xdg-autostart.vala:39: Processing /etc/xdg/autostart/gnome-keyring-secrets.desktop file.
** Message: 17:53:59.970: xdg-autostart.vala:64: Not found in OnlyShowIn list, aborting.
** Message: 17:53:59.972: xdg-autostart.vala:39: Processing /etc/xdg/autostart/gnome-shell-overrides-migration.desktop file.
** Message: 17:53:59.974: xdg-autostart.vala:94: Launching: /usr/libexec/ (gnome-shell-overrides-migration.desktop)
** Message: 17:53:59.974: xdg-autostart.vala:39: Processing /etc/xdg/autostart/org.gnome.SettingsDaemon.Color.desktop file.
** Message: 17:53:59.975: xdg-autostart.vala:64: Not found in OnlyShowIn list, aborting.
** Message: 17:53:59.976: xdg-autostart.vala:39: Processing /etc/xdg/autostart/pulseaudio.desktop file.
** Message: 17:53:59.978: xdg-autostart.vala:94: Launching: start-pulseaudio-x11 (pulseaudio.desktop)
** Message: 17:53:59.978: xdg-autostart.vala:39: Processing /etc/xdg/autostart/org.gnome.Evolution-alarm-notify.desktop file.
** Message: 17:53:59.978: xdg-autostart.vala:64: Not found in OnlyShowIn list, aborting.
** Message: 17:53:59.980: xdg-autostart.vala:39: Processing /etc/xdg/autostart/at-spi-dbus-bus.desktop file.
** Message: 17:53:59.981: xdg-autostart.vala:94: Launching: /usr/libexec/at-spi-bus-launcher --launch-immediately (at-spi-dbus-bus.desktop)
** Message: 17:53:59.982: xdg-autostart.vala:39: Processing /etc/xdg/autostart/org.gnome.SettingsDaemon.MediaKeys.desktop file.
** Message: 17:53:59.982: xdg-autostart.vala:64: Not found in OnlyShowIn list, aborting.
** Message: 17:53:59.982: xdg-autostart.vala:39: Processing /etc/xdg/autostart/im-launch.desktop file.
** Message: 17:53:59.983: xdg-autostart.vala:94: Launching: sh -c 'if [ "x$XDG_SESSION_TYPE" = "xwayland" ] ; then exec env IM_CONFIG_CHECK_ENV=1 im-launch true; fi' (im-launch.desktop)
** Message: 17:53:59.984: xdg-autostart.vala:39: Processing /etc/xdg/autostart/org.gnome.SettingsDaemon.Wwan.desktop file.
** Message: 17:53:59.984: xdg-autostart.vala:64: Not found in OnlyShowIn list, aborting.
** Message: 17:53:59.985: xdg-autostart.vala:39: Processing /etc/xdg/autostart/org.gnome.SettingsDaemon.ScreensaverProxy.desktop file.
** Message: 17:53:59.985: xdg-autostart.vala:64: Not found in OnlyShowIn list, aborting.
** Message: 17:53:59.985: xdg-autostart.vala:39: Processing /etc/xdg/autostart/org.gnome.SettingsDaemon.A11ySettings.desktop file.
** Message: 17:53:59.986: xdg-autostart.vala:64: Not found in OnlyShowIn list, aborting.
** Message: 17:53:59.987: xdg-autostart.vala:39: Processing /etc/xdg/autostart/print-applet.desktop file.
** Message: 17:53:59.988: xdg-autostart.vala:94: Launching: system-config-printer-applet (print-applet.desktop)
** Message: 17:53:59.988: xdg-autostart.vala:39: Processing /etc/xdg/autostart/org.gnome.SettingsDaemon.Smartcard.desktop file.
** Message: 17:53:59.988: xdg-autostart.vala:64: Not found in OnlyShowIn list, aborting.
** Message: 17:53:59.989: xdg-autostart.vala:39: Processing /etc/xdg/autostart/org.gnome.SettingsDaemon.UsbProtection.desktop file.
** Message: 17:53:59.989: xdg-autostart.vala:64: Not found in OnlyShowIn list, aborting.
** Message: 17:53:59.989: xdg-autostart.vala:39: Processing /etc/xdg/autostart/org.gnome.SettingsDaemon.Power.desktop file.
** Message: 17:53:59.990: xdg-autostart.vala:64: Not found in OnlyShowIn list, aborting.
** Message: 17:53:59.990: xdg-autostart.vala:39: Processing /etc/xdg/autostart/org.gnome.SettingsDaemon.Housekeeping.desktop file.
** Message: 17:53:59.990: xdg-autostart.vala:64: Not found in OnlyShowIn list, aborting.
** Message: 17:53:59.991: xdg-autostart.vala:39: Processing /etc/xdg/autostart/org.gnome.SettingsDaemon.XSettings.desktop file.
** Message: 17:53:59.991: xdg-autostart.vala:64: Not found in OnlyShowIn list, aborting.
** Message: 17:53:59.992: xdg-autostart.vala:39: Processing /etc/xdg/autostart/org.gnome.SettingsDaemon.Datetime.desktop file.
** Message: 17:53:59.992: xdg-autostart.vala:64: Not found in OnlyShowIn list, aborting.
** Message: 17:53:59.992: xdg-autostart.vala:39: Processing /etc/xdg/autostart/gnome-keyring-ssh.desktop file.
** Message: 17:53:59.992: xdg-autostart.vala:64: Not found in OnlyShowIn list, aborting.
** Message: 17:53:59.994: xdg-autostart.vala:39: Processing /etc/xdg/autostart/org.gnome.SettingsDaemon.Rfkill.desktop file.
** Message: 17:53:59.994: xdg-autostart.vala:64: Not found in OnlyShowIn list, aborting.
** Message: 17:53:59.995: xdg-autostart.vala:39: Processing /etc/xdg/autostart/org.gnome.SettingsDaemon.Sharing.desktop file.
** Message: 17:53:59.995: xdg-autostart.vala:64: Not found in OnlyShowIn list, aborting.
** Message: 17:53:59.997: xdg-autostart.vala:39: Processing /etc/xdg/autostart/xdg-user-dirs.desktop file.
** Message: 17:53:59.999: xdg-autostart.vala:94: Launching: xdg-user-dirs-update (xdg-user-dirs.desktop)

(nm-applet:887): Gtk-WARNING **: 17:54:00.094: Can't set a parent on widget which has a parent

(nm-applet:887): libnotify-WARNING **: 17:54:02.886: Failed to connect to proxy

(nm-applet:887): nm-applet-WARNING **: 17:54:02.889: Failed to show notification: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name org.freedesktop.Notifications was not provided by any .service files

(nm-applet:887): Gtk-CRITICAL **: 17:54:03.177: gtk_widget_destroy: assertion 'GTK_IS_WIDGET (widget)' failed

(nm-applet:887): Gtk-CRITICAL **: 17:54:03.177: gtk_widget_destroy: assertion 'GTK_IS_WIDGET (widget)' failed

(nm-applet:887): Gtk-WARNING **: 17:54:03.182: Can't set a parent on widget which has a parent

(nm-applet:887): Gtk-CRITICAL **: 17:54:36.048: gtk_widget_destroy: assertion 'GTK_IS_WIDGET (widget)' failed

(nm-applet:887): Gtk-CRITICAL **: 17:54:36.048: gtk_widget_destroy: assertion 'GTK_IS_WIDGET (widget)' failed

(nm-applet:887): Gtk-WARNING **: 17:54:36.055: Can't set a parent on widget which has a parent

(nm-applet:887): Gtk-CRITICAL **: 17:54:36.059: gtk_widget_destroy: assertion 'GTK_IS_WIDGET (widget)' failed

(nm-applet:887): Gtk-CRITICAL **: 17:54:36.059: gtk_widget_destroy: assertion 'GTK_IS_WIDGET (widget)' failed

(nm-applet:887): Gtk-WARNING **: 17:54:36.065: Can't set a parent on widget which has a parent

The top section is normal. The vast majority of the erros below it can be remediated by deleting the contents of the /etc/xdg/autostart folder. This is mainly desktop widgets and settings that we will never see or use.

I have yet to trace this error...

(process:827): WARNING **: 17:53:59.955: xdg-autostart.vala:125: Error: Error opening directory ?/home/pi/.config/autostart?: No such file or directory

...but this can be remediated by simply creating a ~/.config/autostart folder.

I'm not sure what the below message means or if anything needs to be done about it:

unclutter: someone created a sub-window to my sub-window! giving up


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