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Lightweight and modular C++11 graphics middleware for games and data visualization

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License: Other

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c-plus-plus-11 opengl webgl emscripten ios android graphics-engine game-engine c-plus-plus gamedev cmake glfw sdl magnum webassembly vulkan 3d game graphics spir-v

magnum's Introduction

Magnum — Lightweight and modular C++11/C++14 graphics middleware for games and data visualization

Looking for an open-source library that gives you graphics abstraction and platform independence on major desktop, mobile and web platforms? Do you want it to have all the convenience utilities around yet stay small, powerful and not give up on flexibility? Here it is. And it's free to use, even for commercial purposes.

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Beauty of simplicity

Among Magnum essentials is a UTF-8-aware OS, filesystem and console abstraction, a feature-packed vector math library and a slim C++11 wrapper of OpenGL / WebGL family of APIs. Build on top of that or opt-in for more.

See all core features

With batteries included

Shaders and primitives for fast prototyping, algorithms, debugging and automatic testing, asset management, integration with popular windowing toolkits and a UI library. Everything fits together but you still have a choice.

List the extra features

Screws are not glued in

There's always more than one way to do things. Enjoy the freedom of choice and integrate your own asset loader, texture compressor, font format or math library, if you feel the need. Or use any of the various plugins.

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Wondering if Magnum is a good fit for your project? We prepared a few case studies to help you decide.


  • Linux and embedded Linux
  • Windows with MSVC, clang-cl and MinGW, Windows RT (Store/Phone)
  • macOS, iOS
  • Android
  • Web (asm.js or WebAssembly), through Emscripten

Graphics APIs:

  • OpenGL 2.1 through 4.6, core profile functionality and modern extensions
  • OpenGL ES 2.0, 3.0–3.2 and extensions to match desktop OpenGL functionality
  • WebGL 1.0, 2.0 and extensions to match desktop OpenGL functionality

See the Build Status page for detailed per-platform build status.


Curious about what was added or improved recently? Check out the Changelog page in the documentation.


The best way to get started is to read the thorough download, build, install and start using Magnum in your project. There is also a complete building documentation — we provide packages for many platforms, including Windows, Linux and macOS. After that, there are various tutorials and examples and a complete feature guide explaining all aspects of the library.

Apart from that, various Magnum functionality is available through single-header libraries. Just download a file, #include it in your project and you're ready to go! No buildsystem wrangling needed.


The engine itself is kept as small as possible with only a few dependencies. Additional functionality, often depending on external libraries, is provided in separate repositories.

Outside of the project itself, there's also a lot of community contributions — check them out on the website.


If you want to contribute to Magnum, if you spotted a bug, need a feature or have an awesome idea, you can get a copy of the sources from GitHub and start right away! There is the already mentioned guide about how to download and build Magnum and also a guide about coding style and best practices which you should follow to keep the library as consistent and maintainable as possible.

See also the Magnum Project Contact & Support page for further information.


Detailed contributor list is maintained in the documentation. Big thanks to everyone involved!

There's also a list of third party components that affect public use of the project.


Magnum is licensed under the MIT/Expat license, see the COPYING file for details.

magnum's People


mosra avatar squareys avatar pezcode avatar williamjcm avatar costashatz avatar sthalik avatar emgre avatar fauder avatar staticfloat avatar janos95 avatar skylion007 avatar erikwijmans avatar crisspl avatar nskelsey avatar sigman78 avatar amaranth avatar pthom avatar xqms avatar jacksoncampolattaro avatar sbr-dev avatar michael-chung avatar hsdk123 avatar dranikpg avatar seemk avatar mtao avatar kleisauke avatar jturner65 avatar roig avatar asmaloney avatar cmey avatar


Tyler Swann avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar guoyuandong avatar Ben Gamble avatar Larry avatar  avatar Кутасов Алексей Дмириевич avatar  avatar Dominic Hock avatar  avatar  avatar Dimitrios Kapetanios avatar Thomas Jackson avatar Jiri Kastner avatar 妙神 avatar Scott Isaacson avatar Filip Krawczyk avatar Raffael Bolla Di Lorenzo avatar  avatar Basavaraj PN avatar Young avatar  avatar Ahmed Maawy avatar astomih avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar Wenqi Sun avatar Ethan Chan avatar  avatar Markus Billharz avatar  avatar Ethan Chien avatar  avatar Logan King (DarkComet) avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar Rodrigo D'avila avatar  avatar  avatar Ourui avatar nangua avatar  avatar Evan Lavender avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar Daoqi Lai avatar void-l avatar Woxshi avatar Serbipunk avatar XINJ_ZH avatar Matthias Fostel avatar JamLee avatar Andrew avatar 俞航 avatar simonclouds avatar Nuno Silva avatar  avatar Sospect avatar DIEN avatar  avatar  avatar David Jung avatar muyanchen avatar Nikolay Rogozhko avatar  avatar Suleyman TURKMEN avatar danel996 avatar retro avatar  avatar I do not like bill avatar zzhou avatar waskito shidiq avatar Arcie Ren avatar ngk avatar Gaetano P.P. Carpinato avatar XeTute Technologies avatar  avatar Helio452b avatar Ruoyu Sun avatar  avatar Jin avatar  avatar  avatar matze avatar Luca Sas avatar Aung Thu Hein avatar  avatar João Vítor Carli Pereira avatar Dan L Cazarín avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar Alan Tao avatar  avatar  avatar


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magnum's Issues

Flat shader

When trying to create a flat shader, the following warning is outputted:

AbstractShaderProgram: linking succeeded with the following message:
WARNING: Could not find vertex shader attribute 'textureCoordinates' to match BindAttributeLocation request.

Here is what this warning looks like (visually within an actual program):

screen shot 2013-12-10 at 8 47 35 pm

As you can see, no texture(s) is rendered properly. Note, the screen is cleared white to see the black rendered 'textures' easier. The code for the above is located here (header/source), and the same result occurs for your textured triangle example (a black triangle is rendered).

Running Mac OS X 10.9.


Apple LLVM version 5.0 (clang-500.2.79) (based on LLVM 3.3svn)
Target: x86_64-apple-darwin13.0.0
Thread model: posix

OpenGL context information:

Vender: Intel Inc.
Renderer: Intel HD Graphics 3000 OpenGL Engine
Version: 3.3 INTEL-8.18.27

C++14, C++17 and forward

This used to be a list of exciting new features present in newer C++ standards to look forward to. Now it's rather a list of non-insance C++14+ features that could be worth backporting to C++11.


  • Support in the CORRADE_CXX_STANDARD CMake property and preprocessor macro
  • Exposing C++14 constexpr via CORRADE_CONSTEXPR14 -- mosra/corrade@9cf91f0
  • Backport std::integer_sequence optimizations -- mosra/corrade@0b82814
  • Make use of sized deallocation
    • All array deleters are already prepared for this, as they get the length as well

Compiler support

  • GCC 4.9 (released on April 22 2014) is probably the first GCC with considerable chunk of C++14 features implemented (4.8 not so much)
  • Clang 3.4 has full C++14 support (on the other hand, 3.3 has nearly nothing from it)
  • MSVC 2015 (?) -- they implement both C++11 and C++14 simultaneously with varying success, so let's hope it is supported well enough in the next release

For all compilers we need to wait until their usage is similar to GCC 4.7 and Clang 3.2 just now (May 2014). We'll see after dropping GCC 4.7 support (#274).

Good resources about compiler support are at for major vendors and also at for the other.


  • relaxed constexpr -- it would be finally possible to implement compile-time MurmurHash without the code being write-only, also many math functions will benefit from that (so the user doesn't need to precompute math operations in tight loops by hand, but can just slap constexpr specifier on the result and be done with it). Experimental stuff already available in cpp14 branch.
  • variable templates (i.e. Pi<float>) -- not sure about the usage, the current way with enums and functions ensures that the value is not exposed as any linkable symbol (you can't take address of enum or function result), which in my opinion is exactly what we want for constants -- to be always on stack and not referenced through some slow indirection. Also this (from API perspective) is easily doable using template aliases, am I missing something?
  • binary literals -- probably not so useful in library code, as for flags 1 << n is much more readable
  • digit separators -- also rather in user code than in library code
  • [[deprecated]] attribute might help with getting rid of the ugly CORRADE_DEPRECATED() macro and its compiler-specific quirks actually no, the attribute can be used for enums and namespaces only since C++17, so the macro is going to stay
  • make use of feature test macros for C++14+ features instead of relying on STL/compiler version checks hahahah you wish, as long as compilers are buggy this is only a wet dream

STL features

The issue is that these won't be advertised in compiler release changelogs and thus we might have some very nasty surprises (e.g. std::map::emplace() didn't exist until GCC 4.8).

  • std::float32_t and std::float64_t instead of float and double, just to be consistent with strict type definitions we already have for integers this proposal disappeared somehow
  • std::enable_if_t<...> instead of typename std::enable_if<...>::type (and similar) -- 13 characters shorter, will help a lot in implementation details of generic classes not worth the backwards compatibility pain
  • std::make_unique() for much less verbose std::unique_ptr construction nope, making my own thing
  • std::exchange() utility function instead of the following fugly piece of code -- could also implement my own, and wasn't all that essential after all
  • std::string literals, I hope they help with avoiding the copy and allocation on construction, otherwise I can't think of any other use case (apart from proper '\0' handling) no, they don't, gah; having my own StringView (and string literals) nowadays


  • Support in the CORRADE_CXX_STANDARD CMake property and preprocessor macro
  • Expose aligned allocation and std::aligned_alloc(), fallback to posix_memalign() on pre-C++17 -- mosra/corrade@c095551
    • Use it implicitly in Array / ArrayTuple if dealing with over-aligned types
  • attributes ([[deprecated]]!) for namespaces, enums and enum values (for enums this somehow already works in Clang C++11) -- currently used in CORRADE_DEPRECATED_ENUM() macro
  • compatibility of Containers::Optional with std::optional
  • compatibility of Containers::StringView with std::string_view -- mosra/corrade@cf0bd1f
  • Opt-in support for destructuring bindings -- mosra/corrade#157

Compiler support

  • MSVC 2015 Update 4+, Clang 3.8+, GCC 6+?


  • template argument deduction for class templates -- obsoletes all make*() helpers -- thanks to our naming scheme, the "make" helpers are not any longer than using the class name directly (pointer() vs Pointer), so this is a non-issue
  • static_assert() without message -- useful for user code, not library code, there we should provide a message always

STL features

  • std::observer_ptr instead of raw pointers sorry, bad joke
  • std::is_integral_v<...> instead of std::is_integral<...>::value (and similar) - 5 characters shorter (slower compile times?) not worth the backwards compatibility pain
  • std::void_t (N3911) has an interesting example to simplify CORRADE_HAS_TYPE() macro
  • constructing std::tuple with just {} -- I basically banned std::tuple from the codebase since
  • uninitialized_value_construct() etc. as more optimal alternatives to placement-new-in-a-loop in Containers::Array NoInit and other versions (but one needs <memory> for that, ugh)
  • finally a crossplatform filesystem handling to replace our own incompletely tested Corrade::Utility::Directory I doubt it will ever catch up with my requirements, also there's a very small intersection between what I need (isSandboxed()) vs what it provides (operator/ for concatenating directories, wtf)



STL features

  • use std::endian instead of propagating the info from CMake (or just figure that out from platform-specific macros)
  • make use of std::is_constant_evaluated() ... why this wasn't there since c++11?!
  • <version>
  • this paper could get rid of (some) strict aliasing issues?
  • std::format(), based on the implementation from the author of fmtlib. Utility::format() is already much faster than fmtlib at compile time and could be also faster at runtime, once I get my hands on it.



  • #elifdef / #elifndef; I wonder when it will make sense to upgrade to C++23 just to get these (or maybe they'll be usable even wiithout picking the full standard?)
  • operator[] where I can use ,, finally
    • Implement that in StridedArrayView, and an operator() fallback until then
    • Implement that in Matrix, and an operator() fallback until then

STL features

Not yet

  • Compatibility of StridedArrayView with std::mdspan
  • variable-length arrays, which will avoid heap allocations in some cases. Main use case is converting std::initializer_list<T> parameters to GLuint[] when passing them to glBindTextures(), glShaderSource() and other "multi" functions. Not part of C++14, but available in GCC since forever as GNU extension and it is made "official" in 4.9. Clang originally chose to not implement this at all, so it's not available in it yet. On the other hand, if I'm lucky I might be able to work around the allocation with some implicit conversions and then pass the std::initializer_list data directly. too slow, error prone and dangerous, won't use that ever (case in point: Linux kernel removed them all for better stability)
  • std::vector::release() and an "acquire" counterpart -- rejected from C++17, nobody cared since then, and I have switched to my own containers anyway

Windowless applications on OS X

I'm currently trying to cover the majority of OpenGL functionality with tests to make further development less error-prone. The tests must be run with valid OpenGL context and the rendering is done only offscreen (if at all), thus the tests use windowless contexts. Also there are a few command-line utilities (magnum-info, magnum-fontconverter, magnum-distancefieldconverter) which use windowless context.

Now the tests and utilities can be run only on desktop Linux, because the only windowless application implemented is Platform::WindowlessGlxApplication (using pure GLX and X11). I have Windows box, so I can implement Platform::WindowlessWglApplication (with WGL) when I have some time and also other windowless Linux applications for testing on EGL, Wayland etc.

But I don't have OS X to implement and test Platform::WindowlessCglApplication using CGL. Some information is on , it will probably be only matter of copying over contents of WindowlessGlxApplication class and replacing the platform-specific code.

Anyone with OSX willing to help with this?

Avoiding include and identifier collision

Currently Magnum (and also Corrade) headers are included with no explicit path or prefix. They also have very generic names:

#include <Color.h>

Generic, short and unprefixed names are good for usability, but only until some issue appears. Notably on Windows (both with MinGW and MSVC) there are name collision problems, e.g. Types.h from motionblur example conflicts with Types.h from Magnum, causing horrific error messages. One other example was String.h from Corrade Utility, which was conflicting with system string.h, but that issue disappeared somehow. There are also other problems, which may or may not be bugs in how the compiler handles paths and filenames. It's not limited to files though -- the Magnum::Rectangle class conflicted with Rectangle() from WINAPI, but that's not an issue anymore, as Rectangle is now replaced with more generic Range. In this case the <windows.h>/<Xlib.h> headers with unprefixed functions and macros are the main offenders, but I can't do anything else than accomodate to them.

One simple solution to include collision might be to not add (e.g.) /usr/include/Magnum to include path and use absolute includes instead, i.e.:

#include <Magnum/Color.h>

This would require fairly big repository reorganization -- moving everything from src/ to src/Magnum and then changing all headers to have absolute includes too. The includes from external directory would need to be adjusted too. Then the src/ directory would contain only one Magnum subdirectory, resembling the very verbose and inconvenient way Java projects are organized in the filesystem.

This change has also its downsides, mainly:

  • The includes are way more verbose. Not so much for root includes, but for subnamespaces:

    #include <Magnum/Math/Algorithms/GaussJordan.h>
  • Unwanted separation of Corrade (sub)library. Currently Corrade library is a first-class citizen in Magnum, i.e. the user doesn't have to think whether some class is part of Magnum or Corrade, it's enough just include it and use as if it was part of Magnum:

    #include <Magnum.h>
    #include <Utility/Directory.h>
    using namespace Magnum;

    With this change the user would need to explicitly specify the actual project given header comes from, which is not so convenient:

    #include <Magnum/Magnum.h>
    #include <Corrade/Utility/Directory.h> // huh?
  • To allow multiple versions of the library be installed alongside each other, the includes would need to be installed into (e.g.) include/Magnum1/Magnum and include/Magnum2/Magnum, which is even more horrifying.

I hope for a less drastic solution than this.

Another solution might be to have the headers and classes with some unique prefix. If I take inspiration from Qt, they are having everything in Qt*/ subdirectories, each class is prefixed with Q* and each function is prefixed with q*. But (as far as I know) this was from the times where support for C++ namespaces was rather poor (Qt classes are not wrapped in any namespace) and with current C++ state the final decision might be totally different.

I thought about adding similar prefix to the root classes and subnamespaces (Mn*, Cr*), but I don't like having Magnum::MnSceneGraph, Magnum::MnVector2 etc., it seems overly verbose and redundant for me. It might be possible to have the prefix only for header files, but having to include <MnRenderer.h> to use Magnum::Renderer is not intuitive at all.

Dropping MinGW32 support in favor of MinGW-w64

MinGW32 has several issues and it seems that the developers don't care about the users anymore, for example:

  • completely missing std::to_string() functions, which I need to work around using slow std::stringstream. The related bug was closed as "out of date" and no fix is in sight.
  • complete lack of testing -- GCC 4.8.1 being totally unusable (the executables crashed on execution), while GCC 4.7 includes needed to be patched to make them work with C++11. I even had to create a troubleshooting page on Corrade's wiki to address these issues. Not sure whether this got fixed already.
  • completely broken std::u32string on GCC 4.7 (memory corruption on destruction), so I had to workaround it everywhere by using std::vector<char32_t> instead. Again, not sure whether this works now.
  • complete lack of 64-bit support, which is shameful.

As ArchLinux maintainers removed all MinGW32 packages and replaced them with MinGW-w64 equivalents, I think it would be good to do the same, clean up all these ugly MinGW32-specific workarounds and support just MinGW-w64.

Is there anyone using MinGW32 who can't switch to MinGW-w64? These cases come to my mind:

  • old or obscure Linux distributions not having MinGW-w64 in repositories (probably not)
  • Windows toolchains which come with MinGW32 bundled but without ability to replace it with anything else (in Qt SDK it is possible to replace it, as far as I know)

text example can't run.

I try magnum on osx, but more matter.
example: text
/* Load FreeTypeFont plugin */
//if(!(manager.load("FreeTypeFont") & PluginManager::LoadState::Loaded))
//font = manager.instance("FreeTypeFont");

I think It's error, so I change to:
if(!(manager.load("MagnumFont") & PluginManager::LoadState::Loaded))
font = manager.instance("MagnumFont");

if I build magnum to share lib, echo:
Using optional features:
PluginManager::Manager::load(): unresolved dependency TgaImporter of plugin MagnumFont

if I build magnum to static lib, failed to build
[ 92%] Building CXX object src/text/CMakeFiles/text.dir/resource_TextExample_RESOURCES.cpp.o
Linking CXX executable text
Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64:
"Magnum::TextureTools::distanceField(Magnum::Texture<2u>&, Magnum::Texture<2u>&, Magnum::Math::Range2D const&, int, Magnum::Math::Vector2 const&)", referenced from:
Magnum::Text::DistanceFieldGlyphCache::setImage(Magnum::Math::Vector2 const&, Magnum::ImageReference<2u> const&) in libMagnumText.a(DistanceFieldGlyphCache.cpp.o)
"Magnum::TextureTools::atlas(Magnum::Math::Vector2 const&, std::__1::vectorMagnum::Math::Vector2<int, std::__1::allocatorMagnum::Math::Vector2 > const&, Magnum::Math::Vector2 const&)", referenced from:
Magnum::Text::GlyphCache::reserve(std::__1::vectorMagnum::Math::Vector2<int, std::__1::allocatorMagnum::Math::Vector2 > const&) in libMagnumText.a(GlyphCache.cpp.o)
ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture x86_64
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
make[2]: *** [src/text/text] Error 1
make[1]: *** [src/text/CMakeFiles/text.dir/all] Error 2
make: *** [all] Error 2

Failsafe core/non-core context creation on OSX

Currently all Platform::*Application classes create the context with no explicit flags, which is (as far as I know) understood as OpenGL <=2.1 + everything possible on top of it without losing backwards compatibility. While this works on most systems with vendor-provided graphics drivers (Linux, Windows), it apparently fails on (some?) OSX systems.

According to OSX OpenGL capabilities tables there are two kinds of OpenGL support:

  • The Legacy one works with older hardware, but provides at most OpenGL 2.1.
  • The Core one works only with recent hardware and provides up to OpenGL 4.1, but as it is not backward compatible (only core profile), it must be explicitly requested.

On some systems it was reported that the context in Platform::Sdl2Application can't be created unless explicitly requesting Core profile, e.g. via the following SDL2 calls:


Sadly this cuts off all Legacy hardware, so we basically don't have any context creation method which would cover all systems.

When I get to it, I will add some context creation options to Platform::*Application::Configuration (i.e., at least version and core/non-core profile specification). But it would be good to have something that just works without explicit configuration (i.e. trying core profile first and if that fails, fall back to legacy).

Anyone with OSX system willing to help with this?

Phong.frag fails to compile on Linux+Intel platform


Shader: fragment shader failed to compile with the following message:
0:0(0): error: no matching function for call to `texture(sampler2D, vec2)'
0:110(81): error: type mismatch
0:110(81): error: initializer of const variable `diffuseColor' must be a constant expression
Assertion frag.compile() failed in /home/lemaigna/src/magnum/src/Shaders/Phong.cpp on line 56

Magnum is compiled for desktop GL. The driver reports OpenGL 3.0/GLSL 1.30 support.

Output of magnum-info:

Steps to reproduce: run the sample application viewer with any model.

Compilation Error(s) on OS X 10.7.5 w/ Apple Clang 4.2

I got an error from building the library with audio enabled:

/Users/miguel/Documents/Programming/Projects/Repos/magnum/src/Audio/Audio.cpp:    34:1: error:
static_assert failed "ALbyte is not the same as Byte"
static_assert(std::is_same<ALbyte, Byte>::value, "ALbyte is not the same...
^             ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
1 error generated.
make[2]: *** [src/Audio/CMakeFiles/MagnumAudio.dir/Audio.cpp.o] Error 1
make[1]: *** [src/Audio/CMakeFiles/MagnumAudio.dir/all] Error 2
make: *** [all] Error 2

Also without audio enabled it compiles, but there is quite a few warnings, such as (there's 820 warnings of this):

expanded from macro 'IntGetProcAddress'
#define IntGetProcAddress(name) AppleGLGetProcAddress(name)

Texture::setImage function

The setImage function seems a bit ambiguous. Why do I need to provide the TextureFormat if the image (that I pass to the function) already has the format of the texture?

File Postfix "Tags" (such as _d for debug or _s for static)

Would it be possible to use postfix "tags" for the compiled binaries? Such as _d for debug, _s for static or _d_s for debug static. That way it is possible to differentiate debug from release and static from shared. I know there is a directory postfix "tag" already (for 32/64 bit builds(?)), however I would much prefer it to be for the actual binaries.

A quick fix could be this in the CMakeTextLists.txt:

# Determine if we're building a shared (dynamic) library
# And set appropriate suffixes for the executables
    set(CMAKE_DEBUG_POSTFIX "_d_s")

Import collada with PNG or JPEGs?

Is there any way to add PngImporter functionality to ColladaImporter? It seems to be hard-coded for TGAs only. Is there any reasonable way to get around this?

Adding Git Submodules

Right now I see a big problem for any new comer which is interested in trying Magnum. They are going only to clone mangnum git repository and as soon as they try to compile the project they will realize that it needs other 3 repositories just to get an example working in Linux.

I have to say that I totally agree in having different repositories for each thing but I also think that magnum should be complete just by cloning it's repository. My experience with Git is not as extensive as with SVN but by using SVN you can have external repositories locked into a specific revisition as directories so that when you check out the repository for the first time its also going to check out the external repositories to a specific revisiton.

I investigated a bit about this and in git you can have submodules (external repositories) locked to a specific commit.

So we would have a directory structure like


A neat thing would be that CMake would also build corrade by default and at least the triangle example.

Build problems on Mac OS X (10.9)

By default, I was unable to get Magnum to build on the most recent version of OS X (10.9, with fully updated Xcode). I suspect that the issues I experienced would be the same on other OS X versions.

Ultimately, I got it to compile, but there were two issues that should probably be fixed with the CMake files (I've never used CMake for anything other than building other peoples libraries myself, so forgive any inaccurate terminology).

  • First error: When using cmake to generate Makefiles (e.g. cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/local -DWITH_SDL2APPLICATION=ON) it fails with the error Could NOT find OpenAL (missing: OPENAL_INCLUDE_DIR).
    This was fixable by adding the horrifically long -DOPENAL_INCLUDE_DIR=/Applications/ Presumably, MacOSX10.8.sdk would be needed on 10.8, and etc. I'm not sure how you can fix this, as it seems the code for finding OpenAL is built-in to CMake (or it's hidden somewhere deep within your project), but it already does the right thing for OpenGL, so... maybe that helps.
  • Second error: when makeing everything after generating the makefiles above, compilation fails due to being unable to find SDL_scancode.h in Sdl2Application.h, included from Sdl2Application.cpp. It might be worth noting that it had already succeeded in including SDL.h at this point.
    This was fixable by adding -DSDL2_INCLUDE_DIR=/Library/Frameworks/SDL2.framework/Headers/ when using CMake to generate the makefiles. Prior to this, it did find SDL2 at /Library/Frameworks/SDL2.framework, so I'm not sure what the difference was. This issue could come from the fact that I originally installed SDL2 by using the installer from their website, and not by building from source, or via my package manager, but since that's the recommended method of installing SDL2, it should probably be supported.

Anyway, as I mentioned, after fixing these problems I was successfully able to compile and install Magnum, but these seemed to be issues with your build process, so I figured that reporting an issue about it might streamline the process for other users.

NaCl port

  1. Research what is and what is not allowed, mainly:
    • C++11 support, supported compilers (currently only GCC 4.4?)
    • Unavailable STL features? (streams -> unusable Debug() etc...)
    • (A)synchronous file IO?
    • Artificial constraints (disallowed multiple inheritance and other possible nasty issues?)
    • Is CMake supported?
    • How about dynamic/static libraries, GLEW etc?
    • How about SIMD?
  2. Update and fix compatibility for older GCCs (branch compatibility)
  3. Update and fix OpenGL ES support
  4. How about deployment and distribution?

Collision shapes rework


  • Make the core algorithms reusable without all this inheritance, virtual functions and cached values, for example:
  • Be able to create plain old array of AABBs and do mad cache-aware SIMD operations on them
  • Use them in e.g. AABB trees
  • Batched frustum culling (possibly uploaded to GPU buffer)
  • Tools for creating bounding volumes (mesh as input, array of AABBs as output...)
  • On the other hand be able to do everything what was possible now:
  • Store original shape, put reference to it into ObjectShape feature and be able to get (cached) transformed values back from it (manual collision handling)
  • BVHs with all those nice boolean operators
  • Run-time double dispatching for collision detection

Current reimplementation state

  • All shapes are now PODs (no virtual functions, constexpr constructors), they have all the needed data only once (i.e. no transformation caching) and they have no base classes, just static polymorphism (i.e. common interface for all). Result: 60% code removed.
  • ShapeGroup stores the shapes in flat array, making it easy for user to query the contents and possibly save a reference to particular shape. It also saves some allocations compared to previous solution, but the internals more complicated. Nothing for user to worry about, the API is the the same as before:
auto group = Physics::Point2D(1.0f, -0.5f) || Physics::Sphere2D({}, 1.5f);
bool collides = group % Physics::Point2D(0.5f, 0.5f);

Adding shapes as references to original objects is not possible though, they need to be extracted back after creating the group:

Physics::Sphere2D& sphere = group.get<Physics::Sphere2D>(1);
  • ObjectShape is now templated on shape, stores two instances of it (original and transformed one) and common functionality is in abstract base AbstractObjectShape. It is now actually usable, compare previous, where ObjectShape wasn't useful for anything:
ObjectShapeGroup2D* group;
Object2D* o;
Physics::Point2D point({1.0f, -0.5f});
(new Physics::ObjectShape2D(o, shapes))->setShape(&point);
Vector2 transformedPosition = point.transformedPosition();

With current:

auto shape = new Physics::ObjectShape<Physics::Point2D>(o, {{1.0f, -0.5f}}, shapes);
Vector2 transformedPosition = shape->transformedShape().position();
  • Shape polymorphism, collision dispatching etc. is hidden from the user and done internally with wrapper classes inside ShapeGroup and ObjectShape. It is good because it doesn't add confusing wrappers to the user (except one additional "internal" header file with no public documentation and no need for user to include it). Has it any downsides? Will the user need the polymorphism anywhere?

Issue 1

Physics::Point2D a;
Physics::Sphere2D b;
auto shape = new Physics::ObjectShape<Physics::ShapeGroup2D>(o, a || b, shapes);

The above code is not intuitive, becasuse the user might not immediately know that result of a || b is ShapeGroup. Even if he would, this is a lot of unnecessary typing, because the shape type is known from the arguments (unlike in above examples). Two considered (but unsufficient) solutions:

  • Merge ShapeGroup into specialized ObjectShape, e.g. ObjectShapeHierarchy? Will result in having the internal polymorphic wrappers in only one place (hopefully), which is good, but removes the possibility to operate on ShapeGroup alone without scene graph. Has ShapeGroup any use without scene graph?
  • Provide some convenience function similar to std::make_tuple which removes the need for explicit type specification, e.g.:
auto shape = Physics::makeObjectShape(o, a || b, shapes);

It would save typing also in some other cases, but what should this function return? Pointer to object created on heap? Object by value? Both have valid use cases and having both makeObjectShape() and makeObjectShapePtr() is ugly.

Issue 2

The user can't intuitively tell what's the difference between ObjectShapeGroup and ShapeGroup, thus they should be renamed to something more meaningful. Also why not to move everything to different namespace so Physics can be saved for other things like rigid bodies and particle systems? Linking Physics library just because one needs to click menus seems like overkill. But on the other hand, will collision detection be large enough to be in separate library?

  • Rename Physics namespace to Shapes (CollisionDetection is too long?)
  • Rename ShapeGroup to Hierarchy. Because it will always be written as Shapes::Hierarchy it will be obvious what is going on. Better name?
  • Rename ObjectShape to Shape and ObjectShapeGroup to ShapeGroup (Object was redundant). Is it descriptive enough for scene graph feature (Collidable sounds to Java-ish)? Physics itself will contain RigidBody.

Future development of Magnum

I first wrote this text as a reply to #8, but after realizing how lengthy it is I've decided it's worth a new issue. If you think it's OT, go and close it, I won't mind :)

Convention over configuration

I think it's good approach to force user to learn a little bit about conventions (e.g. monoid as in #8) before using Magnum, even if they might sound weird and are not used in other engines. Why should they choose Magnum over other engines? Magnum needs to be different.

Learning process

I'd love to see a new user's learning process like this:

  1. Hell, I need to write a multi-platform game and I don't want to solve trivial choices. I want opinionated framework!
  2. Okey, let's read Magnum's Getting started tutorial.
  3. Download and install stuff. Fine that was easy.
  4. Create simple project with CMake and main.cpp + some directories.
  5. So, how do I render a box? Well, it seems simple - I just have to create a scene, create a box shape and assign it to an object. Voila!
  6. Now I'd like to attach a ball to my box. What the hell is "monoid"? Ok, it's just one paragraph of text, I'll read it.
  7. Hmm, it's weird, but seems simple: all I have to do is change object->setShape(new Box({})) to object->setSchape(new Box || new Sphere({1, 0, 0})). And if I wanted shape intersection instead of union I'd simply use &&.
  8. Good, now I'd like to add physics. The tutorial says Magnum has Bullet integration, so I'll try it.
  9. Seems easy, just add Bullet init to main() and add collision shape to object.
  10. Those monoids again? But they behave the same as in case of rendering shapes. Nice, I can also reuse existing shapes for collisions.
  11. Now something about mouse and keyboard input...

This tutorial should serve as simple evaluation to users, whether they want to use Magnum or not. I think the key is to be user's guide and solve trivial choices instead of him - e.g. which physics framework to use (prefer one), help him with project structure (directory tree, classes etc.).

Project structure

Developing convention of project structure might be valuable for user. In current state I don't know where should I put class representing a car and that's worrying, because I might put it directly into /src, but what if /src becomes one big mess. Maybe into /src/car, but what if I want to add class representing a bike?

Think about it in context of new user, but keep in mind, that it should be suitable for a small project as good as for a larger one.


A community can help you a lot and I think it might be the right time to start building one. Chose one killer feature, polish its interface, craft a simple tutorial and publish it (phoronix?).


Maybe read about Ruby on Rails framework approach. I know it's different field, but I think it's worth knowing their principles.

Also keep asking yourself questions, it helps :)

  1. Define/narrow your target audience (e.g. indie developer looking for an engine suitable for small multi-platform games). Niche market might be the way to go.
  2. What problems do your potential users solve?
  3. Implement as less as possible to show whether your approach is good.
  4. Let users try it. Listen to their feedback.
  5. Iterate and release!

All I've said is a brain dump, not a solid guide how to write and sell an engine. It's only based on my experience with building application on top of a framework. And please before taking any of previous ideas into account, try asking potential users if it's what they want.

[IMPROVEMENT] Move support for the Image class

At the current moment, the only way to upload texture information is via the Image class. The Image class also manages the memory for you. Thus, if you load an image from a file and store the data in a std::vector, you must copy this data into a pointer in order for there to be no runtime errors (as your Image class will delete the memory and my std::vector object will also attempt to delete the same memory.


util::ImageData data = util::loadImage(source.CString());

    return false;

std::uint8_t* rawData = new std::uint8_t[data.pixels.size()];
std::copy(data.pixels.begin(), data.pixels.end(), rawData);

Image2D image{Magnum::ColorFormat::RGBA, Magnum::ColorType::UnsignedByte, 
                       {data.width, data.height}, (void*)rawData};

Magnum::Texture2D* texture = new Magnum::Texture2D;
    texture->setImage(0, Magnum::TextureFormat::RGBA8, image);

I suggest, that instead of requiring to create a Magnum::Image object, you either:

  • upload the raw image via a void* through the setImage method
  • the Image object does not manage memory for you
  • use a std::vector instead of a raw pointer in the implementation of the class. This would allow moving. Thus all I would have to do is:
util::ImageData data = util::loadImage(source.CString());

    return false;

Image2D image{Magnum::ColorFormat::RGBA, Magnum::ColorType::UnsignedByte, 
                        {data.width, data.height}, std::move(data.pixels)};

Magnum::Texture2D* texture = new Magnum::Texture2D;
texture->setImage(0, Magnum::TextureFormat::RGBA8, image);

I'm not aware of your opinions of using the STL in your library, but it would help a lot. Since std::vector is quite commonly used for managing a buffer of memory.

AppleGLGetProcAddress: 820 warnings

There are 820 warnings for Mac builds due to the AppleGLGetProcAddress's signature. Here is a sample of the warnings:

/Users/miguel/Documents/Programming/Projects/Repos/magnum/external/OpenGL/GL/gl_magnum.c:2711:86: warning:
  passing 'char [12]' to parameter of type 'const GLubyte *' (aka
  'const unsigned char *') converts between pointers to integer types with
  different sign [-Wpointer-sign]
...GLubyte * (CODEGEN_FUNCPTR *)(GLenum))IntGetProcAddress("glGetString");
/Users/miguel/Documents/Programming/Projects/Repos/magnum/external/OpenGL/GL/gl_magnum.c:86:57: note:
  expanded from macro 'IntGetProcAddress'
            #define IntGetProcAddress(name) AppleGLGetProcAddress(name)
/Users/miguel/Documents/Programming/Projects/Repos/magnum/external/OpenGL/GL/gl_magnum.c:9:52: note:
  passing argument to parameter 'name' here
static void* AppleGLGetProcAddress (const GLubyte *name)

Feature request: instanced mesh render

Just a small feature to consider: support Instanced versions of DrawArrays, DrawElements functions in Mesh class.

as a subfeature: allow user to set glVertexAttribDivisor for vertex attributes, perhaps as additional option in AbstractShaderAttribute::Attribute.

VertexColor3D shader compile errors

Trying to use the code from the triangle example to ensure I have everything ready to go, and the following error message occurred during run-time.

Shader: vertex shader failed to compile with the following message:
ERROR: 2:42: '0' : syntax error syntax error
ERROR: 2:43: '1' : syntax error syntax error

Here are is the OpenGL context I used that made this error occur:

Vender: Intel Inc.
Renderer: Intel HD Graphics 3000 OpenGL Engine
Version: 3.3 INTEL-8.18.27

I'm on OS X 10.9, MacBookPro8,1, using SDL 2.

Depreciated NS* function calls causing warnings for Mac builds

There are some warnings occurring for OS X builds, due to the use of depreciated function calls:

/Users/miguel/Documents/Programming/Projects/Repos/magnum/external/OpenGL/GL/gl_magnum.c:16:13: warning:
      'NSAddImage' is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
    image = N...
/usr/include/mach-o/dyld.h:229:34: note: 'NSAddImage' declared here
extern const struct mach_header* NSAddImage(const char* image_name,...
/Users/miguel/Documents/Programming/Projects/Repos/magnum/external/OpenGL/GL/gl_magnum.c:25:20: warning:
      'NSLookupSymbolInImage' is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
  symbol = image ? NSLookupSymbolInImage(image, symbolName,...
/usr/include/mach-o/dyld.h:181:17: note: 'NSLookupSymbolInImage' declared here
extern NSSymbol NSLookupSymbolInImage(const struct mach_header* image,...
/Users/miguel/Documents/Programming/Projects/Repos/magnum/external/OpenGL/GL/gl_magnum.c:27:19: warning:
      'NSAddressOfSymbol' is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
  return symbol ? NSAddressOfSymbol(symbol) : NULL;
/usr/include/mach-o/dyld.h:187:21: note: 'NSAddressOfSymbol' declared here
extern void *       NSAddressOfSymbol(NSSymbol symbol)...

Link Error

Linke Error

Hi, when i use the newest version mangnum and corrade, I got a link error, the error message is below:

/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/4.9.0/../../../../lib/ undefined reference to Corrade::Utility::Implementation::BasicConfigurationValue::toString(int const&, Corrade::Containers::EnumSet<Corrade::Utility::ConfigurationValueFlag, unsigned char, (unsigned char)255>)'`

can you help me to handle with it? Thank u!

Windows build: release overwrites debug files


I tried to find answer to this in the documantation, with no immediate success:

Im trying to build magnum library for use with VS2013 in release as well as in debug modes. It seems however that output files have same names, and overwrite each other on install. Additionaly, cmake modules don't care to differentiate between release/debug versions of binaries either.

This is however important, as release/debug modules are not compatible, for example, you can't link magnum's release binaries with corrade's debug ones(error LNK2038: mismatch detected for '_ITERATOR_DEBUG_LEVEL', error LNK2038: mismatch detected for 'RuntimeLibrary' is a direct result of such an attempt).

Exactly the same issue happens in custom programs that link to magnum: one can only build either debug or release, depending on what corrade/magnum configuration was recently built

Compilation of GL_TESTS fails with clang 3.2

Tested with clang 3.2.1 on Ubuntu 13.04:

[ 94%] Building CXX object src/Text/Test/CMakeFiles/TextRendererGLTest.dir/TextRendererGLTest.cpp.o
In file included from /home/lemaigna/src/magnum/src/Text/Test/TextRendererGLTest.cpp:26:
In file included from /home/lemaigna/src/magnum/src/Text/AbstractFont.h:36:
In file included from /home/lemaigna/src/magnum/src/Texture.h:31:
In file included from /home/lemaigna/src/magnum/src/AbstractTexture.h:33:
/home/lemaigna/src/magnum/src/Buffer.h:947:177: error: chosen constructor is explicit in copy-initialization
  ...== 0, "Buffer::data(): the buffer size is" << bufferSize << "bytes, which can't be expressed as array of types with size" << sizeof(T), {});
/usr/local/include/Corrade/Utility/Assert.h:101:20: note: expanded from macro 'CORRADE_ASSERT'
            return returnValue;                                             \
/home/lemaigna/src/magnum/src/Text/Test/TextRendererGLTest.cpp:174:54: note: in instantiation of function template specialization 'Magnum::Buffer::data<float>' requested here
    Containers::Array<Float> vertices =<Float>();
/usr/local/include/Corrade/Containers/Array.h:79:18: note: constructor declared here
        explicit Array() noexcept: _data(nullptr), _size(0) {}
In file included from /home/lemaigna/src/magnum/src/Text/Test/TextRendererGLTest.cpp:26:
In file included from /home/lemaigna/src/magnum/src/Text/AbstractFont.h:36:
In file included from /home/lemaigna/src/magnum/src/Texture.h:31:
In file included from /home/lemaigna/src/magnum/src/AbstractTexture.h:33:
/home/lemaigna/src/magnum/src/Buffer.h:947:177: error: chosen constructor is explicit in copy-initialization
  ...== 0, "Buffer::data(): the buffer size is" << bufferSize << "bytes, which can't be expressed as array of types with size" << sizeof(T), {});
/usr/local/include/Corrade/Utility/Assert.h:101:20: note: expanded from macro 'CORRADE_ASSERT'
            return returnValue;                                             \
/home/lemaigna/src/magnum/src/Text/Test/TextRendererGLTest.cpp:192:59: note: in instantiation of function template specialization 'Magnum::Buffer::data<unsigned char>'
      requested here
    Containers::Array<UnsignedByte> indices =<UnsignedByte>();
/usr/local/include/Corrade/Containers/Array.h:79:18: note: constructor declared here
        explicit Array() noexcept: _data(nullptr), _size(0) {}
2 errors generated.

Replacing GLUT with SDL2 as the default application toolkit

Currently all examples and bootstrap repository are using Platform::GlutApplication. Originally it was because GLUT was available on most platforms and SDL2 was still in development, but as SDL 2 is released for some time it would be good to use Platform::Sdl2Application everywhere instead, as it offers better features.


The (free)GLUT toolkit is already showing its limits -- poor configuration options, missing keyboard/mouse event handlers and the installation and usage is not ideal (the official FindGLUT.cmake routine sometimes complains about missing Xmu library or something, linking issues with MinGW etc.). Apart from the fact that the library is not evolving any further I also don't know about any support of EGL, OpenGL ES or e.g. Wayland.

The Emscripten toolchain supports (subset of) SDL2 out of the box and support for it could probably be done also for NaCl, so this would greatly simplify cross-platform development. I think Emscripten also supports GLUT, but implementing it in Magnum isn't worth it in my opinion.

System and distribution support

SDL 2.0.0 was released back in August 2013 and thus it should be already available for majority of Linux distributions (official packages for Windows and OS X are available since the release, so it's not an issue either). My only concern is Ubuntu 12.04 LTS, which is still widely used and currently is pretty much outdated. To use Magnum on it the user needs at least newer CMake (we need 2.8.8 and 12.04 has only 2.8.7) and for convenient usage upgrade also the compiler. As mentioned in #18, it would be probably wise to wait until the next LTS (14.04) is released and then do the switch.

I don't know, but if there is any trusted PPA containing SDL2 packages also for 12.04, then the switch could be done now without needing to wait for adoption of the next LTS.

Compilation fails due to missing 'glInvalidateFramebuffer' identifier

Compiled with clang 3.2 on Ubuntu 13.04.

Error message:

[  1%] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/MagnumObjects.dir/AbstractFramebuffer.cpp.o
magnum/src/AbstractFramebuffer.cpp:177:5: error: use of undeclared identifier 'glInvalidateFramebuffer'
    glInvalidateFramebuffer(GLenum(bindInternal()), count, attachments);

CMakeCache is here: (main options: BUILD_GL_TESTS=ON, WITH_SDL2APPLICATION=ON)

Dropping GCC 4.6 support from master

GCC 4.7 has nearly complete C++11 support with many useful features not present in 4.6. These features are already conditinally used for public API (surrounded with #ifndef CORRADE_GCC46_COMPATIBILITY), but using them also internally would greatly simplify the maintenance.

Offered features

  • Delegating constructors -- now they are emulated with various initialize() methods or, in Math namespace, with assignment operators. It is unsafe (nothing prevents us from calling initialize() twice), leads to code duplication, causes double initialization and hurts constexpr optimizations.
  • User-defined literals -- using them internally (mainly tests) would help readability. Also we can't use them in examples, thus it looks like they aren't present at all.
  • Template aliases -- apart from cleaner internals (e.g. using BasicAnimable3D<T> instead of Animable<3, T>) it would shorten type traits a lot. C++14 introduces aliases for many STL type traits, so if we would inspire with that and write VectorTypeFor<dimensions, T> instead of typename DimensionTraits<dimensions, T>::VectorType everywhere, it would lighten up many dark corners.
  • Override and final are already used, but having #define override for GCC 4.6 is too fragile and I don't want this type of workaround in master.
  • Non-static data member initializers would help with code deduplication in constructor initializer lists.
  • Using std::underlying_type for "downcasts" of strongly-typed enums instead of explicitly mentioning the type every time we need to convert it to GL* type. Also this will simplify usage of Corrade::Containers::EnumSet class.
  • Using both const and constexpr for variables (forward compatibility with C++14).
  • More complete STL API, e.g. std::unordered_map::emplace().
  • Ability to use -std=c++11 instead of -std=c++0x.

Compatibility branch

Support for GCC 4.6 would be moved to compatibility branch to live there with 4.4 and 4.5 compatibility workarounds. These are maintained mainly for Google Chrome Native Client toolchain.

Other compilers

It's awesome that all these features are already supported in Clang 3.1, so we can stay with current Clang requirements. Visual Studio 2013 needs compatibility branch anyway.

Platform support

Goal is to not force users on important platforms to develop from compatibility branch. Doing development on it is less convenient, it gets less frequent updates and is generally not advisable, as the workarounds there might cause subtle issues when compiling the code on master branch.

Windows, OSX

MinGW has 4.7 since a long time, OSX users are using Clang exclusively.

Linux distributions

The only distribution I know of which still has GCC 4.6 is Ubuntu 12.04 LTS. Is there any other distro I forgot? Next LTS will be 14.04 which is still some time ahead, would it be worth it to keep the compatibility until 14.04 is released and at least partially adopted (Q2 2014)?


GCC 4.8 is supported since NDK r9, 4.7 since r8d (which was then dropped in r9c) and 4.6 since r8b (until r8b there was only 4.4). Clang is supported since r8c. Thus the minimal supported version would be r8d (because even with Clang we need at least libstdc++ from GCC 4.7), need to make sure that all older Androids down to 2.3 are supported by r8c.


The x86 toolchain still uses 4.4 (and thus needs compatibility branch anyway), the PNaCl uses Clang and ARM toolchain uses 4.7.


Even that the library doesn't yet support it, we need to check things to not make the later port too inconvenient by requiring compatibility branch. The showstopper would be if the toolchain uses libstdc++ from GCC 4.6, but I think they are on Clang and libc++.

Link Error

Hi, when i use the newest version mangnum and corrade, I got a link error, the error message is below:

/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/4.9.0/../../../../lib/ undefined reference to Corrade::Utility::Implementation::BasicConfigurationValue::toString(int const&, Corrade::Containers::EnumSet<Corrade::Utility::ConfigurationValueFlag, unsigned char, (unsigned char)255>)'`.

can you help me to handle with it? Thank u!

Shaders::MeshVisualizer fails to compile on ANGLE

As reported in mosra/kotel#1, the ANGLE GLSL-to-HLSL converter fails to compile the shader because of non-constant vector component indexing in src/Magnum/Shaders/MeshVisualizer.vert:

AbstractShaderProgram::link(): linking failed with the following message: 
(26,2-71): error X3500: array reference cannot be used as an l-value; not natively addressable 
Warning: D3D shader compilation failed with default flags. 
Failed to create D3D shaders. 
Assertion link() failed in ../src/Magnum/Shaders/MeshVisualizer.cpp on line 107 

The offending line is:

barycentric[int(mod(vertexIndex, 3.0))] = 1.0;

GLSL ES 1.0 specification allows this (section 5.5), so it should be supported in ANGLE too:

Array subscripting syntax can also be applied to vectors to provide numeric indexing. So in

vec4 pos;

pos[2] refers to the third element of pos and is equivalent to pos.z. This allows variable indexing into a vector, as well as a generic way of accessing components. Any integer expression can be used as the subscript. The first component is at index zero. Reading from or writing to a vector using a constant integral expression with a value that is negative or greater than or equal to the size of the vector is illegal. When indexing with non-constant expressions, behavior is undefined if the index is negative or greater than or equal to the size of the vector.

Proposed solution is to work around this using ugly branch, but that might harm performance elsewhere.

int i = int(mod(vertexIndex, 3.0));
     if(i == 0) barycentric.x = 1.0;
else if(i == 1) barycentric.y = 1.0;
else            barycentric.z = 1.0;

Better (and future proof) solution would be to implement some ANGLE autodetection and enable this only if we might be running on ANGLE. Sadly there doesn't seem to be any easy way to do it.

Ability to reset internal state tracker

Currently the internal GL state tracker expects that only Magnum and nothing else makes GL calls. This will break when:

  • some other library (GUI toolkit, etc.) operates on the same context
  • when the state is somehow not preserved between frames (Ogre3D had similar issues on Android?)
  • or simply when some app is in the process of being ported from pure GL calls to Magnum (sometimes you just can't port everything at once)

Also the engine won't be ever completely bug-free and sometimes the state tracker might be wrong (last time in f0df35a). This function might then help when trying to debug rendering issues. Hopefully it won't evolve into some fixAllStuff() function which would be preventively called each 5 lines :-)

There are two options, either reset the tracker to real GL state (i.e. a lot of glGet(*_BINDING) calls) or reset the tracker to "disengaged" state. The latter would be better, but we need to ensure that all disengaged states are not valid and will be later replaced with proper values. The engine tracks the following:

  • Global limits -- each limit has some minimal required value, thus the disengaged state is in most cases simply 0. Also this state is immutable, so there is no need to reset it.
  • Bindings -- the GL spec doesn't specify the allowed range of values, thus virtually any value can be valid binding. Just try to use ~0u as disengaged state and assert that no object with such ID will be ever bound? Or be really paranoid and use std::optional instead?
  • Renderer state (current viewport etc., planned to be expanded later with all stuff from Renderer and more) -- std::optional is the only option, as in many cases (e.g. colors) all possible values are valid.

Also now all binding points are initialized to 0 because that's the initial state after context creation. Probably will be wise to initialize them to disengaged value instead to avoid random bugs. This might however cause issues on drivers not supporting ARB_framebuffer_object, as the engine would call glBindFramebuffer(0) when the default framebuffer is accessed for the first time.

OS X 10.7.5 - ogl_LoadFunctions() fails when creating a 3.2 context with SDL 2

When creating a OpenGL 3.2 context, on OS X 10.7.5 with SDL 2.0 (the framework binary, which is downloadable from the website), with the following code (ignore the logs, they are just used for debugging purposes):

LOG(INFO) << "Setting OpenGL context settings";

/* Require an OpenGL 3.2 context */

/* Enable double buffering and 24bt depth buffer */
SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_DEPTH_SIZE, 24);

/* Multisampling */
SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_MULTISAMPLEBUFFERS, _config.sampleCount > 1 ? 1 : 0);
SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_MULTISAMPLESAMPLES, _config.sampleCount);

// Create the Window
LOG(INFO) << "Creating Window...";

_window = SDL_CreateWindow(_windowSettings.title.c_str(),
                               (_config.windowWidth == Config::DEFAULT_WIDTH ? _windowSettings.defaultWidth : _config.windowWidth),
                               (_config.windowHeight == Config::DEFAULT_HEIGHT ? _windowSettings.defaultHeight : _config.windowHeight),
                               _windowSettings.flags | SDL_WINDOW_OPENGL);

    LOG(FATAL) << "Failed to create Window!";
    LOG(FATAL) << "Reason:" << SDL_GetError();
LOG(INFO) << "Successfully created Window";

// Create our context
LOG(INFO) << "Creating OpenGL Context";
_context = SDL_GL_CreateContext(_window);
    LOG(FATAL) << "Failed to create OpenGL context";
    LOG(FATAL) << "Reason: " << SDL_GetError();


LOG(INFO) << "Successfully created OpenGL Context";

LOG(INFO) << "Creating Magnum Context!\n";

_magnumContext.reset(new Magnum::Context); // make a magnum context

LOG(INFO) << "Successfully created Magnum Context!\n";

// log graphics information

It fails due to creating a Magnum context, as ogl_LoadFunctions is called in the constructor of Context. The error is during run-time and only occurs when I have SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_CONTEXT_PROFILE_MASK, SDL_GL_CONTEXT_PROFILE_CORE); in the code. Without SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_CONTEXT_PROFILE_MASK, SDL_GL_CONTEXT_PROFILE_CORE);, SDL2 does not create a 3.2 context (it will default to 2.1, in which case I can't use the in-built shaders). The runtime error received is: EXC_BAD_ACCESS in ogl_LoadFunctions() on line 2702 of gl_magnum.c.

AbstractObject.h is missing from install target?

Hi there,

I'm using makefiles and when I try to use the install target it looks like it's missing the AbstractObject.h header file when it's deploying itself.
When compiling an example it says:
/x/x/x/libs/include/Magnum/Buffer.h:38:28: fatal error: AbstractObject.h: No such file or directory
If I manually postprocess and copy the file it resolves the problem.
Looks like the header file is not listed here:

I can make a pull request if you can confirm the problem.


Cmake Xcode generated project fails to build using most recent cmake

The reason why I would like to build using xcode is so I can hack the source from within the editor. I can get it to build via the instructions just fine but I would like have nicer debug tools available.
Using an out of source build
cmake version 2.8.12
Apple LLVM version 5.0 (clang-500.2.79) (based on LLVM 3.3svn)
Target: x86_64-apple-darwin13.0.0
Thread model: posix


sudo rm -rf build
mkdir build
cd build
cmake .. -G Xcode

-- The C compiler identification is Clang 5.0.0
-- The CXX compiler identification is Clang 5.0.0
-- Check for working C compiler using: Xcode
-- Check for working C compiler using: Xcode -- works
-- Detecting C compiler ABI info
-- Detecting C compiler ABI info - done
-- Check for working CXX compiler using: Xcode
-- Check for working CXX compiler using: Xcode -- works
-- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info
-- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info - done
-- Found Corrade: /usr/lib/libCorradeUtility.dylib
-- Found OpenGL: /Applications/
-- LIB_SUFFIX variable is not defined. It will be autodetected now.
-- You can set it manually with -DLIB_SUFFIX= (64 for example)
-- LIB_SUFFIX autodetected as '', libraries will be installed into /usr/lib
-- Found SDL2: /Library/Frameworks/SDL2.framework
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
cd build
xcodebuild -version
Xcode 5.0.2
Build version 5A3005
sudo xcodebuild -target install build
The lengthy log here.
/// ends here
The following build commands failed:
Ld build/src/MeshTools/Debug/libMagnumMeshTools.dylib normal x86_64
The I am not sure why this is an issue anyone have a clue?

Build files do not include GLEW

When trying to build the library with GCC 4.6+ on MinGW get the error that OpenGL.h cannot find GL/glew.h

Quick fix is to replace the following segment in Magnum/src/CMakeLists.txt;


We can use both implicit include path (GLES2/gl2.h) where our headers can

be overriden with system ones or explicit (OpenGL/GLES2/gl2ext.h) where

only our headers will be used



Flat2D Shader - Alpha (transparency) Support?

Is the Flat2D shader supposed to have transparency support? It seems that it doesn't on my machine, and I'm not sure if it's supposed to or not. Either way it would be lovely to have alpha support without having to create another shader.

Evidence of no alpha support:

screen shot 2013-12-12 at 12 41 19 pm

Running Mac OS X 10.9.


Apple LLVM version 5.0 (clang-500.2.79) (based on LLVM 3.3svn)
Target: x86_64-apple-darwin13.0.0
Thread model: posix

OpenGL context information:

Vender: Intel Inc.
Renderer: Intel HD Graphics 3000 OpenGL Engine
Version: 3.3 INTEL-8.18.27

Low level SIMD support in Math namespace

Provide low-level (i.e. compile-time decision) SIMD support for whole Math namespace. Because these classes are mostly PODs and the functions are pure and inlined at most places, I think it wouldn't be good to introduce some runtime CPU detection and code switching for each little function. This can be done in depending libraries, having each library compiled in more versions and dynamically load the most appropriate one after CPU capabilities are detected, but that's another thing.

The idea is to have basically this file structure:


Every class which is currently in Math namespace will move the current scalar implementation of vectorizable functions into Math/Simd/Scalar.h. When some function can be vectorized using instruction set Xyz, its specialization will be implemented in Math/Simd/Xyz.h. If any more advanced instruction set Abc provides better implementation, it implements its own version of the function in its Math/Simd/Abc.h, effectively overriding the one from Xyz.

Each header in Math/Simd/ must provide implementation for all functions. If the function cannot be vectorized using given instruction set, the file includes header of inferior instruction set (which must also be available on given platform), which might provide the implementation, this way all down to Math/Simd/Scalar.h in tree-like hierarchy.

The build system then includes proper header from Math/Simd into original Math/*.h files based on the configuration.

Issues to think about:

  • Writing template specialization for e.g. four-component float vector and having the generic implementation for the rest is easy, but how to override already specialized function? Use "include guards" similar to the ones in glext.h files?
  • Different SIMD intrinsics in different compilers? Are they too different or can it be all-in-one with some macro voodoo?

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