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Personal finance tracking tool for Android.

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Version 2, June 1991

Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc., <>
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financius's Issues

Financius as a group expense manager

It would be very useful to be able to use Financius to track group expenses, i.e. an event enjoyed by several people who share the costs, like a picnic or a party.

financius group 1

Here's a Groups screen showing two different groups. In one of them you're owed money by the other participants, in the other you owe it.

financius group 2

Here's the details screen of a group. It shows your unsettled debts with other participants and lets you create transactions to settle them. It also lets you see debts between the other participants, but those are hidden by default.

It also shows you a list of the group's expenses, which are important because they're what cause debts between participants.

financius group 3

When you add an expense to the group, you can specify which participant (or participants) paid for it (using the From field), and who enjoyed it (using the To field). If a participant pays for an expense and the others enjoy it, they will owe him money and that will show in the group's Balance card.

financius group editor

When you want to create a group you have to specify its name, its participants and the category it belongs to. You can also add a note or description for it.

Merge Transactions and Reports into a History screen

In Financius, both the Transactions screen and the Categories report are used to check your expenses during a certain period of time. Therefore, I think it would make sense to merge them into a single History screen:

financius history

Each period (be it monthly, yearly or of any other type) has a card, which shows a category pie chart by default, but can be expanded in order to also show a chronological list of transactions created during that period.

Additionally, the Transactions and Categories reports cards in the Overview should also be combined into a single Summary card, as seen here:

financius overview

Automatic backup

It will be very useful having automatic backup on google drive, every hour/day/week/month

Automatic backups

Set up periodic backup to Google Drive or to file.

Original comment:
It's great that Financius lets you sync your data on the cloud, but having to do it manually means that you can forget to do it and lose valuable data.

To prevent this, I think that your data should be synced automatically as soon as a new transaction is created. Additionally, to make the user more aware of these online capabilities, the Backup setting should be moved to the overflow menu, maybe also renamed to "Sign In" or "Sync".

Category Color Chooser

Honestly, the color chooser is too limited. It would be great if you change it to allow more colors or selecting custom colors.


Ability to filter out information in certain screens by everything :)


Budgets feature is almost done. The UI probably will be different from the original comment below.

It would be nice to be able to set a budget in Financius, either general or category-specific, and have the app tell you how well you're doing.

The general budget can be set through the Balance screen, just like this:

financius budget 1

In order to set a budget, first you have to enter an amount and then use the dropbox to choose between "euros" and "% of total income". For example, your budget could be "700 euros" or it could be "70% of your total income".

Category-specific budgets can be set in the category editor, like this:

financius budget 2

It would be basically the same as before, but in addition to "euros" and "% of total income" there would be a third option, "% of total expense". That should warn you if you start to spend too much money on a certain category at the start of the month.

You could see a category's budget in its details screen:

financius budget 3

And the Summary card of the Overview can also tell you how well you're doing, depending on factors such as what your budget is, how much you've spent and what day of the month it is.

Recurring transactions

Ability to specify information for a transaction that will be created automatically. All fields should be optional

New transaction in "Safe mode"

Ability to add transaction i safe mode. For example, when presented with lock screen, user should still be able to add new transaction. This will also be useful for widget

Safe mode should not display any sensitive information (balances)

Financius as a bill reminder

In issue #4, a user asks for recurrent transactions. If these are implemented, Financius could be used as a bill reminder.

First, there could be an Upcoming section that shows monthly lists of recurrent transactions, such as these:

financius repeat 2

Here each card shows a month, complete with its expected balance.

When the day comes to pay a bill, Financius can act as a reminder. Due bills can appear as a card on the Overview, or even warn the user through a notification.

financius repeat 3

That card would have two buttons, one to delay the notification (in case you haven't paid it yet and don't want to be reminded yet) and the other to confirm the transaction.

For variable bills (those that can change from one month to the next) it would be useful to allow the user to leave the Amount field empty, so that he can fill it later when he confirms the transaction.

Advance payments

I often use not-confirmed transactions as reminders. It would be cool if i could set part of the transaction confirmed to remind the advance payments.

Same editor for categories and subcategories

I think that using Financius would be simpler to use if both categories and subcategories had the same editor:

financius category editor

If you fill the category name but leave the subcategory name empty, you're creating a category. If you edit the subcategory and change the category name, you're changing what category that subcategory belongs to (ideally, the "Category name" field should let you autocomplete from existing categories).

That aside, it could be useful to give categories some of the traits of accounts, e.g. letting you choose whether or not you want them to show in the totals and in the autocomplete, and letting you add a note to them.

About page that lists all contributors to the project

About the app itself. Maybe list features that are coming soon as well. Link to community on Google+ and to Github

Also should list all contributors to the project. With links to Google+ profile.
Probably should contain 3 sections: Developers, Designers, Translators

Possibility to edit category names

It is missing functionality for me.
To be able to edit main categories and subcategories.
What we will do if we mistaken the name and already save it.

The show transaction change transaction on edit date

I explain with example:

I have two transactions one at date 19 and other at date 18 in same month.
I go in list of transactions and click on transaction of date 19, now I'm in show of transaction, click on edit, I change the date from 19 to 17 and save. After save return automatically in show but the the show view is refreshed and changed for other transaction, the transaction of date 18.

New Accounts and Account details screens

The Accounts screen could benefit from some of the changes suggested in other issues. First off, here's a redesign with a card interface:

financius account 1

The actionbar is used to show the total balance, and each card has one button to add an income to it, and another to add an expense.

When you click an account, you can see another screen with its details and history cards, as described on issue #13.

financius account 2

Use From / To fields in the editor

The current transaction editor changes depending on what type of transaction you want to create (income, expense or transfer). If the app ever supports lendings, borrowings and group expenses, it would be very hard (and confusing to the user) to also use different editors for each of them.

Therefore, I think it would be very helpful to use a single editor for every type of transaction. That can be done by using From / To fields:

financius editor 1

It's actually very simple; From specifies where the money comes from, and To specifies where it goes.

From = income category, To = account → the transaction is an income.
From = account, To = expense category → the transaction is an expense.
From = account, To = account → the transaction is a transfer.
From = contact, To = account → the transaction is a borrowing.
From = account, To = contact → the transaction is a lending.

Group expenses are admittedly more complex, but can also be attained:

From = account + contact + another contact → it means that you and other two people paid equally for the expense.
To = category + contact + another contact → it means that you and two other people enjoyed the expense equally.

Show balance card last, allow the user to hide it from the Overview

Among all the potential cards shown in the Overview (Summary of the month, Lendings, Due transactions and so on) Balance in the most static one (meaning, it won't probably change a lot from one month to the next) and the one that could give the most sensible information to someone peeking over your shoulder while you open the app to create a transaction.

Therefore, I think it should be moved to the bottom and there should be an option to entirely hide it from the overview. Would that be OK?

Global search

I would like to have a global search that can be reached from anywhere in the app and used to quickly access any income category, expense category, account, contact or transaction in the database:

financius filter

Category search is broken

For example, I have a category "Phone".
If I search "p", it finds Phone.
If I search "ph", it doesn't.
If I search "hone", it finds Phone as well.
So it looks like there is some problem with the first letter. It doesn't depend if the letter is uppercase or lowercase.

Shared accounts

It would be extremely useful to have shared accounts, so that the transactions you create on those accounts are seen by the other managers and the transactions they create are seen by you.

financius account editor 1

When you share an account with someone else, in order to respect each other's privacy, transactions made by other people only show who made them and what amount it involved:

financius shared account

Financius as a lending manager

It would be useful to be able to use Financius to track your lendings with other people:

financius lendings 1

Here's the lendings list, showing you that two contacts have unsettled debts with you. One owes you money, the other is owed.

financius lendings 2

This is the details screen for a particular contact, complete with your history with that contact. That history includes both direct lendings and debts caused by group expenses.

financius lendings 3

If you press Lend, Borrow or Settle debt, a new transaction is created between you and the contact: If you press Lend the contact's name autofills the To field, and if you press Borrow it autofills From. If you press Settle debt, however, the name of the person who is owed fills the To field, and the money owed fills the Amount field.

In addition to money lendings, this system can be used for item lendings. If you fill the Concept field but leave Amount empty, the app considers that you have lent an item (e.g. a book or a DVD).

Autofill relevant fields in the transaction editor

In order to save the user some time and to make the editor a bit less intimidating, the editor should try to autofill as many fields as possible depending on what operation opened it. Here are some example mockups:

financius editor 1

This is the basic editor, that would open when you press "Create transaction" from the Overview. Since Financius doesn't know what kind of operation you want to create, all the fields are empty.

financius editor 2

If you press "Repeat" from a transaction's details screen, however, the editor autofills all the fields based on their previous value for that transaction. That way the user only has to correct whatever has changed, and press "Done".

financius editor 3

If you press "Expense" or "Income" from an Account screen, the editor autofills the relevant field with that account. If you create an expense it's added to the "From" field, and if you add an income it's added to "To".

financius editor 4

If you're on the details screen of an expense category and press "Create expense", the expense's name is added automatically to the "To" field. If you're on the details screen of an income category and press "Create income", it's added to the "From" field.

financius editor 5

If you press "Lend" from a Contact screen, the contact's name is added to the "To" field. But if you press "Borrow", it's added to "From".

financius editor 6

If you press "Create expense" from a Group screen, the group's name is added to the "Concept" field, and its category and the participants' names are added to the "To" field.

Even if you open an editor with empty fields, filling some fields should autofill others. For example, if you start filling the "Concept" field and you select a group's name, all its participants should be added to "To".

And if you select a previous transaction's name, all the remaining fields should be autofilled to match their values the last time you created that transaction.

New UI for Categories list

The Categories screen would probably benefit from having tabs (in order to separate incomes from expenses) and a card interface, as shown here:

financius category 1

As for the Category details screen, here's an interface proposal for it:

financius category 2

The different tabs separate all its subcategories, and the screen has a details card plus history cards similar to those described on issue #13.

Wish list

Save up for items you want to buy

Balance Graph

Hello I would like to suggest the possibility to modify the balance graph "overview page" to includes also the total of income trasaction and not only the cost.

Transaction templates

Predefined quickly accessible templates for transactions


In order to make creating transactions as quick and easy as possible, the editor should autocomplete certain fields based on the data it already has. Here are some mockups showing what I mean:

financius editor 7

First, when you start filling the Concept field, a dropdown should offer you to autocomplete from your groups and from the concept field of previous transactions.

If you choose a group, the "To" field should autofill (as seen in issue #5) with the group's category and participants.

If you choose a concept, all the fields should autofill with that concept's previous values.

financius editor 8

Second, when you start filling the From field, you should be able to autocomplete from your income categories, accounts and contacts.

financius editor 9

Third, when you start filling the To field, you should be able to autocomplete from your expense categories, accounts and contacts.

Show related transactions in the same screen

When you click a transaction on a transaction list, there's no real point in opening it on a separate screen because all its relevant data is already shown in the list.

But it could be useful to open a screen showing you all the different stances where that transaction happened, such as all the times where you refilled your gas tank or paid your phone bill. Here's a mockup showing it:

financius transaction 1

Each of those instances would have one button to repeat it (which would create a new one and autofill all the fields with the relevant information) and another to revert it (which would do the same, but invert the From and To fields) in case you want to (e.g.) return an item you bought.

financius transaction 2

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