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react-native-pop's Introduction

React Native Pop

10 Material design popup components for react native.


  • Pure JS, lightweight, works on Android, iOS and Web
  • Implements material design arc motion and elevation thanks to react-native-elevation
  • Full theming option supporting react-native paper and react-native-theme-system
  • Ability to scale to different screen density and size thanks to react-native-scaling
  • Lots of customization including creation of custom dialogs
  • Both component based and method based usage available

Demo Image

(This demo uses scale of 1.15 on this iPhone 11. Also uses my react-native-advanced-ripple and react-native-theme-system modules. Details are below.)


npm install react-native-pop


import { Component } from 'react'
import { View, ScrollView } from 'react-native'

import Popup from 'react-native-pop'

class App extends Component {
	showSomething() {
		// can be used like this too, without creating child popup components
	render() {
		return (
						{ ... }
					<Popup.Query title="Hey!" message="Hello world!" />

export default App


Child popup components are stateless and uses react context to interact with parent <Popup/> component. All of the child popup components must be child of <Popup/> component to work.

Component: Popup.Menu

A popup that alerts user with a message. Its props and default values are -

begin={} a {x,y,width,height} object that presents a rectangular area to start animation

items an array of items that represent a list item, this is overriden by children prop when provided

let items = [
	// [label, callback, disabled],
	['Item One', ()=>{}],
	['Item Two', ()=>{}, true],// disabled
	'---',// separator
	['Item Three', ()=>{}, false]

children component contents

style style properties

Component: Popup.MenuItem

An individual item in a <Popup.Menu/>. Its props and default values are -

children component text contents

onPress press callback

disabled when true, component is disabled

Component: Popup.MenuDivider

A divider in a <Popup.Menu/>. Its props and default values are -

style style properties

Component: Popup.List

A popup that presents a list of options one of which can be selected. Its props and default values are -

items an array of items that represent a list item, this is overriden by children prop when provided

let items = [
	// [label, callback, disabled],
	['Item One', ()=>{}],
	['Item Two', ()=>{}, true],// disabled
	'---',// separator
	['Item Three', ()=>{}, false]

children component contents

style style properties

Component: Popup.ListItem

An individual item in a <Popup.List/>. Its props and default values are -

children component text contents

onPress press callback

disabled when true, component is disabled

style style properties

Component: Popup.ListDivider

A divider in a <Popup.List/>. Its props and default values are -

style style properties

Component: Popup.Alert

A popup that alerts user with a message. Its props and default values are -

title popup component title

message message of the component

label label of the action

callback callback function for action

style style properties

Component: Popup.Query

A popup that presents user with a query and two actions. Its props and default values are -

title popup component title

message message of the component

primaryLabel label of the primary action

primaryAction callback function for primary action

secondaryLabel label of the primary action

secondaryAction callback function for secondary action

style style properties

Component: Popup.Dialog

A popup only contains a custom component for popup. Its props and default values are -

children component contents

style style properties

Component: Popup.Snackbar

A popup that appears at the bottom with message and action. Its props and default values are -

message message of the component

secondLine second line of message of the component

label label of the component action button

action callback function for action button

timeOut=4000 time to wait before autohide. value 0 means autohide disabled

style style properties

Component: Popup.Sheet

A rectangular sheet that popup from bottom. Its props and default values are -

title popup component title

children component contents

style style properties

Component: Popup.Toast

A popup that presents user with a short message and disappears. Its props and default values are -

children component text contents

gravity='b' position of the component. possible values b (bottom), t (top), c (center)

style style properties

Component: Popup.Bubble

A popup that starts from a round target, expands and morphs into a custom popup. Its props and default values are -

begin={} a {x,y,width,height} object that presents a rectangular area to start animation

end={} a {x,y,width,height} object that presents a rectangular area to end animation at

focus={} a {x,y,width,height} object that presents a rectangular area relative to child component to keep focus on until bubble expands

children component contents

style style properties

Component: Popup.Tooltip

Shows a tiny tip for a tool or UI element. Its props and default values are -

begin={} a {x,y,width,height} object that presents a rectangular area to start animation

children component text contents

anchor='bc' position of the component. possible values bc (bottom-center), bl (bottom-left), br (bottom-right), tc (top-center), tl (top-left), tr (top-right), cl (center-left), cr (center-right)

gap=8 gap from begin rectangle towards anchor

style style properties

Component: Popup.Action

A button that calls a function and automatically dismisses the popup. Its props and default values are -

children component text contents

onPress press callback

style style properties

textStyle text label style properties

Component: Popup

A parent component that contains all popup components that appears on the UI. All of the popup components must be child of this component to work. This can contain only one child popup component at a time. Popup props and default values are -

global: false when true, this instance of the component is used as global popup component. Global component has very useful implementation benifits, like creating popups by calling static methods of the class. There can only be one global popup in the app component tree. Should be used like -

const App = () => (
		<NavigatorOrScreen style={{elevation:0}}/>
		<Popup global={true} />

duration: 250 animation duration for appearing. this value is multiplied with strech prop when appearing and further 0.8 is multiplied with them when disappearing

offsetTop: 0 popup offset from top. one use case is when statusbar is hidden or translucent

onDismiss: () => {} a function that is called when popup disappears

backdropColor: null a string color value or null for no color

backdropDismiss: true to dismiss popup when backdrop is tapped

strech: 1 strech the popup appear duration by multiplying this value

autohide: 0 auto dismiss the popup after this ms time. value 0 disables autohide

hovering: false when true, popup appears without backdrop anchored to top and content behind is interactive

floating: false when true, popup appears without backdrop anchored to bottom and content behind is interactive

reverse: true when true, reverses the animation when popup disappears

elevate: true when true, uses elevation animation

scaling: true when true, uses animated scale transformation

fade: true when true, uses opacity animation

theme: null a theme object that is managed outside of popup with following structure (you might want to use react-native-theme-system for this) -

	colors: {
		primary: '#00ffff',// - primary color for your app, usually your brand color.
		accent: '#00cccc',// - secondary color for your app which complements the primary color.
		background: '#ffffff',// - background color for pages, such as lists.
		surface: '#ffffff',// - background color for elements containing content, such as cards.
		text: '#000000',// - text color for content.
		error: '#b00020',// - error.
		notification: "#f50057",// - notification.
		backdrop: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.50)',// - color for backdrops of various components such as modals.
		disabled: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.26)',// - color for disabled elements.
		placeholder: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.54)',// - color for placeholder text, such as input placeholder.
		onBackground: '#000000',
		onSurface: '#000000',
	dark: false,// (boolean): whether this is a dark theme or light theme.
	fonts: {
		light: "Roboto-Light, Roboto, \"Helvetica Neue\", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif",
		medium: "Roboto-Medium, Roboto, \"Helvetica Neue\", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif",
		regular: "Roboto, \"Helvetica Neue\", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif",
		thin: "Roboto-Thin, Roboto, \"Helvetica Neue\", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif",
	roundness: 4,// (number): roundness of common elements, such as buttons.

Static properties

global a reference to the global popup, if any

event an object with following event-wrapper functions { menu(), bubble(), tooltip() } for global popup

Static methods

makeAlert(title,message,label,callback,style) creates a <Popup.Alert/> with provided options and returns it

makeTooltip(begin={},children,anchor='bc',gap=8,style) creates a <Popup.Tooltip/> with provided options and returns it

makeMenu(begin={},items,children,style) creates a <Popup.Menu/> with provided options and returns it

makeList(items,children,style) creates a <Popup.List/> with provided options and returns it

makeQuery(title,message,primaryLabel,primaryAction,secondaryLabe creates a <Popup.Query/> with provided options and returns it

makeDialog(children,style) creates a <Popup.Dialog/> with provided options and returns it

makeBubble(begin={},end={},focus={},children,style) creates a <Popup.Bubble/> with provided options and returns it

makeSnackbar(message,secondLine,label,action,timeOut=4000,style) creates a <Popup.Snackbar/> with provided options and returns it

makeToast(children,gravity='b',style) creates a <Popup.Toast/> with provided options and returns it

makeSheet(title,children,style) creates a <Popup.Sheet/> with provided options and returns it

showAlert(title,message,label,callback,style) creates a <Popup.Alert/> with provided options and appends to the global popup

showTooltip(begin={},children,anchor='bc',gap=8,style) creates a <Popup.Tooltip/> with provided options and appends to the global popup

showMenu(begin={},items,children,style) creates a <Popup.Menu/> with provided options and appends to the global popup

showList(items,children,style) creates a <Popup.List/> with provided options and appends to the global popup

showQuery(title,message,primaryLabel,primaryAction,secondaryLabe creates a <Popup.Query/> with provided options and appends to the global popup

showDialog(children,style) creates a <Popup.Dialog/> with provided options and appends to the global popup

showBubble(begin={},end={},focus={},children,style) creates a <Popup.Bubble/> with provided options and appends to the global popup

showSnackbar(message,secondLine,label,action,timeOut=4000,style) creates a <Popup.Snackbar/> with provided options and appends to the global popup

showToast(children,gravity='b',style) creates a <Popup.Toast/> with provided options and appends to the global popup

showSheet(title,children,style) creates a <Popup.Sheet/> with provided options and appends to the global popup

push(children, config) appends children to the global popup with temporary config that override props

config(opts) sets configurations for all popup instances. opts is an object with one or more of the following keys with values.

  • theme an object of theme for the all popup and children, this is overriden by theme prop set on a specific <Popup/>

  • scale a number that used for scaling the popup components using react-native-scaling

  • button an object for creating buttons used within the components. This has structure of { component, deriveProps, deriveTouchableStyles } used like this-

     <component {...deriveProps(popup)}>
     	<View style={deriveTouchableStyles(popup)}>{...}</View>

    example: { component:TouchableOpacity, deriveProps:()=>({}), deriveTouchableStyles:()=>({}) }

    example using react-native-advanced-ripple:

     	component: Ripple,
     	deriveProps: () => ({ highlight:true, containerStyle: { borderRadius:4, marginLeft:8, overflow:'hidden' }}),
     	deriveTouchableStyles: () => ({marginLeft:0})
  • press an object for creating press items like in lists used within the components. This has structure of { component, deriveProps, deriveTouchableStyles } used like this-

     <component {...deriveProps(popup)}>
     	<View style={deriveTouchableStyles(popup)}>{...}</View>

    example: { component:TouchableOpacity, deriveProps:()=>({}), deriveTouchableStyles:()=>({}) }

    example using react-native-advanced-ripple:

     	component: Ripple,
     	deriveProps: () => ({ highlight:true, containerStyle: {overflow:'hidden'} }),
     	deriveTouchableStyles: () => ({})

Instance methods

append(children, config) appends children to the popup with temporary config that override props

dismiss(callback) makes thepopup disappear and then calls the callback function

eventTooltip(cfg,children,anchor,gap) this returns a function, when it is called it creates a <Popup.Tooltip/> with provided options and appends to the <Popup/> and the begin prop is passed automatically. use like <SomeButton onPress={popup.eventTooltip(...)}/>

eventMenu(cfg,items,style) this returns a function, when it is called it creates a <Popup.Menu/> with provided options and appends to the <Popup/> and the begin prop is passed automatically. use like <SomeButton onPress={popup.eventMenu(...)}/>

eventBubble(cfg,end,focus,children,style) this returns a function, when it is called it creates a <Popup.Bubble/> with provided options and appends to the <Popup/> and the begin prop is passed automatically. use like <SomeButton onPress={popup.eventBubble(...)}/>


The MIT License (MIT)

Copyright (c) 2020 Md. Naeemur Rahman (

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.


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