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ambienttalk's Issues

Tagging of mirages does not work

What steps will reproduce the problem?
Evaluate the following script:

deftype T;
def o := object: { nil } taggedAs: [ T ] mirroredBy: { | base | extend: 
defaultMirror with: { nil } };
is: o taggedAs: T; 

What is the expected output? What do you see instead?
output should be true, but instead it is false. tagsOf: o also returns an empty 

Original issue reported on by [email protected] on 20 Mar 2010 at 4:19

(In)equality tests malfunction on numeric values

What steps will reproduce the problem?
1. Compare a numeric value to a non-numeric value (e.g. 5 != nil)

What is the expected output? What do you see instead?
Expected output is <true>, while in the example, nil is implicitly coerced to a 
numeric value (to 
match the ATNumeric argument type expected by the equality and inequality tests 
in the 
ATNumeric interface). Subsequently, a selector not found exception is thrown 
since nil does not 
implement the necessary methods used in the double dispatch to compare numbers.

Please use labels and text to provide additional information.
A fix for this problem has been made in the reactive branch, rev. 1418

Original issue reported on by [email protected] on 22 Nov 2008 at 8:45

Coroutines / awaiting futures by 'blocking'

Proposal to allow an actor to block on a future, but in an event-driven way 
(i.e. blocking as in 
suspending while not blocking the main actor event loop).

I would like to be able to implement a construct:
{{{def val := await: future}}}
That can be used to block on the value of a future without disrupting control 
flow (i.e. without 
requiring the use of {{{when}}}. Unlike the typical {{{touch}}} operation on 
classical futures, the 
{{{await}}} operation does not block the actor's entire event loop. The actor 
simply continues 
processing other messages until it encounters a message that 'wakes up' the 
(coroutine) that is awaiting the future.

The reason why I want a construct like this is that it allows code to hide 
asynchrony. Asynchrony 
no longer has to leak through to the caller. This is useful for software 
evolution purposes.

This construct could be implemented if we extend AmbientTalk with coroutines: 
lightweight co-
operative threads. It does not introduce data races because of the cooperative 
scheduling: no two 
coroutines can ever be active within the same actor.

Implementing real lightweight coroutines in the interpreter is tricky because 
it requires an 
explicit reification of the runtime AmbientTalk stack, which we don't have. It 
is possible to 
implement heavyweight coroutines, however, by suspending threads:
  - coroutine yield = suspending the current thread & spawning a new thread
  - later, a coroutine can be re-activated by resuming the suspended thread

This leads to a model with one JVM thread / coroutine, which is heavyweight but 
OK as long as 
coroutines are not heavily used in AmbientTalk.

Original issue reported on by [email protected] on 21 Jul 2009 at 5:08

AmbientTalk remote messages may be dropped

Currently the AmbientTalk interpreter makes use of TCP/IP sockets for remote 
messaging. It also makes use of 'Outputstream.flush()' to flush bytes of the 
network socket. However, it takes flush() returning normally to mean that the 
bytes were successfully received at the remote end.

The JDK1.5 documentation makes it clear that flush() does not provide such a 
"If the intended destination of this stream is an abstraction provided by the 
underlying operating system, for example a file, then flushing the stream 
guarantees only that bytes previously written to the stream are passed to the 
operating system for writing; it does not guarantee that they are actually 
written to a physical device such as a disk drive."

In principle, any CMDTransmitATMessage command should be acknowledged by a new 
type of command. Only upon reception of an explicit ack should the sending 
actor be allowed to drop and forget the sent AmbientTalk message.

Original issue reported on by [email protected] on 28 Jul 2010 at 12:33

Dynamic Protocols

When dynamically applying protocols, the use of callbacks can give rise to 
unexpected behaviour as 
the protocols are no longer active when the call-backs are activated. Moreover, 
since the 
dynamically activated protocol is not always lexically visible, the call-back 
cannot be held 
responsible to re-install them (it should be agnostic to their presence).

Hence we propose to introduce a call-back framework where language construct 
document when they use a call-back such that dynamic protocols can hook into 

Original issue reported on by [email protected] on 16 Sep 2008 at 1:47

non-isolate extensions of isolates automatically turned into isolates

Currently, in AmbientTalk, when a non-isolate object o extends an isolate 
object i, then o will be 
automatically turned into an isolate. This means it will not have access to its 
lexical scope, and 
will be passed by copy, even though it was not declared as an isolate. This 
makes sense, 

is: o taggedAs: Isolate

returns true (o 'inherits' the type tag from its parent i)

However, we could also make it the responsibility of the programmer to 
explicitly tag children of 
isolates as isolates themselves. This also allows programmers to make 
non-isolate extensions of 
isolates. This change would also get rid of some ugly code in the constructor 
of NATObject, 
which explicitly checks for inheritance of isolates:

// if this object is tagged as at.types.Isolate, flag it as an isolate
// we cannot perform 'this.meta_isTypedAs(ISOLATE)' because this would trigger 
mirages too 
  if (isLocallyTaggedAs(NativeTypeTags._ISOLATE_)
  || dynamicParent.meta_isTaggedAs(NativeTypeTags._ISOLATE_).asNativeBoolean().javaValue) {
    // isolates can only have the global lexical root as their lexical scope
    lexicalParent_ = Evaluator.getGlobalLexicalScope();

Original issue reported on by [email protected] on 21 Oct 2009 at 1:12

Soft Typing

Dynamic typing is cool because it allows for so-called ad hoc polymorphism 
(also known as 
“duck typing”), where any variable can contain any value, and code will 
work as long as an object 
can respond to all messages sent to it.

Unfortunately, dynamic typing detects errors very latently, which results in 
sometimes confusing 
selector not found exceptions.

Static typing the way C and Java introduce them is bad, it couples interface to 
implementation and inhibits reuse. Therefore, we propose to extend AmbientTalk 
with a 
structural typing mechanism, where a type only defines an interface. Any object 
“implements” that interface can be bound to a variable of the abstract type.

Good examples in the literature are the type system of Emerald and that of 
Strongtalk. In 
StrongTalk, a protocol defines the interface to an object, so the type system 
is based on 
structure. It also has good support for parameteric types (generics). Also, it 
features the notion 
of a brand which allows for nominal typing where necessary.

One step further is the consideration of being able to annotate variables with 
guards, as in E. A 
guard is a boolean expression that should evaluate to true each time a value is 
bound to it. A 
false evaluation is a ‘type error’. This is called soft typechecking 
because type checks are still 
done very latently, but the advantage over regular typing is that you can use 
arbitrary runtime 
state to perform your “type check”.

Proposal is to be able to annotate formal parameters to 
methods/functions/blocks and defined 
variables with a guard:

def x : guardexpression := value
def m(par : guardexpression) : returnguardexpression { ... }
{ |a:guard : returnguard| body }

For variables, the guard is evaluated each time the variable is assigned. For 
formals, it is checked 
upon binding. The return guard is checked upon function return if the function 
returns normally. 
Idea is that the guard is simply an expression. If the expression evaluates to 
true, the guard 
passes and nothing happens. If the expression evaluates to false, the 
interpreter raises an 
exception. If the expression evaluates to an object, the object is sent a 
message to check 
conformance of the actual arg (e.g. .checkConformance(arg)). The idea is that 
different kinds of 
types can be implemented like this (i.e. type tags check conformance by 
checking whether arg is 
tagged with them, structural types check the object’s interface, etc.)

We might even use this feature to add metadata in the sense that the guard 
could be used to 
annotate its field.

Original issue reported on by [email protected] on 16 Sep 2008 at 1:59

Isolates, Identity and Immutability

I believe "def" should define constant bindings between names and values. This 
would require a 
new keyword "var" (as in E) for distinguishing constant from variable bindings. 
Almost all of the 
definitions in AT are conceptually constant, yet we cannot take advantage of 
this fact because 
there *might* always be an assignment.

Being able to derive that an object is constant has advantages. Take isolates, 
for example. The 
lexical scoping restriction on isolates is sometimes really annoying. It would 
seem nicer to be 
able to define pass-by-copy based on mutability: e.g. immutable objects are 
pass by copy, 
mutable ones are pass by ref. Isolates could then access their lexical scope 
but only if the 
accessed vars are themselves immutable. A pbc object is copied together with 
its lexically free 

Another example: in Newspeak, Bracha requires namespace objects to be 
immutable. I haven't 
figured out yet what the advantages are in the context of NS.

Note that changing the semantics of "def" may not be enough to achieve "deep" 
immutability of 
objects. Tables, for example, are also mostly immutable. So perhaps, like in E, 
the syntax "[...]" 
should create immutable objects that can be used (if necessary) to spawn a 
mutable copy 

Original issue reported on by [email protected] on 16 Sep 2008 at 3:13

Object inequality is broken

The method !=, defined on 'nil', only works reliably when comparing nil to  
another object (i.e. 
when sending != to nil). However, because all objects eventually delegate to 
nil, all objects 
understand !=. Hence, one can write obj1 != obj2. However, a bug in the 
implementation of != 
causes != to treat the left-hand side as nil. 

So, for example:

def o := object: {};
o != nil

yields false, while obviously, this should yield true!

Should be fixed by turning 'nil' into a real ambienttalk object (not a native). 
The primitive 
method != does not work reliably because it has to perform a self-send, and 
native AT methods 
do not have access to the real AT self. 

Original issue reported on by [email protected] on 17 May 2008 at 5:00

"Compilation" of AT code

Idea: enable lightweight compilation for AmbientTalk AST nodes by introducing a 
new method on 
AST objects:

Code impl_compile(CompilationContext ctx)

the CompilationContext could keep track of static lexical information 
(potentially enabling lexical 
addressing if it wasn't for "eval" and external slot definitions)

Code objects are simply lambda's, they have 1 main method (apply or maybe 
better 'run', to 
avoid confusion with ATClosure.apply). Compiled 'Code' is not first-class. 
Compilation could be 
on a per-method basis, where the top-level Code object is stored in an ATMethod 

The goal is not to have 'Code' be some sort of bytecode format. We should keep 
on using 
recursive descent on AST nodes (Java JITs are good at inlining those methods). 
But introducing a 
separate compilation step may enable more efficient evaluation by partially 
evaluating the 
generic evaluation routine based on statically known information.

Example: AGMethodInvocation.compile could partially evaluate the number of 
arguments it 
takes, then generate a custom version of meta_eval that only evals x arguments, 
where x is the 
statically known number of actual args provided to the AST.

Problem: if the custom routine then has to invoke the generic meta_invoke, the 
process won't buy us much...

Original issue reported on by [email protected] on 1 Dec 2009 at 7:18

Orphan Messages

In distributed programming, when doing an RPC or a RMI, network exceptions may 
be raised 
during the transmission of a message. There exists this famous undecidability 
result in 
distributed programming known as the “byzantine general’s problem” which 
says that it is 
impossible for both sending and receiving parties to know with absolute 
probability that a 
message was successfully transmitted. For example, the sender which received an 
does not know whether the message had actually already been successfully 
transmitted or not. 
He also does not know whether the network connection died or the remote host 

In distributed computing, an “orphan” is a computation that was triggered 
by a received message 
of which the sender does not know for sure that it arrived. Orphans are 
dangerous because they 
might fool the sender into thinking that a message has not been executed while 
it actually has. 
For example, if the sender receives a network fault while transmitting a 
message, he may try to 
resend the message which may lead to executing the corresponding method twice. 
The first 
execution would be the orphan.

These kinds of problems can occur in AmbientTalk, because remote references by 
default re-
enqueue failed messages. We could solve it at the implementation level by 
tagging each message 
with an increasing integer ID. The receiver can then filter out messages 
received twice (such a 
receiver is called “idempotent”). The only problem is: how long does the 
receiver have to store 
the last received message ID? The answer: indefinitely! because the receiver 
does not know when 
the sender will return. So, either we do not provide support for this but allow 
the AmbientTalk 
programmer to deal with failed message transmission explicitly, or we provide 
system support 
and then we have to put an upper bound on the connectivity of far references.

Original issue reported on by [email protected] on 16 Sep 2008 at 1:30

Concurrency bug when invoking when:disconnected: and other event handlers

When some event handlers like when:disconnected: are invoked, the scheduling of 
the event 
handlers could happen in the wrong thread (the caller thread instead of the 
thread of the actor 
that owns the event handler).

The following is a manifestation of the bug as submitted by Ben Maene:

import /.at.lang.futures;

deftype Server;

def vector := /.at.collections.vector.Vector;

def serverList :=;

whenever: Server discovered: { |server|
    when: server<-getName()@FutureMessage becomes: { |name|
    if: (false == serverList.contains(server))
    then: {
        system.println("Added server: " + name);

        whenever: server disconnected: {
            system.println("Server offline:" + name);
        whenever: server reconnected: {
            system.println("Server online:" + name);

deftype Server;

def server := actor: {

    def getName(){
        def username :="");


export: server as: Server;

The discovery of the server works, but if the server becomes disconnected and 
when:disconnected: handler is triggered, then the following error occurs:

Thu Oct 22 21:15:20 CEST 2009 INFO at.eventloops.vm - event: 
memberLeft(/[AmbientTalk]): VM disconnected: 
Thu Oct 22 21:15:20 CEST 2009 DEBUG at.eventloops.remoterefs - 
notifyDisconnected for <far 
ref:behaviour of <actormirror:585824>>
Thu Oct 22 21:15:20 CEST 2009 ERROR at.eventloops.remoterefs - error invoking 
when:disconnected: listener Detected illegal invocation of 
base_schedule: sharing via 
Java level of object <obj:12222848{createMessage}@[FuturesModule]>
    at $Proxy1.base_schedule(Unknown Source)

Original issue reported on by [email protected] on 25 Oct 2009 at 8:34

Source file information not accessible via mirrors

While the parser currently gathers some source location info (line and column 
numbers) and associates it with parsed AST nodes, the information is currently 
only accessible from within Java, not from within AmbientTalk.

It would be nice to expose this information via AmbientTalk's mirror system:

(reflect: ast).sourceLocation.lineNo

The source location info has some issues, however:
- the info is stored in ASTs as mutable state. This should become immutable 
state (i.e. a final field set in the AST's constructor). This requires a 
somewhat significant refactoring of the AGAbstractGrammar subclasses.
- how to deal with source location info for interned ASTs like symbols, which 
are shared?
- should the source info be propagated to values that result from ASTs, like 
messages and objects? This is not always possible, and sometimes it may be 
confusing what the actual source line number is. For example:
def msg := <-foo();
o1 <+ msg;
o2 <+ msg;
What is the source location for 'msg'?

- the ANTLR parser should be modified to provide more accuracte line/column 
info. Especially column info can be off in the current system.

Original issue reported on by [email protected] on 12 Oct 2010 at 7:43

Changing logging default priority to be 'silent'

In Eclipse plugins the Console typically shows stdout and sterror messages. 
Since AmbientTalk logs statements are printed to the System.err, the console 
gets polluted with interpreter log statements.

A good enhancement for the plugin would be that the default priority for AT 
logging is set to FATAL, and then we add an iat option that allows users to set 
the priority to lower levels when launching iat if they want the logs. 

This means that "regular" plugin users (e.g. students) will not get the 
interpreter logs in the Console, while the "advance" plugin users (e.g. 
language developers) can set an appropriate logging level when launching iat 
(without having to modify the props file).

Original issue reported on by [email protected] on 13 Dec 2010 at 1:16

Synthesis Exception of M2MI handle classes when using at/ambient/

Victor Ramiro reported the following problem:

"I'm running the test: testAsyncTypedDiscoveryViaDefaultTracker from the 

If I run the test, everything goes just perfect. But if I put apart the client 
code from the service 
code (the code written within the actor) in two different files and run it as 
two separate VM I got 
an exception:

>>> Exception in actor <actormirror:1911694>: Java exception from packet[<async 
msg:reportTo(<m2mi ref for handle Unihandle(011CAFCA97B2-000D93EB3A50-
edu.rit.m2mi.SynthesisExceptionM2MIClassLoader: Unknown class Unihandle_1
at packet.unpackUsingClassLoader(M2MI_getClassLoader())
Mon Sep 29 16:26:50 CLT 2008 ERROR at.eventloops.actors - asynchronous 
symbiotic invocation 
of invoke failed
edu.rit.m2mi.SynthesisException: M2MIClassLoader: Unknown class Unihandle_1
    at edu.rit.m2mi.M2MIClassLoader.getClassFile(
    at edu.rit.m2mi.M2MIClassLoader.findClass(
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(

Original issue reported on by [email protected] on 30 Sep 2008 at 7:59

Listeners and Garbage Collection

Elisa pointed out a problem with when:disconnected and when:reconnected 
listeners and 
garbage collection. The problem is as follows: a far reference may become 
garbage because no-
one refers to it anymore. The question then becomes, can the far reference be 
collected if it still 
has listeners attached to it? Those listeners might still trigger a useful 
computation if the far 
reference would become disconnected or reconnected. Obviously, the semantics 
should not 
depend on whether the race condition is won by the garbage collector or the 
network layer (i.e. if 
the collector collects the far ref first and then a remote VM dies, the 
listener is not triggered but 
it would be the other way around).

One possible semantics is that a far reference can never become subject to 
garbage collection if 
it still has listeners registered for it. The programmer is then, however, 
responsible for cancelling 
the subscription objects if he wants the far ref to ever become collected.

This is quite a heavy semantics, so perhaps it’s a good idea to introduce two 
variants of 
when:disconnected: and when:reconnected:, namely the when: variant which may 
only trigger 
once and then is auto-cancelled, and the whenever: variant which is permanently 
attached. This 
ensures that the programmer sees more quickly that he has to explicitly cancel 
the subscription 
of a whenever: observer.

Of course, even with a “may only trigger once” listener you could prevent a 
remote ref from being 
collected if two VMs remain permanently connected...

Original issue reported on by [email protected] on 16 Sep 2008 at 1:34

Meta-send (send-to-mirror)

Consider introducing another message passing operator (.µ) which sends a 
message to an 
object’s mirror rather than to the object itself.

obj.µmsg(args) == (reflect: obj).msg(args)
The advantage is that the meta-variant does not require the creation of a 
temporary mirror, 
which is unnecessary if obj is not a mirage and if the default mirror factory 
is installed.

Next to efficiency considerations, the meta-send is also a more concise way of 
messages to mirrors.

This kind of mechanism is currently mimicked by means of the @MetaMessage type 
tag and 
first-class reference mirrors, in the sense that obj<-msg(args)@MetaMessage 
sends the 
message to obj's mirror. However, this only works for:
- async messages
- objects mirrored by the TEventualRef trait (i.e. objects representing proxies)
Specifically, it does not (yet) work for native far references.

Original issue reported on by [email protected] on 16 Sep 2008 at 2:08

Infix boolean logic

Reintroduce the operators & and | for boolean infix logic. This requires 
modifying the parser a bit 
such that it does not confuse them with .& and {|args|}

Original issue reported on by [email protected] on 16 Sep 2008 at 2:11

cancel method of subscriptions and publications does not work synchronously

The `cancel` methods of subscription and publication objects currently _appear_ 
to be working synchronously, but they are actually operating asynchronously, by 
sending an async message to the discovery actor.

In practice, this means that even after cancelling the publication for an 
exported object, the exported object can still be discovered.

Proposed fix for now is to turn pub.cancel() into a sync_event such that the 
calling actor blocks until the discovery actor has actually removed the 
publication. This is not ideal because the discovery actor can actually do 
remote communication, so there could be a high latency in processing the 
actor's cancel() request.

In the extreme case, if the discovery actor _itself_ (by overriding the 
isSubtypeOf test on a published/subscribed type tag) itself wants to take a 
publication object offline (highly unlikely), the discovery actor could now 

Therefore, a safer alternative would be to have cancel() return a future, or 
even better, to enforce that cancel can only be called asynchronously. (one 
could then use futures to synchronize on the fact that the publication was 
taken down, like so: when: pub<-cancel()@FutureMessage becomes: { |_| /* pub 
taken offline for sure */)

The issue came up in the context of unit testing, where the next test can only 
be started after exported objects created in the previous test have been 

Original issue reported on by [email protected] on 6 Apr 2011 at 1:59

Nameclashes during import for modules with a diamond import structure.

Nameclashes occur in when importing 'modules' in the classic diamond situation:
  O { def a() }
 / \ 
 \ /
  C -> nameclash of a() 

concrete code example:

import /.at.lang.traits;
def A := object: { import /.at.lang.traits };
import A; //Conflicting names during import: 

Original issue reported on by [email protected] on 14 May 2008 at 8:01

Dynamic Protocols

When dynamically applying protocols, the use of callbacks can give rise to 
unexpected behaviour as 
the protocols are no longer active when the call-backs are activated. Moreover, 
since the 
dynamically activated protocol is not always lexically visible, the call-back 
cannot be held 
responsible to re-install them (it should be agnostic to their presence).

Hence we propose to introduce a call-back framework where language construct 
document when they use a call-back such that dynamic protocols can hook into 

Original issue reported on by [email protected] on 16 Sep 2008 at 1:47

uniform access principle does not seem to hold for cancel() method on subscription/publication objects

What steps will reproduce the problem?
1. Change line 111 of the provided file to call pub.cancel and sub.cancel 
instead of pub.cancel() and sub.cancel()
2. Run unit tests of the provided file.

What is the expected output? What do you see instead?
Publication/subscription are not cancelled, so the unit test discover objects 
from a previous test and fails.

Please use labels and text to provide additional information.

Original issue reported on by [email protected] on 30 Mar 2011 at 3:46


Nil as absorbing element

In 80% of the cases, tests for nil in AmbientTalk source are to see whether it 
is safe to send a 
message to a variable. This boilerplate code can be avoided by allowing nil to 
absorb invocations.

Obviously support is then needed to distinguish where a nil result came from. 
In other words, if the 
result is nil as the consequence of a programming error, nil should contain the 
stack of absorbed 
calls to be able to determine where things went wrong.

Original issue reported on by [email protected] on 16 Sep 2008 at 1:56

morphic .java support files

What steps will reproduce the problem?
1. add the java files to the svn :)

What is the expected output? What do you see instead?

Please use labels and text to provide additional information.

Original issue reported on by [email protected] on 27 Aug 2008 at 5:23

Consistent but Lightweight Stratification

In retrospect, super should have been a meta-level slot. It says something 
about the object itself, 
not about the problem domain of the object, so it should be in the mirror.

The downside of AT’s current approach to stratification is that it is rather 
cumbersome to use, 
especially if one is simply interested in e.g. overriding meta_print to change 
the printing 
functionality (Java has toString defined on the Object class for such purposes)

E uses “miranda methods” which are prefixed with ‘__’ to allow objects 
to interact with the 
interpreter. Perhaps a clean way out could be to provide a modifier 'meta' for 
fields or methods. 
Fields/methods marked with meta automatically end up in the mirror of the 
object. This way, they 
do not interfere with the base level, while they remain as easy to define as 
base-level fields.

Original issue reported on by [email protected] on 16 Sep 2008 at 1:35

Component-ideAT - log level not saved in run configuration

What steps will reproduce the problem?
1. open file
2. run as.. -> ambientTalk application

What is the expected output? What do you see instead?
you see the AT interpreter log output in the console. You shouldn't see it 
because -l all=FATAL is active in the run configuration. The parameter is shown 
in the run configuration info but not applied.

Please use labels and text to provide additional information.

Original issue reported on by [email protected] on 21 Feb 2011 at 1:54

Object identity issues with symbiotic wrappers

Excerpt from a mail between myself and Mark Miller:

> When you pass an AT listener object as argument to a JVM
> {add,remove}BlahListener method, does a new JVM BlahListener wrapper
> get generated per call?

> If so, two newly generated wrappers for the same listener have
> distinct JVM identities. Does removeBlahListener fail to unregister
> the previously registered wrapped AT listener?
> -- 
> Cheers,
> --MarkM

Currently, it is indeed the case that a wrapper is generated per call. I wrote 
a little test-case, and 
indeed, removeActionListener fails to remove a previously added action 
listener. This probably 
indicates that Java AWT at least uses object identity to manage its listeners, 
because if it had 
used .equals(Object), that call would have been intercepted and correctly 
interpreted by the 
symbiosis. I guess we will have to ensure that each AmbientTalk object has a 
unique wrapper per 
interface to avoid issues like the one you mentioned.

Test case: the following code defines a little program that shows a Button. 
Normally, when 
pressing the button, 'Clicked' should appear the first time the button is 
pressed, but subsequent 
clicks should not show anything anymore. Currently, 'Clicked' is always 
printed, so the listener is 
never removed!

def Frame :=;
def Button :=;

def f :="test");
def b :="Test");
def al := object: {
    def actionPerformed(@args) {

Original issue reported on by [email protected] on 14 May 2008 at 7:51

Improve performance of futures when tracing is turned off

Did a small benchmark (see attached file) to measure the impact of the causeway 
tracer on 
future-type messaging. The results are poor: almost twice as slow. We need to 
improve the 
performance of future-type message passing when tracing is turned off. 
Currently, tracing info is 
attached to futures regardless of whether tracing is turned on or off.

Interactive AmbientTalk Shell, version 2.14 [build091109]
time fact(100): <java:48>
time fact(100): <java:50>
time fact(100): <java:49>
time repeat(100): <java:2550>
time repeat(100): <java:2523>
time repeat(100): <java:2539>

Interactive AmbientTalk Shell, version 2.15 (development)
time fact(100): <java:49>
time fact(100): <java:50>
time fact(100): <java:49>
>time repeat(100): <java:4473>
>time repeat(100): <java:4437>
>time repeat(100): <java:4474>

Original issue reported on by [email protected] on 17 Apr 2010 at 2:58


Abstract Grammar components not marked with Isolate stripe

Even though all AG components are serializable, not all of them are tagged with 
the Isolate tag, 
which identifies by-copy objects.

def AG := /.at.types.AbstractGrammar
> <type tag:AbstractGrammar>
> false

However, for some AG elements, the tag is already in place:
tagsOf: .m()
> [<type tag:Isolate>, <type tag:MethodInvocation>]

Original issue reported on by [email protected] on 14 May 2008 at 8:12

Keywords and Optional Varargs

We need some kind of keyworded message sends that are matched against a kind of 
expression’ for stuff like try-catch and when-catch, such that e.g. the 
following invocations all 
trigger the same language construct:

when: f becomes: { |v| ... }
when: f becomes: { |v| ... } due: 1000
when: f becomes: { |v| ... } catch: Exc1 using: { |e| ... } 

This could be done using optional and vararg parameters with keywords:

def when: future becomes: block due: time := default catch: @blocks {

This method actually has a selector when:becomes:[due:](catch:)* and regexp 
matching could be 
used to match invocation with definition.

We really need this kind of semantics if we want to make optional arguments and 
varargs work 
for keywords.

It becomes really important in the context of the object: object creation 
primitives. There are 
more than 12 of these keyworded methods because they need to fill in 
“default” arguments. The 
problem is: adding a new “property” to objects requires re-implementing all 
previous object 
creation methods to take the new default into account.

Original issue reported on by [email protected] on 16 Sep 2008 at 2:06

when:discovered: handler should be extended to get access to the concrete discovered type

Limitation in when:discovered: handler discovered by Tomohiro Suzuki:

when using when:discovered: to discover a generic type, the handler cannot 
access the actual type of the discovered service. For example:

when: Type discovered: { |service|
  // how to get access to the actual type under which service was exported?
  // can be any subtype of 'Type'

We cannot easily pass this type as a second argument to the handler, since this 
would make all existing when:discovered: handlers crash. Suggested solution is 
to add a new primitive:

when: Type discoveredAs: { |service, realType|
  // realType refers to the exported type tag, for which it holds that:
  // realType.isSubtypeOf(Type)

Original issue reported on by [email protected] on 23 Jun 2010 at 8:06

Converting lexical lookup into dynamic (object scope) lookup

Change the lookup rules such that a failed lexical lookup is not treated like 
an exception, but is 
rather transformed into a method invocation on self (cfr. Newspeak by Gilad 
Bracha). The advantage 
there is that a) if you ‘forget’ the self, the method will still be invoked 
b) there is more opportunity 
for moving code in between lexical and dynamic scope without changes in calling 
code. Lexical 
scope still has precedence over dynamic scope! This means that we still 
maintain the “security” 
advantage that if the identifier is lexically visible, it will be that 
identifier that will be found, and no 
dynamic child can override this behaviour.

See also:
On the Interaction of Method Lookup and Scope with Inheritance and Nesting:

Original issue reported on by [email protected] on 16 Sep 2008 at 2:10

A bug on ReflectOnActor() ?

What steps will reproduce the problem?
1.I wanted to try implicit reflection on actor as follows.

def actor := reflectOnActor();

actor.becomeMirroredBy: (extend: actor with: {
   def createMirror(obj){
       extend: super.createMirror(obj) with: {
        def addSlot(x){
        system.println("you cannot add.");      

2. above code worked well,but when I typed "ReflectOnActor()" after this,
   interpreter freezed. Here is error log.

Exception in thread "Event Loop The Read-Eval-Print Loop"
        at $Proxy0.toString(Unknown Source)
Caused by: Detected illegal
of toString: sharing via Java level of object <obj:15293014{createMirror}>
        ... 4 more

What version of the product are you using? On what operating system?
at2dist080509, the newest one. I executed it in Linux(Ubuntu8.04)

I don't know it is a bug or feature but it looks like strange to me.


Original issue reported on by [email protected] on 17 Jul 2009 at 5:13

Lexical Scope vs External Definitions

When performing e.g. ''def o.x := 5'' and ‘x’ was already lexically visible 
in the scope of ‘o’, should 
this definition become visible, or should all references to ‘x’ in the 
scope of o remain bound to the 
lexically visible x?

Currently, the external definition will ‘shadow’ the lexically visible 
‘x’. Using lexical addressing 
might solve such issues, by early-binding the name to the lexically visible 
value. Another trick is to 
annotate externally added fields/methods. Another way is to have two maps and 
dictionaries: one for internals and one for externals.

Care has to be taken that import is then not defined in terms of external 
method definitions, as 
these will definitely not be lexically visible, which is often the purpose of 
using import.

Original issue reported on by [email protected] on 16 Sep 2008 at 1:29

native equivalent of keyworded functions cannot be parsed

What steps will reproduce the problem?
1. e.g. parsing "if:then:else:( true, {} , {} )"

What is the expected output? What do you see instead?

The native function equivalent to keyworded functions such as if: () then: {} 
else: {} cannot be 
parsed. Since these keyworded functions should be syntactic sugar for the 
native functions, I would 
expect the native functions to be usable too.

Original issue reported on by [email protected] on 6 May 2010 at 9:33

java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundException when serializing a message in a pooled FarRef Thread

What steps will reproduce the problem?

It don't seem to be reproducible anymore in the trunk after commit 2519. 
It was reproducible before in the net-refactor branch sometimes. 
It was also reproducible if AT in used in virtual private networks (e.g. if 
your laptop uses VMWare software).

What is the expected output? What do you see instead?

Exception in thread "pool-3-thread-1" java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
    at java.lang.System.arraycopy(Native Method)
    at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.runTask(
    at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$

Please use labels and text to provide additional information.

This issue seems to be solved by the solution in issue#44

Original issue reported on by [email protected] on 10 Dec 2010 at 1:02

Serialization of the root object

What steps will reproduce the problem?
1. Modify the creation of global lexical scope as follows:

private static NATObject createGlobalLexicalScope() {
        NATObject root = new NATObject(OBJLexicalRoot._INSTANCE_) {
            // override meta_pass to avoid the creation of a far reference 
            // when the root object gets parameter passed.
            public ATObject meta_pass() throws InterpreterException {
                return createSerializedLexicalRoot();
        return root;

2. Run an AT application in Android.

What is the expected output? What do you see instead?

You will get an java.lang.StackOverflowError during the serialization of an 
NATASyncMessage caused by the serialization of Evaluator.

Please use labels and text to provide additional information.

Original issue reported on by [email protected] on 10 Dec 2010 at 12:24

Identity and (Deep) Equality

Next to the == operator, which defines equality through identity, we should 
introduce an 
operator = which defines structural equality (cfr. eq? versus equal? in 
Scheme). e.g. [2,3] is not 
== to another [2,3] table, but [2,3] should be = to [2,3]

== is already implemented and falls back on Java’s equals method, which in 
turn falls back on 
Java’s == operator. Structural equality implies deep equality. For ‘leaf’ 
objects like symbols, 
numbers, etc., deep equality is identity. For ‘compound’ objects like 
tables, all elements of the 
tables must be deep equal.

This raises the question whether objects should support = and what it means for 
them. Objects 
can be considered as maps from symbols to values, so two objects are equal if 
they map the 
same symbols to equal values. The problem here is that performing deep equality 
like this is 
both A) very costly B) dangerous because it is a graph-traversal (have to keep 
track of already 
visited objects? even for tables, consider: t[1] := t)

Maybe in a first stage we should simply consider implementing = only on tables 
to do a deep 

Original issue reported on by [email protected] on 16 Sep 2008 at 2:04

Asynchronous function invocation

Introduce the shorthand syntax fun<-(a,b,c) to denote fun<-apply([a,b,c]) such 
that remote 
references to closures are more easily invokable.

Original issue reported on by [email protected] on 16 Sep 2008 at 2:09

Context not refreshed during table definitions

What steps will reproduce the problem?
1. def t[4] { def x := { nil } };

What is the expected output? What do you see instead?
Expected: a table with four (uninteresting) closures.
Result: an exception warning for the duplicate definition of x, when the 
closure is ran for the 
second time (i.e. t[1] with the above definition works properly). Consequently, 
the body of a table 
definition can currently not contain any definitions.

The closure is properly run in an activation call frame (i.e. after a t[1] x is 
not visible in the outer 
scope), yet it appears to be so that the same call frame is reused for 
subsequent values. 

Original issue reported on by [email protected] on 14 Feb 2009 at 6:26

Casting based on type tags

When an object is being passed to an overloaded Java method, it should be 
possible to take the type 
tags of the object into account to further distinguish between possible 
signatures. This way the 
method needs not to be casted provided that the object that is passed has the 
correct type tag.

Original issue reported on by [email protected] on 18 Feb 2009 at 4:46

Multiple Return Values

In certain cases, a function can return multiple meaningful values, but one 
value is used independently. Here, the programmer has to choose whether to 
return a single value or a table of values. 

When returning a table of values, the caller has to deconstruct the return 
values manually, which can be bothersome if he only want to get hold of the 
first result. Other languages solve this problem to a certain extend by having 
output or reference variables.

This feature request proposes the introduction of a new composite language 
value, akin to a table.  Hence, it can be deconstructed using multi-definition 
or multi-assignment.  However, when assigned to a single variable, only the 
first element is returned. The desired semantics is illustrated using long 

def div              := x /- y;
def [div, mod] := x /- y;

In this case, the long division returns a tuple "<div, mod>". In the first 
line, only the first return value is bound. To obtain the same result in case 
the long division returns a table "[div, mod]", one would have to write.

def [div, _ ]     := x /- y;

Note that in this context "_" does not have a special significance. The above 
code example actually defines a variable named "_".

Original issue reported on by [email protected] on 25 Jan 2011 at 1:07

Garbage collection of NATRemotFarREf

ELFarRef and NATRemoteFarRef keep a reference pointing each other. This keeps 
the sendLoop 
running in the ELFArRef because NATRemotFarRef is still alive.. although the 
only pointer keeping 
NATRemotFar alive is the onefrom ELFarRef. If we make this pointer weak then we 
may have a 
problem if NATRemotFar is only referenced by listeners registered for a network 
event (since there 
is a dead cycle between NATRemoteFarRef -> Handler (subscription) -> 

The bugfix basically consist on keop strong the link between ELFarRef and 
NATFarRemoteRef as 
long as there are any clients registered for disconnection, reconnection or 
takenOffline events. Once 
no clients are using anymore the remote far ref (i.e. the reference is no 
longer locally pointed in the 
application) and there is any subscription, NATFarRemoteRef is eventually 
collected by the Java gc. 

Original issue reported on by [email protected] on 14 May 2008 at 8:15

Removing semicolons to delimit methods

Using semicolons to terminate method definitions is ugly. The parser should be 
smart enough to 
see that for:

def m() { ... }
def n() { ... }

the '}' token is the delimiter for between the two def statements. Currently, 
one needs to write:

def m() { ... };
def n() { ... }

Original issue reported on by [email protected] on 16 Sep 2008 at 1:37

java.lang.NullPointerException when retracting messages from a remote far ref

Reproducable in interpreter/trunk 645 on with InstantMessenger application

Create 2 instant messenger peers (e.g. lisa and stijn) and once they discover 
each other, do in 
the following commands:

IM peer - command
1. stijn - network.offline()
2. lisa -"stijn", "hallo")
wait till the message "hallo" timed out.
3. stijn -

have a look to stijn IM console messages. You should get:

    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)

caused by when tries to retract the messages from far remote 

Original issue reported on by [email protected] on 14 May 2008 at 8:09

invaild windows BAT file in

What steps will reproduce the problem?
1. download  on a windows XP system
2. Unzip the Zip 
3. In the at2dist080710 directory double click one iat.bat

What is the expected output? What do you see instead?
Expected output, Ambienttalk interactive shell should start.  Instead we get a 
java exception error

What version of the product are you using? On what operating system?

Please provide any additional information below.
To a fix this error you need to modify the iat.bat file (modified file attached)
1. change all the \lib\ to \jlib\ on the @set AT_CLASSPATH line
2. add the missing % after AT_HOME after deomo=%AT_HOME....on the @set 

Original issue reported on by [email protected] on 29 Jul 2010 at 12:27


Reflection failure for some computations of greatest common divisor

What steps will reproduce the problem?
1. Define a greatest common divisor function as follows

def gcd(a,b){
        if: (a == b) then: {a;} else: {
            if: (a > b) then: {gcd(a - b,b)} else: {gcd(a,b - a)};

2. Run gcd(3,648), gcd(3,649) or gcd(648,3). Probably there are a number of 
other possibilities 
to cause the error, but for most pairs of values the function works (eg 
gcd(4,648) is fine). This 
was done in the UnitTest framework as follows

def sessionModule := object:{

  def sessionTest(){
    extend: /"Session1Test") with: {
          def testGcd() {
              self.assertEquals(1, gcd(647,3));

Using a mac I get the following error: 

Starting unit test Session1Test(4 tests)
Error in test testGcd: <exception:<type tag:ReflectionFailure>: Native method 
threw internal exception caused by null>
Native method base:if:then:else: threw internal exception caused by null
at if:then:else:(a.==(b), { a }, { if:then:else:(a.>(b), { gcd(a.-(b), b) }, { 
gcd(a, b.-(a)) }) })
at gcd(a.-(b), b)
at if:then:else:(a.>(b), { gcd(a.-(b), b) }, { gcd(a, b.-(a)) })
at if:then:else:(a.==(b), { a }, { if:then:else:(a.>(b), { gcd(a.-(b), b) }, { 
gcd(a, b.-(a)) }) })
at gcd(a.-(b), b)
at if:then:else:(a.>(b), { gcd(a.-(b), b) }, { gcd(a, b.-(a)) })
at if:then:else:(a.==(b), { a }, { if:then:else:(a.>(b), { gcd(a.-(b), b) }, { 
gcd(a, b.-(a)) }) })
at gcd(a.-(b), b)
at if:then:else:(a.>(b), { gcd(a.-(b), b) }, { gcd(a, b.-(a)) })
at if:then:else:(a.==(b), { a }, { if:then:else:(a.>(b), { gcd(a.-(b), b) }, { 
gcd(a, b.-(a)) }) })
at gcd(a.-(b), b)
at if:then:else:(a.>(b), { gcd(a.-(b), b) }, { gcd(a, b.-(a)) })
at if:then:else:(a.==(b), { a }, { if:then:else:(a.>(b), { gcd(a.-(b), b) }, { 
gcd(a, b.-(a)) }) })
at gcd(a.-(b), b)


at testMethod(1)
at sessionModule.sessionTest.runTest()

Original issue reported on by [email protected] on 19 Mar 2009 at 1:35

Synchronous symbiotic invocations are mistaken for future-type symbiotic invocations

Because of a bug in the implementation, sometimes a synchronous symbiotic 
invocation is 
mistaken for a future-type symbiotic invocation.

This happens when the method to be invoked is part of a java.util.EventListener 
interface and 
returns Object. The interpreter will then perform a future-type invocation, 
while it should perform 
a synchronous invocation.

Original issue reported on by [email protected] on 21 May 2008 at 3:27

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