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umbraco-8-cms-dotnet-c-sharp's Introduction

Umbraco-Customer-Portal Guidelines

This project is the customer portal automatically generated by the Umbraco CMS

Please observe the branch structure for this repo.

Master Branch

master - this is the top level branch which can be cloned and downloaded by any authorised user, but only the Total Coding administrator can push changes to it. This represents the most stable software version. After the first release, it will represent the version currently published to the production environment.

Release1 Branch

release1 - this is the current release branch and therefore the default for the repo. All collaborating developers are required to push changes to their own branch first and then generate a pull request to merge it with release1. Upon induction to the project, each developer will be assigned their own branch for individual work.

Developer's Branch

Each developer has his/hers own branch. Please commit all your code to that branch, and once ready to merge into release, create a Pull Requet. Your code will be reviewed and merged into the release1 branch after review.


Once completed with a milestone (release or sprint), create a new Tag from the tip of the current branch (developer's branch). Create the new Tag using Visual Studio, with a simple name like "Phase-1-Milestone-1" and put the details of the Milestone in the Description. Then push the new Tag to the repository - That will be the "package" of the completed milestone.

Project Documentation


The purpose of this project is to create a multi-tenant system that will host several sites. Each site will be completely separate from each other, with it's own preferences and requirements. There will be multiple possible templates (html) options available in the near future, for tenants to choose from, but initially there is only one design for all tenants.

Technical Overview

Umbraco has been adapted to provide a Json-Rpc interface for the Total Code System, exposing a large set of Api procedures allowing the external system to control the creation of tenant websites. Each tenant website has its own site structure, registration, login, and so on.

The tenant sites are multi-language, and provide a front-end interface to all procedures that are processed via Api in the Total Code System. The "Create Tenant" procedure, once called by the Total Code System, creates a new website (content node root with all it's descendants) and sets the basic details and preferences for the tenant. The Umbraco CMS is not a static site, but a constantly changing Tenant Website Collection.

Total Code Api Documentation (Swagger)

Technical Requirements

  • The back-end is .NET Core 2.2
  • Umbraco version 8.0.2 is .NET Framework 4.7.2
  • Microsoft Visual Studio 2017
  • Microsoft Sql Server Express 2014 or above
  • IIS Express (which comes with Visual Studio)

There are several other depedencies which are already configured in the 'packages.config' file. These dependencies are auto-restored once the solution is built (Ctrl+Shift+B)

Running the Solution

In your local machine

  • Restore the Database file (included in the Database folder for the solution) [either umbraco.cms.8.0.2-publish.bak or umbraco.cms.8.0.2-publish.bacpac]. Delete the old DB and restore fresh, whenever needed.

Change the Connection String for the SQL server, in the web.config, line 49

        <remove name="umbracoDbDSN"/>
        <add name="umbracoDbDSN" connectionString="Server=.\sqlexpress2014;Database=umbraco.cms.8.0.2;Integrated Security=true" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient"/>

Change where it reads .\sqlexpress2014 to whatever server you need.

Then you can run (F5)

The total code admin is
Use Postman to test the Rpc endpoints (see exported collections)

Postman Collection

Follow the documentation found in each Procedure

Postman Documentation

Understanding the code

The Controller Logic

The Json-Rpc controller processes all external Api calls and manipulates the Umbraco system to create, edit, change password, purge tenants, and etc. Json-RPC Controller

The Json-Rpc Controller references the ControllerService / ControllerHelper class to process the actual work. (previously the controller was located in the Helpers folder, as ControllerHelper).

Controller Service

Document Types

The Document Types are programmatically created, checking for their existance in the Umbraco CMS and creating themselves upon first run.

Example: The Home Document Type is 'auto created' with an IComponent Class:

refer to the links below for additional information


Path in the Solution

    private void CreateHomeDocumentType()
        	// Check if container already exists
            var container = contentTypeService.GetContainers(CONTAINER, 1).FirstOrDefault();
            int containerId = 0;

            if (container == null)
            	// if container doesn't exist, create the container (this is only needed for the Home Document Type, other document types don't need this check)
                var newcontainer = contentTypeService.CreateContainer(-1, CONTAINER);

                if (newcontainer.Success)
                    containerId = newcontainer.Result.Entity.Id;
                containerId = container.Id;

            // Check if the Document Type Already Exists and skip if it does
            var contentType = contentTypeService.Get(DOCUMENT_TYPE_ALIAS);
            if (contentType == null)
                ContentType docType = (ContentType)contentType ?? new ContentType(containerId)
                    Name = DOCUMENT_TYPE_NAME,
                    Alias = DOCUMENT_TYPE_ALIAS,
                    AllowedAsRoot = true,
                    Description = DOCUMENT_TYPE_DESCRIPTION,
                    Icon = ICON,
                    SortOrder = 0,
                    Variations = ContentVariation.Culture

                // Create the Template if it doesn't exist
                if (fileService.GetTemplate(TEMPLATE_ALIAS) == null)
                    // then create the template
                    Template newTemplate = new Template(TEMPLATE_NAME, TEMPLATE_ALIAS);

                // Set templates for document type
                var template = fileService.GetTemplate(TEMPLATE_ALIAS);
                docType.AllowedTemplates = new List<ITemplate> { template };

                // Set Document Type Properties
                #region Tenant Home Page Content
                PropertyType brandLogoPropType = new PropertyType(dataTypeService.GetDataType(1043), "brandLogo")
                    Name = "Brand Logo",
                    Variations = ContentVariation.Nothing
                docType.AddPropertyType(brandLogoPropType, CONTENT_TAB);

                // more properties

                #region Tenant Info Tab
                PropertyType tenantUidPropType = new PropertyType(dataTypeService.GetDataType(-92), "tenantUid")
                    Name = "Tenant Uid",
                    Description = "Tenant Unique Id",
                    Variations = ContentVariation.Nothing
                docType.AddPropertyType(tenantUidPropType, TENANT_TAB);

                // more properties

                contentTypeService.Save(docType); // Save the document type
                ConnectorContext.AuditService.Add(AuditType.New, -1, docType.Id, "Document Type", $"Document Type {DOCUMENT_TYPE_NAME} has been created"); // Notify the Audit to keep track of changes

                ContentHelper.CopyPhysicalAssets(new EmbeddedResources()); // Copy any physical resources (files) from the Assembly (saved as embedded resources)
        catch (System.Exception ex) // Make sure to log any errors in the Umbraco Log
            logger.Error(typeof(HomeDocumentType), ex.Message);
            logger.Error(typeof(HomeDocumentType), ex.StackTrace);

Notice that the Document Type is created programmatically. All document types should be created programmatically, and not depend on any packages or manual work.

Content Nodes

The content node is also created programmatically during the "Create Tenant" procedure and creates the home node.


Home Content Node

	public int CreateHome(Tenant tenant)
        var nodeName = tenant.Name;
        var nodeAlias = tenant.Name.Trim(' ').ToLower();
        var docType = contentTypeService.Get(HomeDocumentType.DOCUMENT_TYPE_ALIAS);
        Validate(tenant); // this method verifies if the Tenant exists and if the data is correct
            IContent tenantNode = contentService.Create(nodeName, -1, HomeDocumentType.DOCUMENT_TYPE_ALIAS);
            tenantNode.SetCultureName(nodeName, tenant.Languages.Default); // since every site is multi language, setting the Culture name is required

            // Alternate Languages
            foreach (var language in tenant.Languages.Alternate)
                tenantNode.SetCultureName($"{nodeName}-{language}", language);

            // Set values for node
            tenantNode.SetValue("brandName", tenant.BrandName);
            tenantNode.SetValue("tenantUid", tenant.TenantUId);
            tenantNode.SetValue("domain", tenant.Domain);
            tenantNode.SetValue("subDomain", tenant.SubDomain);
            tenantNode.SetValue("apiKey", tenant.ApiKey);
            tenantNode.SetValue("appId", tenant.AppId);
            tenantNode.SetValue("defaultLanguage", tenant.Languages.Default);
            tenantNode.SetValue("tenantStatus", ENABLED);
            tenantNode.SetValue("languages", string.Join(", ", tenant.Languages.Alternate.ToList()));
            tenantNode.SetValue("tenantPreferencesProperty", JsonConvert.SerializeObject(tenant.TenantPreferences));

            ConnectorContext.AuditService.Add(AuditType.Unpublish, -1, tenantNode.Id, "Content Node", $"ContentNode for {tenant.TenantUId} has been created");
            return tenantNode.Id; // Notify Audit
        catch (Exception ex)
            logger.Error(typeof(HomeContentNode), ex.Message);
            logger.Error(typeof(HomeContentNode), ex.StackTrace);

All Content Nodes for each tenant are created programmatically whenever the "Create Tenant" procedure is called.

Media Nodes

The media node is also created programmatically during the "Create Tenant" procedure and creates the media home node.


Home Media Node

	public int CreateMediaHome(Tenant tenant)
        Validate(tenant); // validates to check if media node already exists
        	// creates the node based off the tenant's brand name
            var nodeName = tenant.Name;
            var nodeAlias = tenant.Name.Trim(' ').ToLower();

            var folder = mediaService.CreateMedia(nodeName, Constants.System.Root, "Folder");
            ConnectorContext.AuditService.Add(AuditType.New, -1, folder.Id, "Media Folder", $"Media Home for {tenant.TenantUId} has been created"); // Notifies Audit

            return folder.Id;
        catch (System.Exception ex)
            logger.Error(typeof(HomeMediaNode), ex.Message);
            logger.Error(typeof(HomeMediaNode), ex.StackTrace);

All Media Nodes for each tenant are created programmatically whenever the "Create Tenant" procedure is called.

Dictionary Values

All repeatable text from pages should be registered as a Dictionary Item (Translate Section). Text such as buttons, inputs, labels, etc.

In your Razor code, make sure to insert a default value for each item, i.e.

@Umbraco.GetDictionaryValue("[ParentKey]Key", "Default Value")

Create new dictionary items by inheriting from the Umbraco.Plugins.Connector.Interfaces.IDictionaryItem interface

public class Register_RegisterTitle : IDictionaryItem
    public string ParentKey => "Register Page";

    public string Key => "[Register Page]Register Title";

    public string Value => "Register";

    public string LanguageCode => Countries.EnglishUnitedStates.GetCountryCode();

    public Dictionary<string, string> Translations => new Dictionary<string, string>
        { Countries.EnglishUnitedKingdom.GetCountryCode(), "Register" },
        { Countries.SpanishSpainInternationalSort.GetCountryCode(), "Registrarse" }

Use the Umbraco.Plugins.Connector.Helpers.Country helper to ease the use of ISO Codes for countries.

After creating the Dictionary Classes, use the LanguageDictionaryService (formally LanguageDictionary) to create the items in Umbraco. (previously the LanguageDictionary was located in the Content Folder and was moved to Services)

	// Add Dictionary Items
    var dictionaryItems = new List<Type>
    var language = new LanguageDictionaryService(ConnectorContext.LocalizationService, ConnectorContext.DomainService, ConnectorContext.Logger);
    language.CreateDictionaryItems(dictionaryItems); // Create Dictionary Items

Dictionary Items will be created programmatically. Dictionary Items

please refer to Dictionary folder not found in Umbraco 8 for details as it has changed from version 7.

Templates and Physical Files

Templates and physical files must be saved in the Plugin Solution as Embedded Resources, and must be copied to the Umbraco CMS system upon first run.

Each Document Type references an Embedded Resources class, that contains a list of all the resources to be copied.

Embedded Resources

For the Home (and initial setup), these files were copied

public class EmbeddedResources : IEmbeddedResource
    public List<EmbeddedResource> Resources => new List<EmbeddedResource>
        new EmbeddedResource{ FileName  = "package.manifest", ResourceLocation = "Content.App_Plugins.ApiSettingsSurface.backoffice", OutputDirectory = "App_Plugins\\ApiSettingsSurface\\backoffice", ResourceType = ResourceType.Other },
        new EmbeddedResource{ FileName  = "*.*", ResourceLocation = "Content.App_Plugins.ApiSettingsSurface.backoffice.ApiSettings", OutputDirectory = "App_Plugins\\ApiSettingsSurface\\backoffice\\ApiSettings", ResourceType = ResourceType.Directory },
        new EmbeddedResource{ FileName  = "TotalCodeTenantHomeTemplate.cshtml", ResourceLocation = "Templates", OutputDirectory = "Views", ResourceType = ResourceType.NonTemplateView, Name = "Total Code Tenant Home", Alias = "TotalCodeTenantHome" },
        new EmbeddedResource{ FileName  = "Global.asax", ResourceLocation = "Content", OutputDirectory = ".\\", ResourceType = ResourceType.Other, Replace = true },
        new EmbeddedResource{ FileName  = "Global.asax.cs", ResourceLocation = "Content", OutputDirectory = ".\\", ResourceType = ResourceType.Other, AddToVisualStudioProject = true, DependentUpon = true, DependentUponFile = "Global.asax" }

It is possible to copy:

  • Template
  • NonTemplateView
  • Layout
  • Script
  • Partial
  • Macro
  • Style
  • Image
  • Directory

All files should be added programmatically via Embedded Resources

  • For technical questions about the code and Umbraco, contact Carlos Casalicchio
  • For technical questions regarding deployment and repository, contact Paul Jones
  • For project requirements, contact Dilek Isci
  • For management questions, contact Nima Shakouri

Testing and Workflow

In order to register, login, reset password, and so on, you will need to:

To register, you may use

    password: P@ss0000
    Tenant Uid =  50046935-C7CA-4AB9-B504-9000D5A52906
    Tenant Uid =  020f8363-ca8c-4ee3-a3e2-624efbcb4453
    App Id = GamingGuid
    Api Key = api_key_Umbracotest27_Gaming
    Phone  +441500000000 (or 01, or 02, or 03, and so on)
  1. Open Postman - Follow the documentation in the Postman Post Calls Postname Documentation - Update the Call according to your needs (check with Dilek for correct Tenant Data) Postman Create Tenant - Once created, navigate to http://localhost:2766
  2. Open the browser console window and watch for server responses Browser Console Window
  3. Watch for console responses to check for success or failures (see examples below)

Total Code Api Responses

Json Error Codes
    MissingField = 112,
    InvalidEmailFormat = 113,
    InvalidDate = 114,
    InvalidAge = 115,
    MobileOrEmailRequired = 116,
    InvalidCountry = 117,
    InvalidCurrency = 118,
    InvalidLanguage = 119,
    InvalidTimeZone = 120,
    ExistingCustomer = 121,
    EmailNotFound = 122,
    EmailSendFail = 123,
    EmailAlreadyVerified = 124,
    InvalidCustomer = 125,
    InvalidOldPassword = 126,
    MatchingOldAndNewPassword = 127,
    InvalidCustomerStatus = 128,
    CustomerNotFound = 129,
    VerificationRecordNotFound = 130,
    VerificationEmailExpired = 131,
    ValidationCodeExpired = 133,
    ValidationCodeSendFail = 134,
    SMSSendFail = 135,
    InvalidMobileNumber = 136,
    InvalidVerificationEmail = 137,
    VerificationCodeLimitExceeded = 138,
    MobileNumberNotFound = 139,
Api Login Success
Api Login Failure
          "ApiKey is missing"
          "PlatformGuid is missing"
Registration Step 1 Success (send SMS)
       "message":"Success! Verification code: 238140",
Registration Step 1 Failure (send SMS)
          "errorMessage":"Invalid mobile number!"
Registration Resend SMS Success
       "message":"Success! Verification code: 778674",
Registration Resend SMS Failure
          "errorMessage":"Invalid mobile number!"
Registration Step 2 Success (validate SMS)
Registration Step 2 Failure (validate SMS)
          "errorMessage":"Validation code invalid!"

          "errorMessage":"Limit exceeded for verification code requests!"
Registration Step 3 Success
                "emailAddress":"[email protected]",
          "username":"[email protected]",
Registration Step 3 Failure (create customer)
       "message":"Unable to create customer!",
             "errorMessage":"Invalid currency!"
             "errorMessage":"Invalid language!"

       "message":"Unable to create customer!",
             "errorMessage":"Invalid country!"
             "errorMessage":"Invalid currency!"
             "errorMessage":"Invalid language!"

       "message":"Unable to create customer!",
             "errorMessage":"Invalid country!"
             "errorMessage":"Invalid language!"
             "errorMessage":"Invalid timezone!"

       "message":"Unable to create customer!",
             "errorMessage":"Customer already exists!"

(sending password as Password123) {
"success":false, "message":"Error while creating customer!", "payload":null, "errors":null }

Registration Success Send Validation Email Success
Registration Success Send Validation Email Failure
          "errorMessage":"Email not found!"
Registration Resend Email Success
Registration Resend Email Failure
          "errorMessage":"Email not found!"

Registration Change Email Address Success

Registration Change Email Address Failure
          "errorMessage":"Undefined customer!"
Registration Confirm Email Success

Registration Confirm Email Failure

          "errorMessage":"Email not found!"
Login Success
Login Failure


Forgot Username Mobile Success
Forgot Username Mobile Failure
          "errorMessage":"Undefined customer!"
Forgot Username Email Success
Forgot Username Email Failure
          "errorMessage":"Undefined customer!"
Forgot Password Send Email Success
Forgot Password Resend Email Success
Forgot Password Resend Email Failure
          "errorMessage":"Undefined customer!"
Forgot Password Send SMS Success
       "message":"Success! Verification code: 373215",
Forgot Password Send SMS Failure
          "errorMessage":"Undefined customer!"
Forgot Password Reset Password via Mobile Success
Forgot Password Reset Password via Mobile Failure
Forgot Password Reset Password Via Email Success
Forgot Password Reset Password Via Email Failure
          "errorMessage":"Undefined customer!"

umbraco-8-cms-dotnet-c-sharp's People


narekengineer27 avatar


Sergiy avatar Oleksandr avatar  avatar Michael Wang avatar Taguhi avatar Oleksandr avatar Joseph avatar  avatar



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