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This project forked from haeunmok/human-computer-interaction-mindwave

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2019-1 Human Computer Interaction class- Mindwave Team

Python 100.00%

human-computer-interaction-mindwave's Introduction



  • 박규태, 문현기, 박은하, 목하은


"Sleep Bebe"는 뇌파를 분석하여 아기의 수면 정도에 따른 알람을 해주는 시스템으로, 아기와 떨어져 있는 공간에서도 스마트폰앱과 스마트 전구 휴(Hue)로 아기가 잠에서 깼는 지 알려준다. 아기의 수면 정도에 따라 휴의 색이 바뀌고, 앱에서는 전구모형의 그림의 색이 바뀐다. 예를 들어, 아이의 잠이 깬 상태에서는 전구가 빨간색으로 빛나고 휴대폰에 알람이 온다. 아기의 수면도를 측정하고 언제 깰 지 예측할 뿐만 아니라, 아이의 수면도에 따른 통계를 추가함으로써 아기에게 관심이 많은 부모들에게 관련 정보를 제공하고자 하였다.


1. Background

  • 아기가 자는 동안, 부모님들은 휴식을 취하거나 다른 일을 할 수 없음
  • 아기가 잠에서 깼을 때, 부모님이 눈 앞에 보이지 않으면 불안감을 느낄 수 있음
  • 청각장애인들은 아기의 울음소리를 들을 수 없음

2. Objectives: 3R

  • Rest for mother: 아기가 잘 때, 부모님들이 휴식을 취하거나 잠시 다른 일을 할 수 있도록 함
  • Relief of child: 아기가 깼을 때, 눈을 뜨면 부모님을 보며 안정감을 찾을 수 있도록 함
  • Replace sound to light: 청각 장애인 부모님들에게 아기의 우는 소리를 시각적으로 알려줌

3. storyboard


4. 구성요소: 앱, 휴, EEG

EEG와 앱, 휴를 블루투스로 연동하여 EEG로 측정된 값을 스마트폰앱과 휴로 전송하는 방식으로 작동된다.

4-1 앱:

자는 아기와 거리상 떨어져 있더라도 아기의 수면상태를 파악할 수 있도록 앱을 통해 알려준다. 본 프로젝트에서는 XD프로그램을 통해 앱의 프로토타입을 제작하였으나, planning단계에서는 실제 데이터를 볼 수 있는 앱 사용을 고려하였다. 앱의 용도는 컴퓨터 연결로 대체하였다.

4-2 휴:

아이의 소리를 들을 수 없는 청각 장애인들도 아기가 깼다는 것을 인지할 수 있도록 스마트 전구를 사용하여 알려 줄예정이다.

4-3 EEG:

EEG 측정은 본 project에서 mindwave mobile 기기를 사용하여 실험하였으나, 제품 planning 단계에서는 무선 EEG기기 사용을 고려하였다.


1. paper prototype

![Human-Computer-Interaction-Mindwave](paper prototype.pdf)

2. low-prototype (APP)

1차 프로토타입은 User research를 바탕으로 제작되었다.

User research

1차 프로토 타입 1차 프로토 타입은 xd프로그램을 사용하여 앱의 전반적인 디자인과 사용흐름을 구현해 내었다. Human-Computer-Interaction-Mindwave

아래는 Usability Test의 feedback으로 이를 바탕으로 2차 프로토 타입을 제작하였다.

Usability test

2차 프로토타입 2차 프로토타입은 위의 Usability test를 고려하여 앱의 흐름과 구성, 세부사항을 수정하였다. Human-Computer-Interaction-Mindwave

3. setting

1. Windows 10에 Pybluez 설치

  1. Anaconda 설치 (Python 3.7)
  2. 아래 사이트를 참고하여 PyBluez 설치: pybluez/pybluez#180 (comment)
    1. Download and run "Visual Studio Installer":
    2. Install "Visual Studio Build Tools 2017", check "Visual C++ build tools" and "Universal Windows Platform build tools"
    3. git clone
    4. cd pybluez
    5. python install

4. high-prototype(code)

from phue import Bridge from openpyxl import Workbook import random import csv import time import bluetooth import textwrap import struct import collections

#MindwaveDataPointReader-------------------------- class MindwaveDataPointReader: def init(self, address=None): self._mindwaveMobileRawReader = MindwaveMobileRawReader(address=address) self._dataPointQueue = collections.deque()

def start(self):

def isConnected(self):
    return self._mindwaveMobileRawReader.isConnected()

def readNextDataPoint(self):
    if (not self._moreDataPointsInQueue()):
    return self._getDataPointFromQueue()

def _moreDataPointsInQueue(self):
    return len(self._dataPointQueue) > 0

def _getDataPointFromQueue(self):
    return self._dataPointQueue.pop();

def _putNextDataPointsInQueue(self):
    dataPoints = self._readDataPointsFromOnePacket()

def _readDataPointsFromOnePacket(self):
    payloadBytes, checkSum = self._readOnePacket()
    if (not self._checkSumIsOk(payloadBytes, checkSum)):
        print("checksum of packet was not correct, discarding packet...")
        return self._readDataPointsFromOnePacket();
        dataPoints = self._readDataPointsFromPayload(payloadBytes)
    return dataPoints;

def _goToStartOfNextPacket(self):
        byte = self._mindwaveMobileRawReader.getByte()
        if (byte == MindwaveMobileRawReader.START_OF_PACKET_BYTE):  # need two of these bytes at the start..
            byte = self._mindwaveMobileRawReader.getByte()
            if (byte == MindwaveMobileRawReader.START_OF_PACKET_BYTE):
                # now at the start of the packet..

def _readOnePacket(self):
        payloadLength = self._readPayloadLength();
        payloadBytes, checkSum = self._readPacket(payloadLength);
        return payloadBytes, checkSum

def _readPayloadLength(self):
    payloadLength = self._mindwaveMobileRawReader.getByte()
    return payloadLength

def _readPacket(self, payloadLength):
    payloadBytes = self._mindwaveMobileRawReader.getBytes(payloadLength)
    checkSum = self._mindwaveMobileRawReader.getByte()
    return payloadBytes, checkSum

def _checkSumIsOk(self, payloadBytes, checkSum):
    sumOfPayload = sum(payloadBytes)
    lastEightBits = sumOfPayload % 256
    invertedLastEightBits = self._computeOnesComplement(lastEightBits) #1's complement!
    return invertedLastEightBits == checkSum;

def _computeOnesComplement(self, lastEightBits):
    return ~lastEightBits + 256

def _readDataPointsFromPayload(self, payloadBytes):
    payloadParser = MindwavePacketPayloadParser(payloadBytes)
    return payloadParser.parseDataPoints();

#MindwaveDataPoints------------------- class DataPoint: def init(self, dataValueBytes): self._dataValueBytes = dataValueBytes

class UnknownDataPoint(DataPoint): def init(self, dataValueBytes): DataPoint.init(self, dataValueBytes) self.unknownPoint = self._dataValueBytes[0]

def __str__(self):
    retMsgString = "Unknown OpCode. Value: {}".format(self.unknownPoint)
    return retMsgString

class PoorSignalLevelDataPoint(DataPoint): def init(self, dataValueBytes): DataPoint.init(self, dataValueBytes) self.amountOfNoise = self._dataValueBytes[0];

def headSetHasContactToSkin(self):
    return self.amountOfNoise < 200;

def __str__(self):
    poorSignalLevelString = "Poor Signal Level: " + str(self.amountOfNoise)
    if (not self.headSetHasContactToSkin()):
        poorSignalLevelString += " - NO CONTACT TO SKIN"
    return poorSignalLevelString

class AttentionDataPoint(DataPoint): def init(self, _dataValueBytes): DataPoint.init(self, _dataValueBytes) self.attentionValue = self._dataValueBytes[0]

def __str__(self):
    return "Attention Level: " + str(self.attentionValue)

class MeditationDataPoint(DataPoint): def init(self, _dataValueBytes): DataPoint.init(self, _dataValueBytes) self.meditationValue = self._dataValueBytes[0]

def __str__(self):
    return "Meditation Level: " + str(self.meditationValue)

class BlinkDataPoint(DataPoint): def init(self, _dataValueBytes): DataPoint.init(self, _dataValueBytes) self.blinkValue = self._dataValueBytes[0]

def __str__(self):
    return "Blink Level: " + str(self.blinkValue)

class RawDataPoint(DataPoint): def init(self, dataValueBytes): DataPoint.init(self, dataValueBytes) self.rawValue = self._readRawValue()

def _readRawValue(self):
    firstByte = self._dataValueBytes[0]
    secondByte = self._dataValueBytes[1]
    # TODO(check if this is correct iwth soem more tests..
    # and see
    rawValue = firstByte * 256 + secondByte;
    if rawValue >= 32768:
        rawValue -= 65536
    return rawValue # hope this is correct ;)

def __str__(self):
    return "Raw Value: " + str(self.rawValue)

class EEGPowersDataPoint(DataPoint): def init(self, dataValueBytes): DataPoint.init(self, dataValueBytes) self._rememberEEGValues();

def _rememberEEGValues(self): = self._convertToBigEndianInteger(self._dataValueBytes[0:3]);
    self.theta = self._convertToBigEndianInteger(self._dataValueBytes[3:6]);
    self.lowAlpha = self._convertToBigEndianInteger(self._dataValueBytes[6:9]);
    self.highAlpha = self._convertToBigEndianInteger(self._dataValueBytes[9:12]);
    self.lowBeta = self._convertToBigEndianInteger(self._dataValueBytes[12:15]);
    self.highBeta = self._convertToBigEndianInteger(self._dataValueBytes[15:18]);
    self.lowGamma = self._convertToBigEndianInteger(self._dataValueBytes[18:21]);
    self.midGamma = self._convertToBigEndianInteger(self._dataValueBytes[21:24]);

def _convertToBigEndianInteger(self, threeBytes):
    # TODO(check if this is correct iwth soem more tests..
    # and see
    # only use first 16 bits of second number, not rest inc ase number is negative, otherwise
    # python would take all 1s before this bit...
    # same with first number, only take first 8 bits...
    bigEndianInteger = (threeBytes[0] << 16) |\
     (((1 << 16) - 1) & (threeBytes[1] << 8)) |\
      ((1 << 8) - 1) & threeBytes[2]
    return bigEndianInteger

def __str__(self):
    return """EEG Powers:
            delta: {}
            theta: {self.theta}
            lowAlpha: {self.lowAlpha}
            highAlpha: {self.highAlpha}
            lowBeta: {self.lowBeta}
            highBeta: {self.highBeta}
            lowGamma: {self.lowGamma}
            midGamma: {self.midGamma}
            """.format(self = self)


class MindwaveMobileRawReader: START_OF_PACKET_BYTE = 0xaa; def init(self, address=None): self._buffer = []; self._bufferPosition = 0; self._isConnected = False; self._mindwaveMobileAddress = address

def connectToMindWaveMobile(self):
    # First discover mindwave mobile address, then connect.
    # Headset address of my headset was'9C:B7:0D:72:CD:02';
    # not sure if it really can be different?
    # now discovering address because of
    if (self._mindwaveMobileAddress is None):
        self._mindwaveMobileAddress = self._findMindwaveMobileAddress()
    if (self._mindwaveMobileAddress is not None):
        print ("Discovered Mindwave Mobile...")

def _findMindwaveMobileAddress(self):
    nearby_devices = bluetooth.discover_devices(lookup_names = True)
    for address, name in nearby_devices:
        if (name == "MindWave Mobile"):
            return address
    return None

def _connectToAddress(self, mindwaveMobileAddress):
    self.mindwaveMobileSocket = bluetooth.BluetoothSocket(bluetooth.RFCOMM)
    while (not self._isConnected):
                (mindwaveMobileAddress, 1))
            self._isConnected = True
        except bluetooth.btcommon.BluetoothError as error:
            print("Could not connect: ", error, "; Retrying in 5s...")

def isConnected(self):
    return self._isConnected

def _printErrorDiscoveryMessage(self):
                Could not discover Mindwave Mobile. Please make sure the
                Mindwave Mobile device is in pairing mode and your computer
                has bluetooth enabled.""").replace("\n", " ")))

def _readMoreBytesIntoBuffer(self, amountOfBytes):
    newBytes = self._readBytesFromMindwaveMobile(amountOfBytes)
    self._buffer += newBytes

def _readBytesFromMindwaveMobile(self, amountOfBytes):
    missingBytes = amountOfBytes
    # receivedBytes = ""  #py2
    receivedBytes = b''   #py3

    # Sometimes the socket will not send all the requested bytes
    # on the first request, therefore a loop is necessary...
    while(missingBytes > 0):
        receivedBytes += self.mindwaveMobileSocket.recv(missingBytes)
        missingBytes = amountOfBytes - len(receivedBytes)
    return receivedBytes;

def peekByte(self):
    return ord(self._buffer[self._bufferPosition])

def getByte(self):
    return self._getNextByte();

def  _ensureMoreBytesCanBeRead(self, amountOfBytes):
    if (self._bufferSize() <= self._bufferPosition + amountOfBytes):

def _getNextByte(self):
    # nextByte = ord(self._buffer[self._bufferPosition]) #py2
    nextByte = self._buffer[self._bufferPosition]   #py3
    self._bufferPosition += 1;
    return nextByte;

def getBytes(self, amountOfBytes):
    return self._getNextBytes(amountOfBytes);

def _getNextBytes(self, amountOfBytes):
    # nextBytes = list(map(ord, self._buffer[self._bufferPosition: self._bufferPosition + amountOfBytes])) #py2
    nextBytes = list(self._buffer[self._bufferPosition: self._bufferPosition + amountOfBytes]) #py3
    self._bufferPosition += amountOfBytes
    return nextBytes

def clearAlreadyReadBuffer(self):
    self._buffer = self._buffer[self._bufferPosition : ]
    self._bufferPosition = 0;

def _bufferSize(self):
    return len(self._buffer);



class MindwavePacketPayloadParser:

def __init__(self, payloadBytes):
    self._payloadBytes = payloadBytes
    self._payloadIndex = 0

def parseDataPoints(self):
    dataPoints = []
    while (not self._atEndOfPayloadBytes()):
        dataPoint = self._parseOneDataPoint()
    return dataPoints

def _atEndOfPayloadBytes(self):
    return self._payloadIndex == len(self._payloadBytes)

def _parseOneDataPoint(self):
    dataRowCode = self._extractDataRowCode();
    dataRowValueBytes = self._extractDataRowValueBytes(dataRowCode)
    return self._createDataPoint(dataRowCode, dataRowValueBytes)

def _extractDataRowCode(self):
    return self._ignoreExtendedCodeBytesAndGetRowCode()

def _ignoreExtendedCodeBytesAndGetRowCode(self):
    # EXTENDED_CODE_BYTES seem not to be used according to
    # (August 2012)
    # so we ignore them
    byte = self._getNextByte()
    while (byte == EXTENDED_CODE_BYTE):
        byte = self._getNextByte()
    dataRowCode = byte
    return dataRowCode

def _getNextByte(self):
    nextByte = self._payloadBytes[self._payloadIndex]
    self._payloadIndex += 1
    return nextByte

def _getNextBytes(self, amountOfBytes):
    nextBytes = self._payloadBytes[self._payloadIndex : self._payloadIndex + amountOfBytes]
    self._payloadIndex += amountOfBytes
    return nextBytes

def _extractDataRowValueBytes(self, dataRowCode):
    lengthOfValueBytes = self._extractLengthOfValueBytes(dataRowCode)
    dataRowValueBytes = self._getNextBytes(lengthOfValueBytes)
    return dataRowValueBytes

def _extractLengthOfValueBytes(self, dataRowCode):
    # If code is one of the mysterious initial code values
    # return before the extended code check
    if dataRowCode == 0xBA or dataRowCode == 0xBC:
        return 1

    dataRowHasLengthByte = dataRowCode > 0x7f
    if (dataRowHasLengthByte):
        return self._getNextByte()
        return 1

def _createDataPoint(self, dataRowCode, dataRowValueBytes):
    if (dataRowCode == 0x02):
        return PoorSignalLevelDataPoint(dataRowValueBytes)
    elif (dataRowCode == 0x04):
        return AttentionDataPoint(dataRowValueBytes)
    elif (dataRowCode == 0x05):
        return MeditationDataPoint(dataRowValueBytes)
    elif (dataRowCode == 0x16):
        return BlinkDataPoint(dataRowValueBytes)
    elif (dataRowCode == 0x80):
        return RawDataPoint(dataRowValueBytes)
    elif (dataRowCode == 0x83):
        return EEGPowersDataPoint(dataRowValueBytes)
    elif (dataRowCode == 0xba or dataRowCode == 0xbc):
        return UnknownDataPoint(dataRowValueBytes)
        assert False

#example----------------------------------------------------- b = Bridge("") #b.connect() b.set_light(5,'on', True)

write_wb = Workbook() write_wb =

if name == 'main': mindwaveDataPointReader = MindwaveDataPointReader() mindwaveDataPointReader.start() if (mindwaveDataPointReader.isConnected()): #for i in range(1000): while(True): dataPoint = mindwaveDataPointReader.readNextDataPoint() if (not dataPoint.class is RawDataPoint): #print(dir(dataPoint)) if hasattr(dataPoint, 'meditationValue'): print(dataPoint.meditationValue) medVal = dataPoint.meditationValue b.set_light(5,'bri', medVal)

            if hasattr(dataPoint, 'attentionValue'):
                attVal = dataPoint.attentionValue
                b.set_light(5,'bri', medVal)
                csv_writer.writerow([medVal, ])

        Exiting because the program could not connect
        to the Mindwave Mobile device.""").replace("\n", " ")))


5. 앱 구현

앱은 앱인벤터 프로그램을 사용하여 제작하였다.

human-computer-interaction-mindwave's People


haeunmok avatar



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