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snappi's Introduction


license Project Status: Active โ€“ The project has reached a stable, usable state and is being actively developed. Build Total alerts Language grade: Python pypi python

Test scripts written in snappi, an auto-generated python SDK, can be executed against any traffic generator conforming to Open Traffic Generator API.

Ixia-c is one such reference implementation of Open Traffic Generator API.

The repository is under active development and is subject to updates. All efforts will be made to keep the updates backwards compatible.

Setup Client

python -m pip install --upgrade snappi 

Start Testing

import datetime
import time
import snappi
import pytest

def test_quickstart():
    # Create a new API handle to make API calls against OTG
    # with HTTP as default transport protocol
    api = snappi.api(location="https://localhost:8443")

    # Create a new traffic configuration that will be set on OTG
    config = api.config()

    # Add a test port to the configuration
    ptx = config.ports.add(name="ptx", location="veth-a")

    # Configure a flow and set previously created test port as one of endpoints
    flow = config.flows.add(name="flow")
    flow.tx_rx.port.tx_name =
    # and enable tracking flow metrics
    flow.metrics.enable = True

    # Configure number of packets to transmit for previously configured flow
    flow.duration.fixed_packets.packets = 100
    # and fixed byte size of all packets in the flow
    flow.size.fixed = 128

    # Configure protocol headers for all packets in the flow
    eth, ip, udp, cus = flow.packet.ethernet().ipv4().udp().custom()

    eth.src.value = "00:11:22:33:44:55"
    eth.dst.value = "00:11:22:33:44:66"

    ip.src.value = ""
    ip.dst.value = ""

    # Configure repeating patterns for source and destination UDP ports
    udp.src_port.values = [5010, 5015, 5020, 5025, 5030]
    udp.dst_port.increment.start = 6010
    udp.dst_port.increment.step = 5
    udp.dst_port.increment.count = 5

    # Configure custom bytes (hex string) in payload
    cus.bytes = "".join([hex(c)[2:] for c in b"..QUICKSTART SNAPPI.."])

    # Optionally, print JSON representation of config
    print("Configuration: ", config.serialize(encoding=config.JSON))

    # Push traffic configuration constructed so far to OTG

    # Start transmitting the packets from configured flow
    ts = api.transmit_state()
    ts.state = ts.START

    # Fetch metrics for configured flow
    req = api.metrics_request()
    req.flow.flow_names = []
    # and keep polling until either expectation is met or deadline exceeds
    start =
    while True:
        metrics = api.get_metrics(req)
        if ( - start).seconds > 10:
            raise Exception("deadline exceeded")
        # print YAML representation of flow metrics
        if metrics.flow_metrics[0].transmit == metrics.flow_metrics[0].STOPPED:

snappi's People


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snappi's Issues

Snappi api is not returning stat due to header mismatch

file url - /usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/snappi/

In send_recv(self, method, relative_url, payload=None, return_object=None)

    `if response.ok:
        if response.headers['content-type'] == 'application/json':   
            return return_object.deserialize(yaml.safe_load(response.text))
            return None
        raise Exception(response.status_code, yaml.safe_load(response.text))`


{'Content-Type': 'application/json; charset=UTF-8', 'Date': 'Mon, 01 Feb 2021 17:04:14 GMT', 'Content-Length': '432'}

Setting invalid / non-existent members in snappi does not result in validation error


import snappi

api = snappi.api.Api()
config = api.config()
f = config.flows.flow(name='f1')
_, ip, _ = f.packet.ethernet().ipv4().tcp()
ip.src.value = ''
# set invalid member
ip.dst.invalid_attr = 100

The snippet above executes without issues, even though it should've raised validation error.


  "flows": [
      "name": "f1",
      "packet": [
          "ethernet": {},
          "choice": "ethernet"
          "ipv4": {
            "src": {
              "metric_group": null,
              "choice": "value",
              "value": ""
            "dst": {
              "metric_group": null
          "choice": "ipv4"
          "tcp": {},
          "choice": "tcp"

Validate Packet header field

I do not find any straightway to validate if packet header fields are not setting at the time of configuration. I am using this script to test it. ether_type is not configured within this script. These are my observation.

>>> packet
<snappi.flowethernet.FlowEthernet object at 0x000001338D7236A0>
>>> packet.ether_type
<snappi.flowpattern.FlowPattern object at 0x000001338DA42A90>
>>> packet.ether_type.choice
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Program Files\JetBrains\PyCharm Community Edition 2017.3.2\helpers\pydev\_pydevd_bundle\", line 3, in Exec
    exec(exp, global_vars, local_vars)
  File "<input>", line 1, in <module>
  File "C:/MY_FOLDER/Sonic/Codebase/snappi\snappi\", line 43, in choice
    return self._properties['choice']
KeyError: 'choice'
>>> hasattr(packet.ether_type, 'choice')
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Program Files\JetBrains\PyCharm Community Edition 2017.3.2\helpers\pydev\_pydevd_bundle\", line 3, in Exec
    exec(exp, global_vars, local_vars)
  File "<input>", line 1, in <module>
  File "C:/MY_FOLDER/Sonic/Codebase/snappi\snappi\", line 43, in choice
    return self._properties['choice']
KeyError: 'choice'

I found only way to validate it using this which is not user fraindly.

if 'choice' not in pattern._properties

I feel it will really helpful if we validate packet.ether_type is None

snappi not validate or return according to it description

This is one code snippet for class FlowDevice(SnappiObject):

def tx_names(self):
    # type: () -> list[str]
    """tx_names getter
    The unique names of devices that will be transmitting.
    Returns: list[str]
    return self._get_property('tx_names')
def tx_names(self, value):
    """tx_names setter
    The unique names of devices that will be transmitting.
    value: list[str]
    self._set_property('tx_names', value)

Snappi is accepting string as well as return as string

>>> flow.tx_rx.device.tx_names = 'abcd'
>>> flow.tx_rx.device.tx_names

Our IxNetwork concreate we are looping according to specific attributes because OTG was taking care that part. I feel this is also little bit confused as description said " Returns: list[str]"

Please let me know your suggestion.

Cannot use [].clear() in python2

self = <snappi.snappi.FlowMetricList object at 0x7f9498e09dd0>

    def clear(self):
>       self._items.clear()
E       AttributeError: 'list' object has no attribute 'clear'

/home/otg/python27/lib/python2.7/site-packages/snappi/ AttributeError

Arguments to `snappi.api()`

Currently we use host to specify api server address when instantiating api object.

api = snappi.api(host='https://localhost')

Although it has been raised that host might be an incorrect attribute name (since it only refers to ip address and TCP port pair).
In such cases, users might skip https:// schema. Following are the other options,

  • addr
  • uri / url
  • location (consistent with port location)

What should we proceed with ?

@ajbalogh @ankur-sheth @winstonliu1111

Is there a more compact way to start() traffic?

In this section:
you show this snippet:

# start transmitting configured flows
ts = api.transmit_state()
ts.state = ts.START

This is a lot of lines of code to start the traffic. Is there a more compact way? For example:


This is still pedantic. How about something even easier, e.g.


The same comment goes for stopping traffic, and starting capture.

Create snappi-scapy utils

It'd be nice to have a small library of utils to allow snappi and scapy to work together (if licensing issues are not an obstacle). For example, it'd be nice to be able to convert scapy packets to a flow packet spec and vice-versa. I found it useful to create packets in scapy to compare athena-captured packets against. It would be nice if I could have converted my transmit flow spec into scapy packets directly (e.g. I generated 255 packets with an increment pattern in the DIP, so give me those packets as a list of scapy packets which I can modify per my expected behavior in the DUT, then I can do a compare. FOr example of how I did it with scapy see

Adding capture configuration to config results in failure


import snappi

api = snappi.api.Api()
config = api.config()


>       config.captures.capture()

self = <snappi.capturelist.CaptureList object at 0x7fc781faf850>, port_names = None, pcap = None, enable = True, overwrite = False
format = 'pcap', name = None

    def capture(self, port_names=None, pcap=None, enable=True, overwrite=False, format='pcap', name=None):
        # type: () -> Capture
        """Factory method to create an instance of the snappi.capture.Capture class
        Container for capture settings.
>       item = Capture(port_names, pcap, enable, overwrite, format, name)
E       TypeError: __init__() takes from 1 to 6 positional arguments but 7 were given

snappi/ TypeError

ENH: Add arg to snappi.api() to disable urllib3's InsecureRequestWarning

Using snappi with insecure localhost connaction results in annoying warnings:

import snappi
api = snappi.api(host='https://localhost:8080')
cfg = api.config()
res = api.set_config(cfg)
/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/urllib3/ InsecureRequestWarning: Unverified HTTPS request is being made to host 'localhost'. Adding certificate verification is strongly advised. See:

I was advised to do this to suppress them:


How about an optional arg to snappi.api() such as allow_insecure=False which if set True will make this call under the hood. Also we might provide examples of using Athena/localhost with this option invoked.

Choice is set to None for Flow.TxRx.Device


import snappi
api = snappi.api()
config = api.config()
f1, = config.flows.flow(name='f1')
f1.tx_rx.port.tx_name = 'p1'
  "flows": [
      "name": "f1",
      "tx_rx": {
        "port": {
          "tx_name": "p1",
          "rx_name": null
        "choice": "port"


import snappi
api = snappi.api()
config = api.config()
f1, = config.flows.flow(name='f1')'a', rx_name='b')
  "flows": [
      "name": "f1",
      "tx_rx": {
        "device": {
          "maps": [
              "tx_name": "a",
              "rx_name": "b"

Deserialization of some snappi objects fail due to missing _TYPES


import snappi
api = snappi.api()

d = api.details()
d.deserialize({'errors': []})


_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
/usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/snappi/ in set_config
    return self._transport.send_recv(
/usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/snappi/ in send_recv
    return return_object.deserialize(response_dict)
/usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/snappi/ in deserialize
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _self = <snappi.snappi.Details object at 0x7f65e37fbb80>, obj = {'errors': [], 'warnings': []}    def _decode(self, obj):
        snappi_names = dir(self)
        for property_name, property_value in obj.items():
            if property_name in snappi_names:
                if isinstance(property_value, dict):
                    child = self._get_child_class(property_name)
                    if '_choice' in dir(child[1]) and '_parent' in dir(child[1]):
                        property_value = child[1](self, property_name)._decode(property_value)
                        property_value = child[1]()._decode(property_value)
                elif isinstance(property_value,
>                               list) and property_name in self._TYPES:
E                               AttributeError: 'Details' object has no attribute '_TYPES'


Non-private method needed to clone and append snappi objects to snappi list

Usecase is to add a clone of first flow as third flow. Currently it's not feasible even if we use _add (private method).

This works:

import snappi
import copy

api = snappi.api.Api()
config = api.config()
f1, f2 = config.flows.flow(name='f1').flow(name='f2')

config.flows[2].name = 'f3'

This does not work:

import snappi
import copy

api = snappi.api.Api()
config = api.config()
f1, f2 = config.flows.flow(name='f1').flow(name='f2')

config.flows[2].name = 'f3'

RecursionError: maximum recursion depth exceeded

Packet header field pattern should be string (according to models) upon snappi object/list serialization


import snappi

api = snappi.api.Api()
config = api.config()
f = config.flows.flow(name='f1')
_, ip, _ = f.packet.ethernet().ipv4().tcp()
# IP address string
ip.src.value = ''
# IP address int value
ip.dst.value = 64

In models, the value for pattern should be string as specified in

Implication being, ipv4 dst addr value should've been "64" instead of 64.


  "flows": [
      "name": "f1",
      "packet": [
          "ethernet": {},
          "choice": "ethernet"
          "ipv4": {
            "src": {
              "metric_group": null,
              "choice": "value",
              "value": ""
            "dst": {
              "metric_group": null,
              "choice": "value",
              "value": 64
          "choice": "ipv4"
          "tcp": {},
          "choice": "tcp"

Parameter "name" in protocol device is not accessed (class DeviceList)

In class DeviceList
the parameter "name" in ethernet, ipv4, ipv6 and bgpv4 is not accessed anywhere in the code.
setting the parameter while instance creation is not taking effect.

config.devices.ethernet(name="test") --> name is not taking effect and when serialized it gives None.

"choice" attribute is not set in device instance and not added in serialization

work flow:

container_name: null
device_count: 1
choice: value
value: 00:00:00:00:00:01
name: null
name: null

device choice field is not getting set even though mac address is set. and it can be seen only when name is set.

Distinguish between python package for generator and generated code

  • Put generator dependencies in requirements.txt or
  • currently present in project dir should identify package snappi-gen and not snappi itself
  • New should be generated (or duplicated from existing), which should be called snappi and include dependecies for generated code
  • Generated code should be copied to be a separate directory (and hence + other existing files should be copied to dir containing generated code)
  • Generated code should also include .yaml or .json spec

#1 and #2 are subject to further discussion (if separate snappi-gen package is not desired).

Allowing all protocol containers with in device object

After creating the device object via config.devices.device(), right now the current implementation has access to create all the protocol containers.
if so, it would become problematic at concrete implementation.

device = config.devices.device()[0]
please suggest is my understanding is correct.

FlowPattern choice is not being set

the choice is not being set in the following

    eth = flow.packet[0]  # type: snappi.FlowEthernet
    assert (eth.__class__ == snappi.FlowEthernet)
    eth.src.value = '00:00:01:00:00:01'
    assert(eth.src.choice == 'value')

Intellisense for config objects doesn't work on VSCode

Autocomplete / intellisense works when using python REPL on Ubuntu but it doesn't seem to work on VSCode.

import snappi

api = snappi.api.Api()
config = api.config()
# got a suggestion for 'ports'
# no suggestion for 'port()' or its kwargs

ENH:SnappiIter.append(item) should return item

Examples I've seen create multiple flow objects like this, for example:

flow1, flow2 = self.cfg.flows.flow(name='f1').flow(name='f2')

However, it can be useful to allow one-at-a-time flow creation, especially for programmatic flow creation using loops where the number of flows cannot be hardcoded. For example,


If append() returned item you could do this which is much more compact and costs nothing.

flow2 = self.cfg.flows.append(snappi.Flow(name='f2'))

Expecting FlowHeader when iterate through FlowHeaderList

These are my observation:

>> flowHeaderList = config.flows[0].packet
>> type(flowHeaderList)
<class 'snappi.flowheaderlist.FlowHeaderList'>
>> type(flowHeaderList[0])
<class 'snappi.flowethernet.FlowEthernet'>
>> type(flowHeaderList._items[0])
<class 'snappi.flowheader.FlowHeader'>

It looks like snappi is returning exact header (in this case 'FlowEthernet') rather than FlowHeader when iterate through FlowHeaderList though internal _items actually store FlowHeader.

IxNetwork concreate normally iterate through list object to check the choice of that object and take decision. say for this case

for flow_header in flowHeaderList :

Please let me know if this is expected behavior then we will handle this accordingly.

need more control over packet_count of a flow

FYI, I have not tested this in snappi, issue found with tgen, assuming implementation is the same.

If you have a traffic item with 16 flow groups and configure the tgen.flow to run until 10k packets are sent ( duration=Duration(FixedPackets(packets=packet_count) ) the traffic item is actually set to have 'Fixed Packet Count' 625 (10k/16 flow groups). This is fine for the scenario where the user wants a total of 10k packets sent no matter the flows/ports.

But we need to consider the scenario where the user actually wants to know how many packets it will be sending per port (which I believe will be more common). This user would expect that when setting packet_count=10k, he will see 10k per traffic item (and from that he could determine per port distribution). Right now this user would have to do the reverse math: if I want to send 10k per flow group, then I need to configure tgen to send 10K x flow groups...

So to overcome this, instead of having tgen silently doing the math, it should take the packet_count as is, and expose a setting for frame count distribution (and let the user decide how to split this count among flow groups).

Accessing choice properties overrides current choice

The following invalid behavior needs to be fixed.

eth = flow.packet.ethernet()[-1]
eth.src.increment.start = '00:00:00:00:00:01'
eth.src.value # accessing the value getter switches the eth.src.choice from increment to value which is invalid (debugger watch will do this all the time)

parent and choice need to be passed to child choice classes which should only set the parent choice when a setter has been accessed.

Provide a better way to select a specific choice when member modification is not needed

import snappi
api = snappi.api()
config = api.config()

f, = config.flows.flow(name='f1')

# we want flow duration to use fixed packets
# 1st approach
# 2nd approach
f.duration.choice = f.duration.FIXED_PACKETS


Output for 1st approach:

- duration:
      delay: null
      delay_unit: null
      gap: null
      packets: null
  name: f1

Output for 2nd approach:

- duration:
    choice: fixed_packets
  name: f1

Proposed approach:

import snappi
api = snappi.api()
config = api.config()

f, = config.flows.flow(name='f1')

# we want flow duration to use fixed packets
# output 1

# output 2

# output 3
f.duration.choice = f.duration.FIXED_PACKETS


# output 1
- duration:
    choice: fixed_packets
      delay: null
      delay_unit: null
      gap: null
      packets: null
  name: f1

# output 2
- duration:
    choice: fixed_packets
  name: f1

# output 3
- duration:
    choice: fixed_packets
  name: f1

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