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text-it's Issues

β€œPart Of The Journey Is The End.” ~Tony Stark

Design Enhancement for Settings Fragment

πŸ›  Task Description:
The task is to enhance the design of the Settings fragment to match the specifications provided in the Figma file. Additionally, create separate fragments for each button present in the Settings page. Keep the initial state of the pages blank and insert a text box indicating the page name for easy identification.

πŸ“† Deadline:
Two days from the creation of this issue.

🚧 Implementation Details:

  1. Settings Fragment:

    • Adjust the layout and styling to match the design from the Figma file.
    • Ensure accurate placement of elements, including buttons, text fields, and any other components.
    • Pay attention to color schemes, font styles, and overall aesthetics.
  2. Individual Button Fragments:

    • Create separate fragments for each button present in the Settings page.
    • Each fragment should initially be blank with only a text box stating the button's purpose or name.
  3. Identifying Text Boxes:

    • Use a bold font for the text boxes indicating the page names to enhance visibility.
    • Utilize appropriate emoji icons to make the identification process more engaging and straightforward.

πŸš€ Happy contribution! 🌟

"I Am Fire And Life Incarnate! Now And Forever - I Am Phoenix!"

Design Implementation for ChatFragment and Individual Chat Layouts

πŸ›  Task Description:

  1. ChatFragment Design:

    • Create the UI design for the ChatFragment where real-time chatting will take place.
    • Include the necessary components like message input area, send button, and a RecyclerView to display the conversation.
    • Design a clean and user-friendly interface that aligns with the overall app aesthetic.
  2. Individual Chat Layouts:

    • Design layouts for individual chat messages to be used for both sending and receiving messages.
    • Consider differentiating between user-sent messages and received messages, possibly using distinct colors or icons.
    • Ensure that the layout provides a clear distinction between messages and includes essential details like timestamps.

πŸ“† Deadline:
Please complete the assigned tasks within a reasonable timeframe to facilitate testing and integration.


Task-1 A warm up task

Add your Name and Github_username in contibutors.xml located in res/values folder.

PS: This issue is open for all, so no need to claim this issue. You can directly create a pull request

Happy Contributing!😊

Permisson Access

Ask the user for the following permissions before entering the app :-

  • camera
  • media

the permission should only be asked when the user is first using the app.

Note:- the permission dialog box should not open in settings it should be open in app itself.
like this :-

also write the code if user deny (any permission) then the app should automatically closes.

Repair Google Authentication in Login/SignUp Page

Repair Google Authentication in Login/SignUp Page

πŸš€ Task Overview:
Fix the Google authentication code on the Login/SignUp page. Ensure users can successfully sign in or sign up using their Google accounts. After authentication, add a new user using their Google account details and redirect them to the HomeActivity.


  1. Google Authentication:

    • πŸ› οΈ Repair the Google authentication code in the Login/SignUp page.
    • πŸ“² Ensure users can log in or sign up using their Google accounts.
  2. User Creation:

    • πŸ§‘β€πŸ’» Add a new user using the Google account details.
  3. Redirection:

    • πŸ”„ After successful authentication, redirect the user to the HomeActivity.

πŸ“ Note:
Verify that the Google authentication works seamlessly from the Login/SignUp page, and users are properly redirected to the HomeActivity. Merge conflicts will be resolved when merging.

Happy coding! 🌟

Splash Screen

Create a Splash Screen with Transition to NextActivity πŸš€

Develop a splash screen that dynamically engages users for 3 seconds before seamlessly transitioning to the NextActivity.

Ensure a visually appealing design for the splash screen to capture attention and enhance user experience. 🎨

  • attach a screenshot/folder link of your work to review it easily.

PS: This issue is open for all, so no need to claim this issue. You can directly create a pull request.
Note: This issue will be active for 3 days. ⏳

Happy contributing! 😊

Register/Login using Firebase

Write the logic for login/registering the user using their email and password.

The authentication system has already been set for email/password (email may/may not be a valid email)

You can refer to the Firebase documentation for this task
Email Auth

PS:- Firebase has integrated into the project, so there is no need to do it again

Note:- Also those who want to take this task have to share their email ID so that i can add you on the project and you can access with this link.

The Godfather (1972)

πŸ”„ Authentication Process Enhancements:

  1. 🌐 Google Authentication Method:

    • User Information Collection:
      When a user authenticates using the Google button method, prompt them to provide their username and phone number.
    • Data Storage:
      Save the collected username and phone number information to Firebase in a collection named "users."
    • Profile Picture Fix:
      Address the issue where the app does not prompt users to provide a profile picture during registration via the Google button method. Ensure that users can upload their profile picture seamlessly.
  2. βœ‰οΈ Email Authentication Method:

    • OTP Removal:
      Streamline the email authentication process by removing the OTP requirement to enhance user experience.
    • User Input:
      Instead of OTP, collect the user's phone number directly during the email authentication method.
    • Data Storage:
      Save the collected phone number information to Firebase in the "users" collection under relevant field properties.

    Note: Ensure that these changes are implemented smoothly and do not compromise the security or reliability of the authentication process.

β€œThere's no place like home.” -The Wizard of Oz, 1939

Issue Description

Your task is to make the UI of the Message Fragment and also to display the status.

  1. The status adapter code is already written, so you don't have to create it.

    Also, in the message section of the page, add a RecyclerView and keep it empty for now.

Let's make it awesome! πŸš€


Ohhh damn!!! I forgot it again

In this task, you have to add an option for forgot password in LoginUser() activity [already created]

also you have to write the code for navigation through the existing activities:

  • splash -> Login
  • Login -> Register and vice versa
  • Register -> MainActivity
  • Login -> MainAcvitvity

Also forgot password should open in a new activity....
Coming Soon!!!!

till then

Happy contributing😊!!!

Bug fixes...

Certainly! Here is a revised version using Markdown with added emojis and text formatting:

πŸ› Bug Fixes for the App

  1. πŸ“± Message Fragment Placement Issue:
    The message fragment is supposed to be present at its designated place in the bottom navigation bar. However, currently, the chat fragment is being displayed in that position. πŸ”„ Please fix this issue to ensure the correct placement of the message fragment.

  2. 🎨 Contact Page Design Mismatch:
    The design of the contact page does not align with the Figma design. πŸ›  Kindly adjust the layout and styles to match the specified Figma design accurately. You can see the desgin from the figma file if you dont have link then pls ask for it .

  3. βš™οΈ Settings Fragment Design Refactoring:
    The current design of the settings fragment is suboptimal, with multiple constraint layouts being used. πŸ›  Your task is to improve the design according to the specified design guidelines. Try to use a single constraint layout that contains multiple view groups organized within a LinearLayout for better structure and maintainability.

also to work on this issue you have to be added in the firebase console so if you are not then pls message for that

Re-design the Login Page

πŸš€ Redesigned Login Page Issue

Task Description

You are tasked with redesigning the login page. 🎨 The Figma link containing design details can be found in the README file. ⏳


To access the individual elements present in the design, refer to the Figma file mentioned in the README. πŸ“Ž

Deadline for Task: 2 days βŒ›

Happy Redesigning! 🌟



This is a prevous issue reopned
for merging purpose

I'll be back.” -The Terminator, 1984

Task: Enhance Authentication Process


Your new task is to improve the authentication process in the app. The goal is to enhance the user experience and address missing details as outlined in the Figma file.

Detailed Steps:

  1. Make Screens Scrollable:

    • Ensure that all screens before the HomeActivity are scrollable.
    • This includes screens involved in the authentication process.
  2. Password Visibility Toggle:

    • Add buttons to toggle password visibility.
    • When pressed, change the password text to asterisks (***), and revert to normal text when pressed again.
  3. Error Animation for Confirm Password:

    • Implement a visually appealing error animation when the entered password and confirm password do not match.
    • Consider highlighting the password box in red or using a suitable animation to indicate the error.
  4. Figma File Reference:

    • Refer to the Figma file for additional details on the missing elements.
    • Make sure to incorporate any design specifications or features outlined in the Figma file.

Advancement in Technology

You have to change the logic of registeruser and LoginUser using Firebase in the project

you have to add the Firebase dependencies in your gradle file to use this

If you are a beginner, don't worry have a look in resources Server on Discord on how to integrate firebaseπŸ”₯in your project!!!

repair the bottom nav bar

πŸš€ GitHub Issue: Repair Bottom Nav Bar Design

Hello contributors! πŸ‘‹


The current state of the bottom navigation bar in baseHomeActivity needs improvement to align with our design standards. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to bring it in line with the specified design.

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Open the activity_base_home.xml file.
  2. Locate the BottomNavigationView with ID bottomNavView.
  3. Adjust the layout and styling to match the design specifications.
  4. Ensure that the icons and text are visually appealing.


Your deadline for this task is 2 days. Please submit your changes by [insert deadline date].

Happy Contributing! πŸŽ‰

Store the data

Create DataClass in which you can store user's

  • name
  • email
  • password
  • image

Note: Image is stored in string datatype

Dark/Light mode

Your task is to set the app theme for light theme (by default) i.e. system settings should not affect the app's theme.
you have to make the changes such that it should be constant in both the themes

As of now

  • Light mode

WhatsApp Image 2023-12-20 at 10 24 18_a15e0ab0

  • dark mode

WhatsApp Image 2023-12-20 at 10 24 19_705fc905

Design the Logo

Design a Good Logo for the App 🎨

  • AttachπŸ“Ž a screenshot/folder link of your work with your PR.
  • PointπŸ₯‡ will only be awarded to the PR that is accepted.

PS: This issue is open for all, so no need to claim this issue. You can directly create a pull request
Note: This issue will be active for only 3 days. ⏳

Happy Contributing!😊

Take me in (Part-1)

In this task you have to implement the authentication with Google.

Write the logic for when the user click on Google logo it should authenticate using google

  • if the user is not registered then it should automatically create an account in database and then redirect to Home activity

And after registering/logged in it should redirect to Home Activity

You can refer to the Firebase documentation for this task
Authentication using Google

PS:- Firebase has integrated into the project, so there is no need to do it again

Note:- Also those who want to take this task have to share their email ID so that i can add you on the project and you can access with this link.

Implement Signup Page with Email Authentication

πŸš€ GitHub Issue: Implement Signup Page with Email Authentication


you have to write the code for signup using a email and passowrd , and its name then after that redirect to the BaseHomeacitivity and also give a toast for its confirmation.


Your deadline for this task is 2 days.

Happy Coding! πŸŽ‰

2001: A Space Odyssey (1968) Film Science fiction

Certainly! Here's the revised description in Markdown with your new task:

✨ New Task: Adding Search Feature to Call Fragment

πŸ“± Call Fragment Enhancement:
Your latest task is to implement a search feature in the Call Fragment. πŸ”„ Whenever a user types a query in the search bar within the Call Fragment, the corresponding users should dynamically appear in the RecyclerView below.


  • πŸ” Search Functionality: Integrate a search mechanism to filter users based on their names or relevant attributes.
  • πŸ”„ Dynamic Update: Ensure that the RecyclerView updates in real-time as the user types, displaying only the matching results.
  • 🎨 User Experience: Implement a smooth and user-friendly search experience.

Feel free to leverage existing search libraries or implement a custom solution. Make sure to test thoroughly to guarantee the functionality meets the specified requirements.

Desgin A XML

πŸš€ Create XML for ME

Task Description

Your task is to create an XML layout for the bottom navigation bar, following the design provided below. 🎨 The fragments for the navigation bar are already created, so your focus is on crafting the XML layout.


To access the individual elements present in the design, refer to the Figma link mentioned in the README file. ⏳

Deadline for Task: 2 days βŒ›

Happy Coding! 🌟


Redesign the SignUp Page

πŸš€ Redesign the SignUp Page

Task Description

You are tasked with redesigning the Sign Up page. 🎨 The Figma link containing design details can be found in the README file. ⏳


To access the individual elements present in the design, refer to the Figma file mentioned in the README. πŸ“Ž

Deadline for Task: 2 days βŒ›

Happy Redesigning! 🌟


Add a BottomNav Bar

πŸš€ Add Bottom Navigation Bar Issue

Task Description

Your task is to add a bottom navigation bar to the login page, similar to the one mentioned in the design below. 🎨 The fragments for the navigation bar are already created, so no need to create them from scratch.


To access the individual elements present in the design, refer to the Figma link mentioned in the README file. ⏳

Deadline for Task: 2 days βŒ›

Happy Implementing! 🌟


Re-Design the Splash Screen

πŸš€ Redesigned Splash Screen Issue

Task Description

You have to change the design of the splash screen according to the given design. πŸ–ŒοΈ


If you want to access the individual elements present in the design, you might need the Figma file. You can find the figma link in the read me file

Happy Contributing! 🌟


β€œI'm the king of the world!” -Titanic, 1997

Task: Add Profile Picture Screen After Signup


Your task is to enhance the app by adding a screen that prompts the user to set a profile picture after signing up. The design of this screen should align with the current aesthetics of the app.

Detailed Steps:

  1. Profile Picture Screen:

    • Create a new screen after the signup page.
    • Design the screen to ask the user to upload a profile picture.
    • Ensure that the design is consistent with the app's current look and feel.
  2. Image Handling:

    • If the user signs up using email, prompt them to upload a profile picture.
    • If the user signs up through Google, Facebook, or any other method that doesn't involve email:
      • Check if the user has a profile picture associated with their account.
      • If available, use the obtained picture.
      • If not available, use the default Google account profile picture or Facebook profile picture.
  3. Integration with Profile Fragment:

    • After the user selects or the default picture is obtained, assign it to the ImageView in the Profile Fragment.
    • Ensure smooth transitions and user-friendly interactions.

"β€œYou can't handle the truth!” -A Few Good Men, 1992"

Match Contact Screen with Figma Design

  • Issue Description: 🎨 Rectify the inconsistency between the current Contact screen and the Figma design.
  • Task Details:
    • Carefully review the Figma design for the Contact screen.
    • Adjust the layout, colors, and elements to align with the specified design in Figma.
    • Ensure a consistent and cohesive visual representation on the Contact screen.

Implement Contact Detail Fragment

  • Issue Description: πŸ“ž Develop a new fragment that appears when a contact is clicked on the Contact screen, displaying detailed information and providing options to chat and call.
  • Task Details:
    • Create a new fragment for displaying contact details.
    • Include fields for comprehensive contact information such as name, phone number, etc.
    • Integrate buttons to initiate chat and call functionalities directly from the contact details page.
    • Ensure a smooth transition between the Contact screen and the newly created contact details fragment.
    • Enhance the user experience with proper navigation and a visually pleasing design.
    • also add the search feature in the call framgent toooo.

the desgin of this screen might already be present so you can search the project for it

β€œMy precious.” -The Lord of the Rings: Two Towers, 2002

Task: Implement Signup with Phone Number Verification


Your task is to add otp verification of the mobile number ,

Detailed Steps:

  1. Signup Section Updates:

    • Modify the signup section to include fields for the user's phone number, along with existing fields for email, name, and password.
    • Ensure proper validation for the phone number field to match the required format.
  2. Save User Data in Firestore:

    • Upon signup, save the user's credentials (uid, email, name, password, phone number) in the Firestore database.
    • Create a collection of users with documents containing the mentioned properties.
  3. Phone Number Verification using Firebase OTP:

    • Implement phone number verification during signup using Firebase OTP.
    • Utilize Firebase authentication services to send an OTP to the user's phone number for verification.
    • Refer to this
    • video tutorial for guidance on Firebase phone number authentication.
    • the redirect the user to homeActivity after succesfull signup
  4. in the signup process through email for now remove the email verfication part that would be done seprately in the profile section .

Disclamier apply this only to the email signup process where google or facebook is not involved .
ty and user experience of your authentication system.

Login Screen

Create a Login Screen asking the user its email and password.

Ensure a visually appealing design to enhance user experience. 🎨

PS: This issue is open for all, so no need to claim this issue. You can directly create a pull request.
Note: This issue will be active for 3 days. ⏳

Happy contributing! 😊

"β€œE.T. phone home.” -E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial, 1982"

Implement Call Feature in Call Fragment

  • Issue Description: ☎️ Integrate a call feature within the Call Fragment that allows users to initiate calls to specific individuals.
  • Task Details:
    • Utilize the inbuilt phone dialer for seamless call initiation.
    • Implement logic to forward the designated phone number to the dialer when the call emoji is pressed.
    • Incorporate error handling to display a toast when the call cannot be connected.
    • Utilize loading views to enhance user experience during call initiation.
    • Ensure proper communication with the user through toasts when the call is successful.
    • When the "Call+" button is clicked, open a list of names to call from the user collection in the Firebase Firestore.
    • Enable the calling feature within this list as well.
    • Display the correct profile icon in both the call RecyclerView and the user list for a more personalized experience.

Take me in (Part-2)

In this task you have to implement the authentication using facebook.

Write the logic for when the user click on Facebook logo it should authenticate using google

  • if the user is not registered then it should automatically create an account in database and then redirect to Home activity

And after registering/logged in it should redirect to Home Activity

You can refer to the Firebase documentation for this task
Authentication using Facebook

PS:- Firebase has integrated into the project, so there is no need to do it again

Note:- Also those who want to take this task have to share their email ID so that i can add you on the project and you can access with this link.

Take me in (Part-3)

In this task you have to implement the authentication with Email.

Write the logic for the user's authentication using Email.

  • if the user is not registered then it should automatically create an account in database and then redirect to Home activity

And after registering/logged in it should redirect to Home Activity

You can refer to the Firebase documentation for this task
Authentication using Email

you also have to do one thing more the page1 screen is working but it is not authorising the user and then redirecting it to the homepage as the code written is for signin not signup in the page1 is for signup

PS:- Firebase has integrated into the project, so there is no need to do it again

Note:- Also those who want to take this task have to share their email ID so that i can add you on the project and you can access with this link.

"But I Don't Want To Cure Cancer! I Want To Turn People Into Dinosaurs!"

GitHub Issue: Add SHA-1 and SHA-256 Keys for Google Login in Firebase Console πŸš€

πŸ›  Task Description:

  1. Firebase Console Configuration:
    • πŸ”„ Add the SHA-1 key and SHA-256 key to the Firebase Console to enable Google login features in the app.
    • 🌐 Navigate to the Firebase project settings and locate the section for adding SHA keys.
    • πŸ” Input both the SHA-1 and SHA-256 keys securely.

Note: If you are not registered in the Firebase Console, please DM your email ID in the GitHub comments or on Discord.

πŸŽ‰ Happy Contributing! Your contribution in enhancing authentication features is greatly appreciated. 🌟

for this issue you have provide your email id and then make a blank pr only those who are added in the conosle will get there pr merged

β€œMay the Force be with you.” -Star Wars, 1977

Task: Repair and Enhance Settings Fragment


Your current task is to repair and enhance the Settings Fragment in the app. The existing design is not rendering correctly, causing the text to be jumbled when the screen is opened. Your goal is to bring the Settings Fragment in line with the provided design. also add a button to signout too .. ⭐

Detailed Steps:

  1. Settings Fragment Repair:

    • Identify and fix the issues causing the text to be mixed up when the Settings Fragment is opened.
    • Ensure that the layout is rendering properly, and all text elements are displayed as intended.
  2. Design Consistency:

    • Align the Settings Fragment design with the provided design specifications.
    • Pay attention to details such as font styles, colors, and spacing to achieve a consistent look.


Creation of the App

Its a very simple task!!!

You only have to create three blank fragments named as

  • chats
  • calls
  • profile

that's allπŸ˜‚

"β€œThere's no crying in baseball!” -A League of Their Own, 1992"

1. Resolve Visibility Issue in MessageFragment

  • Issue Description: πŸ“§ Address the visibility problem within the MessageFragment where the message recycle view is not currently visible, and is not showing ther users to chat , also the chat fragment is displayed when the mesage button is clicked.

  • Task Details:

    • Investigate and fix the issue causing the message recycle view to be hidden in the MessageFragment.
    • Ensure that the chat fragment is not displayed within the MessageFragment's space.

2. Implement Chat Feature

  • Issue Description: πŸ—¨ Implement a functional chat feature by following the guidelines provided in the video tutorial.

  • Task Details:

    • Watch the tutorial video at YouTube - Chat Feature Implementation for step-by-step instructions.
    • Utilize the existing resource link for the chat layout, ensuring compatibility with the current project.
    • Integrate the chat feature into the application, making sure it aligns with the design and functionality demonstrated in the video.
    • Test the messaging feature thoroughly to verify its proper functioning.
    • The pull request for this task will only be merged once the messaging feature is successfully implemented.

    the points for this issue is 80 .
    since alredy someone has implemented some part of the chat feature (which is presnt in the chatfragment itself and which works very well so try to utelise this too)

Register User Activity

Create a Register Activity asking the user its :-

  • name
  • email
  • password
  • confirm password

Ensure a visually appealing design to enhance user experience. 🎨

Happy contributing! 😊

"While You Slept, The World Changed." ~Charles Xavier

** UI Implementation and Bug Fix for Call and Contact Fragments**

πŸ›  Task Description:

  1. Call Fragment UI:

    • Implement the UI for the Call fragment.
    • Include a RecyclerView to display a list of names.
    • Each name in the list should have options for phone and message (no functionality needed at this stage).
    • Fetch and display users from the "users" collection in the database.
    • Add additional dummy names to the "users" collection for testing purposes.
  2. Contact Fragment Bug Fix:

    • Investigate and resolve the crash issue in the Contact fragment.
    • Ensure that the Contact fragment uses the "users" collection to maintain the list of users.
    • Verify the implementation to prevent future crashes.

πŸ“† Deadline:
Please complete the assigned tasks within a reasonable timeframe to facilitate testing and integration.


β€œJust keep swimming.” -Finding Nemo, 2003

Bug: Skipping Splash Screen Bypasses Permission Requests

πŸ› Bug Summary:

  1. When users somehow manage to skip the splash screen, the subsequent steps for requesting permissions (e.g., notifications, camera) are also skipped. This results in missing essential permissions and impacts the functionality of the application. So your task is to fix this bug

  2. Second to modify the app's code such that after authentication throuhg google ther users's email id and name , profile pic here it would be default google profile pic and name would be saved to firestore collection called "USERS" .
    each of the USERS's document should have atlest 3 properties for now email id , name, profile pic

hint- : to save profile pic in the firebase you first would have to uplod it in the storage and then genrate an url for it and then push the imageurl in place of profile pic

πŸ“† Deadline:
2 days ⏲️

Show us your face

Add an ImageView in ResisterUser() in which user can upload its profile imageπŸ“· .

Also write the code in the kt file to implement this logic.

NOTE:- your PR will only be merge if you have implemented it correctly.

Happy Contributing!!!!πŸ˜‰

β€œIt's alive! It's alive!” -Frankenstein, 1931

Task: Repair and Enhance Settings Fragment


Your current task is to repair and enhance the Contact Fragment in the app. The existing design is not rendering correctly, causing the text to be jumbled when the screen is opened. Your goal is to bring the Contact Fragment in line with the provided design.

Detailed Steps:

  1. Contact Fragment Repair:

    • Identify and fix the issues causing the text to be mixed up when the Contact Fragment is opened.
    • Ensure that the layout is rendering properly, and all text elements are displayed as intended.
  2. Design Consistency:

    • Align the Contact Fragment design with the provided design specifications.
    • Pay attention to details such as font styles, colors, and spacing to achieve a consistent look.


Create XML Layout for Settings Fragment

Create XML Layout for Settings Fragment

πŸš€ Task Overview:
Create the XML layout for the Settings Fragment. If the Settings Fragment is not present, create it and integrate it into the appropriate section of the application.


  1. XML Layout:
    • ✍️ Write the XML layout code for the Settings Fragment.
    • 🚫 Assume that the fragment is not yet created; create it from scratch.

Dummy Data:

No dummy data is required for this task; focus on the XML layout creation.

πŸ“ Note:
Ensure that the Settings Fragment is created and integrated into the application. Merge conflicts will be resolved when merging.

Happy coding! 🌟


Design User Profile Fragment

Design User Profile Fragment

πŸš€ Task Overview:
Design the User Profile Fragment by creating a new fragment dedicated to displaying user profile information.


  1. Fragment Design:
    • ✍️ Create a new fragment for the User Profile.
    • 🎨 Design the layout to display user profile information such as username, profile photo, and other relevant details.

Dummy Data:

No dummy data is required for this task; focus on designing the User Profile Fragment.

πŸ“ Note:
Ensure that the User Profile Fragment is created and integrated into the application. Merge conflicts will be resolved when merging.

Happy designing! 🌟

Uploading User profile.jpg…

Create The HomeScreen

Create Accurate Home Screen Layout

πŸš€ Task Overview:
Create an accurate home screen layout within the next 2 days. This layout should include sections for displaying status and chat. For now, focus on adding RecyclerView placeholders for both sections.


  1. Status Section:

    • The area where the status would be shown needs to be implemented.
    • ✨ Add a RecyclerView to dynamically display status updates.
    • πŸ“Š Do not design the status layout, only add the RecyclerView for now.
  2. Chat Section:

    • Implement the chat section on the home screen.
    • πŸ”„ Add a RecyclerView to handle the list of chat messages.
    • 🚫 Do not design the chat layout; your task is to insert the RecyclerView without writing the adapter code.

Deadline: 2 Days

πŸ“ Note:
Do not write the adapter code for the RecyclerViews at this stage. This design if for the message fragment in the bottom nav bar

Happy contributing! 🌟


Add a bottom nav bar


  1. Implement a bottom navigation bar in the Home activity.
  2. Include three icons in the navigation bar.


  • Ensure smooth navigation and a visually appealing design.
  • Customize the icons and appearance based on the provided design inspiration.


⏰ 2 days from claim date

Happy Contributing! πŸŽ‰

"β€œThere's no crying in baseball!” -A League of Their Own, 1992"

🚨 Attention! 🚨

The username window is appearing prematurely after 2-3 seconds on the landing page, without any button press.

πŸ”§ Tasks:

Google Sign-In Pathway:

Trigger username screen only after Google button click.
Implement Google sign-in and automatically use default profile picture.
Redirect to home screen upon successful sign-in.
Add loading view and toasts for user-friendliness. 🍞 β˜•

Email Pathway:
same error here the username screen pop ups without any action .
Sequence screens as follows:
Username screen (includes phone number) only whne the go with email is selected.
Profile picture selection
Email authentication
Home screen
Incorporate loading views and toasts. βŒ› 🍞

Firestore Collection:

Maintain a collection with:
User profile picture URL
User email ID
User UID
Check for existing collection before creation.

❀️ Let's make this navigation experience smooth and delightful! πŸš€

Write Adapter Code for Status Section RecyclerView

Write Adapter Code for Status Section RecyclerView

πŸš€ Task Overview:
Your task is to write the adapter code for the RecyclerView in the status section. Additionally, create a Firestore collection named "status" and add sample documents with properties like username, status photo, and status upload time.


  1. Firestore Integration:

    • πŸ“‚ Create a collection in Firestore named "status."
    • πŸ“ Create sample documents in the "status" collection with properties:
      • username
      • statusPhoto
      • statusUploadTime
  2. Adapter Code:

    • ✍️ Write the adapter code for the RecyclerView in the status section.
    • πŸ“₯ Fetch data from the Firestore "status" collection.
    • 🚫 Do not add the RecyclerView to the XML layout at this stage; assume it will be added later.

πŸ“ Note:
While working on this task, consider that the RecyclerView might not have been created yet. Write the adapter and fetching code, and assume the RecyclerView will be added to the XML layout later. Merge conflicts will be resolved when merging.

Dummy Data:

Create dummy data in Firestore with sample documents for testing.

"username": "SampleUser",
"statusPhoto": "url_to_sample_photo",
"statusUploadTime": "sample_timestamp"

desgin for the status layout that would be used in recylerview


Register/Logged in

Write the logic code for Register User and logging the user in two different separate .kt files

Happy Contributing!!😊

Code for Contact Fragment

Code for Contact Fragment

πŸš€ Task Overview:
Write the code for the Contact Fragment. If the Contact Fragment is not present, create it and add it to the Bottom Navigation Bar. The Contact Fragment should display a list of all users using a RecyclerView. Fetch the user data from Firebase.


  1. Firestore Integration:

    • πŸ“‚ Create a collection in Firestore named "users."
    • πŸ“ Create sample documents in the "users" collection with properties:
      • emailId
      • photo
      • name
  2. Fragment Code:

    • ✍️ Write the code for the Contact Fragment.
    • πŸ“₯ Fetch user data from the Firestore "users" collection.
    • πŸ”„ Add a RecyclerView to dynamically display the list of users.
    • ✍️ Write the adapter code for the user list in the Contact Fragment.

Dummy Data:

Create dummy data in Firestore with sample documents for testing.

"emailId": "[email protected]",
"photo": "url_to_user1_photo",
"name": "User 1"


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