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connector-sdk's Introduction


The connector-sdk is a library written in Go that you can use to create event-connectors for OpenFaaS functions.

How it works:

  • Create a new CLI application with Go
  • Add the code to subscribe to events or messages from your source - i.e. a database, webhooks, message queue
  • Add the package to your code
  • Setup a types.ControllerConfig with the gateway location
  • Run types.NewController
  • Whenever you receive a message from your source, run controller.Invoke(topic, data)

Then whichever functions in your cluster have matching annotation of "topic: topic" will be invoked.

Conceptual design:

Conceptual design

Each function expresses which topics it can be triggered by, the broker then invokes them using the SDK.

See also: Triggers in OpenFaaS

Creating your own connector

See the examples in the OpenFaaS Docs for inspiration.

You can copy one of them and adapt it, or see the "tester" example in this repo.

The tester example doesn't have an event subscription, but a for loop and sleep combination which simulates receiving an event. You would replace the timer with the callback function from your source such as a HTTP webhook endpoint, a pub-sub SDK or likewise.

Within the event subscriber code, you should call "Invoke()", passing in the topic and message. The functions advertise their "topic".

	additionalHeaders := http.Header{}
	additionalHeaders.Add("X-Served-By", "cmd/tester")

	// Simulate events emitting from queue/pub-sub
	for {
		log.Printf("Invoking on topic payment - %s\n", gateway)
		time.Sleep(2 * time.Second)
		data := []byte("test " + time.Now().String())
		controller.Invoke("payment", &data, additionalHeaders)

The results can then be printed using a result receiver.

// ResponseReceiver enables connector to receive results from the
// function invocation
type ResponseReceiver struct {

// Response is triggered by the controller when a message is
// received from the function invocation
func (ResponseReceiver) Response(res types.InvokerResponse) {
	if res.Error != nil {
		log.Printf("tester got error: %s", res.Error.Error())
	} else {
		log.Printf("tester got result: [%d] %s => %s (%d) bytes", res.Status, res.Topic, res.Function, len(*res.Body))

There are no retry mechanisms at present, but you could use the receiver to requeue failed invocations, or to send on to a dead-letter queue (DLQ).

If you expect many requests in a short period of time, you may want to defer the executions using OpenFaaS' built-in asynchronous queue.

Set the following in ControllerConfig:

	config := &types.ControllerConfig{
		AsyncFunctionInvocation: true,

If you need to use the Content-Type header to validate or to check when it invoke the function you can set the Content-Type in ControllerConfig:

	config := &types.ControllerConfig{
		ContentType: "application/json",

View the code: cmd/tester/main.go



connector-sdk's People


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connector-sdk's Issues

Add option to invoke via async route

As a user I would like to consume events from a queue and then have them processed by my existing asynchronous queue workers over NATS Streaming so that I can have one single way to process all events and asynchronous code.

Provide guidance on Rebuild and Upstream timers

My actions before raising this issue

For controller authors it would be nice to provide some guidance on sensible defaults for RebuildInterval and UpstreamTimeout. Currently, if none if these are provided it's unclear what the defaults are (in the case of UpstreamTimeout there is no timeout at all which could cause blocking issues during network/API problems).

Expected Behaviour

Provide guidance (docs) on sensible defaults or check provided values (empty) in the code and enforce timeouts respectively.

Current Behaviour

If neither of these intervals/timeouts are specified the behavior of the connector using the SDK is undetermined, especially in cases of network/API interruptions.

Possible Solution

  • Update docs
  • Enforce timeouts in code

Add retry/durability options if Invoke() fails

Currently Invoke() only prints out errors but does not return any errors to the caller, i.e. the initiating connector. It is exactly-once messaging, which the docs are not clear about.

func (i *Invoker) Invoke(topicMap *TopicMap, topic string, message *[]byte) {
			log.Printf("Invoke function: %s", matchedFunction)

			gwURL := fmt.Sprintf("%s/function/%s", i.GatewayURL, matchedFunction)
			reader := bytes.NewReader(*message)

			body, statusCode, doErr := invokefunction(i.Client, gwURL, reader)

			if doErr != nil {
				log.Printf("Unable to invoke from %s, error: %s\n", matchedFunction, doErr)

Code Path

There could be many reasons why an Invoke would fail, e.g. OpenFaaS down/maintenance, network hiccups, issues with the receiving function (downstream down, bug), etc.

Returning an error would help the initiating connector to queue the event/call and retry as per its own needs.

Fix issue where provider doesn't support namespaces

Expected behaviour

If a provider doesn't support namespaces, then the previous behaviour or a default behaviour should be used

Current behaviour

As outlined by @bmcstdio, the code will throw a fatal error instead.

Possible solution

  • Handle a 404 error gracefully
  • Retain existing fatal error behaviour for any other status code
  • Update unit tests


faas-netes is unaffected, but users wanting to bring in the latest release of the connector-sdk will encounter issues when used with the operator or faas-swarm.

Feature: provide a set of results for all invocations caused by a message


Several users have requested the ability to "retry" invocations, but I think that retrying is made more difficult by the 1:* relationship functions have to topics.

sqs-connector-broadcast (1)

Conceptual diagram of invocations


As a developer using the connector-sdk, I want to be able to retry invocations that failed

1:1 mapping

If a message comes in on a topic payment, and only one function stripe-fn has a matching annotation of: topic: payment.

In the case of a failure, the connector could just retry. This would probably be OK, depending on the function, perhaps some caution should be applied here.

The Linkerd2 documentation talks about the dangers of retrying automatically and about retry budgets. See: "How Retries can Go wrong"

1:* mapping

This is the assumed default operating mode.

If a message comes in on a topic payment, and two functions exist:stripe-fn and datalake-fn both with: topic: payment.

In the case that datalake-fn fails and stripe-fn passes, following the logic above, retrying the whole batch may issue a second payment via stripe-fn.

The proposed solution in #26 would act this way.

Potential solutions

  1. #26 proposes that any response should indicate whether to acknowledge, delete, or do something else with a message. This works for a 1:1 mapping, but fails for a 1:* mapping.

  2. Have the status of all the invocations returned as a batch

The Invoke method which is called by all connectors, when they receive messages could be extended to return a set of results. By returning a set of results the caller has to wait for N*max_timeout to decide whether a set of invocations were successful or not. This may be offset by using a Go channel, but the connector may still have to wait for all of the results to come in before making a decision.

This is what 2) would look like with the example in the connector-sdk GitHub repo:


Screenshot 2019-08-09 at 15 28 33


Screenshot 2019-08-09 at 15 33 25

I would welcome input from anyone who is considering conditional acking, retrying or doing anything else with the results from the invocations.

Use of log pkg and Fatal in Controller

Since the SDK is used as a library and dependency for building connectors, it should leave logging and error handling in the responsibility of the user of the SDK, e.g.

  • make logger configurable (currently hardcoded to "log")
  • avoid log.Fatal calls, e.g. here
  • make extensive use of returning errors to the caller, following the widely used go conventions of error handling in main()

Support for wildcards in Function Topic

My actions before raising this issue

I would like to provide a wildcard in my Function Topic Annotation.

Expected Behaviour

When creating a Function I would like to get all events with some sort of grouping. IE. Adding order.* in the topic annotation should match with a message that has a subject of order.Purchased

Current Behaviour

You have to be exact with your topic / subject. So the topicMap matches it.

Possible Solution

Add basic globing syntax in the topicMap.Match Function.


This feature would be great when doing things such as Catch All + Message Observing as well as supporting my lazy programmer needs so I can listen to all messages from a particular Bounded Context.

Your Environment

Just tried with the latest "connector-sdk" library in my fork of nats-connector.

Connector crashes when no /system/namespaces endpoint available

Expected Behaviour

/system/namespaces is implemented.

Current Behaviour

/system/namespaces is not implemented (returns 404 page not found).

Possible Solution

Steps to Reproduce (for bugs)

  1. Deploy the OpenFaaS operator.
  2. Call /system/namespaces.


This prevents the latest release of from working at all, as it cannot list namespaces:

This causes applications consuming the SDK to crash:

Your Environment

  • Docker version docker version (e.g. Docker 17.0.05 ): N/A

  • What version and distriubtion of Kubernetes are you using? kubectl version

Client Version: version.Info{Major:"1", Minor:"14", GitVersion:"v1.14.6", GitCommit:"96fac5cd13a5dc064f7d9f4f23030a6aeface6cc", GitTreeState:"clean", BuildDate:"2019-08-19T11:13:49Z", GoVersion:"go1.12.9", Compiler:"gc", Platform:"darwin/amd64"}
Server Version: version.Info{Major:"1", Minor:"14+", GitVersion:"v1.14.6-eks-5047ed", GitCommit:"5047edce664593832e9b889e447ac75ab104f527", GitTreeState:"clean", BuildDate:"2019-08-21T22:32:40Z", GoVersion:"go1.12.9", Compiler:"gc", Platform:"linux/amd64"}
  • Operating System and version (e.g. Linux, Windows, MacOS):

MacOS 10.14.6

  • Link to your project or a code example to reproduce issue:


  • What network driver are you using and what CIDR? i.e. Weave net / Flannel

Tester build broken due to creds type mismatch

My actions before raising this issue

Trying to run the default tester fails due to a type mismatch on the auth creds.

Expected Behaviour

It does whatever it's supposed to do when it runs successfully

Current Behaviour

$ go run cmd/tester/main.go 
# command-line-arguments
cmd/tester/main.go:37:35: cannot use creds (type *"connector-sdk/vendor/".BasicAuthCredentials) as type *"".BasicAuthCredentials in argument to "".NewController

Possible Solution

I haven't had a chance to look into this in detail, but as the other connectors don't have this issue, assume it's just a dependency issue in the connector-sdk tree.

Steps to Reproduce (for bugs)

  1. git clone
  2. cd connector-sdk
  3. go run cmd/tester/main.go


I ran into this while developing a new connector but ultimately was able to get going with the MQTT and Kafka connectors as a reference instead. While it hasn't had a great impact, I don't believe there is anything extraordinary about my development environment, so others are likely to hit this as well.

Your Environment

  • Operating System and version (e.g. Linux, Windows, MacOS):
  • Ubuntu 19.10
  • go version go1.13.4 linux/amd64

Send Invoker Response when there are no matching functions

My actions before raising this issue

Currently when invoking a function on a topic with controller.Invoke() and there are no matching functions (probably due to function still being loaded, topic-map not refreshed) there is no way to acknowledge upstream. Consider using amqp which uses manual auto-ack, there is no way to determine the failure and do a negative ack.

Expected Behaviour

  • Create an custom error and send response in case of no matched function.

Current Behaviour

  • No way of finding out if there are no matching functions.

Your Environment

  • FaaS-CLI version ( Full output from: faas-cli version ):
    commit: 72816d486cf76c3089b915dfb0b66b85cf096634
    version: 0.13.13

BeginMapBuilder() should return an error

Right now, when using the connector SDK and the connector client cannot connect/reach OpenFaaS gateway, it fails with a not very user friendly log.Fatal error:

2019/02/18 22:16:44 Get dial tcp connect: connection refused

In larger and more complex programs using the SDK this can get tricky to debug.

Instead, it should return an error (or <-chan error since it's spawning a goroutine) so users of the SDK can handle the error appropriately (retry, wrap the error, use different logging [related #6 ]).

[Proposal] Add ReadFromEnv for the controller config

My actions before raising this issue

I would like to propose adding a Read/GetFromEnv to the connector-sdk here similar to how we did it in the faas-provider , so that PRs like this openfaas/nats-connector#3 that copy the config from one location to another are not needed. If you update the SDK and the config changes, the propogation of the new config should be automatic. Copying config from one struct to another going to to be bug prone.

This would make configuration consistent in the various connectors and simplify upgrades downstream.

Support functions subscribing to multiple topics

Enable support for adding multiple topic values to a function's topic annotation.

Multiple topics could be defined using a CSV value so that it follows the pattern for specifying multiple topics in the connector.

The Build method which compiles a map of topic names and functions that have advertised to receive messages on said topic would need to be changed so that rather than taking the full annotation value as the topic name it instead splits the annotation value on commas and uses each of the consequent values as topic names.

Allow cancellation of topic map go routine

Allow cancellation of topic map go routine

Expected Behaviour

Once the topic map is being built in its own go routine, there should be some way to cancel / pause that work.

Why? Perhaps it needs to back-off for some reason, or the broker isn't available. Perhaps it should pause and restart at a later time.

Current Behaviour

Once started, there is no way to stop the topic map from being rebuilt.

Possible Solution

Introduce a Context or cancellation channel to the SDK.

The map is rebuilt in this go routine using a timer:

Then each result is published to the subscribers via this Go routine:

Steps to Reproduce (for bugs)

  1. Setup the controller
  2. Observe that it's building a map from the gateway
  3. Call cancel with the new API
  4. See that it stops building the map


It's a best practice for Go APIs to provide cancellation.

Users have requested this in the past.

Update invokefunction to return headers


  • Update invokefunction to return the response headers
  • Update the caller function named Invoke to return the body, statusCode and errors
  • Update example to print statusCode and body

Suggested by Simon Pezcler and Rishabh Gupta so that connectors can do better debug and potentially use the result for something.

Right now the result is abandoned.

Connector-sdk does not set the Content-type when invoking a function

My actions before raising this issue

I did a pair session with Alex some weeks ago about the [cloudnative bot] and
I added a check to validate the content type:

I disable that because looks like the connector-sdk looks like does not set the content type

I’ve made a simple project with the connector-sdk + a very simple function and i can see that is not set

I checked the code for connector-sdk and did not see anything that sets this header

Expected Behaviour

Set the content-type header header

Current Behaviour

not setting the content-type header

Possible Solution

Add and option when invoking the function to pass a set of headers that the user want to forward to the function

maybe add another parementer in the invoke function:

Steps to Reproduce (for bugs)

  1. can use the example to run your streaming
  2. create a simple function the check the header and deploy it
func Handle(req []byte) string {
	log.Printf("Content Type: %s", os.Getenv("Http_Content_Type"))
	if os.Getenv("Http_Content_Type") != "application/json" {
		return "Invalid Content Type"

	if req == nil {
		log.Println("nothing to process")
		return "nothing to process"

	return fmt.Sprintf("Hello, Go. You said: %s", string(req))
  1. run the service describe in item 1 and deploy item 2


Your Environment

  • FaaS-CLI version ( Full output from: faas-cli version ): 0.13.10-2-g6aa5d832

  • Docker version docker version (e.g. Docker 17.0.05 ): 20.10.6

  • Are you using Docker Swarm or Kubernetes (FaaS-netes)? no

  • Operating System and version (e.g. Linux, Windows, MacOS): linux/macos

  • Code example or link to GitHub repo or gist to reproduce problem: --

  • Other diagnostic information / logs from troubleshooting guide

Next steps

You may join Slack for community support.

[Feature Request] Include contextual information in responses

Currently, a ResponseSubscriber gets no contextual information whatsoever about a given request in its Response method. This means that if, for example, I am writing a connector for a given message broker, I cannot mark a given message as having been processed / requiring a retry based on the response(s) because I have no way of correlating responses with whatever message/... originated them.

As a (hopefully) more concrete example, we are building a connector for AWS SQS queue that receives messages from a queue and invokes a function with each message's payload, and we need to...

  1. Delete the message if the function could process it successfully.
  2. Change its visibility timeout if the function could not process it successfully.

I thought about two ways of working around this, both of which require code changes.

  1. Support specifying a string-valued correlationID parameter which would be passed to Invoke and be echoed back in each response.
  2. Support specifying a context which would work the same way, with the added benefit of being able to carry multiple values (and not just a single correlation ID) whenever that's required, as well as to be used as the actual HTTP requests' context.

I chose to go with solution (2) as #25 because it seems to be the most flexible one to me.

[Feature Request] Allow to set custom header fields

At the moment there's no possibility to add HTTP header fields to the invoke function.
I've found this issue addressing the same feature, but it was solved in a way I don't understand (afaik the http package does not allow you to set header fields via the Context) and probably solved only his own issue (the tracing). Additionally, there was already a PR with a possible solution, but it died halfway.

Our case: We're working with CloudEvents and need to set the Content-Type to application/cloudevents+json to make relating sdk ( at the function work properly.

I think the custom header fields could be set in the ControllerConfig, but maybe that's to general, or passed as an argument for Invoke and InvokeWithContext methods. Another option to keep the method's signature lean would be to support custom header fields in the Context passed by InvokeWithContext (a bit diverting though), or establish some kind of InvocationOptions type as an argument which holds custom headers and maybe other settings in future.

[Feature Request] Filter functions based on its namespace

My actions before raising this issue

It seems that the connector-sdk maps all functions ignoring the namespace they are in. This is a problem, specially in multi-tenant environments.

Expected Behaviour

Configuration should accept a namespace in order to get only the functions deployed in that namespace.

Current Behaviour

At this moment, all functions are mapped without taking the function's namespace into account.

Possible Solution

Adding a Namespace attribute to ControllerConfig would allow to filter functions by namespace. If the namespace is not set, the namespace value would be empty (by default) and everything would work as usual, so it wouldn't be a breaking change but a feature. Connectors (mqtt-connector, rabbitmq-connector...) will need to add support to set a namespace, e.g. using an environment variable.

I added a pull request to add support for namespace filtering that shows how I've tried to solve this problem.


I'm working in a multi-tenant platform that allows users to deploy their own functions. In order to group functions by users, they are deployed in different namespaces. The same way, users should be able to deploy connectors that must only invoke the functions deployed in the user's namespace.

Your Environment

  • FaaS-CLI version ( Full output from: faas-cli version ):
    commit: c12d57c39ac4cc6eef3c9bba2fb45113d882432f
    version: 0.12.14

  • Docker version docker version (e.g. Docker 17.0.05 ): Docker 19.03.12

  • Are you using Docker Swarm or Kubernetes (FaaS-netes)? No

  • Operating System and version (e.g. Linux, Windows, MacOS): Linux

Support question about MQTT Connector

My actions before raising this issue

I am using the mqtt-connector to send async requests, but it lacks some features, at least compared to HTTP async requests.
My test scenario is that a client (IoT device) is invoking a function asynchronously by sending some data, say temperature value, and its identifier. The client expects the function to run some processing based on that value and return the response to the client. However, the mqtt-connector just can receive the value as a message and no call-back can be introduced, because no headers exist as in HTTP. In HTTP, the gateway is passing the request to Nats with headers (we also can include additional headers in HTTP). I think the problem is that MQTT messages directly go to Nats and do not go inside the gateway so that massages become augmented with such features (call-back, etc.).

Expected Behaviour

Async mqtt requests are expected to let Nats (or gateway--I'm not clear about the design) know about the callback and passing it to the function. Moreover, in HTTP, I needed to send a request identifier along with the request that was achievable by setting a header, but in MQTT this one is also not possible. The identifier in a header was sent back along with the callback to the client and the client was able to recognize which request is this response for.

The MQTT-connector needs to be able to receive callbacks and custom data as well as messages.
The Nats server needs to treat async MQTT requests as it does for HTTP request, I mean understanding callback and headers.

Current Behaviour

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List All Possible Solutions and Workarounds

I am unsure about my understanding of OpenFaaS design, so just to give an idea, I am telling you some possible solutions.
Solution 1: Simulating HTTP headers in MQTT messages. For instance, a string pattern like "---header-X-Callback-Url:url---" inside the MQTT message. Then, once Nats receives an async MQTT message, it searches for the pattern and does the routine it does for HTTP requests, including passing the headers to queue-worker (if the routine is implemented in Nats server, not gateway).

Solution 2: Direct communication with Nats be enabled where MQTT clients do not need an MQTT broker and can just publish the request to Nats by a Nat client as encouraged in MQTT Nats. But, still sending callback and custom data remain unsolved. In this case, Nats can get the function execution output and publish it on a special subject in cae the client needs it. For instance, if the invocation subject is function/func1, then the reply from Nats is function/func1/reply.

Solution 3: As this missing callback (and other headers) might appear for other connectors (I have not tested), perhaps the best idea would be to give developers the async requests handling procedure in OpenFaaS so they can implement their own solutions. For example, instruction on how the requests are augmented by gateway (defining callback and other headers) when delivering to Nats (if a gateway to Nats communication exists in OpenFaaS); then how the Nats server is storing and augmenting the request and sending it to the queue-worker...

Which Solution Do You Recommend?

Solution 3
I really think giving a demonstration on how users can implement a procedure (from client to nats --> queue --> function --> queue --> client) for handling async requests will be helpful. For instance, how I can run a nats client that sends async requests to openfaas and receives the callback.

Steps to Reproduce (for bugs)

  1. Mqtt-connector deployment
    helm upgrade --install mqtt-connector mqtt-connector/ -n openfaas --namespace openfaas --set broker=tcp:// --set gateway_url= --set upstream_timeout=35s --set asyncInvoke=true --set nodeSelector."kubernetes\.io/hostname"=master --set topic="/function/#"

  2. Function annotation (my function name is 'w1-short' and does some random math and returns a string text)
    topic: /function/w1-short

  3. Invoke the function

  4. Mqtt-connector log

  5. Queue-worker log (I can see that X-Callback-URL header is null)

  6. Function log


Smart Agriculture and Smart Manufacturing, where IoT devices send requests with identifiers and expect a corresponding reply from the function. Devices also care about each request and need to know which one is missed, timeout, etc. In HTTP mode, they achieve these using headers, but in MQTT they are unable to do so.

Your Environment

* FaaS-CLI version ( Full output from: `faas-cli version` ):
 commit:  d94600d2d2be52a66e0a15c219634f3bcac27318
 version: 0.14.1

 version: 0.21.1
 sha:     a9a77f0ecaa8d5a242606ceaf6deed5d8703249b

 name:          openfaas-operator
 orchestration: kubernetes
 version:       0.14.1 
 sha:           3ab2d57899704498183c8fcb30a42b35d41de8a1
  • Docker version docker version (e.g. Docker 17.0.05 ):

  • Are you using OpenFaaS on Kubernetes or faasd?
    OpenFaaS on Kubernetes K3s

  • Operating System and version (e.g. Linux, Windows, MacOS):
    Linux Arm v7

  • Code example or link to GitHub repo or gist to reproduce problem:

  • Other diagnostic information / logs from troubleshooting guide

Allow user to pass context to the controller

Currently the controller does not offer a way for coordinated/graceful shutdown. There's also a risk of go routine leaks, e.g. here:

Proposal: accept a context and propagate/react to ctx.Done():

func NewController(ctx context.Context, credentials *auth.BasicAuthCredentials, config *ControllerConfig) *Controller {

	invoker := Invoker{
		PrintResponse: config.PrintResponse,
		Client:        MakeClient(config.UpstreamTimeout),
		GatewayURL:    config.GatewayURL,
	topicMap := NewTopicMap()

	return &Controller{
		Config:      config,
		Invoker:     &invoker,
		TopicMap:    &topicMap,
		Credentials: credentials,

Please comment on whether this would be an improvement, and how we should make use of context, e.g. embedding it into the controller struct, change downstream function signatures to enforce the context, use a <-stopCh or bool to signal shutdown, etc.

Add Topics function to TopicMap

The kafka-connector project added a Topics function to TopicMap after the code was pulled into the connector-sdk project. I am currently working on migrating the Kafka connector onto the connector SDK and would like this function to be available as part of the SDK. I think the function would also be useful to other connectors.

However, I do think there is one problem with pulling the function in as-is. To access the current list of topics, a connector would use controller.TopicMap.Topics(). I would argue that this promotes inappropriate intimacy between the connector and the TopicMap, and that an additional function should be added to Controller to get the current list of topics, perhaps also named Topics. This was not an issue in the kafka-connector because it interacted with a TopicMap directly.

Do you think this is an appropriate change for the SDK?

Gopkg.toml out of sync (pkg errors missing)

package types makes use of the errors.Wrap function, which is an external dependency:

Neither Gopkg.toml nor *.lock specify this package.
This leads to problems contributing to this package as contributors could potentially add wrong package versions:

dep status
Gopkg.lock is out of sync with imports and/or Gopkg.toml. Run `dep check` for details.
input-digest mismatch

Support for retries

Issue: Incase the openfaas gateway is down or function does not scale in time from 0 to 1. The messages might be lost.

Proposal: While calling the gateway is it a good idea to add retries and on multiple failures add the message back to the queue.

Printed response body not appearing in logs until next newline is printed to stdout

When a controller is configured to print the response body, the response body will not actually appear in the logs until the next newline is printed to stdout.

The best explanation is probably an example. The following is taken from running a version of the kafka-connector built with the connector SDK with a simple function hello that returns "Hello" every time it is invoked.

 1. | 2019/02/02 05:45:33 Syncing topic map
 2. | 2019/02/02 05:45:36 Invoke function: hello
 3. | [#1] Received on [faas-request,0]: 'a'
 4. | [200] faas-request => hello
 5. | 2019/02/02 05:45:36 connector-sdk got result: [200] faas-request => hello (6) bytes
 6. | 2019/02/02 05:45:36 Syncing topic map
 7. | 2019/02/02 05:45:39 Syncing topic map
 8. | 2019/02/02 05:45:42 Syncing topic map
 9. | "Hello\n"[#2] Received on [faas-request,0]: 'b'
10. | 2019/02/02 05:45:42 Invoke function: hello
11. | 2019/02/02 05:45:42 connector-sdk got result: [200] faas-request => hello (6) bytes
12. | [200] faas-request => hello
13. | 2019/02/02 05:45:45 Syncing topic map

Line 4 is part of printing the response body, and the expected behavior is that the "Hello\n" message would be printed on the next line. However, the message is not printed until line 9. This is the next point at which a newline is printed to stdout. Note that the message for the second invocation is not printed at all.

To verify that the problem is indeed related to printing a newline to stdout, I created a ResponseSubscriber whose implementation was simply fmt.Println() and subscribed it to the controller. The result exhibits the expected behavior:

 1. | 2019/02/02 06:24:08 Syncing topic map
 2. | [#1] Received on [faas-request,0]: 'a'
 3. | 2019/02/02 06:24:09 Invoke function: hello
 4. | [200] faas-request => hello
 5. | "Hello\n"
 6. | 2019/02/02 06:24:09 connector-sdk got result: [200] faas-request => hello (6) bytes
 7. | [#2] Received on [faas-request,0]: 'b'
 8. | 2019/02/02 06:24:11 Invoke function: hello
 9. | 2019/02/02 06:24:11 connector-sdk got result: [200] faas-request => hello (6) bytes
10. | [200] faas-request => hello
11. | "Hello\n"
12. | 2019/02/02 06:24:11 Syncing topic map

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