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vite-plugins's Issues



如果我需要引入node_modules中的 @aa/plugin插件
const context = require.context('@aa/plugin'),会默认去到src/@aa/plugin。


export default ({mode})=>{
     return defineConfig({
         resolve: {
                alias: [
                        replacement:resolve(__dirname, 'node_modules/@aa'),
                        replacement:resolve(__dirname, 'src'),


运行 vite build 时打包错误


  • originjs:
    "@originjs/vite-plugin-require-context": "^1.0.6",
  • node:
  • npm:


Additional Details

Steps to reproduce

require.context('codemirror/addon/fold', true, /^\.\/[\s\S]+\/*\.(js|css)$/)

在运行 vite build 的时候报错


What is Expected?

What is actually happening?

Transform failed with 1 error: Unterminated string literal


  • originjs: 1.0.3
  • node: 16.14.2


Uncomment the part in vite.config.js

Additional Details

Steps to reproduce

  1. Open the reproduction link above
  2. Uncomment the code part in vite.config.js
  3. Re-run the project by vite, the error shows in console log and page does not load anything

What is Expected?

Expect the transform to succeed and the project runs properly

What is actually happening?

There is transform error:

 Internal server error: Transform failed with 1 error:<stdin>:2140:54: ERROR: Unterminated string literal
  Plugin: originjs:commonjs
  File: /home/projects/vitejs-vite-tsxtjf/packages/counter/dist/esm/index.js
      at failureErrorWithLog (/home/projects/vitejs-vite-tsxtjf/node_modules/esbuild/lib/main.js:1605:15)
      at eval (/home/projects/vitejs-vite-tsxtjf/node_modules/esbuild/lib/main.js:1394:29)
      at eval (/home/projects/vitejs-vite-tsxtjf/node_modules/esbuild/lib/main.js:666:9)
      at handleIncomingPacket (/home/projects/vitejs-vite-tsxtjf/node_modules/esbuild/lib/main.js:763:9)
      at Socket.readFromStdout (/home/projects/vitejs-vite-tsxtjf/node_modules/esbuild/lib/main.js:632:7)
      at EventEmitter.emit (
      at addChunk (
      at readableAddChunk (
      at Readable.push (
      at _0x461419.onStreamRead [as onread] (

Thank you so much for the plugin. Any help is really appreciated.

Is it possible to expose more configuration for `esbuildCommonjs`?

Hi. Thanks for the library.

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.

The problem is, that I have to deal with module which is CommonJS, but as well it contains jsx in js files. The library is "@ui-kitten/components".

Describe the solution you'd like

Loader is configured here:

As far as I understand if it would be possible to change it to "jsx" it suppose to work

Describe alternatives you've considered


Additional context

I'm trying to run react-native-web project with Vite. It's a torture

require context code regex match fail


  • originjs: 1.0.7
  • node: 14


Additional Details
const components = getFilesByContext(require.context('../components/views', false, /\.vue$/));

Steps to reproduce

  1. pass the require.context return to a function params
  2. the regex matched fail

What is Expected?

regex match right, no error

What is actually happening?

error with Unexpected token ')'

Tansform require error

source file:

converted file:

The method should be executed instead of directly exporting the method.
I think there should be a pair of parentheses here.

CommonJS plugin fails when strings contain comment markers


  • node: 10.19.0


Attempt to import a minimized CommonJS module (I'm using zingchart-nodejs.min via @zingsoft/zingchart-svelte).

What is Expected?

It should be imported with no errors.

What is actually happening?

An error regarding an unterminated string is reported. The location given is for a comment marker // in the middle of a quoted string.

I took a look at the code (src/lib.ts). It looks as though you're stripping comments out without handling the case where the comment marker is inside a quoted string.

Perhaps the easiest way to fix this is to add an option to specify that the module you're importing is already minified and has no comments, and then don't call removeComments() if this option is enabled. Alternatively, you can just remove removeComments() completely, it doesn't matter if you convert a require into an import inside a comment.

Unconditional default unwrapping causes problems

In line:

code = code.replace(item[0], `${packageName}.default || ${packageName}`);

the transformation unconditionally unwraps the default property of exports if present. I use a library which assumes that require() returns an object with a default property and it is failing because the code ends up double-unwrapping which produces an undefined value.
AFAIK, unwrapping the default export is not part of the require expected behavior.


  • originjs: 1.0.2
  • node: 16.13.1


This is the case I am referring to specifically. In this line que component is required:

In this line is it used:

See that the use expects to have the default property.

Additional Details

Steps to reproduce

What is Expected?

That the transformed code be:

import * as __require_for_vite_JvR9OZ from "./Pane";
var Pane_1 = __require_for_vite_JvR9OZ;
React.createElement(Pane_1.default, /*...*/),

What is actually happening?

import * as __require_for_vite_JvR9OZ from "./Pane";
var Pane_1 = __require_for_vite_JvR9OZ.default || __require_for_vite_JvR9OZ;
React.createElement(Pane_1.default, /*...*/),

Which produces the error:

React.createElement: type is invalid -- expected a string (for built-in components) or a class/function (for composite components) but got: undefined.

Given the require semantics I think this should be considered a bug,. The default behavior should not automatically unwrap the default property. Maybe this behavior could be specified through a setting.

[vite-plugin-require-context] ViteRequireContext: is not a function

Steps to reproduce

Import it in vite.config.js then add it in the plugins array.
Let me show you what I mean...

import ViteRequireContext from '@originjs/vite-plugin-require-context';
import react from '@vitejs/plugin-react-swc';
import { defineConfig } from 'vite';

export default defineConfig({
	plugins: [ViteRequireContext(), react()],

What is Expected?

Expected to load all the files within the specified folder using require.context() method.
for instance my code snippet is as below

export const heroTextureImports = importAllImages(
	require.context('../../assets', false, /\.(png|jpe?g|svg)/),

What is actually happening?

Throwing TypeError: ViteRequireContext is not a function.


@originjs/vite-plugin-require-context: "^1.0.9"
react: "^18.2.0"
node: "v18.12.1"

multiple transform for some commonjs package


look at this screenshot,this file has been transformed by some "esm to cjs"tools,and was compatibled by the function __importDefault, so 'no_data_png_1' will by wrapped with 'default' property, and with your plugin, you transfromed 'require'
to 'import', which will be transformed twice and wrapped another 'default' property.

In summary, this plugin is not suitable for package that is transformed by 'esm to cjs' tools!

'default' is not exported by..." TypeError: ViteRequireContext is not a function


  • originjs: v1.0.9
  • node: v20.14.0


Additional Details

Steps to reproduce

in vite.config.ts:

import ViteRequireContext from "@originjs/vite-plugin-require-context";
// however, ViteRequireContext .default() is OK. 

What is Expected?

What is actually happening?

failed to load config from /root/jaqn/vite.config.ts
error during build:
TypeError: ViteRequireContext is not a function



  • originjs: 1.0.3
  • node: 14.19.0
  • vite: 3.0.2

按照如下文件配置后,插件没有生效,commonjs代码没有被转成es代码,所以报错:The requested module '/_fusion/lib/index.js' does not provide an export named 'Affix'

import { defineConfig } from 'vite'
import react from '@vitejs/plugin-react'
import { viteCommonjs } from '@originjs/vite-plugin-commonjs'
import * as path from 'path';

const projectRootDir = path.resolve(__dirname);

export default defineConfig({
  resolve: {
    alias: [
      { find: '@', replacement: path.resolve(projectRootDir, 'src') },
        find: '@fusion',
        replacement: path.resolve(projectRootDir, '_fusion'),
        find: /^~(.*)$/,
        replacement: '$1',
  plugins: [ viteCommonjs(), react()],

Bug Report - Issue with exporting boolean values in vite-plugin-commonjs


  • originjs: "@originjs/vite-plugin-commonjs": "^1.0.3",
  • node: v18.15.0


Additional Details

in a.js

  var a = false;
  export default a; 

in index.js

  var hasA = require("./a.js");

  const a = hasA || "A";
  module.exports = a;

a compressed value

Steps to reproduce

What is Expected?

a compressed value :A

What is actually happening?

code = code.replace(item[0], `(${packageName}.default || ${packageName})`);

If the line use ||, it will directly export a boolean value itself, such as false, which will cause the subsequent case to be used.

[vite-plugin-require-context] Import fails when the regular expression contains `,`


  • originjs: v1.0.9
  • node: v18.12.1

Steps to reproduce

  • setup vite-plugin-require-context
  • use require.context with the regular expression contains ,
    • ex. require.context(/[a-Z,]+.js/)

What is Expected?

  • Import must not fail

What is actually happening?

  • Import fails
    • because the following code causes the regular expression to be split in the middle.
    • const params = paramsSyntax.split(','); (lib/index.js: 54)
SyntaxError: Invalid regular expression: missing /
❯ node_modules/@originjs/vite-plugin-require-context/lib/index.js:57:40
❯ TransformContext.transform node_modules/@originjs/vite-plugin-require-context/lib/index.js:52:35




node v14.17.5
vue v3.2.6
vite v2.5.2

vite-plugin-commonjs : not working for vite build

vite-plugin-commonjs is not working for vite build


  • @originjs/vite-plugin-commonjs: 1.0.3


function registeredLayoutStore() {
  return {
    state: require('./store/state').default,
    actions: require('./store/actions').default,
    getters: require('./store/getters').default,
    mutations: require('./store/mutations').default

Steps to reproduce

  • run vite build
  • run vite preview

What is Expected?

no error when use require

What is actually happening?

Uncaught ReferenceError: require is not defined

开启了 `transformMixedEsModules: true`, vite preview 依然报错 - require 是动态引入

开启了 transformMixedEsModules: true, require 动态引入文件, vite preview 依然报错

  • 开启 transformMixedEsModules
    build: {
    commonjsOptions: {
    transformMixedEsModules: true
  • js文件内容
if (a) {

if (b) {


function registeredLayoutStore() {
  return {
    state: require('./store/state').default,
    actions: require('./store/actions').default,
    getters: require('./store/getters').default,
    mutations: require('./store/mutations').default
  • run pnpm build
  • run pnpm preview
  • 错误如下:
Uncaught ReferenceError: require is not defined

Originally posted by @u373693041 in #9 (comment)

vite-plugin-require-context - TypeScript

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.

When I use vite-plugin-require-context plugin in my app, TypeScript throws an error "Property 'context' does not exist on type 'NodeRequire'."

Describe the solution you'd like

Some d.ts to use and augment the type system so require.context is not unknown to TS

Describe alternatives you've considered

I'v of course tried to augment NodeRequire interface but without success

Additional context

Pls provide some clear way how to use this plugin in a TypeScript project

vite-plugin-require-context doesn't work for images

I've tried both of the following with various levels of configuration and can't get it to work.

I've defined the projectBasePath to the root directory just above src and as src and neither work. I've tried defining the asset in assetsInclude and build.rollupOptions.external and nothing seems to change. Is this plugin for JS only?

// src/SISU/shared/utilities/images-helper.ts
export const images = require.context("@Product/images/", false, /^.+?\.png|jpg|svg|gif$/);
// src/SISU/shared/utilities/images-helper.ts
export const images = require.context("../../../Product/images/", false, /^.+?\.png|jpg|svg|gif$/);


[vite]: Rollup failed to resolve import "/src/Product/images/arrow_left.png" from "utilities/images-helper.ts".
This is most likely unintended because it can break your application at runtime.
If you do want to externalize this module explicitly add it to

Error: [vite]: Rollup failed to resolve import "/src/Product/images/arrow_left.png" from "utilities/images-helper.ts".
This is most likely unintended because it can break your application at runtime.
If you do want to externalize this module explicitly add it to

    at onRollupWarning (E:\root\node_modules\vite\dist\node\chunks\dep-59dc6e00.js:41489:19)
    at onwarn (E:\root\node_modules\vite\dist\node\chunks\dep-59dc6e00.js:41305:13)
    at Object.onwarn (E:\root\node_modules\rollup\dist\shared\rollup.js:23226:13)
    at ModuleLoader.handleResolveId (E:\root\node_modules\rollup\dist\shared\rollup.js:22510:26)
    at E:\root\node_modules\rollup\dist\shared\rollup.js:22471:26

TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'httpServer')

Commonjs: Transform of “require” must only be applied to global function named exactly “require”

The commonjs plugin should transform only calls to a global function called “require”. Calls to functions containing the term ”require” (e.g. “myrequire”) and calling “require” on an object (e.g. “myObj.require”) must not be transformed.


  • originjs: 1.0.3


Unit tests that check this would be:

test('require function on object', () => {
  let code = `myObj.require("react");`
  let result = transformRequire(code, 'main.ts');

test('require as part of function name', () => {
  let code = `myrequire("react");`
  let result = transformRequire(code, 'main.ts');


To fix this issue, the RegEx that searches the require function should be changed to be like this:

const requireRegex: RegExp = /(?<!\.)\b_{0,2}require\s*\(\s*(["'].*?["'])\s*\)/g;

Find the tests and the proposed fix in this pull-request: #26

The plugin incompatible with vue2 class component


  • originjs:
  • node:


Additional Details

Steps to reproduce

one file to use for vue mixin
the file use cjs require something
if the file have a string like 'http://xxx' , then it will get one error
example code and error
use plugin

What is Expected?

What is actually happening?

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