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Comments (10)

gbdias avatar gbdias commented on May 26, 2024 1
  • It worked this time!
    Thanks a lot guys


from pbbioconda.

gbdias avatar gbdias commented on May 26, 2024
  • Here is the all.log file.
2018-09-25 18:43:10,617 - fc_run:537 - INFO - Setup logging from file "None".
2018-09-25 18:43:10,624 - root:43 - INFO - $ lfs setstripe -c 12 /lustre1/gd98309/funzip/ecoli3 >
2018-09-25 18:43:10,636 - root:57 - WARNING - 'lfs setstripe -c 12 /lustre1/gd98309/funzip/ecoli3' failed to produ
ce any output.
2018-09-25 18:43:10,637 - falcon_kit.util.system:51 - INFO - Lustre filesystem detected. This lfs stripe (12) shou
ld propagate to subdirs of '/lustre1/gd98309/funzip/ecoli3'.
2018-09-25 18:43:10,637 - fc_run:50 - INFO - fc_run started with configuration fc_run.cfg
2018-09-25 18:43:10,787 - fc_run:475 - WARNING - Unexpected keys in input config: set(['ovlp_HPCTANmask_option'])
2018-09-25 18:43:10,788 - fc_run:55 - INFO - cfg=
  "General": {
    "LA4Falcon_preload": false,
    "avoid_text_file_busy": true,
    "bestn": 12,
    "dazcon": false,
    "falcon_sense_greedy": false,
    "falcon_sense_option": "--output-multi --min-idt 0.70 --min-cov 2 --max-n-read 400",
    "falcon_sense_skip_contained": false,
    "fc_ovlp_to_graph_option": " --min-len 1000",
    "genome_size": "4600000",
    "input_fofn": "input.fofn",
    "input_type": "raw",
    "length_cutoff": "-1",
    "length_cutoff_pr": "1000",
    "overlap_filtering_setting": "--max-diff 100 --max-cov 100 --min-cov 2",
    "ovlp_DBsplit_option": "-x500 -s200",
    "ovlp_HPCTANmask_option": "-l500",
    "ovlp_HPCdaligner_option": "-v -B128 -M24",
    "ovlp_daligner_option": "-e.93 -l2500 -k24 -h1024 -w6 -s100",
    "pa_DBdust_option": "True",
    "pa_DBsplit_option": "-x500 -s200",
    "pa_HPCTANmask_option": "",
    "pa_HPCdaligner_option": "-v -B128 -M24",
    "pa_REPmask_code": "0,300;0,300;0,300",
    "pa_daligner_option": "-e.8 -l2000 -k18 -h480  -w8 -s100",
    "pa_dazcon_option": "-j 4 -x -l 500",
    "pa_fasta_filter_option": "pass",
    "seed_coverage": "20",
    "skip_checks": true,
    "target": "assembly"
  "job.defaults": {
    "JOB_QUEUE": "default",
    "MB": "32768",
    "NPROC": "8",
    "job_type": "local",
    "njobs": "32",
    "pwatcher_type": "blocking",
    "submit": "qsub -S /bin/bash -sync y -V  \\\n-q ${JOB_QUEUE}     \\\n-N ${JOB_NAME}      \\\n-o \"${JOB_STDOUT
}\"  \\\n-e \"${JOB_STDERR}\"  \\\n-pe smp ${NPROC}    \\\n-l h_vmem=${MB}M    \\\n\"${JOB_SCRIPT}\"",
    "use_tmpdir": false
  "job.step.asm": {
    "MB": "32768",
    "NPROC": "4",
    "njobs": "3"
  "job.step.cns": {
    "MB": "49152",
    "NPROC": "4",
    "njobs": "2"
  "job.step.da": {},
  "": {},
  "job.step.pda": {},
  "job.step.pla": {}
2018-09-25 18:43:10,788 - pypeflow.simple_pwatcher_bridge:723 - INFO - In simple_pwatcher_bridge, pwatcher_impl=<m
odule 'pwatcher.blocking' from '/home/gd98309/.conda/envs/falconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pwatcher/blocking.p
2018-09-25 18:43:10,788 - pypeflow.simple_pwatcher_bridge:734 - INFO - job_type='local', (default)job_defaults={'J
OB_QUEUE': 'default', 'pwatcher_type': 'blocking', 'use_tmpdir': False, 'MB': '32768', 'job_type': 'local', 'submi
t': 'qsub -S /bin/bash -sync y -V  \\\n-q ${JOB_QUEUE}     \\\n-N ${JOB_NAME}      \\\n-o "${JOB_STDOUT}"  \\\n-e 
"${JOB_STDERR}"  \\\n-pe smp ${NPROC}    \\\n-l h_vmem=${MB}M    \\\n"${JOB_SCRIPT}"', 'NPROC': '8', 'njobs': '32'
}, use_tmpdir=False, squash=False, job_name_style=0
2018-09-25 18:43:10,789 - pypeflow.simple_pwatcher_bridge:376 - INFO - Setting max_jobs to 32; was None
2018-09-25 18:43:10,789 - root:23 - DEBUG - 'Serializing 8 records'
2018-09-25 18:43:10,987 - root:23 - DEBUG - "  Opened for write: './config.json'"
2018-09-25 18:43:10,988 - root:23 - DEBUG - '  Serialized to 0.0MB as json'
2018-09-25 18:43:10,989 - root:23 - DEBUG - "Deserializing from '/lustre1/gd98309/funzip/ecoli3/config.json'"
2018-09-25 18:43:10,989 - root:23 - DEBUG - "  Opened for read: '/lustre1/gd98309/funzip/ecoli3/config.json'"
2018-09-25 18:43:10,990 - root:23 - DEBUG - '  Read 0.0MB as json'
2018-09-25 18:43:10,990 - root:23 - DEBUG - '  Deserialized 8 records'
2018-09-25 18:43:10,990 - root:23 - DEBUG - 'Serializing 30 records'
2018-09-25 18:43:11,009 - root:23 - DEBUG - "  Opened for write: '/lustre1/gd98309/funzip/ecoli3/General_config.js
2018-09-25 18:43:11,010 - root:23 - DEBUG - '  Serialized to 0.0MB as json'
2018-09-25 18:43:11,011 - falcon_kit.util.system:97 - DEBUG - mkdir -p '0-rawreads'
2018-09-25 18:43:11,011 - falcon_kit.util.system:97 - DEBUG - mkdir -p '1-preads_ovl'
2018-09-25 18:43:11,012 - falcon_kit.util.system:97 - DEBUG - mkdir -p '2-asm-falcon'
2018-09-25 18:43:11,012 - pypeflow.tasks:45 - DEBUG - gen_task(python -m falcon_kit.mains.dazzler --config-fn={inp
ut.config} --db-fn={output.db}  build --input-fofn-fn={input.input_fofn} --length-cutoff-fn={output.length_cutoff}
# TODO: Verify that db exists.
#ln -sf {output.length_cutoff} length_cutoff

	inputs={'config': 'General_config.json', 'input_fofn': 'input.fofn'},
	outputs={'length_cutoff': '0-rawreads/build/length_cutoff', 'db': '0-rawreads/build/raw_reads.db'})
2018-09-25 18:43:11,013 - pypeflow.tasks:50 - DEBUG -  parameters={'pypeflow_mb': 4000, 'pypeflow_nproc': 1, 'topd
ir': '../..'}
2018-09-25 18:43:11,013 - pypeflow.tasks:52 - DEBUG -  dist.job_dict={'MB': 4000, 'NPROC': 1}
2018-09-25 18:43:11,015 - pypeflow.simple_pwatcher_bridge:619 - DEBUG - New PypeTask(wdir=None,
	inputs={'input_fofn': 'input.fofn', 'config': 'General_config.json'},
	outputs={'length_cutoff': '0-rawreads/build/length_cutoff', 'db': '0-rawreads/build/raw_reads.db'})
2018-09-25 18:43:11,016 - pypeflow.simple_pwatcher_bridge:698 - DEBUG - Created PypeTask('0-rawreads/build', '/lus
tre1/gd98309/funzip/ecoli3/0-rawreads/build', "{'db': '/lustre1/gd98309/funzip/ecoli3/0-rawreads/build/raw_reads.d
b',\n 'length_cutoff': '/lustre1/gd98309/funzip/ecoli3/0-rawreads/build/length_cutoff'}", "{'config': '/lustre1/gd
98309/funzip/ecoli3/General_config.json',\n 'input_fofn': '/lustre1/gd98309/funzip/ecoli3/input.fofn'}")
2018-09-25 18:43:11,016 - pypeflow.simple_pwatcher_bridge:641 - DEBUG - Added PRODUCERS['0-rawreads/build'] = Pype
Task('0-rawreads/build', '/lustre1/gd98309/funzip/ecoli3/0-rawreads/build', "{'db': '/lustre1/gd98309/funzip/ecoli
3/0-rawreads/build/raw_reads.db',\n 'length_cutoff': '/lustre1/gd98309/funzip/ecoli3/0-rawreads/build/length_cutof
f'}", "{'config': '/lustre1/gd98309/funzip/ecoli3/General_config.json',\n 'input_fofn': '/lustre1/gd98309/funzip/e
2018-09-25 18:43:11,017 - pypeflow.simple_pwatcher_bridge:547 - DEBUG - No producer PypeTask for basedir '.' from 
path '/lustre1/gd98309/funzip/ecoli3/input.fofn' -- Pure input?
2018-09-25 18:43:11,017 - pypeflow.simple_pwatcher_bridge:547 - DEBUG - No producer PypeTask for basedir '.' from 
path '/lustre1/gd98309/funzip/ecoli3/General_config.json' -- Pure input?
2018-09-25 18:43:11,018 - pypeflow.simple_pwatcher_bridge:645 - DEBUG - Built PypeTask('0-rawreads/build', '/lustr
e1/gd98309/funzip/ecoli3/0-rawreads/build', "{'db': PLF('raw_reads.db', '0-rawreads/build'),\n 'length_cutoff': PL
F('length_cutoff', '0-rawreads/build')}", "{'config': PLF('General_config.json', None),\n 'input_fofn': PLF('input
.fofn', None)}")
2018-09-25 18:43:11,018 - pypeflow.simple_pwatcher_bridge:259 - DEBUG - New Node(0-rawreads/build) needs set([])
2018-09-25 18:43:11,018 - pypeflow.tasks:45 - DEBUG - gen_task(python -m falcon_kit.mains.dazzler --config={input.
config} --db={input.db}  tan-split --split={output.split} --bash-template={output.bash_template}

	inputs={'config': 'General_config.json', 'db': '0-rawreads/build/raw_reads.db'},
	outputs={'split': '0-rawreads/tan-split/tan-uows.json', 'bash_template': '0-rawreads/tan-split/bash_templa'})
2018-09-25 18:43:11,018 - pypeflow.tasks:50 - DEBUG -  parameters={'pypeflow_mb': 4000, 'pypeflow_nproc': 1, 'topd
ir': '../..'}
2018-09-25 18:43:11,019 - pypeflow.tasks:52 - DEBUG -  dist.job_dict={'MB': 4000, 'NPROC': 1}
2018-09-25 18:43:11,020 - pypeflow.simple_pwatcher_bridge:619 - DEBUG - New PypeTask(wdir=None,
	inputs={'db': '0-rawreads/build/raw_reads.db', 'config': 'General_config.json'},
	outputs={'split': '0-rawreads/tan-split/tan-uows.json', 'bash_template': '0-rawreads/tan-split/bash_templa'})
2018-09-25 18:43:11,021 - pypeflow.simple_pwatcher_bridge:698 - DEBUG - Created PypeTask('0-rawreads/tan-split', '
/lustre1/gd98309/funzip/ecoli3/0-rawreads/tan-split', "{'bash_template': '/lustre1/gd98309/funzip/ecoli3/0-rawread
s/tan-split/',\n 'split': '/lustre1/gd98309/funzip/ecoli3/0-rawreads/tan-split/tan-uows.json'}", "
{'config': '/lustre1/gd98309/funzip/ecoli3/General_config.json',\n 'db': '/lustre1/gd98309/funzip/ecoli3/0-rawread
2018-09-25 18:43:11,022 - pypeflow.simple_pwatcher_bridge:641 - DEBUG - Added PRODUCERS['0-rawreads/tan-split'] = 
PypeTask('0-rawreads/tan-split', '/lustre1/gd98309/funzip/ecoli3/0-rawreads/tan-split', "{'bash_template': '/lustr
e1/gd98309/funzip/ecoli3/0-rawreads/tan-split/',\n 'split': '/lustre1/gd98309/funzip/ecoli3/0-rawr
eads/tan-split/tan-uows.json'}", "{'config': '/lustre1/gd98309/funzip/ecoli3/General_config.json',\n 'db': '/lustr
2018-09-25 18:43:11,022 - pypeflow.simple_pwatcher_bridge:547 - DEBUG - No producer PypeTask for basedir '.' from 
path '/lustre1/gd98309/funzip/ecoli3/General_config.json' -- Pure input?
2018-09-25 18:43:11,023 - pypeflow.simple_pwatcher_bridge:645 - DEBUG - Built PypeTask('0-rawreads/tan-split', '/l
ustre1/gd98309/funzip/ecoli3/0-rawreads/tan-split', "{'bash_template': PLF('', '0-rawreads/tan-spl
it'),\n 'split': PLF('tan-uows.json', '0-rawreads/tan-split')}", "{'config': PLF('General_config.json', None),\n '
db': PLF('raw_reads.db', '0-rawreads/build')}")
2018-09-25 18:43:11,023 - pypeflow.simple_pwatcher_bridge:259 - DEBUG - New Node(0-rawreads/tan-split) needs set([
2018-09-25 18:43:11,025 - pypeflow.simple_pwatcher_bridge:304 - INFO - Num unsatisfied: 2, graph: 2
2018-09-25 18:43:11,025 - pypeflow.simple_pwatcher_bridge:314 - INFO - About to submit: Node(0-rawreads/build)
2018-09-25 18:43:11,025 - pypeflow.simple_pwatcher_bridge:109 - DEBUG - enque nodes:
2018-09-25 18:43:11,026 - root:17 - DEBUG - mkdir -p "/lustre1/gd98309/funzip/ecoli3/0-rawreads/build"
2018-09-25 18:43:12,405 - pypeflow.simple_pwatcher_bridge:132 - DEBUG - In rundir='/lustre1/gd98309/funzip/ecoli3/
0-rawreads/build', job_dict={'JOB_QUEUE': 'default', 'pwatcher_type': 'blocking', 'use_tmpdir': False, 'MB': 4000,
 'job_type': 'local', 'submit': 'qsub -S /bin/bash -sync y -V  \\\n-q ${JOB_QUEUE}     \\\n-N ${JOB_NAME}      \\\
n-o "${JOB_STDOUT}"  \\\n-e "${JOB_STDERR}"  \\\n-pe smp ${NPROC}    \\\n-l h_vmem=${MB}M    \\\n"${JOB_SCRIPT}"',
 'NPROC': 1, 'njobs': '32'}
2018-09-25 18:43:12,406 - pwatcher.blocking:459 - DEBUG - run(jobids=<1>, job_type=local, job_defaults_dict={'JOB_
QUEUE': 'default', 'pwatcher_type': 'blocking', 'use_tmpdir': False, 'MB': '32768', 'job_type': 'local', 'submit':
 'qsub -S /bin/bash -sync y -V  \\\n-q ${JOB_QUEUE}     \\\n-N ${JOB_NAME}      \\\n-o "${JOB_STDOUT}"  \\\n-e "${
JOB_STDERR}"  \\\n-pe smp ${NPROC}    \\\n-l h_vmem=${MB}M    \\\n"${JOB_SCRIPT}"', 'NPROC': '8', 'njobs': '32'})
2018-09-25 18:43:12,406 - pwatcher.blocking:348 - DEBUG - NOTE: In blocking pwatcher, job_type='local', should be 
2018-09-25 18:43:12,406 - pwatcher.blocking:363 - DEBUG - jobs:
{'Pa93d51772c1627': Job(jobid='Pa93d51772c1627', cmd='/bin/bash', rundir='/lustre1/gd98309/funzip/ecoli3/0-
rawreads/build', options={'JOB_QUEUE': 'default', 'pwatcher_type': 'blocking', 'use_tmpdir': False, 'MB': 4000, 'j
ob_type': 'local', 'submit': 'qsub -S /bin/bash -sync y -V  \\\n-q ${JOB_QUEUE}     \\\n-N ${JOB_NAME}      \\\n-o
 "${JOB_STDOUT}"  \\\n-e "${JOB_STDERR}"  \\\n-pe smp ${NPROC}    \\\n-l h_vmem=${MB}M    \\\n"${JOB_SCRIPT}"', 'N
PROC': 1, 'njobs': '32', 'local': 0})}
2018-09-25 18:43:12,406 - pwatcher.blocking:367 - DEBUG - Basic submitter: StringJobSubmitter('qsub -S /bin/bash -
sync y -V  \\\n-q ${JOB_QUEUE}     \\\n-N ${JOB_NAME}      \\\n-o "${JOB_STDOUT}"  \\\n-e "${JOB_STDERR}"  \\\n-pe
 smp ${NPROC}    \\\n-l h_vmem=${MB}M    \\\n"${JOB_SCRIPT}"')
2018-09-25 18:43:12,406 - pwatcher.blocking:370 - DEBUG -  starting job Job(jobid='Pa93d51772c1627', cmd='/bin/bas
h', rundir='/lustre1/gd98309/funzip/ecoli3/0-rawreads/build', options={'JOB_QUEUE': 'default', 'pwatcher_ty
pe': 'blocking', 'use_tmpdir': False, 'MB': 4000, 'job_type': 'local', 'submit': 'qsub -S /bin/bash -sync y -V  \\
\n-q ${JOB_QUEUE}     \\\n-N ${JOB_NAME}      \\\n-o "${JOB_STDOUT}"  \\\n-e "${JOB_STDERR}"  \\\n-pe smp ${NPROC}
    \\\n-l h_vmem=${MB}M    \\\n"${JOB_SCRIPT}"', 'NPROC': 1, 'njobs': '32', 'local': 0})
2018-09-25 18:43:12,406 - pwatcher.blocking:212 - DEBUG - Writing wrapper "/lustre1/gd98309/funzip/ecoli3/0-rawrea
2018-09-25 18:43:16,368 - pwatcher.blocking:322 - DEBUG - env_extra={'PYPEFLOW_JOB_START_SCRIPT': '/lustre1/gd9830
2018-09-25 18:43:16,369 - pwatcher.blocking:82 - DEBUG - Thread notify_started(Pa93d51772c1627).
2018-09-25 18:43:16,369 - pypeflow.simple_pwatcher_bridge:153 - DEBUG - Result of{'submitted': ['Pa
2018-09-25 18:43:16,369 - pwatcher.blocking:223 - DEBUG - hello! started Thread <JobThread(Thread-1, started 47580
2018-09-25 18:43:16,369 - pypeflow.simple_pwatcher_bridge:324 - DEBUG - N in queue: 1 (max_jobs=32)
2018-09-25 18:43:16,370 - pwatcher.blocking:463 - DEBUG - query(which='list', jobids=<1>)
2018-09-25 18:43:16,370 - pwatcher.blocking:227 - INFO - Popen: 'qsub -S /bin/bash -sync y -V  \
-q default     \
-N Pa93d51772c1627      \
-o "/lustre1/gd98309/funzip/ecoli3/0-rawreads/build/run-Pa93d51772c1627.bash.stdout"  \
-e "/lustre1/gd98309/funzip/ecoli3/0-rawreads/build/run-Pa93d51772c1627.bash.stderr"  \
-pe smp 1    \
-l h_vmem=4000M    \
2018-09-25 18:43:16,370 - pypeflow.simple_pwatcher_bridge:334 - INFO - (slept for another 0.0s -- another 1 loop i
2018-09-25 18:43:16,375 - pwatcher.blocking:232 - DEBUG - pid: 54501
2018-09-25 18:43:16,389 - pwatcher.blocking:235 - DEBUG - rc: 1
2018-09-25 18:43:16,389 - pwatcher.blocking:87 - DEBUG - Thread notify_exited(Pa93d51772c1627->1).
2018-09-25 18:43:16,473 - pypeflow.simple_pwatcher_bridge:324 - DEBUG - N in queue: 1 (max_jobs=32)
2018-09-25 18:43:16,473 - pwatcher.blocking:463 - DEBUG - query(which='list', jobids=<1>)
2018-09-25 18:43:16,473 - pypeflow.simple_pwatcher_bridge:94 - ERROR - Task Node(0-rawreads/build) failed with exi
2018-09-25 18:43:16,473 - pypeflow.simple_pwatcher_bridge:342 - DEBUG - recently_done: [(Node(0-rawreads/build), F
2018-09-25 18:43:16,474 - pypeflow.simple_pwatcher_bridge:343 - DEBUG - Num done in this iteration: 1
2018-09-25 18:43:16,474 - pypeflow.simple_pwatcher_bridge:357 - ERROR - Some tasks are recently_done but not satis
fied: set([Node(0-rawreads/build)])
2018-09-25 18:43:16,474 - pypeflow.simple_pwatcher_bridge:358 - ERROR - ready: set([])
	submitted: set([])
2018-09-25 18:43:16,474 - pwatcher.blocking:467 - DEBUG - delete(which='known', jobids=<0>)
2018-09-25 18:43:16,474 - pwatcher.blocking:431 - ERROR - Noop. We cannot kill blocked threads. Hopefully, everyth
ing will die on SIGTERM.
2018-09-25 18:43:16,474 - pypeflow.simple_pwatcher_bridge:189 - DEBUG - In notifyTerminate(), result of delete:None

from pbbioconda.

armintoepfer avatar armintoepfer commented on May 26, 2024

Thank you, we'll look into it.

from pbbioconda.

gconcepcion avatar gconcepcion commented on May 26, 2024

Hi @gbdias

Your run is failing in the initial step during the building of the read database.

The actual error would be found here:

Were you successful running the test example here?

It's generally better to ensure the test dataset works prior to running your own data to rule out installation problems.

from pbbioconda.

gbdias avatar gbdias commented on May 26, 2024

Hi guys,
Thanks a lot for the quick reply.

  • I suspect this has to do with resource allocation.

  • I just ran the test dataset with the same script but with the test cfg file from the FALCON-examples repo and it completed both Falcon and Unzip.

  • Test cfg file from the greg run:

#sge_option_da =
#sge_option_la =
#sge_option_pda =
#sge_option_pla =
#sge_option_cns =
#sge_option_fc =
#pwatcher_type = blocking
#job_type = string
#job_queue = bash -C ${CMD} >| ${STDOUT_FILE} 2>| ${STDERR_FILE}

# list of files of the initial bas.h5 files
input_fofn = input.fofn
#input_fofn = preads.fofn

input_type = raw
#input_type = preads

#openending = True

# The length cutoff used for seed reads used for initial mapping
length_cutoff = 1000
genome_size = 200000
#seed_coverage = 60

# The length cutoff used for seed reads usef for pre-assembly
length_cutoff_pr = 1

#pa_REPmask_code = 1,300;0,300;0,300
pa_daligner_option   = -e.8 -l3200 -k18 -h480  -w8 -s100
ovlp_daligner_option = -e.9 -l2500 -k24 -h1024 -w6 -s100
pa_HPCdaligner_option   =  -v -B128 -M24
ovlp_HPCdaligner_option =  -v -B128 -M24
#pa_HPCTANmask_option = -k18 -h480 -w8 -e.8 -s100
#pa_HPCREPmask_option = -k18 -h480 -w8 -e.8 -s100

pa_DBsplit_option = -a -x500 -s4
ovlp_DBsplit_option = -s100

falcon_sense_option = --output-multi --min-cov-aln 4 --min-idt 0.70 --min-cov 4 --max-n-read 200 --n-core 8
falcon_sense_skip_contained = False

overlap_filtering_setting = --max-diff 120 --max-cov 120 --min-cov 2 --n-core 8
#dazcon = 1

job_type = local

#use_tmpdir = /scratch
pwatcher_type = blocking
job_type = string
submit = bash -C ${CMD} >| ${STDOUT_FILE} 2>| ${STDERR_FILE}
#job_queue = bash -C ${CMD}
# By dropping STD*_FILE, we see all output on the console.
# That helps debugging in TravisCI/Bamboo.

  • My cfg file for E. coli
#### Input

#### Data Partitioning
pa_DBsplit_option=-x500 -s200
ovlp_DBsplit_option=-x500 -s200

#### Repeat Masking

pa_HPCdaligner_option=-v -B128 -M24
pa_daligner_option=-e.8 -l2000 -k18 -h480  -w8 -s100
falcon_sense_option=--output-multi --min-idt 0.70 --min-cov 2 --max-n-read 400

####Pread overlapping
ovlp_daligner_option=-e.93 -l2500 -k24 -h1024 -w6 -s100
ovlp_HPCdaligner_option=-v -B128 -M24

####Final Assembly
overlap_filtering_setting=--max-diff 100 --max-cov 100 --min-cov 2

submit = qsub -S /bin/bash -sync y -V  \
  -q ${JOB_QUEUE}     \
  -N ${JOB_NAME}      \
  -o "${JOB_STDOUT}"  \
  -e "${JOB_STDERR}"  \
  -pe smp ${NPROC}    \
  -l h_vmem=${MB}M    \

# MB=32768
# njobs=240
# MB=32768
# njobs=240
# MB=32768
# njobs=240
# MB=32768
# njobs=240
  • I am having a hard time figuring out how should I scale it up on a bigger machine, but in local mode (not sge). Do you guys have any recommendation on how to do this?


from pbbioconda.

gbdias avatar gbdias commented on May 26, 2024

Hi Greg,

My fc_run.cfg is the last one I just posted. I though it was in local mode cause I used the job_type = local flag.
Do I also need the job_type = string and submit = bash -C ${CMD} >| ${STDOUT_FILE} 2>| ${STDERR_FILE} for local mode?

from pbbioconda.

gconcepcion avatar gconcepcion commented on May 26, 2024

@gbdias Ahh.

The greg200k-sv2 example was run in local mode w/ a local mode submit string.
You ran the ecoli job in local mode w/ an sge submit string.

For local mode, you need to run w/ the local mode submit line:
bash -C ${CMD} >| ${STDOUT_FILE} 2>| ${STDERR_FILE}
See also the Job Distribution section here:

from pbbioconda.

gbdias avatar gbdias commented on May 26, 2024

Okie dokie.
I will fix this and try again!

from pbbioconda.

wuxiaopei0509 avatar wuxiaopei0509 commented on May 26, 2024

I have the similar problem at 0-rawreads/cns-runs stage and I check the run-Pec6a2970c36c74.bash.stderr .I found the job was killed nonarbitrary;the error info as follows:

2019-09-27 14:12:07,314 - root - CRITICAL - Error in /data/wuxiaopei/conda/envs/dujuan_denovo_pb-assembly0.0.4/lib/python2.7/site-packages/
with args="{'json_fn': '/1data/wuxiaopei/zhejiangdaxue_dujuan/Falcon_assembly/0-rawreads/cns-runs/cns_00043/task.json',\n 'timeout': 30,\n 'tmpdir': None}"

Could y help me with it? Thanks a lot.

from pbbioconda.

pb-cdunn avatar pb-cdunn commented on May 26, 2024

Hmmm. If there is nothing in stderr, my best guess is that your job-distributor killed it for exceeding some resource limits.

from pbbioconda.

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