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diplomat's Issues

Question about find with key

Is there a better way to find something by a name/id? This below works, but seems like the named parameter way should work too.

def find(email) do
    # Works fine, but I want to use the key
    #"select * from `User` where email_address = @email", %{email: email} )

    "select * from User where __key__ = KEY(User, \"#{email}\")"
    |> Diplomat.Query.execute
    |> hd

When I use the names params:

 def find2(email) do"select * from User where __key__ = KEY(User, @email)", %{email: email})
    |> Diplomat.Query.execute

I get:

iex(1)> u = User.find2("[email protected]")
   code: 3,
   details: [],
   message: "Encountered \"@email\" at line 1, column 46.\nWas expecting one of:\n    <INTEGER> ...\n    <SINGLE_QUOTE_STRING> ...\n    <DOUBLE_QUOTE_STRING> ...\n    "

Semi-new to Google Data Store so I could be missing something simple.


Transactions not working correctly?

The documentation for Datastore states the following about transactions:

When two or more transactions simultaneously attempt to modify entities in one or more common entity groups, only the first transaction to commit its changes can succeed; all the others will fail on commit. Because of this design, using entity groups limits the number of concurrent writes you can do on any entity in the groups. When a transaction starts, Cloud Datastore uses optimistic concurrency control by checking the last update time for the entity groups used in the transaction. Upon commiting a transaction for the entity groups, Cloud Datastore again checks the last update time for the entity groups used in the transaction. If it has changed since our initial check, an error is returned.

Essentially, two or more transactions may not concurrently modify any given entity (or any set of entities in the same entity group). If more than one transaction attempts to make concurrent modifications, only the first to commit will succeed and any others will receive an error. I have verified this behavior using a Ruby script and the google-cloud-datastore Ruby gem.

When using Elixir and Diplomat, however, it seems as if concurrent modifications by multiple transactions do not exhibit this behavior. Instead, all transactions succeed on commit and data written by one transaction will be overwritten by data from the next transaction. It should be the case that only the first transaction should successfully commit, and subsequent transactions should fail with an error.

This seemingly incorrect behavior can be verified by having multiple processes updating the same entity within a transaction. Each update in each process would:

  1. Start a new transaction with Diplomat.Transaction.begin/0.
  2. Read the current value of the entity from Datastore using a simple key lookup.
  3. Sleep for a configurable period of time. (See below for explanation.)
  4. Update some attribute of the entity.
  5. Save the updated entity with Diplomat.Transaction.update/2 and commit the change with Diplomat.Transaction.commit/1.

The reason for the sleep in step 3 is so that if we start multiple processes with sufficiently different sleep times, this ensures that there will be an update collision, since the slower process will start a transaction and the faster process will concurrently start its own transaction and commit it before the slower process can complete.

If transactions exhibited the documented behavior, then this scheme should result in an error when the slower process tries to commit a transaction for which the faster process has already successfully committed changes to the same entity. However, when testing this scenario, I found that all transactions always succeed and that the slower process simply overwrites the data written by the faster process. I haven't yet discovered why this happens with Elixir and Diplomat, but does not happen with Ruby, but I suspect it might be due to the fact that that Diplomat is still using the v1beta3 protobuf schema, whereas Ruby is using v1.

Below is an Elixir script file that implements the scenario outlined above, for reference.

alias Diplomat.{Key, Entity, Transaction}

defmodule DatastoreWriter do
  require Logger

  def start_link(uuid, delay) do
    state = %{
      uuid: uuid,
      delay: delay,
      key:"Rule", uuid,"Service", "transactional","Company", "transactional"))),
      rule: %{"id" => uuid, "version" => 0}
    Agent.start_link(fn -> state end)

  def insert_initial(agent) do
    state = get_state(agent)
    result = Transaction.begin fn(tx) ->
      Transaction.insert(tx,, state.key))
    #"insert_initial -> #{inspect result}")

  def write_versions(agent, versions) when is_list(versions) do
    Task.async fn ->
      for version <- versions, do: write_version(agent, version)

  def write_version(agent, version) do
    state = get_state(agent)
    tx = Transaction.begin()
    new_rule =
      |> lookup_key()
      |> Map.update!("version", fn(_) -> version end)
    result = try do
      |> Transaction.update(, state.key))
      |> Transaction.commit()
      e ->
        Logger.error("!!!!! Transaction error: #{inspect e}")
        {:error, e}
    #"update_version(#{version}) -> #{inspect result}")

  defp get_state(agent) do
    Agent.get(agent, &(&1))

  def lookup(agent) do

  def lookup_key(key) do
    [entity] = Key.get(key)

uuid = UUID.uuid1()
{:ok, slow_writer} = DatastoreWriter.start_link(uuid, 500)
{:ok, fast_writer} = DatastoreWriter.start_link(uuid, 100)

slow_writer_task = DatastoreWriter.write_versions(slow_writer,, &("slow.#{&1}")))
fast_writer_task = DatastoreWriter.write_versions(fast_writer,, &("fast.#{&1}")))

slow_writer_results = Task.await(slow_writer_task, 60_000)
fast_writer_results = Task.await(fast_writer_task, 60_000)

IO.puts("***** fast_writer_results:")
IO.puts("***** slow_writer_results:")

IO.puts("Final value written:")

Does not respect namespace

I created a key with a namespace, and then used that key to create an entity, but the entity was insert into the [default] namespace in Datastore.

Add Ecto support

One should be able to use Diplomat as an Ecto adapter for Datastore. Lots of work to do here, especially around query generation and all that, but once we get to v1.0, I want to look at tackling this.


Are you open to transferring this project over to my noizu-labs org. I rely on this for a few projects and have some upstream changes to merge in.

Cannot compile as dependency

== Compilation error in file lib/diplomat.ex ==
** (Protobuf.Parser.ParserError) [missing_occurrence, missing_occurrence, missing_occurrence, missing_occurrence]
    (exprotobuf 1.2.17) lib/exprotobuf/parser.ex:101: Protobuf.Parser.parse!/3
    (elixir 1.12.0) lib/enum.ex:3865: Enum.flat_map_list/2
    (exprotobuf 1.2.17) lib/exprotobuf/parser.ex:8: Protobuf.Parser.parse_files!/2
    (exprotobuf 1.2.17) lib/exprotobuf.ex:194: Protobuf.parse/2
    (exprotobuf 1.2.17) expanding macro: Protobuf.__using__/1
    lib/diplomat.ex:10: Diplomat.Proto (module)
    (elixir 1.12.0) expanding macro: Kernel.use/2
    lib/diplomat.ex:10: Diplomat.Proto (module)

A dot (.) in a property name causes an error

Attempting to push something like:

%{"my.key" => "value"}

Will result in the following error:

  %Diplomat.Proto.Status{code: 3, 
    details: [], 
    message: " contains a path delimiter, \
              and the entity contains one or more indexed entity value."}}

This is expected, but there ought to be a way to have Diplomat transparently account for this and prevent the error.

The return value of Diplomat.Entity.insert/1

According to Hex, Diplomat.Entity.insert/1's spec is:

insert([t()] | t()) :: {:ok, Diplomat.Key.t()} | Diplomat.Client.error()

However, it seems that it returns [Diplomat.Key.t()] when success.
I think it should return {:ok, Diplomat.Key.t()}.

Protobuf.Parser.ParserError: [missing_occurrence, ...]

I recently started to get a mix deps.compile error without changing any major package version.

==> diplomat
Compiling 10 files (.ex)

== Compilation error in file lib/diplomat.ex ==
** (Protobuf.Parser.ParserError) [missing_occurrence, missing_occurrence, missing_occurrence, missing_occurrence]
    lib/exprotobuf/parser.ex:101: Protobuf.Parser.parse!/3
    (elixir) lib/enum.ex:2986: Enum.flat_map_list/2
    lib/exprotobuf/parser.ex:8: Protobuf.Parser.parse_files!/2
    lib/exprotobuf.ex:194: Protobuf.parse/2
    expanding macro: Protobuf.__using__/1
    lib/diplomat.ex:10: Diplomat.Proto (module)
    (elixir) expanding macro: Kernel.use/2
    lib/diplomat.ex:10: Diplomat.Proto (module)

could not compile dependency :diplomat, "mix compile" failed. You can recompile this dependency with "mix deps.compile diplomat", update it with "mix deps.update diplomat" or clean it with "mix deps.clean diplomat"

Version details:
Elixir : 1.8
Erlang: Erlang/OTP 20.1
Diplomat: 0.12.1

Any help will be appreciated.

Parse binary errors

Errors come back from the API and are not parsed in any way, so all the Diplomat user gets is something like this:

 <<8, 3, 18, 52, 99, 97, 110, 110, 111, 116, 32, 119, 114, 105, 116, 101, 32,
   109, 111, 114, 101, 32, 116, 104, 97, 110, 32, 53, 48, 48, 32, 101, 110, 116,
   105, 116, 105, 101, 115, 32, 105, 110, 32, 97, 32, 115, 105, 110, 103, ...>>}

Would be very nice if this was something more useful ๐Ÿ˜„

module :unicode_util is not available


My system dependencies are:
Erlang/OTP 19 [erts-8.3] [64-bit] [smp:4:4] [async-threads:10]
Elixir 1.4.4

Part of my project dependencies:
diplomat ~> 0.7
goth ~> 0.4

I unsuccessfully tried to update 'hackney' dependency.


 ** (UndefinedFunctionError) function :unicode_util.lowercase/1 is undefined (module :unicode_util is not available)
        (idna) c:/projects/SpeechRecognitionServer/deps/idna/src/idna.erl:57: :idna.lowercase_list/1
        (idna) c:/projects/SpeechRecognitionServer/deps/idna/src/idna.erl:10: :idna.to_ascii/1
        (hackney) c:/projects/SpeechRecognitionServer/deps/hackney/src/hackney_url.erl:96: :hackney_url.normalize/2
        (hackney) c:/projects/SpeechRecognitionServer/deps/hackney/src/hackney.erl:291: :hackney.request/5
        (httpoison) lib/httpoison/base.ex:432: HTTPoison.Base.request/9
        (goth) lib/goth/client.ex:53: Goth.Client.get_access_token/2
        (goth) lib/goth/token.ex:94: Goth.Token.retrieve_and_store!/1
        lib/diplomat/client.ex:138: Diplomat.Client.auth_header/0
        lib/diplomat/client.ex:43: Diplomat.Client.commit/1
        lib/diplomat/entity.ex:138: Diplomat.Entity.insert/1
        (web) web/controllers/page_controller.ex:12: Web.PageController.myTest/2

Q: Possible to execute a Query in a transaction

As the title says.

  1. is this already supported by diplomat and I am just to dumb to find it?
  2. otherwise would it be possible to implement it without a big re-write of the whole library? if yes then I can provide a PR

:undefined error after hot code update,

After deploying a hot update with distillery connection begins to fail with an :undefined response.
Hot update using distillery version 1.5.2

** (MatchError) no match of right hand side value: :undefined
(hackney) /mnt/data/code/lax-alerts/src/ingressor/src/deps/hackney/src/hackney_connect.erl:69: :hackney_connect.
(hackney) /mnt/data/code/lax-alerts/src/ingressor/src/deps/hackney/src/hackney_connect.erl:37: :hackney_connect.
(hackney) /mnt/data/code/lax-alerts/src/ingressor/src/deps/hackney/src/hackney.erl:315: :hackney.request/5
(httpoison) lib/httpoison/base.ex:439: HTTPoison.Base.request/9
(goth) lib/goth/client.ex:49: Goth.Client.get_access_token/2
(goth) lib/goth/token.ex:94: Goth.Token.retrieve_and_store!/1
(diplomat) lib/diplomat/client.ex:141: Diplomat.Client.auth_header/0
(diplomat) lib/diplomat/client.ex:109:

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