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Pure Scala Artifact Fetching

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coursier's Introduction


Pure Scala Artifact Fetching

A Scala library to fetch dependencies from Maven / Ivy repositories

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coursier is a dependency resolver / fetcher ร  la Maven / Ivy, entirely rewritten from scratch in Scala. It aims at being fast and easy to embed in other contexts. Its very core (core module) aims at being extremely pure, and only requires to be fed external data (Ivy / Maven metadata) via a monad.

The cache module handles caching of the metadata and artifacts themselves, and is less so pure than the core module, in the sense that it happily does IO as a side-effect (always wrapped in Task, and naturally favoring immutability for all that's kept in memory).

It handles fancy Maven features like

and is able to fetch metadata and artifacts from both Maven and Ivy repositories.

Compared to the default dependency resolution of SBT, it adds:

  • downloading of artifacts in parallel,
  • better offline mode - one can safely work with snapshot dependencies if these are in cache (SBT tends to try and fail if it cannot check for updates),
  • non obfuscated cache (cache structure just mimicks the URL it caches),
  • no global lock (no "Waiting for ~/.ivy2/.sbt.ivy.lock to be available").

From the command-line, it also has:

  • a launcher, able to launch apps distributed via Maven / Ivy repositories,
  • a bootstrap generator, able to generate stripped launchers of these apps.

Lastly, it can be used programmatically via its API and has a Scala JS demo.

Table of content

  1. Quick start
  2. Why
  3. Usage
  4. SBT plugin
  5. Command-line
  6. API
  7. Scala JS demo
  8. Limitations
  9. FAQ
  10. Roadmap
  11. Development tips
  12. Contributors
  13. Projects using coursier

Quick start

  • SBT plugin

Enable the SBT plugin by adding

addSbtPlugin("com.github.alexarchambault" % "coursier-sbt-plugin" % "1.0.0-M10")

to ~/.sbt/0.13/plugins/build.sbt (enables it globally), or to the project/plugins.sbt file of a SBT project. Tested with SBT 0.13.8 / 0.13.9.

  • CLI

Download and run its laucher with

$ curl -L -o coursier && chmod +x coursier && ./coursier --help

Run an application distributed via artifacts with

$ ./coursier launch com.lihaoyi:ammonite-repl_2.11.7:0.5.2

Download and list the classpath of one or several dependencies with

$ ./coursier fetch org.apache.spark:spark-sql_2.11:1.5.2 com.twitter:algebird-spark_2.11:0.11.0
Fetching artifacts
  • API

Add to your build.sbt

libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
  "com.github.alexarchambault" %% "coursier" % "1.0.0-M10",
  "com.github.alexarchambault" %% "coursier-cache" % "1.0.0-M10"

Add an import for coursier,

import coursier._

To resolve dependencies, first create a Resolution case class with your dependencies in it,

val start = Resolution(
      Module("org.scalaz", "scalaz-core_2.11"), "7.2.0"
      Module("org.spire-math", "cats-core_2.11"), "0.3.0"

Create a fetch function able to get things from a few repositories via a local cache,

val repositories = Seq(

val fetch = Fetch.from(repositories, Cache.fetch())

Then run the resolution per-se,

val resolution =

That will fetch and use metadata.

Check for errors in

val errors: Seq[(Dependency, Seq[String])] = resolution.errors

These would mean that the resolution wasn't able to get metadata about some dependencies.

Then fetch and get local copies of the artifacts themselves (the JARs) with

import scalaz.\/
import scalaz.concurrent.Task

val localArtifacts: Seq[FileError \/ File] = Task.gatherUnordered(

The default global cache used by coursier is ~/.coursier/cache/v1. E.g. the artifact at will land in ~/.coursier/cache/v1/https/

From the SBT plugin, the default repositories are the ones provided by SBT (typically Central or JFrog, and ~/.ivy2/local). From the CLI tools, these are Central ( and ~/.ivy2/local. From the API, these are specified manually - you are encouraged to use those too.


The current state of dependency management in Scala suffers several flaws, that prevent applications to fully profit from and rely on dependency management. Coursier aims at addressing these by making it easy to:

  • resolve / download dependencies programmatically,
  • launch applications distributed via Maven / Ivy artifacts from the command-line,
  • work offline with artifacts,
  • sandbox dependency management between projects.

As its API illustrates, getting artifacts of dependencies is just a matter of specifying these along with a few repositories. You can then straightforwardly get the corresponding artifacts, easily getting precise feedback about what goes on during the resolution.

Launching an application distributed via Maven artifacts is just a command away with the launcher of coursier. In most cases, just specifying the corresponding main dependency is enough to launch the corresponding application.

If all your dependencies are in cache, chances are coursier will not even try to connect to remote repositories. This also applies to snapshot dependencies of course - these are only updated on demand, not getting constantly in your way like is currently the case by default with SBT.

When using coursier from the command-line or via its SBT plugin, sandboxing is just one command away. Just do export COURSIER_CACHE="$(pwd)/.coursier-cache", and the cache will become .coursier-cache from the current directory instead of the default global ~/.coursier/cache/v1. This allows for example to quickly inspect the content of the cache used by a particular project, in case you have any doubt about what's in it.


SBT plugin

Enable the SBT plugin globally by adding

addSbtPlugin("com.github.alexarchambault" % "coursier-sbt-plugin" % "1.0.0-M10")

to ~/.sbt/0.13/plugins/build.sbt

To enable it on a per-project basis, add it only to the project/plugins.sbt of a SBT project. The SBT plugin has been tested only with SBT 0.13.8 / 0.13.9.

Once enabled, the update, updateClassifiers, and updateSbtClassifiers commands are taken care of by coursier. These provide more output about what's going on than their default implementations do.


Download and run its laucher with

$ curl -L -o coursier && chmod +x coursier && ./coursier --help

The launcher itself weights only 8 kB and can be easily embedded as is in other projects. It downloads the artifacts required to launch coursier on the first run.

$ ./coursier --help

lists the available coursier commands. The most notable ones are launch, and fetch. Type

$ ./coursier command --help

to get a description of the various options the command command (replace with one of the above command) accepts.

Both command belows can be given repositories with the -r or --repository option, like

-r central
-r "ivy:[organisation]/[module]/(scala_[scalaVersion]/)(sbt_[sbtVersion]/)[revision]/[type]s/[artifact](-[classifier]).[ext]"

central and ivy2local correspond to Maven Central and ~/.ivy2/local. These are used by default unless the --no-default option is specified.

Repositories starting with ivy: are assumed to be Ivy repositories, specified with an Ivy pattern, like ivy:[organisation]/[module]/(scala_[scalaVersion]/)(sbt_[sbtVersion]/)[revision]/[type]s/[artifact](-[classifier]).[ext]. Else, a Maven repository is assumed.


The launch command fetches a set of Maven coordinates it is given, along with their transitive dependencies, then launches the "main main class" from it if it can find one (typically from the manifest of the first coordinates). The main class to launch can also be manually specified with the -M option.

For example, it can launch:

$ ./coursier launch com.lihaoyi:ammonite-repl_2.11.7:0.5.2

along with the REPLs of various JVM languages like

  • Frege,
$ ./coursier launch -r central -r \
    org.frege-lang:frege-repl-core:1.3 -M frege.repl.FregeRepl
  • clojure,
$ ./coursier launch org.clojure:clojure:1.7.0 -M clojure.main
  • jruby,
$ wget && \
  ./coursier launch org.jruby:jruby: -M org.jruby.Main -- -- jirb
  • jython,
$ ./coursier launch org.python:jython-standalone:2.7.0 -M org.python.util.jython
  • Groovy,
$ ./coursier launch org.codehaus.groovy:groovy-groovysh:2.4.5 -M \


and various programs, like

  • Proguard and its utility Retrace,
$ ./coursier launch net.sf.proguard:proguard-base:5.2.1 -M proguard.ProGuard
$ ./coursier launch net.sf.proguard:proguard-retrace:5.2.1 -M proguard.retrace.ReTrace


The fetch command simply fetches a set of dependencies, along with their transitive dependencies, then prints the local paths of all their artifacts.


$ ./coursier fetch org.apache.spark:spark-sql_2.11:1.5.2

By adding the -p option, these paths can be handed over directly to java -cp, like

$ java -cp "$(./coursier fetch -p com.lihaoyi:ammonite-repl_2.11.7:0.5.2)" ammonite.repl.Main
Welcome to the Ammonite Repl 0.5.2
(Scala 2.11.7 Java 1.8.0_51)


The bootstrap generates tiny bootstrap launchers, able to pull their dependencies from repositories on first launch. For example, the launcher of coursier is generated with a command like

$ ./coursier bootstrap \
    com.github.alexarchambault:coursier-cli_2.11:1.0.0-M10 \
    -b -f -o coursier \
    -M coursier.cli.Coursier

See ./coursier bootstrap --help for a list of the available options.


Add to your build.sbt

libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
  "com.github.alexarchambault" %% "coursier" % "1.0.0-M10",
  "com.github.alexarchambault" %% "coursier-cache" % "1.0.0-M10"

The first module, "com.github.alexarchambault" %% "coursier" % "1.0.0-M10", mainly depends on scalaz-core (and only it, not scalaz-concurrent for example). It contains among others, definitions, mainly in Definitions.scala, Resolution, representing a particular state of the resolution, and ResolutionProcess, that expects to be given metadata, wrapped in any Monad, then feeds these to Resolution, and at the end gives you the final Resolution, wrapped in the same Monad it was given input. This final Resolution has all the dependencies, including the transitive ones.

The second module, "com.github.alexarchambault" %% "coursier-cache" % "1.0.0-M10", is precisely in charge of fetching these input metadata. It uses scalaz.concurrent.Task as a Monad to wrap them. It also fetches artifacts (JARs, etc.). It caches all of these (metadata and artifacts) on disk, and validates checksums too.

In the code below, we'll assume some imports are around,

import coursier._

Resolving dependencies involves create an initial resolution state, with all the initial dependencies in it, like

val start = Resolution(
      Module("org.spire-math", "cats-core_2.11"), "0.3.0"
      Module("org.scalaz", "scalaz-core_2.11"), "7.2.0"

It goes without saying that a Resolution is immutable, as are all the classes defined in the core module. The resolution process will go on by giving successive Resolutions, until the final one.

start above is only the initial state - it is far from over, as the isDone method on it tells,

scala> start.isDone
res4: Boolean = false

In order for the resolution to go on, we'll need things from a few repositories,

scala> val repositories = Seq(
     |   Cache.ivy2Local,
     |   MavenRepository("")
     | )
repositories: Seq[coursier.core.Repository] = List(IvyRepository(file://${user.home}/.ivy2/local/[organisation]/[module]/(scala_[scalaVersion]/)(sbt_[sbtVersion]/)[revision]/[type]s/[artifact](-[classifier]).[ext],None,None,Map(),true,true,true,true), MavenRepository(,None,false))

The first one, Cache.ivy2Local, is defined in coursier.Cache, itself from the coursier-cache module that we added above. As we can see, it is an IvyRepository, picking things under ~/.ivy2/local. An IvyRepository is related to the Ivy build tool. This kind of repository involves a so-called pattern, with various properties. These are not of very common use in Scala, although SBT uses them a bit.

The second repository in a MavenRepository. These are simpler than the Ivy repositories. They're the ones we're the most used to in Scala. Common ones like Central like here, or the repositories from Sonatype, are Maven repositories. These originate from the Maven build tool. Unlike the Ivy repositories which involve customisable patterns to point to the underlying metadata and artifacts, the paths of these for Maven repositories all look alike, like for any particular version of the standard library, under paths like this one.

Both IvyRepository and MavenRepository are case classes, so that it's straightforward to specify one's own repositories.

Now that we have repositories, we're going to mix these with things from the coursier-cache module, for resolution to happen via the cache. We'll create a function of type Seq[(Module, String)] => F[Seq[((Module, String), Seq[String] \/ (Artifact.Source, Project))]]. Given a sequence of dependencies, designated by their Module (organisation and name in most cases) and version (just a String), it gives either errors (Seq[String]) or metadata ((Artifact.Source, Project)), wrapping the whole in a monad F.

val fetch = Fetch.from(repositories, Cache.fetch())

The monad used by Fetch.from is scalaz.concurrent.Task, but the resolution process is not tied to a particular monad - any stack-safe monad would do.

With this fetch method, we can now go on with the resolution. Calling process on start above gives a ResolutionProcess, that drives the resolution. It is loosely inspired by the Process of scalaz-stream. It is an immutable structure, that represents the various states the resolution process can be in.

Its method current gives the current Resolution. Calling isDone on the latter says whether the resolution is done or not.

The next method, that expects a fetch method like the one above, gives the "next" state of the resolution process, wrapped in the monad of the fetch method. It allows to do one resolution step.

Lastly, the run method runs the whole resolution until its end. It expects a fetch method too, and will make at most maxIterations steps (50 by default), and return the "final" resolution state, wrapped in the monad of fetch. One should check that the Resolution it returns is done (isDone) - the contrary means that maxIterations were reached, likely signaling an issue, unless the underlying resolution is particularly complex, in which case maxIterations could be increased.

Let's run the whole resolution,

val resolution =

To get additional feedback during the resolution, we can give the Cache.default method above a Cache.Logger.

By default, downloads happen in a global fixed thread pool (with 6 threads, allowing for 6 parallel downloads), but you can supply your own thread pool to Cache.default.

Now that the resolution is done, we can check for errors in

val errors: Seq[(Dependency, Seq[String])] = resolution.errors

These would mean that the resolution wasn't able to get metadata about some dependencies.

We can also check for version conflicts, in

val conflicts: Set[Dependency] = resolution.conflicts

which are dependencies whose versions could not be unified.

Then, if all went well, we can fetch and get local copies of the artifacts themselves (the JARs) with

import scalaz.\/
import scalaz.concurrent.Task

val localArtifacts: Seq[FileError \/ File] = Task.gatherUnordered(

We're using the Cache.file method, that can also be given a Logger (for more feedback) and a custom thread pool.

Scala JS demo

coursier is also compiled to Scala JS, and can be tested in the browser via its demo.


Inter-project repository in the SBT plugin is a bit naive

The inter-project repository is the pseudo-repository, nesting the metadata of sub-projects. It gets confused in at least these two cases:

  • two sub-projects have the same organization and module name,
  • a sub-project depends on a released version of another sub-project, possibly transitively.

The problem with it is that it doesn't look at the real sub-projects graph. It just trusts SBT to put dependencies between projects in the library dependencies.

So if a link appears transitively, with a sub-project depending on a released version of a sub-project (second point above), the coursier SBT plugin will think there's a dependency between the sub-projects. Thus it will trust SBT to put the second project build products on the classpath. But SBT knows there's no such link, so it just doesn't put them.

The second point happens for the readme sub-project of Ammonite, for example, which transitively depends on a released version of ammonite-ops, itself also built by the ops sub-project.

Ivy support is poorly tested

The minimum was made for SBT plugins to be resolved fine (including dependencies between plugins, the possibility that some of them come from Maven repositories, with a pecularities, classifiers - sources, javadoc - should be fine too). So it is likely that projects relying more heavily on Ivy features could run into the limitations of the current implementation.

Any issue report related to that, illustrated with public Ivy repositories if possible, would be greatly appreciated.

Important: SBT plugin might mess with published artifacts

SBT seems to require the update command to generate a few metadata files later used by publish. If ever there's an issue with these, this might add discrepencies in the artifacts published with publish or publishLocal. Should you want to use the coursier SBT plugin while publishing artifacts at the same time, I'd recommend an extreme caution at first, like manually inspecting the metadata files and compare with previous ones, to ensure everything's fine.

coursier publishes its artifacts with its own plugin enabled since version 1.0.0-M2 though, without any apparent problem.

No wait on locked file

If ever resolution or artifact downloading stumbles upon a locked metadata or artifact in the cache, it will just fail, instead of waiting for the lock to be freed.


Plus the inherent amount of bugs arising in a young project :-)


Why does coursier seem not to find some artifacts, whereas SBT does?

Check that the necessary repositories ("resolvers" in SBT parlance) are added to all the sub-projects that need them.

By default in SBT, all the caches of the various repositories are blended together. Which means that if the required repoitories are added at just one place, some dependencies may be put in cache from there, then become accessible from other places via the cache, even though the required repositories were not added to them. Coursier, on the other hand, keeps the caches of the various repositories separate, so that they don't interfere with each other in such undesirable ways.

Even though the coursier SBT plugin is enabled and some coursier* keys can be found from the SBT prompt, dependency resolution seems still to be handled by SBT itself. Why?

Check that the default SBT settings (sbt.Defaults.defaultSettings) are not manually added to your project. These define commands that the coursier SBT plugin overrides. Adding them again erases these overrides, effectively disabling coursier.

With spark >= 1.5, I get some NoVerifyError exceptions related to jboss/netty. Why?

This error originates from the org.jboss.netty:netty:3.2.2.Final dependency to be put in the classpath. Exclude it from your spark dependencies with the exclusion org.jboss.netty:netty.

Coursier tries to follow the Maven documentation to build the full dependency set, in particular some points about dependency exclusion. Inspecting the org.apache.spark:spark-core_2.11:1.5.2 dependency graph shows that spark-core depends on org.jboss.netty:netty:3.2.2.Final via the following path: org.apache.spark:spark-core_2.11:1.5.2 -> org.tachyonproject:tachyon-client:0.7.1 -> org.apache.curator:curator-framework:2.4.0 -> org.apache.zookeeper:zookeeper:3.4.5 -> org.jboss.netty:netty:3.2.2.Final. Even though spark-core tries to exclude org.jboss.netty:netty to land in its classpath via some other dependencies (e.g. it excludes it via its dependencies towards org.apache.hadoop:hadoop-client and org.apache.curator:curator-recipes), it does not via the former path. So it depends on it according to the Maven documentation.

This likely unintended, as it leads to exceptions like

java.lang.VerifyError: (class: org/jboss/netty/channel/socket/nio/NioWorkerPool, method: createWorker signature: (Ljava/util/concurrent/Executor;)Lorg/jboss/netty/channel/socket/nio/AbstractNioWorker;) Wrong return type in function

Excluding org.jboss.netty:netty from the spark dependencies fixes it.

The coursier SBT plugin flow my CI output with messages. What can I do?

Set the COURSIER_NO_TERM environment variable to 1. This disables the progress bar message, and prints simple Downloading URL / Downloaded URL instead.

On first launch, the coursier launcher downloads a 1.5+ MB JAR. Is it possible to have a standalone launcher, that would not need to download things on first launch?

Run project/ -s from the root of the coursier sources. That will generate a new (bigger) coursier launcher, that needs not to download anything on first launch.

How can the launcher be run on Windows, or manually with the java program?

Download it from the same link as the command above. Then run from a console, in the directory where the coursier launcher is,

> java -noverify -jar coursier

The -noverify option seems to be required after the proguarding step of the main JAR of coursier.

How to enable sandboxing?

Set the COURSIER_CACHE prior to running coursier or SBT, like

$ COURSIER_CACHE=$(pwd)/.coursier-cache coursier


$ COURSIER_CACHE=$(pwd)/.coursier-cache sbt

Development tips

Working on the plugin module in an IDE

Set scalaVersion to 2.10.6 in build.sbt. Then re-open / reload the coursier project.

Running the Scala JS tests

They require npm install to have been run once from the coursier directory or a subdirectory of it. They can then be run with sbt testsJS/test.

Quickly running the CLI app from the sources


$ sbt "~cli/pack"

This generates and updates a runnable distribution of coursier in target/pack, via the sbt-pack plugin.

It can be run from another terminal with

$ cli/target/pack/bin/coursier


The first releases were milestones like 0.1.0-M?. As a launcher, basic Ivy repositories support, and an SBT plugin, were added in the mean time, coursier is now aiming directly at 1.0.0.

The last features I'd like to add until a feature freeze are mainly a better / nicer output, for both the command-line tools and the SBT plugin. These are tracked via Github issues, along with other points. Milestones will keep being released until then. Then coursier should undergo RC releases, with no new features added, and only fixes and minor refactorings between them. Once RCs will be considered stable enough, 1.0.0 should be released.


  • Your name here :-)

Don't hesitate to pick an issue to contribute, and / or ask for help for how to proceed on the Gitter channel.

Projects using coursier

  • Lars Hupel's libisabelle fetches some of its requirements via coursier,
  • jupyter-scala is launched and allows to add dependencies in its sessions with coursier (initial motivation for writing coursier),
  • Apache Toree - formerly known as spark-kernel, is now using coursier to add dependencies on-the-fly (#4),
  • Your project here :-)

Released under the Apache license, v2.

coursier's People


alexarchambault avatar darkjh avatar easel avatar gitter-badger avatar



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