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A demo of deploying to multiple platform targets using React, CefSharp and VS Task explorer.

C# 52.52% CSS 4.45% JavaScript 40.33% ASP 0.10% Batchfile 2.60%

reactchatapps's Introduction

React Chat Apps

A chat demo of building a React application to target multiple platforms using the React Desktop Apps template from the ServiceStackVS extension. In this demo we've ported the Chat-React demo application to the React Desktop Apps template to take advantage of CefSharp to help you get the benefits of native applications whilst using great tools and frameworks from the web!

React Desktop Apps

The React Desktop Apps template is setup ready to deploy to multiple target platforms, just by running a grunt task after creating our solution, we have 3 working applications from Visual Studio including:

  • Web - Ready to deploy.
  • Console - Single portable, cross platform executable that utilises the user's default browser.
  • Windows - Native Windows application using an embedded browser.

Additionally, an OSX project using Xamarin.Mac is generated preconfigured and ready to run! Web resources and services are shared between the Xamarin.Mac and Visual Studio solutions maximizing code reuse and having the ability to hook into native functionality in OSX using Xamarin.Mac.

WinForms application with loading splash screen

Project Structure

Just like other templates in ServiceStackVS, the React Desktop Apps template provides the same recommended structure as well as 3 additional other projects for producing the Console and WinForms applications.

  • ReactChat - Web applicaton which contains all our resources and files used while developing.
  • ReactChat.AppConsole* - Console application, launches default browser on users application
  • ReactChat.AppWinForms* - WinForms application using CefSharp and Chromium Embedded Framework to output our web application in a native application.
  • ReactChat.Resources* - Embedded resources that are used by our AppWinForms and AppConsole application and target of 01-bundle-all Grunt task. This project has references to all minified client resources (CSS, JavaScript, images, etc) and includes each of them as an Embedded Resource.
  • ReactChat.ServiceInterface - Contains ServiceStack services.
  • ReactChat.ServiceModel - Contains request/response classes.
  • ReactChat.Tests - Contains NUnit tests.

ReactChat Project

This project contains all our development resources, JS/JSX, CSS, images, Razor views, etc. This project also has all the required Grunt/Gulp tasks used for deploying the 3 application outputs. Taking advantage of Visual Studio 2015's Task Runner Explorer, we can look at the Alias tasks to get an idea of how we can build and deploy our console, winforms and web application.

  • default - grunt task builds and packages both the console and winforms projects by running 02-package-console and 03-package-winforms.
  • 01-bundle-all - bundles all the application resources into the Resources project and into wwwroot to stage the web application for deployment
  • 02-package-console - bundles and packages the console application and produces the result in wwwroot_build\apps directory.
  • 03-package-winforms - bundles and packages the winforms application and produces the result in wwwroot_build\apps directory.
  • 04-deploy-webapp - bundles, packages and deploys the web application using the wwwroot_build\publish\config.json file settings and webdeploy to your existing IIS server.

This project also has includes ILMerge and 7zip tools to help package the console and winforms application ready for release. The wwwroot_build folder contains the following structure.

The /wwwroot_build folder contains the necessary files required for deployments including:

  /apps                       # output directory of console and winforms applications
  /deploy                     # copies all files in folder to /wwwroot
    appsettings.txt           # production appsettings to override dev defaults
    config.json               # deployment config for WebDeploy deployments
  /tools                      # deployment tools for console and winforms applications
    7za.exe                   # 7zip console for packaging
    7zsd_All.sfx	          # 7zip Self Extract module used for bundling winforms app to self executing zip
    ILMerge.exe			      # ILMerge to merge console app output into single binary
  00-install-dependencies     # runs NPM install and bower install, used when getting started after cloning application
  config-winforms.txt         # 7zip SFX config for self executing zip
  package-deploy-console.bat  # runs ILMerge to package the console application
  package-deploy-winforms     # stagings winforms app and packages using 7zip SFX and config-winforms.txt

The minimum steps to deploy an app is to fill in config.json with the remote IIS WebSite settings as well as a UserName and Password of a User that has permission to remote deploy an app:

    "iisApp": "AppName",
    "serverAddress": "",
    "userName": "{WebDeployUserName}",
    "password" : "{WebDeployPassword}"


This project is for producing a SelfHost ServiceStack application that utilizes the user's default browser. Combined with the Grunt/Gulp and ILMerge, we can produce a cross-platform, single executable that has embedded resources used by our application.

This project uses the bundled resources from the web application that are bundled using the Grunt/Gulp tasks. These resources are embedded in the ReactChat.Resources and the AppHost needs to be configured to look for these embedded resources. For the compiled Razor views, we use the following configuration for our RazorFormat plugin.

Plugins.Add(new RazorFormat
    LoadFromAssemblies = { typeof(CefResources).Assembly }

CefResources is a class in the ReactChat.Resources project so we can easily refer to it's assembly with typeof(CefResources).Assembly.

For our other resources, we need to set the EmbeddedResourceBaseTypes to both our current project and the ReactChat.Resources using the CefResources type.

SetConfig(new HostConfig
    EmbeddedResourceBaseTypes = { typeof(AppHost), typeof(CefResources) }

We need to specify base types instead of assemblies so their namespaces are preserved once they're ILMerged into a single .exe


This project utilizes the CefSharp project for embedding a high performing Chromium browser in a WinForms application. This project, also uses the bundled resources from the web application via the ReactChat.Resources project as well being a AppSelfHostBase based application, we need to set the same config as our ReactChat.AppConsole application in the AppHost.

Plugins.Add(new RazorFormat
    LoadFromAssemblies = { typeof(CefResources).Assembly }

SetConfig(new HostConfig
    EmbeddedResourceBaseTypes = { typeof(AppHost), typeof(CefResources) }

To embed the Chromium web browser, we reference the CefSharp.WinForms project and instantiate a ChromiumWebBrowser specifying the applications URL, in this case http://localhost:1337/. When using CefSharp.WinForms reference, ChromiumWebBrowser is a WinForms control that is added to our Form. We also bind FormClosing, FormClosed and Load WinForms events to give the application more of a native feel.

public FormMain()
    VerticalScroll.Visible = false;
    ChromiumBrowser = new ChromiumWebBrowser(Program.HostUrl)
        Dock = DockStyle.Fill

    Load += (sender, args) =>
        Left = Top = 0;
        Width = Screen.PrimaryScreen.WorkingArea.Width;
        Height = Screen.PrimaryScreen.WorkingArea.Height;

    FormClosing += (sender, args) =>
        //Make closing feel more responsive.
        Visible = false;

    FormClosed += (sender, args) =>

    ChromiumBrowser.RegisterJsObject("nativeHost", new NativeHost(this));

CefSharp also enabled integration between JavaScript and native calls via exposing JavaScript objects that are registered .NET classes. In ReactChat and the ServiceStackVS template, we wire up 2 objects to show how this can be leveraged. One to simply show a message box when "About" is clicked and the other to close the application. The .NET classes are POCOs that have matching function names with the JavaScript object registered. The default setting is to camel case the JS object following the common naming conventions when using JS.

public class NativeHost
    private readonly FormMain formMain;

    public NativeHost(FormMain formMain)
        this.formMain = formMain;
        //Enable Chrome Dev Tools when debugging WinForms
        formMain.ChromiumBrowser.KeyboardHandler = new KeyboardHandler();

    public string Platform
        get { return "winforms"; }

    public void ShowAbout()
        MessageBox.Show(@"ServiceStack with CefSharp + ReactJS", @"ReactChat.AppWinForms", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);

    public void ToggleFormBorder()
        formMain.InvokeOnUiThreadIfRequired(() =>
            formMain.FormBorderStyle = formMain.FormBorderStyle == FormBorderStyle.None
                ? FormBorderStyle.Sizable
                : FormBorderStyle.None;
            formMain.Left = formMain.Top = 0;
            formMain.Width = Screen.PrimaryScreen.WorkingArea.Width;
            formMain.Height = Screen.PrimaryScreen.WorkingArea.Height;

The NativeHost class is exposed by CefSharp as a JavaScript object with functions and properties. The NativeHost object is common on all platforms, but the implementation is different to get access to native functionality. CefSharp provides the nativeHost JavaScript object, but for other platforms, we need to provide the nativeHost JavaScript object via Razor. We use Razor to inject a PlatformCss and PlatformJs so we can introduce native hooks and presentation into native applications and hide them from our web app.

    @if (AppSettings.Exists("PlatformCss"))
        <link rel="stylesheet" href="@(AppSettings.GetString("PlatformCss") + "?disableCache=" + DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks)"/>
    @if (AppSettings.Exists("PlatformJs"))
        <script src="@(AppSettings.GetString("PlatformJs") + "?disableCache=" + DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks)"></script>

For example, for the OSX platform, we include a mac.js embedded resource that provides the same interfaces, but we use a ServiceStack service to fire functions on the native platform.

window.nativeHost = {
    quit: function () {
    showAbout: function () {
    ready: function () {
    platform: 'mac'

If CefSharp is being used, these objects are registered before page is rendered and the native hooks will be used instead.


This project has references to the output files from the 01-bundle-all Grunt task. If any additional images or minified JS/CSS files are added to your project, they must be referenced by this project to be included as an embedded resource for use in both AppConsole and AppWinForms projects. The structure of the project follows what is deployed in the wwwroot project.

  /img              #  all application images
    /css            # 3rd party css, eg bootstrap
    /fonts          # 3rd party fonts
    /js             # 3rd party minified JS

All files have a Build Action of Embedded Resource so they are ready to be used from AppConsole and AppWinForms.

Grunt Tasks

Grunt and Gulp are used in the ReactChat project to automate our bundling, packaging and deployment of the applications. These tasks are declared as small, single responsibility Grunt tasks and then orchastrated using Alias tasks to be able to run these simply either from Visual Studio using the Task Runner Explorer or from the command line.


Just like the AngularJS and React App template, we stage our application ready for release and avoid any build steps at development time to improve the simplicity and speed of the development workflow. This alias task is made up of small, simple tasks that use Gulp to process resources and perform tasks like minification, JSX transformation, copying/deleting of resources, etc.

The bundling searches for assets in any *.cshtml file and follows build comments to minify and replace references. This enables simple use of debug JS files whilst still having control how our resources minify.

<!-- build:js lib/js/lib.min.js -->
<script src="bower_components/jquery/dist/jquery.js"></script>
<script src="bower_components/react/react.js"></script>
<script src="bower_components/reflux/dist/reflux.js"></script>
<!-- endbuild -->

<!-- build:js js/app.jsx.js -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/components/Actions.js"></script>
<script type="text/jsx" src="js/components/User.jsx">
<script type="text/jsx" src="js/components/Header.jsx">
<script type="text/jsx" src="js/components/Sidebar.jsx">
<script type="text/jsx" src="js/components/ChatLog.jsx">
<script type="text/jsx" src="js/components/Footer.jsx">
<script type="text/jsx" src="js/components/ChatApp.jsx">
<!-- endbuild -->

When creating new JS files for your application, they should be added in the build:js js/app.jsx.js comments shown above. build:remove is used to remove the use of the runtime JSX transformer that we use for our React components, but is not longer needed (and recommended not to be used in a production environment) in our deployed application.


This task also performs 01-build-all as well restoring NuGet packages and building the AppConsole project. Once the project resources are ready, it calls the package-deploy-console.bat batch file which, using ILMerge, produces the stand alone exe of the console application and copies it to apps output directory.

SET STAGING=staging-console



SET TOOLS=.\tools
SET OUTPUTNAME=ReactChat.Console.exe
SET RELEASE=..\..\ReactChat.AppConsole\bin\x86\Release
SET INPUT=%RELEASE%\ReactChat.AppConsole.exe
SET INPUT=%INPUT% %RELEASE%\ReactChat.Resources.dll
SET INPUT=%INPUT% %RELEASE%\ReactChat.ServiceInterface.dll
SET INPUT=%INPUT% %RELEASE%\ReactChat.ServiceModel.dll
SET INPUT=%INPUT% %RELEASE%\ServiceStack.dll
SET INPUT=%INPUT% %RELEASE%\ServiceStack.Text.dll
SET INPUT=%INPUT% %RELEASE%\ServiceStack.Client.dll
SET INPUT=%INPUT% %RELEASE%\ServiceStack.Common.dll
SET INPUT=%INPUT% %RELEASE%\ServiceStack.Interfaces.dll
SET INPUT=%INPUT% %RELEASE%\ServiceStack.Server.dll
SET INPUT=%INPUT% %RELEASE%\ServiceStack.OrmLite.dll
SET INPUT=%INPUT% %RELEASE%\ServiceStack.Redis.dll
SET INPUT=%INPUT% %RELEASE%\ServiceStack.Razor.dll
SET INPUT=%INPUT% %RELEASE%\System.Web.Razor.dll

%ILMERGE% /target:exe /targetplatform:v4,"C:\Program Files (x86)\Reference Assemblies\Microsoft\Framework\.NETFramework\v4.5" /out:%STAGING%\%OUTPUTNAME% /ndebug %INPUT% 

MD apps



This task also performs 01-build-all as well restoring NuGet packages and building the AppWinForms project. Once the project resources are ready, it calls package-deploy-winforms.bat which uses 7zip SFX to zip and compresses the CefSharp.WinForms ReactChat.AppWinForms application in a self executing zip package.

SET STAGING=staging-winforms



SET TOOLS=.\tools
SET STAGINGZIP=ReactChat-winforms.7z
SET OUTPUTNAME=ReactChat-winforms.exe
SET RELEASE=..\..\ReactChat.AppWinForms\bin\x86\Release
COPY %RELEASE%\ReactChat.AppWinForms.exe .\%STAGING%
COPY %RELEASE%\ReactChat.AppWinForms.exe.config .\%STAGING%
COPY %RELEASE%\CefSharp.BrowserSubprocess.exe .\%STAGING%
ROBOCOPY "%RELEASE%" ".\%STAGING%" *.dll *.pak *.dat /E


cd tools && 7za a ..\%STAGINGZIP% ..\%STAGING%\* && cd..
COPY /b .\tools\7zsd_All.sfx + config-winforms.txt + %STAGINGZIP% .\apps\%OUTPUTNAME%

By default, all the files required for the Chromium Embedded Framework are included in the template script.

COPY %RELEASE%\ReactChat.AppWinForms.exe .\staging-winforms
COPY %RELEASE%\ReactChat.AppWinForms.exe.config .\staging-winforms
ROBOCOPY "%RELEASE%" ".\staging-winforms" *.dll *.pak *.dat /E

Once all the required files in are staged in the staging-winforms, this directory's contents gets zipped into a .7z compressed file, then packaged into a self executing zip using the config-winforms.txt file.


Configuration options for 7z SFX can be found in the 7z SFX documentation.

The ReactChatApp solution is using a modified version of the 7zsd_All.sfx file which generates the self executable with the custom ServiceStack .ico file. More information on how to change this to a custom icon can be found on the site.


This Grunt task uses the same conventions as those found in the AngularJS and ReactApp template in ServiceStackVS. WebDeploy is used to deploy the application from the staged wwwroot folder to an existing IIS application. Config for the deployment, eg the IIS Server address, application name, username and password is located in the /wwwroot_build/publish/config.js.

    "iisApp": "YourAppName",
    "serverAddress": "",
    "userName": "{WebDeployUserName}",
    "password" : "{WebDeployPassword}"

If you are using Github's default Visual Studio ignore, this file will not be included in source control due to the default rule of publish/ to be ignored. You should check your Git Repository .gitignore rules before committing any potentially sensitive information into public source control.

This task shows a quick way of updating your development server quickly after making changes to your application. For more information on use web-deploy using either Grunt or just Visual Studio publish, see 'WebDeploy with AWS'.

Design-time only resources

Gulp also supports design-time vs run-time dependencies with the build:remove task which can be used to remove any unnecessary dependencies not required in production like react's JSXTransformer.js:

<!-- build:remove -->
<script src="bower_components/react/JSXTransformer.js"></script>
<!-- endbuild -->

React's JSXTransformer.js is what enables the optimal experience of letting you directly reference .jsx files in HTML as if they were normal .js files by transpiling and executing .jsx files directly in the browser at runtime - avoiding the need for any manual pre-compilation steps and retaining the fast F5 reload cycle that we've come to expect from editing .js files.

<!-- build:js js/app.jsx.js -->
<script type="text/jsx" src="js/components/Actions.js"></script>
<script type="text/jsx" src="js/components/User.jsx"></script>
<script type="text/jsx" src="js/components/Header.jsx"></script>
<script type="text/jsx" src="js/components/Sidebar.jsx"></script>
<script type="text/jsx" src="js/components/ChatLog.jsx"></script>
<script type="text/jsx" src="js/components/Footer.jsx"></script>
<script type="text/jsx" src="js/components/ChatApp.jsx"></script>
<!-- endbuild -->

Then when the client app is packaged, all .jsx files are compiled and minified into a single /js/app.jsx.js with the reference to JSXTransformer.js also stripped from the optimized HTML page as there's no longer any need to transpile and execute .jsx files at runtime.

For more info on working with React, see the Chat-React project documentation.

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