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Plugin for using tailwindcss with StencilJS

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License: MIT License

JavaScript 3.89% TypeScript 95.10% CSS 0.85% SCSS 0.16%
tailwindcss postcss tailwind stenciljs stencil

stencil-tailwind-plugin's Introduction


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This package is used to integrate tailwindcss and StencilJS. This plugin for Stencil is specifically focused on the integration between tailwindcss v3.x and the Stencil build. While tailwindcss can be integrated into a Stencil build, this plugin aims to ease the integration, while providing an optimised inclusion of styles across the shadow DOM. For tailwind v2 support, please see the v0.6+ versions and branch.

This plugin also aims to allow users to make use of all the tailwindcss classes and postcss plugins like @apply. In such both styles of tailwindcss usage can be used in a single component. This plugin also aims to allow the use of object initialisers to conditionally set styles.

For an example of a basic Stencil integration, see the example.

Getting started

This guide assumes that a Stencil project has already been initialized and configured.


Install the necessary dependencies:

npm install -D stencil-tailwind-plugin tailwindcss


In the Stencil configuration, consume the plugin:

// stencil.config.ts
import { Config } from '@stencil/core';
import tailwind from 'stencil-tailwind-plugin';

export const config: Config = {
  plugins: [
  devServer: {
    reloadStrategy: 'pageReload'

In some configurations, the reloadStrategy can be left as hmr but on occasions new styles are not applied as expected. For more on HMR, see below.

There are also a number of options that can be given to the plugin:

Property Description Default
tailwindCssPath Path to a css file to read for tailwind css configuration. When not specified a default layers of @base, @utilities and @components are used. undefined
tailwindCssContents Instead of providing the file path, the plugin accepts string details. If both are supplied, the file contents will be taken as the source of truth ignoring this configuration @tailwind base;@tailwind utilities;@tailwind components;
tailwindConf Configuration object to be used for tailwind processing The default set of tailwind options or configuration function
stripComments Indicate if the comment headers should be stripped as well false
minify Indicate if the css should be minified by using cssnano true
useAutoPrefixer Indicate if the auto-prefixer should be used used autoprefixer true
postcss Path to postcss configuration object or an object that contains the postcss configuration. If a postcss configuration is found in the default paths, it will be used. process.cwd()

The default options can be referenced from the plugin as well:

// stencil.config.ts
import tailwind, { PluginOpts } from 'stencil-tailwind-plugin';

const opts = {
  debug: false,
  stripComments: true

export const config: Config = {
  // ...
  plugins: [
  // ...

Default configuration

All the plugins can be configured (as detailed) below. Given that there are 3 potential use cases, each plugin should have the same configuration. Hence repeating the configuration could cause bloat if a single configuration intended to be used. Hence, there is a support function that can update the configuration used when using subsequent plugins - setPluginConfigurationDefaults.

The configuration of the options can be done as such:

// stencil.config.ts
import tailwind, { setPluginConfigurationDefaults, tailwindGlobal, tailwindHMR } from 'stencil-tailwind-plugin';

const opts = {
  debug: false,
  stripComments: true


export const config: Config = {
  // ...
  plugins: [
  // ...

Here the PluginOpts.DEFAULT will be automatically applied and only the delta options need to be set.

All the plugins that are not provided configuration will receive the configuration from setPluginConfigurationDefaults. This does not preclude setting different options per plugin:

// stencil.config.ts
import tailwind, { setPluginConfigurationDefaults, tailwindGlobal, tailwindHMR } from 'stencil-tailwind-plugin';

const opts = {
  debug: false,
  stripComments: true,
  minify: true


export const config: Config = {
  // ...
  plugins: [
      minify: false
  // ...

In the above, the tailwindHMR plugin will not minify the source, but the other will.

Configuration per file

There can be situations whereby a Tailwind configuration needs to be applied to a specific file/component. This can be accomplished by providing a configuration function rather than a configuration object. In the examples above and object is used, but in this scenario we will configure the plugin with a function:

// stencil.config.ts
import tailwind, { TailwindConfig } from 'stencil-tailwind-plugin';

const twConfigurationFn = (filename: string, config: TailwindConfig): TailwindConfig => {
  if (filename.includes('the-chosen-one.tsx')) {
    return {
      safelist: [
  return config;

const opts = {
  tailwindConf: twConfigurationFn

export const config: Config = {
  // ...
  plugins: [
  // ...

In the above code tailwindConf is given a callback function to be able to modify the Tailwind configuration that'll be used for the file.

The argument filename is the full path to the component that will be processed by Tailwind processor, and the config is the plugin's configuration that has been determined by the plugin. This configuration can then be updated accordingly and this will be the final configuration applied to the component.

Important considerations for function based configuration

It is important to note that updating the content file array to remove/change the file being processed can have interesting effects. Care must be taken to ensure that the file list is properly preserved. Because the configuration is incomplete at the point of calling this function, the config parameter might not be appropriate for direct returning. This is because the configuration represents the default configuration. If there are "basic" level configurations that need to be applied, then they need to be applied to the configuration before returning.

For instance, if there is an external configuration:

// tailwind.config.js
module.exports = {
  plugins: [require('@tailwindcss/forms')]

which them would need to be applied by default:

// stencil.config.ts
import cfg from './tailwind.config';

const twConfigurationFn = (filename: string, config: TailwindConfig): TailwindConfig => {
  if (filename.includes('the-chosen-one.tsx')) {
    return {
      safelist: [
  return {

Here cfg is applied to both paths.

The other consideration is that the file being processed will be the raw file for StencilJS compiler. This means the filename will contain query parameters as well:


The example about merely checks the includes option as this negates the use of tags by StencilJS.

If there are multiple distributions enabled in the StencilJS configuration, then the configuration function will be called multiple times. StencilJS handles each distribution output separately so each time a file is processed per distribution the configuration is required for that distribution. Presently there is no indication of which distribution Stencil is processing so configuration per file per distribution output is not possible.

Postcss custom configuration

There are a number of postcss plugins that might be wanted when processing the tailwind output specifically. The nature of the stencil build makes it difficult to pass the custom css directly back into the css pipeline building. Hence, the postcss configuration can be completely overridden by specifying the postcss configuration path, or by creating a postcss configuration file.

The plugin uses the default postcss-load-config package. Hence, any the configuration options can be used as a file. If a postcss configuration file exists in the process.cwd(), then that postcss configuration will be used over the built-in postcss configuration.

The postcss config option can be used to specify the path. If the configuration file is not found in that path, the plugin will quietly fall over to use the built-in configuration. If there are modules not found, these will be reported to the user.

As an example of a postcss configuration that could be used:

// postcss.config.js
module.exports = {
  plugins: [

or as a Stencil configuration:

// stencil.config.ts
import tailwind from 'stencil-tailwind-plugin';

export const config: Config = {
  // ...
  plugins: [
      postcss: {
        plugins: [
  // ...

If the tailwindcss plugin is not specified, it is assumed that the plugins should be run before the default tailwind options. The tailwindcss plugin options will be overwritten by the tailwind configuration provided by the plugin, hence, the postcss tailwindcss is used as a marker for where tailwindcss should be used in the postcss chain of plugins.

Configuration with other plugins

It is important to note that when using sass files, that the sass Stencil plugin appears before the tailwind plugin. The sass plugin needs to process the sass files first before the raw css is pasted to the tailwind postcss processor. An example configuration could look like:

// stencil.config.ts
import { Config } from '@stencil/core';
import { sass } from '@stencil/sass';
import autoprefixer from 'autoprefixer';
import tailwind from 'stencil-tailwind-plugin';
import { inlineSvg } from 'stencil-inline-svg';
import tailwindConfig from './tailwind.config';

export const config: Config = {
  outputTargets: [ /* ... */],
  plugins: [
      includePaths: [
        /* ... */
      tailwindCssPath: './src/styles/tailwind.pcss',
      tailwindConf: tailwindConfig,
      postcss: {
        plugins: [

HMR considerations

Stencil's compiler does support HMR, however, for inline styles produced by tailwind, another plugin is required in order for the correct dependencies to be mapped to the file watcher. The HMR plugin can be included by:

// stencil.config.ts
import { Config } from '@stencil/core';
import tailwind, { tailwindHMR } from 'stencil-tailwind-plugin';
import tailwindConfig from './tailwind.config';

export const config: Config = {
  // ...
  plugins: [
      tailwindConf: tailwindConfig,
      tailwindCssPath: './src/styles/tailwind.css'

The tailwindHMR plugin will register all the tsx files against the css files. This allows Stencil to watch for changes on those tsx files and update the css accordingly.

The tailwindHMR function takes an optional configuration parameter. If the stylesheets use the @apply syntax, then the configuration maybe required to transform the styles correctly compared to the standard configuration used with the main tailwind plugin. The configuration usage:

// stencil.config.ts
import { Config } from '@stencil/core';
import tailwind, { tailwindHMR } from 'stencil-tailwind-plugin';
import tailwindConfig from './tailwind.config';

export const config: Config = {
  // ...
  plugins: [
      tailwindConf: tailwindConfig,
      tailwindCssPath: './src/styles/tailwind.css'
      tailwindConf: tailwindConfig

Unfortunately, as of v2.12.0 of the compiler, this cannot be done as a single plugin and two plugins are required.

Global styles with @apply

If you use a global style sheet, but want to use Tailwind styles in that sheet, there is another plugin that facilitates this. The global stylesheet plugin takes the same configuration options as the main plugin, but can be tailored with different options as desired. The global plugin can be used as:

import tailwind, { tailwindHMR, tailwindGlobal } from 'stencil-tailwind-plugin';

// ... other config
export const config: Config = {
  globalStyle: 'src/styles/global.scss',
  outputTargets: [
    // targets
  plugins: [
    // This takes the same configuration options as the main plugin. You can use different configurations if you want
      tailwindCssPath: './src/styles/tailwind.pcss',
      tailwindConf: tailwindConfig,
      postcss: {
        plugins: [
      tailwindCssPath: './src/styles/tailwind.pcss',
      tailwindConf: tailwindConfig,
      postcss: {
        plugins: [


This plugin hooks into the build process for Stencil. The tailwind JIT process run as a secondary build set and as such the css classes are applied after the component has been transpiled.

For an example of a basic Stencil integration, see the example.

Using @apply is css/sass files

The tailwind @apply directive can be used in any css/sass file as per tailwind spec:

.apply-styles {
  @apply text-red-100;

The @apply directive will be applied as expected:

.apply-styles {
  --tw-text-opacity: 1;
  color: rgba(254, 226, 226, var(--tw-text-opacity));

Using inline classes

Assuming a component declares a render function of:

render() {
  return (
    <div class="text-red-100">
      This is a test

Inline classes will be added to the component style definition.

Using conditional styles

Assuming a component declares a render function of:

render() {
  const styles = {
    'text-red-100': true,
    'text-red-200': this.someCondition
  return (
    <div class={styles}>
      This is a test

In this case, both text-red-100 and text-red-200 styles will be added to the components style definition.

Using style urls

Assuming the component has declared:

  tag: 'component',
  styleUrls: {
    md: '',
    ios: 'component.ios.css',
  shadow: true,

In this case, all tailwind styles will be added to both md and ios style definitions.

Caveat on Function Components (1)

There are some issues around functional components when they are located in external files to a component. The plugin attempts to insert the Function Component styles into the host component and in so doing, the Stencil HMR does not detect the changes correctly and will require a rebuild when this happens.

As an example, given:

// component-A.tsx
import { FuncComp } from '../common/UtilsFunctionalComponents'

// rest of the normal component that uses <FuncComp />


// component-B.tsx
import { FuncComp } from '../common/UtilsFunctionalComponents'

// rest of the normal component that uses <FuncComp />


// common/UtilsFunctionalComponents.tsx
export const FuncComp: FunctionalComponent<FunctionalCompProps> = ({ name }) => (
  <h1 class="text-indigo-700">This is a functional one - Hello, {name}!</h1>

In this example, component-A and component-B will both contain the style definition for text-indigo-700 because they both import FuncComp.

If common/UtilsFunctionalComponents.tsx is updated, neither component-A.tsx or component-B.tsx will be build by Stencil's HMR, hence the style class change from FuncComp will not reflect.

Caveat on Function Components (2)

Functional components can be composed of other functional components. However, there is a known issue where the subsequent functional component (the component that is being used inside the functional component) will not generate any styles. The styles are only generated for the first level of functional components. This is due to the way the Stencil compiler handles stylesheets and functional component building.

Caveat on base reset styles

This plugin does not include base tailwind reset styles as this would bloat all the components with base styles. If based reset styles are required, the best is to place them in the :host selector. The plugin keeps the :host selector for being purged.

Peer Dependencies

This plugin requires the following peer dependencies:

  • tailwindcss
  • typescript

These are provided as peer dependencies so consumers can override the versions.


Clone the repo and install the dependencies:

npm install

Run tests:

npm run tests

Honourable mentions

A lot of inspiration for this plugin was taken from the similarly named plugin, stencil-tailwind by Jack Rowlingson.

Inspiration also taken from proto-stencil-tailwind that moves stencil-tailwind forward by Richard Hess.

Special thanks to the above.

Other options

For other ways of integrating Tailwind into your project, Anthony Giuliano wrote a blog post:

stencil-tailwind-plugin's People


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stencil-tailwind-plugin's Issues

Getting 'No utility classes were detected in your source files' warning.


I am getting the above warning. But the classes seems to be generated properly. Is there something I am doing wrong? Any way to get rid of the warning?

module.exports = {
  content: [
  prefix: 'ux-', 
  theme: {},
  plugins: []

Also small side question. It seems to be ignoring './src/safelist.txt' in the content. Is that a tailwind thingy or is this something the plugin doesn't process? Thanks in advance!

dynamic class not working


Hi everyone, i followed the doc of stencil-tailwind-plugin to setup it to my stencil-storybook project but it's not working.

As you can see to the screenshot the font-bold class is correctly working but the text color is not applied.



// stencil.config.ts

import { Config } from '@stencil/core';
import tailwind, { tailwindHMR } from 'stencil-tailwind-plugin';

export const config: Config = {
  namespace: 'stencilfy',
  devServer: {
    port: 4000,
    reloadStrategy: 'pageReload',
    openBrowser: false
  outputTargets: [
      type: 'dist',
      esmLoaderPath: '../loader',
      type: 'dist-custom-elements',
      type: 'docs-readme',
      footer: 'Built by Aperrix & Damokless'
      type: 'www',
      serviceWorker: null, // disable service workers
  plugins: [
// my-component.tsx

export class MyComponent {
   * The first name
  @Prop() first: string;

   * The middle name
  @Prop() middle: string;

   * The last name
  @Prop() last: string;

   * The text color
  @Prop() textColor: string = 'black'

  private getText(): string {
    return format(this.first, this.middle, this.last);

  render() {
    return <div class={`font-bold text-${this.textColor}-500`}>Hello, World! I'm {this.getText()}</div>;




Doesn't work without css file


thanks for the plugin. Right now I struggle with one thing. If I add the tailwind classes all works fine, as long as I have a styleUrl. With just style or even without an empty file set it doesn't work. If I use Tailwindcss I usually add a css file.

Best regards,

Support for TailwindCSS 3.0.0

i tried to rebuild my apps with this using the latest TailwindCSS 3.0.0 release, but it appears that requires changes to this plugin. I tried to update this plugin locally, but i haven't been successful in getting something that runs...

Is there a way to prevent duplicate body style?

Hi, me again ๐Ÿ™„ .

I have worked on this for a few days but can't get it fixed. Not entirely sure if this is related to your plugin though. But basically when I open the Developer tools everything things become slow. Also I have the feeling that the same issues causes the browser to be slow, but can't say that for sure yet.

I am quite certain I know the problem for the slow Developer Tools though. Let me paint the picture (I added some new commits to my example project, so you can follow along whilst I paint this picture. I have the following DOM structure:


I count four custom components that are used. The problem I am having is when I open the Developer Tools I get the styling reference for the body four times. See screenshot:


When you remove a component from the DOM structure, for example <my-third-component></my-third-component> which makes it three custom components in the DOM, the body styling also drops to three references.

Now, imagine a component library of 40-50 components and an application which consumes said component library. The application has some pretty complex pages which use a ton of those custom UX components from the library. From a single navigation component to tens of custom input components. You can imagine that the Developer Tools gets a ton of duplicate styling references to the DOM elements like in the simple example I gave earlier. I also suspect it slows down the performance of my application while using it, but can't say that for sure.

This is because the same configuration is applied per component, so each component generates the same safelist. With Web Components in the shadow DOM, the idea is that they are self contained with all their CSS without leaking (or as little as possible). Hence, the "pass in the config and capture the CSS per component" works.

Quote from here. So reading that, I understand that Stencil JS generates this for each of the used components in the DOM? Hence the amount of references?

Is there a way to prevent those extra references? Because in combination with the generated TW CSS and the amount of components I have/use, it's becoming a performance nightmare to be honest. See the short video. This is filtered on one particular class for one specific element. This is not even the biggest list of references I had one a single element.

If you think it has nothing to do with your plugin just let me know, I'll move the issue to the Stencil JS repository. Thanks anyway!

Allow user configuration of the Tailwind configuration rather than a single object for all files

    Regarding the `safelist` option in the Tailwind config. Yeah, I've tried using that but it messes up the performance when starting the project for development. Takes minutes before it starts and I don't want that ๐Ÿ˜…. Basically, I need every text and background color to be present in the Tailwind output. This is because I have an `Avatar` component that gets it background  color and text color (when profile image is not available) based on the user that is currently logged in. So, it's dynamic.


I've tried the following patterns to add those classes. These aren't even all the available colors and it took too long to process. I even tried adding them manually in the safelist array. So I though adding one more file that contains all the classes I want in, into the source and content option would be far more performant. So I guess that's not an option then?

safelist: [
      pattern: /ux-bg-(gray|red|yellow|green|blue|purple)-(50|100|200|300|400|500|600|700|800|900)/
      pattern: /ux-text-(gray|red|yellow|green|blue|purple)-(50|100|200|300|400|500|600|700|800|900)/

Regarding the warning. I got a lot of components (about 40 now) with loads of TW styling, so thats why I thought the warning weird ๐Ÿ˜‰. Perhaps it is because I use ux- prefix for the TW classes? I don't know. Looks like it doesn't cause any problems though. Not sure if problems will arise in the near future while developing the UX project. I surely hope not ๐Ÿ˜€.

Originally posted by @dtaalbers in #23 (comment)

Cannot read properties of null (reading 'flags')

Node version: 16.14.0

I'm using NX workspaces and trying to integrate stencil/tailwind but I'm getting this error


I followed this example. This error happens when I set tailwindCssPath in stencil.config.ts

import { Config } from '@stencil/core';
import { sass } from '@stencil/sass';
import tailwind, { tailwindHMR } from 'stencil-tailwind-plugin';
import tailwindcss from 'tailwindcss';
import { defaultExtractor } from 'tailwindcss/lib/lib/defaultExtractor';
import tailwindConf from './tailwind.config';
import purgecss from '@fullhuman/postcss-purgecss';
import autoprefixer from 'autoprefixer';

export const config: Config = {
  namespace: 'design-system',
  taskQueue: 'async',
  plugins: [
      tailwindCssPath: './src/styles/tailwind.css',
      postcss: {
        plugins: [
            content: ['./**/*.tsx'],
            safelist: [
  outputTargets: [
      type: 'dist',
      esmLoaderPath: '../loader',
      dir: '../../dist/libs/design-system/dist',
      type: 'www',
      dir: '../../dist/libs/design-system/www',
      serviceWorker: null, // disable service workers

my package.json

  "name": "monorepo-frontend",
  "version": "0.0.0",
  "license": "MIT",
  "scripts": {
    "ng": "nx",
    "postinstall": "node ./decorate-angular-cli.js && ngcc --properties es2015 browser module main",
    "start": "nx serve",
    "build": "nx build",
    "test": "nx test",
    "ds:build": "npx nx build design-system",
    "ds:start": "npx nx run design-system:serve"
  "private": true,
  "dependencies": {
    "@angular-architects/module-federation": "^13.0.1",
    "@angular/animations": "~13.2.0",
    "@angular/common": "~13.2.0",
    "@angular/compiler": "~13.2.0",
    "@angular/core": "~13.2.0",
    "@angular/forms": "~13.2.0",
    "@angular/platform-browser": "~13.2.0",
    "@angular/platform-browser-dynamic": "~13.2.0",
    "@angular/router": "~13.2.0",
    "@nrwl/angular": "13.8.3",
    "@nxext/stencil": "^13.1.2",
    "autoprefixer": "^10.4.2",
    "rxjs": "~7.4.0",
    "tslib": "^2.0.0",
    "zone.js": "~0.11.4"
  "devDependencies": {
    "@angular-devkit/build-angular": "~13.2.0",
    "@angular-eslint/eslint-plugin": "~13.0.1",
    "@angular-eslint/eslint-plugin-template": "~13.0.1",
    "@angular-eslint/template-parser": "~13.0.1",
    "@angular/cli": "~13.2.0",
    "@angular/compiler-cli": "~13.2.0",
    "@angular/language-service": "~13.2.0",
    "@fullhuman/postcss-purgecss": "^4.1.3",
    "@nrwl/cli": "13.8.3",
    "@nrwl/cypress": "13.8.3",
    "@nrwl/eslint-plugin-nx": "13.8.3",
    "@nrwl/jest": "13.8.3",
    "@nrwl/linter": "13.8.3",
    "@nrwl/tao": "13.8.3",
    "@nrwl/workspace": "13.8.3",
    "@stencil/angular-output-target": "^0.4.0",
    "@stencil/core": "^2.12.0",
    "@stencil/postcss": "2.1.0",
    "@stencil/sass": "1.5.2",
    "@tailwindcss/forms": "^0.4.0",
    "@types/autoprefixer": "^9.7.2",
    "@types/jest": "27.0.2",
    "@types/node": "16.11.7",
    "@types/puppeteer": "~5.4.4",
    "@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin": "~5.10.0",
    "@typescript-eslint/parser": "~5.10.0",
    "cssnano": "^5.0.17",
    "cypress": "^9.1.0",
    "eslint": "~8.7.0",
    "eslint-config-prettier": "8.1.0",
    "eslint-plugin-cypress": "^2.10.3",
    "jest": "26.6.3",
    "jest-config": "26.6.3",
    "jest-preset-angular": "11.1.1",
    "prettier": "^2.5.1",
    "puppeteer": "~5.3.1",
    "stencil-tailwind-plugin": "^1.2.2",
    "tailwindcss": "^3.0.23",
    "ts-jest": "26.5.6",
    "typescript": "~4.5.2"

Tailwind Plugin

I would like to experiment adding a tailwind plugin... I tried to follow the steps below and pass this new tailwind.config.js like in this example:

tailwindConf: tailwindConfig

Install DaisyUI as Tailwind CSS plugin
(You need Node.js and Tailwind CSS installed.)

  1. Install DaisyUI:
    npm i daisyui
  2. Then add DaisyUI to your tailwind.config.js
    module.exports = {
    plugins: [
    I couldn't get this working, any thoughts on how to do that? Many thanks

wrong order of inline <style> breaks tailwind breakpoints

Hi there,

first thanks a lot for your plugin - it work's really great!

But I am facing issues with a tailwind breakpoint "flex flex-col md:flex-row" that get's applied, but does not take effect due to the wrong order of css styles... I have a root component that is using shadow=true. The root component uses other components, which may also use other components. The only component I tagged with shadow=true is the root component. I do this, because the subcomponents always get mounted into the root, so I don't need a shadow dom for those anymore. Shadow would duplicate my styles a lot, e.g. I am rendering a list of components, that would each repeat my styles when using shadow -> would blow up my dom a lot.

So there is some workarounds I found that this issue does not happen, e.g.:

  • put all code into one component
  • activate shadow for each component (as you did in your example)

The thing is I plan to use this plugin for a lot of more components, some of them need shadow as they are getting used as root components, other components don't need it as I simply use them in other components. I can't use functional components as they require a state.

Is there any configuration option, I can use to control the order of the styles generated or tell the plugin to put all css of non shadow components into one <style></style> directive?

Thanks a lot for you help

Plain HTML files are not supported

It seems that plain html files, like index.html are not supported. Also, global CSS/Sass/Scss files are not supported. The @apply utility doesn't work.

No css files support

It would be cool if by default the components without any reference to a CSS file guarantee the usage of the TW. At the moment it seems that if there aren't components with CSS files associated, the TW classes fail. I guess this happens because the TW utility classes are not included by default or something like that (more research might be necessary). However, when there is at least one component that has a reference to a CSS file, other components seem to not require the CSS file.

Can the plugin ignore tsx files but still work with the `@apply` directive?

Thank you for this plugin! I think it's going to make things much easier for a project I'm on.

For my project we have a separate package where we use stencil to build web components, and most of them are using scoped CSS instead of shadow DOM. We're then using these components in an app with tailwind, so we have an app-wide global tailwind stylesheet with styles that will be available to the web components since they're not isolated in the shadow DOM. This plugin allows us to use @apply in our component stylesheets, but if the .tsx file uses a utility like flex it will also end up in the compiled stylesheet even though that class is already in the global stylesheet.

I've been trying to get the plugin to exclude utilities it finds in .tsx files without much luck. Is this possible with the current config options, or would this optimization require changes to the actual plugin itself?

Add way to include Autoprefixer plugin

Original issue: tailwindlabs/tailwindcss#5296

As far as I can tell there's currently no way to run the Tailwind output through additional PostCSS plugins, but some classes need vendor prefixes to work in certain browsers, e.g. bg-clip-text

It would be nice if you could specify additional PostCSS plugins. Alternatively, Autoprefixer could be added by default, similar to how postcss-import and cssnano are already.

Missing classes with Stencil Hydrate

As this plugin is a rollup plugin (no pluginType: 'css'), this is run AFTER the stencil hydrate plugin is run.

The problem:

Stencil hydrate adds comments to the css classes so the scoped classes can later be rewritten to work hydrated component again.

Now with this plugin, all tailwind inline-classes and utility classes, which generate more classes (:hover, lg:, md: and so on) are added AFTER the comments for the hydrate package have been created. Resulting in broken styles with SSR.

We have created our own plugin thanks to your source code (and searching the tailwindcss source) which runs as a css plugin, fully creating all css classes BEFORE any Stencil plugin runs.

One drawback is that we need to load the tsx file manually (like tailwindcss does with changedContent) and don't have any _sourceTsx already set (has same content as sourceCss), as the plugin is run only on css files.

Thanks for all your hard work.

Tailwind classes not refreshing while running DEV server with --watch

Thank you for creating this plugin! I failed to get it to work properly though. I am not sure if and what I am doing wrong. I've made a quick example project in which I am trying to get the plugin to work.

See for the complete setup that I am using. The issues that I am having are described in the README of the repository. I will paste them below for clarity. I am running in two issues that really block me during development of components with the latest version 3 (including the JIT engine) of Tailwind CSS. I would appreciate if you can help me out.

Refresh classes when running the dev server.
  • Clone project
  • Run npm start
  • Change background color from bg-red-400 to bg-blue-400
  • As result I would expect the background color to change. But it just changes to a transparent background because it doesn't know the class bg-blue-400. Because I have --watch running I'd expect the tailwind classes in www/build/tailwindcss-stenciljs-example.css to be refreshed based on the current classes in the component and or stylesheets. At the moment for the changes to be visible you have to re-run npm start.
Also include the classes used in the src/index.html and/or other html files in the src folder.
  • Clone project
  • Run npm start
  • It seems to ignore the tailwind classes used in src/index.html. The component should be centered in the page, which it isn't. Only when a tailwind class is used in the component it gets added to the www/build/tailwindcss-stenciljs-example.css stylesheet and when the same class from the component is used in the HTML file you can see the styling being applied. Of course, that is because the tailwind class gets added due to it being used in the component. I'd expect the tailwind classes in al HTML files (provided by content in the tailwind config) to be added as well when starting via npm start and when making a change in one of the HTML files or components.
  • FYI: I am using src/index.html (and in the future more HTML files) to create a nice application to show case my developed components.

Thank you in advance!

CSS file check is too broad

Importing javascript files that include .css in the middle of the file name (e.g. my-file.css.js) leads to a rollup error:

Rollup: Plugin Error
           Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'text') (plugin: tailwind, transform)

The package that triggered this error for me is @spectrum-web-components/overlay. So this can be reproduced by adding this package to a project and importing it into a stencil component as follows:

import { Overlay } from '@spectrum-web-components/overlay';

The useStyleSheetTransform check is too loose so javascript ends up being treated as CSS

Inline tailwind classes do not work if you have a Prop with default values

Steps to reproduce:

  • If you have a component file
  • And you add a Prop() with a default value e.g. Prop() foo = "bar"
  • And you return a component that has inline tailwind classes <div class="bg-gray-100"></div>
  • Then the tailwind styles are not applied.


  • If you add a css file
  • And you like the css file to your component (you don't need to add anything to the css)
  • Then the inline styles start working again.

Issue when using with @stencil/sass plugin


Am trying to this plugin along with @stencil/sass plugin.

Am getting the below error:
Rollup: Parse Error Unexpected token (Note that you need plugins to import files that are not JavaScript)

The code below:

import { sass } from '@stencil/sass';
import tailwind from 'stencil-tailwind';
  autoprefixCss: true,
  plugins: [
      injectGlobalPaths: ['src/styles/index.scss'],

Can you please help on this.


Sass/Scss support

The sass and scss syntax are not supported.

NOTE: The scss syntax is most likely supported only if it's 1:1 with plain CSS.

Missing keyframe declaration


first thanks for great plugin.

I have problem with tailwinds predefined animations. I am using animate-ping as you see in example below.

<span class="absolute -top-1 -right-1 flex h-3 w-3">
              <span class="absolute inline-flex h-full w-full animate-ping rounded-full bg-red-400 opacity-75"></span>
              <span class="relative inline-flex h-3 w-3 rounded-full bg-red-500"></span>

The problem is that after build there is missing keyframe declaration in styles so the animation never run. Is there a way how to resolve this? Thank You guys..

My stencil config

import { Config } from '@stencil/core';
import tailwind, { tailwindHMR } from 'stencil-tailwind-plugin';
import tailwindConfig from './tailwind.config';

export const config: Config = {
  namespace: 'm29-components',
  plugins: [
      tailwindConf: tailwindConfig,
      tailwindCssPath: './src/styles/tailwind.css',
  outputTargets: [
      type: 'dist',
      esmLoaderPath: '../loader',
      type: 'dist-custom-elements',
      type: 'docs-readme',
      type: 'www',
      serviceWorker: null, // disable service workers

My tailwind config:

const defaultTheme = require('tailwindcss/defaultTheme');

module.exports = {
  content: [],
  theme: {
    fontFamily: {
      mono: [...defaultTheme.fontFamily.mono],
      sans: ['Montserrat', ...defaultTheme.fontFamily.sans],
      title: ['Dongle', ...defaultTheme.fontFamily.sans]
  plugins: [

@apply styles do not work until a full page reload

Using the example project:


  • Run the dev server (npm start)
  • Add a style via @apply to e.g. hero-section.css

After the above, the component is refreshed but the @apply directive is directly put onto the component, without being transformed into it's proper tailwind class. For example if I add

@apply text-clip

My component ends up with this style:
Screenshot 2022-11-23 at 16 51 32

If I manually reload the page, the style appears properly (e.g. text-overflow: clip; in the above example). But it would be great if this worked properly. Happy to help with a fix but not really sure where to start.

Does the enablePurge option work?

I'm using this plugin with enablePurge set to 'false'.
I thought that if I set it to 'false', 'purgecss' would not work and the tailwind CSS would not be removed.
However, in fact, the unused CSS was removed.

Was this the correct behavior?
I apologize if I am using it incorrectly.

export const config: config = {
  plugins: [tailwind({ enablePurge: false })],

I have created a repository to check the behavior of this configuration.
The 'text-blue-500' provided by tailwind has been removed.

I hope it will be useful for your investigation.

Thank you for creating a nice plugin.

Unable to get postcss plugins working

I'm trying to get postcss working, but it seems the examples and docs aren't working for me.

Project to reproduce here: hirosystems/connect#346

npx lerna run build --scope @stacks/connect-ui

This builds the stencil component in the monorepo. Inspecting the file at packages/connect-ui/dist/cjs/connect-modal.cjs.entry.js shows the modalCss is NOT renamed. Anything I'm missing?

Also, removing tailwindHMR removes CSS completely -- not sure if that is intended ๐Ÿค”

Thanks for the project, thanks for the help ๐Ÿ™

defaultExtractor error after update


I am running newest Tailwind (3.1.8) and plugin version (1.5.1) and I am getting following error:

[ERR] Oh noes! Something went wrong! Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'separator')
[ERR] TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'separator')
    at buildRegExps (/Users/dennis/Local Sites/fabrikat/app/public/wp-content/plugins/streamline/package/node_modules/tailwindcss/lib/lib/defaultExtractor.js:67:44)
    at (<anonymous>)
    at Function.from (<anonymous>)
    at defaultExtractor (/Users/dennis/Local Sites/fabrikat/app/public/wp-content/plugins/streamline/package/node_modules/tailwindcss/lib/lib/defaultExtractor.js:51:26)
    at b (/Users/dennis/Local Sites/fabrikat/app/public/wp-content/plugins/streamline/package/node_modules/purgecss/lib/purgecss.js:1:4289)
    at PurgeCSS.extractSelectorsFromFiles (/Users/dennis/Local Sites/fabrikat/app/public/wp-content/plugins/streamline/package/node_modules/purgecss/lib/purgecss.js:1:6443)
    at async /Users/dennis/Local Sites/fabrikat/app/public/wp-content/plugins/streamline/package/node_modules/@fullhuman/postcss-purgecss/lib/postcss-purgecss.js:1:1153
    at async LazyResult.runAsync (/Users/dennis/Local Sites/fabrikat/app/public/wp-content/plugins/streamline/package/node_modules/postcss/lib/lazy-result.js:433:15)
    at async I (/Users/dennis/Local Sites/fabrikat/app/public/wp-content/plugins/streamline/package/node_modules/stencil-tailwind-plugin/dist/index.js:7:4202)
    at async /Users/dennis/Local Sites/fabrikat/app/public/wp-content/plugins/streamline/package/node_modules/stencil-tailwind-plugin/dist/index.js:7:7752

It goes away when I don't use the defaultExtractor.

Error: Cannot find module 'typescript' Require stack: -

Hello using your plugin with the latest stencil core version. 2.12.1

Adding your plugin and here my stencil config:

Screen Shot 2022-01-19 at 3 37 06 PM

but got this error when running npm start after:

Screen Shot 2022-01-19 at 3 37 26 PM

Do you have any idea ?

thank you a lot for your work

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