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square's Introduction

=== Square ===
Square WordPress Theme, Copyright HashThemes 2024
Square is distributed under the terms of the GNU GPL (

Contributors: hashthemes
Tags: translation-ready, custom-background, theme-options, custom-menu, post-formats, threaded-comments

Requires at least: 5.6
Tested up to: 6.6
Stable tag: 2.0.49
License: GPLv2 or later
License URI:

== Description ==
Square is a beautifully crafted WordPress theme with lots of exciting feature to cherish. Make your website in no time with the use of powerful customizer panel available in the Square Theme. Never the less, it is a good theme you will ever find.

== Installation ==
1. In your admin panel, go to Appearance > Themes and click the Add New button.
2. Click Upload and Choose File, then select the theme's .zip file. Click Install Now.
3. Click Activate to use your new theme right away.

== Changelog ==
= 2.0.49 - Aug 11, 2024 =
* Content striping issue fixed

= 2.0.48 - Aug 04, 2024 =
* Code refinements

= 2.0.47 - Jul 21, 2024 =
* Compatibilty test with WordPress 6.6

= 2.0.46 - Jul 14, 2024 =
* Share Button error when no thumbnail fixed

= 2.0.45 - Jul 6, 2024 =
* Font url bug fixed

= 2.0.44 - May 26, 2024 =
* Elementor CSS fixes

= 2.0.43 - May 6, 2024 =
* welcome.css not working on install plugin page fixed

= 2.0.42 - Apr 8, 2024 =
* Translation fixes
* Compatibility test with WordPress v6.5

= 2.0.41 - Mar 25, 2024 =
* Link Fixes

= 2.0.40 - Feb 08, 2024 =
* Minor CSS fixes

= 2.0.39 - Dec 10, 2023 =
* New year discount banner removed in welcome page

= 2.0.38 - Dec 20, 2023 =
* New year discount banner added in welcome page

= 2.0.37 - Dec 11, 2023 =
* Black Friday discount removed

= 2.0.36 - Nov 23, 2023 =
* Black Friday discount added on welcome page

= 2.0.35 - Nov 22, 2023 =
* Free vs Pro text updated for better understating

= 2.0.34 - Nov 06, 2023 =
* About us gallery bug fixed

= 2.0.33 - Sep 20, 2023 =
* Custom Font Uploader Url updated

= 2.0.32 - Sep 02, 2023 =
* Fontawesome icon updated for Twitter new icons

= 2.0.31 - Aug 16, 2023 =
* Compatiblility test with WordPress v6.3

= 2.0.30 - July 24, 2023 =
* Support added for editor style

= 2.0.29 - July 13, 2023 =
* Add support for editor style added

= 2.0.28 - Jun 20, 2023 =
* Notice added on Home Page Section panel to the sections active states

= 2.0.27 - Jun 1, 2023 =
* Customizer CSS fixes

= 2.0.26 - May 23, 2023 =
* Customizer CSS fixed
* Enable front page display bug fixed

= 2.0.25 - May 8, 2023 =
* RTL Compatibility - Updated

= 2.0.24 - May 02, 2023 =
* RTL Compatibility - Added

= 2.0.23 - Apr 05, 2023 =
* Minor Navigation CSS issued fixed
* Compatibility test with WordPress 6.2

= 2.0.22 - Feb 28, 2023 =
* Fontawesome icons updated

= 2.0.21 - Feb 23, 2023 =
* pot file updated
* Unused file removed

= 2.0.20 - Feb 03, 2023 =
* Customizer Updated

= 2.0.19 - Jan 12, 2023 =
* New year discount banned removed

= 2.0.18 - Dec 30, 2022 =
* Typo Fixes

= 2.0.17 - Dec 26, 2022 =
* New year discount banner added on welcome page.

= 2.0.16 - Dec 11, 2022 =
* Added typography for header(H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, H6) text
* Google fonts typography - updated
* Black Friday banner removed

= 2.0.15 - Nov 28, 2022 =
* CSS fixes
* Welcome notes displays when theme is switched

= 2.0.14 - Nov 21, 2022 =
* Black Friday banner added on welcome screen

= 2.0.13 - Nov 17, 2022 =
* Minor CSS fixes

= 2.0.12 - Nov 03, 2022 =
* Pro url error fixed

= 2.0.11 - Nov 02, 2022 =
* Customizer Scripts replaced
* Typography for body, header and menu added

= 2.0.1 - Oct 16, 2022 =
* Minor Security issue fixed

= 2.0.0 - Aug 15, 2022 =
* Review notice added

= 1.9.9 - Aug 5, 2022 =
* Option added to use locally downloaded Google Fonts to Comply with GDPR

= 1.9.8 - Jul 1, 2022 =
* Test code displaying issue fixed

= 1.9.7 - Jun 30, 2022 =
* Option to hide upgrade text added

= 1.9.6 - Jan 07, 2022 =
* New Year & Christmas discount removed

= 1.9.5 - Dec 21, 2021 =
* New Year & Christmas discount added

= 1.9.4 - Dec 12, 2021 =
* Black Friday discount removed

= 1.9.3 - Nov 25, 2021 =
* Black Friday discount added

= 1.9.1 - Oct 11, 2021 =
* Files Optimized

= 1.9.0 - Oct 04, 2021 =
* Elementor CSS fixes

= 1.8.8 - June 29, 2021 =
* Added Search feature in icon chooser

= 1.8.7 - May 21, 2021 =
* Customizer Gallery updated

= 1.8.6 - May 14, 2021 =
* Fontawesome updated

= 1.8.5 - Mar 17, 2021 =
* Minor design bug fixed

= 1.8.4 - Mar 11, 2021 =
* Added theme support for block style, align wide, customize selective widget refresh and responsive embed

= 1.8.2 - Dec 16, 2020 =
* New Year banner added

= 1.8.1 - Nov 27, 2020 =
* Black Friday banner added

= 1.8.0 - Nov 25, 2020 =
* Black Friday deal added

= 1.7.9 - Oct 11, 2020 =
* Slider not working on RTL fixed

= 1.7.8 - Sep 16, 2020 =
* Select All not working issue fixed

= 1.7.7 - Aug 24, 2020 =
* Priority issue in add_menu_page for welcome page fixed

= 1.7.6 - Aug 22 2020 =
* Added Template File for Pagebuilders
* Recommended Plugins Images statically added

= 1.7.5 - July 10 2020 =
* Minor Typo Changes

= 1.7.4 - July 3 2020 =
* Typo mistake fixed
* pot file updated
* CSS fix for Personal Info Widget

= 1.7.3 - June 17 2020 =
* New demo added in pro version
* Theme Check plugin error fixed

= 1.7.2 - June 4 2020 =
* New demo added in pro version

= 1.7.1 - May 16 2020 =
* Minor Error in welcome page fixed

= 1.7.0 - May 16 2020 =
* Welcome notification issue fixed

= 1.6.9 - Apr 28 2020 =
* Client logo slider issue fixed

= 1.6.8 - Apr 26 2020 =
* Owl carousel js update to latest version and slider javascript changed from bxslider to owl carousel

= 1.6.7 - Apr 21 2020 =
* Minor Changes

= 1.6.6 - Apr 20 2020 =
* Skip Content and Keyboard navigation fixed
* Header Image option for logo removed and added WordPress default custom logo option

= 1.6.5 - Apr 16 2020 =
* Responsive CSS fixes

= 1.6.4 - March 02 2020 =
* Demo Import Option added complying with the latest theme submission guideline.

= 1.6.3 - Feb 25 2020 =
* Image not displaying in Personal Info widget fixed.

= 1.6.2 - Feb 17 2020 =
* Demo Import Option removed to comply with latest Theme submission guideline.

= 1.6.1 - Feb 15 2020 =
* Minor CSS fixes
* Other Fixes

= 1.6.0 - Jan 2 2020 =
* Christmas and New Year Deal Removed

= 1.5.9 - Dec 20 2019 =
* Christmas and New Year Deal Added

= 1.5.8 - Dec 03 2019 =
* Black Friday Deal Removed

= 1.5.7 - Nov 24 2019 =
* Black Friday Deal

= 1.5.6 - Nov 05 2019 =
* Addition of new wp_body_open hook

= 1.5.5 - Oct 17 2019 =
* Dropdown arrow design issue fixed.

= 1.5.4 - Oct 1 2019 =
* Error in footer social icon fixed.

= 1.5.3 - Sept 30 2019 =
* Googleplus icons removed

= 1.5.2 - Aug 18 2019 =
* Customizer home page section scrolling issue fixed.

= 1.5.1 - July 8 2019 =
* Responsive issue in slider caption fixed

= 1.5.0 - July 3 2019 =
* Minor changes to make the thee compatible with child theme

= 1.4.9 - Jun 2 2019 =
* Welcome Page CSS fixed

= 1.4.8 - May 30 2019 =
* Compatibility issue with WooCommerce v3.5 fixed

= 1.4.7 - Apr 28 2019 =
* Latest Post Widget Added

= 1.4.6 - Apr 15 2019 =
* Template Color option added

= 1.4.5 - Apr 11 2019 =
* Demo Import Content Optimized
* Minor Style fixes

= 1.4.4 - Mar 29 2019 =
* Welcome screen added with premium version

= 1.4.3 - Dec 14 2018 =
* WooCommerce Outdated file issue fixed

= 1.4.2 - Dec 13 2018 =
* Selective removal of hentry class to fix SEO errors

= 1.4.1 - Sep 23 2018 =
* WC3 validation error fixed

= 1.4.0 - Jul 3 2018 =
* Output of HTML tag in the Personal Info Widget fixed

= 1.3.9 - Jun 11 2018 =
* Style error fix
* Error from Theme Sniffer plugin fixed
* Restored default WooCommerce Column and image size feature

= 1.3.8 - Nov 09 2017 =
* Outdated file - woocommerce issue fixed

= 1.3.6 - Sept 19 2017 =
* Suggested Elementor Plugin for Better Usability

= 1.3.5 - April 25 2017 =
* WooCommerce Gallery Compatibility issue fixed

= 1.3.4 - Mar 04 2017 =
* Documentation link Added
* Minor Styling in Customizer Panel

= 1.3.3 - Dec 21 2016 =
* Clearing Issue fixed for post and pages
* Injected Jquery in customizer header removed

= 1.3.2 - Oct 8 2016 =
* Unused Controller Jquery code removed

= 1.3.1 - Sept 24 2016 =
* Option to enable/disable sticky header added
* Minor styling fixes

= 1.3.0 - Sept 15 2016 =
* Contact Info Widget Added
* Personal Info Widget Added

= 1.2.9 - Sept 09 2016 =
* FontAwesome icon updated
* Gallery customizer control added
* Excerpt length increase in blog page

= 1.2.8 - Sept 08 2016 =
* FontAwesome icon chooser control added
* Minor Fixes in designs
* Added Few more Scripts

= 1.2.5/1.2.6 - July 14 2016 =
* Blog and Archive Page sidebar issue fixed
* Excerpt option added to blog and archive page
* Social Share option added to blog and archive page

= 1.2.3 - June 17 2016 =
* Compatibility bug with WooCommerce version 2.6.1 fixed

= 1.2.3 - June 15 2016 =
* Compatibility bug with WooCommerce version 2.6.0 fixed

= 1.2.2 - May 5 2016 =
* Added Serbian language translation files (by Gnjurac na triciklu <[email protected]>)

= 1.2.1 - May 1 2016 =
* Responsive design bug due to sticky footer fixed

= 1.2.0 - April 25 2016 =
* Sticky footer CSS added

= 1.1.9 - Mar 20 2016 =
* WooCommerce category list design bug fixed
* Instagram added for in the social icon list

= 1.1.8 - Mar 13 2016 =
* Added new sidebar layout for post/pages
* Main navigation dropdown arrow problem fixed

= 1.1.7 - Mar 8 2016 =
* Minor fixes in styling
* Language .pot file regenerated

= 1.1.6 - Mar 5 2016 =
* Made fully compatible with Woocommerce
* Sidebar layout added for post and pages
* Option to show/hide About us and Tab Section added 

= 1.1.4 - Feb 25 2016 =
* Added Read More Link for the Featured Section
* Added Option to disable the client logo Section 

= 1.1.3 - Feb 23 2016 =
* Wrong sidebar calling error ficed in sidebar.php

= 1.1.2 - Feb 19 2016 =
* Sidebar naming error fixed

= 1.1.1 - Feb 17 2016 =
* Customizer option to change the page header banner added
* Main slider control button centered

= 1.1.0 - Feb 13 2016 =
* Footer Widget Repeating bug fixed

= 1.0.9 - Feb 13 2016 =
* Website made Responsive
* Added Pagination

= 1.0.8 - Feb 12 2016 =
* Thememods default value added to create a better view on theme activation

= 1.0.7 - Feb 11 2016 =
* Option for Social Icon added in the footer
* Minor changes in Customizer Panel

= 1.0 - Sep 12 2015 =
* Initial release

== Credits ==

* Underscores - (C) 2012-2015 Automattic, Inc. -
License: GPLv2 or later ( 

* normalize.css - (C) 2012-2015 Nicolas Gallagher and Jonathan Neal -
License: MIT (

* draggabilly.pkgd.js -
License: MIT (

* elastiStack.js -
License: MIT (

* BxSlider - Copyright 2014, Steven Wanderski -
License: MIT (

* jQuery OwlCarousel - Copyright (c) 2013 Bartosz Wojciechowski -
License: MIT (

*Font Awesome by @davegandy -
License: (Font: SIL OFL 1.1, CSS: MIT License)

* Open Sans Font by Steve Matteson -
License: Apache License, version 2.0 (

* Roboto Condensed Font by Christian Robertson -
License: Apache License, version 2.0 (

* Animate.css - Copyright (c) 2015 Daniel Eden -
License: MIT (

* Chosen - Copyright (c) 2011-2015 Harvest -
License: MIT (

* Superfish Menu - Copyright (c) 2013 Joel Birch -
License: MIT (

square's People


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