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A dynamic live golf Score card created on Meteor using node.js, react.js, mini mongo

HTML 2.23% JavaScript 72.90% SCSS 24.87%

dynamic-golf-score-card's Introduction


A dynamic live golf Scorecard created on Meteor using node.js, react.js, mini mongo

Ranks players based on their score, one with lowest are ranked on top given a color and rest are listed below in ascending order.

JSX (react.js) interacts with server mongo db.

MiniMongo added on the client side, allowing DDP to sync data on all browsers

ES5 functions were changed later on to ES6 arrow functions

separate UI file for AddPlayer function

BEM components added.

FlipMove react lib added.

What is meteor ?

  • Meteor is a full-stack JavaScript platform for developing modern web and mobile applications. Meteor includes a key set of technologies for building connected-client reactive applications, a build tool, and a curated set of packages from the Node.js and general JavaScript community.

  • Meteor allows you to develop in one language, JavaScript, in all environments: application server, web browser, and mobile device.

  • Meteor uses data on the wire, meaning the server sends data, not HTML, and the client renders it.

  • Meteor embraces the ecosystem, bringing the best parts of the extremely active JavaScript community to you in a careful and considered way.

  • Meteor provides full stack reactivity, allowing your UI to seamlessly reflect the true state of the world with minimal development effort.

Structure of Project

  • update meteor version.
  • create project
meteor create app-name 
cd app-name
meteor npm install 
meteor run 
  • add client and server folder
  • imports for meteor application.
  • With Eager Loading, all the data is retrieved in a single query, which can then be cached to improve the Application performance. With Eager Loading, we are trading memory consumption for the database round trips. With Lazy Loading, we only retrieve just the amount of data, which we need in a single query.

lazy loading

  • es6 keyword

  • load from import directory

  • import/utils.js -> sent to anyone that imports it.

  • use the keyword "import"

  •  import 'directory' // . for back .. for main folder
     import '/./../folder/myJSfile.js'
     // can import js files from folder to client or sever 
  • export keyword to export specific methods and functions.

    • files importing it can do so using
    • importing hello() export function
    export {hello} from './location'


  • relative parth import item from './../imports/item.js'
  • npm libs import React from 'react'
  • meteor import {Meteor} from 'meteor/meteor'

The let keyword ES6

function foo () {
let k = 5; // function scoped. 
var k = 5; 

/*var is function scoped and let is block scoped.
It can be said that a variable declared with var is defined throughout the program as compared to let.*/

npn modules

  • react dom for browser
meteor npm install react react-dom
  • as we proceed with the development make sure to update package.json.

  • get started React 

    • create html with div to be rendered.
    • import react and mentor modules
       import './main.html';
       import React from 'react';
       import ReactDom from 'react-dom';
       import {Meteor} from 'meteor/meteor';
    • fire using meteor command
       Meteor.startup(function () {   


  • react ues JSX (javascript XML), funny way to use tags. we can use variables inside JSX using by wrapping it in curly braces:

  • only one root element!

const name = 'Josh Perez';
cost peeps = function (){return [ {<p key = '1'> </p>, <p key='2'> </p>} ];};
const element = ( <div>
      Hello, {name}
   {<p key = '1'> </p>, <p key='2'> </p>, peeps()} // can render an array of objects or functions in JSX
)  // render (what to render, where to render);

// map an array method - takex in a


// MAP
let arrr = [6,7,8,8,9,9,33,33]
let newarr =, indexNum)=> eachArray+1 + "@[" + indexNum + "]");
console.log(arrr + " after \n" + newarr);
//6,7,8,8,9,9,33,33 after 

VS code extension "JavaScript Docstrings"

  • Create JsDoc using cmd+shft+p and looking for JsDcoc
  • example JsDoc Class
* Brief description of the class here.
* @extends ParentClassNameHereIfAny

VS code extension "Console log"

  • create console log command using ctrl+shift+Q

Setting Up Data (mogoDB)



  • Database (keywords like select and from, insert update delete)
  • store-> pre defined table values and column (table)
  • row or record
  • name column
  • relational database (user order related by id and product )
  • all record adhere to schema and need to be normalized
  • one to one, many to many
  • join (retrieved data into one table)
  • data and schema
  • relations
  • not the best to perform reads
  • data distributed in multiple tables
  • horizontal scaling not supported for SQL
  • vertical scaling (add pwr)
  • complex queries with lots

NO SQL (mogdb, Amazon dynamo DB)

  • Mongo (humongous) database
  • database
  • collection of documents (collections)
  • document
  • field
  • collection Documents -> (json style different schema) (person with a name another without a name)
  • super flexible
  • no relations in a NoSQL
  • order collection for example (key data)
  • less relation but super fast retrieval
  • great for fast read
  • easy to be split horizontally.
  • great for read not the best for write given data being distrusted throughout.
  • great performance No real winner

Creating MogoDb

  • MOGODb is synchronous

creating a collection

Players = new Mongo.Collection('players');

Imports (having all our collections)

  • Imports/API (file for every collection we want to make)
  • we need players collection so we add a file player.js
  • for collection we make a named import for mongo
    import {Mongo} from 'meteor/mongo';
  • creating a new collection we do so by
export const Players = new Mongo.Collection('players');
// or 
const Players = new Mongo.Collection('players');
export const; 

// we will use this collection by using imports. 
  • we insert values into the Players collection using the insert
Players.insert({name: 'Qasim', score: 3});
// find gets the document
//fetch gets the array of the document
  • MogoDB is synchronous -> runs on real time ->insert and then fetch
  • when acessing monoDB in terminal we use

meteor start up

import {Meteor} from 'meteor/meteor';
Meteor.startup(() => {
let k = 7;
  • on client side this runs when dom is ready
  • runs when server fire up!

Mini Mongo

Traditional client server communication

  • node.js --- async api -- mogoDC
  • Client side JS DOM intractiuon
  • Adding a player -> form submission -> node.js (HTTP)->sanitization -> mongo db request add player and respond to request -> node.js -> re run the browser. (POOR USER Experience)

Meteor (websocket)

  • HTTP - > request/response paradigm
  • need more dynamic approach
  • Tech require the sever to send that data as soon as available.
  • Introducing websocket
    • opens a persistent socket connection between the server and client
    • allowing both parties to send data at the same time.
    • open a web socket by simply
      var  WsConnection = new WebSockets('ws://', ['soap', 'xmpp']);
    • ws -> is the URL schema for websocket connection, wss for secure connection.
    • Testing the connection
      //send dfatd to the server 
      WsConnection.onopen = function () {
      //log error messages 
      WsConnection.onerror = function (){
      console.log('webSocket Error' + error);
      //log messages from server 
      WsConnection.onmessage = function (e) {
         console.log('server ' +;
    • once we have the connection open we may send the data using
      // Sending file as Blob
      var file = document.querySelector('input[type="file"]').files[0];

meteor uses websocket for communication

  • we have mini mongo at client side -> manipulate at client side
  • simply changes the data at client side.
  • regular function call to mini mongo
  • adds new doc to mini mongo on client side (fast) "no trip yet"
  • rendering the data instantly. synchronous call
  • DDP (distributed data protocol1) protocol -> sync up distributed databases
  • mini mongo sends DDP request to sync up server then inerts the document
  • security -> if user is not able to add player and inform the user of restrictions.

rendering player with Minimongo

  • when we include a collection {players}that calls a collection
  • this include on client side automatically sets a MiniMOngo on server
  • Metor tracker helps us track queriers and rerun code when these queries change.
    • its a named Export come from meteor
    import {Tracker} from 'meteor/tracker'; 
  • adding players.js in api folder under imports
  • we start the constructor function with lowercase parameter
export const Players = new Mongo.Collection('players');

Inserting a player.

  • creating a form element to get user input.
  • textbox -> type :text, name for accessing it -> playerName, placeholder -> Player name
  • button to add player
  • event listener to prevent default.
    <form onSubmit={some function()}>
  • user preventDefault to prevent loading from happening
  • prevent default, clear it up if needed and insert player using

ES6 Arrow function.

This is JS

  • much like objects functions have their own property, this being one of them

  • this always holds the reference to a single object, that defines the current line of code’s execution context.

  • functions in JS are invoked in following manner 1.Function invocation - THIS with function invocation. - calling the function --- something() - this inside the something() function has value of the global objects (window object in browser environment). - 'use strict' the default value of this, for any function object is set to undefined instead of the global object.

    2.Method invocation - Functions, when defined as fields or properties of objects, are referred to as methods. - method invocation is of that function defined in an object. - invoking a function within a method to avoid being global ref to this we user thisreference 3.Constructor invocation

    • Constructor invocation is performed when new keyword is followed by a function name, and a set of opening and closing parentheses(with or without arguments).
    let person1= new People(‘John’, 21);

    Here, person1 is the newly created object and People is the constructor function used to create this object.

    This and Arrow Functions

    • Arrow functions, introduced in ES6, provides a concise way to write functions in JavaScript.
    • Another significant advantage it offers is the fact that it does not bind its own this. In other words, the value of this depends on enclosing context.
    • when invoking function within object the context is set to global or have to use this reference
    • undefined without lexical bindings vs arrow function lexical binding.
       let People = function(person, age) { 
        this.person = person; 
        this.age = age; = function() { 
         // logs People 
         setTimeout(function() { 
            // here this!=People 
           document.write(this.person + " is " + this.age +  
                                              " years old"); 
          }, 3000); 
      // OUTPUTS : undefined is undefined years old
       let People = function(person, age) { 
        this.person = person; 
        this.age = age; = function() { 
            // logs People 
           setTimeout(() => {  
            // arrow function to make lexical "this" binding 
            // here this=People."this" has been inherited 
            document.write(this.person + " is " + this.age  
                                           + " years old"); 
           }, 3000); 
        // OUTPUT: John is 12 years old. 
        let person1 = new People('John', 12); 
  • In other words, an arrow function’s this value is the same as it was immediately outside it.

  • arrow functions are anno functions.

  • arrow function don't bind this keyword or arguments.

  • arrow function bind this from parent method.

  • es 5 fucntion does not.

function qasim1() {
     let name = "abul";
     this.age = 22;
     let qasim = { name: 'Qasim', age : '23',
                topo: ()=> {
                    setTimeout(()=> {console.log(this.age)}, 1000);
qasim1(); // outputs 22
function qasim1() {
     let name = "abul";
     this.age = 22;
     let qasim = { name: 'Qasim', age : '23',
                topo() {
                    setTimeout(()=> {console.log(this.age)}, 1000);
qasim1(); // outputs 23

getting the right parent value.m

this in separated methods

 let person1 
    = new People('John', 21); 
// separating the method info() from its 
// object by storing it in a variable 
let separated =; 
  • Once we separate the info() from the person1 object by storing it in separated, we lose all references to the person1 object
  • One way is to bind the value of an object with the method when storing the method in separated let separated =

bind, call and apply


  • bind() allows us to explicitly define what value this will have inside a function by binding an object to that function.
  • we need primarily two things – An object to bind to a function and a function that this object is to be bound to. boundfunction = someFunction.bind(someObject, additionalParams);
  • binding an object explicitly to a function overrides its normal context rules and forcefully sets all this values to the bound object inside

call() and apply()

  • call() and apply() immediately calls the function, as opposed to simply preparing a copy of the function with a bound this value for future use. call:, arg1, arg2, ...) apply: function.apply(thisValue, [ arg1, arg2, ...])

removing a document from MongoDb

  • target a specific document db.players.find({name:'qasim'})
  • remove the document by name db.players.remove({name:"Qasim"})
  • using JSX to create button and function
<button className="button button--round" onClick = {() => Players.remove(this.props.player._id)}> X 

Then we implement + and minus buttons.

  • button press -> update mongo DB
  • need to use set of operators for example $set collection.findAndModify()
  • $set -> set value
  • $inc -> increment
<p key={player._id}>
<button onClick={()=>{
   players.update({_id:value}, {$inc: {some inc value, use negative to decrease}});

React Components

  • breaking individual parts out
  • reusable pieces
  • isolated components
use it again by just addinfg 

break out the app into isolated components (eg:title, player, player list, add player, parent app component)

  • ES6 classes. Classes to support React component
    • inheritance module in JS
    • class expression and class declaration (like function declaration [normal function], and expression [no name function let fss = {return something}]
    • Function declaration (hoisted) vs Class declaration (not hoisted)
      • Hoisting : can declare the function later to aces it. Class needs to be declared first to be hoisted.
      • if not ReferenceError
    • Class declaration are named Class Qasim {constructor (age, name){this.age=age;;}};
    • class expression can be unnamed let Qasim = Qasim {constructor (age, name){this.age=age;;}};
    • The name given to a named class expression is local to the class's body. (it can be retrieved through the class's (not an instance's) name property, though).
      // unnamed
      let Rectangle = class {
      constructor(height, width) {
         this.height = height;
         this.width = width;
      // output: "Rectangle"
      // named
      let Rectangle = class Rectangle2 {
      constructor(height, width) {
         this.height = height;
         this.width = width;
      // output: "Rectangle2"
    • operates in strict mode!
      • First, strict mode makes it impossible to accidentally create global variables
      • Second, strict mode makes assignments which would otherwise silently fail to throw an exception.
      • Third, strict mode makes attempts to delete undeletable properties throw
      • Fourth, strict mode prior to Gecko 34 requires that all properties named in an object literal be unique. 'use strict'; var o = { p: 1, p: 2 }; // !!! syntax error
      • Fifth, strict mode requires that function parameter names be unique. fucntion qas(a,a,n) \\wrong
    • There can only be one special method with the name "constructor" in a class. A SyntaxError will be thrown if the class contains more than one occurrence of a constructor method.
    • The static keyword defines a static method for a class.
    • static methods are called without instantiating their class and cannot be called through a class instance.
      class Point {
      constructor(x, y) {
         this.x = x;
         this.y = y;
      static distance(a, b) {
         const dx = a.x - b.x;
         const dy = a.y - b.y;
         return Math.hypot(dx, dy);
      const p1 = new Point(5, 5);
      const p2 = new Point(10, 10);
      p1.distance; //undefined
      p2.distance; //undefined
      console.log(Point.distance(p1, p2)); // 7.071067811865475
    • The extends keyword is used in class declarations or class expressions to create a class as a child of another class.
  • instead of returning string "qqqq" + we use betel versions template strings like use back tick ` to start the template string and call arguments using ${this.someValue}
  • we need to ue Extends to create react components. PLAYGROUND
class Qasim {
    constructor(name, age = Infinity){ = name; // referees to individual instance 
        this.age = age;

    getSomeString() {
        return `Hello ${}, you dont look ${this.age} at all`

class Title extends Qasim {
    constructor (name, age,title){
        super(name, age);
        this.title = title;
    getSomeString() {
        return `Hello ${}, you don't look ${this.age} at all and you sure are a good ${this.title}`
let me = new Title ('abul', 12, 'Dev');

React Components

  • Components are independent and reusable bits of code, and returns HTML via a render function.component has to include the extends React.Component statement, this statement creates an inheritance to React.Component, and gives your component access to React.Component's functions.

       class Car extends React.Component {
          render() {
             return <h2>Hi,s I am a Car!</h2>;
  • Props are arguments passed into React components as attributes on custom tags, Props are passed to components via HTML attributes.

  • reactDocs

  • components, , Name.propTypes = { player:React.protypes.object.isRequired }; ---- Callback ---- when this happens do this we use bind, regardless of what happens use this

  • adding player we use

// onlick or onsubmit needs to store the binding 

    <form onSubmit={this.addUser.bind(this)} className="form" >

---- conditional rendering ----

  • usage login show this that
  • our use we will show list if no list we will show diffrent message
  • playlist
    if (this.props.players.length === 0){
      return (<div className="item">
                <p className="item__message" > Welcome 😎 Please start by adding players </p>
    else {
    return>{ //after maping
      return <Player key={player._id} player={player}/>;
  • The App component
  • import titilebar addpl

--- Sorting players ----

  • sorting in mongo db db.players.find().sort({name:-1})

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