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evolutionary_and_comparative_genomics's Introduction

Streaming workflow for evolutionary and comparative genomics


Qingxiang Guo


The following contents contains source code for the analyses and plots in BMC Biology paper, 2022, “A myxozoan genome reveals mosaic evolution in a parasitic cnidarian”


Parasite evolution has been conceptualized as a process of genetic loss and simplification. Contrary to this model, there is evidence of expansion and conservation of gene families related to essential functions of parasitism in some parasite genomes, reminiscent of widespread mosaic evolution where subregions of a genome have different rates of evolutionary change. We found evidence of mosaic genome evolution in the cnidarian Myxobolus honghuensis, a myxozoan parasite of fish, with extremely simple morphology.


Written by Qingxiang Guo, [email protected], distributed without any guarantees or restrictions.


1. Use Blobtools to remove the contamination in myxozoan genome

1.1 Filter the genome to 200 bp genome.fasta 200 200000 genome_200.fasta

1.2 Get the coverage info

# Build a index for the genome

nohup bowtie2-build M.honghuensis_200_scaf.fasta index --threads 8 &

# Mapping

nohup bowtie2 -p 24 -x index -1 M.honghuensis_1.fq -2 M.honghuensis_2.fq -k 1 --very-fast-local -S out.sam &

# Convert the style

samtools view -bS out.sam > out.bam

1.3 Get the megablast results

nohup blastn -task megablast -query M.honghuensis_200_scaf.fasta -db nt -culling_limit 5 -outfmt '6 qseqid sseqid pident length mismatch gapopen qstart qend sstart send evalue bitscore stitle staxids sscinames sskingdoms' -num_threads 48 -evalue 1e-25 -out assembly_megablast_25.out &

# Then add species information to the last line using the following method

ln -s /home/train/public_database/accession2taxid/acc2tax_nucl_all.txt ./

nohup perl -lne '

BEGIN{open UT, "<acc2tax_nucl_all.txt" or die $!; while () { $ut{$2}=$3 if /^(\S+)\t(\S+)\t(\S+)/ } }

{print "$_\t$ut{$1}" if /^\S+\t(\S+)/ and exists $ut{$1}}' \

< assembly_megablast_25.out \

> assembly_megablast_25.out_taxid &

# Change the output style

awk -v OFS="\t" -F"\t" '{print $1,$17,$12}' assembly_megablast_25.out_taxid > mega.out

1.4 Get the diamond-blastx results

# Make a index

diamond makedb --in uniref90.aa -d uniref90

nohup diamond blastx -q ../../2_assembly/M.honghuensis_200_scaf.fasta --sensitive -k 20 -c 1 --evalue 1e-10 --threads 48 --db /home/train/public_database/uniref90/uniref90.dmnd --out assembly_diamond_10.out &

# Add species information to the last line

ln -s /home/train/public_database/uniref90/uniref90.taxlist ./

perl -lne '

BEGIN{open UT, "<uniref90.taxlist" or die $!; while () { $ut{$1}=$2 if /^(\S+)\t(\S+)$/ } }

{print "$_\t$ut{$1}" if /^\S+\t(\S+)/ and exists $ut{$1}}' \

< assembly_diamond_10.out \

> assembly_diamond_10.out_taxid

# Change the ouput style

awk -v OFS="\t" -F"\t" '{print $1,$13,$12}' assembly_diamond_10.out_taxid > diamond.out

1.5 A database file was then generated based on the genome sequence, blast results, maps results

# File preparation

cd /opt/biosoft/blobtools/M.honghuensis.plot_1

ln -s /home/gqx/genome/M.honghuensis/3_contam_remove/diamond/diamond.out ./

ln -s /home/gqx/genome/M.honghuensis/3_contam_remove/megablast/mega.out ./

ln -s ~/genome/M.honghuensis/2_1_assembly/M.honghuensis_200_scaf.fasta ./

ln -s /home/gqx/genome/M.honghuensis/3_contam_remove/mapping_results/out.bam ./

# Merging and ordering blast results

cat mega.out diamond.out > blast.out blast.out

mv sorted_output blast.out

python2.7 ../blobtools create -i M.honghuensis_200_scaf.fasta -b out.bam -t blast.out -o M.honghuensis_1_blob --names ../names.dmp --nodes ../nodes.dmp

1.6 Statistics performed on the database

python2.7 ../blobtools view -i M.honghuensis_1_blob.blobDB.json -o ./

grep '^##' M.honghuensis_1_blob.blobDB.table.txt ;

grep -v '^##' M.honghuensis_1_blob.blobDB.table.txt | \

column -t -s $'\t'

1.7 Visualization

python2.7 ../blobtools blobplot -i M.wulii_1_blob.blobDB.json -o ./ --format pdf --colours colours.txt

# colour.txt contains the file with the assigned color in the following format:





Cnidaria,# 6aa84f




1.8 Contamination was removed according to blobtools visualization

# Extract the abnormal sequences (score > 200) from the M.honghuensis_1_blob.blobDB.table.txt file. Blast it with nt database and remove those aligned to bacteria and host database

# Adjust the output format



grep '^##' M.honghuensis_1_blob.blobDB.table.txt;\

grep -v '^##' M.honghuensis_1_blob.blobDB.table.txt | \

column -t -s $'\t'

./ > result

1.9 Processing the output file and get the blast results M.honghuensis_1_blob.blobDB.table.txt

# Extract the potential contamination reads M.honghuensis_200_scaf.fasta seq_for_blast

mv extracted.fasta contam_candidate.fa

1.10 NT alignment of suspected contaminant sequences

mkdir -p /home/gqx/genome/M.wulii/3_contam_remove/contam_blast

cd /home/gqx/genome/M.wulii/3_contam_remove/contam_blast

cp /home/gqx/genome/M.wulii/3_contam_remove/M.wulii.plot_1/contam_candidate.fa ./

nohup blastn -query contam_candidate.fa -db /home/train/public_database/nt_160828/nt -evalue 1e-5 -max_target_seqs 20 -num_threads 24 -outfmt "6 qseqid sseqid pident length mismatch gapopen qstart qend sstart send evalue bitscore stitle frames sscinames sskingdoms" -out nt_result &

1.11 Process alignments and add species information

# Extract the best hits

export LANG=C; export LC_ALL=C; sort -k1,1 -k12,12gr -k11,11g -k3,3gr nt_result | sort -u -k1,1 --merge > bestHits

cat bestHits | cut -f2 > acc

perl -p -i -e 's/.(\d)//g' acc

acc2tax -i acc -o result -d /home/train/public_database/accession2taxid/

# Extract the hits with key words (teleostomi, bacteria) and get the accession number

./ result

# Get the seq ID from the accession number

cat bestHits | cut -f1,2 > header

perl -p -i -e 's/.(\d)//g' header

./ contam_accession header

# Also remove those reads with coverage lower than 20

./ M.honghuensis_1_blob.blobDB.table.txt

# Get the seq_remove_by_bam0

cat ../M.honghuensis.plot_1/seq_remove_by_bam0 final_contam_header > true_bad_list true_bad_list

mv duplicate_remove true_bad_list

# true_bad_list contains the final bad list

1.12 Remove the contamination by ID

~/genome/M.honghuensis/2_1_assembly/M.honghuensis_200_scaf.fasta ../3_contam_remove/contam_blast/ true_bad_list

mv survive.fasta M.wulii_200_clean.fasta

# The contam removal process is finished

2. Fourfold synonymous third-codon transversion (4dTV) analyses

# Please check the in attached Scripts

3. Plot the genome KEGG annotation results

# Extract the KEGG path way information from\_pathway.html kegg.path

# This script will call three other scripts:,,

# It will output words like:

# Seperating original files according to Level1:

# Further processing output from former step:

# Calculating:

# Sorting results...

# Drawing...

# Done!

# There will be three outputs: final_kegg_for_ggplot (TSV output), plot3.pdf (final pdf outpuf), test.csv (CSV output)

4. Plot the radar (spider) chart



data <- read.csv("transposon.csv",header=T)

data <- data.frame(A=c(data[1]),B=c(data[2]))


cglty = 1, # Grid line type

cglcol = "gray", # Grid line color

cglwd = 1, # Line width of the grid

pcol = 4, # Color of the line

plwd = 2, # Width of the line

plty = 1) # Line type of the line

5. Genome completeness analysis using Benchmarking Universal Single-Copy Orthologs (BUSCO)

5.1 Dependencies of BUSCO

# Make sure you have installed HMMER (HMMER > 3.1b2) , BLAST+, Augustus (>3.2.1 or 3.2.2) before using BUSCO

5.2 run BUSCO

nohup python2.7 -i M.honghuensis_200_scaf.fasta -o M.honghuensis -l /opt/biosoft/busco/metazoa_odb9 -m geno -c 24 &

nohup /opt/biosoft/python_3/bin/python3.6 /opt/biosoft/busco/ -i H_1_all_6_frame -o H_1_all_6_frame -l /opt/biosoft/busco/metazoa_odb9/ -m proteins -c 64 &

python2.7 -i SEQUENCE_FILE -o OUTPUT_NAME -l LINEAGE -m geno

python2.7 -i SEQUENCE_FILE -o OUTPUT_NAME -l LINEAGE -m prot

python2.7 -i SEQUENCE_FILE -o OUTPUT_NAME -l LINEAGE -m tran

# Main result file: short_summary_XXXX.txt

6. Genome completeness analysis using Core Eukaryotic Genes Mapping Approach (CEGMA)

6.1 Install dependencies for CEGMA

# Install Genewise 2.4.1

# Install geneid v1.4


tar zxf geneid_v1.4.4.Jan_13_2011.tar.gz

rm geneid_v1.4.4.Jan_13_2011.tar.gz

cd geneid/


cd bin/

echo "PATH=$PATH:/opt/biosoft/geneid/bin" >> ~/.bashrc

source ~/.bashrc

#Install CEGMA


tar zxf CEGMA_v2.5.tar.gz

cd CEGMA_v2.5/


# If it report the error, “Can't locate in @INC (@INC contains: /usr/local/lib64/perl5 /usr/local/share/perl5 /usr/lib64/perl5/vendor_perl /usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl /usr/lib64/perl5 /usr/share/perl5 .) at ./cegma line 34”

# To solve this error:

sudo cp /usr/local/lib64/perl5/

sudo cp /usr/local/lib64/perl5/

sudo cp /usr/local/lib64/perl5/

sudo cp /usr/local/lib64/perl5/

echo "PATH=$PATH:/opt/biosoft/CEGMA_v2.5/bin" >> ~/.bashrc

export CEGMA="/opt/biosoft/CEGMA_v2.5"

export CEGMATMP="/opt/biosoft/CEGMA_v2.5"

export PERL5LIB="$PERL5LIB:$CEGMA/lib"

6.2 Run CEGMA for genomes and transcriptomes

nohup cegma -g WL_all_filter_Unigene.fasta -T 8 &

# CEGMA actually has two databases, 458 eukaryotic conserved sequences, and 248 eukaryotic ultraconserved sequences, the latter is a subset of the former.

# All output results, except “output.completeness_ report” are based on 248 sequences and others are based on 458 sequences.

6.3 Run CEGMA for proteomes

# CEGMA was not developed for proteomes, but there is a tricky way to use it for evaluating the completeness of proteomes.

cd /opt/biosoft/CEGMA_v2.5/data/hmm_profiles

cat ./*.hmm > KOG.hmm

nohup hmmpfam –cpu 32 KOG.hmm ../../MH_MCPID.pep > cegma.output & cegma.output ../../H_MCPID.pep 1e-05 458 /opt/biosoft/CEGMA_v2.5/ > result

7. Use ggplot2 to make the top hit species distribution plot of genome sequences



data <- read.csv("Species_distribution.csv",header=T)

data <- data[seq(30),] # only use the former 30 lines

data <- data.frame(A=c(data[1]),B=c(data[2]),C=c(data[3])) # Make it into a data.frame

data$Species <- factor(data$Species, levels = data$Species[order(data$Count)]) # Reorder the factors

p <- ggplot(data,aes(y=Count, x=Species))

p+geom_bar(stat="identity", width=0.8, fill= "dodgerblue3",colour="black", cex=0.4)+coord_flip()+ theme_set(theme_bw())+labs(title='The top hit species distribution')+theme(line=element_line(size=0.5))+ ylab("BLAST Hit")+geom_text(data=data, aes(x=Species, y=Count, label=paste0(round((Count/829)*100, digits=2), "%")), hjust=-0.2 ,size=3)+ scale_y_continuous(limits=c(0,250))

ggsave("plot2.pdf", width=8, height=8)

8. Use ggplot2 to visualize the Hisat mapping results of genome analysis (polar plot)


data <- data.frame(A=c(data[1]),B=c(data[2])) # convert it into dataframe

p <- ggplot(data,aes(x=Type,y=Number,fill= Type))

p+ geom_bar(stat="identity")

data$Type <- factor(data$Type, levels = c("Total reads","Total mapped reads","Unique mapped reads","Reads mapped in pair","Spliced mapped reads","Multiple mapped reads")) # reorder the factors

p <- ggplot(data,aes(x=reorder(Type,Number), y=Number, fill= Type)) + theme_set(theme_bw()) # use the white theme

p+geom_bar(stat="identity",alpha=0.9,width=0.5,colour='black',cex=0.4)+coord_polar(theta="y")+labs(title = "Mapping summary")+ theme(axis.text.x = element_blank(),axis.text.y = element_blank(),axis.title.x=element_blank(), axis.title.y=element_blank(), legend.title = element_blank(),axis.ticks=element_blank()) +guides(fill =guide_legend(keywidth = 1.1, keyheight = 1.1))

9. Use ggplot2 to make five-way Venn diagram



# Read sample data

A <- sample(1:1000, 400, replace = FALSE);

B <- sample(1:1000, 600, replace = FALSE);

C <- sample(1:1000, 350, replace = FALSE);

D <- sample(1:1000, 550, replace = FALSE);

E <- sample(1:1000, 375, replace = FALSE);

# Drawing

venn.plot <- venn.diagram(x = list(A = A, B = B, C = C, D = D, E = E), filename = "Venn_5set_pretty.png", imagetype = "png", col = "black", fill = c("dodgerblue", "goldenrod1", "darkorange1", "seagreen3", "orchid3"), alpha = 0.50, cex = c(1.5, 1.5, 1.5, 1.5, 1.5, 1, 0.8, 1, 0.8, 1, 0.8, 1, 0.8, 1, 0.8, 1, 0.55, 1, 0.55, 1, 0.55, 1, 0.55, 1, 0.55, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1.5), cat.col = c("dodgerblue", "goldenrod1", "darkorange1", "seagreen3", "orchid3"), cat.cex = 1.5, cat.fontface = "bold", margin = 0.05);

10. Get the statistics of assembled genome

# Please check the in attached Scripts

Please cite this paper as

Guo, Q., Atkinson, S. D., Xiao, B., Zhai, Y., Bartholomew, J. L., & Gu, Z. (2022). A myxozoan genome reveals mosaic evolution in a parasitic cnidarian. BMC biology, 20(1), 1-19.


All source code, i.e. scripts/*.pl, scripts/*.sh or scripts/*.py are under the MIT license.

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qingxiangguo avatar





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