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google_places's Introduction

Google Places

This gem provides a Ruby wrapper around the Google Places API, using HTTParty. At this moment the gem does not support OAuth authentication and will only work with an API key.

Obtaining an API key

To be able to use this gem, you’ll need a Google Places API key. To request an API key, point your browser to and follow the instructions there.

Installing the gem

To use this gem, install it with gem install google_places or add it to your Gemfile:

gem 'google_places'

And install it with bundle install


The spot

Each of the API methods below returns a GooglePlaces::Spot or a collection of those. Each of these objects has these attributes:

  • reference: a token to query the Google Places API for more details about the spot

  • vicinity: the street or neighborhood of the spot

  • lat: the latitude of the spot

  • lng: the longitude of the spot

  • name: the name of the spot

  • icon: a URL to the icon of this spot

  • types: array of feature types describing the spot, see list of supported types

  • formatted_phone_number: formatted phone number of the spot (eg (555)555-555)

  • formatted_address: the full address of the spot formatted with commas

  • address_components: the components (eg street address, city, state) of the spot’s address in an array

  • rating: the rating of this spot on Google Places

  • url: the url of this spot on Google Places

However address_components, city, country, formatted_address, region and url are nil.

  • To get these values: You can use This returns the complete information for the spot by making an extra API call per returned spot.

  • To get a collection of these detailed spots: You can use @client.spots(lat, lng, detail: true). This makes an extra call per each spot and returns a collection of the detailed spots.

  • To only retrieve specific fields for an individual spot, use a comma delimited string of acceptable fields, fields:'place_id,name')

Retrieving a list of spots

First register a new Client:

@client =

Then retrieve a list of spots:

@client.spots(-33.8670522, 151.1957362)

Search by a specific type:

@client.spots(-33.8670522, 151.1957362, :types => 'restaurant')

Search by multiple types:

@client.spots(-33.8670522, 151.1957362, :types => ['restaurant','food'])

Search by multiple types but exclude one type:

@client.spots(-33.8670522, 151.1957362, :types => ['restaurant','food'], :exclude => 'cafe')

Search by multiple types but exclude multiple types:

@client.spots(-33.8670522, 151.1957362, :types => ['restaurant','food'], :exclude => ['cafe', 'establishment'])

Search by name:

@client.spots(-33.8670522, 151.1957362, :name => 'italian')

Search by name and type:

@client.spots(-33.8670522, 151.1957362, :name => 'italian', :types => 'restaurant')

Search in a radius (in meters):

@client.spots(-33.8670522, 151.1957362, :radius => 100)

Get results in specific language:

@client.spots(-33.8670522, 151.1957362, :language => 'en')

Get detailed spots (this makes an extra call for each spot and returns a collection of the detailed spots):

@client.spots(-33.8670522, 151.1957362, :detail => true)

Retrieving spots based on query

@client.spots_by_query('Pizza near Miami Florida')

Search by multiple types and exclude multiple types

@client.spots_by_query('Pizza near Miami Florida', :types => ['restaurant', 'food'], :exclude => ['cafe', 'establishment'])

Retrieving a collection of spots with complete details

Google limits the details that are returned in any API calls for a collection, so you’ll often find that details such as phone numbers are missing in a collection of spots, but are filled in when retrieving a single spot.

If you require these extra details to be completed when retrieving a number of results, you can pass in the detail: true option to any method that returns a collection of spots.

This option should be used with care, as it adds an additional API call for EACH spot in the collection. E.g. a spots collection of 100 spots will use 101 API calls when the detail: true option is set.

Retrieving a single spot

First register a new Client:

@client =

Then retrieve the spot:'CmRYAAA...upoTH3g')

Retrieving a single photo’s url

First register a new Client:

@client =

Then retrieve the spot:

@spot ='CmRYAAA...upoTH3g')

Then request one of the photos url with a max width:

url =[0].fetch_url(800)

Places Autocomplete

Note: Autocomplete is often used and better suited on client side (browser/javascript). The Autocomplete API is rate limited, so make sure you check the usage limits before deciding on whether to call the API server/client side.

Example usage

Register a new Client:

@client =

Then request a prediction based on partial match:

    'San F',
    lat: 0.0,
    lng: 0.0,
    radius: 20000000,
    types: 'geocode',
    language: I18n.locale,

The response will be an array of predictions.


You’re very welcome to add functionality to this gem. To do so, follow these steps:

  1. Fork the project on Github

  2. Clone your own fork on your development machine

  3. Install the dependencies with bundle install

  4. Copy spec/api_key.sample.rb to spec/api_key.rb

  5. Insert your own Google Places API key in spec/api_key.rb

  6. Run the specs with rspec spec

  7. Hackety hack

  8. ???


Feel free to send me a pull request but please make sure your changes are sufficiently covered by RSpec.

Important Note

Concerning the reference field, the Google Places API documentation states:

"You can store this token and use it at any time in future to refresh cached data about this Place,
but the same token is not guaranteed to be returned for any given Place across different searches."

Please be aware that the reference field in spot details may differ from the reference used to retrieve that spot.

google_places's People


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google_places's Issues

Searching Spots by Name and Type

Thank you for creating this gem.

How can we search for spots/places by name and/or by type?

I tried the following:

@client.spots(lat, lng, {:name => 'italian', :type => 'restaurant', :radius => 10000})

Changing radius affects the results, but not name and type.

Could not load more than 60 results

/home/oleg/.rbenv/versions/2.1.4/lib/ruby/gems/2.1.0/gems/google_places-0.27.0/lib/google_places/request.rb:325:in `parsed_response': GooglePlaces::InvalidRequestError (GooglePlaces::InvalidRequestError)

for code

require 'google_places'

API_KEY = "AIzaSyDCjp3CMfuSvKftEnyY_zSIXNkjpNbPM2Y"

@client =
spots = @client.spots_by_query('Gap, London')
puts spots
next_page_token = spots.last.nextpagetoken
puts next_page_token
next_spots = @client.spots_by_pagetoken(next_page_token)

We can load more with miltipage: true

require 'google_places'

API_KEY = "AIzaSyDCjp3CMfuSvKftEnyY_zSIXNkjpNbPM2Y"

@client =
spots = @client.spots_by_query('Gap, London', multipage: true)
puts spots
next_page_token = spots.last.nextpagetoken
puts next_page_token
next_spots = @client.spots_by_pagetoken(next_page_token)

Spot::opening_hours Always Nil

Hello, I noticed that, spot.rating, spot.opening_hours, etc. are always nil. Is this due to a change in the API?

New Identifier - place_id

Note: The id and reference fields are deprecated as of June 24, 2014. They are replaced by the new place ID, a unique identifier that can be used to compare places and to retrieve information about a place. The Places API currently returns a place_id in all responses, and accepts a placeid in the Place Details and Place Delete requests. Soon after June 24, 2015, the API will stop returning the id and reference fields in responses. Some time later, the API will no longer accept the reference in requests. We recommend that you update your code to use the new place ID instead of id and reference as soon as possible.

Can this be included in the response?

Keys, access, security, and identity

According to
It seems like if a project is already using OAuth2, then API Keys cannot be used (I do not see the option of generating an API key in google's console). Can we have an option to authenticate using OAuth2?


The APIs represented in the Google APIs Console require that requests include a unique project identifier. This enables the Console to tie a request to a specific project in order to monitor traffic, enforce quotas, and handle billing. Google supports two separate mechanisms to create a unique project identifier: OAuth 2.0 client IDs and API keys.

An OAuth 2.0 client ID can generate an access token for an application that uses the OAuth 2.0 protocol to call Google APIs. The token contains an identifier that uniquely identifies your application, and allows the Console to properly attribute corresponding API traffic, quotas, and billing data to the Console project that the API is enabled within.

An API key is a unique key that you generate using the Console. When your application needs to call an API that's enabled in this project, the application passes this key into all API requests as a key=API_key parameter. Use of this key does not require any user action or consent, does not grant access to any account information, and is not used for authorization.

If you are only calling APIs that do not require user data, such as the Google Custom Search API, then API keys may be simpler to implement. However, if your application already uses an OAuth 2.0 access token, then there is no need to generate an API key as well. In fact, Google ignores passed API keys if an OAuth 2.0 access token is already associated with the corresponding project.

How to get results?


Thanks for putting this gem together!

I have a small problem. How can I get the results from the query?
I use your examples and I get no venues back (I tried other coordinates too).

This is my code:

@client =
@client.spots(-33.8670522, 151.1957362, :types => 'restaurant')
render :json => @client, :status => :success

This is my result:

"api_key": "MY_KEY",
"options": {}

Sanitizing the output

I already commented on the comment of someone else earlier but thought it will be better to create an issue addressing this. How do I sanitize the output of say:

@client.spots(-33.8670522, 151.1957362, types: ['restaurant'])

Perhaps an array of objects each with its accessible properties, or grabbing single data with its property

Search spots by name

In addition to searching by type, it should be possible to filter spots by name.

Is there a way to get the phone numbers?

Hi there,
I happened to realise that I cannot get the phone number for any results...

@formatted_phone_number=nil, @international_phone_number=nil

Is there a way to get them?

predictions_by_input not working

@client =

    'San F',
    lat: 0.0,
    lng: 0.0,
    radius: 20000000,
    types: 'geocode',
    language: I18n.locale,

undefined method `predictions_by_input' for #GooglePlaces::Client:0x0000000625bcb8, nil?

sorry, I don't find any information.
all is working fine, but when ask for , url, city etc it is always nil.
I get one image, different types, address and the spot name.
Do I have to pay for this website, url .. info on Google places?

Thanks, Michael



All my request generates spots with postalcodes is a bug?


multiple words in name seperated by space

Direct api finds the spot for 'Kinetron Inc.' as searched below:,-74.0120817&radius=10000&name=%22kinetron%20Inc.%22&sensor=false&key=APIKEY

but the gem's spot method as below returns empty:

spots = @client.spots(40.2414420, -74.046970, :name=> "Kinetron Inc.")

However, it works with the first word:

@client.spots(40.2414420, -74.046970, :name=> "Kinetron") 

How do we get it working with multiple words in name?

Float String Representation

I think the location data needs to be cast to strings a little more explicitly. For example when I try and query the location "-0.00006560", the string representation is in scientific notation. I've fixed this in my own code by casting the floats before hand, but it would be nice if the gem did it automatically.

eg: @client.spots(("%.8f",("%.8f"%place.lon),:radius=>1000)

Thanks for the very useful gem!

Ability to exclude certain Types when searching by Name

When search for spots by Name, it would be helpful to exclude certain Types from the results.

For example, if you search for "italian" spots, you may want to exclude type "grocery_or_supermarket." Or if you search for "volkswagen" spots, you may want to exclude type "car_repair" if you're only looking for dealers.

I tried the following in spot.rb:

response['results'].map do |result| unless result.types.include?('grocery_or_supermarket')

But I got the following error:

NoMethodError: undefined method `types' for #<Hash:0x000001011e6ed0>

[Feature request] Ability to pass an Autocomplete session token into Autocomplete requests

The Google Places API is expensive when charged for every single autocomplete and places detail request. Luckily, they have added Session pricing to their rate model.

To do this, users provide a session token that is used for every "group" of autocomplete requests. A "group" is considered to be a series of Places Autocomplete requests that result in a Place Details request.

So instead of being charged for every single request, and then the Places Detail request, you only get charged for the single Places Detail request so long as the proceeding Autocomplete requests shared the same session token.

A session token can be any string, though Google recommends UUID 4.

I suggest allowing the user to specify the session token on each call to the client through the options hash as opposed to setting the token during the initialization phase

ZipCode to Lat/Long?

Do I need to use a separate API to convert ZipCode to Lat/Long in order to send to Google Places API?

how to store result sets for future use?

I tried to marshal a result set so that I could store it in a DB with Marshal.dump(GOOGLE_PLACES.spots_by_query(my_query)) - but that resulted in: ArgumentError (string contains null byte)

So, after poking around GooglePlaces::Spot.initialize I see that json_result_object isn't stored on the Spot anywhere, which I suppose, if it were available, could be used to reconstitute the object later on, along with the api key. e.g., my_api_key)

I could submit a PR to make the raw results a bit more accessible, but curious to get the maintainers thoughts first.


License missing from gemspec doesn't report a license for your gem. This is because it is not specified in the gemspec of your last release.

via e.g.

spec.license = 'MIT'
# or
spec.licenses = ['MIT', 'GPL-2']

Including a license in your gemspec is an easy way for and other tools to check how your gem is licensed. As you can image, scanning your repository for a LICENSE file or parsing the README, and then attempting to identify the license or licenses is much more difficult and more error prone. So, even for projects that already specify a license, including a license in your gemspec is a good practice. See, for example, how uses the gemspec to display the rails gem license.

There is even a License Finder gem to help companies/individuals ensure all gems they use meet their licensing needs. This tool depends on license information being available in the gemspec. This is an important enough issue that even Bundler now generates gems with a default 'MIT' license.

I hope you'll consider specifying a license in your gemspec. If not, please just close the issue with a nice message. In either case, I'll follow up. Thanks for your time!


If you need help choosing a license (sorry, I haven't checked your readme or looked for a license file), GitHub has created a license picker tool. Code without a license specified defaults to 'All rights reserved'-- denying others all rights to use of the code.
Here's a list of the license names I've found and their frequencies

p.s. In case you're wondering how I found you and why I made this issue, it's because I'm collecting stats on gems (I was originally looking for download data) and decided to collect license metadata,too, and make issues for gemspecs not specifying a license as a public service :). See the previous link or my blog post about this project for more information.

What format is this?

When I view what the methods return, I see this. What is it?

@formatted_phone_number=nil, @international_phone_number=nil, @formatted_address="Man Mo Temple, 124-126 Hollywood Rd, Central, Hong Kong", @address_components=nil, @street_number=nil, @street=nil, @city=nil, @region=nil, @postal_code=nil, @Country=nil, @Rating=nil, @price_level=nil, @opening_hours=nil, @url=nil, @CID=0, @website=nil, @zagat_reviewed=nil, @zagat_selected=nil, @Aspects=[], @review_summary=nil, @photos=[], @reviews=[], @nextpagetoken=nil, @events=[], @utc_offset=nil>,

Argument Error throws a argument error for some of the place ids

will this gem include reviews soon?

Google Places API now includes a "Reviews" endpoint as of the Google I/O 2012 conference.

I can submit a pull request if it helps but I'm kinda of a newbie programmer, but I can try!

Richard Ortega

Serialization helper

Is there a convenient way to serialize the output? I can json-encode the result, but GooglePlaces::Photo objects, for one, include their API key. This would make it much easier to cache the result. Unless it's obvious how to do this.

Should have better error handling

Right now if something goes wrong google_places just returns an empty array. In my case the API Key was wrong, and had to add some debug code in the library to figure that out.

It would be nice if google_places would throw an error or something.

Should spot#types return nil?

The Places Search API docs ( say:

types[] contains an array of feature types describing the given result. See the list of supported types for more information. XML responses include multiple <type> elements if more than one type is assigned to the result.

But, when doing the following:

client =
spot ="CnRnAAAAafljZfT_KDUT-SkOQxOF9CGOIjBfRzerEKJxz9r-v4URPSq4-nSHFZf0sk_Uz3oq-EMsRp-3aUbs7PxBdSNDX_4IVd1uBbrQdP8ZHN0N-DXo4BhDjlcM1K7IH_x3mgzFmsTEBcfgY2Tza5r9UW_RLhIQ34VFi1yO_QhK-MefdF1C_hoU5Lxkhi_IS_6Oky9m6GUrbp5mWC0")

spot.types  # => nil

So, it looks like it's possible for the Places API to not return any types for certain spots. This isn't necessarily something the gem needs to handle, but I'm curious if it would be helpful for others to have this return an empty array vs nil.

Assuming you're displaying these categories in a view or something, you may want to output them like so: @spot.types.join(", "). Having this return an empty string (in the case of an array) vs undefined method 'join' for nil:NilClass would allow you to write code without having to handle special cases where this information may not be available.

Or, I could just be crazy and this issue isn't relevant to anyone else :) Thoughts?

detail: true


first of all, thank you for the wrapper. Appreciate your work.

I have a question regarding the documentation:

This option should be used with care, as it adds an additional API call for EACH spot in the collection. E.g. a spots collection of 100 spots will use 101 API calls when the detail: true option is set.

Shouldn't that be 200 API calls then? List of 100 spots. EACH spot an extra call for the details, makes 200 calls, right?

Client spot identifier


I was wondering where to get this "spot identifier" from a location? Is this the "cid" within the google url?

if yes then this doesn't work for me since I get:

GooglePlaces::InvalidRequestError: GooglePlaces::InvalidRequestError
    from /home/user/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0/gems/google_places-0.12.0/lib/google_places/request.rb:245:in `parsed_response'
    from /home/user/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0/gems/google_places-0.12.0/lib/google_places/request.rb:84:in `spot'
    from /home/user/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0/gems/google_places-0.12.0/lib/google_places/spot.rb:113:in `find'
    from /home/user/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0/gems/google_places-0.12.0/lib/google_places/client.rb:119:in `spot'
    from (irb):24
    from /home/user/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.0.0-p0/bin/irb:13:in `'

the "cid" was retrieved from this URL:


spots_by_bounds does not return results within bounds

I can't get #spots_by_bounds to actually query within a supplied bounding box. I don't think the Google API currently supports this feature.

I tried actually running the stubbed out example from the specs, and that doesn't work as expected, it just returns results from around the US, none in the supplied bounding box:

Nor can I find any mention of a bounds parameter in the Google Places API documentation: . It does appear to be a feature of the client-side JS library, but not the server-side API.

I notice that this feature was added in February: #74 . Did Google change the API since then?

Can anybody else get this to actually work? If not, I'd be happy to pull together a pull request that drops this no-longer supported feature.

Support for user_ratings_total

Google Places Detail provides a field called user_ratings_total.
Is there a reason why this is not an attribute on the Spot model?

Thank you!

BUG GooglePlaces::Client#spot of 0.24.0

Thank you for making this gem.

With a GooglePlaces::Clinet#spot of 0.24.0, error occurs.

clinet =, true)'Cp...69w')
=> GooglePlaces::InvalidRequestError: GooglePlaces::InvalidRequestError
from google_places-0.24.0/lib/google_places/request.rb:325:in `parsed_response'

Please a fix.

No "profile_photo_url" in review

I do not see "profile_photo_url" in GooglePlaces::Review as it is in original response from Google places API. May you add it?
#<GooglePlaces::Review:0x007fb9462e2640 @rating=5, @type=nil, @author_name="Таня ЯЯ", @author_url="", @text="", @time=1474563857>

Add address components to Spot

As stated by @railsondhi:
Is there a way we can improve the address_components attribute? Right now it just returns an array of components (eg street address, city, postal code, province). Right now we're leaving it to the end user to get their necessary data from the array, but wouldn't it be nice if this gem had attributes like street_address, city, postal code, and province so we make less work for the end user? Problem is not every Spot has their components organized in the same way. One Spot could have address_components[1] be "city," and another Spot could have it be "road." Silly design from Google.

502 from Google not handled gracefully


While making a request to the Google Places API, we received a response from Google with a status of 502, with the following body:

<html lang=en> 
 <meta charset=utf-8> 
 <meta name=viewport content="initial-scale=1, minimum-scale=1, width=device-width"> 
 <title>Error 502 (Server Error)!!1</title> 
 <a href=//><span id=logo aria-label=Google></span></a> 
 <p><b>502.</b> <ins>That’s an error.</ins> 
 <p>The server encountered a temporary error and could not complete your request.<p>Please try again in 30 seconds.  <ins>That’s all we know.</ins>

This error is unhandled by the library, and a JSON::ParserError is thrown by

case @response.parsed_response['status']

Review rating incorrect

The result review rating is incorrect:

 @author_name="Patryk D.",
 @text="A friend ...",

It seems to be using the rating of the aspect rather then the actual review rating:

{"aspects"=>[{"rating"=>0, "type"=>"overall"}],
 "author_name"=>"Patryk D.",
 "text"=>"A friend ...",

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